Java 类org.jdom2.Attribute 实例源码

项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
 * Acquires the reporting parameters within the xml and inserts into a given node
 * @param element XML document that contains the reporting parameters act
 * @param thisNode Reporting parameter node
private void setPerformanceTimeRangeOnNode(Element element, Node thisNode) {
    String performanceStartExprStr = getXpath(PERFORMANCE_START);
    String performanceEndExprStr = getXpath(PERFORMANCE_END);

    Consumer<? super Attribute> performanceStartConsumer =
            p -> {
                String start = p.getValue();
                thisNode.putValue(PERFORMANCE_START, start, false);
                //start is formatted as follows: yyyyMMddHHmmss
                thisNode.putValue(PERFORMANCE_YEAR, start.substring(0, 4));
    Consumer<? super Attribute> performanceEndConsumer =
            p -> thisNode.putValue(PERFORMANCE_END, p.getValue(), false);

    setOnNode(element, performanceStartExprStr, performanceStartConsumer, Filters.attribute(), false);
    setOnNode(element, performanceEndExprStr, performanceEndConsumer, Filters.attribute(), false);
项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
public void executeAttributeTest(String jsonPath, String expectedValue) {
    String xPath = PathCorrelator.prepPath(jsonPath, wrapper);

    Attribute attribute = null;
    try {
        attribute = evaluateXpath(xPath, Filters.attribute());
    } catch (IOException | XmlException e) {

    if (attribute == null) {
        System.out.println("no attribute for path: " + jsonPath
                + "\n xpath: " + xPath);

    if (!expectedValue.equals(attribute.getValue())) {
        System.err.println("( " + jsonPath + " ) value ( " + expectedValue +
                " ) does not equal ( " + attribute.getValue() +
                " ) at \n( " + xPath + " ). \nPlease investigate.");

项目:ProjectAres    文件   
public static Attribute getRequiredAttribute(Element el, String name, String...aliases) throws InvalidXMLException {
    aliases = ArrayUtils.append(aliases, name);

    Attribute attr = null;
    for(String alias : aliases) {
        Attribute a = el.getAttribute(alias);
        if(a != null) {
            if(attr == null) {
                attr = a;
            } else {
                throw new InvalidXMLException("attributes '" + attr.getName() + "' and '" + alias + "' are aliases for the same thing, and cannot be combined", el);

    if(attr == null) {
        throw new InvalidXMLException("attribute '" + name + "' is required", el);

    return attr;
项目:ProjectAres    文件   
 * Parse a piece of formatted text, which can be either plain text with legacy
 * formatting codes, or JSON chat components.
public static BaseComponent parseFormattedText(@Nullable Node node, BaseComponent def) throws InvalidXMLException {
    if(node == null) return def;

    // <blah translate="x"/> is shorthand for <blah>{"translate":"x"}</blah>
    if(node.isElement()) {
        final Attribute translate = node.asElement().getAttribute("translate");
        if(translate != null) {
            return new TranslatableComponent(translate.getValue());

    String text = node.getValueNormalize();
    if(looksLikeJson(text)) {
        try {
            return Components.concat(ComponentSerializer.parse(node.getValue()));
        } catch(JsonParseException e) {
            throw new InvalidXMLException(e.getMessage(), node, e);
    } else {
        return Components.concat(TextComponent.fromLegacyText(BukkitUtils.colorize(text)));
项目:ProjectAres    文件   
public static ProximityAlarmDefinition parseDefinition(MapModuleContext context, Element elAlarm) throws InvalidXMLException {
    ProximityAlarmDefinition definition = new ProximityAlarmDefinition();
    FilterParser filterParser = context.needModule(FilterParser.class);
    definition.detectFilter = filterParser.parseProperty(elAlarm, "detect");
    definition.alertFilter =, "notify").optionalGet(() -> new InverseFilter(definition.detectFilter));
    definition.detectRegion = context.needModule(RegionParser.class).property(elAlarm, "region").required();
    definition.alertMessage = elAlarm.getAttributeValue("message"); // null = no message

