public static List<Node> getCallsTo(String source) { List<Node> retval = new LinkedList<Node>(); // JANNIK String my = source; my = my.replace("*", "\\*"); my = my.replace("(", "\\("); my = my.replace(")", "\\)"); my = my.replace("-", "\\-"); my = my.replace(" ", "\\ "); String query = String.format("%s:Callee AND %s:%s", NodeKeys.TYPE, NodeKeys.CODE, my); IndexHits<Node> hits = Neo4JDBInterface.queryIndex(query); for (Node n : hits) { List<Node> parents = getParentsConnectedBy(n, "IS_AST_PARENT"); retval.add(parents.get(0)); } return retval; }
public static List<Node> getCallsToForFunction(String source, long functionId) { List<Node> retval = new LinkedList<Node>(); // JANNIK String my = source; my = my.replace("*", "\\*"); my = my.replace("(", "\\("); my = my.replace(")", "\\)"); my = my.replace("-", "\\-"); my = my.replace(" ", "\\ "); String query = String.format("%s:Callee AND %s:%s AND %s:%s", NodeKeys.TYPE, NodeKeys.FUNCTION_ID, functionId, NodeKeys.CODE, my); IndexHits<Node> hits = Neo4JDBInterface.queryIndex(query); for (Node n : hits) { List<Node> parents = getParentsConnectedBy(n, "IS_AST_PARENT"); retval.add(parents.get(0)); } return retval; }
@Test public void question5346011() { GraphDatabaseService service = new TestGraphDatabaseFactory().newImpermanentDatabase(); try ( Transaction tx = service.beginTx() ) { RelationshipIndex index = service.index().forRelationships( "exact" ); // ...creation of the nodes and relationship Node node1 = service.createNode(); Node node2 = service.createNode(); String a_uuid = "xyz"; Relationship relationship = node1.createRelationshipTo( node2, DynamicRelationshipType.withName( "related" ) ); index.add( relationship, "uuid", a_uuid ); // query IndexHits<Relationship> hits = index.get( "uuid", a_uuid, node1, node2 ); assertEquals( 1, hits.size() ); tx.success(); } service.shutdown(); }
@Override public boolean matchesSafely( IndexHits<T> indexHits ) { Collection<T> collection = IteratorUtil.asCollection( indexHits.iterator() ); if ( expectedItems.length != collection.size() ) { message = "IndexHits with a size of " + expectedItems.length + ", got one with " + collection.size(); message += collection.toString(); return false; } for ( T item : expectedItems ) { if ( !collection.contains( item ) ) { message = "Item (" + item + ") not found."; return false; } } return true; }
@Test public void testScoring() { Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( LuceneIndexImplementation.FULLTEXT_CONFIG ); Node node1 = graphDb.createNode(); Node node2 = graphDb.createNode(); String key = "text"; // Where the heck did I get this sentence from? index.add( node1, key, "a time where no one was really awake" ); index.add( node2, key, "once upon a time there was" ); restartTx(); IndexHits<Node> hits = index.query( key, new QueryContext( "once upon a time was" ).sort( Sort.RELEVANCE ) ); Node hit1 =; float score1 = hits.currentScore(); Node hit2 =; float score2 = hits.currentScore(); assertEquals( node2, hit1 ); assertEquals( node1, hit2 ); assertTrue( "Score 1 (" + score1 + ") should have been higher than score 2 (" + score2 + ")", score1 > score2 ); }
@Test public void testCombinedHitsSizeProblem() { Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG ); Node node1 = graphDb.createNode(); Node node2 = graphDb.createNode(); Node node3 = graphDb.createNode(); String key = "key"; String value = "value"; index.add( node1, key, value ); index.add( node2, key, value ); restartTx(); index.add( node3, key, value ); IndexHits<Node> hits = index.get( key, value ); assertEquals( 3, hits.size() ); }
