public void testLkpChanges() { final CompilerOptionsQueryImpl impl1 = new CompilerOptionsQueryImpl(); final CompilerOptionsQueryImpl impl2 = new CompilerOptionsQueryImpl(); impl1.addRoot(root1).addArgs("a1", "a2"); //NOI18N impl2.addRoot(root1).addArgs("b1", "b2"); //NOI18N final InstanceContent ic = new InstanceContent(); final Lookup baseLkp = new AbstractLookup(ic); final CompilerOptionsQueryImplementation merged = LookupMergerSupport.createCompilerOptionsQueryMerger() .merge(baseLkp); assertNull(merged.getOptions(root1)); ic.add(impl1); final CompilerOptionsQueryImplementation.Result res = merged.getOptions(root1); assertEquals( Arrays.asList("a1","a2"), //NOI18N res.getArguments()); ic.add(impl2); assertEquals( Arrays.asList("a1","a2","b1","b2"), //NOI18N res.getArguments()); }
private FilterNode(Filter filter, InstanceContent content) { super(Children.LEAF, new AbstractLookup(content)); content.add(filter); content.add(filter.getEditor()); this.filter = filter; filter.getChangedEvent().addListener(new ChangedListener<Filter>() { @Override public void changed(Filter source) { update(); } }); update(); Lookup.Template<FilterChain> tpl = new Lookup.Template<>(FilterChain.class); result = Utilities.actionsGlobalContext().lookup(tpl); result.addLookupListener(this); FilterTopComponent.findInstance().getFilterSettingsChangedEvent().addListener(this); resultChanged(null); setShortDescription("Double-click to open filter"); }
public void testLookupInitializedForCloneable() { InstanceContent ic = new InstanceContent(); Lookup lookup = new AbstractLookup(ic); ic.add(10); CloneableTopComponent cmv = MultiViews.createCloneableMultiView("text/context", new LP(lookup)); assertEquals("10 now", Integer.valueOf(10), cmv.getLookup().lookup(Integer.class)); assertNotNull("MultiViewComponent created", cmv); TopComponent mvc = cmv.cloneTopComponent(); assertNotNull("MultiViewComponent cloned", mvc); MultiViewHandler handler = MultiViews.findMultiViewHandler(mvc); assertNotNull("Handler found", handler); assertEquals("10 now", Integer.valueOf(10), mvc.getLookup().lookup(Integer.class)); ic.remove(10); ic.add(1); assertEquals("1 now", Integer.valueOf(1), mvc.getLookup().lookup(Integer.class)); }
public void testContextAction() throws Exception { Context.cnt = 0; FileObject fo = FileUtil.getConfigFile( "actions/support/test/testInjectContext.instance" ); assertNotNull("File found", fo); Object obj = fo.getAttribute("instanceCreate"); assertNotNull("Attribute present", obj); assertTrue("It is context aware action", obj instanceof ContextAwareAction); ContextAwareAction a = (ContextAwareAction)obj; InstanceContent ic = new InstanceContent(); AbstractLookup lkp = new AbstractLookup(ic); Action clone = a.createContextAwareInstance(lkp); ic.add(10); assertEquals("Number lover!", clone.getValue(Action.NAME)); clone.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, 300, "")); assertEquals("Global Action not called", 10, Context.cnt); ic.remove(10); clone.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, 200, "")); assertEquals("Global Action stays same", 10, Context.cnt); }
public void testActionsUpdatedWhenActionMapChanges() throws Exception { ContextAwareAction a = Actions.callback("ahoj", null, true, "Ahoj!", "no/icon.png", true); final InstanceContent ic = new InstanceContent(); Lookup lkp = new AbstractLookup(ic); ActionMap a1 = new ActionMap(); ActionMap a2 = new ActionMap(); a2.put("ahoj", new Enabled()); ic.add(a1); Action clone = a.createContextAwareInstance(lkp); class L implements PropertyChangeListener { int cnt; public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { cnt++; } } L listener = new L(); clone.addPropertyChangeListener(listener); assertFalse("Not enabled", isEnabled(clone)); ic.set(Collections.singleton(a2), null); assertTrue("Enabled now", isEnabled(clone)); assertEquals("one change", 1, listener.cnt); }
public void testRenameAction() throws InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException, IOException { DataObject testdo = DataObject.find(f); final Node node = testdo.getNodeDelegate(); InstanceContent ic = new InstanceContent(); Lookup lookup = new AbstractLookup(ic); ic.add(node); final Action rename = RefactoringActionsFactory.renameAction().createContextAwareInstance(lookup); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (rename.isEnabled()) { rename.actionPerformed(RefactoringActionsFactory.DEFAULT_EVENT); if (!((RenameRefactoring) DD.rui.getRefactoring()).getRefactoringSource().lookup(FileObject.class).equals(f)) fail("Rename dialog was opened with wrong data"); } else { fail("Action is not enabled."); } } }); }