    if(definition.alertMessage != null) {
        definition.alertMessage = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('`', definition.alertMessage);
    Attribute attrFlareRadius = elAlarm.getAttribute("flare-radius");
    definition.flares = attrFlareRadius != null;
    if(definition.flares) {
        definition.flareRadius = XMLUtils.parseNumber(attrFlareRadius, Double.class);

    return definition;
项目:ProjectAres    文件   
public ClonedElement(Element el) {
    super(el.getName(), el.getNamespace());

    final BoundedElement bounded = (BoundedElement) el;
    this.indexInParent = bounded.indexInParent();


    for(Attribute attribute : el.getAttributes()) {
项目:goobi-viewer-indexer    文件   
 * Evaluates the given XPath expression to a list of attributes.
 * @param expr XPath expression to evaluate.
 * @param parent If not null, the expression is evaluated relative to this element.
 * @return {@link ArrayList} or null
 * @throws FatalIndexerException 
 * @should return all values
public List<Attribute> evaluateToAttributes(String expr, Object parent) throws FatalIndexerException {
    List<Attribute> retList = new ArrayList<>();
    if (parent == null) {
        parent = doc;
    List<Object> list = evaluate(expr, parent, Filters.attribute());
    if (list == null) {
        return null;
    for (Object object : list) {
        if (object instanceof Attribute) {
            Attribute attr = (Attribute) object;
    return retList;
项目:goobi-viewer-indexer    文件   
 * Returns the string value of the given XML node object, depending on its type.
 * @param object
 * @return String
public static String objectToString(Object object) {
    if (object instanceof Element) {
        return ((Element) object).getText();
    } else if (object instanceof Attribute) {
        return ((Attribute) object).getValue();
    } else if (object instanceof Text) {
        return ((Text) object).getText();
    } else if (object instanceof CDATA) {
        return ((CDATA) object).getText();
    } else if (object instanceof Comment) {
        return ((Comment) object).getText();
    } else if (object instanceof Double) {
        return String.valueOf(object);
    } else if (object instanceof Boolean) {
        return String.valueOf(object);
    } else if (object instanceof String) {
        return (String) object;
    } else if (object != null) {
        logger.error("Unknown object type: {}", object.getClass().getName());
        return null;
    } else {
        return null;

项目:lexeme    文件   
 * Parses a JDom2 Object into a string
 * @param e
 *            Object (Element, Text, Document or Attribute)
 * @return String
 * @author sholzer (11.05.2015)
public String parseString(Object e) {
    XMLOutputter element2String = new XMLOutputter();
    if (e instanceof Element) {
        return element2String.outputString((Element) e);
    if (e instanceof Text) {
        return element2String.outputString((Text) e);
    if (e instanceof Document) {
        return element2String.outputString((Document) e);
    if (e instanceof org.jdom2.Attribute) {
        Attribute a = (org.jdom2.Attribute) e;
        return a.getName() + "=\"" + a.getValue() + "\"";
    return e.toString();
项目:mycore    文件   
private boolean clean(Element element) {
    boolean changed = false;

    for (Iterator<Element> children = element.getChildren().iterator(); children.hasNext();) {
        Element child =;
        if (clean(child))
            changed = true;
        if (!isRelevant(child)) {
            changed = true;

    for (Iterator<Attribute> attributes = element.getAttributes().iterator(); attributes.hasNext();) {
        Attribute attribute =;
        if (!isRelevant(attribute)) {
            changed = true;

    return changed;
项目:Arcade2    文件   
private static int parseDuration(Element xml) {
    Attribute attribute = xml.getAttribute("duration");
    if (attribute != null) {
        Time time = XMLTime.parse(attribute, Time.SECOND);

        if (!time.isForever()) {
            try {
                return Math.toIntExact(time.toTicks());
            } catch (ArithmeticException ignored) {

        return Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    return 20;
项目:Arcade2    文件   
public void process(XMLPreProcessor xml, Entry entry, Element map) throws Throwable {
    Attribute typeAttribute = entry.getElement().getAttribute("type");
    Type type = Type.LOCAL; // default value
    if (typeAttribute != null) {
        Type parsedType = Type.valueOf(XMLParser.parseEnumValue(typeAttribute.getValue()));
        if (parsedType != null) {
            type = parsedType;

