@Parameters(name = "{0}") public static Collection<Tuple3<ValueType, Object, Class>> fixtures() { return Arrays.asList( Tuple.tuple(ValueType.NULL, null, JsonNull.class), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.BOOLEAN, true, JsonBoolean.class), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.INT, 42, JsonNumber.class), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.LONG, 42L, JsonNumber.class), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.FLOAT, 4.2f, JsonNumber.class), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.DOUBLE, 4.2d, JsonNumber.class), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.BIG_INTEGER, BigInteger.ONE, JsonNumber.class), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.BIG_DECIMAL, BigDecimal.ONE, JsonNumber.class), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.STRING, "foo", JsonString.class), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.ARRAY, Collections.emptyList(), JsonArray.class), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.OBJECT, Collections.emptyMap(), JsonObject.class) ); }
@Parameters(name = "{0}") public static Collection<Tuple3<ValueType, Object, String>> fixtures() { return Arrays.asList( Tuple.tuple(ValueType.NULL, "null", "Value 'null' is not a null"), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.BOOLEAN, null, "Value 'null' is not a boolean"), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.INT, null, "Value 'null' is not an int"), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.LONG, null, "Value 'null' is not a long"), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.FLOAT, null, "Value 'null' is not a float"), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.DOUBLE, null, "Value 'null' is not a double"), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.BIG_INTEGER, null, "Value 'null' is not a big integer"), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.BIG_DECIMAL, null, "Value 'null' is not a big decimal"), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.STRING, null, "Value 'null' is not a string"), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.ARRAY, null, "Value 'null' is not an array"), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.OBJECT, null, "Value 'null' is not an object") ); }
@Override public Stream<Recommendation<U, I>> readAll() { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in), 128 * 1024); return groupAdjacent(reader.lines().map(tupleReader), (t1, t2) -> t1.v1.equals(t2.v1)) .map(userTuples -> { U user = userTuples.get(0).v1; List<Tuple2od<I>> items = userTuples.stream() .map(Tuple3::skip1) .map(Tuple2od::new) .collect(toList()); if (sortByDecreasingScore) { items.sort(Comparator.comparingDouble((Tuple2od<I> r) -> r.v2) .reversed()); } return new Recommendation<>(user, items); }); }
private static ChangeInitiativeRecord buildChangeInitiativeRecord(Tuple3<Long, String, Long> t) { Date.from(Instant.now()); ChangeInitiativeRecord record = new ChangeInitiativeRecord(); record.setDescription(t.v2); record.setName(t.v2); record.setProvenance("dummy"); record.setExternalId("EXT" + t.v1); record.setKind("PROGRAMME"); record.setLifecyclePhase(randomPick(LifecyclePhase.values()).name()); record.setId(t.v1); record.setStartDate(new Date(Instant.now().toEpochMilli())); record.setOrganisationalUnitId(t.v3); record.setEndDate(new Date( Instant.now() .plusSeconds(rnd.nextInt(60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 2)) .toEpochMilli())); return record; }
@Test public void testCsvParser() throws IOException { final CsvParser.StaticMapToDSL<Tuple3<Long, Integer, Short>> mapToDSL = CsvParser.mapTo(new TypeReference<Tuple3<Long, Integer, Short>>() { }).defaultHeaders(); final Iterator<Tuple3<Long, Integer, Short>> iterator = mapToDSL.iterator(new StringReader("6,7,3\n7,8,9")); final Tuple3<Long, Integer, Short> tuple1 = iterator.next(); assertEquals(6l, tuple1.v1().longValue()); assertEquals(7, tuple1.v2().intValue()); assertEquals((short)3, tuple1.v3().shortValue()); final Tuple3<Long, Integer, Short> tuple2 = iterator.next(); assertEquals(7l, tuple2.v1().longValue()); assertEquals(8, tuple2.v2().intValue()); assertEquals((short)9, tuple2.v3().shortValue()); }
