/** * 获取指定名称的Config配置 * @return */ public Map<String,String> getConfig(String name) { Element rootEle = doc.getRootElement(); Element elements = rootEle.getChild(name); Map<String,String> configMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (elements != null) { List<Element> childElementList = elements.getChildren(); for(Element childElement : childElementList) { String lname = childElement.getName(); String lvalue = childElement.getValue(); configMap.put(lname, lvalue); } } return configMap; }
/** * @see MetsIndexer#generatePageDocument(Element,String,Integer,ISolrWriteStrategy,Map) * @verifies create ALTO file from TEI correctly */ @Test public void generatePageDocument_shouldCreateALTOFileFromTEICorrectly() throws Exception { Map<String, Path> dataFolders = new HashMap<>(); Path altoPath = Paths.get("build/viewer/alto/PPN517154005"); Utils.checkAndCreateDirectory(altoPath); Assert.assertTrue(Files.isDirectory(altoPath)); dataFolders.put(DataRepository.PARAM_ALTO_CONVERTED, altoPath); dataFolders.put(DataRepository.PARAM_TEIWC, Paths.get("resources/test/METS/kleiuniv_PPN517154005/kleiuniv_PPN517154005_wc")); MetsIndexer indexer = new MetsIndexer(hotfolder); indexer.initJDomXP(metsFile); String xpath = "/mets:mets/mets:structMap[@TYPE=\"PHYSICAL\"]/mets:div/mets:div"; List<Element> eleStructMapPhysicalList = indexer.xp.evaluateToElements(xpath, null); ISolrWriteStrategy writeStrategy = new LazySolrWriteStrategy(solrHelper); IDataRepositoryStrategy dataRepositoryStrategy = new SingleRepositoryStrategy(Configuration.getInstance()); int page = 1; Assert.assertTrue(indexer.generatePageDocument(eleStructMapPhysicalList.get(page - 1), String.valueOf(MetsIndexer.getNextIddoc(hotfolder .getSolrHelper())), PI, page, writeStrategy, dataFolders, dataRepositoryStrategy.selectDataRepository(PI, metsFile, dataFolders, solrHelper)[0])); SolrInputDocument doc = writeStrategy.getPageDocForOrder(page); Assert.assertNotNull(doc); Assert.assertTrue(Files.isRegularFile(Paths.get(altoPath.toAbsolutePath().toString(), "00000001.xml"))); }
public List<PotionEffect> parsePotionEffects(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { List<PotionEffect> effects = new ArrayList<>(); Node attr = Node.fromAttr(el, "effect", "effects", "potions"); if(attr != null) { for(String piece : attr.getValue().split(";")) { effects.add(checkPotionEffect(XMLUtils.parseCompactPotionEffect(attr, piece), attr)); } } for(Element elPotion : XMLUtils.getChildren(el, "effect", "potion")) { effects.add(parsePotionEffect(elPotion)); } return effects; }
private boolean containsClinicalDocumentTemplateId(Element rootElement) { boolean containsTemplateId = false; List<Element> clinicalDocumentChildren = rootElement.getChildren(TEMPLATE_ID, rootElement.getNamespace()); for (Element currentChild : clinicalDocumentChildren) { final String root = currentChild.getAttributeValue(ROOT_STRING); final String extension = currentChild.getAttributeValue(EXTENSION_STRING); if (TemplateId.getTemplateId(root, extension, context) == TemplateId.CLINICAL_DOCUMENT) { containsTemplateId = true; break; } } return containsTemplateId; }
public static MobsModule parse(MapModuleContext context, Logger logger, Document doc) throws InvalidXMLException { FilterParser filterParser = context.needModule(FilterParser.class); Element mobsEl = doc.getRootElement().getChild("mobs"); Filter mobsFilter = StaticFilter.DENY; if(mobsEl != null) { if(context.getProto().isNoOlderThan(ProtoVersions.FILTER_FEATURES)) { mobsFilter = filterParser.parseProperty(mobsEl, "filter"); } else { Element filterEl = XMLUtils.getUniqueChild(mobsEl, "filter"); if(filterEl != null) { mobsFilter = filterParser.parseElement(filterEl); } } } return new MobsModule(mobsFilter); }
public void readMesasurementFilesFromSafe() { XPathExpression<Element> expr = xFactory .compile( "/xfdu:XFDU/dataObjectSection/dataObject[@repID='s1Level1ProductSchema']/byteStream/fileLocation", Filters.element(), null, xfdu); List<Element> values = expr.evaluate(safe); this.measurements=new File[values.size()]; String measurementPath = safefile.getParent() + "/measurement"; for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { Element e = values.get(i); String href = e.getAttributeValue("href"); if (href.startsWith("./")) href = href.substring(2); measurements[i] = new File(measurementPath + "/" + href); System.out.println(measurements[i]); } }
