Java 类org.lwjgl.opencl.CLProgram 实例源码

项目:libgdx-opencl    文件   
 * Loads a CL Shader.
 * It will load the files from the assets folder.
 * Structure should be like:
 * clshaders/[SHADERNAME]/
 * This function handles include-preprocessing, so you can use #include "".
 * It will replace all includes with the contents of the given filename.
 * Important! When using like #include "/" it will search the file assets/ in the internal storage.
 * If you use it like #include "" in a shader called test it will search in assets/shaders/test/
 * @param shaderName
 * @return Null if the shader was not found
public static CLProgram loadCLShader(String shaderName, CLContext clContext)
    String shaderPath = "clshaders/"+shaderName+"/";

    // Check if shader exists
    if (!Gdx.files.internal(shaderPath+"").exists())
        return null;

    // Preprocessing
    String shaderCode = ShaderLoader.preprocessShader(Gdx.files.internal(shaderPath+"").readString(), shaderPath);

    return JLibOpenCL.compileProgram(shaderCode, clContext);