public void cfg(String branchId) throws IOException { Transaction transaction = dbServices.beginTx(); final File dot = File.createTempFile("dot", null); dot.deleteOnExit(); Walker walker = new CfgWalker(dbServices); NewlineFilterStream fileOutputStream = new NewlineFilterStream(new FileOutputStream(dot)); new GraphvizWriter().emit(fileOutputStream, walker); fileOutputStream.close(); ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder("dot", "-Tpng", dot.getAbsolutePath()); builder.redirectErrorStream(true); Process process = builder.start(); final InputStream inputStream = process.getInputStream(); final BufferedInputStream bufferedInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream); ByteStreams.copy(bufferedInputStream, out); }
private void jMenuItem2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jMenuItem2ActionPerformed // TODO add your handling code here: try (Transaction tx = db.beginTx()) { Node vols = db.createNode(Main.Tables.Vol); Node avions = db.createNode(Main.Tables.Avion); Node departs = db.createNode(Main.Tables.Depart); Node passagers = db.createNode(Main.Tables.Passager); Node personnels = db.createNode(Main.Tables.Personnel); Node naviguants = db.createNode(Main.Tables.Naviguant); Node nonNaviguants = db.createNode(Main.Tables.NonNaviguant); Node pilotes = db.createNode(Main.Tables.Pilote); Node quantiteAvion = db.createNode(Main.Tables.QuantiteAvion); Relationship constituer = vols.createRelationshipTo(departs, Relations.Constituer); Relationship enregistrer = passagers.createRelationshipTo(departs, Relations.Enregistrer); Relationship affecterPersonnel = personnels.createRelationshipTo(departs, Relations.AffecterPersonnel); Relationship affecterAvion = avions.createRelationshipTo(departs, Relations.AffecterAvion); } }
public void insertBd() { Result res; try (Transaction tx = db.beginTx()) { Node depart = db.createNode(Main.Tables.Depart); depart.setProperty("numero",numero); depart.setProperty("date",date); res = db.execute("MATCH (a:Avion), (d:Depart) WHERE a.numero="+avion+" AND d.numero="+numero+" CREATE (a)-[:Affecter]->(d)"); res = db.execute("MATCH (v:Vol), (d:Depart) WHERE v.numero="+vol+" AND d.numero="+numero+" CREATE (v)-[:Constituer]->(d)"); for (int i=0; i<passagers.size(); i++) { res = db.execute("MATCH (p:Passagers), (d:Depart) WHERE p.cin='"+passagers.get(i)+"' AND d.numero="+numero+" CREATE (p)-[:Enregistrer]->(d)"); } for (int i=0; i<personnels.size(); i++) { res = db.execute("MATCH (p:Passagers), (d:Depart) WHERE p.cin='"+personnels.get(i)+"' AND d.numero="+numero+" CREATE (p)-[:Enregistrer]->(d)"); } tx.success(); } //res = db.execute("MATCH (d:Depart{date:'"+date+"'}), (p:Passager{cin:'"+passagers.get(0)+"'}) CREATE (p)-[r:Enregistrer]->(d)"); }
@Test public void insert_node_should_succeed_with_populated_index() throws Exception { Neo4jBatchInserterNode nodeInserter = getNeo4jBatchInserterNode(false); // populate the db List<String> columns = DummyTalendPojo.getColumnList(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { DummyTalendPojo pojo = DummyTalendPojo.getDummyTalendPojo(); nodeInserter.create(pojo, columns); } nodeInserter.finish(); // check if index size Assert.assertEquals(100, batchDb.batchInserterIndexes.get(INDEX_NAME).query("*:*").size()); // check the database data batchDb.shutdown(); // Testing it with real graphdb GraphDatabaseService graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(dbPath); try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { String result = graphDb.execute("MATCH (n:" + LABEL_NAME + ") RETURN count(n) AS count").resultAsString(); Assert.assertEquals("+-------+\n| count |\n+-------+\n| 100 |\n+-------+\n1 row\n", result); } graphDb.shutdown(); }
