private PackageRootNode( SourceGroup group, Children ch) { super(ch, new ProxyLookup(createLookup(group), Lookups.singleton( SearchInfoDefinitionFactory.createSearchInfoBySubnodes(ch)))); = group; file = group.getRootFolder(); files = Collections.singleton(file); try { FileSystem fs = file.getFileSystem(); fileSystemListener = FileUtil.weakFileStatusListener(this, fs); fs.addFileStatusListener(fileSystemListener); } catch (FileStateInvalidException e) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(Exceptions.attachMessage(e,"Can not get " + file + " filesystem, ignoring...")); //NOI18N } setName( group.getName() ); setDisplayName( group.getDisplayName() ); // setIconBase("org/netbeans/modules/java/j2seproject/ui/resources/packageRoot"); }
@Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); clearWorkDir(); DerbyDatabasesTest.SampleDatabaseLocator sdl = new DerbyDatabasesTest.SampleDatabaseLocator(); sampleDBLookup = new ProxyLookup(Lookup.getDefault(), Lookups.singleton(sdl)); Lookups.executeWith(sampleDBLookup, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Force initialization of JDBCDrivers JDBCDriverManager jdm = JDBCDriverManager.getDefault(); JDBCDriver[] registeredDrivers = jdm.getDrivers(); } }); }
@Messages({ "PROGRESS_loading_data=Loading project information", "# {0} - project display name", "LBL_CustomizerTitle=Project Properties - {0}" }) public void showCustomizer(String preselectedCategory, final String preselectedSubCategory) { if (dialog != null) { dialog.setVisible(true); } else { final String category = (preselectedCategory != null) ? preselectedCategory : lastSelectedCategory; final AtomicReference<Lookup> context = new AtomicReference<Lookup>(); ProgressUtils.runOffEventDispatchThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { context.set(new ProxyLookup(prepareData(), Lookups.fixed(new SubCategoryProvider(category, preselectedSubCategory)))); } }, PROGRESS_loading_data(), /* currently unused */new AtomicBoolean(), false); if (context.get() == null) { // canceled return; } OptionListener listener = new OptionListener(); dialog = ProjectCustomizer.createCustomizerDialog(layerPath, context.get(), category, listener, null); dialog.addWindowListener(listener); dialog.setTitle(LBL_CustomizerTitle(ProjectUtils.getInformation(getProject()).getDisplayName())); dialog.setVisible(true); } }
public Node node(final SourceGroup key) { try { Node nodeDelegate = DataObject.find(key.getRootFolder()).getNodeDelegate(); return new FilterNode(nodeDelegate, null, new ProxyLookup(nodeDelegate.getLookup(), Lookups.singleton(new PathFinder(key)))) { @Override public String getName() { return key.getName(); } @Override public String getDisplayName() { return key.getDisplayName(); } }; } catch (DataObjectNotFoundException ex) { throw new AssertionError(ex); } }
public LayerDataObject(FileObject pf, MultiFileLoader loader) throws DataObjectExistsException, IOException { super(pf, loader); final CookieSet cookies = getCookieSet(); final Lookup baseLookup = cookies.getLookup(); lkp = new ProxyLookup(baseLookup) { final AtomicBoolean checked = new AtomicBoolean(); protected @Override void beforeLookup(Template<?> template) { if (template.getType() == LayerHandle.class && checked.compareAndSet(false, true)) { FileObject xml = getPrimaryFile(); Project p = FileOwnerQuery.getOwner(xml); if (p != null) { setLookups(baseLookup, Lookups.singleton(new LayerHandle(p, xml))); } } } }; registerEditor("text/x-netbeans-layer+xml", true); cookies.add(new ValidateXMLSupport(DataObjectAdapters.inputSource(this))); }
PaletteItemNode(DataNode original, String name, String bundleName, String displayNameKey, String className, String tooltipKey, String icon16URL, String icon32URL, InstanceContent content) { super(original, Children.LEAF, new ProxyLookup(( new Lookup[] {new AbstractLookup(content), original.getLookup()}))); content.add( this ); = name; this.bundleName = bundleName; this.displayNameKey = displayNameKey; this.className = className; this.tooltipKey = tooltipKey; this.icon16URL = icon16URL; this.icon32URL = icon32URL; this.originalDO = original.getLookup().lookup(DataObject.class); }