public void testMoveAction() throws InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException, DataObjectNotFoundException, IOException { DataObject testdo = DataObject.find(f); final Node node = testdo.getNodeDelegate(); InstanceContent ic = new InstanceContent(); Lookup lookup = new AbstractLookup(ic); ic.add(node); final Action move = RefactoringActionsFactory.moveAction().createContextAwareInstance(lookup); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (move.isEnabled()) { move.actionPerformed(RefactoringActionsFactory.DEFAULT_EVENT); if (!((MoveRefactoring) DD.rui.getRefactoring()).getRefactoringSource().lookup(FileObject.class).equals(f)) fail("MoveClass was opened with wrong data"); } else { fail("Action is not enabled."); } } }); }
public void testChangeOfDefaultLookupAppliedToRPTask() throws Exception { Lookup prev = Lookup.getDefault(); final Lookup my = new AbstractLookup(new InstanceContent()); final Thread myThread = Thread.currentThread(); final RequestProcessor.Task[] task = { null }; final boolean[] ok = { false }; Lookups.executeWith(my, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { assertSame("Default lookup has been changed", my, Lookup.getDefault()); if (task[0] == null) { assertSame("We are being executed in the same thread", myThread, Thread.currentThread()); // once again in the RP task[0] = RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(this, 500); } else { ok[0] = true; } } }); assertNotNull("In my lookup code executed OK", task[0]); assertEquals("Current lookup back to normal", prev, Lookup.getDefault()); task[0].waitFinished(); assertTrue("Even RP task had the right lookup", ok[0]); }
@Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { MockServices.setServices(DD.class); clearWorkDir(); LocalFileSystem fs = new LocalFileSystem(); fs.setRootDirectory(getWorkDir()); FileObject fo = fs.getRoot().createData("Ahoj", "txt"); ic = new InstanceContent(); support = new CES(this, new AbstractLookup(ic)); edit = support; assertNotNull("we have editor", edit); DD.type = -1; DD.toReturn = new Stack<Object>(); }
@Override protected void setUp () throws Exception { MockServices.setServices(DD.class); clearWorkDir(); LocalFileSystem fs = new LocalFileSystem(); fs.setRootDirectory(getWorkDir()); FileObject fo = fs.getRoot().createData("Ahoj", "txt"); ic = new InstanceContent(); support = new CES(this, new AbstractLookup(ic)); edit = support; assertNotNull("we have editor", edit); DD.type = -1; DD.toReturn = new Stack<Object>(); }
MVMapElement(TLDataObject dataObject) { // Hack if (Beans.isDesignTime()) { Beans.setDesignTime(false); } this.dataObject = dataObject; glPanel = new TLMapGLPanel(dataObject.getDatabase().getMap(), dataObject.getDatabase()); slider = new TLSlider(dataObject.getDatabase()); elementPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); elementPanel.add(glPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); elementPanel.add(slider, BorderLayout.PAGE_END); ActionMap map = new ActionMap(); map.put("save", SystemAction.get(SaveAction.class)); elementPanel.setActionMap(map); lookupContent = new InstanceContent(); lookup = new ProxyLookup(dataObject.getLookup(), new AbstractLookup(lookupContent)); }
@Override public void handleRename(Node node, String newName) { InstanceContent ic = new InstanceContent(); ic.add(node); ExplorerContext d = new ExplorerContext(); d.setNewName(newName); ic.add(d); Lookup l = new AbstractLookup(ic); DataObject dob = node.getCookie(DataObject.class); Action a = RefactoringActionsFactory.renameAction().createContextAwareInstance(l); if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(a.getValue("applicable"))) {//NOI18N a.actionPerformed(RefactoringActionsFactory.DEFAULT_EVENT); } else { try { dob.rename(newName); } catch (IOException ioe) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ioe); } } }
private GraphNode(InputGraph graph, InstanceContent content) { super(Children.LEAF, new AbstractLookup(content)); this.graph = graph; this.setDisplayName(graph.getName()); content.add(graph); final GraphViewer viewer = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(GraphViewer.class); if (viewer != null) { // Action for opening the graph content.add(new GraphOpenCookie(viewer, graph)); } // Action for removing a graph content.add(new GraphRemoveCookie(graph)); // Action for diffing to the current graph content.add(new DiffGraphCookie(graph)); // Action for cloning to the current graph content.add(new GraphCloneCookie(viewer, graph)); }
public static String getWebPageMimeType(SyntaxAnalyzerResult result) { InstanceContent ic = new InstanceContent(); ic.add(result); WebPageMetadata wpmeta = WebPageMetadata.getMetadata(new AbstractLookup(ic)); if (wpmeta != null) { //get an artificial mimetype for the web page, this doesn't have to be equal //to the fileObjects mimetype. String mimeType = (String) wpmeta.value(WebPageMetadata.MIMETYPE); if (mimeType != null) { return mimeType; } } FileObject fo = result.getSource().getSourceFileObject(); if(fo != null) { return fo.getMIMEType(); } else { //no fileobject? return result.getSource().getSnapshot().getMimeType(); } }
