private Set<DirectedRelationshipType> resolveRelationships(String key, String value) { Set<DirectedRelationshipType> rels = new HashSet<>(); String cypherIn = String.format("[%s:%s]", key, value); String cypherOut = cypherUtil.resolveRelationships(cypherIn); Matcher m = ENTAILMENT_PATTERN.matcher(cypherOut); while (m.find()) { String types =; String[] cypherRels = types.split("\\|"); for (String cypherRel : cypherRels) { String unquotedCypherRel = cypherRel.replaceAll("^`|`$",""); RelationshipType relType = RelationshipType.withName(unquotedCypherRel); DirectedRelationshipType dirRelType = new DirectedRelationshipType(relType, Direction.OUTGOING); rels.add(dirRelType); } } return rels; }
public static DDG getDDGForFunction(Node funcNode) { DDG retval = new DDG(); for (Node statement : Traversals.getStatementsForFunction(funcNode)) { Iterable<Relationship> rels = statement .getRelationships(Direction.OUTGOING); long srcId = statement.getId(); for (Relationship rel : rels) { if (!rel.getType().toString().equals(EdgeTypes.REACHES)) continue; long dstId = rel.getEndNode().getId(); String symbol = rel.getProperty("var").toString(); retval.add(srcId, dstId, symbol); } } return retval; }
static ArrayList<Node> alternatingOrder (Node order) { ArrayList<Node> products = new ArrayList<>(); Relationship prevRel = order.getSingleRelationship(RelationshipTypes.PREV, Direction.OUTGOING); if (prevRel != null) { Node prevOrder = prevRel.getEndNode(); prevRel = prevOrder.getSingleRelationship(RelationshipTypes.PREV, Direction.OUTGOING); if (prevRel != null) { prevOrder = prevRel.getEndNode(); for (Relationship r1 : prevOrder.getRelationships(Direction.OUTGOING, RelationshipTypes.HAS)) { Node product = r1.getEndNode(); products.add(product); } } } return products; }
@Procedure(value = "graph.versioner.diff.from.current", mode = DEFAULT) @Description("graph.versioner.diff.from.current(state) - Get a list of differences that must be applied to the given state in order to become the current entity state") public Stream<DiffOutput> diffFromCurrent( @Name("state") Node state) { Optional<Node> currentState = Optional.ofNullable(state.getSingleRelationship(RelationshipType.withName(Utility.HAS_STATE_TYPE), Direction.INCOMING)) .map(Relationship::getStartNode).map(entity -> entity.getSingleRelationship(RelationshipType.withName(Utility.CURRENT_TYPE), Direction.OUTGOING)) .map(Relationship::getEndNode); Stream<DiffOutput> result = Stream.empty(); if(currentState.isPresent() && !currentState.equals(Optional.of(state))){ result = diffBetweenStates(Optional.of(state), currentState); } return result; }
@Procedure(name = "com.maxdemarzi.match.user", mode = Mode.READ) @Description("CALL com.maxdemarzi.match.user(username) - find matching rules") public Stream<NodeResult> matchUser(@Name("username") String username) throws IOException { // We start by finding the user Node user = db.findNode(Labels.User, "username", username); if (user != null) { // Gather all of their attributes in to a Set Set<Node> userAttributes = new HashSet<>(); Collection<String> attributes = new HashSet<>(); for (Relationship r : user.getRelationships(Direction.OUTGOING, RelationshipTypes.HAS)) { userAttributes.add(r.getEndNode()); attributes.add((String)r.getEndNode().getProperty("id")); } // Find the rules Set<Node> rules = findRules(attributes, userAttributes); return; } return null; }
@Override public <R, E extends Throwable> R accept(Visitor<R, E> visitor) throws E { //filternodes: for (Node node : nodes) { visitor.visitNode(node); for (Relationship relationship : node.getRelationships(Direction.OUTGOING)) { if (nodes.contains(relationship.getOtherNode(node))) { if (!relationshipLabels.contains(relationship.getType().name())) { continue; } visitor.visitRelationship(relationship); } } } return visitor.done(); }