    String path = entry.getElement().getTextNormalize();
    if (path.isEmpty()) {

    Element include = type.process(this.plugin, entry.getElement(), path);
    if (include == null) {

    for (Element rootChild : include.getChildren()) {
        this.attachElement(map, rootChild);
项目:mycore    文件   
public void testCompleteUndo() throws JaxenException, JDOMException {
    String template = "document[titles[title][title[2]]][authors/author[first='John'][last='Doe']]";
    Document doc = new Document(new MCRNodeBuilder().buildElement(template, null, null));
    Document before = doc.clone();

    MCRChangeTracker tracker = new MCRChangeTracker();

    Element titles = (Element) (new MCRBinding("document/titles", true, new MCRBinding(doc)).getBoundNode());
    Element title = new Element("title").setAttribute("type", "alternative");
    titles.addContent(2, title);

    Attribute lang = new Attribute("lang", "de");

    Element author = (Element) (new MCRBinding("document/authors/author", true, new MCRBinding(doc))


    assertTrue(MCRXMLHelper.deepEqual(before, doc));
项目:mycore    文件   
public void testRemoveChangeTracking() throws JaxenException, JDOMException {
    String template = "document[titles[title][title[2]]][authors/author[first='John'][last='Doe']]";
    Document doc = new Document(new MCRNodeBuilder().buildElement(template, null, null));

    MCRChangeTracker tracker = new MCRChangeTracker();

    Element titles = (Element) (new MCRBinding("document/titles", true, new MCRBinding(doc)).getBoundNode());
    Element title = new Element("title").setAttribute("type", "alternative");
    titles.addContent(2, title);

    Attribute lang = new Attribute("lang", "de");

    Element author = (Element) (new MCRBinding("document/authors/author", true, new MCRBinding(doc))

    doc = MCRChangeTracker.removeChangeTracking(doc);
项目:mycore    文件   
public void testNestedChanges() {
    Element root = new Element("root");
    Document doc = new Document(root);
    MCRChangeTracker tracker = new MCRChangeTracker();

    Element title = new Element("title");

    Attribute id = new Attribute("type", "main");

    Element part = new Element("part");


项目:mycore    文件   
public void testBreakpoint() {
    Element root = new Element("root");
    Document doc = new Document(root);

    MCRChangeTracker tracker = new MCRChangeTracker();

    Element title = new Element("title");

    tracker.track(MCRBreakpoint.setBreakpoint(root, "Test"));

    Attribute href = new Attribute("href", "foo", MCRConstants.XLINK_NAMESPACE);

    tracker.track(MCRSetAttributeValue.setValue(href, "bar"));

    String label = tracker.undoLastBreakpoint(doc);
    assertEquals("Test", label);
    assertEquals(1, tracker.getChangeCounter());
项目:Arcade2    文件   
public static List<Material> parseArray(Attribute attribute, Material def) {
    List<Material> results = new ArrayList<>();
    if (attribute != null) {
        List<String> rawList = parseArray(attribute.getValue());
        for (String raw : rawList) {
            if (raw.isEmpty()) {

            Material material = Material.matchMaterial(parseEnumValue(raw));
            if (material != null) {
    } else if (def != null) {

    return results;
项目:mycore    文件   
 * tries to generate a valid MCRObject as JDOM Document.
 * @return MCRObject
public Document generateValidMyCoReObject() throws JDOMException, SAXParseException, IOException {
    MCRObject obj;
    // load the JDOM object
        .compile("/mycoreobject/*/*/*/@editor.output", Filters.attribute())
    try {
        byte[] xml = new MCRJDOMContent(input).asByteArray();
        obj = new MCRObject(xml, true);
    } catch (SAXParseException e) {
        XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
        LOGGER.warn("Failure while parsing document:\n{}", xout.outputString(input));
        throw e;
    Date curTime = new Date();
    obj.getService().setDate("modifydate", curTime);

