Java 类org.jdom2.Namespace 实例源码

项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
private Element prepareDocumentationElement(Namespace rootns) {
    Element documentationOf = new Element("documentationOf", rootns);
    Element serviceEvent = new Element("serviceEvent", rootns);
    Element performer = new Element("performer", rootns);
    Element assignedEntity = new Element("assignedEntity", rootns);
    Element nationalProviderIdentifier = new Element("id", rootns)
            .setAttribute("root", "2.16.840.1.113883.4.6")
            .setAttribute("extension", "2567891421");

    Element representedOrganization = prepareRepOrgWithTaxPayerId(rootns);
    return documentationOf;
项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
void testInternalDecode() throws Exception {
    Namespace rootNs = Namespace.getNamespace("urn:hl7-org:v3");
    Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace("xsi", "");

    Context context = new Context();
    Element element = new Element("observation", rootNs);
    element.addContent(new Element("templateId", rootNs).setAttribute("root", TemplateId.ACI_AGGREGATE_COUNT.getTemplateId(context)));
    element.addContent(new Element("value", rootNs).setAttribute("value", "450").setAttribute("type", "INT", ns));

    Node thisNode = new Node();

    AggregateCountDecoder instance = new AggregateCountDecoder(context);
    instance.setNamespace(element, instance);

    instance.internalDecode(element, thisNode);

项目:goobi-viewer-connector    文件   
 * for the server request ?verb=ListIdentifiers this method build the xml section
 * @param handler
 * @param firstRow
 * @param numRows
 * @return
 * @throws SolrServerException
public Element createListIdentifiers(RequestHandler handler, int firstRow, int numRows) throws SolrServerException {
    Map<String, String> datestamp = filterDatestampFromRequest(handler);
    SolrDocumentList listIdentifiers = solr.getListIdentifiers(datestamp, firstRow, numRows, false);
    if (listIdentifiers == null || listIdentifiers.isEmpty()) {
        return new ErrorCode().getNoRecordsMatch();

    Namespace xmlns = DataManager.getInstance().getConfiguration().getStandardNameSpace();
    Element xmlListIdentifiers = new Element("ListIdentifiers", xmlns);
    long totalHits = listIdentifiers.getNumFound();
    for (int i = 0; i < listIdentifiers.size(); i++) {
        SolrDocument doc = listIdentifiers.get(i);
        Element header = getHeader(doc, null, handler);

    // Create resumption token
    if (totalHits > firstRow + numRows) {
        Element resumption = createResumptionTokenAndElement(totalHits, firstRow + numRows, xmlns, handler);

    return xmlListIdentifiers;
项目:goobi-viewer-connector    文件   
 * for the server request ?verb=ListMetadataFormats this method build the xml section
 * @return
public Element createMetadataFormats() {
    Namespace xmlns = DataManager.getInstance().getConfiguration().getStandardNameSpace();
    if (Metadata.values().length == 0) {
        return new ErrorCode().getNoMetadataFormats();
    Element listMetadataFormats = new Element("ListMetadataFormats", xmlns);
    for (Metadata m : Metadata.values()) {
        // logger.trace("{}: {}", m.getMetadataPrefix(), DataManager.getInstance().getConfiguration().isMetadataFormatEnabled(;
        if (m.isOaiSet() && DataManager.getInstance().getConfiguration().isMetadataFormatEnabled( {
            Element metadataFormat = new Element("metadataFormat", xmlns);
            Element metadataPrefix = new Element("metadataPrefix", xmlns);
            Element schema = new Element("schema", xmlns);
            Element metadataNamespace = new Element("metadataNamespace", xmlns);
    return listMetadataFormats;
项目:goobi-viewer-connector    文件   
 * @param totalHits
 * @param cursor
 * @param xmlns
 * @param handler
 * @return
private Element createResumptionTokenAndElement(long totalHits, int cursor, Namespace xmlns, RequestHandler handler) {
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long time = now + expiration;
    ResumptionToken token = new ResumptionToken("oai_" + System.currentTimeMillis(), totalHits, cursor, time, handler);
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // do nothing
    Element eleResumptionToken = new Element("resumptionToken", xmlns);
    eleResumptionToken.setAttribute("expirationDate", Utils.convertDate(time));
    eleResumptionToken.setAttribute("completeListSize", String.valueOf(totalHits));
    eleResumptionToken.setAttribute("cursor", String.valueOf(cursor));