@Override public <R, E extends Throwable> R accept(Visitor<R, E> visitor) throws E { for (Node node : dbServices.getAllNodes()) { if (node.hasLabel(Label.label("CompilationUnit"))) { continue; } if (node.hasLabel(Label.label("SourceSpan"))) { continue; } if (node.hasLabel(Label.label("SourceLocation"))) { continue; } visitor.visitNode(node); for (Relationship edge : node.getRelationships(Direction.OUTGOING)) { if (edge.isType(RelationshipType.withName("location"))) { continue; } visitor.visitRelationship(edge); } } return visitor.done(); }
private Traverser getPatternMatch(Node startNode, final List<String> patterns, final List<NodeLabel> nodeLabels, final List<LinkLabel> linkLabels) { TraversalDescription td = database.traversalDescription() .depthFirst() .evaluator( new Evaluator() { public Evaluation evaluate( final org.neo4j.graphdb.Path path ) { if ( path.length() == 0 ) { return Evaluation.EXCLUDE_AND_CONTINUE; } boolean isToken = path.endNode().hasLabel(NodeLabel.WordToken); boolean included = isToken && (path.length() == 1 || nodeHasAnnotation(path.endNode(), linkLabels.get(path.length() - 1), patterns.get(path.length() - 1))); boolean continued = path.length() < patterns.size(); return Evaluation.of( included, continued ); } } ) .relationships(LinkLabel.NEXT, Direction.OUTGOING) .relationships(LinkLabel.HAS_TYPE, Direction.INCOMING) .relationships(LinkLabel.HAS_LEMMA, Direction.INCOMING) .relationships(LinkLabel.HAS_POS_TAG, Direction.INCOMING) .relationships(LinkLabel.HAS_HEAD, Direction.INCOMING); return td.traverse(startNode); }
@Test public void shouldDeleteOneRelations() { context.setDocumentKey("key"); Node parent = db.createNode(); parent.setProperty("type", "album"); Node child = db.createNode(); child.setProperty("type", "artist"); Node track = db.createNode(); track.setProperty("type", "track"); this.docrel.buildRelation(parent, child, context); context.setDocumentKey("another_key"); this.docrel.buildRelation(child, track, context); Set<Node> orphans = this.docrel.deleteRelations(context); Assert.assertEquals(1, orphans.size()); Assert.assertEquals(1,, false).count()); Assert.assertEquals(0,, false).count()); }
@Test public void shouldCreate3Relation() { context.setDocumentKey("key"); Node parent = db.createNode(); parent.setProperty("type", "album"); Node child = db.createNode(); child.setProperty("type", "artist"); this.docrel.buildRelation(parent, child, context); context.setDocumentKey("another_key"); Node track = db.createNode(); track.setProperty("type", "track"); this.docrel.buildRelation(parent, child, context); this.docrel.buildRelation(child, track, context); Assert.assertEquals(2,, false).count()); Assert.assertEquals(1,, false).count()); }
@Test public void shouldDeleteRelationsOfKey() { context.setDocumentKey("key"); Node parent = db.createNode(); parent.setProperty("type", "album"); Node child = db.createNode(); child.setProperty("type", "artist"); Node track = db.createNode(); track.setProperty("type", "track"); this.docrel.buildRelation(parent, child, context); context.setDocumentKey("another_key"); this.docrel.buildRelation(child, track, context); Set<Node> orphans = this.docrel.deleteRelations(context); Assert.assertEquals(1, orphans.size()); Assert.assertEquals(1,, false).count()); Assert.assertEquals(0,, false).count()); }
public static List<String> getHypernyms(String cui){ List<String> hypers = new ArrayList<>(); try ( Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx() ){ TraversalDescription td = graphDb.traversalDescription() .breadthFirst() .relationships(RelReader.RelTypes.ISA, Direction.OUTGOING) .evaluator(Evaluators.excludeStartPosition()); Node cuiNode = graphDb.findNode(RelReader.DictLabels.Concept, RelReader.CUI_PROPERTY, cui); if(cuiNode == null) return hypers; Traverser traverser = td.traverse(cuiNode); for(Path path : traverser){ hypers.add(path.endNode().getProperty(RelReader.CUI_PROPERTY).toString()); } tx.success(); } return hypers; }
public static List<String> getHyponyms(String cui){ List<String> hypos = new ArrayList<>(); try ( Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx() ){ TraversalDescription td = graphDb.traversalDescription() .breadthFirst() .relationships(RelReader.RelTypes.ISA, Direction.INCOMING) .evaluator(Evaluators.excludeStartPosition()); Node cuiNode = graphDb.findNode(RelReader.DictLabels.Concept, RelReader.CUI_PROPERTY, cui); if(cuiNode == null) return hypos; Traverser traverser = td.traverse(cuiNode); for(Path path : traverser){ hypos.add(path.endNode().getProperty(RelReader.CUI_PROPERTY).toString()); } tx.success(); } return hypos; }
