@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"false, /key", "false, /metadata", "false, /~metadata", "false, /metadata~", "true, /~metadata~", "false, /METADATA", "false, /~METADATA", "false, /METADATA~", "true, /~METADATA~", "true, /.metadata", "true, /~METADATA~/someOtherValue", "true, /.metadata/someOtherValue", "false, /my.key.with.dots", "false, /my~key~with~tildes~", "false, /~my~keywithtildes", "false, /~metadata~with~tildes~"}) public void isMetaDataTest(boolean expectedResult, String key) { assertEquals(expectedResult, NetworkTableUtils.isMetadata(key)); }
@ParameterizedTest(name = "{0} should be prime? {1}") @CsvSource({ "1, false", "2, true", "3, true", "4, false", "5, true", "6, false", "7, true", "8, false", "9, false", "10, false", "2147483647, true" }) public void findPrimeNumbers(long n, boolean isPrime) { assertThat(sut.isPrime(n)).isEqualTo(isPrime); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"true, true, true, 1, 1, 0", "true, true, false, 1, 0, 0", "true, false, true, 0, 0, 1", "false, true, true, 0, 0, 1"}) void process(boolean origin, boolean target, boolean orientate, int times, int orientateTimes, int done) { doNothing().when(task).orientate(); doNothing().when(task).render(); doReturn(origin).when(this.origin).validate(); doReturn(target).when(this.target).validate(); task.orientate = orientate; task.process(); verify(this.origin, times(times)).update(); verify(this.target, times(times)).update(); verify(task, times(orientateTimes)).orientate(); verify(task, times(times)).render(); verify(runnable, times(done)).run(); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"1, 0", "0, 1"}) void render(int steps, int times) { context.steps = steps; doNothing().when(wave).process(origin); Vector water = new Vector(0, 0, 1); Vector cloud = new Vector(0, 0, 2); wave.waters.add(water); wave.clouds.add(cloud); wave.render(context, origin, target, offset); verify(wave, times(times)).process(origin); verify(context).render(PARTICLES, origin, water); verify(context).render(COLOURED, origin, cloud); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({ "01, 1, 0, 0", "1, 1, 0, 0", "1.0, 1, 0, 0", "1.0.0, 1, 0, 0", "1.2, 1, 2, 0", "1.2.3, 1, 2, 3", "1.2.3, 1, 2, 3", ", 1, 2, 3", }) public void testMajorMinorVersion(String versionString, int major, int minor, int bugfix) { assertEquals(major, new Version(versionString).getMajor()); assertEquals(minor, new Version(versionString).getMinor()); assertEquals(bugfix, new Version(versionString).getBugfix()); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({ "01, 1, 0", "1, 1, 0", "1.0, 1, 0", "1.0.0, 1, 0", "1.0, 1.0, 0", "1.0.0, 1.0.0, 0", "1.2, 1, 1", "1.2, 1.3, -1", "1.2.3, 1, 1", ", 1, 1", "1.3.1, 1.3, 1", "1.2.3, 1.3, -1", ", 1.3, -1", "1.3.1, 1.3.2, -1", "1.3.2,,-1", ", 10.0.0, -1", "9.20.20, 10.0.0, -1", }) public void testCompare(String version1, String version2, int resultSignum) { assertEquals(Integer.signum(new Version(version1).compareTo(new Version(version2))), resultSignum); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({ "JRE_VERSION_9, JRE_VERSION_160, true", "JRE_VERSION_9, JRE_VERSION_170, true", "JRE_VERSION_9, JRE_VERSION_180, true", "JRE_VERSION_9, JRE_VERSION_9, true", "JRE_VERSION_180, JRE_VERSION_160, true", "JRE_VERSION_180, JRE_VERSION_170, true", "JRE_VERSION_180, JRE_VERSION_180, true", "JRE_VERSION_170, JRE_VERSION_160, true", "JRE_VERSION_170, JRE_VERSION_170, true", "JRE_VERSION_180, JRE_VERSION_9, false", "JRE_VERSION_170, JRE_VERSION_180, false", "JRE_VERSION_170, JRE_VERSION_9, false", }) public void isAtLeast(@ConvertWith(JavaVersionConstantArgumentConverter.class) JavaVersion version1, @ConvertWith(JavaVersionConstantArgumentConverter.class) JavaVersion version2, boolean result) { assertEquals(version1.isAtLeast(version2), result); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({ "JRE_VERSION_160, JRE_VERSION_170, true", "JRE_VERSION_170, JRE_VERSION_180, true", "JRE_VERSION_180, JRE_VERSION_9, true", "JRE_VERSION_9, JRE_VERSION_180, false", "JRE_VERSION_170, JRE_VERSION_160, false", "JRE_VERSION_170, JRE_VERSION_170, false", "JRE_VERSION_180, JRE_VERSION_160, false", "JRE_VERSION_180, JRE_VERSION_170, false", "JRE_VERSION_180, JRE_VERSION_180, false", }) public