@Override public void runTaskWithinContext(Lookup context, Task task) { JTextComponent component = context.lookup(JTextComponent.class); if (component != null) { DataObject dobj = NbEditorUtilities.getDataObject(component.getDocument()); if (dobj != null) { FileObject fo = dobj.getPrimaryFile(); ModelSource ms = Utilities.createModelSource(fo); SettingsModel model = SettingsModelFactory.getDefault().getModel(ms); if (model != null) { Lookup newContext = new ProxyLookup(context, Lookups.fixed(model));; return; } } }; }
@Override public void runTaskWithinContext(Lookup context, Task task) { JTextComponent component = context.lookup(JTextComponent.class); if (component != null) { DataObject dobj = NbEditorUtilities.getDataObject(component.getDocument()); if (dobj != null) { FileObject fo = dobj.getPrimaryFile(); ModelSource ms = Utilities.createModelSource(fo); if (ms.isEditable()) { POMModel model = POMModelFactory.getDefault().getModel(ms); if (model != null) { Lookup newContext = new ProxyLookup(context, Lookups.fixed(model));; return; } } } }; }
public void runTaskWithinContext(final Lookup context, final Task task) { JTextComponent component = context.lookup(JTextComponent.class); if (component != null) { try { JavaSource js = JavaSource.forDocument(component.getDocument()); if (js != null) { final int caretOffset = component.getCaretPosition(); js.runUserActionTask(new<CompilationController>() { public void run(CompilationController controller) throws Exception { controller.toPhase(JavaSource.Phase.PARSED); TreePath path = controller.getTreeUtilities().pathFor(caretOffset); Lookup newContext = new ProxyLookup(context, Lookups.fixed(controller, path));; } }, true); return; } } catch (IOException ioe) { } }; }
private Lookup.Result<DocumentServiceFactory<?>> initDocumentFactories(Class<?> c) { List<Lookup> lkps = new ArrayList<Lookup>(5); do { String cn = c.getCanonicalName(); if (cn != null) { lkps.add(Lookups.forPath("Editors/Documents/" + cn)); // NOI18N } c = c.getSuperclass(); } while (c != null && c != java.lang.Object.class); Lookup[] arr = lkps.toArray(new Lookup[lkps.size()]); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Lookup.Result lookupResult = new ProxyLookup(arr).lookupResult(DocumentServiceFactory.class); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Lookup.Result<DocumentServiceFactory<?>> res = (Lookup.Result<DocumentServiceFactory<?>>) lookupResult; return res; }
@Override public Lookup getLookup() { List<Lookup> lookups = new ArrayList<Lookup>(); for (OptionsPanelController controller : getControllers()) { Lookup lookup = controller.getLookup(); if (lookup != null && lookup != Lookup.EMPTY) { lookups.add(lookup); } if (lookup == null) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "{0}.getLookup() should never return null. Please, see Bug #194736.", controller.getClass().getName()); // NOI18N throw new NullPointerException(controller.getClass().getName() + ".getLookup() should never return null. Please, see Bug #194736."); // NOI18N } } if (lookups.isEmpty()) { return Lookup.EMPTY; } else { return new ProxyLookup(lookups.toArray(new Lookup[lookups.size()])); } }
/** * Initializes popup-menu of the web-browser component. * * @param browserComponent component whose popup-menu should be initialized. */ private void initComponentPopupMenu(JComponent browserComponent) { if (PageInspector.getDefault() != null) { // Web-page inspection support is available in the IDE // => add a menu item that triggers page inspection. String inspectPage = NbBundle.getMessage(WebBrowserImpl.class, "WebBrowserImpl.inspectPage"); // NOI18N JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu(); menu.add(new AbstractAction(inspectPage) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { PageInspector inspector = PageInspector.getDefault(); if (inspector == null) { Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WebBrowserImpl.class.getName()); logger.log(Level.INFO, "No PageInspector found: ignoring the request for page inspection!"); // NOI18N } else { inspector.inspectPage(new ProxyLookup(getLookup(), projectContext)); } } }); browserComponent.setComponentPopupMenu(menu); } }
