public static String formatDuration(long duration) { // Using Joda Time DateTime now = new DateTime(); // Now DateTime plus = Duration(duration * 1000)); // Define and calculate the interval of time Interval interval = new Interval(now.getMillis(), plus.getMillis()); Period period = interval.toPeriod(PeriodType.time()); // Define the period formatter for pretty printing String ampersand = " & "; PeriodFormatter pf = new PeriodFormatterBuilder().appendHours().appendSuffix(ds("hour"), ds("hours")) .appendSeparator(" ", ampersand).appendMinutes().appendSuffix(ds("minute"), ds("minutes")) .appendSeparator(ampersand).appendSeconds().appendSuffix(ds("second"), ds("seconds")).toFormatter(); return pf.print(period).trim(); }
@Test public void testTimeSpanFromPeriod() { Period period = new Period() .withDays(366) .withHours(25) .withMinutes(10) .withSeconds(70) .withMillis(1001); TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan() .withDays(366) .withHours(25) .withMinutes(10) .withSeconds(70) .withMilliseconds(1001); Assert.assertEquals(TimeSpan.fromPeriod(period).toString(), timeSpan.toString()); period = new Period() .withWeeks(12) .withDays(366) .withHours(25) .withMinutes(10) .withSeconds(70) .withMillis(1001); // Days -> 12 * 7 + 366 + 1 Assert.assertEquals("451.01:11:11.0010000", TimeSpan.fromPeriod(period).toString()); }
private KubernetesAgentInstances unregisteredAfterTimeout(PluginSettings settings, Agents knownAgents) throws Exception { Period period = settings.getAutoRegisterPeriod(); KubernetesAgentInstances unregisteredInstances = new KubernetesAgentInstances(); KubernetesClient client = factory.kubernetes(settings); for (String instanceName : instances.keySet()) { if (knownAgents.containsAgentWithId(instanceName)) { continue; } Pod pod = client.pods().inNamespace(Constants.KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE_KEY).withName(instanceName).get(); Date createdAt = getSimpleDateFormat().parse(pod.getMetadata().getCreationTimestamp()); DateTime dateTimeCreated = new DateTime(createdAt); if ( { unregisteredInstances.register(kubernetesInstanceFactory.fromKubernetesPod(pod)); } } return unregisteredInstances; }
@Test public void testShouldTerminateInstancesThatNeverAutoRegistered() throws Exception { KubernetesAgentInstances agentInstances = new KubernetesAgentInstances(factory); HashMap<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>(); properties.put("Image", "foo"); KubernetesInstance container = agentInstances.create(new CreateAgentRequest(null, properties, null, new JobIdentifier(1L)), createSettings(), null); agentInstances.clock = new Clock.TestClock().forward(Period.minutes(11)); PluginRequest pluginRequest = mock(PluginRequest.class); objectMetadata.setName(; HashMap<String, String> labels = new HashMap<>(); labels.put(Constants.JOB_ID_LABEL_KEY, "1"); objectMetadata.setLabels(labels); when(pluginRequest.getPluginSettings()).thenReturn(createSettings()); when(pluginRequest.listAgents()).thenReturn(new Agents()); verifyNoMoreInteractions(pluginRequest); new ServerPingRequestExecutor(agentInstances, pluginRequest).execute(); assertFalse(agentInstances.instanceExists(container)); }
private void testParquetReaderHelper(String tableName, Period row1Col1, Period row1Col2, Period row2Col1, Period row2Col2) throws Exception { final String switchReader = "alter session set `store.parquet.use_new_reader` = %s; "; final String enableVectorizedReader = String.format(switchReader, true); final String disableVectorizedReader = String.format(switchReader, false); String query = String.format("select * from %s", tableName); testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(enableVectorizedReader) .baselineColumns("col1", "col2") .baselineValues(row1Col1, row1Col2) .baselineValues(row2Col1, row2Col2) .go(); testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .optionSettingQueriesForTestQuery(disableVectorizedReader) .baselineColumns("col1", "col2") .baselineValues(row1Col1, row1Col2) .baselineValues(row2Col1, row2Col2) .go(); }