@Test public void shouldNotFindValueDeletedInSameTx() { Index<Node> nodeIndex = graphDb.index().forNodes( "size-after-removal" ); Node node = graphDb.createNode(); nodeIndex.add( node, "key", "value" ); restartTx(); nodeIndex.remove( node ); for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { IndexHits<Node> hits = nodeIndex.get( "key", "value" ); assertEquals( 0, hits.size() ); assertNull( hits.getSingle() ); hits.close(); restartTx(); } }
@Test public void shouldNotSeeDeletedRelationshipWhenQueryingWithStartAndEndNode() { // GIVEN RelationshipIndex index = relationshipIndex( EXACT_CONFIG ); Node start = graphDb.createNode(); Node end = graphDb.createNode(); RelationshipType type = withName( "REL" ); Relationship rel = start.createRelationshipTo( end, type ); index.add( rel, "Type", ); finishTx( true ); beginTx(); // WHEN IndexHits<Relationship> hits = index.get( "Type",, start, end ); assertEquals( 1, count( (Iterator<Relationship>)hits ) ); assertEquals( 1, hits.size() ); index.remove( rel ); // THEN hits = index.get( "Type",, start, end ); assertEquals( 0, count( (Iterator<Relationship>)hits ) ); assertEquals( 0, hits.size() ); }
@Test public void indexDeletesShouldNotByVisibleUntilCommit() throws Exception { commitTx(); WorkThread firstTx = createWorker( "First" ); firstTx.beginTransaction(); firstTx.removeFromIndex( key, value ); try ( Transaction transaction = graphDb.beginTx() ) { IndexHits<Node> indexHits = index.get( key, value ); assertThat( indexHits, contains( node ) ); } firstTx.rollback(); }
@Test public void shouldReturnIndexHitsInIndexOrderWhenNoSortIsGiven() throws Exception { // given DocValuesCollector collector = new DocValuesCollector(); IndexReaderStub readerStub = indexReaderWithMaxDocs( 42 ); // when collector.doSetNextReader( readerStub.getContext() ); collector.collect( 1 ); collector.collect( 2 ); // then IndexHits<Document> indexHits = collector.getIndexHits( null ); assertEquals( 2, indexHits.size() ); assertEquals( "1", "id" ) ); assertEquals( "2", "id" ) ); assertFalse( indexHits.hasNext() ); }
@Test public void shouldReturnIndexHitsOrderedByRelevance() throws Exception { // given DocValuesCollector collector = new DocValuesCollector( true ); IndexReaderStub readerStub = indexReaderWithMaxDocs( 42 ); // when collector.doSetNextReader( readerStub.getContext() ); collector.setScorer( constantScorer( 1.0f ) ); collector.collect( 1 ); collector.setScorer( constantScorer( 2.0f ) ); collector.collect( 2 ); // then IndexHits<Document> indexHits = collector.getIndexHits( Sort.RELEVANCE ); assertEquals( 2, indexHits.size() ); assertEquals( "2", "id" ) ); assertEquals( 2.0f, indexHits.currentScore(), 0.0f ); assertEquals( "1", "id" ) ); assertEquals( 1.0f, indexHits.currentScore(), 0.0f ); assertFalse( indexHits.hasNext() ); }
@Test public void shouldReturnIndexHitsInGivenSortOrder() throws Exception { // given DocValuesCollector collector = new DocValuesCollector( false ); IndexReaderStub readerStub = indexReaderWithMaxDocs( 43 ); // when collector.doSetNextReader( readerStub.getContext() ); collector.collect( 1 ); collector.collect( 3 ); collector.collect( 37 ); collector.collect( 42 ); // then Sort byIdDescending = new Sort( new SortField( "id", SortField.Type.LONG, true ) ); IndexHits<Document> indexHits = collector.getIndexHits( byIdDescending ); assertEquals( 4, indexHits.size() ); assertEquals( "42", "id" ) ); assertEquals( "37", "id" ) ); assertEquals( "3", "id" ) ); assertEquals( "1", "id" ) ); assertFalse( indexHits.hasNext() ); }