@NonNull private static Collection<? extends CacheFolderProvider> getImpls() { Lookup.Result<CacheFolderProvider> res = impls.get(); if (res == null) { final Lookup lkp = new ProxyLookup( // FIXME: the default Lookup instance changes between users; quick fix is to delegate // to a dynamic proxy lookup which always delegates to the current default Lookup instance. // Proper fix is to probably cache a weak(defaultLookup) -> Lookup.Result map - performance // of the lookup. Lookups.proxy(new Lookup.Provider() { @Override public Lookup getLookup() { return Lookup.getDefault(); } }), Lookups.singleton(DefaultCacheFolderProvider.getInstance())); res = lkp.lookupResult(CacheFolderProvider.class); if (!impls.compareAndSet(null, res)) { res = impls.get(); } } return res.allInstances(); }
MVMapElement(TLDataObject dataObject) { // Hack if (Beans.isDesignTime()) { Beans.setDesignTime(false); } this.dataObject = dataObject; glPanel = new TLMapGLPanel(dataObject.getDatabase().getMap(), dataObject.getDatabase()); slider = new TLSlider(dataObject.getDatabase()); elementPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); elementPanel.add(glPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); elementPanel.add(slider, BorderLayout.PAGE_END); ActionMap map = new ActionMap(); map.put("save", SystemAction.get(SaveAction.class)); elementPanel.setActionMap(map); lookupContent = new InstanceContent(); lookup = new ProxyLookup(dataObject.getLookup(), new AbstractLookup(lookupContent)); }
@SuppressWarnings("LeakingThisInConstructor") public MatDefDataObject(FileObject pf, MultiFileLoader loader) throws DataObjectExistsException, IOException { super(pf, loader); registerEditor("text/jme-materialdefinition", true); contentLookup = new AbstractLookup(lookupContents); lookupContents.add(this); lookup = new ProxyLookup(getCookieSet().getLookup(), contentLookup); findAssetManager(); final MatDefMetaData metaData = new MatDefMetaData(this); lookupContents.add(metaData); pf.addFileChangeListener(new FileChangeAdapter() { @Override public void fileChanged(FileEvent fe) { super.fileChanged(fe);; if (file.isDirty()) { file.setLoaded(false); file.setDirty(false); } } }); }
@Override protected Node createNodeDelegate() { return new DataNode(this, Children.create(new RootNodeFactory(this), true), new ProxyLookup(getLookup(),abstractLookup)) { @Override public String getHtmlDisplayName() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(R.HTML_R_Node); sb.append(EGTaskDataObjectDataObject.this.getPrimaryFile().getName()); sb.append(R.HTML_CL_R_Node); return sb.toString(); } }; }
/** * Using this constructor you can share InstanceContent of the lookup, used * by this Node, with InstanceContent of DataObject lookup. * @param dobj * @param ic this node's lookup will be a merge of the original * {@link DataNode} lookup and this instance content. */ private FileDescriptorNode(FileDescriptorDataObject dobj, List<FileNodeInfo> nodeInfos, FileTypeResolver fileTypeResolver, Project project, InstanceContent ic) { super(dobj, Children.LEAF, new ProxyLookup(dobj.getLookup(), new AbstractLookup(ic))); this.fileTypeResolver = fileTypeResolver; this.project = new WeakReference<>(project); this.nodeInfos = nodeInfos; this.ic = ic; FileDescriptor desc = dobj.getDescriptor(); if (desc != null) { ic.add(desc); } // this doesn't work, because the icons come from other modules and their paths are not resolved properly //this.setIconBaseWithExtension(fileTypeResolver.getIconPath()); childFactory = new FileDescriptorNodeChildFactory(); this.setChildren(Children.create(childFactory, false)); }
public ParameterNode(JasperDesign jd, JRDesignParameter parameter, Lookup doLkp) { super (Children.LEAF, new ProxyLookup(doLkp, Lookups.fixed(jd, parameter))); this.jd = jd; this.parameter = parameter; setDisplayName ( parameter.getName()); super.setName( parameter.getName() ); if (parameter.isSystemDefined()) { setIconBaseWithExtension("com/jaspersoft/ireport/designer/resources/parameter-16.png"); } else { setIconBaseWithExtension("com/jaspersoft/ireport/designer/resources/parameter-16.png"); } parameter.getEventSupport().addPropertyChangeListener(this); }