/** * Set dictionary value {"0": "P123DT22H14M12.011S", "1": "P5DT1H0M0S"}. * * @param arrayBody the Map<String, Period> value * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceResponse} object if successful. */ public Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>> putDurationValidWithServiceResponseAsync(Map<String, Period> arrayBody) { if (arrayBody == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter arrayBody is required and cannot be null."); } Validator.validate(arrayBody); return service.putDurationValid(arrayBody) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<Void> clientResponse = putDurationValidDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); }
private MarathonAgentInstances unregisteredAfterTimeout(PluginSettings settings, Agents knownAgents) throws Exception { MarathonAgentInstances unregisteredContainers = new MarathonAgentInstances(); if (settings == null) { return unregisteredContainers; } Period period = settings.getAutoRegisterPeriod(); for (MarathonInstance instance: instances.values()) { if (knownAgents.containsAgentWithId( { continue; } DateTime dateTimeCreated = new DateTime(instance.createdAt()); if ( { unregisteredContainers.register(instance); } } return unregisteredContainers; }
/** * Formats a period similar to Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND data type.<br> * For example, the string "-001 18:25:16.766" defines an interval of - 1 day 18 hours 25 minutes 16 seconds and 766 milliseconds */ public static String formatIntervalDay(final Period p) { long millis = p.getDays() * (long) DateUtility.daysToStandardMillis + DateUtility.millisFromPeriod(p); boolean neg = false; if (millis < 0) { millis = -millis; neg = true; } final int days = (int) (millis / DateUtility.daysToStandardMillis); millis = millis % DateUtility.daysToStandardMillis; final int hours = (int) (millis / DateUtility.hoursToMillis); millis = millis % DateUtility.hoursToMillis; final int minutes = (int) (millis / DateUtility.minutesToMillis); millis = millis % DateUtility.minutesToMillis; final int seconds = (int) (millis / DateUtility.secondsToMillis); millis = millis % DateUtility.secondsToMillis; return String.format("%c%03d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d", neg ? '-':'+', days, hours, minutes, seconds, millis); }
/** * Set array value ['P123DT22H14M12.011S', 'P5DT1H0M0S']. * * @param arrayBody the List<Period> value * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceResponse} object if successful. */ public Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>> putDurationValidWithServiceResponseAsync(List<Period> arrayBody) { if (arrayBody == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter arrayBody is required and cannot be null."); } Validator.validate(arrayBody); return service.putDurationValid(arrayBody) .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Void>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<Void> clientResponse = putDurationValidDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); }
@Override public void refreshAll(PluginRequest pluginRequest) throws Exception { if (refreshed) { if (refreshedTime == null) { setRefreshed(false); } else { if (refreshedTime.isBefore(new DateTime().minus(new Period("PT10M")))) { setRefreshed(false); } } } if (!refreshed) { PluginSettings settings = pluginRequest.getPluginSettings(); List<MarathonInstance> marathonInstanceList = marathon(settings).getGoAgents(settings); for (MarathonInstance instance: marathonInstanceList) { register(instance); } LOG.debug("Instances found: " + marathonInstanceList.toString()); setRefreshedTime(new DateTime()); setRefreshed(true); } }
/** * Decide when the job should start run in first time * @return Seconds for the Job to start */ public int getDelay() { try { JobRunInfo lastRun = jobInfoStore.getLatestRun(this.identifier); if (lastRun != null && lastRun.isSucceed()) { Period period = new Period(new DateTime(lastRun.getStartTime()),; if (period.toStandardSeconds().getSeconds() < this.interval) { return (int) (this.interval - period.toStandardSeconds().getSeconds()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(ex)); logger.error(ExceptionUtils.getFullStackTrace(ex)); } return random.nextInt(Configuration.getProperties().getInt("job_random_delay", 60)); }