/** * Map this stream to a windowed stream with 3 distinct windows. */ @Generated("This method was generated using jOOQ-tools") default Seq<Tuple3<Window<T>, Window<T>, Window<T>>> window( WindowSpecification<T> specification1, WindowSpecification<T> specification2, WindowSpecification<T> specification3 ) { List<Tuple2<T, Long>> buffer = zipWithIndex().toList(); Map<?, Partition<T>> partitions1 = SeqUtils.partitions(specification1, buffer); Map<?, Partition<T>> partitions2 = SeqUtils.partitions(specification2, buffer); Map<?, Partition<T>> partitions3 = SeqUtils.partitions(specification3, buffer); return seq(buffer) .map(t -> tuple( (Window<T>) new WindowImpl<>(t, partitions1.get(specification1.partition().apply(t.v1)), specification1), (Window<T>) new WindowImpl<>(t, partitions2.get(specification2.partition().apply(t.v1)), specification2), (Window<T>) new WindowImpl<>(t, partitions3.get(specification3.partition().apply(t.v1)), specification3) )) .onClose(this::close); }
@Test public void testFunction5to3() { Tuple2<Integer, Integer> t1 = tuple(4, 4); Tuple3<Integer, Integer, Integer> t2 = tuple(5, 3, 2); // Concat the two and three tuples and apply them together. int normal1 = lift(this::fiveArgMethod).apply(t1.concat(t2)); // Apply partially the first two values, then apply the remaining three int partiallyAppliedExplicitExplicit = lift(this::fiveArgMethod).applyPartially(t1.v1, t1.v2).apply(t2.v1, t2.v2, t2.v3); int partiallyAppliedExplicitTuple = lift(this::fiveArgMethod).applyPartially(t1.v1, t1.v2).apply(t2); int partiallyAppliedTupleExplicit = lift(this::fiveArgMethod).applyPartially(t1).apply(t2.v1, t2.v2, t2.v3); int partiallyAppliedTupleTuple = lift(this::fiveArgMethod).applyPartially(t1).apply(t2); assertEquals(normal1, partiallyAppliedExplicitExplicit); assertEquals(normal1, partiallyAppliedExplicitTuple); assertEquals(normal1, partiallyAppliedTupleExplicit); assertEquals(normal1, partiallyAppliedTupleTuple); }
@Test public void testConsumer5to3() { Tuple2<Integer, Integer> t1 = tuple(4, 4); Tuple3<Integer, Integer, Integer> t2 = tuple(5, 3, 2); // Concat the two and three tuples and apply them together. lift(this::fiveArgConsumer).accept(t1.concat(t2)); int normal1 = result; // Accept partially the first two values, then accept the remaining three lift(this::fiveArgConsumer).acceptPartially(t1.v1, t1.v2).accept(t2.v1, t2.v2, t2.v3); int partiallyAppliedExplicitExplicit = result; lift(this::fiveArgConsumer).acceptPartially(t1.v1, t1.v2).accept(t2); int partiallyAppliedExplicitTuple = result; lift(this::fiveArgConsumer).acceptPartially(t1).accept(t2.v1, t2.v2, t2.v3); int partiallyAppliedTupleExplicit = result; lift(this::fiveArgConsumer).acceptPartially(t1).accept(t2); int partiallyAppliedTupleTuple = result; assertEquals(normal1, partiallyAppliedExplicitExplicit); assertEquals(normal1, partiallyAppliedExplicitTuple); assertEquals(normal1, partiallyAppliedTupleExplicit); assertEquals(normal1, partiallyAppliedTupleTuple); }
@Parameters(name = "{0}") public static Collection<Tuple3<ValueType, Object, Boolean>> fixtures() { return Arrays.asList( Tuple.tuple(ValueType.NULL, null, true), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.NULL, "null", false), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.BOOLEAN, true, true), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.BOOLEAN, "true", false), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.INT, 1024, true), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.INT, 1024L, false), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.LONG, 1024L, true), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.LONG, 