    // return the XML tree
    input = obj.createXML();
    return input;
项目:mycore    文件   
public void testXPath() {
    Element root = new Element("root");
    Element title1 = new Element("title");
    Element title2 = new Element("title");
    Element author = new Element("contributor");
    Attribute role = new Attribute("role", "author");
    Attribute lang = new Attribute("lang", "de", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE);
    new Document(root);

    assertEquals("/root", MCRXPathBuilder.buildXPath(root));
    assertEquals("/root/contributor", MCRXPathBuilder.buildXPath(author));
    assertEquals("/root/title", MCRXPathBuilder.buildXPath(title1));
    assertEquals("/root/title[2]", MCRXPathBuilder.buildXPath(title2));
    assertEquals("/root/contributor/@role", MCRXPathBuilder.buildXPath(role));
    assertEquals("/root/contributor/@xml:lang", MCRXPathBuilder.buildXPath(lang));

    assertEquals("root", MCRXPathBuilder.buildXPath(root));
    assertEquals("root/contributor", MCRXPathBuilder.buildXPath(author));
项目:mycore    文件   
public void testBuildingAttributes() throws JaxenException, JDOMException {
    Attribute built = new MCRNodeBuilder().buildAttribute("@attribute", null, null);
    assertEquals("attribute", built.getName());

    built = new MCRNodeBuilder().buildAttribute("@attribute", "value", null);
    assertEquals("attribute", built.getName());
    assertEquals("value", built.getValue());

    Element parent = new Element("parent");
    built = new MCRNodeBuilder().buildAttribute("@attribute", null, parent);
    assertEquals("attribute", built.getName());
    assertEquals("parent", built.getParent().getName());
项目:mycore    文件   
public void testBuildingValues() throws JaxenException, JDOMException {
    Attribute built = new MCRNodeBuilder().buildAttribute("@attribute='A \"test\"'", "ignore", null);
    assertEquals("attribute", built.getName());
    assertEquals("A \"test\"", built.getValue());

    built = new MCRNodeBuilder().buildAttribute("@attribute=\"O'Brian\"", null, null);
    assertEquals("attribute", built.getName());
    assertEquals("O'Brian", built.getValue());

    built = new MCRNodeBuilder().buildAttribute("@mime=\"text/plain\"", null, null);
    assertEquals("mime", built.getName());
    assertEquals("text/plain", built.getValue());

    Element element = new MCRNodeBuilder().buildElement("name=\"O'Brian\"", null, null);
    assertEquals("name", element.getName());
    assertEquals("O'Brian", element.getText());
项目:Arcade2    文件   
private void attachElement(Element apply, Element from) {
    // attributes
    for (Attribute attribute : from.getAttributes()) {
        if (apply.getAttribute(attribute.getName()) == null) {

    // text
    if (!from.getText().isEmpty()) {

    // children
    for (Element element : from.getChildren()) {
        this.attachElement(apply, element.detach());
项目:mycore    文件   
public void testExpressionsToIgnore() throws JaxenException, JDOMException {
    Element built = new MCRNodeBuilder().buildElement("element[2]", null, null);
    assertEquals("element", built.getName());

    built = new MCRNodeBuilder().buildElement("element[contains(.,'foo')]", null, null);
    assertEquals("element", built.getName());

    built = new MCRNodeBuilder().buildElement("foo|bar", null, null);

    Attribute attribute = new MCRNodeBuilder().buildAttribute("@lang[preceding::*/foo='bar']", "value", null);
    assertEquals("lang", attribute.getName());
    assertEquals("value", attribute.getValue());

    built = new MCRNodeBuilder().buildElement("parent/child/following::node/foo='bar'", null, null);
    assertEquals("child", built.getName());
    assertEquals("parent", built.getParentElement().getName());
    assertEquals(0, built.getChildren().size());
    assertEquals("", built.getText());
项目:ZombieLib2    文件   
private Element generateCategoryElement(final Category cat) {

        final Namespace namespace = getFeedNamespace();
        final Element catElement = new Element("category", namespace);

        final String term = cat.getTerm();
        if (term != null) {
            final Attribute termAttribute = new Attribute("term", term);

        final String label = cat.getLabel();
        if (label != null) {
            final Attribute labelAttribute = new Attribute("label", label);

        final String scheme = cat.getScheme();
        if (scheme != null) {
            final Attribute schemeAttribute = new Attribute("scheme", scheme);

        return catElement;

