public void insertBd() { Result res; try (Transaction tx = db.beginTx()) { Node depart = db.createNode(Main.Tables.Depart); depart.setProperty("numero",numero); depart.setProperty("date",date); res = db.execute("MATCH (a:Avion), (d:Depart) WHERE a.numero="+avion+" AND d.numero="+numero+" CREATE (a)-[:Affecter]->(d)"); res = db.execute("MATCH (v:Vol), (d:Depart) WHERE v.numero="+vol+" AND d.numero="+numero+" CREATE (v)-[:Constituer]->(d)"); for (int i=0; i<passagers.size(); i++) { res = db.execute("MATCH (p:Passagers), (d:Depart) WHERE p.cin='"+passagers.get(i)+"' AND d.numero="+numero+" CREATE (p)-[:Enregistrer]->(d)"); } for (int i=0; i<personnels.size(); i++) { res = db.execute("MATCH (p:Passagers), (d:Depart) WHERE p.cin='"+personnels.get(i)+"' AND d.numero="+numero+" CREATE (p)-[:Enregistrer]->(d)"); } tx.success(); } //res = db.execute("MATCH (d:Depart{date:'"+date+"'}), (p:Passager{cin:'"+passagers.get(0)+"'}) CREATE (p)-[r:Enregistrer]->(d)"); }
@Procedure(value = "graph.versioner.diff.from.current", mode = DEFAULT) @Description("graph.versioner.diff.from.current(state) - Get a list of differences that must be applied to the given state in order to become the current entity state") public Stream<DiffOutput> diffFromCurrent( @Name("state") Node state) { Optional<Node> currentState = Optional.ofNullable(state.getSingleRelationship(RelationshipType.withName(Utility.HAS_STATE_TYPE), Direction.INCOMING)) .map(Relationship::getStartNode).map(entity -> entity.getSingleRelationship(RelationshipType.withName(Utility.CURRENT_TYPE), Direction.OUTGOING)) .map(Relationship::getEndNode); Stream<DiffOutput> result = Stream.empty(); if(currentState.isPresent() && !currentState.equals(Optional.of(state))){ result = diffBetweenStates(Optional.of(state), currentState); } return result; }
/** * It returns a {@link Stream<DiffOutput>} by the given nodes * * @param from * @param to * @return a {@link Stream<DiffOutput>} */ private Stream<DiffOutput> diffBetweenStates(Optional<Node> from, Optional<Node> to) { List<DiffOutput> diffs = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, Object> propertiesFrom =; Map<String, Object> propertiesTo =; //Getting updated and removed properties propertiesFrom.forEach((key, value) -> { Optional<Object> foundValue = Optional.ofNullable(propertiesTo.get(key)); String operation = -> compareObj(val, value) ? "" : Utility.DIFF_OPERATION_UPDATE).orElse(Utility.DIFF_OPERATION_REMOVE); if(!operation.isEmpty()){ diffs.add(new DiffOutput(operation, key, value, foundValue.orElse(null))); } }); //Getting added properties propertiesTo.forEach((key, value) -> { if(!propertiesFrom.containsKey(key)) { diffs.add(new DiffOutput(Utility.DIFF_OPERATION_ADD, key, null, value)); } }); return, b) ->, Utility.DIFF_OPERATIONS_SORTING.indexOf(b.operation))); }
public static List<Pair<Long, String>> getIdAndCodeOfChildrenConnectedBy( Node node, String edgeType) { List<Pair<Long, String>> retval = new LinkedList<Pair<Long, String>>(); List<Node> children = getChildrenConnectedBy(node, edgeType); for (Node childNode : children) { String childCode = childNode.getProperty(NodeKeys.CODE).toString(); Pair<Long, String> pair = new Pair<Long, String>(childNode.getId(), childCode); retval.add(pair); } return retval; }
public static List<Node> getParentsConnectedBy(Node node, String edgeType) { List<Node> retval = new LinkedList<Node>(); long nodeId = node.getId(); Iterable<Relationship> rels = node.getRelationships(); for (Relationship rel : rels) { if (!rel.getType().name().equals(edgeType)) continue; Node parentNode = rel.getStartNode(); if (parentNode.getId() == nodeId) continue; retval.add(parentNode); } return retval; }
static HashMap<String, Object> all( List<Node> lastOrdered, List<Node> predicted) { HashMap<String, Object> evaluations = new HashMap<>(); ArrayList<Node> intersection = new ArrayList<>(lastOrdered); intersection.retainAll(predicted); Double precision = (double)intersection.size()/predicted.size(); Double recall = (double) intersection.size()/lastOrdered.size(); Double f1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall); evaluations.put("intersection", intersection); evaluations.put("precision", precision); evaluations.put("recall", recall); evaluations.put("f1", f1); return evaluations; }