public VariableNode(JasperDesign jd, JRDesignVariable variable, Lookup doLkp) { super (Children.LEAF, new ProxyLookup(doLkp, Lookups.fixed(jd, variable))); this.jd = jd; this.variable = variable; setDisplayName ( variable.getName()); super.setName( variable.getName() ); if (variable.isSystemDefined()) { setIconBaseWithExtension("com/jaspersoft/ireport/designer/resources/variable-16.png"); } else { setIconBaseWithExtension("com/jaspersoft/ireport/designer/resources/variable-16.png"); } variable.getEventSupport().addPropertyChangeListener(this); }
public NullBandNode(JasperDesign jd, NullBand band,Lookup doLkp) { super (Children.LEAF, new ProxyLookup( doLkp, Lookups.fixed(jd, band))); this.jd = jd; = band; setDisplayName ( ModelUtils.nameOf(band.getOrigin())); if (band.getOrigin().getBandTypeValue() == BandTypeEnum.GROUP_FOOTER) { setIconBaseWithExtension("com/jaspersoft/ireport/designer/resources/groupfooter-16.png"); } else if (band.getOrigin().getBandTypeValue() == BandTypeEnum.GROUP_HEADER) { setIconBaseWithExtension("com/jaspersoft/ireport/designer/resources/groupheader-16.png"); } else { setIconBaseWithExtension("com/jaspersoft/ireport/designer/resources/band-16.png"); } }
private PackageRootNode(Project project, SourceGroup group, Children children) { super(children, new ProxyLookup(createLookup(group), Lookups.fixed(project, SearchInfoDefinitionFactory.createSearchInfoBySubnodes(children)))); this._group = group; this._file = group.getRootFolder(); this._files = Collections.singleton(_file); try { FileSystem fs = _file.getFileSystem(); this._fileSystemListener = FileUtil.weakFileStatusListener(this, fs); fs.addFileStatusListener(_fileSystemListener); } catch (FileStateInvalidException e) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(Exceptions.attachMessage(e,"Can not get " + _file + " filesystem, ignoring...")); //NOI18N } setName(group.getName()); setDisplayName(group.getDisplayName()); }
public ProjectNode(Node node, DlangProject project) throws DataObjectNotFoundException { // super(node, // new FilterNode.Children(node), // new ProxyLookup( // new Lookup[]{ // Lookups.singleton(project), // node.getLookup() // })); super(node, NodeFactorySupport.createCompositeChildren( project, "Projects/org-dlang-project/Nodes"), // new FilterNode.Children(node), new ProxyLookup( new Lookup[]{ Lookups.singleton(project), node.getLookup() })); this.project = project; }
/** Gets lookup which represents context of this component. By default * the lookup delegates to result of <code>getActivatedNodes</code> * method and result of this component <code>ActionMap</code> delegate. * * @return a lookup with designates context of this component * @see org.openide.util.ContextAwareAction * @see org.openide.util.Utilities#actionsToPopup(Action[], Lookup) * @since 3.29 */ public Lookup getLookup() { synchronized (defaultLookupLock) { Object l = defaultLookupRef.get (); if (l instanceof Lookup) { return (Lookup)l; } Lookup lookup = new ProxyLookup(new Lookup[] { new DefaultTopComponentLookup (this), // Lookup of activated nodes. Lookups.singleton(new DelegateActionMap(this)) // Action map lookup. }); defaultLookupRef = new java.lang.ref.WeakReference (lookup); return lookup; } }
public GortProjectNode(Node node, Children children, GortProject project) throws DataObjectNotFoundException { // uses the old implementation of the nodes super(node, /* // another option to create the children for the project NodeFactorySupport.createCompositeChildren( project, "Projects/org-cmuchimps-gort-modules-gortproject/Nodes"), */ children, // old implementation of the child nodes //The projects system wants the project in the Node's lookup. //NewAction and friends want the original Node's lookup. //Make a merge of both: new ProxyLookup( Lookups.singleton(project), node.getLookup()) ); this.project = project; }
