Java 类org.jdom2.Content 实例源码

项目:mycore    文件   
 * Returns the content of an element as string. The element itself
 * is ignored.
 * @param e the element to get the content from
 * @return the content as string
protected String getContent(Element e) throws IOException {
    XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter();
    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
    for (Content child : e.getContent()) {
        if (child instanceof Element) {
            out.output((Element) child, writer);
        } else if (child instanceof Text) {
            Text t = (Text) child;
            String trimmedText = t.getTextTrim();
            if (!trimmedText.equals("")) {
                Text newText = new Text(trimmedText);
                out.output(newText, writer);
    return writer.toString();
项目:lexeme    文件   
 * @param iterator
 *            with hasNext() == true. Iterator position will change
 * @return the last node from the current group. i.e. the last <a> element from a consecutive group of <a>
 *         elements
 * @author sholzer (Aug 25, 2015)
private Content getLastNodeFromGroup(ListIterator<Content> iterator) {
    Content currentNode =;
    if (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Content nextNode =;
        if (nextNode.getClass().equals(currentNode.getClass())) {
            if (nextNode instanceof Element) {
                Element currentElement = (Element) currentNode;
                Element nextElement = (Element) nextNode;
                if (!nextElement.getName().equals(currentElement.getName())) {
                    return currentNode;
            return getLastNodeFromGroup(iterator);
        } else {
            return currentNode;
    } else {
        return currentNode;
项目:lexeme    文件   
 * Peeks into the list provided by the iterator if an element with the tag ,,name'' exists.
 * @param name
 *            the name to be looking for
 * @param iterator
 *            list iterator of a list to be looked at. next() and previous() will be called multiple
 *            times. Position of the iterator will be the same as before
 * @return true if an element with tag ,,name'' exists in the list of iterator
 * @author sholzer (Aug 25, 2015)
private boolean peekFor(String name, ListIterator<Content> iterator) {
    if (iterator.hasNext()) {
        // take a step forwards
        Content currentNode =;
        boolean result;
        // if the current node is an element with the searched name return true
        if (currentNode instanceof Element && ((Element) currentNode).getName().equals(name)) {
            result = true;
        } else { // otherwise look at the next node
            result = peekFor(name, iterator);
        // take a step backwards
        return result;
    } else {// at the end of the list obviously there was no such element
        return false;

项目:mycore    文件   
public void testList() throws Exception {
    Element child1 = new Element("child").setText("Hallo Welt");
    Element child2 = new Element("child").setText("hello world");
    Element child3 = new Element("child").setText("Bonjour le monde");
    List<Content> l1 = new ArrayList<>();
    Element root = new Element("root");

    String formattedXML = "<root>\n<child>Hallo Welt</child>\n" + "<child>hello world</child>"
        + "<child>Bonjour le monde</child>\n</root>";
    SAXBuilder b = new SAXBuilder();
    Document doc = ByteArrayInputStream(formattedXML.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"))));