public static boolean isa(String cui1, String cui2){ boolean match=false; try ( Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx() ){ Node cui1Node = graphDb.findNode(RelReader.DictLabels.Concept, RelReader.CUI_PROPERTY, cui1); Node cui2Node = graphDb.findNode(RelReader.DictLabels.Concept, RelReader.CUI_PROPERTY, cui2); if(cui1Node == null || cui2Node == null) return match; TraversalDescription td = graphDb.traversalDescription() .breadthFirst() .relationships(RelReader.RelTypes.ISA, Direction.OUTGOING) .evaluator(Evaluators.excludeStartPosition()) .evaluator(Evaluators.includeWhereEndNodeIs(cui2Node)); Traverser traverser = td.traverse(cui1Node); if(traverser.iterator().hasNext()){ match = true; } tx.success(); } return match; }
public static int minDistance(String cui1, String cui2){ int distance = -1; try ( Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx() ){ Node cui1Node = graphDb.findNode(RelReader.DictLabels.Concept, RelReader.CUI_PROPERTY, cui1); Node cui2Node = graphDb.findNode(RelReader.DictLabels.Concept, RelReader.CUI_PROPERTY, cui2); if(cui1Node == null || cui2Node == null) return distance; TraversalDescription td = graphDb.traversalDescription() .breadthFirst() .relationships(RelReader.RelTypes.ISA, Direction.OUTGOING) .evaluator(Evaluators.excludeStartPosition()) .evaluator(Evaluators.includeWhereEndNodeIs(cui2Node)); Traverser traverser = td.traverse(cui1Node); for(Path path : traverser){ int len = path.length(); if(distance == -1 || len < distance){ distance = len; } } tx.success(); } return distance; }
@Test public void testRelReader() throws IOException{ RelReader reader = new RelReader(neo4jLocation); reader.batchBuildGraph(new File("my_test_umls/"), "CtakesAllTuis.txt", "SNOMEDCT_US"); GraphDatabaseService db = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(new File(neo4jLocation)); try ( Transaction tx = db.beginTx() ){ TraversalDescription td = db.traversalDescription() .breadthFirst() .relationships(RelReader.RelTypes.ISA, Direction.INCOMING) .evaluator(Evaluators.excludeStartPosition()); Node cuiNode = db.findNode(RelReader.DictLabels.Concept, RelReader.CUI_PROPERTY, "C0007102"); Assert.assertNotNull(cuiNode); Traverser traverser = td.traverse(cuiNode); for(Path path : traverser){ System.out.println("At depth " + path.length() + " => " + path.endNode().getProperty("cui")); } } db.shutdown(); }
public void traverse() { if (null != graph && null != root) { try (Transaction tx = graph.beginTx()) { PathFinder<Path> finder = GraphAlgoFactory.allPaths( PathExpanders.forTypesAndDirections(RelTypes.CHILD_HI, Direction.OUTGOING, RelTypes.CHILD_LO, Direction.OUTGOING), 5); // 5 is the number of original relationships + 1 Iterable<Path> paths = finder.findAllPaths(root, one); double total = 0.0; for (Path path : paths) { double current = 1.0; for (Relationship relationship : path.relationships()) { current *= (double) relationship.getProperty(PROB, 1.0); } total += current; } System.out.format("The probability is %.2f.\n", total); tx.success(); } } }
public void stamp() { if (null != graph && null != root) { try (Transaction tx = graph.beginTx()) { PathFinder<Path> finder = GraphAlgoFactory.allPaths( PathExpanders.forTypesAndDirections(RelTypes.CHILD_HI, Direction.OUTGOING, RelTypes.CHILD_LO, Direction.OUTGOING), 5); // 5 is the number of original relationships + 1 Iterable<Path> paths = finder.findAllPaths(root, one); for (Path path : paths) { boolean first = true; for (Relationship relationship : path.relationships()) { if (first) { System.out.format("(%s)", relationship.getStartNode().getProperty(ID)); first = false; } System.out.format(" --[%s,%.2f]-> ", relationship.getType().name(), relationship.getProperty(PROB, 1.0)); System.out.format("(%s)", relationship.getEndNode().getProperty(ID)); } System.out.println(); } tx.success(); } } }
