public void renderWithoutWater(final PerspectiveCamera camera, final boolean renderReflected) { shader.bind(); shader.update(camera, directionalLight); if(renderReflected) { shader.setUniform("clip_plane", new Vector4f(0, 1, 0, -WaterRegion.WATER_HEIGHT)); } else { shader.setUniform("clip_plane", new Vector4f(0, 0, 0, 0)); } if(skybox != null) { skybox.render(camera); } for(Entry<String, Region> region : regions.entrySet()) { region.getValue().render(shader); } }
private BakedQuad createQuad(QuadHolder holder, EnumFacing facing) { Vector4f uv = holder.uv; Vector3 a = holder.a; Vector3 b = holder.b; Vector3 c = holder.c; Vector3 d = holder.d; Vector3 normal = c.copy().subtract(b).cross(a.copy().subtract(b)).normalize(); UnpackedBakedQuad.Builder builder = new UnpackedBakedQuad.Builder(format); putVertex(builder, normal, a.x, a.y, a.z, holder.sprite, uv.y, uv.w, hasBrightness); putVertex(builder, normal, b.x, b.y, b.z, holder.sprite, uv.y, uv.z, hasBrightness); putVertex(builder, normal, c.x, c.y, c.z, holder.sprite, uv.x, uv.z, hasBrightness); putVertex(builder, normal, d.x, d.y, d.z, holder.sprite, uv.x, uv.w, hasBrightness); builder.setQuadOrientation(facing); builder.setTexture(holder.sprite); return; }
public void render(List<Light> lights, Camera camera, Vector4f clipPlane) { prepare(); shader.start(); shader.loadClipPlane(clipPlane); shader.loadSkyColour(RED, GREEN, BLUE); shader.loadLights(lights); shader.loadViewMatrix(camera); renderer.render(entities); shader.stop(); normalMapRenderer.render(normalMapEntities, clipPlane, lights, camera); terrainShader.start(); terrainShader.loadClipPlane(clipPlane); terrainShader.loadSkyColour(RED, GREEN, BLUE); terrainShader.loadLights(lights); terrainShader.loadViewMatrix(camera); terrainRenderer.render(terrains); terrainShader.stop(); skyboxRenderer.render(camera, RED, GREEN, BLUE); terrains.clear(); entities.clear(); normalMapEntities.clear(); }
private static Vector3f generateRandomUnitVectorWithinCone(Vector3f coneDirection, float angle) { float cosAngle = (float) Math.cos(angle); Random random = new Random(); float theta = (float) (random.nextFloat() * 2f * Math.PI); float z = cosAngle + (random.nextFloat() * (1 - cosAngle)); float rootOneMinusZSquared = (float) Math.sqrt(1 - z * z); float x = (float) (rootOneMinusZSquared * Math.cos(theta)); float y = (float) (rootOneMinusZSquared * Math.sin(theta)); Vector4f direction = new Vector4f(x, y, z, 1); if (coneDirection.x != 0 || coneDirection.y != 0 || (coneDirection.z != 1 && coneDirection.z != -1)) { Vector3f rotateAxis = Vector3f.cross(coneDirection, new Vector3f(0, 0, 1), null); rotateAxis.normalise(); float rotateAngle = (float) Math.acos(, new Vector3f(0, 0, 1))); Matrix4f rotationMatrix = new Matrix4f(); rotationMatrix.rotate(-rotateAngle, rotateAxis); Matrix4f.transform(rotationMatrix, direction, direction); } else if (coneDirection.z == -1) { direction.z *= -1; } return new Vector3f(direction); }
public void render(List<Light> lights, Camera camera, Vector4f clipPlane) { prepare(); shader.start(); shader.loadClipPlane(clipPlane); shader.loadSkyClourVariable(fogColour.x, fogColour.y, fogColour.z); shader.loadLights(lights); shader.loadViewMatrix(camera); entityRenderer.render(entities, shadowMapRenderer.getToShadowMapSpaceMatrix()); shader.stop(); terrainShader.start(); terrainShader.loadClipPlane(clipPlane); terrainShader.loadSkyColorVariable(fogColour.x, fogColour.y, fogColour.z); terrainShader.loadLights(lights); terrainShader.loadViewMatrix(camera); terrainRenderer.render(terrains, shadowMapRenderer.getToShadowMapSpaceMatrix()); terrainShader.stop(); skyboxRenderer.render(camera, fogColour.x, fogColour.y, fogColour.z); GL11.glShadeModel(GL11.GL_SMOOTH); entities.clear(); terrains.clear(); }