/** * Get a positive duration value. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the Period object */ public Observable<ServiceResponse<Period>> getPositiveDurationWithServiceResponseAsync() { return service.getPositiveDuration() .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Period>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Period>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<Period> clientResponse = getPositiveDurationDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); }
@Override public Period defaultMessageTtlDuration() { if (this.inner().defaultMessageTimeToLive() == null) { return null; } TimeSpan timeSpan = TimeSpan.parse(this.inner().defaultMessageTimeToLive()); return new Period() .withDays(timeSpan.days()) .withHours(timeSpan.hours()) .withMinutes(timeSpan.minutes()) .withSeconds(timeSpan.seconds()) .withMillis(timeSpan.milliseconds()); }
/** * Executes the actual shutdown once one of the shutdown handlers has * accepted the shutdown request * * @param response * Tells the caller some metrics */ private void shutdownExecution(final HttpServerResponse response) { final JsonObject goodby = new JsonObject(); goodby.put("Goodby", "It was a pleasure doing business with you"); goodby.put("StartDate", Utils.getDateString(this.startDate)); goodby.put("EndDate", Utils.getDateString(new Date())); final Duration dur = new Duration(new DateTime(this.startDate), new DateTime()); goodby.put("Duration", PeriodFormat.getDefault().print(new Period(dur))); response.putHeader(Constants.CONTENT_HEADER, Constants.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON).setStatusCode(202) .end(goodby.encodePrettily()); try { Future<Void> shutdownFuture = Future.future(); shutdownFuture.setHandler(fResult -> { if (fResult.failed()) { this.logger.fatal(fResult.cause()); System.exit(-1); }"Good by!"); this.getVertx().close(handler -> { if (handler.failed()) { this.logger.fatal(handler.cause()); } System.exit(0); }); }); this.shutDownVerticles(shutdownFuture); } catch (Exception e) { this.logger.fatal(e.getMessage(), e); } }
/** * Get duration array value ['P123DT22H14M12.011S', 'P5DT1H0M0S']. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the List<Period> object */ public Observable<List<Period>> getDurationValidAsync() { return getDurationValidWithServiceResponseAsync().map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<List<Period>>, List<Period>>() { @Override public List<Period> call(ServiceResponse<List<Period>> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
@Test public void dateTruncOnIntervalDay() throws Exception { final String query = "SELECT " + "date_trunc('SECOND', interval '200 10:20:30.123' day(3) to second) as `second`, " + "date_trunc('MINUTE', interval '200 10:20:30.123' day(3) to second) as `minute`, " + "date_trunc('HOUR', interval '200 10:20:30.123' day(3) to second) as `hour`, " + "date_trunc('DAY', interval '200 10:20:30.123' day(3) to second) as `day`, " + "date_trunc('MONTH', interval '200 10:20:30.123' day(3) to second) as `month`, " + "date_trunc('YEAR', interval '200 10:20:30.123' day(3) to second) as `year`, " + "date_trunc('QUARTER', interval '200 10:20:30.123' day(3) to second) as `quarter`, " + "date_trunc('DECADE', interval '200 10:20:30.123' day(3) to second) as `decade`, " + "date_trunc('CENTURY', interval '200 10:20:30.123' day(3) to second) as `century`, " + "date_trunc('MILLENNIUM', interval '200 10:20:30.123' day(3) to second) as `millennium` " + "FROM sys.version"; testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .baselineColumns("second", "minute", "hour", "day", "month", "year", "quarter", "decade", "century", "millennium") .baselineValues( new Period().plusDays(200).plusMillis(37230000), // seconds new Period().plusDays(200).plusMillis(37200000), // minute new Period().plusDays(200).plusMillis(36000000), // hour new Period().plusDays(200), // day new Period("PT0S"), // month new Period("PT0S"), // year new Period("PT0S"), // quarter new Period("PT0S"), // decade new Period("PT0S"), // century new Period("PT0S")) // millennium .go(); }