public mDNSExplorerTopComponent() { initComponents(); setName(Bundle.CTL_mDNSExplorerTopComponent()); setToolTipText(Bundle.HINT_mDNSExplorerTopComponent()); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(new BeanTreeView(), BorderLayout.CENTER); try { this.manager.setRootContext(new MDnsRootNode()); } catch (IOException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } ActionMap map = getActionMap(); associateLookup(new ProxyLookup( ExplorerUtils.createLookup(this.manager, map), Lookups.singleton(this))); // To allow access to expandNode() }
private CalculationFolderNode(DataFolder folder, NamedCalculationProvider doProvider, boolean isRoot, InstanceContent ic) { super(folder.getNodeDelegate(), Children.create(new CFChildren(folder, doProvider), true), new ProxyLookup(folder.getLookup(), new AbstractLookup(ic)) ); this.folder = folder; ic.add(doProvider); ic.add(ClipboardUtil.createPasteable(this)); this.isRoot = isRoot; if(!isRoot) { ic.add(new FolderDeletable(folder)); ic.add(ClipboardUtil.createCopiable(folder)); ic.add(ClipboardUtil.createCutable(folder)); ic.add(new RenameableFolder()); } }
private DataSourceNode(DataSourceDataObject obj, InstanceContent ic) { super(obj, Children.LEAF, new ProxyLookup(obj.getLookup(), new AbstractLookup(ic)) ); this.ic = ic; ic.add(ClipboardUtil.createCopiable(obj)); ic.add(ClipboardUtil.createCutable(obj)); ic.add(new DSRenameable()); super.setDisplayName(obj.getName()); if(getLookup().lookup(DataSource.class).getDataType() == DataType.TRIANGLE) { super.setIconBaseWithExtension(IMG_TRIANGLE); } else { super.setIconBaseWithExtension(IMG_VECTOR); } }
private DataFolderNode(DataFolder folder, NamedDataSourceProvider doProvider, boolean isRoot, InstanceContent ic) { super(folder.getNodeDelegate(), Children.create(new DFChildren(folder, doProvider), true), new ProxyLookup(folder.getLookup(), new AbstractLookup(ic)) ); this.folder = getLookup().lookup(DataFolder.class); ic.add(doProvider); ic.add(ClipboardUtil.createPasteable(this)); this.isRoot = isRoot; if(!isRoot) { ic.add(new FolderDeletable(folder)); ic.add(ClipboardUtil.createCopiable(folder)); ic.add(ClipboardUtil.createCutable(folder)); ic.add(new RenameableFolder()); } }
public DataSourceDataObject(FileObject fo, MultiFileLoader loader) throws DataObjectExistsException, IOException { super(fo, loader); registerEditor(MIME_TYPE, IS_MULTIVIEW); calculatePath(); Properties props = DataSourceUtil.loadProperties(fo); auditId = DataSourceUtil.getLong(props, PROP_AUDIT_ID, -1); provider = DataSourceUtil.createProvider(this, props); dataType = DataSourceUtil.getDataType(fo, props); for(FileObject entry : provider.getSecondryFiles()) super.registerEntry(entry); ic.add(new DataSourceAuditable()); ic.add(new DataSourceImpl()); ic.add(new DataSourceDeletable()); ic.add(new DataSourceNamedContent()); lkp = new ProxyLookup(super.getCookieSet().getLookup(), new AbstractLookup(ic)); }
private TreeRootNode (Node originalNode, DataFolder folder, SourceGroup g, boolean reduced) { super(originalNode, reduced ? Children.create(new ReducedChildren(folder, new GroupDataFilter(g), g), true) : new PackageFilterChildren(originalNode), new ProxyLookup( originalNode.getLookup(), Lookups.singleton(new PathFinder(g, reduced)) // no need for explicit search info )); this.g = g; g.addPropertyChangeListener(WeakListeners.propertyChange(this, g)); }
public PackageNode( FileObject root, DataFolder dataFolder, boolean empty ) { super( dataFolder.getNodeDelegate(), empty ? Children.LEAF : dataFolder.createNodeChildren( NO_FOLDERS_FILTER ), new ProxyLookup( Lookups.singleton(new NoFoldersContainer (dataFolder)), dataFolder.getNodeDelegate().getLookup(), Lookups.singleton(SearchInfoDefinitionFactory.createFlatSearchInfo( dataFolder.getPrimaryFile())))); this.root = root; this.dataFolder = dataFolder; this.isDefaultPackage = root.equals( dataFolder.getPrimaryFile() ); this.accRes = new AtomicReference<>(); }