private Vector4f[] calculateFrustumVertices(Matrix4f rotation, Vector3f forwardVector, Vector3f centerNear, Vector3f centerFar) { Vector3f upVector = new Vector3f(Matrix4f.transform(rotation, UP, null)); Vector3f rightVector = Vector3f.cross(forwardVector, upVector, null); Vector3f downVector = new Vector3f(-upVector.x, -upVector.y, -upVector.z); Vector3f leftVector = new Vector3f(-rightVector.x, -rightVector.y, -rightVector.z); Vector3f farTop = Vector3f.add(centerFar, new Vector3f(upVector.x * farHeight, upVector.y * farHeight, upVector.z * farHeight), null); Vector3f farBottom = Vector3f.add(centerFar, new Vector3f(downVector.x * farHeight, downVector.y * farHeight, downVector.z * farHeight), null); Vector3f nearTop = Vector3f.add(centerNear, new Vector3f(upVector.x * nearHeight, upVector.y * nearHeight, upVector.z * nearHeight), null); Vector3f nearBottom = Vector3f.add(centerNear, new Vector3f(downVector.x * nearHeight, downVector.y * nearHeight, downVector.z * nearHeight), null); Vector4f[] points = new Vector4f[8]; points[0] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(farTop, rightVector, farWidth); points[1] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(farTop, leftVector, farWidth); points[2] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(farBottom, rightVector, farWidth); points[3] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(farBottom, leftVector, farWidth); points[4] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(nearTop, rightVector, nearWidth); points[5] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(nearTop, leftVector, nearWidth); points[6] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(nearBottom, rightVector, nearWidth); points[7] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(nearBottom, leftVector, nearWidth); return points; }
/** * Calculates the position of the vertex at each corner of the view frustum * in light space (8 vertices in total, so this returns 8 positions). * * @param rotation * - camera's rotation. * @param forwardVector * - the direction that the camera is aiming, and thus the * direction of the frustum. * @param centerNear * - the center point of the frustum's near plane. * @param centerFar * - the center point of the frustum's (possibly adjusted) far * plane. * @return The positions of the vertices of the frustum in light space. */ private Vector4f[] calculateFrustumVertices(Matrix4f rotation, Vector3f forwardVector, Vector3f centerNear, Vector3f centerFar) { Vector3f upVector = new Vector3f(Matrix4f.transform(rotation, UP, null)); Vector3f rightVector = Vector3f.cross(forwardVector, upVector, null); Vector3f downVector = new Vector3f(-upVector.x, -upVector.y, -upVector.z); Vector3f leftVector = new Vector3f(-rightVector.x, -rightVector.y, -rightVector.z); Vector3f farTop = Vector3f.add(centerFar, new Vector3f(upVector.x * farHeight, upVector.y * farHeight, upVector.z * farHeight), null); Vector3f farBottom = Vector3f.add(centerFar, new Vector3f(downVector.x * farHeight, downVector.y * farHeight, downVector.z * farHeight), null); Vector3f nearTop = Vector3f.add(centerNear, new Vector3f(upVector.x * nearHeight, upVector.y * nearHeight, upVector.z * nearHeight), null); Vector3f nearBottom = Vector3f.add(centerNear, new Vector3f(downVector.x * nearHeight, downVector.y * nearHeight, downVector.z * nearHeight), null); Vector4f[] points = new Vector4f[8]; points[0] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(farTop, rightVector, farWidth); points[1] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(farTop, leftVector, farWidth); points[2] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(farBottom, rightVector, farWidth); points[3] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(farBottom, leftVector, farWidth); points[4] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(nearTop, rightVector, nearWidth); points[5] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(nearTop, leftVector, nearWidth); points[6] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(nearBottom, rightVector, nearWidth); points[7] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(nearBottom, leftVector, nearWidth); return points; }
