public Error convert(final Exception exception) { Class errorClass = exception.getClass(); Class causeClass; if (errorClass.equals(ConstraintViolationException.class)) { causeClass = exception.getCause().getClass(); /*if (causeClass.equals(UniqueConstraintViolationKernelException.class)) { return analyseUniqueConstraintViolation((ConstraintViolationException) exception); }*/ } else if (errorClass.equals(NotFoundException.class)) { return analyseNotFound((NotFoundException) exception); } return new Error( Error.EXCEPTION, exception.getMessage() ); }
@Ignore( "an issue that should be fixed at some point" ) @Test( expected = NotFoundException.class ) public void shouldNotBeAbleToIndexNodeThatIsNotCommitted() throws Exception { Index<Node> index = nodeIndex( LuceneIndexImplementation.EXACT_CONFIG ); Node node = graphDb.createNode(); String key = "noob"; String value = "Johan"; WorkThread thread = new WorkThread( "other thread", index, graphDb, node ); thread.beginTransaction(); try { thread.add( node, key, value ); } finally { thread.rollback(); } }
@Test public void shouldThrowIllegalStateForActionsAfterDeletedOnIndex() { restartTx(); index.delete(); restartTx(); try { index.query( key, "own" ); fail( "Should fail" ); } catch ( NotFoundException e ) { assertThat( e.getMessage(), containsString( "doesn't exist" ) ); } }
public Node getNodeById( long id ) { NodeBatchImpl node = nodes.get( id ); if ( node == null ) { try { node = new NodeBatchImpl( id, this, batchInserter.getNodeProperties( id ) ); nodes.put( id, node ); } catch ( InvalidRecordException e ) { throw new NotFoundException( e ); } } return node; }
public Relationship getRelationshipById( long id ) { RelationshipBatchImpl rel = rels.get( id ); if ( rel == null ) { try { SimpleRelationship simpleRel = batchInserter.getRelationshipById( id ); Map<String,Object> props = batchInserter.getRelationshipProperties( id ); rel = new RelationshipBatchImpl( simpleRel, this, props ); rels.put( id, rel ); } catch ( InvalidRecordException e ) { throw new NotFoundException( e ); } } return rel; }
public Relationship getSingleRelationship( RelationshipType type, Direction dir ) { Iterator<Relationship> relItr = newRelIterator( dir, new RelationshipType[] { type } ); if ( relItr.hasNext() ) { Relationship rel =; if ( relItr.hasNext() ) { throw new NotFoundException( "More than one relationship[" + type + ", " + dir + "] found for " + this ); } return rel; } return null; }
public static boolean renameFile( File srcFile, File renameToFile ) { if ( !srcFile.exists() ) { throw new NotFoundException( "Source file[" + srcFile.getName() + "] not found" ); } if ( renameToFile.exists() ) { throw new NotFoundException( "Target file[" + renameToFile.getName() + "] already exists" ); } int count = 0; boolean renamed = false; do { renamed = srcFile.renameTo( renameToFile ); if ( !renamed ) { count++; waitSome(); } } while ( !renamed && count <= WINDOWS_RETRY_COUNT ); return renamed; }
public Relationship getSingleRelationship( NodeManager nodeManager, RelationshipType type, Direction dir ) { DirectionWrapper direction = RelIdArray.wrap( dir ); RelationshipType types[] = new RelationshipType[] { type }; Iterator<Relationship> rels = new IntArrayIterator( getAllRelationshipsOfType( nodeManager, direction, types ), this, direction, nodeManager, types, !hasMoreRelationshipsToLoad() ); if ( !rels.hasNext() ) { return null; } Relationship rel =; if ( rels.hasNext() ) { throw new NotFoundException( "More than one relationship[" + type + ", " + dir + "] found for " + this ); } return rel; }
public PropertyIndex getIndexFor( int keyId ) { PropertyIndex index = idToIndexMap.get( keyId ); if ( index == null ) { TxCommitHook commitHook = txCommitHooks.get( getTransaction() ); if ( commitHook != null ) { index = commitHook.getIndex( keyId ); if ( index != null ) { return index; } } String indexString; indexString = persistenceManager.loadIndex( keyId ); if ( indexString == null ) { throw new NotFoundException( "Index not found [" + keyId + "]" ); } index = new PropertyIndex( indexString, keyId ); addPropertyIndex( index ); } return index; }
@Override public synchronized boolean hasNext() { while ( currentNode == null && currentNodeId <= highId ) { try { currentNode = getNodeById( currentNodeId++ ); } catch ( NotFoundException e ) { // ok we try next } } return currentNode != null; }
@Override public boolean isSingleValue() { // TODO handle false Metadata String value = ""; try (Transaction tx = mRepo.beginTx()) { value = (String) mMe.getProperty(KEY_META_CARDINALITY); tx.success(); } catch (NotFoundException e) { log.warn("This Metadata does not has the Cardinality-Property set! " + this); } if (value.equals(VALUE_META_CARDINALITY_SINGLE)) { return true; } return false; }
@Override public long getDeleteTimestamp() { // TODO handle false Metadata if(this.isNotify()) { return getPublishTimestamp(); } String value = ""; try (Transaction tx = mRepo.beginTx()) { value = mMe.getProperty(KEY_TIMESTAMP_DELETE, InternalMetadata.METADATA_NOT_DELETED_TIMESTAMP + "") .toString(); tx.success(); } catch (NotFoundException e) { log.warn("This Metadata does not has a DeleteTimestamp! " + this); } return Long.parseLong(value); }