/** You can call it, but it's probably not what you want. */ public @Override Lookup getLookup(MimePath mimePath) { synchronized (MAP) { List<String> paths = Collections.singletonList(mimePath.getPath()); try { Method m = MimePath.class.getDeclaredMethod("getInheritedPaths", String.class, String.class); //NOI18N m.setAccessible(true); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> ret = (List<String>) m.invoke(mimePath, null, null); paths = ret; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can't call org.netbeans.api.editor.mimelookup.MimePath.getInheritedPaths method.", e); //NOI18N } List<Lookup> lookups = new ArrayList<Lookup>(paths.size()); for(String path : paths) { MimePath mp = MimePath.parse(path); Lkp lookup = MAP.get(mp); if (lookup == null) { lookup = new Lkp(); MAP.put(mp, lookup); } lookups.add(lookup); } return new ProxyLookup(lookups.toArray(new Lookup [lookups.size()])); } }
private static Lookup context(Node[] sel) { Lookup[] delegates = new Lookup[sel.length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < sel.length; i++) { delegates[i] = sel[i].getLookup(); } delegates[sel.length] = Lookups.fixed((Object[]) sel); return new ProxyLookup(delegates); }
LibraryDependencyNode(final TestModuleDependency dep, String testType, final NbModuleProject project, final Node original) { super(original, null, new ProxyLookup(new Lookup[] { original.getLookup(), Lookups.fixed(new Object[] { dep, project, testType }) })); this.dep = dep; this.testType = testType; this.project = project; }
LibraryDependencyNode(final ModuleDependency dep, final NbModuleProject project, final Node original) { super(original, null, new ProxyLookup(original.getLookup(), Lookups.fixed(dep, project))); this.dep = dep; this.project = project; setShortDescription(LibrariesNode.createHtmlDescription(dep)); }
/** Extracts activated nodes from a top component and * returns their lookups. */ public void updateLookups(Node[] arr) { if (arr == null) { arr = new Node[0]; } Lookup[] lookups = new Lookup[arr.length]; Map<Lookup, Lookup.Result> copy; synchronized (this) { if (attachedTo == null) { copy = Collections.<Lookup, Lookup.Result>emptyMap(); } else { copy = new HashMap<Lookup, Lookup.Result>(attachedTo); } } for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { lookups[i] = arr[i].getLookup(); if (copy != null) { // node arr[i] remains there, so do not remove it copy.remove(arr[i]); } } for (Iterator<Lookup.Result> it = copy.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Lookup.Result res =; res.removeLookupListener(listener); } synchronized (this) { attachedTo = null; } setLookups(new Lookup[] { new NoNodeLookup(new ProxyLookup(lookups), arr), Lookups.fixed((Object[])arr), actionMap, }); }
private RootNode( Node originalRoot, InstanceContent content, Lookup lkp ) { super( originalRoot, new Children( originalRoot, lkp ), new ProxyLookup( new Lookup[] { lkp, new AbstractLookup( content ), originalRoot.getLookup() } ) ); DataFolder df = (DataFolder)getOriginal().getCookie( DataFolder.class ); if( null != df ) { content.add( new DataFolder.Index( df, this ) ); } content.add( this ); setDisplayName(Utils.getBundleString("CTL_Component_palette")); // NOI18N }
private CategoryNode( Node originalNode, InstanceContent content, Lookup lkp ) { super( originalNode, new Children( originalNode, lkp ), new ProxyLookup( new Lookup[] { lkp, new AbstractLookup(content), originalNode.getLookup() } ) ); DataFolder folder = (DataFolder)originalNode.getCookie( DataFolder.class ); if( null != folder ) { content.add( new DataFolder.Index( folder, this ) ); FileObject fob = folder.getPrimaryFile(); Object catName = fob.getAttribute( CAT_NAME ); if (catName instanceof String) setDisplayName((String)catName); } content.add( this ); }
public static void open(WarningDescription wd) { Node[] n = TopComponent.getRegistry().getActivatedNodes(); final Lookup context = n.length > 0 ? n[0].getLookup():Lookup.EMPTY; RunAnalysis.showDialogAndRunAnalysis( new ProxyLookup(Utilities.actionsGlobalContext(), context), DialogState.from(wd)); }
private PlatformNode(PlatformProvider pp, ClassPathSupport cs) { super (new PlatformContentChildren (cs), new ProxyLookup(new Lookup[]{ Lookups.fixed(new PlatformEditable(pp), new JavadocProvider(pp), new PathFinder()), new PlatformFolderLookup(new InstanceContent(), pp) })); this.pp = pp; this.pp.addChangeListener(this); setIconBaseWithExtension(PLATFORM_ICON); }