Java 类org.jdom2.Parent 实例源码

项目:mycore    文件   
private void bind(String xPath, boolean buildIfNotExists, String initialValue) throws JaxenException {
    this.xPath = xPath;

    Map<String, Object> variables = buildXPathVariables();

    XPathExpression<Object> xPathExpr = XPathFactory.instance().compile(xPath, Filters.fpassthrough(), variables,


    for (Object boundNode : boundNodes)
        if (!(boundNode instanceof Element || boundNode instanceof Attribute || boundNode instanceof Document))
            throw new RuntimeException(
                "XPath MUST only bind either element, attribute or document nodes: " + xPath);

    LOGGER.debug("Bind to {} selected {} node(s)", xPath, boundNodes.size());

    if (boundNodes.isEmpty() && buildIfNotExists) {
        MCRNodeBuilder builder = new MCRNodeBuilder(variables);
        Object built = builder.buildNode(xPath, initialValue, (Parent) (parent.getBoundNode()));
        LOGGER.debug("Bind to {} generated node {}", xPath, MCRXPathBuilder.buildXPath(built));
项目:mycore    文件   
private Object buildNameStep(NameStep nameStep, String value, Parent parent) throws JaxenException {
    String name = nameStep.getLocalName();
    String prefix = nameStep.getPrefix();
    Namespace ns = prefix.isEmpty() ? Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE : MCRConstants.getStandardNamespace(prefix);