public static List<Node> getCallsToForFunction(String source, long functionId) { List<Node> retval = new LinkedList<Node>(); // JANNIK String my = source; my = my.replace("*", "\\*"); my = my.replace("(", "\\("); my = my.replace(")", "\\)"); my = my.replace("-", "\\-"); my = my.replace(" ", "\\ "); String query = String.format("%s:Callee AND %s:%s AND %s:%s", NodeKeys.TYPE, NodeKeys.FUNCTION_ID, functionId, NodeKeys.CODE, my); IndexHits<Node> hits = Neo4JDBInterface.queryIndex(query); for (Node n : hits) { List<Node> parents = getParentsConnectedBy(n, "IS_AST_PARENT"); retval.add(parents.get(0)); } return retval; }
public static DDG getDDGForFunction(Node funcNode) { DDG retval = new DDG(); for (Node statement : Traversals.getStatementsForFunction(funcNode)) { Iterable<Relationship> rels = statement .getRelationships(Direction.OUTGOING); long srcId = statement.getId(); for (Relationship rel : rels) { if (!rel.getType().toString().equals(EdgeTypes.REACHES)) continue; long dstId = rel.getEndNode().getId(); String symbol = rel.getProperty("var").toString(); retval.add(srcId, dstId, symbol); } } return retval; }
public static void remove_duplicated_edges_in_function(Joern_db joern_db, Long func_id) { System.out.print("remove_duplicated_edges_in_function: "); System.out.println(func_id); List<Node> Ns = Pipeline.v(func_id).functionToStatements().to_list(); // Ns = Ns[0] Long counter = new Long(0); Long of = new Long(Ns.size()); for(Node n : Ns) { counter += 1; System.out.println(counter.toString() + " of " + of.toString()); remove_duplicated_edges_of_node(joern_db, n.getId()); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if(args.length != 1) { System.out.println("[/] Usage: <func_name>\n"); System.exit(1); } String func_name = args[0]; Joern_db joern_db = new Joern_db(); joern_db.initialize(); List<Node> hits = Joern_db.get_calls_to(func_name); for(Node h : hits) { remove_duplicated_edges_in_function(joern_db, (Long)h.getProperty("functionId")); } // remove_duplicated_edges(); joern_db.g.commit(); }
public static HashSet<Long> find_inflow_nodes_with_path_length(Joern_db joern_db, Long node_id, Long path_length, HashSet<Long> nodes_in_step_before) { ArrayList<Long> start_nodes = new ArrayList(nodes_in_step_before); if(!nodes_in_step_before.contains(node_id)) { start_nodes.add(node_id); } List<Node> nodes = Pipeline.v(start_nodes).in("CFG_EDGE").to_list(); HashSet<Long> new_node_ids = new HashSet(); for(Node n : nodes) { Long id = n.getId(); if(!nodes_in_step_before.contains(id)) { new_node_ids.add(id); } } return new_node_ids; }
public static void print_path(Joern_db joern_db, List<Long> path, List<String> var_names) { for(int i=0, i_end=path.size(); i<i_end; ++i) { Long p = path.get(i); Node node = (Node)(Pipeline.v(p).to_list().get(0)); if(node.hasProperty("code")) { System.out.println(p.toString() + "\t" + (String)(node.getProperty("code"))); } else { System.out.println(p.toString()); } if(var_names != null && i < path.size()-1) { System.out.println("\t" + var_names.get(i)); } } }
public static void fill_externally_defined_functions(Joern_db joern_db) { // completeType extern void ( ) // baseType extern void // type Decl // identifier extern_func if(externally_defined_functions != null) return; externally_defined_functions = new HashSet<>(); // decls = joern_db.runGremlinQuery("queryNodeIndex('type:Decl').filter{it.completeType.startsWith('extern') && it.completeType.endsWith(')')}.identifier") // decls = joern_db.runGremlinQuery("g.V.filter{it.type == 'Decl' && it.completeType.startsWith('extern') && it.completeType.endsWith(')')}.identifier") List<Node> decl_nodes = Joern_db.queryNodeIndex("type:Decl"); for(Node d : decl_nodes) { String completeType = (String)d.getProperty("completeType"); if(completeType.startsWith("extern") && completeType.endsWith(")")) { String identifier = (String)d.getProperty("identifier"); externally_defined_functions.add(identifier); } } }