    return eleResumptionToken;
项目:goobi-viewer-indexer    文件   
 * Adds relevant XML namespaces to the list of available namespace objects.
 * @should add custom namespaces correctly
public void initNamespaces() {
    namespaces.put("xml", Namespace.getNamespace("xml", ""));
    namespaces.put("mets", Namespace.getNamespace("mets", ""));
    namespaces.put("mods", Namespace.getNamespace("mods", ""));
    namespaces.put("gdz", Namespace.getNamespace("gdz", ""));
    namespaces.put("xlink", Namespace.getNamespace("xlink", ""));
    namespaces.put("dv", Namespace.getNamespace("dv", ""));
    namespaces.put("lido", Namespace.getNamespace("lido", ""));
    namespaces.put("mix", Namespace.getNamespace("mix", ""));
    namespaces.put("mm", Namespace.getNamespace("mm", ""));
    namespaces.put("tei", Namespace.getNamespace("tei", ""));

    Map<String, String> additionalNamespaces = getListConfiguration("init.namespaces");
    if (additionalNamespaces != null) {
        for (String key : additionalNamespaces.keySet()) {
            namespaces.put(key, Namespace.getNamespace(key, additionalNamespaces.get(key)));
  "Added custom namespace '{}'.", key);
项目:ctsms    文件   
protected static String getPreferredRubricLabel(Element classElement, String lang) {
    Iterator<Element> it = classElement.getChildren(ClamlConstants.RUBRIC_ELEMENT).iterator();
    String label = null;
    while (it.hasNext() && label == null) {
        Element rubric =;
        if (ClamlConstants.RUBRIC_KIND_PREFFERD_ATTR.equals(rubric.getAttributeValue(ClamlConstants.KIND_ATTR))) {
            Element labelElement = rubric.getChild(ClamlConstants.LABEL_ELEMENT);
            if (labelElement != null) {
                if (CommonUtil.isEmptyString(lang) || lang.equals(labelElement.getAttributeValue(ClamlConstants.XML_LANG, Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE))) {
                    label = labelElement.getTextTrim();
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(getKind(classElement) + " " + getCode(classElement) + ": " + ClamlConstants.RUBRIC_ELEMENT + " without "
                        + ClamlConstants.LABEL_ELEMENT);
    return label;
项目:lexeme    文件   
 * Returns a List of NamespaceURIs used in the subtree of node
 * @param element
 *            {@link Element}
 * @return {@link java.util.List}&lt;{@link String}>
 * @author sholzer (14.04.2015)
private List<String> getNameSpaces(Element element) {
    List<String> namespaces = new LinkedList<>();
    for (Namespace ns : element.getNamespacesInScope()) {
        boolean flag = true;
        for (String s : namespaces) {
            if (ns.getURI().equals(s)) {
                flag = false;
        if (flag) {

    return namespaces;
项目:lexeme    文件   
 * Simple Spring Beans test case.
 * @throws Exception
 *             when something somewhere goes wrong
 * @author sholzer (31.03.2015)
public void ThirdBeanTest() throws Exception {
    String mergeSchemaLocation = resources + "mergeschemas";

    String bean = "";
    String aop = "";

    Document base = JDom2Util.getInstance().getDocument(resources + "bases/Beans3.xml");
    Document patch = JDom2Util.getInstance().getDocument(resources + "patches/Beans3.xml");
    LeXeMerger testMerger = new LeXeMerger(mergeSchemaLocation);
    Element result =
        testMerger.merge(base.getRootElement(), patch.getRootElement(),
    assertEquals("Not as much bean as expected", result.getChildren("bean", Namespace.getNamespace(bean))
        .size(), 2);
    assertTrue("no aop:config found",
        result.getChildren("config", Namespace.getNamespace(aop)).size() == 1);
    Element config = result.getChild("config", Namespace.getNamespace(aop));
    assertEquals("Not as much pointcut as expected", 2,
        config.getChildren("pointcut", Namespace.getNamespace(aop)).size());
    assertEquals("Not as much advisor as expected", 2,
        config.getChildren("advisor", Namespace.getNamespace(aop)).size());