    assertEquals("Elements should be equal", true, MCRXMLHelper.deepEqual(root, doc.getRootElement()));
项目:jodtemplate    文件   
public Document process(final Map<String, Object> context, final Document document, final Slide slide,
        final Resources resources, final Configuration configuration) throws JODTemplateException {
    final IteratorIterable<Element> atElements = document.getDescendants(Filters.element(PPTXDocument.T_ELEMENT,
    final List<Element> atElementsList = new ArrayList<>();
    while (atElements.hasNext()) {
    for (Element at : atElementsList) {
        if (at.getContentSize() != 0) {
            final Content content = at.getContent(0);
            if (content instanceof Comment) {
                final Comment comment = (Comment) content;
                processComment(comment, at, slide, configuration);
    return document;
项目:cleartk    文件   
private void assertEquals(Element element1, Element element2) {
  Assert.assertEquals(element1.getName(), element2.getName());
  Assert.assertEquals(this.getAttributes(element1), this.getAttributes(element2));
  List<Content> children1 = element1.getContent();
  List<Content> children2 = element2.getContent();
  Assert.assertEquals(children1.size(), children2.size());
  for (int i = 0; i < children1.size(); i++) {
    Content child1 = children1.get(0);
    Content child2 = children2.get(0);
    if (child1 instanceof Element) {
      this.assertEquals((Element) child1, (Element) child2);
    } else {
      Assert.assertEquals(child1.getValue(), child2.getValue());
项目:epubfx    文件   
private List<Content> getOriginalHeadContent(org.jdom2.Document doc)
    org.jdom2.Element root = doc.getRootElement();
    List<Content> contentList = new ArrayList<>();
    if (root != null)
        org.jdom2.Element headElement = root.getChild("head", Constants.NAMESPACE_XHTML);
        if (headElement != null)
            List<Content> contents = headElement.getContent();
    //erst ausserhalb der Schleife detachen
    for (Content content : contentList)
    return contentList;
项目:Zettelkasten    文件   
 * This method retrieves the element of a modified entry. the modified
 * entries' content is stored in a separated XML-Document (see
 * {@link #modifiedEntries modifiedEntries}. each element of this document
 * has a timestamp-attribute that equals the timestamp-attribute of an entry
 * in the {@link #desktop desktop}-Document.
 * <br><br>
 * So, by passing a {@code timestamp} value, this method searches whether we
 * have any modified entry that has the same timestamp-attribut, and if so,
 * it returns that element which was modified (and thus differs from an
 * entry's content as it is stored in the original database).
 * @param timestamp the timestamp which should match the requested entry's
 * timestamp-attribute
 * @return the modified entry as element, or {@code null} if no entry was
 * found.
private Element retrieveModifiedEntryElementFromTimestamp(String timestamp) {
    // retrieve all elements
    List<Content> elementList = modifiedEntries.getRootElement().getContent();
    // when we have any content, go on...
    if (elementList.size() > 0) {
        for (Content elementList1 : elementList) {
            // retrieve each single element
            Element e = (Element) elementList1;
            // retrieve timestamp-attribute
            String att = e.getAttributeValue(ATTR_TIMESTAMP);
            // compare timestamp-attribute-value to timestamp-parameter
            if (att != null && att.equals(timestamp)) {
                // if they match, return that element
                return e;
    // else return null
    return null;
项目:msf-spaces-sdk-android    文件   
private List<Element> getChildren(Element parentElement, String tagName) {
    IteratorIterable<Content> iter = parentElement.getDescendants();
    List<Element> children = new ArrayList<Element>();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Element elem;
        try {
            elem = (Element);
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
        if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase(elem.getName())) {
    return children;
项目:marmotta    文件   
private LinkedList<String> doFilter(String in, Set<String> xpaths) throws IOException {
    LinkedList<String> result = new LinkedList<String>();
    try {
        Document doc = new SAXBuilder(XMLReaders.NONVALIDATING).build(new StringReader(in));
        XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter();

        for (String xp : xpaths) {
            XPathExpression<Content> xpath = XPathFactory.instance().compile(xp, Filters.content());
            for (Content node : xpath.evaluate(doc)) {
                if(node instanceof Element) {
                    result.add(out.outputString((Element) node));
                } else if(node instanceof Text) {
                    result.add(out.outputString((Text) node));
        return result;
    } catch (JDOMException xpe) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("error while processing xpath expressions: '" + xpaths + "'", xpe);
项目:metadata-editor    文件   
private Content replaceVarsRecursive(TemplateNode node){