public void render(List<Light> lights, Camera camera, Vector4f clipPlane) { prepare(); shader.start(); shader.loadClipPlane(clipPlane); shader.loadSkyColour(RED, GREEN, BLUE); shader.loadLights(lights); shader.loadViewMatrix(camera); renderer.render(entities, shadowMapRenderer.getToShadowMapSpaceMatrix()); shader.stop(); normalMapRenderer.render(normalMapEntities, clipPlane, lights, camera); terrainShader.start(); terrainShader.loadClipPlane(clipPlane); terrainShader.loadSkyColour(RED, GREEN, BLUE); terrainShader.loadLights(lights); terrainShader.loadViewMatrix(camera); terrainRenderer.render(terrains, shadowMapRenderer.getToShadowMapSpaceMatrix()); terrainShader.stop(); skyboxRenderer.render(camera, RED, GREEN, BLUE); terrains.clear(); entities.clear(); normalMapEntities.clear(); }
public Vector4f isAbove(Vector3f pointToCheck) { float len = (this.length - 2*margin) * wl; float wid = (Wall.width - 2*margin) * wl; Vector2f p1 = new Vector2f(this.position.x,this.position.z-margin); Vector2f p2,p3,p4; if(isLeftWall()){ p2 = new Vector2f(p1.x + wid, p1.y - wid); p3 = new Vector2f(p2.x - len, p2.y - len); p4 = new Vector2f(p1.x - len, p1.y - len); } else{ p2 = new Vector2f(p1.x + wid, p1.y + wid); p3 = new Vector2f(p2.x + len, p2.y - len); p4 = new Vector2f(p1.x + len, p1.y - len); } Vector2f point = new Vector2f(pointToCheck.x,pointToCheck.z); int x1 = Maths.orientation(p1, p2, point); int x2 = Maths.orientation(p2, p3, point); int x3 = Maths.orientation(p3, p4, point); int x4 = Maths.orientation(p4, p1, point); Vector4f pointPosition = new Vector4f(x1,x2,x3,x4); return pointPosition; }
public void copyState(Manipulator origin) { this.accuratePosition = origin.accuratePosition.clone(); this.position = new Vector4f(origin.position); this.xAxis = new Vector4f(origin.xAxis); this.yAxis = new Vector4f(origin.yAxis); this.zAxis = new Vector4f(origin.zAxis); this.accurateXaxis = origin.accurateXaxis.clone(); this.accurateYaxis = origin.accurateYaxis.clone(); this.accurateZaxis = origin.accurateZaxis.clone(); this.result.load(origin.result); this.scale.load(origin.scale); this.accurateResult = new Matrix(origin.accurateResult); this.accurateScale = new Matrix(origin.accurateScale); this.accurateRotationX = origin.accurateRotationX; this.accurateRotationY = origin.accurateRotationY; this.accurateRotationZ = origin.accurateRotationZ; this.modified = origin.modified; }
public void drawProtractorGL33(Composite3D c3d, GLShader shader, BigDecimal x1c, BigDecimal y1c, BigDecimal z1c, BigDecimal x2c, BigDecimal y2c, BigDecimal z2c, BigDecimal x3c, BigDecimal y3c, BigDecimal z3c) { GL20.glUniform3f(shader.getUniformLocation("color"), r, g, b); //$NON-NLS-1$ final java.text.DecimalFormat NUMBER_FORMAT2F = new java.text.DecimalFormat(View.NUMBER_FORMAT2F, new DecimalFormatSymbols(MyLanguage.LOCALE)); final float zoom = 1f / c3d.getZoom(); final Vector4f textOrigin = new Vector4f(x1, y1, z1, 1f); Matrix4f.transform(c3d.getRotation(), textOrigin, textOrigin); Vector3d va = new Vector3d(x1c, y1c, z1c); Vector3d vb = new Vector3d(x2c, y2c, z2c); Vector3d vc = new Vector3d(x3c, y3c, z3c); vb = Vector3d.sub(va, vb); vc = Vector3d.sub(va, vc); double angle = Vector3d.angle(vb, vc); BigDecimal ang = new BigDecimal(angle); String angle_s = NUMBER_FORMAT2F.format(ang) + "°"; //$NON-NLS-1$ drawNumberGL33(angle_s, textOrigin.x, textOrigin.y, textOrigin.z, zoom); }
private GData3 checkNormal(GData3 g3, Matrix4f vport) { Vertex[] v = triangles.get(g3); Vector4f n = new Vector4f(); n.setW(1f); n.setX((v[2].y - v[0].y) * (v[1].z - v[0].z) - (v[2].z - v[0].z) * (v[1].y - v[0].y)); n.setY((v[2].z - v[0].z) * (v[1].x - v[0].x) - (v[2].x - v[0].x) * (v[1].z - v[0].z)); n.setZ((v[2].x - v[0].x) * (v[1].y - v[0].y) - (v[2].y - v[0].y) * (v[1].x - v[0].x)); Matrix4f.transform(vport, n, n); Vector4f.sub(n, new Vector4f(vport.m03, vport.m13, vport.m23, 0f), n); if (n.z > 0f ^ Editor3DWindow.getWindow().hasBfcToggle()) { return new GData3(g3.colourNumber, g3.r, g3.g, g3.b, g3.a, v[0], v[2], v[1], View.DUMMY_REFERENCE, linkedDatFile, g3.isTriangle); } else { return null; } }