1024, false), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.FLOAT, 1.0f, true), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.FLOAT, 1.0d, false), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.DOUBLE, 1.0d, true), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.DOUBLE, 1.0f, false), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.BIG_INTEGER, BigInteger.ONE, true), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.BIG_INTEGER, 1, false), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.BIG_DECIMAL, BigDecimal.ONE, true), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.BIG_DECIMAL, 1, false), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.STRING, "text", true), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.STRING, null, false), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.ARRAY, Collections.singletonList("test"), true), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.ARRAY, null, false), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.OBJECT, Collections.singletonMap("key", "test"), true), Tuple.tuple(ValueType.OBJECT, null, false) ); }
@Hook("net.minecraft.world.World#func_180495_p") public static Hook.Result getBlockState(World world, BlockPos pos) { Tuple3<IBlockAccess, BlockPos, IBlockState> tuple3 = cache.get(); if (tuple3 != null && tuple3.v1() == world && pos.equals(tuple3.v2())) return new Hook.Result(tuple3.v3()); return Hook.Result.VOID; }
/** * Loads an instance of the class from a stream of triples. * * @param <I> type of item * @param <F> type of feat * @param <V> type of value * @param tuples stream of item-feat-value triples * @return a feature data object */ public static <I, F, V> SimpleFeatureData<I, F, V> load(Stream<Tuple3<I, F, V>> tuples) { Map<I, List<Tuple2<F, V>>> itemMap = new HashMap<>(); Map<F, List<Tuple2<I, V>>> featMap = new HashMap<>(); tuples.forEach(t -> { itemMap.computeIfAbsent(t.v1, v1 -> new ArrayList<>()).add(tuple(t.v2, t.v3)); featMap.computeIfAbsent(t.v2, v2 -> new ArrayList<>()).add(tuple(t.v1, t.v3)); }); return new SimpleFeatureData<>(itemMap, featMap); }
@Override public <I, F> Stream<Tuple3<I, F, Double>> read(InputStream in, Parser<I> ip, Parser<F> fp) { return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)).lines().map(line -> { String[] tokens = line.split("\t", 3); I item = ip.parse(tokens[0]); F feat = fp.parse(tokens[1]); return Tuple.tuple(item, feat, 1.0); }); }
@Override public <U, I> Stream<Tuple3<U, I, Double>> read(InputStream in, Parser<U> up, Parser<I> ip) { return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)).lines().map(line -> { CharSequence[] tokens = split(line, '\t', 4); U user = up.parse(tokens[0]); I item = ip.parse(tokens[1]); double value = parseDouble(tokens[2].toString()); return Tuple.tuple(user, item, value); }); }
@Override public <U, I> Stream<Tuple3<U, I, Double>> read(InputStream in, Parser<U> up, Parser<I> ip) { return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)).lines().map(line -> { CharSequence[] tokens = split(line, '\t', 3); U user = up.parse(tokens[0]); I item = ip.parse(tokens[1]); return Tuple.tuple(user, item, 1.0); }); }
private static Select<Record1<String>> mkNameSelect(Tuple3<Table, Field<Long>, Field<String>> mapping, Field<Long> idCompareField) { // form the query to fetch entity names // // v1: entity table // v3: name field in the entity table // v2: id field in the entity table // // eg: select name from application where id = entity_statistic_value.entity_id // return DSL.select(mapping.v3()) .from(mapping.v1()) .where(mapping.v2().eq(idCompareField)); }