@Test public void update_node_should_succeed() throws Exception { // populate the db Neo4jBatchInserterNode nodeInserter = getNeo4jBatchInserterNode(false); List<String> columns = DummyTalendPojo.getColumnList(); DummyTalendPojo pojo = DummyTalendPojo.getDummyTalendPojo(); nodeInserter.create(pojo, columns); nodeInserter.finish(); // By indexing the import id, I update the last node pojo.propString = "A new String"; nodeInserter = getNeo4jBatchInserterNode(true); nodeInserter.create(pojo, columns); nodeInserter.finish(); // check the result into the database batchDb.shutdown(); GraphDatabaseService graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(dbPath); try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { String result = graphDb.execute("MATCH (n:" + LABEL_NAME + ") WHERE exists( RETURN n.propString AS string").resultAsString(); Assert.assertEquals("+----------------+\n| string |\n+----------------+\n| \"A new String\" |\n+----------------+\n1 row\n", result); } graphDb.shutdown(); }
@Test public void create_node_uniqueness_constraint_should_work() { // Test const. String label = "Test"; String property = "myProp"; // crete the schema batchDb.createSchema("NODE_PROPERTY_UNIQUE", label, property); batchDb.shutdown(); // Testing it with real graphdb GraphDatabaseService graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(dbPath); try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { Assert.assertTrue(graphDb.schema().getConstraints(DynamicLabel.label(label)).iterator().hasNext()); } graphDb.shutdown(); }
@Test public void create_node_index_should_work() { // Test const. String label = "Test"; String property = "myProp"; // crete the schema batchDb.createSchema("NODE_PROPERTY_INDEX", label, property); batchDb.shutdown(); // Testing it with real graphdb GraphDatabaseService graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(dbPath); try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { Assert.assertTrue(graphDb.schema().getIndexes(DynamicLabel.label(label)).iterator().hasNext()); } graphDb.shutdown(); }
@Test public void shouldTransformCypherAlbumsToJSONDoc() throws SQLException { // GraphDatabaseService database = new TestGraphDatabaseFactory().newImpermanentDatabase(); GraphDatabaseService database = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(new File("/Applications/Development/Neo4j-2.3.2/neo4j-community-2.3.2/data/graph.db")); database.registerTransactionEventHandler(new Neo4jEventListener(database)); String cypher = "MATCH (n) " + "WHERE = \"Volcano\" " + "WITH n " + "SET n.explicit = true " + "RETURN n"; try (Transaction tx = database.beginTx()) { database.execute(cypher); tx.success(); } }
public void run(GraphDatabaseService db) { this.db = db; codeIndexes = new CodeIndexes(db); try (Transaction tx=db.beginTx()){ for (Node node:db.getAllNodes()){ if (!node.hasProperty(TextExtractor.IS_TEXT)||!(boolean)node.getProperty(TextExtractor.IS_TEXT)) continue; if (node.hasLabel(Label.label(JavaCodeExtractor.CLASS))) continue; if (node.hasLabel(Label.label(JavaCodeExtractor.METHOD))) continue; if (node.hasLabel(Label.label(JavaCodeExtractor.INTERFACE))) continue; if (node.hasLabel(Label.label(JavaCodeExtractor.FIELD))) continue; textNodes.add(node); } fromHtmlToCodeElement(); fromTextToJira(); fromDiffToCodeElement(); tx.success(); } }
private void fromTextToJira(){ Map<String, Node> jiraMap=new HashMap<>(); try (Transaction tx = db.beginTx()) { for (Node node:db.getAllNodes()){ if (node.hasLabel(Label.label(JiraExtractor.ISSUE))){ String name=(String) node.getProperty(JiraExtractor.ISSUE_NAME); jiraMap.put(name, node); } } tx.success(); } try (Transaction tx = db.beginTx()) { for (Node srcNode : textNodes) { String content = text(srcNode); Set<String> tokenSet=new HashSet<>(); for (String e:content.split("[^A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+")) tokenSet.add(e); for (String jiraName:jiraMap.keySet()){ if (tokenSet.contains(jiraName)) srcNode.createRelationshipTo(jiraMap.get(jiraName), RelationshipType.withName(REFERENCE)); } } tx.success(); } }