public static HashSet<String> find_all_func_names(Joern_db joern_db) throws Exception { fill_glibc_function_names(); fill_externally_defined_functions(joern_db); HashSet<String> all_funcs = new HashSet(glibc_function_names); for(String it : externally_defined_functions) all_funcs.add(it); // get all function-defs, extract their names List<Node> func_defs = joern_db.queryNodeIndex("type:FunctionDef"); for(Node n : func_defs) { String code = (String)n.getProperty("code"); String[] splitters = code.split(" ", -1); all_funcs.add(splitters[0]); } return all_funcs; }
@Procedure(name = "com.maxdemarzi.match.user", mode = Mode.READ) @Description("CALL com.maxdemarzi.match.user(username) - find matching rules") public Stream<NodeResult> matchUser(@Name("username") String username) throws IOException { // We start by finding the user Node user = db.findNode(Labels.User, "username", username); if (user != null) { // Gather all of their attributes in to a Set Set<Node> userAttributes = new HashSet<>(); Collection<String> attributes = new HashSet<>(); for (Relationship r : user.getRelationships(Direction.OUTGOING, RelationshipTypes.HAS)) { userAttributes.add(r.getEndNode()); attributes.add((String)r.getEndNode().getProperty("id")); } // Find the rules Set<Node> rules = findRules(attributes, userAttributes); return; } return null; }
public static List<Long> retval_of_func(Joern_db joern_db, Long func_id) { List<Node> returns = Joern_db.queryNodeIndex("type:ReturnStatement AND functionId:" + func_id.toString()); // print returns List<Long> candidates = new ArrayList<>(); for(Node r : returns) { List<Node> ret_children = Pipeline.v(r.getId()).children().to_list(); for(Node c : ret_children) { System.out.println("ret_child: " + new Long(c.getId()).toString()); candidates.add(c.getId()); // get_rhs_val(c) } } return candidates; }
public static String get_parameter_type(Joern_db joern_db, Long call_id, Long ith_argument) { List<Node> t = Pipeline.v(call_id).functionToStatements().has("type", "Parameter").has("childNum", ith_argument.toString()).children().has("type", "ParameterType").to_list(); Set<String> codes = new HashSet<>(); for(Node n : t) { codes.add((String)(n.getProperty("code"))); } if(codes.size() == 1) { return codes.iterator().next().trim(); } else { return ""; } }
static ArrayList<Node> alternatingOrder (Node order) { ArrayList<Node> products = new ArrayList<>(); Relationship prevRel = order.getSingleRelationship(RelationshipTypes.PREV, Direction.OUTGOING); if (prevRel != null) { Node prevOrder = prevRel.getEndNode(); prevRel = prevOrder.getSingleRelationship(RelationshipTypes.PREV, Direction.OUTGOING); if (prevRel != null) { prevOrder = prevRel.getEndNode(); for (Relationship r1 : prevOrder.getRelationships(Direction.OUTGOING, RelationshipTypes.HAS)) { Node product = r1.getEndNode(); products.add(product); } } } return products; }
@Procedure(name = "com.maxdemarzi.match.attributes", mode = Mode.READ) @Description("CALL com.maxdemarzi.match.attributes([attributes]) - find matching rules") public Stream<NodeResult> matchAttributes(@Name("attributes") List<String> attributes) throws IOException { // We will gather all of the attribute nodes in to a Set Set<Node> userAttributes = new HashSet<>(); // We start by finding the attributes for (String id : attributes) { Node attribute = db.findNode(Labels.Attribute, "id", id); if (attribute != null) { userAttributes.add(attribute); } } // Find the rules Set<Node> rules = findRules(attributes, userAttributes); return; }
public Pipeline functionToStatements() { return (Pipeline)(this.transform( new PipeFunction<Neo4j2Vertex,List<Neo4j2Vertex>>() { public List<Neo4j2Vertex> compute(Neo4j2Vertex it) { List<Node> tmp = Joern_db.queryNodeIndex("isCFGNode:True AND functionId:" + it.getId().toString()); List<Neo4j2Vertex> ret = new ArrayList<>(); for(Node n : tmp) { ret.add(new Neo4j2Vertex(n, Joern_db.g) ); } return ret; } } ).scatter()); }