项目:lexeme    文件   
 * Test case as in {@link FirstWorkingBuild#SecondTest()}. Patch uses another prefix for its namespace.
 * The prefix used in the result should be the same as in the base
 * @throws Exception
 *             when something somewhere goes wrong
 * @author sholzer (31.03.2015)
public void SecondTestWithDifferentPrefixes() throws Exception {
    String mergeSchemaLocation = resources + "mergeschemas/SecondMergeSchema.xml";
    String uri = "";
    Document base = JDom2Util.getInstance().getDocument(resources + "bases/SecondBase.xml");
    Document patch =
        JDom2Util.getInstance().getDocument(resources + "patches/SecondPatchWithOtherPrefixes.xml");
    LeXeMerger testMerger = new LeXeMerger(mergeSchemaLocation);
    Element result =
        testMerger.merge(base.getRootElement(), patch.getRootElement(),
    assertTrue("No B Element found", result.getChildren("B", Namespace.getNamespace(uri)).size() == 1);
    Element b = result.getChildren("B", Namespace.getNamespace(uri)).get(0);
    assertTrue("Wrong id at B element", b.getAttribute("id").getValue().equals("abc;def"));
    assertTrue("No B Element found", (result.getChildren("C", Namespace.getNamespace(uri))).size() == 1);
    Element c = result.getChildren("C", Namespace.getNamespace(uri)).get(0);
    assertTrue("Wrong number of Ca elements",
        (c.getChildren("Ca", Namespace.getNamespace(uri))).size() == 1);
    assertTrue("Wrong content of Ca",
        JDom2Util.getInstance().getTextNodes(c.getChildren("Ca", Namespace.getNamespace(uri)).get(0))
    int numberOfCb = (c.getChildren("Cb", Namespace.getNamespace(uri))).size();
    assertTrue("Wrong number of Cb elements. Found " + numberOfCb, numberOfCb == 3);

项目:lexeme    文件   
 * Simple Spring Beans test case
 * @throws Exception
 *             when something somewhere goes wrong
 * @author sholzer (31.03.2015)
public void SecondBeanTest() throws Exception {
    String mergeSchemaLocation = resources + "mergeschemas/BeansMergeSchema.xml";
    String namespaceUri = "";

    Document base = JDom2Util.getInstance().getDocument(resources + "bases/Beans2.xml");
    Document patch = JDom2Util.getInstance().getDocument(resources + "patches/Beans2.xml");
    LeXeMerger testMerger = new LeXeMerger(mergeSchemaLocation);
    Element result =
        testMerger.merge(base.getRootElement(), patch.getRootElement(),
    assertEquals("Not all bean elements found", 2,
        result.getChildren("bean", Namespace.getNamespace(""))
    List<Element> beanNodeList = result.getChildren("bean", Namespace.getNamespace(namespaceUri));
    Element bean1 = beanNodeList.get(0);

    assertEquals("wrong parent for bean1", "bean2", bean1.getAttribute("parent").getValue());
    assertEquals("No properties found", 1,
        bean1.getChildren("property", Namespace.getNamespace(namespaceUri)).size());

项目:lexeme    文件   
 * Tests the merge process if the merge schema has multiple namespace definitions. The setup of
 * {@link FirstWorkingBuild#FirstTest()} is used with a modified MergeSchema
 * @throws Exception
 *             when something unexpected happens
 * @author sholzer (Jul 30, 2015)
public void testAdditionalNamespaceDefinition() throws Exception {
    final String mergeSchemaLocation = pathRoot + "mergeschemas/CobiGenIntegration/";
    final String uri = "";
    Document base = JDom2Util.getInstance().getDocument(pathRoot + "bases/FirstBase.xml");
    Document patch = JDom2Util.getInstance().getDocument(pathRoot + "patches/FirstPatch.xml");

    LeXeMerger testObject =;
    Element result =
        testObject.merge(base.getRootElement(), patch.getRootElement(),