private void analyseDb() { Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx(); try { PathFinder<Path> finder = GraphAlgoFactory.allPaths(// PathExpanders.forTypeAndDirection(RelTypes.KNOWS, Direction.BOTH), -1); Iterable<Path> paths = finder.findAllPaths(firstNode, secondNode); for (Path path : paths) { for (Node node : path.nodes()) { for (String prop : node.getPropertyKeys()) System.out.print(prop); System.out.print(node.toString()); } for (Relationship relationship : path.relationships()) System.out.print(relationship.toString()); } tx.success(); } finally { tx.finish(); } }
public double traverse() { if (null != root && value < 0.0) { try (Transaction ignore = graph.beginTx()) { value = 0.0; PathFinder<Path> finder = GraphAlgoFactory.allPaths( PathExpanders.forTypesAndDirections(RelType.LO_CHILD, Direction.OUTGOING, RelType.HI_CHILD, Direction.OUTGOING), max); Iterable<Path> paths = finder.findAllPaths(root, one); for (Path path : paths) { double current = 1.0; for (Relationship relationship : path.relationships()) { current *= (double) relationship.getProperty(PROB, 1.0); } value += current; } } } return value; }
@Override public Graph execute(Map<String, List<String>> parameters, Integer limit) { String vertexQuery = prepareGetVertexQuery(parameters, limit); Result result = (Result) currentStorage.executeQuery(vertexQuery); Iterator<Node> nodeSet = result.columnAs(VERTEX_ALIAS); Node node; if(nodeSet.hasNext()) { // starting point can only be one vertex node =; } else return null; Iterable<Relationship> relationships = node.getRelationships(Direction.INCOMING); Graph children = new Graph(); for(Relationship relationship: relationships) { children.putVertex(convertNodeToVertex(relationship.getEndNode())); } return children; }
@Override public Graph execute(Map<String, List<String>> parameters, Integer limit) { String vertexQuery = prepareGetVertexQuery(parameters, limit); Result result = (Result) currentStorage.executeQuery(vertexQuery); Iterator<Node> nodeSet = result.columnAs(VERTEX_ALIAS); Node node; if(nodeSet.hasNext()) { // starting point can only be one vertex node =; } else return null; Iterable<Relationship> relationships = node.getRelationships(Direction.OUTGOING); Graph parents = new Graph(); for(Relationship relationship: relationships) { parents.putVertex(convertNodeToVertex(relationship.getEndNode())); } return parents; }
/** * This function finds the children of a given vertex. * A child is defined as a vertex which is the source of a * direct edge between itself and the given vertex. * * @param parentHash hash of the given vertex * @return returns graph object containing children of the given vertex OR NULL. */ @Deprecated @Override public Graph getChildren(String parentHash) { Graph children = null; try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { children = new Graph(); Node parentNode = graphDb.findNode(NodeTypes.VERTEX, PRIMARY_KEY, parentHash); for(Relationship relationship: parentNode.getRelationships(Direction.OUTGOING)) { children.putVertex(convertNodeToVertex(relationship.getEndNode())); } tx.success(); } return children; }
/** * This function finds the parents of a given vertex. * A parent is defined as a vertex which is the destination of a * direct edge between itself and the given vertex. * * @param childVertexHash hash of the given vertex * @return returns graph object containing parents of the given vertex OR NULL. */ @Deprecated @Override public Graph getParents(String childVertexHash) { Graph parents = null; try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { parents = new Graph(); Node childNode = graphDb.findNode(NodeTypes.VERTEX, PRIMARY_KEY, childVertexHash); for(Relationship relationship: childNode.getRelationships(Direction.INCOMING)) { parents.putVertex(convertNodeToVertex(relationship.getStartNode())); } tx.success(); } return parents; }