public static String get_function_name_for_node_id(Joern_db joern_db, Long node_id) throws Exception { Long cur_id = node_id; Long func_id = null; while(true) { func_id = (Long)(((Node)(Pipeline.v(cur_id).to_list().get(0))).getProperty("functionId")); if(func_id != null) { break; } cur_id = get_general_parent(joern_db, cur_id); // print "cur_id:", cur_id } String func_name = (String)(((Node)(Pipeline.v(func_id).to_list().get(0))).getProperty("name")); return func_name; }
public static String get_location_for_node_id(Joern_db joern_db, Long node_id) throws Exception { Long cur_id = node_id; String location = null; while(true) { List<Node> nodes = Pipeline.v(cur_id).to_list(); Node first = nodes.get(0); if(first.hasProperty("location")) { location = (String)(first.getProperty("location")); break; } cur_id = get_general_parent(joern_db, cur_id); // print "cur_id:", cur_id } return location; }
@Procedure(value = "sql.versioner.init", mode = Mode.WRITE) @Description("sql.versioner.init(dbname, hostname, port, database, username, password) - Initialize a Database Version with its schemas, tables and relative columns.") public Stream<NodeOutput> init( @Name("dbName") String dbName, @Name("hostname") String hostname, @Name("port") Long port, @Name("database") String databaseName, @Name("username") String username, @Name("password") String password){ DatabaseImporter databaseImporter = DatabaseImporterFactory.getSQLDatabase(dbName); databaseImporter.connect(hostname, port, databaseName, username, password); Database database = loadDatabaseFromDBMS(databaseImporter); databaseImporter.disconnect(); Neo4jPersistence persistence = new Neo4jPersistence(db, log); Node databaseNode = persistence.persist(database); return Stream.of(new NodeOutput(databaseNode)); }
public void mergeArtifact(org.eclipse.aether.artifact.Artifact artifactModel) { this.artifactCache.getOrPut(artifactModel, () -> { String cypherQuery = "MERGE (artifact:ARTIFACT {groupId: {groupId}, artifactId: {artifactId}, version: {version}, extension: {extension}, hash: {hash}%s}) RETURN artifact"; Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>(); parameters.put("groupId", artifactModel.getGroupId()); parameters.put("artifactId", artifactModel.getArtifactId()); parameters.put("version", artifactModel.getVersion()); parameters.put("extension", artifactModel.getExtension()); if (!artifactModel.getClassifier().isEmpty()) { cypherQuery = String.format(cypherQuery, ", classifier: {classifier}%s"); parameters.put("classifier", artifactModel.getClassifier()); } parameters.put("hash", this.hash(parameters.values().toArray(new String[0]))); cypherQuery = String.format(cypherQuery, ""); try (Result result = this.graphDatabaseService.execute(cypherQuery, parameters)) { return result.<Node>columnAs("artifact").next(); } }); }
@Override List<Node> show() { if ( state != State.ready ) throw new IllegalStateException("Model not trained yet"); List<Node> result = new ArrayList<>(); int layerCount = model.getnLayers(); for (Layer layer : model.getLayers()) { Node node = node("Layer", "type", layer.type().name(), "index", layer.getIndex(), "pretrainLayer", layer.isPretrainLayer(), "miniBatchSize", layer.getInputMiniBatchSize(), "numParams", layer.numParams()); if (layer instanceof DenseLayer) { DenseLayer dl = (DenseLayer) layer; node.addLabel(Label.label("DenseLayer")); node.setProperty("activation",dl.getActivationFn().toString()); // todo parameters node.setProperty("biasInit",dl.getBiasInit()); node.setProperty("biasLearningRate",dl.getBiasLearningRate()); node.setProperty("l1",dl.getL1()); node.setProperty("l1Bias",dl.getL1Bias()); node.setProperty("l2",dl.getL2()); node.setProperty("l2Bias",dl.getL2Bias()); node.setProperty("distribution",dl.getDist().toString()); node.setProperty("in",dl.getNIn()); node.setProperty("out",dl.getNOut()); } result.add(node); // layer.preOutput(allOne, Layer.TrainingMode.TEST); // layer.p(allOne, Layer.TrainingMode.TEST); // layer.activate(allOne, Layer.TrainingMode.TEST); } return result; }