项目:ZombieLib2    文件   
private Element generateGeneratorElement(final Generator generator) {

        final Element generatorElement = new Element("generator", getFeedNamespace());

        final String url = generator.getUrl();
        if (url != null) {
            final Attribute urlAttribute = new Attribute("uri", url);

        final String version2 = generator.getVersion();
        if (version2 != null) {
            final Attribute versionAttribute = new Attribute("version", version2);

        final String value = generator.getValue();
        if (value != null) {

        return generatorElement;

项目:Arcade2    文件   
public void setDefaultMaxGameId() {
    Element queueElement = plugin.getSettings().getData().getChild("queue");
    if (queueElement == null) {

    Attribute attribute = queueElement.getAttribute("restart-after");
    if (attribute == null) {

    try {
    } catch (DataConversionException ignored) {
项目:Arcade2    文件   
public static Generator parse(Element xml, ArcadePlugin plugin, ArcadeMap map) throws MapParserException {
    if (xml == null) {
        return null;

    GeneratorType type = GeneratorType.forName(xml.getTextNormalize());
    if (type == null) {
        return null;

    Properties properties = new Properties();
    for (Attribute attribute : xml.getAttributes()) {
        properties.setProperty(attribute.getName(), attribute.getValue());

    return (Generator) type.create(plugin, map, properties);
项目:Arcade2    文件   
private long parseSeed(Element parent) throws MapParserException {
    if (parent != null) {
        try {
            Element xml = parent.getChild("generator");
            if (xml != null) {
                Attribute seed = xml.getAttribute("seed");
                if (seed != null) {
                    return seed.getLongValue();
        } catch (DataConversionException ignored) {

    return ArcadeMap.DEFAULT_SEED;
项目:Arcade2    文件   
public static BookMeta parseBook(Element xml, BookMeta source) {
    Element book = xml.getChild("book");
    if (book != null) {
        Attribute author = book.getAttribute("author");
        if (author != null) {

        Attribute title = book.getAttribute("title");
        if (title != null) {

        for (Element page : book.getChildren("page")) {

    return source;
项目:Arcade2    文件   
public static EnchantmentStorageMeta parseEnchantmentStorage(Element xml, EnchantmentStorageMeta source) {
    Element book = xml.getChild("enchanted-book");
    if (book != null) {
        for (Element enchantment : book.getChildren("enchantment")) {
            Enchantment type = Enchantment.getByName(XMLParser.parseEnumValue(enchantment.getTextNormalize()));
            int level = 1;

            try {
                Attribute levelAttribute = enchantment.getAttribute("level");
                if (levelAttribute != null) {
                    level = levelAttribute.getIntValue();
            } catch (DataConversionException ignored) {

            source.addStoredEnchant(type, level, false);

    return source;
项目:Arcade2    文件   
private static Map<Enchantment, Integer> parseEnchantments(Element xml) {
    Map<Enchantment, Integer> enchantments = new HashMap<>();

    Element element = xml.getChild("enchantments");
    if (element != null) {
        for (Element enchantment : element.getChildren("enchantment")) {
            Enchantment type = Enchantment.getByName(XMLParser.parseEnumValue(enchantment.getTextNormalize()));
            int level = 1;

            try {
                Attribute levelAttribute = enchantment.getAttribute("level");
                if (levelAttribute != null) {
                    level = levelAttribute.getIntValue();
            } catch (DataConversionException ignored) {

            enchantments.put(type, level);

    return enchantments;
项目:Arcade2    文件   
private Region parseFilters(Element xml, Region region) {
    if (this.filters == null) {
        return region;

    for (RegionEventType event : RegionEventType.values()) {
        Attribute attribute = xml.getAttribute(event.getAttribute());
        if (attribute == null) {