    List<Element> bList = result.getChildren("B", Namespace.getNamespace(uri));
    assertTrue("Wrong number of B elements found. Excpected 2, found " + bList.size(), bList.size() == 2);
    assertTrue("Wrong id attribute at first B element", bList.get(0).getAttribute("id").getValue()
    assertTrue("Wrong id attribute at first B element", bList.get(1).getAttribute("id").getValue()
    List<Element> cList = result.getChildren("C", Namespace.getNamespace(uri));
    assertTrue("Wrong number of C elements found. Excpected 1, found " + cList.size(), cList.size() == 1);
    assertTrue("Wrong id attribute at first C element", cList.get(0).getAttribute("id").getValue()
项目:mycore    文件   
 * Output xml
 * @param eRoot - the root element
 * @param lang - the language which should be filtered or null for no filter
 * @return a string representation of the XML
 * @throws IOException
private static String writeXML(Element eRoot, String lang) throws IOException {
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    if (lang != null) {
        // <label xml:lang="en" text="part" />
        XPathExpression<Element> xpE = XPathFactory.instance().compile("//label[@xml:lang!='" + lang + "']",
            Filters.element(), null, Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE);
        for (Element e : xpE.evaluate(eRoot)) {
    XMLOutputter xout = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
    Document docOut = new Document(eRoot.detach());
    xout.output(docOut, sw);
    return sw.toString();
项目:mycore    文件   
 * output children in JSON format used as input for Dijit Checkbox Tree
 * @param eParent - the parent xml element
 * @param writer - the JSON writer
 * @param lang - the language to be filtered or null if all languages should be displayed
 * @throws IOException
private static void writeChildrenAsJSONCBTree(Element eParent, JsonWriter writer, String lang, boolean checked)
    throws IOException {
    for (Element e : eParent.getChildren("category")) {
        for (Element eLabel : e.getChildren("label")) {
            if (lang == null || lang.equals(eLabel.getAttributeValue("lang", Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE))) {
        if (e.getChildren("category").size() > 0) {
            writeChildrenAsJSONCBTree(e, writer, lang, checked);
项目:mycore    文件   
 * Sets a label for this node
 * @param lang
 *            the xml:lang language ID
 * @param label
 *            the label in this language
public void setLabel(String lang, String label) throws IOException {

        .filter(child -> lang.equals(
        .orElseGet(() -> {
            Element newLabel = new Element(LABEL_ELEMENT).setAttribute(LANG_ATT, lang, Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE);
            return newLabel;
项目:caom2    文件   
 * Build an CoordAxis2D from a JDOM representation of element name.
 * @param name
 *            the name of the Element.
 * @param parent
 *            the parent Element.
 * @param namespace
 *            of the document.
 * @param required
 *            is the element expected to be found.
 * @return an CoordAxis2D, or null if the document doesn't contain element
 *         called name.
 * @throws ObservationParsingException
protected CoordAxis2D getCoordAxis2D(String name, Element parent,
        Namespace namespace, boolean required)
        throws ObservationParsingException {
    Element element = getChildElement(name, parent, namespace, required);
    if (element == null || element.getContentSize() == 0) {
        return null;

    Axis axis1 = getAxis("axis1", element, namespace, true);
    Axis axis2 = getAxis("axis2", element, namespace, true);

    CoordAxis2D axis = new CoordAxis2D(axis1, axis2);
    axis.error1 = getCoordError("error1", element, namespace, false);
    axis.error2 = getCoordError("error2", element, namespace, false);
    axis.range = getCoordRange2D("range", element, namespace, false);
    axis.bounds = getCoordBounds2D("bounds", element, namespace, false);
    axis.function = getCoordFunction2D("function", element, namespace,
    return axis;
项目:mycore    文件   
 * This method creates a XML stream for all data in this class, defined by
 * the MyCoRe XML MCRMetaHistoryDate definition for the given subtag.
 * @exception MCRException
 *                if the content of this class is not valid
 * @return a JDOM Element with the XML MCRMetaHistoryDate part
public org.jdom2.Element createXML() throws MCRException {
    Element elm = super.createXML();
    for (MCRMetaHistoryDateText text : texts) {
        Element elmt = new Element("text");
        elmt.setAttribute("lang", text.getLang(), Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE);
    elm.addContent(new org.jdom2.Element("calendar").addContent(calendar));

    elm.addContent(new org.jdom2.Element("ivon").addContent(Integer.toString(ivon)));
    elm.addContent(new org.jdom2.Element("von").addContent(getVonToString()));