public void isShown(Matrix4f viewport, ThreadsafeHashMap<GData1, Matrix4f> CACHE_viewByProjection, float zoom) { if (wasShown) { return; } final Matrix4f M2 = CACHE_viewByProjection.get(parent); if (M2 == null) { Matrix4f.mul(viewport, parent.productMatrix, M); CACHE_viewByProjection.put(parent, M); } else { M = M2; } // Calculate the real coordinates Matrix4f.transform(M, A2, A); Matrix4f.transform(M, B2, B); Matrix4f.transform(M, C2, C); Matrix4f.transform(M, D2, D); N.x = A.y - B.y; N.y = B.x - A.x; N.z = 0f; N.w = 1f; wasShown = zoom /, Vector4f.sub(C, A, null)) *, Vector4f.sub(D, A, null)) > -1e-20f; }
private void adjustTranslate(float old, float zoom2) { float dx = 0; float dy = 0; dx = 0f / viewport_pixel_per_ldu; dy = 0f / viewport_pixel_per_ldu; Vector4f xAxis4f_translation = new Vector4f(dx, 0, 0, 1.0f); Vector4f yAxis4f_translation = new Vector4f(0, dy, 0, 1.0f); Vector3f xAxis3 = new Vector3f(xAxis4f_translation.x, xAxis4f_translation.y, xAxis4f_translation.z); Vector3f yAxis3 = new Vector3f(yAxis4f_translation.x, yAxis4f_translation.y, yAxis4f_translation.z); Matrix4f.load(old_viewport_translation, viewport_translation); Matrix4f.translate(xAxis3, old_viewport_translation, viewport_translation); Matrix4f.translate(yAxis3, viewport_translation, viewport_translation); viewport_translation.m30 = 0f; if (viewport_translation.m13 > 0f) viewport_translation.m13 = 0f; if (-viewport_translation.m31 > maxY) viewport_translation.m31 = -maxY; }
public void scroll(boolean down) { float dy = 0; Matrix4f.load(getTranslation(), old_viewport_translation); if (down) { dy = -37f / viewport_pixel_per_ldu; } else { dy = 37f / viewport_pixel_per_ldu; } Vector4f yAxis4f_translation = new Vector4f(0, dy, 0, 1.0f); Vector3f yAxis3 = new Vector3f(yAxis4f_translation.x, yAxis4f_translation.y, yAxis4f_translation.z); Matrix4f.load(old_viewport_translation, viewport_translation); Matrix4f.translate(yAxis3, old_viewport_translation, viewport_translation); if (viewport_translation.m31 > 0f) viewport_translation.m31 = 0f; if (-viewport_translation.m31 > maxY) viewport_translation.m31 = -maxY; openGL.drawScene(-1, -1); }
void fillChunk(float[] vertices, int index, float positionX, float positionY, float positionZ, float u, float v, Vector3f normal, float f6, Vector4f color) { int offset = index * VERTEX_FLOAT_COUNT; vertices[offset + 0] = positionX; vertices[offset + 1] = positionY; vertices[offset + 2] = positionZ; vertices[offset + 3] = f6; vertices[offset + 4] = u; vertices[offset + 5] = v; vertices[offset + 6] = normal.x; vertices[offset + 7] = normal.z; vertices[offset + 8] = color.x; vertices[offset + 9] = color.y; vertices[offset + 10] = color.z; vertices[offset + 11] = color.w; }
public Lightning(World world, Vector3f src, Vector3f dst, float width, int num_particles, Vector4f color, Vector4f delta_color, TextureKey texture, float energy, AnimationManager manager) { super(world.getElementRoot()); = world; this.src = src; this.dst = dst; this.width = width; this.num_particles = num_particles; this.color = color; this.delta_color = delta_color; this.texture = texture; = energy; this.manager = manager; initParticles(); register(); }
public static void addBottom(BlockContext world, RawChunk rawChunk, Mesh mesh, final int blockX, final int blockY, final int blockZ, Colour4f colour, SubTexture texture, BlockTypeRegistry registry) { // final int belowId = world.getBlockId(rawChunk.getChunkCoord(), blockX, blockY-1, blockZ); // BlockType below = registry.find(belowId); BlockType below = world.getBlockType(rawChunk.getChunkCoord(), blockX, blockY-1, blockZ); if (!below.isSolid()) { final float lightness = world.getLight(rawChunk.getChunkCoord(), blockX, blockY-1, blockZ, LightFace.Top); // final float lightness = world.getLight(rawChunk.getChunkCoord(), blockX, 128, blockZ, LightFace.Top); MeshUtil.addQuad(mesh, new Vector3f(blockX, blockY, blockZ+1), new Vector3f(blockX+1, blockY, blockZ+1), new Vector3f(blockX+1, blockY, blockZ), new Vector3f(blockX, blockY, blockZ), new Vector4f(colour.r * lightness, colour.g * lightness, colour.b * lightness, colour.a), texture); } }