public void doPost(MCRServletJob job) throws Exception { Element output = new Element("userLogging"); String username = getParameter(job, "username"); String password = getParameter(job, "password"); boolean rememberMe = "true".equals(getParameter(job, "rememberMe")); boolean b = false; if (username == null) output.addContent((new Element("message")).addContent("login.message.noUserGiven")); else if (password == null) output.addContent((new Element("message")).addContent("login.message.noPasswordGiven")); else { b = tryLogin(username, password, rememberMe); if (b) { SavedRequest savedRequest = WebUtils.getAndClearSavedRequest(job.getRequest()); if (savedRequest != null) job.getResponse().sendRedirect(savedRequest.getRequestUrl()); else job.getResponse().sendRedirect("analysis/start"); } else output.addContent((new Element("message")).addContent("login.message.loginFailed")); } sendOutput(job, output); }
/** * Returns the string value of the given XML node object, depending on its type. * * @param object * @return String */ public static String objectToString(Object object) { if (object instanceof Element) { return ((Element) object).getText(); } else if (object instanceof Attribute) { return ((Attribute) object).getValue(); } else if (object instanceof Text) { return ((Text) object).getText(); } else if (object instanceof CDATA) { return ((CDATA) object).getText(); } else if (object instanceof Comment) { return ((Comment) object).getText(); } else if (object instanceof Double) { return String.valueOf(object); } else if (object instanceof Boolean) { return String.valueOf(object); } else if (object instanceof String) { return (String) object; } else if (object != null) { logger.error("Unknown object type: {}", object.getClass().getName()); return null; } else { return null; } }
private Element prepareDocumentationElement(Namespace rootns) { Element documentationOf = new Element("documentationOf", rootns); Element serviceEvent = new Element("serviceEvent", rootns); Element performer = new Element("performer", rootns); Element assignedEntity = new Element("assignedEntity", rootns); Element nationalProviderIdentifier = new Element("id", rootns) .setAttribute("root", "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6") .setAttribute("extension", "2567891421"); Element representedOrganization = prepareRepOrgWithTaxPayerId(rootns); assignedEntity.addContent(representedOrganization); assignedEntity.addContent(nationalProviderIdentifier); performer.addContent(assignedEntity); serviceEvent.addContent(performer); documentationOf.addContent(serviceEvent); return documentationOf; }
private @Nullable TimeLimitDefinition parseLegacyTimeLimit(MapModuleContext context, Element el, String legacyTag, TimeLimitDefinition oldTimeLimit) throws InvalidXMLException { el = el.getChild(legacyTag); if(el != null) { TimeLimitDefinition newTimeLimit = parseTimeLimit(el); if(newTimeLimit != null) { if(context.getProto().isNoOlderThan(ProtoVersions.REMOVE_SCORE_TIME_LIMIT)) { throw new InvalidXMLException("<time> inside <" + legacyTag + "> is no longer supported, use root <time> instead", el); } if(oldTimeLimit != null) { throw new InvalidXMLException("Time limit conflicts with another one that is already defined", el); } return newTimeLimit; } } return oldTimeLimit; }
/** * Sets TYPE and LABEL from the LIDO document. * * @param indexObj {@link IndexObject} * @throws FatalIndexerException */ private void setSimpleData(IndexObject indexObj) throws FatalIndexerException { Element structNode = indexObj.getRootStructNode(); // Set type List<String> values = xp.evaluateToStringList( "lido:descriptiveMetadata/lido:objectClassificationWrap/lido:objectWorkTypeWrap/lido:objectWorkType/lido:term/text()", structNode); if (values != null && !values.isEmpty()) { indexObj.setType(MetadataConfigurationManager.mapDocStrct((values.get(0)).trim())); } logger.trace("TYPE: {}", indexObj.getType()); // Set label { String value = structNode.getAttributeValue("LABEL"); if (value != null) { indexObj.setLabel(value); } } logger.trace("LABEL: {}", indexObj.getLabel()); }