    elm.addContent(new org.jdom2.Element("ibis").addContent(Integer.toString(ibis)));
    elm.addContent(new org.jdom2.Element("bis").addContent(getBisToString()));
    return elm;
项目:mycore    文件   
 * This abstract method create a XML stream for all data in this class,
 * defined by the MyCoRe XML MCRMeta... definition for the given subtag.
 * @exception MCRException
 *                if the content of this class is not valid
 * @return a JDOM Element with the XML MCRMeta... part
public Element createXML() throws MCRException {
    try {
    } catch (MCRException exc) {
        throw exc;
    Element elm = new Element(subtag);
    if (getLang() != null && getLang().length() > 0)
        elm.setAttribute("lang", getLang(), Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE);
    if (getType() != null && getType().length() > 0) {
        elm.setAttribute("type", getType());
    elm.setAttribute("inherited", Integer.toString(getInherited()));
    return elm;
项目:mycore    文件   
private Object buildNameStep(NameStep nameStep, String value, Parent parent) throws JaxenException {
    String name = nameStep.getLocalName();
    String prefix = nameStep.getPrefix();
    Namespace ns = prefix.isEmpty() ? Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE : MCRConstants.getStandardNamespace(prefix);

    if (nameStep.getAxis() == Axis.CHILD) {
        if (parent instanceof Document)
            return buildPredicates(nameStep.getPredicates(), ((Document) parent).getRootElement());
            return buildPredicates(nameStep.getPredicates(), buildElement(ns, name, value, (Element) parent));
    } else if (nameStep.getAxis() == Axis.ATTRIBUTE) {
        return buildAttribute(ns, name, value, (Element) parent);
    } else {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("ignoring axis, can not be built: {} {}{}", nameStep.getAxis(),
                prefix.isEmpty() ? "" : prefix + ":", name);
        return null;
项目:caom2    文件   
protected void addKeywordsToList(Collection<String> list, Element element,
        Namespace ns) throws ObservationParsingException {
    Element kwe = element.getChild("keywords", ns);
    log.debug("addKeywordsToList: " + kwe);
    if (kwe == null) {

    List kws = kwe.getChildren("keyword", ns);
    log.debug("addKeywordsToList: " + kws.size());
    Iterator it = kws.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        Element k = (Element);
        String s = k.getTextTrim();
        log.debug("addKeywordsToList: " + s);
项目:caom2    文件   
 * Build an CoordAxis1D from a JDOM representation of element name.
 * @param name
 *            the name of the Element.
 * @param parent
 *            the parent Element.
 * @param namespace
 *            of the document.
 * @param required
 *            is the element expected to be found.
 * @return an CoordAxis1D, or null if the document doesn't contain element
 *         called name.
 * @throws ObservationParsingException
protected CoordAxis1D getCoordAxis1D(String name, Element parent,
        Namespace namespace, boolean required)
        throws ObservationParsingException {
    Element element = getChildElement(name, parent, namespace, required);
    if (element == null || element.getContentSize() == 0) {
        return null;

    Axis axis = getAxis("axis", element, namespace, true);
    CoordAxis1D coordAxis1D = new CoordAxis1D(axis);
    coordAxis1D.error = getCoordError("error", element, namespace, false);
    coordAxis1D.range = getCoordRange1D("range", element, namespace, false);
    coordAxis1D.bounds = getCoordBounds1D("bounds", element, namespace,
    coordAxis1D.function = getCoordFunction1D("function", element,
            namespace, false);
    return coordAxis1D;
项目:ZombieLib2    文件   
private Element generateCategoryElement(final Category cat) {

        final Namespace namespace = getFeedNamespace();
        final Element catElement = new Element("category", namespace);

        final String term = cat.getTerm();
        if (term != null) {
            final Attribute termAttribute = new Attribute("term", term);

        final String label = cat.getLabel();
        if (label != null) {
            final Attribute labelAttribute = new Attribute("label", label);

        final String scheme = cat.getScheme();
        if (scheme != null) {
            final Attribute schemeAttribute = new Attribute("scheme", scheme);

        return catElement;

项目:caom2    文件   
 * Build an Algorithm from a JDOM representation of an algorithm element.
 * @param parent
 *            the parent Element.
 * @param namespace
 *            of the document.
 * @param rc
 * @return an Algorithm, or null if the document doesn't contain an
 *         algorithm element.
 * @throws ObservationParsingException
protected Environment getEnvironment(Element parent, Namespace namespace,
        ReadContext rc) throws ObservationParsingException {
    Element element = getChildElement("environment", parent, namespace,
    if (element == null || element.getContentSize() == 0) {
        return null;