protected int initParticle(Vector3f position, Vector3f velocity, Vector3f acceleration, Vector4f color, Vector4f delta_color, Vector3f particle_radius, Vector3f growth_rate, float energy) { randomizeAcceleration(); LinearParticle particle = new LinearParticle(); Vector3f pos = randomPosition(); particle.setPos(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ()); particle.setVelocity(velocity.getX(), velocity.getY(), velocity.getZ()); particle.setAcceleration(acceleration.getX(), acceleration.getY(), acceleration.getZ()); particle.setColor(color.getX(), color.getY(), color.getZ(), color.getW()); particle.setDeltaColor(delta_color.getX(), delta_color.getY(), delta_color.getZ(), delta_color.getW()); particle.setRadius(particle_radius.getX(), particle_radius.getY(), particle_radius.getZ()); particle.setGrowthRate(growth_rate.getX(), growth_rate.getY(), growth_rate.getZ()); particle.setEnergy(energy); particle.setType(random.nextInt(getTypes())); add(particle); return 1; }
protected int initParticle(Vector3f position, Vector3f velocity, Vector3f acceleration, Vector4f color, Vector4f delta_color, Vector3f particle_radius, Vector3f growth_rate, float energy) { float angle = 2*(float)StrictMath.PI/num_particles; for (int i = 0; i < num_particles; i++) { LinearParticle particle = new LinearParticle(); Vector3f pos = position; particle.setPos(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ()); // in this special case velocity.getZ() is the actual velocity. not the velocity in the z direction particle.setVelocity(velocity.getZ()*(float)StrictMath.cos(angle*i), velocity.getZ()*(float)StrictMath.sin(angle*i), 0); particle.setAcceleration(acceleration.getX(), acceleration.getY(), acceleration.getZ()); particle.setColor(color.getX(), color.getY(), color.getZ(), color.getW()); particle.setDeltaColor(delta_color.getX(), delta_color.getY(), delta_color.getZ(), delta_color.getW()); particle.setRadius(particle_radius.getX(), particle_radius.getY(), particle_radius.getZ()); particle.setGrowthRate(growth_rate.getX(), growth_rate.getY(), growth_rate.getZ()); particle.setEnergy(energy); particle.setType(0); add(particle); } return num_particles; }
public ParametricEmitter(World world, ParametricFunction function, Vector3f position, float area_xy, float area_z, float velocity_u, float velocity_v, float velocity_random_margin, int num_particles, float particles_per_second, Vector4f color, Vector4f delta_color, Vector3f particle_radius, Vector3f growth_rate, float energy, int src_blend_func, int dst_blend_func, TextureKey[] textures, AnimationManager manager) { super(world, position, src_blend_func, dst_blend_func, textures, null, textures.length, manager); this.function = function; this.area_xy = area_xy; this.area_z = area_z; this.velocity_u = velocity_u; this.velocity_v = velocity_v; this.velocity_random_margin = velocity_random_margin; this.num_particles = num_particles; this.particles_per_second = particles_per_second; this.color = color; this.delta_color = delta_color; this.particle_radius = particle_radius; this.growth_rate = growth_rate; = energy; random = world.getRandom(); register(); }
public static void addInteriorSouth(BlockContext world, RawChunk rawChunk, Mesh mesh, final int x, final int y, final int z, Colour4f colour, SubTexture texture, BlockTypeRegistry registry) { final int southId = rawChunk.getBlockId(x+1, y, z); final int southData = rawChunk.getBlockData(x+1, y, z); BlockType south = registry.find(southId, southData); if (!south.isSolid()) { final float lightness = Chunk.getLight(world.getLightStyle(), LightFace.NorthSouth, rawChunk, x+1, y, z); MeshUtil.addQuad(mesh, new Vector3f(x+1, y+1, z+1), new Vector3f(x+1, y+1, z), new Vector3f(x+1, y, z), new Vector3f(x+1, y, z+1), new Vector4f(colour.r * lightness, colour.g * lightness, colour.b * lightness, colour.a), texture); } }