public static Node getStatementForASTNode(Node node) { Node n = node; Node parent = node; while (true) { try { Object property = n.getProperty(NodeKeys.IS_CFG_NODE); return n; } catch (NotFoundException ex) { } Iterable<Relationship> rels = n .getRelationships(Direction.INCOMING); for (Relationship rel : rels) { parent = rel.getStartNode(); break; } if (n == parent) return null; n = parent; } }
protected Error analyseNotFound(final NotFoundException notFoundException) { ObjectNode detailsNode = jsonObjectMapper.getObjectMapper().createObjectNode(); return new Error( Error.NOT_FOUND, notFoundException.getMessage(), detailsNode ); }
@Test public void shouldThrowIllegalStateForActionsAfterDeletedOnIndex2() { restartTx(); index.delete(); restartTx(); try { index.add( node, key, value ); } catch ( NotFoundException e ) { assertThat( e.getMessage(), containsString( "doesn't exist" ) ); } }
@Override public void activate(final Collection<Neo4jPosLengthMatch> matches) { for (final Neo4jPosLengthMatch match : matches) { final Node segment = match.getSegment(); try { final Number lengthNumber = (Number) segment.getProperty(ModelConstants.LENGTH); final int length = Neo4jHelper.numberToInt(lengthNumber); segment.setProperty(ModelConstants.LENGTH, -length + 1); } catch (final NotFoundException e) { // do nothing (node has been removed) } } }
@Override public void activate(final Collection<Neo4jPosLengthMatch> matches) throws IOException { for (final Neo4jPosLengthMatch match : matches) { try { final Map<String, Object> parameters = ImmutableMap.of( // QueryConstants.VAR_SEGMENT, match.getSegment() // ); driver.runTransformation(transformationDefinition, parameters); } catch (final NotFoundException e) { // do nothing (node has been removed) } } }
/** * GET Node {"id": …} * * Fetch a single node by ID. */ @Override public PropertyContainer get(RequestInterface request, DatabaseInterface database) throws ClientError, ServerError { long id = resolveNode(database, request.getArgument("id")).getId(); try { Node node = database.getNode(id); responder.sendBody(node); return node; } catch (NotFoundException ex) { throw new ClientError("Node " + id + " not found"); } }
/** * SET Node {"id": …, "labels": …, "properties": …} * * Replace all labels and properties on a node identified by ID. * This will not create a node with the given ID if one does not * already exist. */ @Override public PropertyContainer set(RequestInterface request, DatabaseInterface database) throws ClientError, ServerError { long id = resolveNode(database, request.getArgument("id")).getId(); List labelNames = request.getArgumentAsList("labels"); Map<String, Object> properties = request.getArgumentAsMap("properties"); try { Node node = database.putNode(id, labelNames, properties); responder.sendBody(node); return node; } catch (NotFoundException ex) { throw new ClientError("Node " + id + " not found"); } }
/** * PATCH Node {"id": …, "labels": …} * PATCH Node {"id": …, "properties": …} * PATCH Node {"id": …, "labels": …, "properties": …} * * Add new labels and properties to a node identified by ID. * This will not create a node with the given ID if one does not * already exist and any existing labels and properties will be * maintained. */ @Override public PropertyContainer patch(RequestInterface request, DatabaseInterface database) throws ClientError, ServerError { long id = resolveNode(database, request.getArgument("id")).getId(); List labelNames = request.getArgumentAsList("labels", new ArrayList()); Map<String, Object> properties = request.getArgumentAsMap("properties", new HashMap<String, Object>()); try { Node node = database.patchNode(id, labelNames, properties); responder.sendBody(node); return node; } catch (NotFoundException ex) { throw new ClientError("Node " + id + " not found"); } }
/** * DELETE node {"id": …} * * Delete a node identified by ID. */ @Override public PropertyContainer delete(RequestInterface request, DatabaseInterface database) throws ClientError, ServerError { long id = resolveNode(database, request.getArgument("id")).getId(); try { database.deleteNode(id); return null; } catch (NotFoundException ex) { throw new ClientError("Node " + id + " not found"); } }
/** * GET Rel {"id": …} * * Fetch a single relationship by ID. */ @Override public PropertyContainer get(RequestInterface request, DatabaseInterface context) throws ClientError, ServerError { long id = request.getArgumentAsLong("id"); try { Relationship rel = context.getRelationship(id); responder.sendBody(rel); return rel; } catch (NotFoundException ex) { throw new ClientError("Relationship " + id + " not found!"); } }
/** * SET Rel {"id": …, "properties": …} * * Replace all properties on a relationship identified by ID. * This will not create a relationship with the given ID if one does not * already exist. */ @Override public PropertyContainer set(RequestInterface request, DatabaseInterface context) throws ClientError, ServerError { long id = request.getArgumentAsLong("id"); Map<String, Object> properties = request.getArgumentAsMap("properties"); try { Relationship rel = context.putRelationship(id, properties); responder.sendBody(rel); return rel; } catch (NotFoundException ex) { throw new ClientError("Relationship " + id + " not found"); } }