@Test public void shouldSilentlyMergeAllSegments() throws Exception { // given DocValuesCollector collector = new DocValuesCollector( false ); IndexReaderStub readerStub = indexReaderWithMaxDocs( 42 ); // when collector.doSetNextReader( readerStub.getContext() ); collector.collect( 1 ); collector.doSetNextReader( readerStub.getContext() ); collector.collect( 2 ); // then IndexHits<Document> indexHits = collector.getIndexHits( null ); assertEquals( 2, indexHits.size() ); assertEquals( "1", "id" ) ); assertEquals( "2", "id" ) ); assertFalse( indexHits.hasNext() ); }
@Test public void shouldReturnEmptyIteratorWhenNoHits() throws Exception { // given DocValuesCollector collector = new DocValuesCollector( false ); IndexReaderStub readerStub = indexReaderWithMaxDocs( 42 ); // when collector.doSetNextReader( readerStub.getContext() ); // then IndexHits<Document> indexHits = collector.getIndexHits( null ); assertEquals( 0, indexHits.size() ); assertEquals( Float.NaN, indexHits.currentScore(), 0.0f ); assertFalse( indexHits.hasNext() ); }
/** * @see org.neo4art.core.repository.ArtworkRepository#getArtworkByTitle(java.lang.String) */ @Override public Long getArtworkByTitle(String title) { Long nodeId = null; IndexHits<Long> indexHits = Neo4ArtBatchInserterSingleton.getFromLegacyNodeIndex(CoreLegacyIndex.ARTWORK_LEGACY_INDEX, "title", title); if (indexHits.hasNext()) { nodeId =; } indexHits.close(); return nodeId; }
/** * * @param colourAnalysisNodeId * @param closestColour * @param colourRelationship */ private void connectColourAnalysisToClosestColour(Long colourAnalysisNodeId, Colour closestColour, ColourRelationship colourRelationship) { if (closestColour != null) { IndexHits<Long> closestColourIndexHits = Neo4ArtBatchInserterSingleton.getFromLegacyNodeIndex(ColourLegacyIndex.COLOUR_LEGACY_INDEX, Colour.RGB_PROPERTY_NAME, closestColour.getColor().getRGB()); if (closestColourIndexHits != null) { if (closestColourIndexHits.hasNext()) { long closestColourIndexHit =; Neo4ArtBatchInserterSingleton.createRelationship(colourAnalysisNodeId, closestColourIndexHit, colourRelationship, null); } } closestColourIndexHits.close(); } }
List<Concept> limitHits(IndexHits<Node> hits, Query query) { try (Transaction tx = graph.beginTx()) { Iterable<Concept> concepts = Iterables.transform(hits, transformer); if (!query.isIncludeDeprecated()) { concepts = filter(concepts, new Predicate<Concept>() { @Override public boolean apply(Concept concept) { return !concept.isDeprecated(); } }); } Iterable<Concept> limitedHits = limit(concepts, query.getLimit()); List<Concept> ret = newArrayList(limitedHits); tx.success(); return ret; } }
@Override public Info<EGraphType> GetObject(String name, Object value) { ReadableIndex<Node> node_auto_index = graph.GetInnerIndex() .getNodeAutoIndexer().getAutoIndex(); IndexHits<Node> iterator = node_auto_index.get(name, value); if(!iterator.hasNext()) throw new ExceptionModelFail ("element not found " + name + " with value " + value); Info<EGraphType> obj_uid = new Info<>(, EGraphType.OBJECT); if(iterator.hasNext()) throw new ExceptionModelFail ("more than one element match the criteria: " + name + " " + value.toString()); return obj_uid; }
@Override public Info<EGraphType> GetLink(String name, Object value) { ReadableIndex<Relationship> rel_auto_index = graph.GetInnerIndex() .getRelationshipAutoIndexer().getAutoIndex(); IndexHits<Relationship> iterator = rel_auto_index.get(name, value); if(!iterator.hasNext()) throw new ExceptionModelFail ("element not found" + name); Info<EGraphType> link_uid = new Info<>(, EGraphType.LINK); if(iterator.hasNext()) throw new ExceptionModelFail ("more than one element match the criteria: " + name + " " + value.toString()); return link_uid; }
private IndexHits<T> newEntityIterator( IndexHits<Long> idIterator ) { return new IdToEntityIterator<T>( idIterator ) { @Override protected T underlyingObjectToObject( Long id ) { return getById( id ); } @Override protected void itemDodged( Long item ) { abandonedIds.add( item ); } }; }
