Java 类org.jdom2.filter.Filter 实例源码

项目:xml-patch    文件   
private DataDrivenTest(Element e) {

    Filter prologFilter = new AbstractFilter() {
        public Object filter(Object o) {
            if (o instanceof Element
                    || o instanceof Comment
                    || o instanceof ProcessingInstruction) {
                return o;
            return null;

    diff.setRootElement((Element) e.getChild("diff").clone());

    String errorName = e.getChild("result").getAttributeValue("error");
    expectedError = errorName == null ? null : ErrorCondition.valueOf(errorName);
项目:epubfx    文件   
private ImageResource getFirstImageSource(Resource CoverPageResource, Resources resources)
        Document titlePageDocument = ResourceUtil.getAsDocument(CoverPageResource);
        Filter<Element> imgFilter = new ElementFilter("img");
        List<Element> imageElements = titlePageDocument.getRootElement().getContent(imgFilter);
        for (Element imageElement : imageElements)
            String relativeImageHref = imageElement.getAttributeValue("src");
            String absoluteImageHref = calculateAbsoluteImageHref(relativeImageHref, CoverPageResource.getHref());
            ImageResource imageResource = (ImageResource)resources.getByHref(absoluteImageHref);
            if (imageResource != null)
                return imageResource;
    catch (Exception e)
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    return null;
项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
 * Executes an Xpath for an element and executes the consumer
 * @param element Element the xpath is executed against
 * @param expressionStr Xpath
 * @param consumer Consumer to execute if the xpath matches
 * @param filter Filter to apply for the xpath
 * @param selectOne Whether to execute for the first match or multiple matches
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
void setOnNode(Element element, String expressionStr,
                Consumer consumer, Filter<?> filter, boolean selectOne) {
    XPathExpression<?> expression = XPathFactory.instance().compile(expressionStr, filter, null,  xpathNs);

    if (selectOne) {
    } else {
        List<?> elems = expression.evaluate(element);
                .ifPresent(notNullElems -> notNullElems.forEach(consumer));
项目:goobi-viewer-indexer    文件   
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public static List<Object> evaluate(String expr, Object parent, Filter filter) throws FatalIndexerException {
    XPathBuilder<Object> builder = new XPathBuilder<>(expr.trim().replace("\n", ""), filter);
    // Add all namespaces
    for (String key : Configuration.getInstance().getNamespaces().keySet()) {
        Namespace value = Configuration.getInstance().getNamespaces().get(key);
        builder.setNamespace(key, value.getURI());
    XPathExpression<Object> xpath = builder.compileWith(XPathFactory.instance());
    return xpath.evaluate(parent);

项目:mycore    文件   
public <T> XPathExpression<T> compile(String expression, Filter<T> filter, Map<String, Object> variables,
    Namespace... namespaces) {
    XPathExpression<T> jaxenCompiled = super.compile(expression, filter, variables, namespaces);

    if ( -> function.isCalledIn(expression))) {
        addExtensionFunctions(jaxenCompiled, namespaces);
    return jaxenCompiled;
项目:CABSF_Java    文件   
 * Execute an XPath
 * @param document
 *            the Document
 * @param xpathStr
 *            the Xpath String
 * @param namespaceStr
 *            the namespace str
 * @param filter
 *            the filter
 * @return the list<? extends content>
static public List<? extends Content> executeXPath(final Object document,
        final String xpathStr, final String namespaceStr,
        final Filter<? extends Content> filter) {
    final XPathFactory xpathFactory = XPathFactory.instance();
    // XPathExpression<Object> expr = xpathFactory.compile(xpathStr);

    XPathExpression<? extends Content> expr = null;
    if (namespaceStr != null)
        expr = xpathFactory.compile(xpathStr, filter, null,
                Namespace.getNamespace("x", namespaceStr));
        expr = xpathFactory.compile(xpathStr, filter);

    List<? extends Content> xPathSearchedNodes = null;
    try {
        xPathSearchedNodes = expr.evaluate(document);
    // TODO: Add better handling for these kinds of exceptions
    catch (final Exception e) {
        throw new CsfRuntimeException("Error in querying the message", e);
    return xPathSearchedNodes;
     * for (int i = 0; i < xPathSearchedNodes.size(); i++) { Content content =
     * xPathSearchedNodes.get(i); System.out.println("content: " + i + ": " +
     * content.getValue()); }
项目:BPMNspector-fixSeqFlow    文件   
private List<Element> getAllElementsByFilter(Document document, Filter<Element> filter) {
    List<Element> allElems = new ArrayList<>();
    Iterator<Element> it = document.getRootElement().getDescendants(filter);

    while (it.hasNext()) {

    return allElems;
项目:jgoose    文件   
void decodeGSEControlBlock(String appID_name) throws IEC61850_GOOSE_Exception
    boolean found_GSEControlBlock = false;

