Java 类org.jdom2.output.LineSeparator 实例源码

项目:Slipstream-Mod-Manager    文件   
 * Creates an outputter and writes an XML tree.
 * The encoding argument here only sets an attribute in the
 * XML declaration. It's up to the caller to ensure the writer
 * is encoding bytes to match. If encoding is null, the default
 * is "UTF-8".
 * If XML character entity escaping is allowed, otherwise unmappable
 * characters may be written without errors. If disabled, an
 * UnmappableCharacterException will make their presence obvious and fatal.
 * LineEndings will be CR-LF. Except for comments!?
 * @param doc
 * @param writer
 * @param disableEscaping
public static void sloppyPrint( Document doc, Writer writer, String encoding, boolean allowEscaping ) throws IOException {
    Format format = Format.getPrettyFormat();
    format.setTextMode( Format.TextMode.PRESERVE );  // Permit leading/trailing space.
    format.setExpandEmptyElements( false );
    format.setOmitDeclaration( false );
    format.setIndent( "\t" );
    format.setLineSeparator( LineSeparator.CRNL );

    if ( encoding != null ) {
        format.setEncoding( encoding );

    if ( !allowEscaping ) {
        format.setEscapeStrategy(new EscapeStrategy() {
            public boolean shouldEscape( char ch ) {
                return false;

    XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter( format, new SloppyXMLOutputProcessor() );
    outputter.output( doc, writer );
项目:jodtemplate    文件   
public String getRawContents(final Document dom) throws IOException {
    final Format format = Format.getRawFormat();
    final XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(format, new StandaloneOutputProcessor());
    final Writer writer = new StringWriter();
    outputter.output(dom, writer);
    return writer.toString();
项目:jodtemplate    文件   
public static String convertElementToText(final Element element) throws IOException {
    final Format format = Format.getRawFormat();
    final XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(format, new StandaloneOutputProcessor());
    final Writer writer = new StringWriter();
    outputter.output(element, writer);
    return writer.toString();
项目:jodtemplate    文件   
public static String convertDocumentToText(final Document document) throws IOException {
    final Format format = Format.getRawFormat();
    final XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(format, new StandaloneOutputProcessor());
    final Writer writer = new StringWriter();
    outputter.output(document, writer);
    return writer.toString();
项目:pikes    文件   
     * Returns a string containing the XML content of a KAFDocument object.
    static String kafToStr(KAFDocument kaf) {
        XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat().setLineSeparator(LineSeparator.UNIX));
//      out.getFormat().setTextMode(Format.TextMode.PRESERVE);
        Document jdom = KAFToDOM(kaf);
        return out.outputString(jdom);
项目:superluminal2    文件   
 * Creates an outputter and writes an XML tree.
 * The encoding argument here only sets an attribute in the
 * XML declaration. It's up to the caller to ensure the writer
 * is encoding bytes to match. If encoding is null, the default
 * is "UTF-8".
 * LineEndings will be CR-LF. Except for comments!?
public static void sloppyPrint( Document doc, Writer writer, String encoding ) throws IOException
    Format format = Format.getPrettyFormat();
    format.setExpandEmptyElements( false );
    format.setOmitDeclaration( false );
    format.setIndent( "\t" );
    format.setLineSeparator( LineSeparator.CRNL );

    if ( encoding != null ) format.setEncoding( encoding );

    XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter( format, new SloppyXMLOutputProcessor() );
    outputter.output( doc, writer );
项目:pom-manipulation-ext    文件   
private static LineSeparator determineEOL( File pom )
    throws ManipulationException
    try (  BufferedInputStream bufferIn = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( pom ) ) )
        int prev = -1;
        int ch;
        while ( ( ch = ) != -1 )
            if ( ch == '\n' )
                if ( prev == '\r' )
                    return LineSeparator.CRNL;
                    return LineSeparator.NL;
            else if ( prev == '\r' )
                return LineSeparator.CR;
            prev = ch;
        throw new ManipulationException( "Could not determine end-of-line marker mode" );
    catch ( IOException ioe )
        throw new ManipulationException( "Could not determine end-of-line marker mode", ioe );
项目:Elixa    文件   
/** Returns a string containing the XML content of a KAFDocument object. */
   static String kafToStr(KAFDocument kaf) {
XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat().setLineSeparator(LineSeparator.UNIX).setTextMode(Format.TextMode.TRIM_FULL_WHITE));
Document jdom = KAFToDOM(kaf);
return out.outputString(jdom);
项目:jodtemplate    文件   
public void write(final Document dom, final OutputStream stream) throws IOException {
    final Format format = Format.getRawFormat();
    final XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(format, new StandaloneOutputProcessor());
    outputter.output(dom, stream);