@Override public void addEdgeGeometry(int x, int y, int z, BlockContext world, BlockTypeRegistry registry, RawChunk rawChunk, Geometry geometry) { Mesh mesh = geometry.getMesh(texture.texture, Geometry.MeshType.AlphaTest); final float lightVal = world.getLight(rawChunk.getChunkCoord(), x, y, z, LightFace.Top); final int data = rawChunk.getBlockData(x, y, z); Colour4f baseColour = getColour(x, y, z, data, world, rawChunk); Vector4f colour = new Vector4f(baseColour.r * lightVal, baseColour.g * lightVal, baseColour.b * lightVal, baseColour.a); //Vector4f colour = new Vector4f(lightVal, lightVal, lightVal, 1.0f); if(blockId == BlockIds.LARGE_FLOWERS) { Mesh bottomMesh = geometry.getMesh(bottomTexture.texture, Geometry.MeshType.AlphaTest); addPlantGeometry(x, y, z, 0, bottomMesh, colour, bottomTexture); addPlantGeometry(x, y, z, 1, mesh, colour, texture); } else { addPlantGeometry(x, y, z, 0, mesh, colour, texture); } }
public static void addSouth(BlockContext world, RawChunk rawChunk, Mesh mesh, final int x, final int y, final int z, Colour4f colour, SubTexture texture, BlockTypeRegistry registry) { // final int southId = world.getBlockId(rawChunk.getChunkCoord(), x+1, y, z); // BlockType south = registry.find(southId); BlockType south = world.getBlockType(rawChunk.getChunkCoord(), x+1, y, z); if (!south.isSolid()) { final float lightness = world.getLight(rawChunk.getChunkCoord(), x+1, y, z, LightFace.NorthSouth); MeshUtil.addQuad(mesh, new Vector3f(x+1, y+1, z+1), new Vector3f(x+1, y+1, z), new Vector3f(x+1, y, z), new Vector3f(x+1, y, z+1), new Vector4f(colour.r * lightness, colour.g * lightness, colour.b * lightness, colour.a), texture); } }
public static void addInteriorNorth(BlockContext world, RawChunk rawChunk, Mesh mesh, final int x, final int y, final int z, Colour4f colour, SubTexture texture, BlockTypeRegistry registry) { final int northId = rawChunk.getBlockId(x-1, y, z); final int northData = rawChunk.getBlockData(x-1, y, z); BlockType north = registry.find(northId, northData); if (!north.isSolid()) { final float lightness = Chunk.getLight(world.getLightStyle(), LightFace.NorthSouth, rawChunk, x-1, y, z); MeshUtil.addQuad(mesh, new Vector3f(x, y+1, z), new Vector3f(x, y+1, z+1), new Vector3f(x, y, z+1), new Vector3f(x, y, z), new Vector4f(colour.r * lightness, colour.g * lightness, colour.b * lightness, colour.a), texture); } }
private static void loadTransformationMatrixByCoordinate(Vector3f[] boneLinkBoundaries, Matrix4f[] transformationMatrices, Matrix4f currentTransformationMatrix, Vector4f currentCoordinate) { int i = transformationMatrices.length - 2; Vector3f boundary = null; while(i >= 0) { boundary = boneLinkBoundaries[i]; if(currentCoordinate.x >= boundary.x) { break; } i--; } if((i > 0) || (boundary.x < currentCoordinate.x)) { currentCoordinate.x -= boundary.x; i++; } i = Math.min(transformationMatrices.length - 1, i); i = Math.max(0, i); Matrix4f.load(transformationMatrices[i], currentTransformationMatrix); return; }
public static void addEast(BlockContext world, RawChunk rawChunk, Mesh mesh, final int x, final int y, final int z, Colour4f colour, SubTexture texture, BlockTypeRegistry registry) { // final int eastId = world.getBlockId(rawChunk.getChunkCoord(), x, y, z-1); // BlockType east = registry.find(eastId); BlockType east = world.getBlockType(rawChunk.getChunkCoord(), x, y, z-1); if (!east.isSolid()) { final float lightness = world.getLight(rawChunk.getChunkCoord(), x, y, z-1, LightFace.EastWest); MeshUtil.addQuad(mesh, new Vector3f(x+1, y+1, z), new Vector3f(x, y+1, z), new Vector3f(x, y, z), new Vector3f(x+1, y, z), new Vector4f(colour.r * lightness, colour.g * lightness, colour.b * lightness, colour.a), texture); } }
