public synchronized void update() { if (sourceID == -1) return; boolean end = false; int buffers = AL10.alGetSourcei(sourceID, AL10.AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED); while (buffers-- > 0) { int bufferID = AL10.alSourceUnqueueBuffers(sourceID); if (bufferID == AL10.AL_INVALID_VALUE) break; renderedSeconds += secondsPerBuffer; if (end) continue; if (fill(bufferID)) { AL10.alSourceQueueBuffers(sourceID, bufferID); } else { end = true; } } if (end && AL10.alGetSourcei(sourceID, AL10.AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED) == 0) { stop(); } if (isPlaying && AL10.alGetSourcei(sourceID, AL10.AL_SOURCE_STATE) != AL10.AL_PLAYING) AL10.alSourcePlay(sourceID); }
/** * Play the specified buffer as music (i.e. use the music channel) * * @param buffer The buffer to be played * @param pitch The pitch to play the music at * @param gain The gaing to play the music at * @param loop True if we should loop the music */ void playAsMusic(int buffer,float pitch,float gain, boolean loop) { paused = false; setMOD(null); if (soundWorks) { if (currentMusic != -1) { AL10.alSourceStop(sources.get(0)); } getMusicSource(); AL10.alSourcei(sources.get(0), AL10.AL_BUFFER, buffer); AL10.alSourcef(sources.get(0), AL10.AL_PITCH, pitch); AL10.alSourcei(sources.get(0), AL10.AL_LOOPING, loop ? AL10.AL_TRUE : AL10.AL_FALSE); currentMusic = sources.get(0); if (!music) { pauseLoop(); } else { AL10.alSourcePlay(sources.get(0)); } } }
/** * Get the Sound based on a specified OGG file * * @param ref The reference to the OGG file in the classpath * @return The Sound read from the OGG file * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to load the OGG */ public Audio getOggStream(URL ref) throws IOException { if (!soundWorks) { return new NullAudio(); } setMOD(null); setStream(null); if (currentMusic != -1) { AL10.alSourceStop(sources.get(0)); } getMusicSource(); currentMusic = sources.get(0); return new StreamSound(new OpenALStreamPlayer(currentMusic, ref)); }
/** * Clean up the buffers applied to the sound source */ private void cleanUpSource() { SoundStore store = SoundStore.get(); AL10.alSourceStop(store.getSource(0)); IntBuffer buffer = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1); int queued = AL10.alGetSourcei(store.getSource(0), AL10.AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED); while (queued > 0) { AL10.alSourceUnqueueBuffers(store.getSource(0), buffer); queued--; } AL10.alSourcei(store.getSource(0), AL10.AL_BUFFER, 0); }
/** * Get the Sound based on a specified OGG file * * @param ref The reference to the OGG file in the classpath * @return The Sound read from the OGG file * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to load the OGG */ public Audio getOggStream(String ref) throws IOException { if (!soundWorks) { return new NullAudio(); } setMOD(null); setStream(null); if (currentMusic != -1) { AL10.alSourceStop(sources.get(0)); } getMusicSource(); currentMusic = sources.get(0); return new StreamSound(new OpenALStreamPlayer(currentMusic, ref)); }
/** * Initialise OpenAL LWJGL styley */ public void init() { try { AL.create(); soundWorks = true; } catch (LWJGLException e) { System.err.println("Failed to initialise LWJGL OpenAL"); soundWorks = false; return; } if (soundWorks) { IntBuffer sources = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1); AL10.alGenSources(sources); if (AL10.alGetError() != AL10.AL_NO_ERROR) { System.err.println("Failed to create sources"); soundWorks = false; } else { source = sources.get(0); } } }
public void setOrientation(Vector3f orientation){ if(this.orientation.equals(orientation)){ return; } oriBuffer.clear(); oriBuffer.put(new float[]{ 0f,1f,0f, orientation.x, orientation.y, orientation.z }); oriBuffer.flip(); this.orientation.set(orientation); AL10.alListenerfv(AL10.AL_ORIENTATION, oriBuffer); }