    Environment env = new Environment();
    env.seeing = getChildTextAsDouble("seeing", element, namespace, false);
    env.humidity = getChildTextAsDouble("humidity", element, namespace,
    env.elevation = getChildTextAsDouble("elevation", element, namespace,
    env.tau = getChildTextAsDouble("tau", element, namespace, false);
    env.wavelengthTau = getChildTextAsDouble("wavelengthTau", element,
            namespace, false);
    env.ambientTemp = getChildTextAsDouble("ambientTemp", element,
            namespace, false);
    env.photometric = getChildTextAsBoolean("photometric", element,
            namespace, false);
    return env;
项目:caom2    文件   
 * Build an Proposal from a JDOM representation of an proposal element.
 * @param parent
 *            the parent Element.
 * @param namespace
 *            of the document.
 * @param rc
 * @return an Proposal, or null if the document doesn't contain an proposal
 *         element.
 * @throws ObservationParsingException
protected Proposal getProposal(Element parent, Namespace namespace,
        ReadContext rc) throws ObservationParsingException {
    Element element = getChildElement("proposal", parent, namespace, false);
    if (element == null || element.getContentSize() == 0) {
        return null;

    String id = getChildText("id", element, namespace, true);
    // no check for null: Proposal will check and throw if illegal
    Proposal proposal = new Proposal(id);

    proposal.pi = getChildText("pi", element, namespace, false);
    proposal.project = getChildText("project", element, namespace, false);
    proposal.title = getChildText("title", element, namespace, false);
    if (rc.docVersion < 23) {
        addChildTextToStringList("keywords", proposal.getKeywords(),
                element, namespace, false);
    } else {
        addKeywordsToList(proposal.getKeywords(), element, namespace);

    return proposal;
项目:caom2    文件   
 * Build a TargetPosition from a JDOM representation of an targetPosition
 * element.
 * @param parent
 *            the parent Element.
 * @param namespace
 *            of the document.
 * @param rc
 * @return a TargetPosition, or null if the document doesn't contain an
 *         targetPosition element.
 * @throws ObservationParsingException
protected TargetPosition getTargetPosition(Element parent,
        Namespace namespace, ReadContext rc)
        throws ObservationParsingException {
    Element element = getChildElement("targetPosition", parent, namespace,
    if (element == null || element.getContentSize() == 0) {
        return null;

    String coordsys = getChildText("coordsys", element, namespace, true);
    Double equinox = getChildTextAsDouble("equinox", element, namespace,
    Element coords = getChildElement("coordinates", element, namespace,
    double cval1 = getChildTextAsDouble("cval1", coords, namespace, true);
    double cval2 = getChildTextAsDouble("cval2", coords, namespace, true);

    TargetPosition tpos = new TargetPosition(coordsys,
            new Point(cval1, cval2));
    tpos.equinox = equinox;

    return tpos;
项目:caom2    文件   
 * Build an Instrument from a JDOM representation of an instrument element.
 * @param parent
 *            the parent Element.
 * @param namespace
 *            of the document.
 * @param rc
 * @return an Instrument, or null if the document doesn't contain an
 *         instrument element.
 * @throws ObservationParsingException
protected Instrument getInstrument(Element parent, Namespace namespace,
        ReadContext rc) throws ObservationParsingException {
    Element element = getChildElement("instrument", parent, namespace,
    if (element == null || element.getContentSize() == 0) {
        return null;

    String name = getChildText("name", element, namespace, true);
    Instrument instrument = new Instrument(name);

    if (rc.docVersion < 23) {
        addChildTextToStringList("keywords", instrument.getKeywords(),
                element, namespace, false);
    } else {
        addKeywordsToList(instrument.getKeywords(), element, namespace);

