Java 类org.jdom2.Comment 实例源码

项目:goobi-viewer-indexer    文件   
 * Returns the string value of the given XML node object, depending on its type.
 * @param object
 * @return String
public static String objectToString(Object object) {
    if (object instanceof Element) {
        return ((Element) object).getText();
    } else if (object instanceof Attribute) {
        return ((Attribute) object).getValue();
    } else if (object instanceof Text) {
        return ((Text) object).getText();
    } else if (object instanceof CDATA) {
        return ((CDATA) object).getText();
    } else if (object instanceof Comment) {
        return ((Comment) object).getText();
    } else if (object instanceof Double) {
        return String.valueOf(object);
    } else if (object instanceof Boolean) {
        return String.valueOf(object);
    } else if (object instanceof String) {
        return (String) object;
    } else if (object != null) {
        logger.error("Unknown object type: {}", object.getClass().getName());
        return null;
    } else {
        return null;

项目:xml-patch    文件   
private DataDrivenTest(Element e) {

    Filter prologFilter = new AbstractFilter() {
        public Object filter(Object o) {
            if (o instanceof Element
                    || o instanceof Comment
                    || o instanceof ProcessingInstruction) {
                return o;
            return null;

    diff.setRootElement((Element) e.getChild("diff").clone());

    String errorName = e.getChild("result").getAttributeValue("error");
    expectedError = errorName == null ? null : ErrorCondition.valueOf(errorName);
项目:jodtemplate    文件   
public Document process(final Map<String, Object> context, final Document document, final Slide slide,
        final Resources resources, final Configuration configuration) throws JODTemplateException {
    final IteratorIterable<Element> atElements = document.getDescendants(Filters.element(PPTXDocument.T_ELEMENT,
    final List<Element> atElementsList = new ArrayList<>();
    while (atElements.hasNext()) {
    for (Element at : atElementsList) {
        if (at.getContentSize() != 0) {
            final Content content = at.getContent(0);
            if (content instanceof Comment) {
                final Comment comment = (Comment) content;
                processComment(comment, at, slide, configuration);
    return document;
项目:mycore    文件   
public static boolean equivalent(Comment c1, Comment c2) {
    String v1 = c1.getValue();
    String v2 = c2.getValue();
    boolean equals = v1.equals(v2);
    if (!equals && LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.debug("Comment differs \"{}\"!=\"{}\"", c1, c2);
    return equals;
项目:mycore    文件   
public static boolean equivalentContent(List<Content> l1, List<Content> l2) {
    if (l1.size() != l2.size()) {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.debug("Number of content list elements differ {}!={}", l1.size(), l2.size());
        return false;
    boolean result = true;
    Iterator<Content> i1 = l1.iterator();
    Iterator<Content> i2 = l2.iterator();
    while (result && i1.hasNext() && i2.hasNext()) {
        Object o1 =;
        Object o2 =;
        if (o1 instanceof Element && o2 instanceof Element) {
            result = equivalent((Element) o1, (Element) o2);
        } else if (o1 instanceof Text && o2 instanceof Text) {
            result = equivalent((Text) o1, (Text) o2);
        } else if (o1 instanceof Comment && o2 instanceof Comment) {
            result = equivalent((Comment) o1, (Comment) o2);
        } else if (o1 instanceof ProcessingInstruction && o2 instanceof ProcessingInstruction) {
            result = equivalent((ProcessingInstruction) o1, (ProcessingInstruction) o2);
        } else if (o1 instanceof DocType && o2 instanceof DocType) {
            result = equivalent((DocType) o1, (DocType) o2);
        } else {
            result = false;
    return result;
项目:jodtemplate    文件   
public Document process(final Map<String, Object> context, final Document document, final Slide slide,
        final Resources resources, final Configuration configuration) throws JODTemplateException {
    final IteratorIterable<Element> parentElements = document.getDescendants(
            Filters.element(parentElement, getNamespace()));
    final List<Element> parentElementsList = new ArrayList<>();
    while (parentElements.hasNext()) {

    for (final Element parent : parentElementsList) {
        final IteratorIterable<Element> atElements = parent.getDescendants(
                Filters.element(PPTXDocument.T_ELEMENT, getNamespace()));
        final List<Element> atElementsList = new ArrayList<>();
        while (atElements.hasNext()) {