@Test public void putDurationValid() throws Exception { Map<String, Period> testdata = new HashMap<String, Period>(); testdata.put("0", new Period(0, 0, 0, 123, 22, 14, 12, 11)); testdata.put("1", new Period(0, 0, 0, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0)); client.dictionarys().putDurationValid(testdata); }
/** * Set dictionary value {"0": "P123DT22H14M12.011S", "1": "P5DT1H0M0S"}. * * @param arrayBody the Map<String, Period> value * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceResponse} object if successful. */ public Observable<Void> putDurationValidAsync(Map<String, Period> arrayBody) { return putDurationValidWithServiceResponseAsync(arrayBody).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Void>, Void>() { @Override public Void call(ServiceResponse<Void> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
/** * Get an invalid duration value. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the Period object */ public Observable<ServiceResponse<Period>> getInvalidWithServiceResponseAsync() { return service.getInvalid() .flatMap(new Func1<Response<ResponseBody>, Observable<ServiceResponse<Period>>>() { @Override public Observable<ServiceResponse<Period>> call(Response<ResponseBody> response) { try { ServiceResponse<Period> clientResponse = getInvalidDelegate(response); return Observable.just(clientResponse); } catch (Throwable t) { return Observable.error(t); } } }); }
/** * Send a post request with header values "scenario": "valid", "value": "P123DT22H14M12.011S". * * @param scenario Send a post request with header values "scenario": "valid" * @param value Send a post request with header values "P123DT22H14M12.011S" * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceResponse} object if successful. */ public Observable<Void> paramDurationAsync(String scenario, Period value) { return paramDurationWithServiceResponseAsync(scenario, value).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Void>, Void>() { @Override public Void call(ServiceResponse<Void> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
/** * Get an invalid duration value. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the observable to the Period object */ public Observable<Period> getInvalidAsync() { return getInvalidWithServiceResponseAsync().map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Period>, Period>() { @Override public Period call(ServiceResponse<Period> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
@Test public void dateTruncOnIntervalYear() throws Exception { final String query = "SELECT " + "date_trunc('SECOND', interval '217-7' year(3) to month) as `second`, " + "date_trunc('MINUTE', interval '217-7' year(3) to month) as `minute`, " + "date_trunc('HOUR', interval '217-7' year(3) to month) as `hour`, " + "date_trunc('DAY', interval '217-7' year(3) to month) as `day`, " + "date_trunc('MONTH', interval '217-7' year(3) to month) as `month`, " + "date_trunc('YEAR', interval '217-7' year(3) to month) as `year`, " + "date_trunc('QUARTER', interval '217-7' year(3) to month) as `quarter`, " + "date_trunc('DECADE', interval '217-7' year(3) to month) as `decade`, " + "date_trunc('CENTURY', interval '217-7' year(3) to month) as `century`, " + "date_trunc('MILLENNIUM', interval '217-7' year(3) to month) as `millennium` " + "FROM sys.version"; testBuilder() .sqlQuery(query) .unOrdered() .baselineColumns("second", "minute", "hour", "day", "month", "year", "quarter", "decade", "century", "millennium") .baselineValues( new Period("P217Y7M").normalizedStandard(), // seconds new Period("P217Y7M").normalizedStandard(), // minute new Period("P217Y7M").normalizedStandard(), // hour new Period("P217Y7M").normalizedStandard(), // day new Period("P217Y7M").normalizedStandard(), // month new Period("P217Y").normalizedStandard(), // year new Period("P217Y6M").normalizedStandard(), // quarter new Period("P210Y").normalizedStandard(), // decade new Period("P200Y").normalizedStandard(), // century new Period("PT0S").normalizedStandard()) // millennium .go(); }