@Override public INodeIterator getNodesFromIndex(String name, String key, ParcelableIndexValue value, ParcelableError err) throws RemoteException { try { resumeTrxIfExists(); try { Index<Node> nodeIndex = mDb.index().forNodes(name); IndexHits<Node> hits = nodeIndex.get(key, value.get()); return new NodeIteratorWrapper(hits.iterator()); } finally { suspendCurrentTrx("getNodesFromIndex"); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to remove node from index '" + name + "'", e); err.setError(Errors.TRANSACTION, e.getMessage()); return null; } }
@Override public IRelationshipIterator getRelationshipsFromIndex(String name, String key, ParcelableIndexValue value, ParcelableError err) throws RemoteException { try { resumeTrxIfExists(); try { RelationshipIndex index = mDb.index().forRelationships(name); // this // will // create // the // index IndexHits<Relationship> hits = index.get(key, value.get()); return new RelationshipIteratorWrapper(hits); } finally { suspendCurrentTrx("getRelationshipsFromIndex"); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to add relationship to index '" + name + "'", e); err.setError(Errors.TRANSACTION, e.getMessage()); return null; } }
private Optional<Vertex> findVertexInRdfIndex(String indexName, String nodeUri) { IndexHits<org.neo4j.graphdb.Node> rdfurls = rdfIndex.get(indexName, nodeUri); if (rdfurls.hasNext()) { long vertexId =; if (rdfurls.hasNext()) { StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder().append("There is more then one node in ") .append(indexName) .append(" for the rdfUrl ") .append(nodeUri) .append(" ") .append("namely ") .append(vertexId); rdfurls.forEachRemaining(x -> errorMessage.append(", ").append(x.getId())); LOG.error(errorMessage.toString()); } GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> vertexLookup = traversal().V(vertexId); if (vertexLookup.hasNext()) { Vertex vertex =; return Optional.of(vertex); } else { LOG.error("Index returned a Node for " + indexName + " - " + nodeUri + " but the node id " + vertexId + "could not be found using Tinkerpop."); } } return Optional.empty(); }
public static IndexHits<Node> getStatementsForFunction(Node funcNode) { String query = String.format("%s:True AND %s:%d", NodeKeys.IS_CFG_NODE, NodeKeys.FUNCTION_ID, funcNode.getId()); return Neo4JDBInterface.queryIndex(query); }
/** * Find a node in the index. * * @param indexName Name of the batch index * @param value Value to search in index * @return Neo4j node identifier */ public Long findNodeInBatchIndex(String indexName, Object value) { Long nodeId = null; if (this.batchInserterIndexes.containsKey(indexName)) { IndexHits<Long> result = this.batchInserterIndexes.get(indexName).get(BACTH_INDEX_ID_NAME, value); if (result.size() > 0) { nodeId = result.getSingle(); } } else { log.trace("Can't find object [" + value + "] into index " + indexName); } return nodeId; }
@GET @Path("/tags/{label}") public Response getPosTagByLabel(@PathParam("label") final String label) { StreamingOutput stream = new StreamingOutput() { @Override public void write( OutputStream os ) throws IOException, WebApplicationException { try ( Transaction ignored = database.beginTx() ) { JsonGenerator jg = objectMapper.getFactory().createGenerator(os, JsonEncoding.UTF8); IndexManager index = database.index(); Index<Node> postags = index.forNodes("PosTag"); IndexHits<Node> hits = postags.get( "label", label ); Node postag = hits.getSingle(); jg.writeStartObject(); for (String field : postag.getPropertyKeys()) { Object value = postag.getProperty(field); if (field.contains("_count") && value instanceof Integer) jg.writeNumberField(field, (Integer) value); else if (field.contains("_count") && value instanceof Long) jg.writeNumberField(field, (Long) value); else jg.writeStringField(field, (String) postag.getProperty(field)); } jg.writeEndObject(); jg.flush(); jg.close(); } } }; return Response.ok().entity( stream ).type( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON ).build(); }