@Test public void testMetaDataOnJoolTuple() throws Exception { //creates a new tuple allocated on the JVM heap System.out.println("super " + Tuple3.class.toString()); for(Class<?> clazz : Tuple3.class.getInterfaces()) { System.out.println("I " + clazz.toString()); } ClassMeta<Tuple3<Long, Integer, Short>> cm = ReflectionService.newInstance().getClassMeta(new TypeReference<Tuple3<Long, Integer, Short>>(){}.getType()); final PropertyFinder<Tuple3<Long, Integer, Short>> propertyFinder = cm.newPropertyFinder(isValidPropertyMeta); final PropertyMeta<Tuple3<Long, Integer, Short>, Long> fieldA = propertyFinder.findProperty(new DefaultPropertyNameMatcher("elt0", 0, true, true), new Object[0]); final PropertyMeta<Tuple3<Long, Integer, Short>, Integer> fieldB = propertyFinder.findProperty(new DefaultPropertyNameMatcher("elt1", 0, true, true), new Object[0]); final PropertyMeta<Tuple3<Long, Integer, Short>, Short> fieldC = propertyFinder.findProperty(new DefaultPropertyNameMatcher("elt2", 0, true, true), new Object[0]); final PropertyMeta<Tuple3<Long, Integer, Short>, ?> fieldD = propertyFinder.findProperty(new DefaultPropertyNameMatcher("elt3", 0, true, true), new Object[0]); assertNotNull(fieldA); assertNotNull(fieldB); assertNotNull(fieldC); assertNull(fieldD); Tuple3<Long, Integer, Short> tuple = new Tuple3<Long, Integer, Short>(6l, 7, (short)3); assertTrue(fieldA instanceof ConstructorPropertyMeta); assertTrue(fieldB instanceof ConstructorPropertyMeta); assertTrue(fieldC instanceof ConstructorPropertyMeta); Assert.assertEquals(6l, fieldA.getGetter().get(tuple).longValue()); Assert.assertEquals(7, fieldB.getGetter().get(tuple).intValue()); Assert.assertEquals(3, fieldC.getGetter().get(tuple).shortValue()); }
/** * Collect this collectable into 3 {@link Collector}s. */ @Generated("This method was generated using jOOQ-tools") default <R1, R2, R3, A1, A2, A3> Tuple3<R1, R2, R3> collect( Collector<? super T, A1, R1> collector1, Collector<? super T, A2, R2> collector2, Collector<? super T, A3, R3> collector3 ) { return collect(Tuple.collectors(collector1, collector2, collector3)); }
/** * Cross join 3 streams into one. * <p> * <code><pre> * // (tuple(1, "a"), tuple(1, "b"), tuple(2, "a"), tuple(2, "b")) * Seq.of(1, 2).crossJoin(Seq.of("a", "b")) * </pre></code> */ @Generated("This method was generated using jOOQ-tools") static <T1, T2, T3> Seq<Tuple3<T1, T2, T3>> crossJoin(Seq<? extends T1> s1, Seq<? extends T2> s2, Seq<? extends T3> s3) { // [#323] Some explicit type variable bindings required because of compiler regressions in JDK 9 List<Tuple2<T2, T3>> list = Seq.<T2, T3>crossJoin(s2, s3).toList(); return s1.flatMap(v1 -> seq(list).map(t -> tuple(v1, t.v1, t.v2))) .onClose(SeqUtils.closeAll(s2, s3)); }
/** * Cross join 4 streams into one. * <p> * <code><pre> * // (tuple(1, "a"), tuple(1, "b"), tuple(2, "a"), tuple(2, "b")) * Seq.of(1, 2).crossJoin(Seq.of("a", "b")) * </pre></code> */ @Generated("This method was generated using jOOQ-tools") static <T1, T2, T3, T4> Seq<Tuple4<T1, T2, T3, T4>> crossJoin(Seq<? extends T1> s1, Seq<? extends T2> s2, Seq<? extends T3> s3, Seq<? extends T4> s4) { // [#323] Some explicit type variable bindings required because of compiler regressions in JDK 9 List<Tuple3<T2, T3, T4>> list = Seq.<T2, T3, T4>crossJoin(s2, s3, s4).toList(); return s1.flatMap(v1 -> seq(list).map(t -> tuple(v1, t.v1, t.v2, t.v3))) .onClose(SeqUtils.closeAll(s2, s3, s4)); }
@Test public void testRunningTotal() { // Do the calculation from this blog post in Java // http://blog.jooq.org/2014/04/29/nosql-no-sql-how-to-calculate-running-totals/ // | ID | VALUE_DATE | AMOUNT | BALANCE | // |------|------------|--------|----------| // | 9997 | 2014-03-18 | 99.17 | 19985.81 | // | 9981 | 2014-03-16 | 71.44 | 19886.64 | // | 9979 | 2014-03-16 | -94.60 | 19815.20 | // | 9977 | 2014-03-16 | -6.96 | 19909.80 | // | 9971 | 2014-03-15 | -65.95 | 19916.76 | BigDecimal currentBalance = new BigDecimal("19985.81"); assertEquals( asList( new BigDecimal("19985.81"), new BigDecimal("19886.64"), new BigDecimal("19815.20"), new BigDecimal("19909.80"), new BigDecimal("19916.76") ), Seq.of( tuple(9997, "2014-03-18", new BigDecimal("99.17")), tuple(9981, "2014-03-16", new BigDecimal("71.44")), tuple(9979, "2014-03-16", new BigDecimal("-94.60")), tuple(9977, "2014-03-16", new BigDecimal("-6.96")), tuple(9971, "2014-03-15", new BigDecimal("-65.95"))) .window(Comparator.comparing((Tuple3<Integer, String, BigDecimal> t) -> t.v1, reverseOrder()).thenComparing(t -> t.v2), Long.MIN_VALUE, -1) .map(w -> w.value().concat( currentBalance.subtract(w.sum(t -> t.v3).orElse(BigDecimal.ZERO)) )) .map(t -> t.v4) .toList() ); }