@Override public void addEdgeGeometry(int x, int y, int z, BlockContext world, BlockTypeRegistry registry, RawChunk rawChunk, Geometry geometry) { int newFrame; if(numTiles > 1 && frame == 0) { Random rand = new Random(); newFrame = rand.nextInt(numTiles)+1; } else { newFrame = frame; } SubTexture randomTexture = new SubTexture(texture.texture, texture.u0, texture.v0+(float)((newFrame-1)*texWidth)/texHeight, texture.u1, texture.v0+(float)(newFrame*texWidth)/texHeight); Mesh mesh = geometry.getMesh(randomTexture.texture, Geometry.MeshType.AlphaTest); Vector4f colour = new Vector4f(1, 1, 1, 1); addFireGeometry(x, y, z, mesh, colour, randomTexture); }
public static void addTop(BlockContext world, RawChunk rawChunk, Mesh mesh, final int blockX, final int blockY, final int blockZ, Colour4f colour, SubTexture texture, BlockTypeRegistry registry) { // final int aboveId = world.getBlockId(rawChunk.getChunkCoord(), blockX, blockY+1, blockZ); // BlockType above = registry.find(aboveId); BlockType above = world.getBlockType(rawChunk.getChunkCoord(), blockX, blockY+1, blockZ); if (!above.isSolid()) { final float lightness = world.getLight(rawChunk.getChunkCoord(), blockX, blockY+1, blockZ, LightFace.Top); MeshUtil.addQuad(mesh, new Vector3f(blockX, blockY+1, blockZ), new Vector3f(blockX+1, blockY+1, blockZ), new Vector3f(blockX+1, blockY+1, blockZ+1), new Vector3f(blockX, blockY+1, blockZ+1), new Vector4f(colour.r * lightness, colour.g * lightness, colour.b * lightness, colour.a), texture); } }
public static void addInteriorEast(BlockContext world, RawChunk rawChunk, Mesh mesh, final int x, final int y, final int z, Colour4f colour, SubTexture texture, BlockTypeRegistry registry) { final int eastId = rawChunk.getBlockId(x, y, z-1); final int eastData = rawChunk.getBlockData(x, y, z-1); BlockType east = registry.find(eastId, eastData); if (!east.isSolid()) { final float lightness = Chunk.getLight(world.getLightStyle(), LightFace.EastWest, rawChunk, x, y, z-1); MeshUtil.addQuad(mesh, new Vector3f(x+1, y+1, z), new Vector3f(x, y+1, z), new Vector3f(x, y, z), new Vector3f(x+1, y, z), new Vector4f(colour.r * lightness, colour.g * lightness, colour.b * lightness, colour.a), texture); } }
@Override public void addVertex(Vector3f position, Vector4f colour, float u, float v) { if (numVerts+1 == xPositions.length) ensureCapacity(numVerts + 1024); xPositions[numVerts] = position.x; yPositions[numVerts] = position.y; zPositions[numVerts] = position.z; reds[numVerts] = colour.x; greens[numVerts] = colour.y; blues[numVerts] = colour.z; alphas[numVerts] = colour.w; uCoords[numVerts] = u; vCoords[numVerts] = v; numVerts++; }
public static void addNorth(BlockContext world, RawChunk rawChunk, Mesh mesh, final int x, final int y, final int z, Colour4f colour, SubTexture texture, BlockTypeRegistry registry) { // final int northId = world.getBlockId(rawChunk.getChunkCoord(), x-1, y, z); // BlockType north = registry.find(northId); BlockType north = world.getBlockType(rawChunk.getChunkCoord(), x-1, y, z); if (!north.isSolid()) { final float lightness = world.getLight(rawChunk.getChunkCoord(), x-1, y, z, LightFace.NorthSouth); MeshUtil.addQuad(mesh, new Vector3f(x, y+1, z), new Vector3f(x, y+1, z+1), new Vector3f(x, y, z+1), new Vector3f(x, y, z), new Vector4f(colour.r * lightness, colour.g * lightness, colour.b * lightness, colour.a), texture); } }
public void pushTo(SubMesh destMesh, final float xOffset, final float yOffset, final float zOffset, Rotation horizRotation, final float horizAngleDeg, Rotation vertRotation, final float vertAngleDeg) { Matrix4f transform = createTransform(horizRotation, horizAngleDeg, vertRotation, vertAngleDeg); for (int i=0; i<positions.size(); i++) { Vector3f pos = new Vector3f( positions.get(i) ); if (transform != null) { Vector4f dest = new Vector4f(); Matrix4f.transform(transform, new Vector4f(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1.0f), dest); pos.x = dest.x / dest.w; pos.y = dest.y / dest.w; pos.z = dest.z / dest.w; } destMesh.positions.add( new Vector3f(positions.get(i) )); destMesh.colours.add( new Vector4f(colours.get(i) )); destMesh.texCoords.add( new Vector2f(texCoords.get(i) )); } }