public static GameRulesModule parse(MapModuleContext context, Logger logger, Document doc) throws InvalidXMLException { Map<GameRule, Boolean> gameRules = new HashMap<>(); for (Element gameRulesElement : doc.getRootElement().getChildren("gamerules")) { for (Element gameRuleElement : gameRulesElement.getChildren()) { GameRule gameRule = GameRule.forName(gameRuleElement.getName()); String value = gameRuleElement.getValue(); if (gameRule == null) { throw new InvalidXMLException(gameRuleElement.getName() + " is not a valid gamerule", gameRuleElement); } if (value == null) { throw new InvalidXMLException("Missing value for gamerule " + gameRule.getValue(), gameRuleElement); } else if (!(value.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))) { throw new InvalidXMLException(gameRuleElement.getValue() + " is not a valid gamerule value", gameRuleElement); } if (gameRules.containsKey(gameRule)){ throw new InvalidXMLException(gameRule.getValue() + " has already been specified", gameRuleElement); } gameRules.put(gameRule, Boolean.valueOf(value)); } } return new GameRulesModule(gameRules); }
/** * this is called if singleElement consists of one crossRef element * * @param crossRefElement the element that every one of multipleResults is * compared with * @return Article created from crossRefElement */ private Article createArticleFromCrossRefSingle(Element crossRefElement) { Article art = new Article(); // extract title String title = crossRefElement.getChild("mods", modsNS) .getChild("titleInfo", modsNS) .getChild("title", modsNS) .getText(); art.setTitle(title); // extract authors // format: SURNAME, GIVEN-NAME List<Element> authorElements = crossRefElement.getChild("mods", modsNS) .getChildren("name", modsNS); for (Element authorElement : authorElements) { art.addAuthor(authorElement.getChild("displayForm", modsNS).getText()); } return art; }
public static Institution buildByAffilID(String id) { if (!id.isEmpty()) { Institution institution = new Institution(id); //prepare the file of exported data File outputFile = new File(affiliationsDir, "scopus_affiliationExport_" + id + ".xml"); //get the affiliation export from scopus, either from a file on disk or from the api. Element affilData; try { affilData = new SAXBuilder().build(outputFile).detachRootElement().clone(); } catch (JDOMException | IOException e) { ScopusConnector connector = new ScopusConnector(); LOGGER.info("Retrieving AffilData for affilID" + id + " from Scopus."); try { affilData = connector.getAffiliationProfile(id).asXML().detachRootElement().clone(); } catch (JDOMException | IOException | SAXException e1) { LOGGER.info("could not get scopus response."); affilData = new Element("error") .addContent(new Element("status").setText("could not get scopus response")); } } //if no errors occurred, build the institution from the obtained data. if (affilData.getChild("status") == null) { //build institution with the scopus data //if geo-coordinates are present, they have been transferred into the institution as well. addDataFromScopusProfile(affilData, "full", institution); } return institution; } else return null; }
@Override protected DecodeResult internalDecode(Element element, Node thisnode) { DEV_LOG.debug("Default decoder {} is handling templateId {} and is described as '{}' ", getClass(), thisnode.getType().name(), description); thisnode.putValue("DefaultDecoderFor", description); return DecodeResult.TREE_CONTINUE; }
/** * for the server request ?verb=Identify this method build the xml section in the Identify element * * @return the identify Element for the xml tree * @throws SolrServerException */ public Element getIdentifyXML() throws SolrServerException { // TODO: optional parameter: compression is not implemented // TODO: optional parameter: description is not implemented Namespace xmlns = DataManager.getInstance().getConfiguration().getStandardNameSpace(); Map<String, String> identifyTags = DataManager.getInstance().getConfiguration().getIdentifyTags(); Element identify = new Element("Identify", xmlns); Element repositoryName = new Element("repositoryName", xmlns); repositoryName.setText(identifyTags.get("repositoryName")); identify.addContent(repositoryName); Element