private static String generateId() { return "T" + StringUtils.leftPad( Long.toString(new DateTime().minus(Period.years(45)).getMillis(), 36).toUpperCase(), 9, '0'); }
@Override public void save(final String name, final Object value, final BridgeController.Presets presets) { if (value != null) { final Period period = (Period) value; presets.recordPeriod(period); } else { presets.recordPeriod(new Period(0)); } }
@Override public Void visitIntervalYearConstant(IntervalYearExpression lExpr, StringBuilder sb) throws RuntimeException { sb.append("cast( '"); sb.append(Period.months(lExpr.getIntervalYear()).toString()); sb.append("' as INTERVALYEAR)"); return null; }
/** * Set array value ['P123DT22H14M12.011S', 'P5DT1H0M0S']. * * @param arrayBody the List<Period> value * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation * @return the {@link ServiceResponse} object if successful. */ public Observable<Void> putDurationValidAsync(List<Period> arrayBody) { return putDurationValidWithServiceResponseAsync(arrayBody).map(new Func1<ServiceResponse<Void>, Void>() { @Override public Void call(ServiceResponse<Void> response) { return response.body(); } }); }
@Override public TopicImpl withDuplicateMessageDetectionHistoryDuration(Period duration) { this.inner().withDuplicateDetectionHistoryTimeWindow(TimeSpan .fromPeriod(duration) .toString()); // Below shortcut cannot be used as 'withRequiresDuplicateDetection' cannot be changed // once the topic is created. // return withDuplicateMessageDetection(duration); return this; }
@Override public Object get(final String name, final Document document) { final IndexableField stringPeriod = document.getField(name); if (stringPeriod != null) { return Period.seconds((Integer) stringPeriod.numericValue()); } else { return null; } }
private int convertTime(String time) { PeriodFormatter formatter = ISOPeriodFormat.standard(); Period p = formatter.parsePeriod(time); Seconds s = p.toStandardSeconds(); return s.getSeconds(); }
public Duration getDuration() { return new Period(getDepartureTime(), getArrivalTime()).toStandardDuration(); }
public String format() { Period period = new Period(millis()); return defaultFormatter.print(period); }
@Test public void paramDuration() throws Exception { client.headers().paramDuration("valid", new Period(0, 0, 0, 123, 22, 14, 12, 11)); }
@Test public void canCompleteALoanByReturningTheItem() throws InterruptedException, MalformedURLException, TimeoutException, ExecutionException, UnsupportedEncodingException { DateTime loanDate = new DateTime(2017, 3, 1, 13, 25, 46, 232, DateTimeZone.UTC); IndividualResource loan = createLoan(new LoanRequestBuilder() .withLoanDate(loanDate) .withdueDate( .create()); JsonObject returnedLoan = loan.copyJson(); returnedLoan .put("status", new JsonObject().put("name", "Closed")) .put("action", "checkedin") .put("itemStatus", "Available") .put("returnDate", new DateTime(2017, 3, 5, 14, 23, 41, DateTimeZone.UTC) .toString(ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime())); CompletableFuture<JsonResponse> putCompleted = new CompletableFuture(); client.put(loanStorageUrl(String.format("/%s", loan.getId())), returnedLoan, StorageTestSuite.TENANT_ID, ResponseHandler.json(putCompleted)); JsonResponse putResponse = putCompleted.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertThat(String.format("Failed to update loan: %s", putResponse.getBody()), putResponse.getStatusCode(), is(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NO_CONTENT)); JsonResponse updatedLoanResponse = getById(UUID.fromString(loan.getId())); JsonObject updatedLoan = updatedLoanResponse.getJson(); assertThat(updatedLoan.getString("returnDate"), is("2017-03-05T14:23:41.000Z")); assertThat("status is not closed", updatedLoan.getJsonObject("status").getString("name"), is("Closed")); assertThat("item status is not available", updatedLoan.getString("itemStatus"), is("Available")); assertThat("action is not checkedin", updatedLoan.getString("action"), is("checkedin")); }