public static void addInteriorBottom(BlockContext world, RawChunk rawChunk, Mesh mesh, final int blockX, final int blockY, final int blockZ, Colour4f colour, SubTexture texture, BlockTypeRegistry registry) { final int belowId = rawChunk.getBlockId(blockX, blockY-1, blockZ); final int belowData = rawChunk.getBlockData(blockX, blockY-1, blockZ); BlockType below = registry.find(belowId, belowData); if (!below.isSolid()) { final float lightness = Chunk.getLight(world.getLightStyle(), LightFace.Top, rawChunk, blockX, blockY-1, blockZ); MeshUtil.addQuad(mesh, new Vector3f(blockX, blockY, blockZ+1), new Vector3f(blockX+1, blockY, blockZ+1), new Vector3f(blockX+1, blockY, blockZ), new Vector3f(blockX, blockY, blockZ), new Vector4f(colour.r * lightness, colour.g * lightness, colour.b * lightness, colour.a), texture); } }
@Override public void addEdgeGeometry(int x, int y, int z, BlockContext world, BlockTypeRegistry registry, RawChunk rawChunk, Geometry geometry) { final float lightness = Chunk.getLight(world.getLightStyle(), LightFace.Top, rawChunk, x, y, z); Vector4f colour = new Vector4f(lightness, lightness, lightness, 1); final float offSet = 1.0f / 16.0f; SubMesh topMesh = new SubMesh(); SubMesh bottomMesh = new SubMesh(); SubMesh.addBlockSimple(bottomMesh, 0, 0, 0, 1, offSet*6, 1, colour, side, null, bottom); // Top topMesh.addQuad(new Vector3f(1, offSet*6, 0), new Vector3f(1, offSet*6, 1), new Vector3f(0, offSet*6, 1), new Vector3f(0, offSet*6, 0), colour, top); topMesh.pushTo(geometry.getMesh(top.texture, Geometry.MeshType.Solid), x, y, z, Rotation.None, 0); bottomMesh.pushTo(geometry.getMesh(bottom.texture, Geometry.MeshType.Solid), x, y, z, Rotation.None, 0); }
@Override public void addEdgeGeometry(int x, int y, int z, BlockContext world, BlockTypeRegistry registry, RawChunk rawChunk, Geometry geometry) { final float lightVal = world.getLight(rawChunk.getChunkCoord(), x, y, z, LightFace.Top); Vector4f colour = new Vector4f(lightVal, lightVal, lightVal, 1.0f); final int data = rawChunk.getBlockData(x, y, z); SubTexture tex = null; if(data == 5) tex = dead; else tex = alive; final float offSet = 1.0f / 16.0f; SubMesh flowerMesh = new SubMesh(); SubMesh.addBlock(flowerMesh, offSet*2, offSet*2, 0, offSet*12, offSet*12, offSet*16, colour, tex, tex, tex); // north-south SubMesh.addBlock(flowerMesh, 0, offSet*2, offSet*2, offSet*16, offSet*12, offSet*12, colour, tex, tex, tex); // east-west SubMesh.addBlock(flowerMesh, offSet*2, 0, offSet*2, offSet*12, offSet*16, offSet*12, colour, tex, tex, tex); // up-down flowerMesh.pushTo(geometry.getMesh(tex.texture, Geometry.MeshType.Solid), x, y, z, Rotation.None, 0); }
public void update(){ viewDistance.update(); prevPos.set(pos); MOVE.set(0, 0, 0); if(Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_D)) MOVE.addX(1); if(Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_A)) MOVE.addX(-1); if(Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_SPACE)) MOVE.addY(1); if(Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_LSHIFT)) MOVE.addY(-1); if(Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_S)) MOVE.addZ(1); if(Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_W)) MOVE.addZ(-1); Vector4f vec4=new Vector4f(MOVE.x, MOVE.y, MOVE.z, 1); Matrix4f mat=new Matrix4f(); EFF_POS.set(rot).mul(-1); EFF_POS.x=0; MatrixUtil.rotate(mat, EFF_POS); Matrix4f.transform(mat, vec4, vec4); MOVE.x=vec4.x; MOVE.y=vec4.y; MOVE.z=vec4.z; // MOVE.mul(100); // if(EntityCrazyCube.CAM!=null&&false){ // pos.set(EntityCrazyCube.CAM.pos); // }else pos.add(MOVE); viewDistance.setValue((viewDistance.getValue()+viewDistanceWanted)/2); }
private static void VecTransformCoordinate(Vector4f vec, Matrix4f matrix) { float x = vec.x; float y = vec.y; float z = vec.z; vec.x = (x * matrix.m00) + (y * matrix.m10) + (z * matrix.m20) + matrix.m30; vec.y = (x * matrix.m01) + (y * matrix.m11) + (z * matrix.m21) + matrix.m31; vec.z = (x * matrix.m02) + (y * matrix.m12) + (z * matrix.m22) + matrix.m32; vec.w = (x * matrix.m03) + (y * matrix.m13) + (z * matrix.m23) + matrix.m33; }