baseURL = new Element("baseURL", xmlns); baseURL.setText(identifyTags.get("baseURL")); identify.addContent(baseURL); Element protocolVersion = new Element("protocolVersion", xmlns); protocolVersion.setText(identifyTags.get("protocolVersion")); identify.addContent(protocolVersion); // TODO: protocol definition allow more than one email adress, change away from HashMap Element adminEmail = new Element("adminEmail", xmlns); adminEmail.setText(identifyTags.get("adminEmail")); // identify.addContent(adminEmail); Element earliestDatestamp = new Element("earliestDatestamp", xmlns); earliestDatestamp.setText(solr.getEarliestRecordDatestamp()); identify.addContent(earliestDatestamp); Element deletedRecord = new Element("deletedRecord", xmlns); deletedRecord.setText(identifyTags.get("deletedRecord")); identify.addContent(deletedRecord); Element granularity = new Element("granularity", xmlns); granularity.setText(identifyTags.get("granularity")); identify.addContent(granularity); return identify; }
private List<String> parseMessage(Element stageEl) { ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); Element messageEl = stageEl.getChild("message"); if(messageEl != null) { for(Element lineEl : messageEl.getChildren("line")) { builder.add(BukkitUtils.colorize(lineEl.getText())); } } return builder.build(); }
public static String getNullableAttribute(Element el, String...attrs) { String text = null; for(String attr : attrs) { text = el.getAttributeValue(attr); if(text != null) break; } return text; }
public static Pair<org.bukkit.attribute.Attribute, AttributeModifier> parseAttributeModifier(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { return Pair.create( parseAttribute(new Node(el)), new AttributeModifier( "FromXML", parseNumber(Node.fromRequiredAttr(el, "amount"), Double.class), parseAttributeOperation(Node.fromAttr(el, "operation"), AttributeModifier.Operation.ADD_NUMBER) ) ); }
public <T extends FeatureDefinition> T define(@Nullable Element source, @Nullable String id, Class<T> type, T impl) throws InvalidXMLException { if(id != null && !type.isInterface()) { // Can't proxy a non-interface type, so no references and no IDs throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot assign an ID to a " + impl.getFeatureName()); } return define(source, id, impl).direct(); }
private void parseModifiers(Element root) { Iterator<Element> it = root.getChildren(ClamlConstants.MODIFIER_ELEMENT).iterator(); long count = 0l; while (it.hasNext()) { String code = it.next().getAttributeValue(ClamlConstants.CODE_ATTR); if (!CommonUtil.isEmptyString(code)) { modifierClasses.put(code, new HashMap<String, Element>()); count++; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(ClamlConstants.MODIFIER_ELEMENT + " " + ClamlConstants.CODE_ATTR + " empty"); } } jobOutput.println(ClamlConstants.MODIFIER_ELEMENT + ": " + count + " elements"); }
@MethodParser("class") public PlayerClassFilter parseClass(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { final PlayerClass playerClass = StringUtils.bestFuzzyMatch(el.getTextNormalize(), classModule.get().getPlayerClasses(), 0.9); if (playerClass == null) { throw new InvalidXMLException("Could not find player-class: " + el.getTextNormalize(), el); } return new PlayerClassFilter(playerClass); }
public static WorldBorderModule parse(MapModuleContext context, Logger logger, Document doc) throws InvalidXMLException { List<WorldBorder> borders = new ArrayList<>(); for(Element el : XMLUtils.flattenElements(doc.getRootElement(), "world-borders", "world-border")) { Filter filter = context.needModule(FilterParser.class).property(el, "when").optional(StaticFilter.ALLOW); Duration after = XMLUtils.parseDuration(Node.fromAttr(el, "after")); if(after != null) { if(!StaticFilter.ALLOW.equals(filter)) { throw new InvalidXMLException("Cannot combine a filter and an explicit time for a world border", el); } filter = MonostableFilter.after(context.features(), after); } WorldBorder border = new WorldBorder( filter, XMLUtils.parse2DVector(Node.fromRequiredAttr(el, "center")), XMLUtils.parseNumber(Node.fromRequiredAttr(el, "size"), Double.class), XMLUtils.parseDuration(Node.fromAttr(el, "duration"), Duration.ZERO), XMLUtils.parseNumber(Node.fromAttr(el, "damage"), Double.class, 0.2d), XMLUtils.parseNumber(Node.fromAttr(el, "buffer"), Double.class, 5d), XMLUtils.parseNumber(Node.fromAttr(el, "warning-distance"), Double.class, 5d), XMLUtils.parseDuration(Node.fromAttr(el, "warning-time"), Duration.ofSeconds(15)) ); borders.add(border); } if(borders.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return new WorldBorderModule(ImmutableList.copyOf(borders)); } }