public void run(GraphDatabaseService db) { this.db = db; MboxHandler myHandler = new MboxHandler(); myHandler.setDb(db); MimeConfig config=new MimeConfig(); config.setMaxLineLen(-1); parser = new MimeStreamParser(config); parser.setContentHandler(myHandler); parse(new File(mboxPath)); try (Transaction tx = db.beginTx()) { for (String address : myHandler.getMailUserNameMap().keySet()) { Node node = myHandler.getMailUserMap().get(address); node.setProperty(MAILUSER_NAMES, String.join(", ", myHandler.getMailUserNameMap().get(address))); } tx.success(); } try (Transaction tx = db.beginTx()) { for (String mailId : myHandler.getMailReplyMap().keySet()) { Node mailNode = myHandler.getMailMap().get(mailId); Node replyNode = myHandler.getMailMap().get(myHandler.getMailReplyMap().get(mailId)); if (mailNode != null & replyNode != null) mailNode.createRelationshipTo(replyNode, RelationshipType.withName(MailListExtractor.MAIL_IN_REPLY_TO)); } tx.success(); } }
private void parseDocxFile(String path) { File file = new File(path); if(file == null || !file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".docx")) return; // Parse docx file DocumentInfo doc = DocumentParser.parseFileToDocumentInfo(file); if(!(doc instanceof WordDocumentInfo)) { //System.out.println("Not a docx file: " + path); return; } //System.out.println("Parse docx file finished: " + path); // Build graph //System.out.println("Begin to insert nodes to graph"); try (Transaction tx = db.beginTx()) { dfs((WordDocumentInfo) doc); tx.success(); tx.close(); } //System.out.println("Insertion finished: " + path); //System.out.println("----------------------------"); }
private void writeVecLines() { Map<String, double[]> embeddings = transE.getEntityVecMap(); List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(embeddings.keySet()); for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i += 1000) { try (Transaction tx = db.beginTx()) { for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) { if (i + j >= keys.size()) break; String nodeIdString = keys.get(i + j); Node node = db.getNodeById(Long.parseLong(nodeIdString)); String line = ""; for (double d : embeddings.get(nodeIdString)) line += d + " "; line = line.trim(); setVec(node, line); } tx.success(); } } }
public Long getTypedNodeTokenCount(String type, String pattern, Boolean sensitive) { Long frequency = (long) 0; try ( Transaction ignored = database.beginTx(); ) { IndexManager index = database.index(); Index<Node> nodeIndex = index.forNodes(type); for (Node match : nodeIndex.get("label", pattern)) { if (!sensitive || ((String) match.getProperty("label")).equals(pattern)) { Object count = match.getProperty("token_count"); if (count instanceof Integer) frequency = frequency + new Long((Integer) count); else if (count instanceof Long) frequency = frequency + (Long) count; } } } return frequency; }
private void executeQuery(JsonGenerator jg, Query query) throws IOException { query.setStart(System.currentTimeMillis()); try ( Transaction ignored = database.beginTx(); Result result = database.execute(query.toCypher()) ) { query.setEnd(System.currentTimeMillis()); jg.writeNumberField("duration", query.getDuration()); if (!query.isCountQuery()) jg.writeArrayFieldStart(query.getResultHeader()); while ( result.hasNext() ) { Map<String, Object> row =; if (!query.isCountQuery()) jg.writeStartObject(); for ( Entry<String, Object> column : row.entrySet() ) { writeField(column, jg); } if (!query.isCountQuery()) jg.writeEndObject(); } if (!query.isCountQuery()) jg.writeEndArray(); } }
protected Response getMetadataLabel(final String label) { StreamingOutput stream = new StreamingOutput() { @Override public void write( OutputStream os ) throws IOException, WebApplicationException { try ( Transaction tx = database.beginTx() ) { JsonGenerator jg = objectMapper.getFactory().createGenerator(os, JsonEncoding.UTF8); IndexManager index = database.index(); Index<Node> metadata = index.forNodes("Metadatum"); jg.writeStartArray(); for ( Node metadatum : metadata.query( "label:"+label ) ) { executor.writeField(metadatum, jg); } jg.writeEndArray(); jg.flush(); tx.success(); } } }; return Response.ok().entity( stream ).type( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON ).build(); }