        Content c = node.xmlNode.clone();

        if( c instanceof Element ){
            Element e = (Element) c;
            for( TemplateNode n : node.children ) {
                Content child = replaceVarsRecursive(n);


        if( node instanceof TemplateVarNode ){
            TemplateVarNode tvn = (TemplateVarNode) node;
            replace(c, tvn.content);
        return c;
项目:Xml2Map    文件   
public Object convert(ConvertContext cxt, Rule rule)
        throws ConvertException {
    String xpath = (String ) rule.getParams()[0];
    logger.debug("xpath: {}",xpath);
    XPathExpression<Object> objs = factory.compile(xpath); 
    List<Object> objList = objs.diagnose(cxt.getSourceDocument(), false).getResult();
    logger.debug(">> {}",objList);
        return null;

    for(Object obj :objList){
        if(obj instanceof Element){
            return ((Element) obj).getValue();
        }else if(obj instanceof Content){
            return ((Content) obj).getValue();
    return "null";
项目:Xml2Map    文件   
public Object convert(ConvertContext cxt, Rule rule)
        throws ConvertException {
    String slotName = (String ) rule.getParams()[0];
    String xpath = "/SubmitSoapRequest/objective/slot[slotName='"+slotName+"']/slotValue/text()";
    logger.trace("xpath: {}",xpath);
    XPathExpression<Object> objs = factory.compile(xpath); 
    List<Object> objList = objs.diagnose(cxt.getSourceDocument(), false).getResult();
    logger.trace(">> {}",objList);
        return null;

    for(Object obj :objList){
        if(obj instanceof Element){
            return ((Element) obj).getValue();
        }else if(obj instanceof Content){
            return ((Content) obj).getValue();
    return "XXXX";
项目:Xml2Map    文件   
public Object convert(ConvertContext cxt, Rule rule)
        throws ConvertException {
    String groupName = (String ) rule.getParams()[0];
    String itemName = (String ) rule.getParams()[1];
    String xpath = "/CdpeRequest/phyExamInfo/examGroup[groupName='"+groupName+"']/groupItem[itemName='"+itemName+"']/itemValue/text()";
    logger.debug("xpath: {}",xpath);
    XPathExpression<Object> objs = factory.compile(xpath); 
    List<Object> objList = objs.diagnose(cxt.getSourceDocument(), false).getResult();
    logger.trace(">> {}",objList);
        return null;

    for(Object obj :objList){
        if(obj instanceof Element){
            return ((Element) obj).getValue();
        }else if(obj instanceof Content){
            return ((Content) obj).getValue();
    return "XXXX";
项目:ProjectAres    文件   
private List<Content> readIncludedDocument(@Nullable Path basePath, Path includeFile, @Nullable Element includeElement) throws InvalidXMLException {
    final Path fullPath = findIncludeFile(basePath, includeFile, includeElement);
    if(fullPath == null) {
        throw new InvalidXMLException("Failed to find include: " + includeFile, includeElement);
    return readIncludedDocument(fullPath, includeElement);
项目:ProjectAres    文件   
private List<Content> readIncludedDocument(Path fullPath, @Nullable Element includeElement) throws InvalidXMLException {
    if(includeStack.contains(fullPath)) {
        throw new InvalidXMLException("Circular include: " + Joiner.on(" --> ").join(includeStack), includeElement);

    try {
        return readDocument(fullPath).getRootElement().cloneContent();
    } finally {
项目:ProjectAres    文件   
private List<Content> processConditional(Element el, boolean invert) throws InvalidXMLException {
    for(Node attr : Node.fromAttrs(el)) {
        boolean expected = XMLUtils.parseBoolean(attr);
        boolean actual = getEnvironment(attr.getName(), Boolean.class, attr);
        if(expected != actual) {
            return invert ? el.cloneContent() : Collections.<Content>emptyList();

    return invert ? Collections.<Content>emptyList() : el.cloneContent();
项目:ProjectAres    文件   
private void processChildren(Path file, Element parent) throws InvalidXMLException {
    for(int i = 0; i < parent.getContentSize(); i++) {
        Content content = parent.getContent(i);
        if(!(content instanceof Element)) continue;