@MethodParser("captured") public Filter parseCaptured(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { final GoalFilter goal = goalFilter(el); final Optional<TeamFactory> team = teamParser.property(el).optional(); return team.isPresent() ? new TeamFilterAdapter(team, goal) : goal; }
public static List<JsonObject> toJson(Document doc) { List<JsonObject> entries = new ArrayList<JsonObject>(); List<Element> list = doc.getRootElement().getChild(CHANNEL).getChildren(ITEM); for (Element el : list) { JsonObject obj = new JsonObject(); obj.put(GUID, el.getChildText(GUID)); obj.put(TITLE, el.getChildText(TITLE)); obj.put(PUBLISH_DATE, el.getChildText(PUBLISH_DATE)); obj.put(ROAD, el.getChildText(ROAD)); obj.put(REGION, el.getChildText(REGION)); obj.put(COUNTY, el.getChildText(COUNTY)); JsonArray categories = new JsonArray(); for (Element cat : el.getChildren(CATEGORY)) { categories.add(new JsonObject().put(CATEGORY, cat.getText())); } obj.put(CATEGORIES, categories); obj.put(DESCRIPTION, el.getChildText(DESCRIPTION)); entries.add(obj); } return entries; }
private static void parseOptions(MapModuleContext context, Element el, StaminaOptions options) throws InvalidXMLException { options.mutators.sneak = parseMutator(el, "sneak"); options.mutators.stand = parseMutator(el, "stand"); options.mutators.walk = parseMutator(el, "walk"); options.mutators.run = parseMutator(el, "run"); options.mutators.jump = parseMutator(el, "jump"); options.mutators.runJump = parseMutator(el, "run-jump"); options.mutators.injury = parseMutator(el, "injury"); options.mutators.meleeMiss = parseMutator(el, "melee-miss"); options.mutators.meleeHit = parseMutator(el, "melee-hit"); options.mutators.archery = parseMutator(el, "archery"); for(Element elSymptoms : XMLUtils.flattenElements(el, "symptoms")) { switch(elSymptoms.getName()) { case "potion": options.symptoms.add(parsePotionSymptom(elSymptoms)); break; case "melee": options.symptoms.add(parseMeleeSymptom(elSymptoms)); break; case "archery": options.symptoms.add(parseArcherySymptom(elSymptoms)); break; default: throw new InvalidXMLException("Invalid symptom type", elSymptoms); } } }
/** * Parse the given {@link Element} as a {@link T} of some kind (reference or definition). */ @Override public T parseElement(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { if(isReference(el)) { return parseReferenceElement(el); } else { return parseDefinition(el); } }
public Element preparePublicationList() { Element pubList = new Element("mods:collection"); for (Element mods : modsList) { if (mods.getChild("mods:extension") != null) mods.removeChild("mods:extension"); pubList.addContent(mods); } return pubList; }
@Override public Filter parseElement(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { // If we find something unparseable, try parsing it as a region before giving up if(super.isParseable(el)) { return super.parseElement(el); } else if(regionParser.isParseable(el)) { return regionParser.parseElement(el); } else { throw new UnrecognizedXMLException(propertyName(), el); } }
private OpsSyst createOpsSyst( Element chapterClassElement, ArrayList<Element> blockClassElements, ArrayList<Element> categoryClassElements, String modifiedCode, ArrayList<Element> modifierClasses, int hash, String lang) { OpsSyst opsSyst = OpsSyst.Factory.newInstance(); opsSyst.setChapterCode(getCode(chapterClassElement)); opsSyst.setChapterPreferredRubricLabel(getPreferredRubricLabel(chapterClassElement, lang)); HashSet<OpsSystBlock> blocks = new HashSet<OpsSystBlock>(blockClassElements.size()); // LinkedHashSet int i = INITIAL_LEVEL; Iterator<Element> it = blockClassElements.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { blocks.add(createOpsSystBlock(it.next(), i, !it.hasNext(), lang)); i++; } opsSyst.setBlocks(blocks); HashSet<OpsSystCategory> categories = new HashSet<OpsSystCategory>(categoryClassElements.size()); // LinkedHashSet i = INITIAL_LEVEL; it = categoryClassElements.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { categories.add(createOpsSystCategory(it.next(), i, !it.hasNext(), modifiedCode, modifierClasses, lang)); i++; } opsSyst.setCategories(categories); opsSyst.setHash(hash); opsSyst.setRevision(revision); opsSyst = opsSystDao.create(opsSyst); return opsSyst; }