protected Response updateMetadataLabel(final String label, final String property, final String value) { StreamingOutput stream = new StreamingOutput() { @Override public void write( OutputStream os ) throws IOException, WebApplicationException { try ( Transaction tx = database.beginTx() ) { JsonGenerator jg = objectMapper.getFactory().createGenerator(os, JsonEncoding.UTF8); IndexManager index = database.index(); Index<Node> metadata = index.forNodes("Metadatum"); for ( Node metadatum : metadata.query( "label:"+label ) ) { if (property.equals("explorable") || property.equals("searchable")) metadatum.setProperty(property, Boolean.valueOf(value)); else metadatum.setProperty(property, value); } jg.writeString("Updated "+label); jg.flush(); tx.success(); } } }; return Response.ok().entity( stream ).type( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON ).build(); }
protected Response getMetadataGroupKey(final String group, final String key) { StreamingOutput stream = new StreamingOutput() { @Override public void write( OutputStream os ) throws IOException, WebApplicationException { try ( Transaction tx = database.beginTx() ) { JsonGenerator jg = objectMapper.getFactory().createGenerator(os, JsonEncoding.UTF8); IndexManager index = database.index(); Index<Node> metadata = index.forNodes("Metadatum"); jg.writeStartArray(); for ( Node metadatum : metadata.query( "group:"+group+" AND key:"+key ) ) { executor.writeField(metadatum, jg); } jg.writeEndArray(); jg.flush(); tx.success(); } } }; return Response.ok().entity( stream ).type( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON ).build(); }
private Node addNode(String token, String pos, String ner, String sentId) throws Exception { if (token == null || pos == null || ner == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid arguments"); } // check for duplicate nodes Node node = getNode(token, pos, ner, sentId); if (node != null) { return node; } try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { // Database operations go here node = graphDb.createNode(); node.setProperty("token", token); node.setProperty("pos", pos); node.setProperty("ner", ner); node.addLabel(DynamicLabel.label("S_" + sentId)); // transaction complete tx.success(); } return node; }
public static List<String> getHypernyms(String cui){ List<String> hypers = new ArrayList<>(); try ( Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx() ){ TraversalDescription td = graphDb.traversalDescription() .breadthFirst() .relationships(RelReader.RelTypes.ISA, Direction.OUTGOING) .evaluator(Evaluators.excludeStartPosition()); Node cuiNode = graphDb.findNode(RelReader.DictLabels.Concept, RelReader.CUI_PROPERTY, cui); if(cuiNode == null) return hypers; Traverser traverser = td.traverse(cuiNode); for(Path path : traverser){ hypers.add(path.endNode().getProperty(RelReader.CUI_PROPERTY).toString()); } tx.success(); } return hypers; }
public static List<String> getHyponyms(String cui){ List<String> hypos = new ArrayList<>(); try ( Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx() ){ TraversalDescription td = graphDb.traversalDescription() .breadthFirst() .relationships(RelReader.RelTypes.ISA, Direction.INCOMING) .evaluator(Evaluators.excludeStartPosition()); Node cuiNode = graphDb.findNode(RelReader.DictLabels.Concept, RelReader.CUI_PROPERTY, cui); if(cuiNode == null) return hypos; Traverser traverser = td.traverse(cuiNode); for(Path path : traverser){ hypos.add(path.endNode().getProperty(RelReader.CUI_PROPERTY).toString()); } tx.success(); } return hypos; }