@GET @Path("/heads/{label}") public Response getPosHeadByLabel(@PathParam("label") final String label) { StreamingOutput stream = new StreamingOutput() { @Override public void write( OutputStream os ) throws IOException, WebApplicationException { try ( Transaction ignored = database.beginTx() ) { JsonGenerator jg = objectMapper.getFactory().createGenerator(os, JsonEncoding.UTF8); IndexManager index = database.index(); Index<Node> postags = index.forNodes("PosHead"); IndexHits<Node> hits = postags.get( "label", label ); Node poshead = hits.getSingle(); jg.writeStartObject(); for (String field : poshead.getPropertyKeys()) { Object value = poshead.getProperty(field); if (field.contains("_count") && value instanceof Integer) jg.writeNumberField(field, (Integer) value); else if (field.contains("_count") && value instanceof Long) jg.writeNumberField(field, (Long) value); else jg.writeStringField(field, (String) poshead.getProperty(field)); } jg.writeEndObject(); jg.flush(); jg.close(); } } }; return Response.ok().entity( stream ).type( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON ).build(); }
private IndexHits<Document> search( IndexReference searcherRef, IndexSearcher fulltextTransactionStateSearcher, Query query, QueryContext additionalParametersOrNull, Collection<EntityId> removed ) throws IOException { if ( fulltextTransactionStateSearcher != null && !removed.isEmpty() ) { letThroughAdditions( fulltextTransactionStateSearcher, query, removed ); } IndexSearcher searcher = fulltextTransactionStateSearcher == null ? searcherRef.getSearcher() : new IndexSearcher( new MultiReader( searcherRef.getSearcher().getIndexReader(), fulltextTransactionStateSearcher.getIndexReader() ) ); IndexHits<Document> result; if ( additionalParametersOrNull != null && additionalParametersOrNull.getTop() > 0 ) { result = new TopDocsIterator( query, additionalParametersOrNull, searcher ); } else { Sort sorting = additionalParametersOrNull != null ? additionalParametersOrNull.getSorting() : null; boolean forceScore = additionalParametersOrNull == null || !additionalParametersOrNull.getTradeCorrectnessForSpeed(); DocValuesCollector collector = new DocValuesCollector( forceScore ); query, collector ); return collector.getIndexHits( sorting ); } return result; }
public DocToIdIterator( IndexHits<Document> source, Collection<EntityId> exclude, IndexReference searcherOrNull, PrimitiveLongSet idsModifiedInTransactionState ) { this.source = source; this.removedInTransactionState = exclude; this.searcherOrNull = searcherOrNull; this.idsModifiedInTransactionState = idsModifiedInTransactionState; if ( source.size() == 0 ) { close(); } }
/** * Replay the search and collect every hit into TopDocs. One {@code ScoreDoc} is allocated * for every hit and the {@code Document} instance is loaded lazily with on every iteration step. * * @param sort how to sort the iterator. If this is null, results will be in index-order. * @return an indexhits iterator over all matches * @throws IOException */ public IndexHits<Document> getIndexHits( Sort sort ) throws IOException { List<MatchingDocs> matchingDocs = getMatchingDocs(); int size = getTotalHits(); if ( size == 0 ) { return new AbstractIndexHits<Document>() { @Override public int size() { return 0; } @Override public float currentScore() { return Float.NaN; } @Override protected Document fetchNextOrNull() { return null; } }; } if ( sort == null || sort == Sort.INDEXORDER ) { return new DocsInIndexOrderIterator( matchingDocs, size, isKeepScores() ); } TopDocs topDocs = getTopDocs( sort, size ); LeafReaderContext[] contexts = getLeafReaderContexts( matchingDocs ); return new TopDocsIterator( topDocs, contexts ); }