/** * Construct a new {@link Neo4jSequenceNode} which wraps the given * Neo4j {@link Node}. * @param service The Neo4j service, for accessing the database. * @param node The Neo4j node. */ public Neo4jSequenceNode(GraphDatabaseService service, Node node) { loaded = false; this.service = service; this.node = node; this.annotations = new ArrayList<>(); this.outgoing = new ArrayList<>(); this.sources = new HashSet<>(); this.scores = new HashMap<>(); try (Transaction tx = service.beginTx()) { = (String) node.getProperty(; basedist = (int) node.getProperty(; interestingness = (int) node.getProperty(, 0); node.getRelationships(RelTypes.NEXT, Direction.OUTGOING).forEach(e -> outgoing.add((String) e.getEndNode().getProperty(; node.getRelationships(RelTypes.SOURCE, Direction.OUTGOING).forEach(e -> sources.add((String) e.getEndNode().getProperty(; tx.success(); } }
private void load() { if (loaded) { return; } try (Transaction tx = service.beginTx()) { start = (int) node.getProperty(; end = (int) node.getProperty(; sequence = (String) node.getProperty(; rank = (int) node.getProperty(; node.getRelationships(RelTypes.ANNOTATED, Direction.OUTGOING).forEach(e -> annotations.add(new Neo4jAnnotation(service, e.getEndNode()))); for (ScoreIdentifier id : Scores.values()) { scores.put(id, (Integer) node.getProperty(, 0)); } tx.success(); } loaded = true; }
/** * Constructs a new Neo4jAnnotation. * @param service the service for accessing the database * @param delegate the node to delegate to. */ public Neo4jAnnotation(GraphDatabaseService service, Node delegate) { try (Transaction tx = service.beginTx()) { this.geneName = (String) delegate.getProperty(; this.range = new Range((int) delegate.getProperty(, (Integer) delegate.getProperty(; this.isMutation = delegate.hasLabel(NodeLabels.DRMUTATION); this.isSense = (Boolean) delegate.getProperty(; this.annotatedNodes = new ArrayList<>(); delegate.getRelationships(Direction.INCOMING, RelTypes.ANNOTATED).forEach(e -> annotatedNodes.add( (String) e.getStartNode().getProperty( ) ); tx.success(); } }
/** * Rank the destination nodes of the outgoing edges of the given node. * @param n the source node of the destination nodes to be ranked. */ private void rankDest(Node n) { int baseSource = (int) n.getProperty( + (int) n.getProperty(; int rankSource = (int) n.getProperty( + 1; for (Relationship r : n.getRelationships(RelTypes.NEXT, Direction.OUTGOING)) { Node dest = r.getEndNode(); if ((int) dest.getProperty( < baseSource) { dest.setProperty(, baseSource); } if ((int) dest.getProperty( < rankSource) { dest.setProperty(, rankSource); } } }
private long computeNewLabel(Node node) { // Count the frequency of labels at neighbours of the current node labelCounts.clear(); labelCounts.defaultReturnValue(0L); for (Relationship relationship : node.getRelationships(EDGE, Direction.BOTH)) { long otherLabel = labels.get(relationship.getOtherNode(node)); labelCounts.put(otherLabel, labelCounts.get(otherLabel) + 1); } // Find the most frequent label with the lowest id long bestLabel = labels.get(node); long bestFrequency = 0; for (Long2LongMap.Entry labelFrequencyPair : labelCounts.long2LongEntrySet()) { long nextLabel = labelFrequencyPair.getLongKey(); long nextFrequency = labelFrequencyPair.getLongValue(); if (nextFrequency > bestFrequency) { bestLabel = nextLabel; bestFrequency = nextFrequency; } else if (nextFrequency == bestFrequency && nextLabel < bestLabel) { bestLabel = nextLabel; } } return bestLabel; }
@Test public void closures_areReturned() { DirectedRelationshipType type = new DirectedRelationshipType(OwlRelationships.RDFS_SUBCLASS_OF, Direction.OUTGOING); Set<DirectedRelationshipType> types = newHashSet(type); Closure closure = closureUtil.getClosure(c, types); assertThat(closure.getCurie(), is("X:c")); assertThat(closure.getLabel(), is("C")); assertThat(closure.getCuries(), contains("X:c", "X:b", "X:a")); assertThat(closure.getLabels(), contains("C", "X:b", "A")); closure = closureUtil.getClosure(b, types); assertThat(closure.getCurie(), is("X:b")); assertThat(closure.getLabel(), is("X:b")); assertThat(closure.getCuries(), contains("X:b", "X:a")); assertThat(closure.getLabels(), contains("X:b", "A")); closure = closureUtil.getClosure(a, types); assertThat(closure.getCurie(), is("X:a")); assertThat(closure.getLabel(), is("A")); assertThat(closure.getCuries(), contains("X:a")); assertThat(closure.getLabels(), contains("A")); }