private static void setEnvironment(int sourceID, float sendGain0, float sendGain1, float sendGain2, float sendGain3, float sendCutoff0, float sendCutoff1, float sendCutoff2, float sendCutoff3, float directCutoff, float directGain) { //Set reverb send filter values and set source to send to all reverb fx slots EFX10.alFilterf(sendFilter0, EFX10.AL_LOWPASS_GAIN, sendGain0); EFX10.alFilterf(sendFilter0, EFX10.AL_LOWPASS_GAINHF, sendCutoff0); AL11.alSource3i(sourceID, EFX10.AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER, auxFXSlot0, 0, sendFilter0); EFX10.alFilterf(sendFilter1, EFX10.AL_LOWPASS_GAIN, sendGain1); EFX10.alFilterf(sendFilter1, EFX10.AL_LOWPASS_GAINHF, sendCutoff1); AL11.alSource3i(sourceID, EFX10.AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER, auxFXSlot1, 1, sendFilter1); EFX10.alFilterf(sendFilter2, EFX10.AL_LOWPASS_GAIN, sendGain2); EFX10.alFilterf(sendFilter2, EFX10.AL_LOWPASS_GAINHF, sendCutoff2); AL11.alSource3i(sourceID, EFX10.AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER, auxFXSlot2, 2, sendFilter2); EFX10.alFilterf(sendFilter3, EFX10.AL_LOWPASS_GAIN, sendGain3); EFX10.alFilterf(sendFilter3, EFX10.AL_LOWPASS_GAINHF, sendCutoff3); AL11.alSource3i(sourceID, EFX10.AL_AUXILIARY_SEND_FILTER, auxFXSlot3, 3, sendFilter3); EFX10.alFilterf(directFilter0, EFX10.AL_LOWPASS_GAIN, directGain); EFX10.alFilterf(directFilter0, EFX10.AL_LOWPASS_GAINHF, directCutoff); AL10.alSourcei(sourceID, EFX10.AL_DIRECT_FILTER, directFilter0); AL10.alSourcef(sourceID, EFX10.AL_AIR_ABSORPTION_FACTOR, SoundPhysicsCore.Config.airAbsorption); }
private void allocate(){ ByteBuffer buffer = ResourceLoader.getBytes(path); IntBuffer error = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1); long decoder = stb_vorbis_open_memory(buffer, error, null); if(decoder == 0L){ Application.error("Unable to open STB Vorbis"); return; } STBVorbisInfo info = STBVorbisInfo.malloc(); stb_vorbis_get_info(decoder, info); int channels = info.channels(); int lengthSamples = stb_vorbis_stream_length_in_samples(decoder); ShortBuffer pcm = BufferUtils.createShortBuffer(lengthSamples); pcm.limit(stb_vorbis_get_samples_short_interleaved(decoder, channels, pcm) * channels); stb_vorbis_close(decoder); AL10.alBufferData(id, info.channels() == 1? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, pcm, info.sample_rate()); }
/** * Create a new player to work on an audio stream * * @param source The source on which we'll play the audio * @param ref A reference to the audio file to stream */ public OpenALStreamPlayer(int source, String ref) { this.source = source; this.ref = ref; bufferNames = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(BUFFER_COUNT); AL10.alGenBuffers(bufferNames); }
/** * Create a new player to work on an audio stream * * @param source The source on which we'll play the audio * @param url A reference to the audio file to stream */ public OpenALStreamPlayer(int source, URL url) { this.source = source; this.url = url; bufferNames = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(BUFFER_COUNT); AL10.alGenBuffers(bufferNames); }
/** * Clean up the buffers applied to the sound source */ private void removeBuffers() { IntBuffer buffer = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1); int queued = AL10.alGetSourcei(source, AL10.AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED); while (queued > 0) { AL10.alSourceUnqueueBuffers(source, buffer); queued--; } }
/** * Start this stream playing * * @param loop True if the stream should loop * @throws IOException Indicates a failure to read from the stream */ public void play(boolean loop) throws IOException { this.loop = loop; initStreams(); done = false; AL10.alSourceStop(source); removeBuffers(); startPlayback(); }
@Override public void destroy() { try { if (AL.isCreated()) { for (int i = 0; i < music.size(); i++) { MusicController musicControllerImpl = music.get(i); if (musicControllerImpl != null) { musicControllerImpl.release(); } } for (int i = 0, n = allSources.size; i < n; i++) { int sourceID = allSources.get(i); int state = AL10.alGetSourcei(sourceID, AL10.AL_SOURCE_STATE); if (state != AL10.AL_STOPPED) AL10.alSourceStop(sourceID); AL10.alDeleteSources(sourceID); } sourceToSoundId.clear(); soundIdToSource.clear(); AL.destroy(); while (AL.isCreated()) { try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException skip) { skip.printStackTrace(); } } } } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void setSoundLooping(long soundId, boolean looping) { if (AL.isCreated()) { if (soundIdToSource.containsKey(soundId)) { int sourceId = soundIdToSource.get(soundId); AL10.alSourcei(sourceId, AL10.AL_LOOPING, looping ? AL10.AL_TRUE : AL10.AL_FALSE); } } }
/** * Create a new sound * * @param store The sound store from which the sound was created * @param buffer The buffer containing the sound data */ AudioImpl(SoundStore store, int buffer) { = store; this.buffer = buffer; int bytes = AL10.alGetBufferi(buffer, AL10.AL_SIZE); int bits = AL10.alGetBufferi(buffer, AL10.AL_BITS); int channels = AL10.alGetBufferi(buffer, AL10.AL_CHANNELS); int freq = AL10.alGetBufferi(buffer, AL10.AL_FREQUENCY); int samples = bytes / (bits / 8); length = (samples / (float) freq) / channels; }