public PreferenceDataWrapper(TemporalDataModelIF<Long, Long> data, FastUserIndex<Long> uIndex, FastItemIndex<Long> iIndex) { List<Tuple3<Long, Long, Double>> tuples = new ArrayList<>(); for (Long u : data.getUsers()) { for (Long i : data.getUserItems(u)) { tuples.add(new Tuple3<>(u, i, data.getUserItemPreference(u, i))); } } wrapper = SimpleFastPreferenceData.load(tuples.stream(), uIndex, iIndex); }
@Parameters(name = "{0}") public static Collection<Tuple3<String, CaseFormat, String>> fixtures() { return Arrays.asList( Tuple.tuple( "this is a lower space case", CaseFormat.LOWER_HYPHEN, "this-is-a-lower-space-case" ), Tuple.tuple( "THIS IS A UPPER SPACE CASE", CaseFormat.LOWER_HYPHEN, "this-is-a-upper-space-case" ), Tuple.tuple( "this_is_a_lower_snake_case", CaseFormat.LOWER_HYPHEN, "this-is-a-lower-snake-case" ), Tuple.tuple( "THIS_IS_A_UPPER_SNAKE_CASE", CaseFormat.LOWER_HYPHEN, "this-is-a-upper-snake-case" ), Tuple.tuple( "this-is-a-lower-kebab-case", CaseFormat.LOWER_HYPHEN, "this-is-a-lower-kebab-case" ), Tuple.tuple( "THIS-IS-A-UPPER-KEBAB-CASE", CaseFormat.LOWER_HYPHEN, "this-is-a-upper-kebab-case" ), Tuple.tuple( "thisIsALowerCamelCase", CaseFormat.LOWER_HYPHEN, "this-is-a-lower-camel-case" ), Tuple.tuple( "ThisIsAUpperCamelCase", CaseFormat.LOWER_HYPHEN, "this-is-a-upper-camel-case" ), Tuple.tuple( "THIS is-A mix-leTTer_CASe", CaseFormat.LOWER_HYPHEN, "this-is-a-mix-letter-case" ), Tuple.tuple( "THIS.iS_A RaND0m Letter$ -case_!", CaseFormat.LOWER_HYPHEN, "this-is-a-rand0m-letter$-case" ), Tuple.tuple( "これはラテン文字ではありません。", CaseFormat.LOWER_HYPHEN, "" ) ); }
public FormatTest(@Nonnull Tuple3<String, CaseFormat, String> fixture) { name = fixture.v1(); format = fixture.v2(); expected = fixture.v3(); }
public IsAcceptableTest(@Nonnull Tuple3<ValueType, Object, Boolean> fixture) { underTest = fixture.v1(); value = fixture.v2(); expected = fixture.v3(); }
public NormalWrapTest(@Nonnull Tuple3<ValueType, Object, Class> fixture) { this.underTest = fixture.v1(); this.value = fixture.v2(); this.expected = fixture.v3(); }
public NonNormalWrapTest(@Nonnull Tuple3<ValueType, Object, String> fixture) { underTest = fixture.v1(); value = fixture.v2(); expected = fixture.v3(); }
/** * Insert multiple Elasticsearch documents into the index. Perform a * bulk request. This method replies to all messages if the bulk request * was successful. * @param type Elasticsearch type for documents * @param documents a list of tuples containing document IDs, documents to * index, and the respective messages from which the documents were created * @return an observable that completes when the operation has finished */ private Observable<Void> insertDocuments(String type, List<Tuple3<String, JsonObject, Message<JsonObject>>> documents) { long startTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<String> chunkPaths = Seq.seq(documents) .map(Tuple3::v1) .toList(); onIndexingStarted(startTimeStamp, chunkPaths); List<Tuple2<String, JsonObject>> docsToInsert = Seq.seq(documents) .map(Tuple3::limit2) .toList(); List<Message<JsonObject>> messages = Seq.seq(documents) .map(Tuple3::v3) .toList(); return client.bulkInsert(type, docsToInsert).flatMap(bres -> { JsonArray items = bres.getJsonArray("items"); for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) { JsonObject jo = items.getJsonObject(i); JsonObject item = jo.getJsonObject("index"); Message<JsonObject> msg = messages.get(i); if (client.bulkResponseItemHasErrors(item)) { msg.fail(500, client.bulkResponseItemGetErrorMessage(item)); } else { msg.reply(null); } } long stopTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<String> correlationIds = Seq.seq(messages) .map(Message::body) .map(d -> d.getString("correlationId")) .toList(); onIndexingFinished(stopTimeStamp - startTimeStamp, correlationIds, chunkPaths, client.bulkResponseGetErrorMessage(bres)); return Observable.empty(); }); }