/** * PATCH Rel {"id": …, "properties": …} * * Add new properties to a relationship identified by ID. * This will not create a relationship with the given ID if one does not * already exist and any existing properties will be * maintained. */ @Override public PropertyContainer patch(RequestInterface request, DatabaseInterface context) throws ClientError, ServerError { long id = request.getArgumentAsLong("id"); Map<String, Object> properties = request.getArgumentAsMap("properties"); try { Relationship rel = context.patchRelationship(id, properties); responder.sendBody(rel); return rel; } catch (NotFoundException ex) { throw new ClientError("Relationship " + id + " not found"); } }
/** * DELETE Rel {"id": …} * * Delete a relationship identified by ID. */ @Override public PropertyContainer delete(RequestInterface request, DatabaseInterface context) throws ClientError, ServerError { long id = request.getArgumentAsLong("id"); try { context.deleteRelationship(id); return null; } catch (NotFoundException ex) { throw new ClientError("Relationship " + id + " not found"); } }
@Override public Node putNode(long id, List labelNames, Map properties) throws NotFoundException { Node node = database.getNodeById(id); Lock writeLock = transaction.acquireWriteLock(node); Lock readLock = transaction.acquireReadLock(node); removeLabels(node); removeProperties(node); addLabels(node, labelNames); addProperties(node, properties); readLock.release(); writeLock.release(); return node; }
@Override public Node patchNode(long id, List labelNames, Map properties) throws NotFoundException { Node node = database.getNodeById(id); Lock writeLock = transaction.acquireWriteLock(node); Lock readLock = transaction.acquireReadLock(node); addLabels(node, labelNames); addProperties(node, properties); readLock.release(); writeLock.release(); return node; }
@Override public void deleteNode(long id) throws NotFoundException { Node node = database.getNodeById(id); Lock writeLock = transaction.acquireWriteLock(node); node.delete(); writeLock.release(); }
@Override public Relationship putRelationship(long id, Map properties) throws NotFoundException { Relationship rel = database.getRelationshipById(id); Lock writeLock = transaction.acquireWriteLock(rel); Lock readLock = transaction.acquireReadLock(rel); removeProperties(rel); addProperties(rel, properties); readLock.release(); writeLock.release(); return rel; }
@Override public Relationship patchRelationship(long id, Map properties) throws NotFoundException { Relationship rel = database.getRelationshipById(id); Lock writeLock = transaction.acquireWriteLock(rel); Lock readLock = transaction.acquireReadLock(rel); addProperties(rel, properties); readLock.release(); writeLock.release(); return rel; }
@Override public void deleteRelationship(long id) throws NotFoundException { Relationship rel = database.getRelationshipById(id); Lock writeLock = transaction.acquireWriteLock(rel); rel.delete(); writeLock.release(); }
public final <T> T getSingleManagementBean( Class<T> type ) { Iterator<T> beans = getManagementBeans( type ).iterator(); if ( beans.hasNext() ) { T bean =; if ( beans.hasNext() ) throw new NotFoundException( "More than one management bean for " + type.getName() ); return bean; } return null; }
public Map<String, String> getConfiguration( Index<? extends PropertyContainer> index ) { Map<String, String> config = indexStore.get( index.getEntityType(), index.getName() ); if ( config == null ) { throw new NotFoundException( "No " + index.getEntityType().getSimpleName() + " index '" + index.getName() + "' found" ); } return config; }
public T getSingle() { final Iterator<T> expanded = iterator(); if ( expanded.hasNext() ) { final T result =; if ( expanded.hasNext() ) { throw new NotFoundException( "More than one relationship found for " + this ); } return result; } return null; }
String getStringKey( int keyId ) { String stringKey = idToIndex.get( keyId ); if ( stringKey == null ) { throw new NotFoundException( "No such property index[" + keyId + "]" ); } return stringKey; }
String getName( int id ) { String name = idToName.get( id ); if ( name == null ) { throw new NotFoundException( "No such relationship type[" + id + "]" ); } return name; }
private NodeRecord getNodeRecord( long id ) { if ( id < 0 || id >= getNodeStore().getHighId() ) { throw new NotFoundException( "id=" + id ); } return getNodeStore().getRecord( id ); }
private RelationshipRecord getRelationshipRecord( long id ) { if ( id < 0 || id >= getRelationshipStore().getHighId() ) { throw new NotFoundException( "id=" + id ); } return getRelationshipStore().getRecord( id ); }
public Object getProperty( String key ) { Object val = properties.get( key ); if ( val == null ) { throw new NotFoundException( key ); } return val; }
public Object removeProperty( String key ) { Object val = properties.remove( key ); if ( val == null ) { throw new NotFoundException( "Property " + key ); } return val; }