        Element child = (Element) content;
        List<Content> replacement = null;

        switch(child.getName()) {
            case "include":
                replacement = processIncludeElement(file, child);

            case "if":
                replacement = processConditional(child, false);

            case "unless":
                replacement = processConditional(child, true);

        if(replacement != null) {
            parent.addContent(i, replacement);
            i--; // Process replacement content
        } else {
            processChildren(file, child);
项目:lexeme    文件   
 * @param element
 *            {@link org.jdom2.Element}
 * @return {@link List}&lt;{@link String}>
 * @author sholzer (05.05.2015)
public List<Text> getTextNodes(Element element) {
    List<Text> result = new LinkedList<>();

    for (Content content : element.getContent()) {
        if (content instanceof Text) {
            result.add((Text) content);

    return result;
项目:lexeme    文件   
 * Returns all child elements of the given Element regardless of their Namespaces
 * @param element
 *            {@link Element}
 * @return {@link List}&lt;{@link Element}>
 * @author sholzer (13.05.2015)
public List<Element> getChildrenFromElement(Element element) {
    List<Element> result = new LinkedList<>();

    for (Content c : element.getContent()) {
        if (c instanceof Element) {
            result.add((Element) c);
    return result;

项目:mycore    文件   
public static MCRChangeData swap(Element parent, int posA, Content a, int posB, Content b) {
    if (posA > posB)
        return swap(parent, posB, b, posA, a);

    b.detach(); // x a x x x  
    parent.addContent(posA, b); // x b a x x x 
    a.detach(); // x b x x x
    parent.addContent(posB, a); // x b x x a x

    return new MCRChangeData("swapped-elements", posA + " " + posB, posB, parent);
项目:mycore    文件   
 * @return the mods:mods Element at /metadata/def.modsContainer/modsContainer
public Element getMODS() {
    try {
        MCRMetaXML mx = (MCRMetaXML) (object.getMetadata().getMetadataElement(DEF_MODS_CONTAINER).getElement(0));
        for (Content content : mx.getContent()) {
            if (content instanceof Element) {
                return (Element) content;
    } catch (NullPointerException | IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        //do nothing
    return null;
项目:mycore    文件   
public void addContent(Content content) {
    if (this.content == null) {
        this.content = new ArrayList<>();

项目:mycore    文件   
 * This method create a XML stream for all data in this class, defined by
 * the MyCoRe XML MCRMetaLangText definition for the given subtag.
 * @exception MCRException
 *                if the content of this class is not valid
 * @return a JDOM Element with the XML MCRMetaLangText part
public org.jdom2.Element createXML() throws MCRException {
    Element elm = super.createXML();
    List<Content> addedContent = new ArrayList<>(content.size());
    cloneListContent(addedContent, content);

    return elm;
项目:mycore    文件   
 * Adds a section to the MyCoRe webpage
 * @param title the title of the section
 * @param content list of content added to the section
 * @param lang the language of the section specified by a language key.
 * @return added section
public Element addSection(String title, List<Content> content, String lang) {
    Element section = new Element(XML_SECTION);
    if (lang != null) {
        section.setAttribute(XML_LANG, lang, Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE);
    if (title != null && !title.equals("")) {
        section.setAttribute(XML_TITLE, title);
    return section;
项目:mycore    文件   
public static boolean equivalentContent(List<Content> l1, List<Content> l2) {
    if (l1.size() != l2.size()) {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.debug("Number of content list elements differ {}!={}", l1.size(), l2.size());
        return false;
    boolean result = true;
    Iterator<Content> i1 = l1.iterator();
    Iterator<Content> i2 = l2.iterator();
    while (result && i1.hasNext() && i2.hasNext()) {
        Object o1 =;
        Object o2 =;
        if (o1 instanceof Element && o2 instanceof Element) {
            result = equivalent((Element) o1, (Element) o2);
        } else if (o1 instanceof Text && o2 instanceof Text) {
            result = equivalent((Text) o1, (Text) o2);
        } else if (o1 instanceof Comment && o2 instanceof Comment) {
            result = equivalent((Comment) o1, (Comment) o2);
        } else if (o1 instanceof ProcessingInstruction && o2 instanceof ProcessingInstruction) {
            result = equivalent((ProcessingInstruction) o1, (ProcessingInstruction) o2);
        } else if (o1 instanceof DocType && o2 instanceof DocType) {
            result = equivalent((DocType) o1, (DocType) o2);
        } else {
            result = false;
    return result;
项目:mycore    文件   
 * This method is capable of serializing Elements and Text nodes.
 * Return null otherwise.
 * @param content the content to serialize
 * @return the serialized content, or null if the type is not supported
public static JsonElement serialize(Content content) {
    if (content instanceof Element) {
        return serializeElement((Element) content);
    if (content instanceof Text) {
        return serializeText((Text) content);
    return null;
项目:xml-patch    文件   
public static List<Content> clone(List<Content> content) {
    List<Content> cloned = new ArrayList<Content>();
    for (Object o : content) {
        cloned.add((Content) ((Content)o).clone());
    return cloned;
项目:xml-patch    文件   
private static void canonicalizeNamespaces(Element scope,
                                           List<Content> content) {