@Test public void canCreateNamespaceThenCRUDOnQueue() { Region region = Region.US_EAST; Creatable<ResourceGroup> rgCreatable = resourceManager.resourceGroups() .define(RG_NAME) .withRegion(region); String namespaceDNSLabel = generateRandomResourceName("jvsbns", 15); ServiceBusNamespace namespace = serviceBusManager.namespaces() .define(namespaceDNSLabel) .withRegion(region) .withNewResourceGroup(rgCreatable) .withSku(NamespaceSku.PREMIUM_CAPACITY1) .create(); Assert.assertNotNull(namespace); Assert.assertNotNull(namespace.inner()); String queueName = generateRandomResourceName("queue1-", 15); Queue queue = namespace.queues() .define(queueName) .create(); Assert.assertNotNull(queue); Assert.assertNotNull(queue.inner()); Assert.assertNotNull(; Assert.assertTrue(; // Default lock duration is 1 minute, assert TimeSpan("00:01:00") parsing // Assert.assertEquals("00:01:00", queue.inner().lockDuration()); Assert.assertEquals(60, queue.lockDurationInSeconds()); Period dupDetectionDuration = queue.duplicateMessageDetectionHistoryDuration(); Assert.assertNotNull(dupDetectionDuration); Assert.assertEquals(10, dupDetectionDuration.getMinutes()); // Default message TTL is TimeSpan.Max, assert parsing // Assert.assertEquals("10675199.02:48:05.4775807", queue.inner().defaultMessageTimeToLive()); Period msgTtlDuration = queue.defaultMessageTtlDuration(); Assert.assertNotNull(msgTtlDuration); // Assert the default ttl TimeSpan("10675199.02:48:05.4775807") parsing // Assert.assertEquals(10675199, msgTtlDuration.getDays()); Assert.assertEquals(2, msgTtlDuration.getHours()); Assert.assertEquals(48, msgTtlDuration.getMinutes()); // Assert the default max size In MB // Assert.assertEquals(1024, queue.maxSizeInMB()); PagedList<Queue> queuesInNamespace = namespace.queues().list(); Assert.assertNotNull(queuesInNamespace); Assert.assertTrue(queuesInNamespace.size() > 0); Queue foundQueue = null; for (Queue q : queuesInNamespace) { if ( { foundQueue = q; break; } } Assert.assertNotNull(foundQueue); // Dead lettering disabled by default // Assert.assertFalse(foundQueue.isDeadLetteringEnabledForExpiredMessages()); foundQueue = foundQueue.update() .withMessageLockDurationInSeconds(120) .withDefaultMessageTTL(new Period().withMinutes(20)) .withExpiredMessageMovedToDeadLetterQueue() .withMessageMovedToDeadLetterQueueOnMaxDeliveryCount(25) .apply(); Assert.assertEquals(120, foundQueue.lockDurationInSeconds()); Assert.assertTrue(foundQueue.isDeadLetteringEnabledForExpiredMessages()); Assert.assertEquals(25, foundQueue.maxDeliveryCountBeforeDeadLetteringMessage()); namespace.queues().deleteByName(; }
@Test public void canCreateNamespaceThenCRUDOnTopic() { Region region = Region.US_EAST; Creatable<ResourceGroup> rgCreatable = resourceManager.resourceGroups() .define(RG_NAME) .withRegion(region); String namespaceDNSLabel = generateRandomResourceName("jvsbns", 15); ServiceBusNamespace namespace = serviceBusManager.namespaces() .define(namespaceDNSLabel) .withRegion(region) .withNewResourceGroup(rgCreatable) .withSku(NamespaceSku.STANDARD) .create(); Assert.assertNotNull(namespace); Assert.assertNotNull(namespace.inner()); String topicName = generateRandomResourceName("topic1-", 15); Topic topic = namespace.topics() .define(topicName) .create(); Assert.assertNotNull(topic); Assert.assertNotNull(topic.inner()); Assert.assertNotNull(; Assert.assertTrue(; Period dupDetectionDuration = topic.duplicateMessageDetectionHistoryDuration(); Assert.assertNotNull(dupDetectionDuration); Assert.assertEquals(10, dupDetectionDuration.getMinutes()); // Default message TTL is TimeSpan.Max, assert parsing // Assert.assertEquals("10675199.02:48:05.4775807", topic.inner().defaultMessageTimeToLive()); Period