@Test public void doGetForNodes() { Index<Node> actors = graphDb.index().forNodes( "actors" ); // START SNIPPET: getSingleNode IndexHits<Node> hits = actors.get( "name", "Keanu Reeves" ); Node reeves = hits.getSingle(); // END SNIPPET: getSingleNode assertEquals( "Keanu Reeves", reeves.getProperty( "name" ) ); }
@Test public void indexHitsFromQueryingRemovedDoesNotReturnNegativeCount() { Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG ); Node theNode = graphDb.createNode(); index.remove( theNode ); IndexHits<Node> hits = index.query( "someRandomKey", theNode.getId() ); assertTrue( hits.size() >= 0 ); }
@Test public void testSortByRelevance() { Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG ); Node node1 = graphDb.createNode(); Node node2 = graphDb.createNode(); Node node3 = graphDb.createNode(); index.add( node1, "name", "something" ); index.add( node2, "name", "something" ); index.add( node2, "foo", "yes" ); index.add( node3, "name", "something" ); index.add( node3, "foo", "yes" ); index.add( node3, "bar", "yes" ); restartTx(); IndexHits<Node> hits = index.query( new QueryContext( "+name:something foo:yes bar:yes" ).sort( Sort.RELEVANCE ) ); assertEquals( node3, ); assertEquals( node2, ); assertEquals( node1, ); assertFalse( hits.hasNext() ); index.delete(); node1.delete(); node2.delete(); node3.delete(); }
@Test public void testNumericValueArrays() { Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG ); Node node1 = graphDb.createNode(); index.add( node1, "number", new ValueContext[]{ numeric( 45 ), numeric( 98 ) } ); Node node2 = graphDb.createNode(); index.add( node2, "number", new ValueContext[]{ numeric( 47 ), numeric( 100 ) } ); IndexHits<Node> indexResult1 = index.query( "number", newIntRange( "number", 47, 98, true, true ) ); assertThat( indexResult1, contains( node1, node2 ) ); assertThat( indexResult1.size(), is( 2 )); IndexHits<Node> indexResult2 = index.query( "number", newIntRange( "number", 44, 46, true, true ) ); assertThat( indexResult2, contains( node1 ) ); assertThat( indexResult2.size(), is( 1 ) ); IndexHits<Node> indexResult3 = index.query( "number", newIntRange( "number", 99, 101, true, true ) ); assertThat( indexResult3, contains( node2 ) ); assertThat( indexResult3.size(), is( 1 ) ); IndexHits<Node> indexResult4 = index.query( "number", newIntRange( "number", 47, 98, false, false ) ); assertThat( indexResult4, isEmpty() ); IndexHits<Node> indexResult5 = index.query( "number", numericRange( "number", null, 98, true, true ) ); assertContains( indexResult5, node1, node2 ); IndexHits<Node> indexResult6 = index.query( "number", numericRange( "number", 47, null, true, true ) ); assertContains( indexResult6, node1, node2 ); }
private IndexHits<Node> queryIndex( Index<Node> index ) { GraphDatabaseService graphDatabaseService = dbRule.getGraphDatabaseService(); try ( Transaction transaction = graphDatabaseService.beginTx() ) { return index.get( "foo", 42 ); } }