public static boolean isa(String cui1, String cui2){ boolean match=false; try ( Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx() ){ Node cui1Node = graphDb.findNode(RelReader.DictLabels.Concept, RelReader.CUI_PROPERTY, cui1); Node cui2Node = graphDb.findNode(RelReader.DictLabels.Concept, RelReader.CUI_PROPERTY, cui2); if(cui1Node == null || cui2Node == null) return match; TraversalDescription td = graphDb.traversalDescription() .breadthFirst() .relationships(RelReader.RelTypes.ISA, Direction.OUTGOING) .evaluator(Evaluators.excludeStartPosition()) .evaluator(Evaluators.includeWhereEndNodeIs(cui2Node)); Traverser traverser = td.traverse(cui1Node); if(traverser.iterator().hasNext()){ match = true; } tx.success(); } return match; }
public static int minDistance(String cui1, String cui2){ int distance = -1; try ( Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx() ){ Node cui1Node = graphDb.findNode(RelReader.DictLabels.Concept, RelReader.CUI_PROPERTY, cui1); Node cui2Node = graphDb.findNode(RelReader.DictLabels.Concept, RelReader.CUI_PROPERTY, cui2); if(cui1Node == null || cui2Node == null) return distance; TraversalDescription td = graphDb.traversalDescription() .breadthFirst() .relationships(RelReader.RelTypes.ISA, Direction.OUTGOING) .evaluator(Evaluators.excludeStartPosition()) .evaluator(Evaluators.includeWhereEndNodeIs(cui2Node)); Traverser traverser = td.traverse(cui1Node); for(Path path : traverser){ int len = path.length(); if(distance == -1 || len < distance){ distance = len; } } tx.success(); } return distance; }
@Test public void testRelReader() throws IOException{ RelReader reader = new RelReader(neo4jLocation); reader.batchBuildGraph(new File("my_test_umls/"), "CtakesAllTuis.txt", "SNOMEDCT_US"); GraphDatabaseService db = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(new File(neo4jLocation)); try ( Transaction tx = db.beginTx() ){ TraversalDescription td = db.traversalDescription() .breadthFirst() .relationships(RelReader.RelTypes.ISA, Direction.INCOMING) .evaluator(Evaluators.excludeStartPosition()); Node cuiNode = db.findNode(RelReader.DictLabels.Concept, RelReader.CUI_PROPERTY, "C0007102"); Assert.assertNotNull(cuiNode); Traverser traverser = td.traverse(cuiNode); for(Path path : traverser){ System.out.println("At depth " + path.length() + " => " + path.endNode().getProperty("cui")); } } db.shutdown(); }
@Test public void shouldRecoverWhenCommandsTemporarilyViolateConstraints() throws Exception { // GIVEN Node unLabeledNode = createUnLabeledNode(); Node labeledNode = createLabeledNode(); createUniqueConstraint(); rotateLogAndCheckPoint(); // snapshot setPropertyOnLabeledNode( labeledNode ); deletePropertyOnLabeledNode( labeledNode ); addLabelToUnLabeledNode( unLabeledNode ); flushAll(); // persist - recovery will do everything since last log rotate // WHEN recovery is triggered restart( snapshot( storeDir.absolutePath() ) ); // THEN // it should just not blow up! try ( Transaction tx = db.beginTx() ) { assertThat( db.findNode( LABEL, PROPERTY_KEY, PROPERTY_VALUE ), equalTo( unLabeledNode ) ); tx.success(); } }
@Test public void followingTest() throws Exception { Transaction tx = db.beginTx(); User user = new User(); user.setId("foo"); user.setUsername("ufoo"); User followed = new User(); followed.setId("bar"); followed.setUsername("ubar"); Following f = new Following(); f.setFollower(user); f.setFollowed(followed); try { dao.saveFollowing(f); tx.success(); } catch (Exception ex) { tx.failure(); throw ex; } finally { tx.finish(); } }
public void stamp() { if (null != graph && null != root) { try (Transaction tx = graph.beginTx()) { PathFinder<Path> finder = GraphAlgoFactory.allPaths( PathExpanders.forTypesAndDirections(RelTypes.CHILD_HI, Direction.OUTGOING, RelTypes.CHILD_LO, Direction.OUTGOING), 5); // 5 is the number of original relationships + 1 Iterable<Path> paths = finder.findAllPaths(root, one); for (Path path : paths) { boolean first = true; for (Relationship relationship : path.relationships()) { if (first) { System.out.format("(%s)", relationship.getStartNode().getProperty(ID)); first = false; } System.out.format(" --[%s,%.2f]-> ", relationship.getType().name(), relationship.getProperty(PROB, 1.0)); System.out.format("(%s)", relationship.getEndNode().getProperty(ID)); } System.out.println(); } tx.success(); } } }