@Override public <I, F> Stream<Tuple3<I, F, Double>> read(String in, Parser<I> ip, Parser<F> fp) throws IOException { return read(new FileInputStream(in), ip, fp); }
/** * Partially apply this function to the arguments. */ default Function11<T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, R> applyPartially(Tuple3<? extends T1, ? extends T2, ? extends T3> args) { return (v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14) -> apply(args.v1, args.v2, args.v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14); }
/** * Let this consumer partially accept the arguments. */ default Consumer3<T4, T5, T6> acceptPartially(Tuple3<? extends T1, ? extends T2, ? extends T3> args) { return (v4, v5, v6) -> accept(args.v1, args.v2, args.v3, v4, v5, v6); }
/** * Let this consumer partially accept the arguments. */ default Consumer4<T4, T5, T6, T7> acceptPartially(Tuple3<? extends T1, ? extends T2, ? extends T3> args) { return (v4, v5, v6, v7) -> accept(args.v1, args.v2, args.v3, v4, v5, v6, v7); }
/** * Partially apply this function to the arguments. */ default Function6<T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, R> applyPartially(Tuple3<? extends T1, ? extends T2, ? extends T3> args) { return (v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9) -> apply(args.v1, args.v2, args.v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9); }
/** * Partially apply this function to the arguments. */ default Function1<T4, R> applyPartially(Tuple3<? extends T1, ? extends T2, ? extends T3> args) { return (v4) -> apply(args.v1, args.v2, args.v3, v4); }
/** * Let this consumer partially accept the arguments. */ default Consumer13<T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16> acceptPartially(Tuple3<? extends T1, ? extends T2, ? extends T3> args) { return (v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16) -> accept(args.v1, args.v2, args.v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16); }
/** * Partially apply this function to the arguments. */ default Function7<T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, R> applyPartially(Tuple3<? extends T1, ? extends T2, ? extends T3> args) { return (v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10) -> apply(args.v1, args.v2, args.v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10); }
/** * Partially apply this function to the arguments. */ default Function8<T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, R> applyPartially(Tuple3<? extends T1, ? extends T2, ? extends T3> args) { return (v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11) -> apply(args.v1, args.v2, args.v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11); }
/** * Partially apply this function to the arguments. */ default Function4<T4, T5, T6, T7, R> applyPartially(Tuple3<? extends T1, ? extends T2, ? extends T3> args) { return (v4, v5, v6, v7) -> apply(args.v1, args.v2, args.v3, v4, v5, v6, v7); }
/** * Partially apply this function to the arguments. */ default Function0<R> applyPartially(Tuple3<? extends T1, ? extends T2, ? extends T3> args) { return () -> apply(args.v1, args.v2, args.v3); }
/** * Partially apply this function to the arguments. */ default Function13<T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, R> applyPartially(Tuple3<? extends T1, ? extends T2, ? extends T3> args) { return (v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16) -> apply(args.v1, args.v2, args.v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16); }
/** * Let this consumer partially accept the arguments. */ default Consumer0 acceptPartially(Tuple3<? extends T1, ? extends T2, ? extends T3> args) { return () -> accept(args.v1, args.v2, args.v3); }