/** * This method returns the first available State node, by a given State node to rollback * * @param state state to rollback * @return the first available rollback node */ private Optional<Node> getFirstAvailableRollbackNode(Node state) { return, Direction.OUTGOING).spliterator(), false).findFirst() // Recursive iteration for ROLLBACKed State node .map(e -> getFirstAvailableRollbackNode(e.getEndNode())) // No ROLLBACK relationship found .orElse(, Direction.OUTGOING).spliterator(), false) .findFirst().map(Relationship::getEndNode)); }
public void insertBd() { super.insertBd(); try (Transaction tx = db.beginTx()) { Node vols = db.createNode(Main.Tables.Naviguant); vols.setProperty("cin",super.getCin()); vols.setProperty("numPassport",super.getNumPassport()); vols.setProperty("nom",super.getNom()); vols.setProperty("adresse",super.getAdresse()); vols.setProperty("telephone",super.getTelephone()); tx.success(); } }
public static List<String> getCodeOfChildrenConnectedBy(Node node, String edgeType) { List<String> retval = new LinkedList<String>(); List<Node> children = getChildrenConnectedBy(node, edgeType); for (Node childNode : children) { String childCode = childNode.getProperty(NodeKeys.CODE).toString(); retval.add(childCode); } return retval; }
@POST public Response energization(String body, @Context GraphDatabaseService db) throws IOException { HashMap input = Validators.getValidEquipmentIds(body); Set<Node> startingEquipment = new HashSet<>(); Set results = new HashSet<>(); ArrayList<Long> skip = new ArrayList<>(); try (Transaction tx = db.beginTx()) { ((Collection) input.get("ids")).forEach((id) -> startingEquipment.add(db.findNode(Labels.Equipment, "equipment_id", id))); if (startingEquipment.isEmpty()) { throw Exceptions.equipmentNotFound; } startingEquipment.forEach(bus -> { InitialBranchState.State<Double> ibs; ibs = new InitialBranchState.State<>((Double) bus.getProperty("voltage", 999.0), 0.0); TraversalDescription td = db.traversalDescription() .depthFirst() .expand(expander, ibs) .uniqueness(Uniqueness.NODE_GLOBAL) .evaluator(evaluator); for (org.neo4j.graphdb.Path position : td.traverse(bus)) { Node endNode = position.endNode(); if (!skip.contains(endNode.getId())) { results.add(position.endNode().getProperty("equipment_id")); skip.add(endNode.getId()); } endNode.setProperty("Energized", true); } }); tx.success(); } return Response.ok().entity(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(results)).build(); }
public static String getCalleeFromCall(Long nodeId) { Node node = Neo4JDBInterface.getNodeById(nodeId); Iterable<Relationship> rels = node.getRelationships(); for (Relationship rel : rels) { if (!rel.getType().name().equals(EdgeTypes.IS_AST_PARENT)) continue; Node endNode = rel.getEndNode(); if (endNode.getId() == node.getId()) continue; try { String childNumStr = (String) endNode .getProperty(NodeKeys.CHILD_NUMBER); if (childNumStr.equals("0")) return endNode.getProperty(NodeKeys.CODE).toString(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { return endNode.getProperty(NodeKeys.CODE).toString(); } } return ""; }
public void insertBd() { super.insertBd(); try (Transaction tx = db.beginTx()) { Node vols = db.createNode(Main.Tables.Pilote); vols.setProperty("cin",super.getCin()); vols.setProperty("numPassport",super.getNumPassport()); vols.setProperty("nom",super.getNom()); vols.setProperty("adresse",super.getAdresse()); vols.setProperty("telephone",super.getTelephone()); tx.success(); } }
private void determineFunctionsToPatch(String source) { List<Node> hits = Traversals.getCallsTo(source); for (Node callASTNode : hits) { Long functionId = Traversals.getFunctionIdFromASTNode(callASTNode); functionsToPatch.add(functionId); } }