public GraphDatabaseService connect() { if (null == graph) { graph = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(path); try (Transaction tx = graph.beginTx()) { graph.schema().indexFor(LABEL).on(ID).create(); tx.success(); } Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { @Override public void run() { graph.shutdown(); } }); } return graph; }
private void createDb() { graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(DB_PATH); registerShutdownHook(graphDb); try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { // Database operations go here firstNode = graphDb.createNode(); firstNode.setProperty("message", "Hello, "); secondNode = graphDb.createNode(); secondNode.setProperty("message", "World!"); relationship = firstNode.createRelationshipTo(secondNode, RelTypes.KNOWS); relationship.setProperty("message", "brave Neo4j "); System.out.print(firstNode.getProperty("message")); System.out.print(relationship.getProperty("message")); System.out.print(secondNode.getProperty("message")); greeting = ((String) firstNode.getProperty("message")) + ((String) relationship.getProperty("message")) + ((String) secondNode.getProperty("message")); tx.success(); } }
@Override public void storeShortUrl(ShortUrl shortUrl) { Transaction tx = db.beginTx(); try { Node node = template.createNode(new Property(KEY, shortUrl.getKey())); node.setProperty(LONG_URL, shortUrl.getLongUrl()); node.setProperty(USER_ID, shortUrl.getUser().getId()); index.index(node, KEY, shortUrl.getKey()); tx.success(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Problem shortening url in the graph", ex); tx.failure(); } finally { tx.finish(); } }
public final Relationship add(RelationshipType type, Node tail, Node head, double prob) { if (null == type) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal 'type' argument in Problem.add(RelationshipType, Node, Node, double): " + type); if (null == tail) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal 'tail' argument in Problem.add(RelationshipType, Node, Node, double): " + tail); if (null == head) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal 'head' argument in Problem.add(RelationshipType, Node, Node, double): " + head); if (prob < 0.0 || prob > 1.0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal 'prob' argument in Problem.add(RelationshipType, Node, Node, double): " + prob); Relationship result = null; try (Transaction tx = graph.beginTx()) { result = tail.createRelationshipTo(head, type); result.setProperty("prob", prob); count += 1; tx.success(); } return result; }
@Test public void convertConstraintToIndex() { try( Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx() ) { graphDb.schema().constraintFor( LABEL ).assertPropertyIsUnique( PROPERTY_KEY ).create(); tx.success(); } try( Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx() ) { ConstraintDefinition constraint = first( graphDb.schema().getConstraints( LABEL ) ); constraint.drop(); graphDb.schema().indexFor( LABEL ).on( PROPERTY_KEY ).create(); tx.success(); } // assert no exception is thrown }
@Test public void shouldIndexStringArrays() throws Exception { String[] arrayPropertyValue = {"A, B", "C"}; createIndex( db, label, propertyKey ); Node node1; try ( Transaction tx = db.beginTx() ) { node1 = createNode( label, propertyKey, arrayPropertyValue ); tx.success(); } restart(); assertThat( getIndexes( db, label ), inTx( db, haveState( db, IndexState.ONLINE ) ) ); assertThat( findNodesByLabelAndProperty( label, propertyKey, arrayPropertyValue, db ), containsOnly( node1 ) ); assertThat( findNodesByLabelAndProperty( label, propertyKey, new String[]{"A", "B, C"}, db ), isEmpty() ); assertThat( findNodesByLabelAndProperty( label, propertyKey, Arrays.toString( arrayPropertyValue ), db ), isEmpty() ); }