    return instrument;
项目:caom2    文件   
 * Creates ObservationURI from the observationURI elements found in the
 * members element, and adds them to the given Set of ObservationURI's.
 * @param members
 *            Set of Member's from the Observation.
 * @param parent
 *            the parent Element.
 * @param namespace
 *            of the document.
 * @param rc
 * @throws ObservationParsingException
protected void addMembers(Set<ObservationURI> members, Element parent,
        Namespace namespace, ReadContext rc)
        throws ObservationParsingException {
    Element element = getChildElement("members", parent, namespace, false);
    if (element != null) {
        List children = getChildrenElements("observationURI", element,
                namespace, false);
        Iterator it = children.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Element child = (Element);
            try {
                members.add(new ObservationURI(new URI(child.getText())));
            } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                String error = "Unable to parse observationURI "
                        + child.getText()
                        + " in to an ObservationURI in element "
                        + element.getName() + " because " + e.getMessage();
                throw new ObservationParsingException(error);
项目:caom2    文件   
 * Build an CoordFunction2D from a JDOM representation of an element named
 * name.
 * @param name
 *            the name of the Element.
 * @param parent
 *            the parent Element.
 * @param namespace
 *            of the document.
 * @param required
 *            is the element expected to be found.
 * @return an CoordFunction2D, or null if the document doesn't contain
 *         element named name.
 * @throws ObservationParsingException
protected CoordFunction2D getCoordFunction2D(String name, Element parent,
        Namespace namespace, boolean required)
        throws ObservationParsingException {
    Element element = getChildElement(name, parent, namespace, false);
    if (element == null || element.getContentSize() == 0) {
        return null;

    Dimension2D dimension = getDimension2D("dimension", element, namespace,
    Coord2D refCoord = getCoord2D("refCoord", element, namespace, true);
    double cd11 = getChildTextAsDouble("cd11", element, namespace, true);
    double cd12 = getChildTextAsDouble("cd12", element, namespace, true);
    double cd21 = getChildTextAsDouble("cd21", element, namespace, true);
    double cd22 = getChildTextAsDouble("cd22", element, namespace, true);
    return new CoordFunction2D(dimension, refCoord, cd11, cd12, cd21, cd22);
项目:caom2    文件   
 * Creates PlaneURI's from the planeURI elements found in the inputs
 * element, and adds them to the given Set of PlaneURI's.
 * @param inputs
 *            the Set of PlaneURI from the Provenance.
 * @param parent
 *            the parent Element.
 * @param namespace
 *            of the document.
 * @param rc
 * @throws ObservationParsingException
protected void addInputs(Set<PlaneURI> inputs, Element parent,
        Namespace namespace, ReadContext rc)
        throws ObservationParsingException {
    Element element = getChildElement("inputs", parent, namespace, false);
    if (element != null) {
        List children = getChildrenElements("planeURI", element, namespace,
        Iterator it = children.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Element child = (Element);
            try {
                inputs.add(new PlaneURI(new URI(child.getText())));
            } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                String error = "Unable to parse observationURI "
                        + child.getText()
                        + " in to an ObservationURI in element "
                        + element.getName() + " because " + e.getMessage();
                throw new ObservationParsingException(error);
项目:caom2    文件   
protected void addChildTextToStringList(String name,
        Collection<String> list, Element element, Namespace ns,
        boolean required) throws ObservationParsingException {
    String child = getChildText(name, element, ns, required);
    if (child == null) {

    String[] tokens = child.split("[\\s]+");
    for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
        String token = tokens[i];
        token = cleanWhitespace(token);
        if (!token.isEmpty()) {
项目:caom2    文件   
 * Build an SpatialWCS from a JDOM representation of an position element.
 * @param name
 *            the name of the Element.
 * @param parent
 *            the parent Element.
 * @param namespace
 *            of the document.
 * @param required
 *            is the element expected to be found.
 * @param rc
 * @return an SpatialWCS, or null if the document doesn't contain an
 *         position element.
 * @throws ObservationParsingException
protected SpatialWCS getSpatialWCS(String name, Element parent,
        Namespace namespace, boolean required, ReadContext rc)
        throws ObservationParsingException {
    Element element = getChildElement(name, parent, namespace, required);
    if (element == null || element.getContentSize() == 0) {
        return null;

    CoordAxis2D axis = getCoordAxis2D("axis", element, namespace, true);
    SpatialWCS position = new SpatialWCS(axis);
    position.coordsys = getChildText("coordsys", element, namespace, false);
    position.equinox = getChildTextAsDouble("equinox", element, namespace,
    position.resolution = getChildTextAsDouble("resolution", element,
            namespace, false);
    return position;
项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
 * Sets xml namespace
 * @param element Element that hold the namespace
 * @param decoder Decoder to configure
void setNamespace(Element element, XmlInputDecoder decoder) {
    decoder.defaultNs = element.getNamespace();