    if (nameStep.getAxis() == Axis.CHILD) {
        if (parent instanceof Document)
            return buildPredicates(nameStep.getPredicates(), ((Document) parent).getRootElement());
            return buildPredicates(nameStep.getPredicates(), buildElement(ns, name, value, (Element) parent));
    } else if (nameStep.getAxis() == Axis.ATTRIBUTE) {
        return buildAttribute(ns, name, value, (Element) parent);
    } else {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("ignoring axis, can not be built: {} {}{}", nameStep.getAxis(),
                prefix.isEmpty() ? "" : prefix + ":", name);
        return null;
项目:Zettelkasten    文件   
 * This method retrieves a bullet element from the given path {@code tp} and
 * copies it into a global Element-variable, so this element is stored for
 * later use. Furthermore, the element retrieve from the treepath {@code tp}
 * is removed from the XML-document
 * @param timestamp the timestamp of the bullet that should be copied to the
 * "clipboard" and deleted afterwards (cut-operation)
public void cutBulletToClip(String timestamp) {
    // retrieve the entry that should be deleted
    Element bullet = findEntryElementFromTimestamp(getCurrentDesktopElement(), timestamp);
    if (bullet != null) {
        // get the entry's parent
        Parent p = bullet.getParent();
        // get the index from "bullet"
        int index = p.indexOf(bullet);
        // if we have a valid index, go on
        if (index != -1) {
            // remove the content and save it to the clipboard-element
            clipbullet = (Element) p.removeContent(index);
            // change modified state
项目:Zettelkasten    文件   
 * This method deletes the selected entry from the desktop.
 * @param timestamp the timestamp of the to be deleted entry
public void deleteEntry(String timestamp) {
    // retrieve the entry that should be deleted
    Element entry = findEntryElementFromTimestamp(getCurrentDesktopElement(), timestamp);
    if (entry != null) {
        // check whether we have any modified entry. if so, delete it, since
        // we no longer need it...
        // get the entry's parent
        Parent p = entry.getParent();
        // remove entry from parent
        // change modified state
项目:Zettelkasten    文件   
 * This method deletes the selected entry from the desktop.
 * @param timestamp the timestamp of the to the selected entry.
public void deleteBullet(String timestamp) {
    // retrieve the entry that should be deleted
    Element bullet = findEntryElementFromTimestamp(getCurrentDesktopElement(), timestamp);
    if (bullet != null) {
        // retrieve all timestamps of those entries which are children of the to be
        // deleted bullet
        String[] timestamps = retrieveBulletTimestamps(bullet);
        // get the entry's parent
        Parent p = bullet.getParent();
        // remove entry from parent
        // now remove all possible modified entries of that list
        if (timestamps != null && timestamps.length > 0) {
            // iterate all timestamps
            for (String singlets : timestamps) {
                // delete modified entries that already have been deleted due
                // to the removal of the bullet-point
        // change modified state
项目:marmotta    文件   
/** Use xml:base attributes at feed and entry level to resolve relative links */
private static String resolveURI(URL baseURI, Parent parent, String url) {
    url = (url.equals(".") || url.equals("./")) ? "" : url;
    if (isRelativeURI(url) && parent != null && parent instanceof Element) {
        Attribute baseAtt = ((Element)parent).getAttribute("base", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE);
        String xmlBase = (baseAtt == null) ? "" : baseAtt.getValue();
        if (!isRelativeURI(xmlBase) && !xmlBase.endsWith("/")) {
            xmlBase = xmlBase.substring(0, xmlBase.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
        return resolveURI(baseURI, parent.getParent(), xmlBase + url);
    } else if (isRelativeURI(url) && parent == null) {
        return baseURI + url;
    } else if (baseURI != null && url.startsWith("/")) {
        String hostURI = baseURI.getProtocol() + "://" + baseURI.getHost();
        if (baseURI.getPort() != baseURI.getDefaultPort()) {
            hostURI = hostURI + ":" + baseURI.getPort();
        return hostURI + url;
    return url;
项目:rome    文件   
 * Use xml:base attributes at feed and entry level to resolve relative links
private static String resolveURI(final URL baseURI, final Parent parent, String url) {
    url = url.equals(".") || url.equals("./") ? "" : url;
    if (isRelativeURI(url) && parent != null && parent instanceof Element) {
        final Attribute baseAtt = ((Element) parent).getAttribute("base", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE);
        String xmlBase = baseAtt == null ? "" : baseAtt.getValue();
        if (!isRelativeURI(xmlBase) && !xmlBase.endsWith("/")) {
            xmlBase = xmlBase.substring(0, xmlBase.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
        return resolveURI(baseURI, parent.getParent(), xmlBase + url);
    } else if (isRelativeURI(url) && parent == null) {
        return baseURI + url;
    } else if (baseURI != null && url.startsWith("/")) {
        String hostURI = baseURI.getProtocol() + "://" + baseURI.getHost();
        if (baseURI.getPort() != baseURI.getDefaultPort()) {
            hostURI = hostURI + ":" + baseURI.getPort();
        return hostURI + url;
    return url;
项目:rome-modules    文件   
 * Use xml:base attributes at feed and entry level to resolve relative links
private static String resolveURI(final URL baseURI, final Parent parent, String url) {
    url = url.equals(".") || url.equals("./") ? "" : url;
    if (isRelativeURI(url) && parent != null && parent instanceof Element) {
        final Attribute baseAtt = ((Element) parent).getAttribute("base", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE);
        String xmlBase = baseAtt == null ? "" : baseAtt.getValue();
        if (!isRelativeURI(xmlBase) && !xmlBase.endsWith("/")) {
            xmlBase = xmlBase.substring(0, xmlBase.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
        return resolveURI(baseURI, parent.getParent(), xmlBase + url);
    } else if (isRelativeURI(url) && parent == null) {
        return baseURI + url;
    } else if (baseURI != null && url.startsWith("/")) {
        String hostURI = baseURI.getProtocol() + "://" + baseURI.getHost();
        if (baseURI.getPort() != baseURI.getDefaultPort()) {
            hostURI = hostURI + ":" + baseURI.getPort();
        return hostURI + url;
    return url;
项目:ProjectAres    文件   
private static boolean equals(Parent a, Parent b) {
    if(a == b) return true;
    if(a instanceof Element && b instanceof Element) {
        return equals((Element) a, (Element) b);
    return a.equals(b);
项目:mycore    文件   
private Object buildExpression(Expr expression, String value, Parent parent) throws JaxenException {
    if (expression instanceof EqualityExpr)
        return buildEqualityExpression((EqualityExpr) expression, parent);
    else if (expression instanceof LocationPath)
        return buildLocationPath((LocationPath) expression, value, parent);
        return canNotBuild(expression);
项目:mycore    文件   
private Object buildLocationPath(LocationPath locationPath, String value, Parent parent) throws JaxenException {
    Object existingNode = null;
    List<Step> steps = locationPath.getSteps();
    int i, indexOfLastStep = steps.size() - 1;

    for (i = indexOfLastStep; i >= 0; i--) {
        String xPath = buildXPath(steps.subList(0, i + 1));
        existingNode = evaluateFirst(xPath, parent);

        if (existingNode instanceof Element) {
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug("element already existing");
            parent = (Element) existingNode;
        } else if (existingNode instanceof Attribute) {
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                LOGGER.debug("attribute already existing");
        } else if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("{} does not exist or is not a node, will try to build it", xPath);

    if (i == indexOfLastStep)
        return existingNode;
        return buildLocationSteps(steps.subList(i + 1, steps.size()), value, parent);
项目:mycore    文件   
private Object buildStep(Step step, String value, Parent parent) throws JaxenException {
    if (step instanceof NameStep)
        return buildNameStep((NameStep) step, value, parent);
    else {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("ignoring step, can not be built: {} {}", step.getClass().getName(),
        return null;
项目:mycore    文件   
private Object buildEqualityExpression(EqualityExpr ee, Parent parent) throws JaxenException {
    if (ee.getOperator().equals("=")) {
        if ((ee.getLHS() instanceof LocationPath) && (ee.getRHS() instanceof LiteralExpr))
            return assignLiteral(ee.getLHS(), (LiteralExpr) (ee.getRHS()), parent);
        else if ((ee.getRHS() instanceof LocationPath) && (ee.getLHS() instanceof LiteralExpr))
            return assignLiteral(ee.getRHS(), (LiteralExpr) (ee.getLHS()), parent);
        else if (ee.getLHS() instanceof LocationPath) {
            String value = getValueOf(ee.getRHS().getText(), parent);
            if (value != null)
                return assignLiteral(ee.getLHS(), value, parent);
    return canNotBuild(ee);
项目:mycore    文件   
 * Resolves the first match for the given XPath and returns its value as a String 
 * @param xPath the XPath expression
 * @param parent the context element or document 
 * @return the value of the element or attribute as a String
public String getValueOf(String xPath, Parent parent) {
    Object result = evaluateFirst(xPath, parent);

