@AfterEach void afterEach() throws IOException { for(Playlist p : playlistsToCleanup) { if(p != null) { PlaylistRESTCalls.deletePlaylist(p.getID()); } } playlistsToCleanup.clear(); }
@AfterEach public void tearDown() { for(Queue q : queuesToCleanup) { if(q != null) { try { QueueRESTCalls.deleteQueue(q.getID()); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
@AfterEach void afterEachTest(final TestInfo testInfo) { LOGGER.info("duration of test '{}' {}ms", testInfo.getDisplayName(), System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); }
@AfterEach public void tearDownTestMethod() { print("Executed after each test in this class."); }
@AfterEach void outputTestName(@TestName String name) { // injection also works for 'BeforeEach' and 'AfterEach' methods print("Current test: %s", name); }
@AfterEach public void tearDown() { EqualizerRESTCalls.deleteAllEQs(); }