@Override public ViralShortUrl getLink(String key) { Node node = index.getSingleNode(KEY, key); if (node == null) { return null; } ViralShortUrl url = new ViralShortUrl(); if (node.hasProperty(INITIAL_KEY)) { Node initialNode = index.getSingleNode(KEY, node.getProperty(INITIAL_KEY)); url.setLongUrl((String) initialNode.getProperty(LONG_URL)); } else { url.setLongUrl((String) node.getProperty(LONG_URL)); } url.setKey(key); url.setShowTopBar(true); url.setTrackViral(true); Iterator<Relationship> relationshipIterator = node.getRelationships(LinkRelationship.SPAWNS, Direction.INCOMING).iterator(); if (relationshipIterator.hasNext()) { url.setTimeAdded(new DateTime(; } fillUrlData(node, url); return url; }
@Override public Collection<Neo4jSemaphoreNeighborInjectMatch> evaluate() { final Collection<Neo4jSemaphoreNeighborInjectMatch> matches = new ArrayList<>(); final GraphDatabaseService graphDb = driver.getGraphDb(); try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { // (route:Route) final Iterable<Node> routes = () -> graphDb.findNodes(Neo4jConstants.labelRoute); for (final Node route : routes) { Iterable<Relationship> entries = route.getRelationships(Direction.OUTGOING, Neo4jConstants.relationshipTypeEntry); for (Relationship entry : entries) { final Node semaphore = entry.getEndNode(); final Map<String, Object> match = new HashMap<>(); match.put(QueryConstants.VAR_ROUTE, route); match.put(QueryConstants.VAR_SEMAPHORE, semaphore); matches.add(new Neo4jSemaphoreNeighborInjectMatch(match)); } } } return matches; }
@Override public Collection<Neo4jRouteSensorInjectMatch> evaluate() { final Collection<Neo4jRouteSensorInjectMatch> matches = new ArrayList<>(); final GraphDatabaseService graphDb = driver.getGraphDb(); try (Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx()) { // (route:Route) final Iterable<Node> routes = () -> graphDb.findNodes(Neo4jConstants.labelRoute); for (final Node route : routes) { final Iterable<Node> sensors = Neo4jUtil.getAdjacentNodes(route, Neo4jConstants.relationshipTypeRequires, Direction.OUTGOING, Neo4jConstants.labelSensor); for (final Node sensor : sensors) { final Map<String, Object> match = new HashMap<>(); match.put(QueryConstants.VAR_ROUTE, route); match.put(QueryConstants.VAR_SENSOR, sensor); matches.add(new Neo4jRouteSensorInjectMatch(match)); } } } return matches; }
public static Iterable<Node> getAdjacentNodes(final Node sourceNode, final RelationshipType relationshipType, final Direction direction, final Label targetNodeLabel) { final Collection<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>(); final Iterable<Relationship> relationships = sourceNode.getRelationships(relationshipType, direction); for (final Relationship relationship : relationships) { final Node candidate; switch (direction) { case INCOMING: candidate = relationship.getStartNode(); break; case OUTGOING: candidate = relationship.getEndNode(); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Direction: " + direction + " not supported."); } if (!candidate.hasLabel(targetNodeLabel)) { continue; } nodes.add(candidate); } return nodes; }
@Override public void activate(final Collection<Neo4jConnectedSegmentsInjectMatch> matches) { for (final Neo4jConnectedSegmentsInjectMatch match : matches) { // create (segment2) node final Node segment2 = driver.getGraphDb().createNode(Neo4jConstants.labelSegment); segment2.setProperty(ModelConstants.ID, driver.generateNewVertexId()); segment2.setProperty(ModelConstants.LENGTH, TrainBenchmarkConstants.DEFAULT_SEGMENT_LENGTH); // (segment2)-[:monitoredBy]->(sensor) segment2.createRelationshipTo(match.getSensor(), Neo4jConstants.relationshipTypeMonitoredBy); // (segment1)-[:connectsTo]->(segment2) match.getSegment1().createRelationshipTo(segment2, Neo4jConstants.relationshipTypeConnectsTo); // (segment2)-[:connectsTo]->(segment3) segment2.createRelationshipTo(match.getSegment3(), Neo4jConstants.relationshipTypeConnectsTo); // remove (segment1)-[:connectsTo]->(segment3) final Iterable<Relationship> connectsToEdges = match.getSegment1().getRelationships(Direction.OUTGOING, Neo4jConstants.relationshipTypeConnectsTo); for (final Relationship connectsToEdge : connectsToEdges) { if (connectsToEdge.getEndNode().equals(match.getSegment3())) { connectsToEdge.delete(); } } } }