    if (result instanceof String)
        return (String) result;
    else if (result instanceof Element)
        return ((Element) result).getText();
    else if (result instanceof Attribute)
        return ((Attribute) result).getValue();
        return null;
项目:mycore    文件   
private Object assignLiteral(Expr expression, String literal, Parent parent, String xPath) throws JaxenException {
    Object result = evaluateFirst(xPath, parent);

    if ((result instanceof Element) || (result instanceof Attribute))
        return result;
    else {
        xPath = simplify(expression.getText()) + "[9999]";
        return buildNode(xPath, literal, parent);
项目:mycore    文件   
private static String buildPositionPredicate(Element element) {
    Parent parent = element.getParent();
    if ((parent instanceof Document) || (parent == null))
        return "";

    Element parentElement = (Element) parent;
    int pos = parentElement.getChildren(element.getName(), element.getNamespace()).indexOf(element);
    return (pos == 0 ? "" : "[" + ++pos + "]");
项目:mycore    文件   
private static Element canonicalElement(Parent e) throws IOException, SAXParseException {
    XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(Format.getCompactFormat());
    MCRByteArrayOutputStream bout = new MCRByteArrayOutputStream();
    if (e instanceof Element) {
        xout.output((Element) e, bout);
    } else {
        xout.output((Document) e, bout);
    Document xml = MCRXMLParserFactory.getNonValidatingParser()
        .parseXML(new MCRByteContent(bout.getBuffer(), 0, bout.size()));
    return xml.getRootElement();
项目:marmotta    文件   
protected void generateForeignMarkup(Element e, List foreignMarkup) {
    if (foreignMarkup != null) {
        Iterator elems = (Iterator) foreignMarkup.iterator();
        while (elems.hasNext()) {
            Element elem = (Element);
            Parent parent = elem.getParent();
            if (parent != null) {
项目:rome    文件   
protected void generateForeignMarkup(final Element element, final List<Element> foreignElements) {
    if (foreignElements != null) {
        for (final Element foreignElement : foreignElements) {
            final Parent parent = foreignElement.getParent();
            if (parent != null) {
项目:mycore    文件   
public MCRXPathEvaluator getXPathEvaluator() {
    if (currentBinding != null)
        return currentBinding.getXPathEvaluator();
        return new MCRXPathEvaluator(editorSession.getVariables(), (Parent) null);
项目:mycore    文件   
public Element buildElement(String xPath, String value, Parent parent) throws JaxenException {
    return (Element) buildNode(xPath, value, parent);
项目:mycore    文件   
public Attribute buildAttribute(String xPath, String value, Parent parent) throws JaxenException {
    return (Attribute) buildNode(xPath, value, parent);
项目:mycore    文件   
public Object buildNode(String xPath, String value, Parent parent) throws JaxenException {
    BaseXPath baseXPath = new BaseXPath(xPath, new DocumentNavigator());
    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
        LOGGER.debug("start building {} relative to {}", simplify(xPath), MCRXPathBuilder.buildXPath(parent));
    return buildExpression(baseXPath.getRootExpr(), value, parent);
项目:mycore    文件   
private Object evaluateFirst(String xPath, Parent parent) {
    return new MCRXPathEvaluator(variables, parent).evaluateFirst(xPath);
项目:mycore    文件   
private Object assignLiteral(Expr expression, LiteralExpr literal, Parent parent) throws JaxenException {
    String xPath = simplify(expression.getText()) + "[.=" + literal.getText() + "]";
    return assignLiteral(expression, literal.getLiteral(), parent, xPath);
项目:mycore    文件   
private Object assignLiteral(Expr expression, String literal, Parent parent) throws JaxenException {
    String delimiter = literal.contains("'") ? "\"" : "'";
    String xPath = simplify(expression.getText()) + "[.=" + delimiter + literal + delimiter + "]";
    return assignLiteral(expression, literal, parent, xPath);
项目:mycore    文件   
public MCRXPathEvaluator(Map<String, Object> variables, Parent context) {
    this.variables = variables;
    this.context = new ArrayList<>();
项目:xml-patch    文件   
public static int indexOf(Parent p, Content child) {
    return p.getContent().indexOf(child);