        FilterSet filter = this.filters.getFilter(attribute.getValue());
        if (filter == null) {

        region.setFilter(event, filter);

    return region;
项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
 * Dig up the stratifier's id and assign it to thisNode
 * @param element DOM element
 * @param thisNode current node
private void setStratifierId(Element element, Node thisNode) {
    String expressionStr = getXpath(STRATIFIER_ID);
    Consumer<? super Attribute> consumer = attr -> {
        String code = attr.getValue();
        thisNode.putValue(STRATIFIER_ID, code, false);
    setOnNode(element, expressionStr, consumer, Filters.attribute(), false);
项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
 * Looks up the entity Id from the element if the program name is CPC+
 * <id root="2.16.840.1.113883." extension="AR000000"
 * @param element Xml fragment being parsed.
 * @param thisNode The output internal representation of the document
private void setEntityIdOnNode(Element element, Node thisNode) {
    if (Program.isCpc(thisNode)) {
        Consumer<Attribute> consumer = id ->
            thisNode.putValue(ENTITY_ID, id.getValue(), false);
        setOnNode(element, getXpath(ENTITY_ID), consumer, Filters.attribute(), false);
项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
 * Will decode the program name from the xml
 * @param element Xml fragment being parsed.
 * @param thisNode The output internal representation of the document
private void setProgramNameOnNode(Element element, Node thisNode) {
    Consumer<? super Attribute> consumer = p -> {
        String[] nameEntityPair = getProgramNameEntityPair(p.getValue());
        thisNode.putValue(PROGRAM_NAME, nameEntityPair[0], false);
        thisNode.putValue(ENTITY_TYPE, nameEntityPair[1], false);
    setOnNode(element, getXpath(PROGRAM_NAME), consumer, Filters.attribute(), false);
项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
 * Will decode the NPI from the xml
 * @param element Xml fragment being parsed.
 * @param thisNode The output internal representation of the document
private void setNationalProviderIdOnNode(Element element, Node thisNode) {
    Consumer<? super Attribute> consumer = p ->
            thisNode.putValue(NATIONAL_PROVIDER_IDENTIFIER, p.getValue());
    setOnNode(element, getXpath(NATIONAL_PROVIDER_IDENTIFIER),
            consumer, Filters.attribute(), true);
项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
 * Will decode the TPI from the xml
 * @param element Xml fragment being parsed.
 * @param thisNode The output internal representation of the document
private void setTaxProviderTaxIdOnNode(Element element, Node thisNode) {
    Consumer<? super Attribute> consumer = p ->
    setOnNode(element, getXpath(TAX_PAYER_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER),
            consumer, Filters.attribute(), true);
项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
 * Locate measure code value in element and set on node.
 * @param element Object that holds the XML representation of measure id
 * @param thisNode Holder for decoded data
private void setMeasure(Element element, Node thisNode) {
    String expressionStr = getXpath(MEASURE_TYPE);
    Consumer<? super Attribute> consumer = attr -> {
        String code = attr.getValue();
        if (MEASURES.contains(code)) {
            thisNode.putValue(MEASURE_TYPE, code, false);
    setOnNode(element, expressionStr, consumer, Filters.attribute(), false);
项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
 * Locate measure sub-population GUUID from the element and set on node.
 * @param element Object that holds the XML representation of measure id
 * @param thisNode Holder for decoded data
private void setPopulationId(Element element, Node thisNode) {
    String expressionStr = getXpath(MEASURE_POPULATION);
    Consumer<? super Attribute> consumer = attr ->
            thisNode.putValue(MEASURE_POPULATION, attr.getValue(), false);
    setOnNode(element, expressionStr, consumer, Filters.attribute(), false);
项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
 * Parses element containing a IA Measure into a node
 * @param element Top element in the XML document
 * @param thisNode Top node created in the XML document
 * @return result that the decoder is finished for this node
protected DecodeResult internalDecode(Element element, Node thisNode) {
    String expressionStr = getXpath("measureId");
    Consumer<? super Attribute> consumer = p -> thisNode.putValue("measureId", p.getValue());
    setOnNode(element, expressionStr, consumer, Filters.attribute(), true);

    decode(element.getChild("component", defaultNs), thisNode);

    return DecodeResult.TREE_FINISHED;