/** * Finds relationship of given type between subject and object nodes. * * @return Relationship if exists or null. */ public Relationship get(Node subject, RelationshipType type, Node object) { try { // FIXME Use relationship index instead of iterating over all relationships Iterable<Relationship> relations = subject.getRelationships(Direction.OUTGOING, type); for(Relationship relation: relations) { org.neo4j.graphdb.Node target = relation.getEndNode(); // Match object with target node in the existing triple Iterable<Label> labels = object.getLabels(); for(Label label:labels) { if( { // Match literal value of object and target in existing triple if(object.getProperty(NeoGraph.PROPERTY_VALUE).equals(target.getProperty(NeoGraph.PROPERTY_VALUE))) return relation; else return null; } } // Now match URI of object and target in existing triple // FIXME Blank Nodes? if(object.getProperty(NeoGraph.PROPERTY_URI).equals(target.getProperty(NeoGraph.PROPERTY_URI))) return relation; } } catch(RuntimeException exception) { } return null; }
public String helloWorldTraversal() { StringBuilder values = new StringBuilder(); try (Transaction tx = graphDatabaseService.beginTx()) { Node startNode = graphDatabaseService.findNode(Label.label("Word"), "value", "Hello"); for (Node node : graphDatabaseService.traversalDescription() .depthFirst() .expand(forTypeAndDirection(withName("IS_FOLLOWED_BY"), Direction.OUTGOING)) .evaluator(toDepth(2)) .traverse(startNode) .nodes()) { values.append(String.valueOf(node.getProperty("value"))); values.append(" "); } tx.success(); } return values.substring(0, values.length() - 1); }
@Override public Map<String, Set<Long>> call() throws Exception {"Processsing " + category); Map<String, Set<Long>> map = new HashMap<String, Set<Long>>(); Set<Long> nodeSet = new HashSet<Long>(); Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx(); try { for (Path position : graphDb.traversalDescription().uniqueness(Uniqueness.NODE_GLOBAL).depthFirst() .relationships(OwlRelationships.RDFS_SUBCLASS_OF, Direction.INCOMING).relationships(OwlRelationships.RDF_TYPE, Direction.INCOMING) .relationships(OwlRelationships.OWL_EQUIVALENT_CLASS, Direction.BOTH).relationships(OwlRelationships.OWL_SAME_AS, Direction.BOTH) .traverse(root)) { Node end = position.endNode(); nodeSet.add(end.getId()); }"Discovered " + nodeSet.size() + " nodes for " + category); map.put(category, nodeSet); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warning("IRI not found for category: " + category); } finally { tx.success(); tx.close(); } return map; }
long processCategory(Node root, RelationshipType type, Direction direction, String category) { long count = 0; int batchSize = 100_000; Label label = Label.label(category); Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx(); for (Path position : graphDb.traversalDescription().uniqueness(Uniqueness.NODE_GLOBAL) .depthFirst().relationships(type, direction) .relationships(OwlRelationships.RDF_TYPE, Direction.INCOMING) .relationships(OwlRelationships.OWL_EQUIVALENT_CLASS, Direction.BOTH).traverse(root)) { Node end = position.endNode(); GraphUtil.addProperty(end, Concept.CATEGORY, category); end.addLabel(label); if (0 == ++count % batchSize) { logger.fine("Commiting " + count); tx.success(); tx.close(); tx = graphDb.beginTx(); } } tx.success(); tx.close(); return count; }
public String knowsLikesTraverser( Node node ) { String output = ""; // START SNIPPET: knowslikestraverser for ( Path position : db.traversalDescription() .depthFirst() .relationships( Rels.KNOWS ) .relationships( Rels.LIKES, Direction.INCOMING ) .evaluator( Evaluators.toDepth( 5 ) ) .traverse( node ) ) { output += position + "\n"; } // END SNIPPET: knowslikestraverser return output; }