@Override public void parseCustomNBT(Element el, ItemMeta meta) throws InvalidXMLException { super.parseCustomNBT(el, meta); Node.tryAttr(el, "projectile").ifPresent(rethrowConsumer(node -> { fdc.reference(node, ProjectileDefinition.class); Projectiles.setProjectileId(meta, node.getValue()); })); }
/** * @param tag * @return */ private static String createSimpleNamedEntityTag(Element tag) { String neLabel = tag.getAttributeValue("LABEL"); String neType = tag.getAttributeValue("TYPE"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(neType); sb.append('_'); sb.append(neLabel); return sb.toString(); }
private static Element getBlock(Element categoryClassElement, Map<String, Map<String, Element>> classKinds) throws Exception { Element superClass = categoryClassElement.getChild(ClamlConstants.SUPERCLASS_ELEMENT); // single parent assumed if (superClass == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(getKind(categoryClassElement) + " " + getCode(categoryClassElement) + ": no " + ClamlConstants.SUPERCLASS_ELEMENT); } String code = getCode(superClass); if (!CommonUtil.isEmptyString(code)) { return classKinds.get(ClamlConstants.CLASS_KIND_BLOCK_ATTR).get(code); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(getKind(categoryClassElement) + " " + getCode(categoryClassElement) + ": no " + ClamlConstants.SUPERCLASS_ELEMENT + " code"); } }
public final XMLEditor add(Element element, int index) { if (index < 0 || index > path.size() + 1) { return this; } path.add(index, element); return this; }
/** * the verb argument is missing or has invalid value * * @return */ public Element getBadVerb() { Element error = new Element("error", xmlns); error.setAttribute("code", "badVerb"); error.setText("Value of the verb argument is not a legal OAI-PMH verb, the verb argument is missing, or the verb argument is repeated. "); return error; }
public final Element goUp() { if (getLast() == null || path.size() < 1) { //FIXME good? return null; } removeLast(); return getLast(); }
private Element prepareParticipant(Namespace rootns) { Element participant = new Element("participant", rootns); Element associatedEntity = new Element("associatedEntity", rootns); Element entityId = new Element("id", rootns) .setAttribute("root", "2.16.840.1.113883.") .setAttribute("extension", ENTITY_ID_VALUE) .setAttribute("assigningAuthorityName", "CMS-CMMI"); Element addr = new Element("addr", rootns) .setText("testing123"); associatedEntity.addContent(entityId); associatedEntity.addContent(addr); participant.addContent(associatedEntity); return participant; }
public String getName() { if(this.node instanceof Attribute) { return ((Attribute) this.node).getName(); } else { return ((Element) this.node).getName(); } }
private Element prepareComponentElement(Namespace rootns) { Element component = new Element("component", rootns); Element structuredBody = new Element("structuredBody", rootns); Element componentTwo = new Element("component", rootns); Element aciSectionElement = new Element("templateId", rootns); aciSectionElement.setAttribute("root", TemplateId.ACI_SECTION.getRoot()); aciSectionElement.setAttribute("extension", TemplateId.ACI_SECTION.getExtension()); componentTwo.addContent(aciSectionElement); structuredBody.addContent(componentTwo); component.addContent(structuredBody); return component; }
/** * Parse a {@link T} defined by the given {@link Element}. * * @throws InvalidXMLException if no {@link MethodParser} exists for the given element */ @Override public T parseElement(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { if(methodParsers.canParse(el)) { return methodParsers.parse(el); } throw new UnrecognizedXMLException(featureName, el); }