/** * TODO it's not necessary to provide key and value: we could also just pass a Node 'cause we already know the key (defined at index creation time) * * @param indexName * @param key * @param value * @return */ public static IndexHits<Long> getFromLegacyNodeIndex(Neo4ArtLegacyIndex neo4ArtLegacyIndex, String key, Object value) { BatchInserterIndex batchInserterIndex = getBatchInserterIndexProviderInstance().nodeIndex(neo4ArtLegacyIndex.getName(), getLegacyNodeIndexConfig(neo4ArtLegacyIndex.getType())); if (batchInserterIndex == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index " + neo4ArtLegacyIndex.getName() + " doesn't exists. You must create it before getting something from it."); } return batchInserterIndex.get(key, value); }
@Test @Ignore public void shouldSaveDictionary() { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(Neo4ArtGraphDatabase.NEO4J_STORE_DIR)); DictionaryService dictionaryService = new DictionaryBasicService(Locale.ENGLISH); dictionaryService.createLegacyIndexes(); dictionaryService.saveDictionary(); IndexHits<Long> indexHits = Neo4ArtBatchInserterSingleton.getFromLegacyNodeIndex(NLPLegacyIndex.WORD_LEGACY_INDEX, "word", "art"); Assert.assertEquals(1, indexHits.size()); Assert.assertTrue(indexHits.getSingle() > 0); indexHits.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();; } finally { Neo4ArtBatchInserterSingleton.shutdownBatchInserterInstance(); } }
@Test public void shouldRetrieveNodeFromIndex() { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(Neo4ArtGraphDatabase.NEO4J_STORE_DIR)); Word word = new Word("neo4art", null, null); long neo4artNodeId = Neo4ArtBatchInserterSingleton.createNode(word); Neo4ArtBatchInserterSingleton.createLegacyNodeIndex(NLPLegacyIndex.WORD_LEGACY_INDEX); Neo4ArtBatchInserterSingleton.addToLegacyNodeIndex(NLPLegacyIndex.WORD_LEGACY_INDEX, word); Neo4ArtBatchInserterSingleton.flushLegacyNodeIndex(NLPLegacyIndex.WORD_LEGACY_INDEX); IndexHits<Long> indexHits = Neo4ArtBatchInserterSingleton.getFromLegacyNodeIndex(NLPLegacyIndex.WORD_LEGACY_INDEX, "word", "neo4art"); Assert.assertEquals(1, indexHits.size()); Assert.assertEquals(neo4artNodeId, indexHits.getSingle().longValue()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();; } finally { Neo4ArtBatchInserterSingleton.shutdownBatchInserterInstance(); } }
@Override public int size() { try { Iterable<?> iterable =; if (iterable instanceof IndexHits<?>) { return ((IndexHits<?>) iterable).size(); } else { return count(iterable); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e); return 0; } }
@Override public List<Concept> searchConcepts(Query query) { QueryParser parser = getQueryParser(); // BooleanQuery finalQuery = new BooleanQuery(); Builder finalQueryBuilder = new BooleanQuery.Builder(); try { if (query.isIncludeSynonyms() || query.isIncludeAbbreviations() || query.isIncludeAcronyms()) { // BooleanQuery subQuery = new BooleanQuery(); Builder subQueryBuilder = new BooleanQuery.Builder(); subQueryBuilder.add(LuceneUtils.getBoostedQuery(parser, query.getInput(), 10.0f), Occur.SHOULD); String escapedQuery = QueryParser.escape(query.getInput()); if (query.isIncludeSynonyms()) { subQueryBuilder.add(parser.parse(Concept.SYNONYM + ":" + escapedQuery), Occur.SHOULD); } if (query.isIncludeAbbreviations()) { subQueryBuilder.add(parser.parse(Concept.ABREVIATION + ":" + escapedQuery), Occur.SHOULD); } if (query.isIncludeAcronyms()) { subQueryBuilder.add(parser.parse(Concept.ACRONYM + ":" + escapedQuery), Occur.SHOULD); } finalQueryBuilder.add(, Occur.MUST); } else { finalQueryBuilder.add(parser.parse(query.getInput()), Occur.MUST); } } catch (ParseException e) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to parse query", e); } addCommonConstraints(finalQueryBuilder, query); IndexHits<Node> hits = null; BooleanQuery finalQuery =; try (Transaction tx = graph.beginTx()) { hits = graph.index().getNodeAutoIndexer().getAutoIndex().query(finalQuery); tx.success(); } return limitHits(hits, query); }