msgTtlDuration = topic.defaultMessageTtlDuration(); Assert.assertNotNull(msgTtlDuration); // Assert the default ttl TimeSpan("10675199.02:48:05.4775807") parsing // Assert.assertEquals(10675199, msgTtlDuration.getDays()); Assert.assertEquals(2, msgTtlDuration.getHours()); Assert.assertEquals(48, msgTtlDuration.getMinutes()); // Assert the default max size In MB // Assert.assertEquals(1024, topic.maxSizeInMB()); PagedList<Topic> topicsInNamespace = namespace.topics().list(); Assert.assertNotNull(topicsInNamespace); Assert.assertTrue(topicsInNamespace.size() > 0); Topic foundTopic = null; for (Topic t : topicsInNamespace) { if ( { foundTopic = t; break; } } Assert.assertNotNull(foundTopic); foundTopic = foundTopic.update() .withDefaultMessageTTL(new Period().withMinutes(20)) .withDuplicateMessageDetectionHistoryDuration(new Period().withMinutes(15)) .withDeleteOnIdleDurationInMinutes(25) .apply(); Period ttlDuration = foundTopic.defaultMessageTtlDuration(); Assert.assertNotNull(ttlDuration); Assert.assertEquals(20, ttlDuration.getMinutes()); Period duplicateDetectDuration = foundTopic.duplicateMessageDetectionHistoryDuration(); Assert.assertNotNull(duplicateDetectDuration); Assert.assertEquals(15, duplicateDetectDuration.getMinutes()); Assert.assertEquals(25, foundTopic.deleteOnIdleDurationInMinutes()); // Delete namespace.topics().deleteByName(; }
public static int millisFromPeriod(final Period period){ return (period.getHours() * hoursToMillis) + (period.getMinutes() * minutesToMillis) + (period.getSeconds() * secondsToMillis) + (period.getMillis()); }
private ServiceResponse<Map<String, Period>> getDurationValidDelegate(Response<ResponseBody> response) throws ErrorException, IOException { return this.client.restClient().responseBuilderFactory().<Map<String, Period>, ErrorException>newInstance(this.client.serializerAdapter()) .register(200, new TypeToken<Map<String, Period>>() { }.getType()) .registerError(ErrorException.class) .build(response); }
@Override public void writeInterval(Period value) throws IOException { gen.writeString(value.toString(ISOPeriodFormat.standard())); }
@Override public GoPluginApiResponse execute() throws Exception { /* The logic here is that the go server has a list of agents, but not a definitive view of which of those agents is actually running. This means that this plugin is sent a createAgentRequest for every matching job being scheduled. The housekeeping we do to prevent over-creating new instances is to get a list of agents from the go server, find idle ones in the list, and match to the corresponding instance running on marathon. If the instance running on marathon would satisfy the request, we do not create a new instance. In the case where we might get multiple createAgentRequests in a short period of time, we mark the instance as recently matched so it is not eligible to match for subsequent requests. This isn't perfect - we might mark one and then the job actually gets scheduled to another agent. In the long term, the go agents will use web sockets, the go server will know which ones are still running, and we can drop this logic here. */ boolean agentMatch = false; for (Agent agent: pluginRequest.listAgents().agents()) { if (!agentIdle(agent)) { continue; } MarathonInstance instance = (MarathonInstance)agentInstances.find(agent.elasticAgentId()); if (instance == null) { continue; } if (!propertiesMatch(, { continue; } // Recently matched to an outstanding task if (instance.getLastMatched().isAfter(new DateTime().minus(new Period("PT30S")))) { continue; } agentMatch = true; instance.setLastMatched(new DateTime()); break; } if (!agentMatch) { agentInstances.create(request, pluginRequest.getPluginSettings()); } return new DefaultGoPluginApiResponse(200); }
@Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8", "x-ms-logging-context: fixtures.bodydictionary.Dictionarys putDurationValid" }) @PUT("dictionary/prim/duration/valid") Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> putDurationValid(@Body Map<String, Period> arrayBody);