    Map<String, String> prefixToUri = XmlHelper

    for (Content c : content) {
        if (c instanceof Element) {
            canonicalizeNamespace((Element) c, prefixToUri);

项目:xml-patch    文件   
private static Element asElement(Content node) {
    try {
        return (Element) node;
    } catch (ClassCastException e) {
        throw new PatchException(ErrorCondition.INVALID_PATCH_DIRECTIVE,
                "selected node is not an element");
项目:xml-patch    文件   
private static Text getWhitespace(Element parent, int i) {

        try {
            Content c = parent.getContent(i);
            if (isWhitespace(c)) {
                return (Text) c;
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException noSuchSibling) {
            // invalid whitepace directive

        throw new PatchException(ErrorCondition.INVALID_WHITESPACE_DIRECTIVE,
                "sibling is not a whitespace node");
项目:CABSF_Java    文件   
 * Execute an XPath
 * @param document
 *            the Document
 * @param xpathStr
 *            the Xpath String
 * @param namespaceStr
 *            the namespace str
 * @param filter
 *            the filter
 * @return the list<? extends content>
static public List<? extends Content> executeXPath(final Object document,
        final String xpathStr, final String namespaceStr,
        final Filter<? extends Content> filter) {
    final XPathFactory xpathFactory = XPathFactory.instance();
    // XPathExpression<Object> expr = xpathFactory.compile(xpathStr);

    XPathExpression<? extends Content> expr = null;
    if (namespaceStr != null)
        expr = xpathFactory.compile(xpathStr, filter, null,
                Namespace.getNamespace("x", namespaceStr));
        expr = xpathFactory.compile(xpathStr, filter);

    List<? extends Content> xPathSearchedNodes = null;
    try {
        xPathSearchedNodes = expr.evaluate(document);
    // TODO: Add better handling for these kinds of exceptions
    catch (final Exception e) {
        throw new CsfRuntimeException("Error in querying the message", e);
    return xPathSearchedNodes;
     * for (int i = 0; i < xPathSearchedNodes.size(); i++) { Content content =
     * xPathSearchedNodes.get(i); System.out.println("content: " + i + ": " +
     * content.getValue()); }
项目:jodtemplate    文件   
private List<Element> getRemainingElements(final int fromIndex, final Element ap) {
    final List<Element> remains = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = fromIndex; i < ap.getContentSize(); ++i) {
        final Content apChild = ap.getContent(i);
        if (apChild instanceof Element) {
            final Element apChildElement = (Element) apChild;
            if (PPTXDocument.R_ELEMENT.equals(apChildElement.getName())
                    || PPTXDocument.BR_ELEMENT.equals(apChildElement.getName())) {
    return remains;
项目:yawl    文件   
 * Evaluates an XQuery against a data document
 * @param query the XQuery to evaluate
 * @param dataElem a JDOM Element containing the data tree
 * @return a List containing the Element(s) resulting from the evaluation
 * @throws SaxonApiException if there's a problem with the XQuery or Element
public static List<Content> evaluateListQuery(String query, Element dataElem)
        throws SaxonApiException {

    // put the element in a jdom document
    Document dataDoc = new Document(dataElem.clone());
    String result = evaluateQuery(query, dataDoc);