void isBelow(@ConvertWith(JavaVersionConstantArgumentConverter.class) JavaVersion version1, @ConvertWith(JavaVersionConstantArgumentConverter.class) JavaVersion version2, boolean result) { assertEquals(version1.isBelow(version2), result); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({ "MD2_RSA", "MD5_RSA", "RIPEMD128_RSA", "RIPEMD160_RSA", "RIPEMD256_RSA", "SHA1_RSA", "SHA224_RSA", "SHA256_RSA", "SHA384_RSA", "SHA512_RSA", "SHA1_DSA", "SHA224_DSA", "SHA256_DSA", }) public void ripemd160RsaSpkac(SignatureType signatureAlgorithm) throws Exception { if (signatureAlgorithm.name().endsWith("_RSA")) { doTestSpkac(rsaKeyPair, signatureAlgorithm); } else { doTestSpkac(dsaKeyPair, signatureAlgorithm); } }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({ "MD2", "MD4", "MD5", "SHA1", "SHA224", "SHA256", "SHA384", "SHA512", "RIPEMD128", "RIPEMD160", "RIPEMD256", }) public void testMessageDigests(DigestType digestType) throws Exception { String digest = DigestUtil.getFriendlyMessageDigest(MESSAGE.getBytes(), digestType); assertTrue(!digest.equals(MESSAGE)); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({ "DSA, 512", "DSA, 1024", "RSA, 512", "RSA, 1024", "RSA, 2048", //"RSA, 3072", takes too long //"RSA, 4096", takes too long }) public void doTests(KeyPairType keyPairType, Integer keySize) throws Exception { KeyPair keyPair = KeyPairUtil.generateKeyPair(keyPairType, keySize, new BouncyCastleProvider()); PrivateKey privateKey = keyPair.getPrivate(); KeyInfo privateKeyInfo = KeyPairUtil.getKeyInfo(privateKey); assertEquals(keyPairType.toString(), privateKeyInfo.getAlgorithm()); assertEquals(keySize, privateKeyInfo.getSize()); PublicKey publicKey = keyPair.getPublic(); KeyInfo publicKeyInfo = KeyPairUtil.getKeyInfo(publicKey); assertEquals(keyPairType.toString(), publicKeyInfo.getAlgorithm()); assertEquals(keySize, publicKeyInfo.getSize()); assertTrue(KeyPairUtil.validKeyPair(privateKey, publicKey)); }
@DisplayName("Display name of test container") @ParameterizedTest(name = "[{index}] first argument=\"{0}\", second argument={1}") @CsvSource({ "mastering, 1", "parameterized, 2", "tests, 3" }) void testWithCustomDisplayNames(String first, int second) { System.out.println( "Testing with parameters: " + first + " and " + second); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({ "hello, 1", "world, 2", "'happy, testing', 3" }) void testWithCsvSource(String first, int second) { System.out.println("Parameterized test with (String) " + first + " and (int) " + second); assertNotNull(first); assertNotEquals(0, second); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource(value = { "true", "false" }) public void verboseMode_instrumentation(boolean verbose) { settingsBuilder.withVerboseMode(verbose); String testSource = String.format( "package %s;\n" + "\n" + "import %s;\n" + "\n" + "public class %s {\n" + "\n" + " @NotNull\n" + " public Integer test(@NotNull Integer i1, @NotNull Integer i2) {\n" + " return i1 + i2;\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " @NotNull\n" + " private Integer negative(@NotNull Integer i) {\n" + " return -1 * i;\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " public static void main(String[] args) {\n" + " new Test().test(1, 2);\n" + " }\n" + "}", PACKAGE, NotNull.class.getName(), CLASS_NAME); String[] targetParameterNames = {"i1", "i2", "i"}; for (String name : targetParameterNames) { expectCompilationResult.withText(String.format("added a null-check for argument '%s'", name), verbose); } String methodPrefix = PACKAGE + "." + CLASS_NAME + "."; String[] targetMethods = {methodPrefix + "test()", methodPrefix + "negative()"}; for (String method : targetMethods) { expectCompilationResult.withText("added a null-check for 'return' expression in method " + method, verbose); } doTest(testSource); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource(delimiter = ':', value = { "null, 1:i1:0", "1, null:i2:0" }) public void multipleArguments(@NotNull String callArguments, @NotNull String parameterName) { String testSource = prepareParameterTestSource( NotNull.class.getName(), String.format("public void %s(@NotNull Integer i1,\n @NotNull Integer i2) {}", METHOD_NAME), callArguments ); expectNpeFromParameterCheck(testSource, parameterName, expectRunResult); doTest(testSource); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"0.0, a0.0", "0.0, 0.0b", "0.0, a0.0b", "0.0, 0.......0", "0.0, 0.0."