    // Retrieves all elements named "GSEControl" within IED node
    Filter<Element> elementFilter = new ElementFilter("GSEControl");

    // Search for a GSEControl block with a matching appID
    for (Iterator<Element> GSEControl_IT = IED_section.getDescendants(elementFilter);
        Element current_element =;

        if(current_element.getAttributeValue("type").equals("GOOSE") && 
            // We found the right control block
            GSEControl_node =  current_element;
            found_GSEControlBlock = true;

    if (found_GSEControlBlock == false)
        throw new IEC61850_GOOSE_Exception("<GSEControl> Block with corresponding appID_name: " + appID_name + " name not found in <IED>");

    gseControlBlockAppIDName = GSEControl_node.getAttributeValue("appID");
    gseControlBlockName = GSEControl_node.getAttributeValue("name");
    gseControlBlockConfRev = GSEControl_node.getAttributeValue("confRev");
    gseControlBlockDatSet = GSEControl_node.getAttributeValue("datSet");

    ln0ClassName = GSEControl_node.getParentElement().getAttributeValue("lnClass");

项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
private <T> T evaluateXpath(String xPath, Filter filter) throws IOException, XmlException {
    XPathExpression<Attribute> xpath = xpf.compile(xPath, filter);
    return (T) xpath.evaluateFirst(XmlUtils.parseXmlStream(XmlUtils.fileToStream(path)));
项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
private Object evaluateXpath(String xPath, Filter filter) throws IOException, XmlException {
    XPathExpression<Object> xpath = XPF.compile(xPath, filter);
    return xpath.evaluateFirst(XmlUtils.parseXmlStream(XmlUtils.fileToStream(PATH)));
项目:jgoose    文件   
void decodeGSEBlock(String GSEControlBlock_name) throws IEC61850_GOOSE_Exception
    boolean found_GSEBlock = false;
    boolean found_APPID = false;
    boolean found_MACAddress = false;

    // Retrieves all elements named "GSE" within ConnectedAP in Communication section
    Filter<Element> elementFilter = new ElementFilter("GSE");

    // Search for a GSE with a matching cbName
    for (Iterator<Element> GSE_IT = ConnectedAP_in_Comm_section.getDescendants(elementFilter);
        Element current_element =;

            GSE_node = current_element;
            found_GSEBlock = true;

    if (found_GSEBlock == false)
        throw new IEC61850_GOOSE_Exception("<GSE> Block with cbName: " + GSEControlBlock_name + " not found in <ConnectedAP> block");

    gseldInst = GSE_node.getAttributeValue("ldInst");

    // walks to the "Address" children 
    Element GSE_Address = GSE_node.getChild("Address", root_namespace);
    List<Element> p_nodes_LIST = GSE_Address.getChildren("P", root_namespace);

    // Walks all P nodes to retrieve addressing data
    for ( int position = 0; position < p_nodes_LIST.size(); position++)
            gseAPPID = Integer.parseInt(p_nodes_LIST.get(position).getValue());
            found_APPID = true;

        if (p_nodes_LIST.get(position).getAttributeValue("type").contentEquals("MAC-Address"))
            gseMACAddress = p_nodes_LIST.get(position).getValue();
            found_MACAddress = true;

    if (found_APPID == false)
        throw new IEC61850_GOOSE_Exception("<APPID> type not found in <GSE> Block with cbName:" + GSEControlBlock_name);

    if(found_MACAddress == false)
        throw new IEC61850_GOOSE_Exception("<MAC-Address> type not found in <GSE> Block with cbName:" + GSEControlBlock_name);

    // Retrieves the maxtime
    Element GSE_Maxtime = GSE_node.getChild("MaxTime", root_namespace);

    if (GSE_Maxtime == null)
        //throw new IEC61850_GOOSE_Exception("<MaxTime> not found in <GSE> Block with cbName:" + GSEControlBlock_name);
        // If the value is not set in the ICD file, we set it to 0.
        gseMaxTime = 0;

        gseMaxTime =  Integer.parseInt(GSE_Maxtime.getValue());

    // Retrieves the mintime
    Element GSE_Mintime = GSE_node.getChild("MinTime", root_namespace);

    if (GSE_Mintime == null)
        //throw new IEC61850_GOOSE_Exception("<MinTime> not found in <GSE> Block with cbName:" + GSEControlBlock_name);
        // If the value is not set in the ICD file, we set it to 0.
        gseMinTime = 0;

        gseMinTime = Integer.parseInt(GSE_Mintime.getValue());

项目:Slipstream-Mod-Manager    文件   
public WithChildFilter( Filter<Element> childFilter ) {
    this( null, childFilter );
项目:Slipstream-Mod-Manager    文件   
public WithChildFilter( String type, Filter<Element> childFilter ) {
    this.type = type;
    this.childFilter = childFilter;