/** * Set the music volume of the current playing music. Does NOT affect the global volume * * @param volume The volume for the current playing music */ public void setCurrentMusicVolume(float volume) { if (volume < 0) { volume = 0; } if (volume > 1) { volume = 1; } if (soundWorks) { lastCurrentMusicVolume = volume; AL10.alSourcef(sources.get(0), AL10.AL_GAIN, lastCurrentMusicVolume * musicVolume); } }
/** * Play the specified buffer as a sound effect with the specified * pitch and gain. * * @param buffer The ID of the buffer to play * @param pitch The pitch to play at * @param gain The gain to play at * @param loop True if the sound should loop * @param x The x position to play the sound from * @param y The y position to play the sound from * @param z The z position to play the sound from * @return source The source that will be used */ int playAsSoundAt(int buffer,float pitch,float gain,boolean loop,float x, float y, float z) { gain *= soundVolume; if (gain == 0) { gain = 0.001f; } if (soundWorks) { if (sounds) { int nextSource = findFreeSource(); if (nextSource == -1) { return -1; } AL10.alSourceStop(sources.get(nextSource)); AL10.alSourcei(sources.get(nextSource), AL10.AL_BUFFER, buffer); AL10.alSourcef(sources.get(nextSource), AL10.AL_PITCH, pitch); AL10.alSourcef(sources.get(nextSource), AL10.AL_GAIN, gain); AL10.alSourcei(sources.get(nextSource), AL10.AL_LOOPING, loop ? AL10.AL_TRUE : AL10.AL_FALSE); sourcePos.clear(); sourceVel.clear(); sourceVel.put(new float[] { 0, 0, 0 }); sourcePos.put(new float[] { x, y, z }); sourcePos.flip(); sourceVel.flip(); AL10.alSource(sources.get(nextSource), AL10.AL_POSITION, sourcePos); AL10.alSource(sources.get(nextSource), AL10.AL_VELOCITY, sourceVel); AL10.alSourcePlay(sources.get(nextSource)); return nextSource; } } return -1; }
/** * Restart the music loop that is currently paused */ public void restartLoop() { if ((music) && (soundWorks) && (currentMusic != -1)){ paused = false; AL10.alSourcePlay(currentMusic); } }
/** * Pause the music loop that is currently playing */ public void pauseLoop() { if ((soundWorks) && (currentMusic != -1)){ paused = true; AL10.alSourcePause(currentMusic); } }
/** * Starts the streaming. */ private void startPlayback() { AL10.alSourcei(source, AL10.AL_LOOPING, AL10.AL_FALSE); AL10.alSourcef(source, AL10.AL_PITCH, pitch); remainingBufferCount = BUFFER_COUNT; for (int i = 0; i < BUFFER_COUNT; i++) { stream(bufferNames.get(i)); } AL10.alSourceQueueBuffers(source, bufferNames); AL10.alSourcePlay(source); }
/** * Check if the music is currently playing * * @return True if the music is playing */ public boolean isMusicPlaying() { if (!soundWorks) { return false; } int state = AL10.alGetSourcei(sources.get(0), AL10.AL_SOURCE_STATE); return ((state == AL10.AL_PLAYING) || (state == AL10.AL_PAUSED)); }
/** * Clean up the buffers applied to the sound source */ private void cleanUpSource() { AL10.alSourceStop(store.getSource(0)); IntBuffer buffer = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1); int queued = AL10.alGetSourcei(store.getSource(0), AL10.AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED); while (queued > 0) { AL10.alSourceUnqueueBuffers(store.getSource(0), buffer); queued--; } AL10.alSourcei(store.getSource(0), AL10.AL_BUFFER, 0); }
public void stopSound(long soundId) { if (AL.isCreated()) { if (soundIdToSource.containsKey(soundId)) { int sourceId = soundIdToSource.get(soundId); AL10.alSourceStop(sourceId); } } }
public void pauseSourcesWithBuffer(int bufferID) { if (AL.isCreated()) { for (int i = 0, n = idleSources.size; i < n; i++) { int sourceID = idleSources.get(i); if (AL10.alGetSourcei(sourceID, AL10.AL_BUFFER) == bufferID) { AL10.alSourcePause(sourceID); } } } }
/** * @see org.newdawn.slick.openal.Audio#setPosition(float) */ public boolean setPosition(float position) { position = position % length; AL10.alSourcef(store.getSource(index), AL11.AL_SEC_OFFSET, position); if (AL10.alGetError() != 0) { return false; } return true; }
/** * Set the music volume * * @param volume The volume for music */ public void setMusicVolume(float volume) { if (volume < 0) { volume = 0; } if (volume > 1) { volume = 1; } musicVolume = volume; if (soundWorks) { AL10.alSourcef(sources.get(0), AL10.AL_GAIN, lastCurrentMusicVolume * musicVolume); } }