}) public void invalidNumberTest(String expectedResult, String test) { interact(numberField::clear); clickOn(".text-field").write(test); assertEquals(expectedResult, numberField.getText()); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({ "3.6, 4.0, 47.0", "46.0, 47.0, 47.0", "46, 47.0, 47" }) void testNextVersion(String version, String expectedNextVersion, String latestVersion) { String nextVersion = CHROME.getNextVersion(version, latestVersion); assertThat(nextVersion, equalTo(expectedNextVersion)); }
@ParameterizedTest(name = "{0} should be factored as [{1}]") @CsvSource({ "2, 2", "3, 3", "4, 2;2", "5, 5" }) public void factorSmallNumbers(final long n, final String factors) { assertThat(sut.factor(n)).isEqualTo(split(factors)); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"true, true, true", "true, false, true", "false, true, true", "false, false, false"}) void validate(boolean nullable, boolean present, boolean expected) { location.nullable = nullable; location.entity = present ? location.entity : new Weak<>(null); assertEquals(expected, location.validate()); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"true, 1", "false, 0"}) void update(boolean present, int times) { location.entity = present ? location.entity : new Weak<>(null); doNothing().when(location).update(any(Location.class)); location.update(); verify(location, times(times)).update(any(Location.class)); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"true", "false"}) void updateOffset(boolean relative) { location.setRelative(relative); location.updateOffset(); verify(internal).add(relative ? Vectors.rotate(offset, internal) : offset); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"true, 5, 7", "false, 4, 5"}) void updateDirection(boolean relative, float yaw, float pitch) { bound.setRelative(relative); bound.updateDirection(); verify(location).setYaw(yaw); verify(location).setPitch(pitch); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"10, 1", "5, 0"}) void click(int slot, int times) { ClickEvent event = when(mock(ClickEvent.class).getRawSlot()).thenReturn(slot).getMock(); region.click(event); verify(button, times(times)).click(event); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"false, 10, 1", "true, 10, 0", "false, 5, 0"}) void drag(boolean cancelled, int slot, int times) { DragEvent event = when(mock(DragEvent.class).isCancelled()).thenReturn(cancelled).getMock(); when(event.getRawSlots()).thenReturn(Collections.singleton(slot)); region.drag(event); verify(button, times(times)).drag(event, 10); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"0, 0, 0", "10, 1, 0", "9, 0, 1"}) void click(int slot, int times, int blank) { ClickEvent event = when(mock(ClickEvent.class).getRawSlot()).thenReturn(slot).getMock(); region.click(event); verify(button, times(times)).click(event); verify(region, times(blank)).clickBlank(event); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"10, true, 0, 0", "0, false, 0, 0", "10, false, 1, 0", "9, false, 0, 1"}) void drag(int slot, boolean cancelled, int times, int blank) { DragEvent event = when(mock(DragEvent.class).getRawSlots()).thenReturn(singleton(slot)).getMock(); when(event.isCancelled()).thenReturn(cancelled).getMock(); region.drag(event); verify(button, times(times)).drag(event, slot); verify(region, times(blank)).dragBlank(event, slot); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"true, 0, 1", "false, 1, 0"}) void click(boolean checked, int check, int uncheck) { checkbox.checked = checked; ClickEvent event = mock(ClickEvent.class); checkbox.click(event); verify(checkbox, times(check)).check(event); verify(checkbox, times(uncheck)).uncheck(event); assertEquals(!checked, checkbox.checked); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"1, c, 2", "2, a, 0"}) void next(int index, String state, int expected) { button.index = index; assertEquals(state, button.next()); assertEquals(expected, button.index()); assertEquals(3, button.length()); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"true, 0", "false, 1"}) void lore_String(boolean hasLore, int times) { when(meta.hasLore()).thenReturn(hasLore); when(meta.getLore()).thenReturn(new ArrayList<>()); builder.lore("line"); verify(meta, times(times)).setLore(eq(EMPTY_LIST)); assertEquals(singletonList("line"), meta.getLore()); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"true, 0", "false, 1"}) void lore_List(boolean hasLore, int setTimes) { when(meta.hasLore()).thenReturn(hasLore); when(meta.getLore()).thenReturn(new ArrayList<>()); List<String> lines = asList("line 1", "line 2"); builder.lore(lines); verify(meta, times(setTimes)).setLore(eq(EMPTY_LIST)); assertEquals(lines, meta.getLore()); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"ja, jp, ja_JP", "en, '', en", "'', UK, UK"}) public void set(String language, String country, String expected) { provider.set(player, new Locale(language, country)); verify(config).set(player.getUniqueId().toString(), expected); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"true, true, 1", "true, false, 0", "false, true, 11", "false, false, 10"}) void render(boolean reset, boolean incremental, int expected) { task.steps = 10; when(effect.reset(anyInt())).thenReturn(reset); when(effect.isIncremental()).thenReturn(incremental); task.render(); verify(effect).render(task, task.origin.getLocation(), task.target.getLocation(), task.vector); assertEquals(expected, task.steps); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"true, 2", "false, 0"}) void renderDroplets(boolean render, int expected) { when(mockRandom.nextBoolean()).thenReturn(render); cloud.renderDroplets(context, origin, offset, mockRandom); verify(context, times(expected)).render(COLOURED, origin, offset); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"true", "false"}) void render(boolean rotate) { doNothing().when(cylinder).renderSurface(any(), any(), any(), any()); cylinder.rotate = rotate; cylinder.render(context, origin, target, offset); verify(cylinder).renderSurface(context, origin, offset, RANDOM); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"0.1, 2, -1.2, 2", "0.49, 0.49, -3, 0.49", "0.5, 0.5, -3, 0.5"}) void calculate(float value, double x, double y, double z) { when(mockRandom.nextFloat()).thenReturn(value); when(mockRandom.nextDouble(-1, 1)).thenReturn(-0.8); offset.setX(1).setY(1).setZ(1); cylinder.calculate(offset, mockRandom, 2); assertVector(from(x, y, z), offset, LOW_PRECISION); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"2, 1.8660254037844384, -0.7320508075688774, 0.5000000000000001", "0, 2, 2, 2"}) void resolveLink(double length, double x, double y, double z) { line.length = length; line.resolveLink(context, origin, target); assertVector(from(x, y, z), line.link); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"true, 1, 0", "false, 0, 1"}) void render(boolean solid, int walls, int outlines) { doNothing().when(cube).renderWalls(context, origin, offset, 0, 0, 0); doNothing().when(cube).renderOutline(context, origin, offset, 0, 0, 0); cube.solid = solid; cube.render(context, origin, target, offset); verify(cube, times(walls)).renderWalls(context, origin, offset, 0, 0, 0); verify(cube, times(outlines)).renderOutline(context, origin, offset, 0, 0, 0); }
@ParameterizedTest @CsvSource({"true, 1.317134151772411, 1.905858842747876, -1.17595055072672983", "false, 1.5, -1.5, 1.5"}) void renderPillarOutlines(boolean rotate, double x, double y, double z) { cube.rotate = rotate; cube.perRow = 1; cube.renderPillarOutline(context, origin, 0, offset, 1, 2, 3); verify(context).render(PARTICLES, origin, offset); assertVector(from(x, y, z), context.offset); }