    // use the string result to create a doc to get it expressed as an element list
    Document resultDoc = JDOMUtil.stringToDocument(StringUtil.wrap(result, "root"));
    return resultDoc.getRootElement().cloneContent();
项目:ixa-pipe-convert    文件   
private static void timeMLToNAFNER(KAFDocument kaf, String fileName, String language) {
  //reading the TimeML xml file
  SAXBuilder sax = new SAXBuilder();
  XPathFactory xFactory = XPathFactory.instance();
  try {
    Document doc =;
    Element rootElement = doc.getRootElement();
    XPathExpression<Element> timexExpr = xFactory.compile("//TIMEX3",
    List<Element> timexElems = timexExpr.evaluate(doc);
    XPathExpression<Element> eventExpr = xFactory.compile("//EVENT", Filters.element());

    //getting the Document Creation Time
    Element dctElement = rootElement.getChild("DCT");
    Element dctTimex = dctElement.getChild("TIMEX3");
    String dctTimexValue = dctTimex.getAttributeValue("value");
    kaf.createFileDesc().creationtime = dctTimexValue;
    //getting the TEXT
    Element textElement = rootElement.getChild("TEXT");
    List<Content> textElements = textElement.getContent();
    //we need to iterate over single content of the text element
    //to get the text and the relevant attributes from TIMEX and
    //EVENT elements
    for (Content textElem : textElements) {
      if (textElem.getCType().equals(CType.Element)) {
  } catch (JDOMException | IOException e) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
项目:fudanweixin    文件   
 * 将微信XML转换化DBO
 * @param xml
 *            MESSAGE XML
 * @return DBO
public static BasicDBObject xml2dbo(Document xml) {
    if (xml == null)
        return null;
    List<Element> params = xml.getRootElement().getChildren();
    if (params == null || params.size() <= 0)
        return null;
    BasicDBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject();
    for (Element e : params) {

        List<Content> cs = e.getContent();
        if (cs != null && cs.size() > 0) {
            for (Content c : cs) {
                if (c != null) {
                    Object o = null;
                    switch (c.getCType()) {
                    case Text:
                    case CDATA:
                        o = c.getValue();
                    if (!CommonUtil.isEmpty(o)) {
                        if (e.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("createtime"))
                            o = Integer.parseInt(o.toString());
                        dbo.append(e.getName(), o);
    return dbo;
项目:metadata-editor    文件   
private org.jdom2.Document replaceVars(TemplateNode root) {

        org.jdom2.Document doc = new org.jdom2.Document();
        Content c = replaceVarsRecursive(root);
        return doc;
项目:rome    文件   
protected String getXmlInnerText(final Element e) {
    final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    final XMLOutputter xo = new XMLOutputter();
    final List<Content> children = e.getContent();
    return sb.toString();
项目:rome    文件   
protected String getXmlInnerText(final Element e) {
    final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    final XMLOutputter xo = new XMLOutputter();
    final List<Content> children = e.getContent();

    return sb.toString();
项目:rome    文件   
private void asserEqualContent(final Element one, final Element two) {
    final List<Content> oneContent = one.getContent();
    final List<Content> twoContent = two.getContent();
    if (bothNull(oneContent, twoContent)) {

    assertNullEqual("missing compare content", oneContent, twoContent);
    assertEqualAttributes(one, two);

    // scan through the content to make sure each element is equal
    for (final Object content1 : oneContent) {
        if (content1 instanceof Element) {
            final Element e1 = (Element) content1;

            boolean foundEqual = false;
            final ArrayList<String> messages = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (final Object o : twoContent) {
                if (o instanceof Element) {
                    final Element e2 = (Element) o;

                    try {
                        // have to check all elements to be order insensitive
                        if (e1.getName().equals(e2.getName()) && equalAttributes(e1, e2, false)) {
                            assertEqualElements(e1, e2);
                            foundEqual = true;
                    } catch (final Error e) {

            // look for the content in the other tree
            assertTrue("could not find matching element for: " + one.getName(), foundEqual);