    // this handles the case where there is no URI for a default namespace (test)
            String uri = decoder.defaultNs.getURI();
            decoder.xpathNs = Strings.isNullOrEmpty(uri) ? Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE
                    : Namespace.getNamespace("ns", decoder.defaultNs.getURI());
项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
private Element makeClinicalDocument(String programName) {
    Namespace rootns = Namespace.getNamespace("urn:hl7-org:v3");
    Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace("xsi", "");

    Element clinicalDocument = new Element("ClinicalDocument", rootns);
    Element informationRecipient = prepareInfoRecipient(rootns, programName);
    Element documentationOf = prepareDocumentationElement(rootns);
    Element component = prepareComponentElement(rootns);

    return clinicalDocument;
项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
private Element prepareInfoRecipient(Namespace rootns, String programName) {
    Element informationRecipient = new Element("informationRecipient", rootns);
    Element intendedRecipient = new Element("intendedRecipient", rootns);
    Element programNameEl = new Element("id", rootns)
            .setAttribute("root", "2.16.840.1.113883.3.249.7")
            .setAttribute("extension", programName);
    return informationRecipient;
项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
private Element prepareParticipant(Namespace rootns) {
    Element participant = new Element("participant", rootns);
    Element associatedEntity = new Element("associatedEntity", rootns);

    Element entityId = new Element("id", rootns)
        .setAttribute("root", "2.16.840.1.113883.")
        .setAttribute("extension", ENTITY_ID_VALUE)
        .setAttribute("assigningAuthorityName", "CMS-CMMI");
    Element addr = new Element("addr", rootns)
    return participant;
项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
private Element prepareRepOrgWithTaxPayerId(Namespace rootns) {
    Element representedOrganization = new Element("representedOrganization", rootns);
    Element taxpayerIdentificationNumber = new Element("id", rootns)
            .setAttribute("root", "2.16.840.1.113883.4.2")
            .setAttribute("extension", "123456789");

    return representedOrganization;
项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
private Element prepareComponentElement(Namespace rootns) {
    Element component = new Element("component", rootns);
    Element structuredBody = new Element("structuredBody", rootns);
    Element componentTwo = new Element("component", rootns);
    Element aciSectionElement = new Element("templateId", rootns);
    aciSectionElement.setAttribute("root", TemplateId.ACI_SECTION.getRoot());
    aciSectionElement.setAttribute("extension", TemplateId.ACI_SECTION.getExtension());

    return component;
项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
void testInternalDecode() throws Exception {
    Namespace rootns = Namespace.getNamespace("urn:hl7-org:v3");
    Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace("xsi", "");

    Element element = new Element("organizer", rootns);
    Element templateIdElement = new Element("templateId", rootns)
    Element referenceElement = new Element("reference", rootns);
    Element externalDocumentElement = new Element("externalDocument", rootns);
    Element idElement = new Element("id", rootns).setAttribute("extension", MEASURE_ID);


    Node thisNode = new Node();

    AciNumeratorDenominatorDecoder objectUnderTest = new AciNumeratorDenominatorDecoder(new Context());
    objectUnderTest.setNamespace(element, objectUnderTest);

    objectUnderTest.internalDecode(element, thisNode);

项目:qpp-conversion-tool    文件   
void internalDecodeReturnsTreeContinue() {
    AciMeasurePerformedRnRDecoder objectUnderTest = new AciMeasurePerformedRnRDecoder(new Context());

    Namespace rootns = Namespace.getNamespace("urn:hl7-org:v3");
    Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace("xsi", "");

    Element element = new Element("organizer", rootns);
    Element templateIdElement = new Element("templateId", rootns)
    Element referenceElement = new Element("reference", rootns);
    Element externalDocumentElement = new Element("externalDocument", rootns);
    Element idElement = new Element("id", rootns).setAttribute("extension", MEASURE_ID);


    Node aciMeasurePerformedNode = new Node();

    objectUnderTest.setNamespace(element, objectUnderTest);

    DecodeResult decodeResult = objectUnderTest.internalDecode(element, aciMeasurePerformedNode);

    String actualMeasureId = aciMeasurePerformedNode.getValue("measureId");
项目:goobi-viewer-connector    文件   
 * creates root element for oai protocol
 * @param elementName
 * @return
public Element getOaiPmhElement(String elementName) {
    Element oaiPmh = new Element(elementName);

    Namespace xsi = Namespace.getNamespace("xsi", "");
    oaiPmh.setAttribute("schemaLocation", "", xsi);
    return oaiPmh;