        final ExpressionHandler expressionHandler = configuration.getExpressionHandler();
        boolean isLoop = false;
        InlineListExpression expression = null;
        for (final Element at : atElementsList) {
            final String text = at.getText();
            if (configuration.getExpressionHandler().isInlineList(text)) {
                expression = expressionHandler.createInlineListExpression(text);
                isLoop = true;
        if (isLoop) {
            int apIndex = parent.getParent().indexOf(parent);
            final String beginList = expressionHandler.createBeginList(expression.getWhat(), expression.getAs());
            final String endList = expressionHandler.createEndList();
            parent.getParent().addContent(apIndex, new Comment(beginList));
            parent.getParent().addContent(apIndex + 1, new Comment(endList));
    return document;
项目:jodtemplate    文件   
private void processComment(final Comment comment, final Element at, final Slide slide,
        final Configuration configuration) throws JODTemplateException {
    String commentText = comment.getText();
    if (commentText.startsWith(STYLIZED_KEYWORD)) {
        commentText = StringUtils.removeStart(commentText, STYLIZED_KEYWORD);
        final String className = StringUtils.substringBefore(commentText, ":");
        commentText = StringUtils.removeStart(commentText, className + ": ");
        final Stylizer stylizer = configuration.getStylizer(className);
        if (stylizer == null) {
            throw new JODTemplateException("Unable to find stylizer");
        final String text = StringUtils.removeStart(commentText, " stylized: ");
        final Element ar = at.getParentElement();
        final Element ap = ar.getParentElement();
        final int arIndex = ap.indexOf(ar);
        final Element arPr = getArPrElement(ar);
        final Element apPr = getApPrElement(ap);
        final Element sourceApPr = ObjectUtils.clone(apPr);

        final List<Element> stylizedElements = stylizer.stylize(text, arPr, apPr, slide);

        final List<Element> remains = getRemainingElements(arIndex, ap);
        for (Element el : remains) {

        final int currentApIndex = injectElementsInDocument(stylizedElements, ap, apPr, arIndex);
        injectRemainsInDocument(remains, ap, sourceApPr, currentApIndex);
项目:gocd    文件   
private CommandSnippetComment getComment(Document document) {
    for (Object content : document.getContent()) {
        if (content instanceof Comment) {
            return new CommandSnippetTextComment(((Comment) content).getText());
    return new EmptySnippetComment();
项目:mycore    文件   
static void logMessage(String message, Element parent) {
    parent.addContent(new Comment(message));
项目:xml-patch    文件   
private static void doRemove(Element patch, Object node) throws JDOMException {

        if (node instanceof Element || node instanceof Comment || node instanceof ProcessingInstruction) {

            String ws = patch.getAttributeValue("ws");
            boolean before = "both".equals(ws) || "before".equals(ws);
            boolean after = "both".equals(ws) || "after".equals(ws);

            Content c = (Content) node;
            Element e = c.getParentElement();
            if (e == null) {
                throw new PatchException(ErrorCondition.INVALID_ROOT_ELEMENT_OPERATION,
                        "can't remove root element");

            int index = e.indexOf(c);
            List<Content> nodesToDetach = new ArrayList<>();

            if (before) {
                nodesToDetach.add(getWhitespace(e, index - 1));
            if (after) {
                nodesToDetach.add(getWhitespace(e, index + 1));

            for (Content detachMe : nodesToDetach) {


        if (patch.getAttribute("ws") != null) {
            throw new PatchException(ErrorCondition.INVALID_PATCH_DIRECTIVE,
                    "The 'ws' attribute is not allowed when removing " +
                            "Attribute, Text or Namespace nodes.");

        if (node instanceof Attribute) {
            Attribute a = (Attribute) node;

        if (node instanceof Text) {
            ((Content) node).detach();

        if (node instanceof Namespace) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("removing namespace declarations is not yet implemented");
            // return;
项目:epubfx    文件   
private void createSubnodes(Element element, List<? extends BaseToken> tagChildren) {
    if (tagChildren != null) {
        for (BaseToken item : tagChildren)
            if (item instanceof CommentNode)
                CommentNode commentNode = (CommentNode) item;
                Comment comment = factory.comment(commentNode.getContent());
            else if (item instanceof ContentNode)
                String nodeName = element.getName();
                String content = item.toString();
                boolean specialCase = props.isUseCdataForScriptAndStyle()
                        && ("script".equalsIgnoreCase(nodeName) || "style".equalsIgnoreCase(nodeName));
                if (escapeXml && !specialCase)
                    content = Utils.escapeXml(content, props, true);

                // For CDATA sections we don't want to return the start and
                // end tokens. See issue #106.
                if (specialCase && item instanceof CData)
                    content = ((CData) item).getContentWithoutStartAndEndTokens();

                Text text = specialCase ? factory.cdata(content) : factory.text(content);
            else if (item instanceof TagNode)
                TagNode subTagNode = (TagNode) item;
                Element subelement = createElement(subTagNode);

                setAttributes(subTagNode, subelement);

                // recursively create subnodes
                createSubnodes(subelement, subTagNode.getAllChildren());

            else if (item instanceof List)
                List sublist = (List) item;
                createSubnodes(element, sublist);
项目:oceano    文件   
public static Element addComment(Element project, String comment) {
    return project.addContent(new Comment(comment));