public double traverse() { if (null != root && value < 0.0) { try (Transaction ignore = graph.beginTx()) { value = 0.0; PathFinder<Path> finder = GraphAlgoFactory.allPaths( PathExpanders.forTypesAndDirections(RelType.LO_CHILD, Direction.OUTGOING, RelType.HI_CHILD, Direction.OUTGOING), max); Iterable<Path> paths = finder.findAllPaths(root, one); for (Path path : paths) { double current = 1.0; for (Relationship relationship : path.relationships()) { current *= (double) relationship.getProperty(PROB, 1.0); } value += current; } } } return value; }
@Test public void shouldRemoveIndexForConstraintEvenIfDroppedInCreatingTransaction() { try ( Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx() ) { // given graphDb.schema() .constraintFor( LABEL ).assertPropertyIsUnique( PROPERTY_KEY ) .create() .drop(); // when - rolling back tx.failure(); } // then assertNull( "Should not have constraint index", getIndex( LABEL, PROPERTY_KEY ) ); }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") /*** * Sets significanceBit field of node to significanceBit. * @param node * @param significanceBit */ public void setSignificanceBit(Node node, int significanceBit) { String tempString = serializer.serialize(significanceBit); Transaction tx = graphDB.beginTx(); try { node.setProperty("__significanceBit", tempString); tx.success(); }finally { tx.finish(); } }
public static int runCypherQuery(String filePath, GolrCypherQuery query, GraphDatabaseService graphDb, CypherUtil cypherUtil) { Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.createStarted(); int count = 0; try { try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { Result result = cypherUtil.execute(query.getQuery()); while (result.hasNext()) {; count++; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println(filePath + " - " + sw.stop() + " - " + count); return count; }
@Test public void shouldIndexArraysPostPopulation() throws Exception { long[] arrayPropertyValue = {42, 23, 87}; Node node1; try ( Transaction tx = db.beginTx() ) { node1 = createNode( label, propertyKey, arrayPropertyValue ); tx.success(); } createIndex( db, label, propertyKey ); restart(); assertThat( getIndexes( db, label ), inTx( db, haveState( db, IndexState.ONLINE ) ) ); assertThat( findNodesByLabelAndProperty( label, propertyKey, arrayPropertyValue, db ), containsOnly( node1 ) ); assertThat( findNodesByLabelAndProperty( label, propertyKey, new long[]{42, 23}, db ), isEmpty() ); assertThat( findNodesByLabelAndProperty( label, propertyKey, Arrays.toString( arrayPropertyValue ), db ), isEmpty() ); }
public void putSynonyms(final Catalog catalog) { try (Transaction tx = getDbService().beginTx()) { for (final Schema schema : catalog.getSchemas()) { for (final Synonym synonym : catalog.getSynonyms(schema)) { // add synonym to nodes // feed node with datas // attach synonym to schema // attach synonym to database object (?) //synonym.getReferencedObject().getClass(); } } tx.success(); } }
/** * Construct a new {@link Neo4jSequenceNode} which wraps the given * Neo4j {@link Node}. * @param service The Neo4j service, for accessing the database. * @param node The Neo4j node. */ public Neo4jSequenceNode(GraphDatabaseService service, Node node) { loaded = false; this.service = service; this.node = node; this.annotations = new ArrayList<>(); this.outgoing = new ArrayList<>(); this.sources = new HashSet<>(); this.scores = new HashMap<>(); try (Transaction tx = service.beginTx()) { = (String) node.getProperty(; basedist = (int) node.getProperty(; interestingness = (int) node.getProperty(, 0); node.getRelationships(RelTypes.NEXT, Direction.OUTGOING).forEach(e -> outgoing.add((String) e.getEndNode().getProperty(; node.getRelationships(RelTypes.SOURCE, Direction.OUTGOING).forEach(e -> sources.add((String) e.getEndNode().getProperty(; tx.success(); } }