private void determineCallsToPatch(Long funcId) { List<Node> callNodes = Traversals.getCallsToForFunction(sourceToPatch, funcId); for (Node callNode : callNodes) { Node parent = Traversals.getStatementForASTNode(callNode); statementsToPatch.add(parent); } }
public void patchDDG(DefUseCFG defUseCFG, Long funcId) { Node node = Neo4JDBInterface.getNodeById(funcId); DDG oldDDG = Traversals.getDDGForFunction(node); DDGCreator ddgCreator = new DDGCreator(); DDG newDDG = ddgCreator.createForDefUseCFG(defUseCFG); diff = oldDDG.difference(newDDG); }
private void removeOldEdges(DDGDifference diff) { List<DefUseRelation> relsToRemove = diff.getRelsToRemove(); for (DefUseRelation rel : relsToRemove) { Node srcStatement = Neo4JDBInterface.getNodeById((Long) rel.src); Iterable<Relationship> rels = srcStatement .getRelationships(Direction.OUTGOING); for (Relationship reachRel : rels) { if (!reachRel.getType().name().equals(EdgeTypes.REACHES)) continue; if (reachRel.getEndNode().getId() != (Long) rel.dst) continue; Object var = reachRel.getProperty("var"); if (var == null || !var.toString().equals(rel.symbol)) continue; Neo4JDBInterface.removeEdge(reachRel.getId()); } } }
public void writeChangesToDatabase() { if (defUseCFG == null) { return; } for (DefUseLink link : newlyAddedLinks) { Long fromId = link.statement; Long toId = (Long) defUseCFG.getIdForSymbol(link.symbol); if (toId == null) { Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Node statementNode = Neo4JDBInterface.getNodeById(link.statement); properties.put("functionId", statementNode.getProperty("functionId")); properties.put("type", "Symbol"); properties.put("code", link.symbol); Node symbolNode = Neo4JDBInterface.addNode(properties); toId = (Long) symbolNode.getId(); } RelationshipType relType = DynamicRelationshipType .withName(EdgeTypes.DEF); Neo4JDBInterface.addRelationship(fromId, toId, relType, null, true); //JANNIK: added flag } }
@Override public Void call() throws Exception { System.out.println("STARTING ON " + task_id + ": " + call_id.toString() + ", " + ith_argument.toString()); Node arg = null; while(true) { try { arg = Find_data_paths.get_argument_i(joern_db, call_id, ith_argument); break; } catch(Exception e) { ; } } // print "arg:", arg List<String> var_names = Find_data_paths.get_arg_variables(joern_db, arg.getId()); // print "var_names:", var_names for(String v : var_names) { Find_data_paths.get_defs_of(joern_db, arg.getId(), v, task_id, ergo_set, had_already); } return null; }
public static Node get_argument_i(Joern_db joern_db, Long node_id, Long ith_argument) throws Exception { List<Node> it = Pipeline.v(node_id).callToArguments().has("childNum", ith_argument.toString()).to_list(); if(it.size() != 1) { throw new Exception("Expected length 1: " + node_id.toString() + " " + ith_argument.toString()); } return it.get(0); }
public void insertBd() { super.insertBd(); try (Transaction tx = db.beginTx()) { Node vols = db.createNode(Main.Tables.Passager); vols.setProperty("cin",super.getCin()); vols.setProperty("numPassport",super.getNumPassport()); vols.setProperty("nom",super.getNom()); vols.setProperty("adresse",super.getAdresse()); vols.setProperty("telephone",super.getTelephone()); tx.success(); } }
public static Long get_deepest_child_using(Joern_db joern_db, Long node_id, String var_name_together) { Long deepest = new Long(node_id); Long before = new Long(node_id); while(true) { Set<Long> childs = Function_sets_parameter.get_all_children(joern_db, deepest); // print "childs:", childs Boolean found_other = false; for(Long c : childs) { List<Node> uses = Pipeline.v(c).uses().to_list(); for(Node u : uses) { String code = (String)(u.getProperty("code")); String u_together = member_to_var_name(Function_sets_parameter.split_into_elements(code)); if(u_together.equals(var_name_together)) { // print "new deepest:", c deepest = c; found_other = true; break; } if(found_other) { break; } } } if(deepest == before) { break; } before = deepest; } return deepest; }