/** Fills the lookup with instances */ protected void setUp () { Integer integer = (Integer)getArgument (); int cnt = integer.intValue (); boolean reverse = cnt < 0; if (reverse) cnt = -cnt; InstanceContent iContent = new InstanceContent(); lookup = new AbstractLookup(iContent); while (cnt-- > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < INSTANCES.length; i++) { if (reverse) { iContent.add (INSTANCES[INSTANCES.length - i - 1]); } else { iContent.add (INSTANCES[i]); } } } }
private PhotoNode(String photo, InstanceContent ic) { super(Children.LEAF, new AbstractLookup(ic)); final String name = new File(photo).getName(); setName(name); setDisplayName(name); setShortDescription(photo); ic.add((OpenCookie) () -> { TopComponent tc = findTopComponent(photo); if (tc == null) { tc = new PhotoViewerTopComponent(photo);; } tc.requestActive(); }); }
public void testCopyLikeProblem() throws Exception { FileObject fo = folder.getFileObject("testCopyLike.instance"); Object obj = fo.getAttribute("instanceCreate"); if (!(obj instanceof Action)) { fail("Shall create an action: " + obj); } InstanceContent ic = new InstanceContent(); AbstractLookup l = new AbstractLookup(ic); ActionMap map = new ActionMap(); map.put("copy-to-clipboard", new MyAction()); ic.add(map); CntListener list = new CntListener(); Action clone = ((ContextAwareAction)obj).createContextAwareInstance(l); clone.addPropertyChangeListener(list); assertTrue("Enabled", clone.isEnabled()); ic.remove(map); assertFalse("Disabled", clone.isEnabled()); list.assertCnt("one change", 1); }
public void testActionStatusUpdatedOnLookupChange() throws Exception { final InstanceContent content = new InstanceContent(); Lookup lkp = new AbstractLookup( content ); final SaveAsCapable saveAsImpl = new SaveAsCapable() { public void saveAs(FileObject folder, String name) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } }; TopComponent tc = new TopComponent( lkp ); editorMode.dockInto( tc );; tc.requestActive(); assertTrue(Arrays.asList(WindowManager.getDefault().getOpenedTopComponents(editorMode)).contains(tc)); ContextAwareAction action = SaveAsAction.create(); assertFalse( "action is disabled for editor windows without SaveAsCapable in their Lookup", action.isEnabled() ); Action a = action.createContextAwareInstance( tc.getLookup() ); content.add( saveAsImpl ); assertTrue( "action is enabled for editor windows with SaveAsCapable in their Lookup", a.isEnabled() ); content.remove( saveAsImpl ); assertFalse( "action is disabled for editor windows without SaveAsCapable in their Lookup", a.isEnabled() ); }
public PhotoManagerImpl() throws ClassNotFoundException { Preferences prefs = NbPreferences.forModule(PhotoManager.class); setupDatabase(); setSourceDirs(prefs.get("sourceDirs", "")); scanSourceDirs(); instanceContent = new InstanceContent(); lookup = new AbstractLookup(instanceContent); prefs.addPreferenceChangeListener(evt -> { if (evt.getKey().equals("sourceDirs")) { setSourceDirs(evt.getNewValue()); scanSourceDirs(); } }); }
public void testMultiContextAction() throws Exception { MultiContext.cnt = 0; FileObject fo = FileUtil.getConfigFile( "actions/support/test/testInjectContextMulti.instance" ); assertNotNull("File found", fo); Object obj = fo.getAttribute("instanceCreate"); assertNotNull("Attribute present", obj); assertTrue("It is context aware action", obj instanceof ContextAwareAction); ContextAwareAction a = (ContextAwareAction)obj; InstanceContent ic = new InstanceContent(); AbstractLookup lkp = new AbstractLookup(ic); Action clone = a.createContextAwareInstance(lkp); ic.add(10); ic.add(3L); assertEquals("Number lover!", clone.getValue(Action.NAME)); clone.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, 300, "")); assertEquals("Global Action not called", 13, MultiContext.cnt); ic.remove(10); clone.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, 200, "")); assertEquals("Adds 3", 16, MultiContext.cnt); ic.remove(3L); assertFalse("It is disabled", clone.isEnabled()); clone.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, 200, "")); assertEquals("No change", 16, MultiContext.cnt); }
private WsdlPortNode(WsdlSaasPort port, InstanceContent content) { super(new WsdlPortNodeChildren(port), new AbstractLookup(content)); this.port = port; content.add(port); transferable = ExTransferable.create( new SaasTransferable(port,SaasTransferable.WSDL_PORT_FLAVORS)); }
public WadlMethodNode(WadlSaasMethod method, InstanceContent content) { super(Children.LEAF, new AbstractLookup(content)); this.method = method; content.add(method); transferable = ExTransferable.create( new SaasTransferable<WadlSaasMethod>(method, SaasTransferable.WADL_METHOD_FLAVORS)); }
public void testContextAwareActionsShareDelegate() throws Exception { myListenerCounter = 0; myIconResourceCounter = 0; Action a = readAction("testDelegate.instance"); assertContextAware(a); assertNull("No real action created yet", MyAction.last); Action cca1 = ((ContextAwareAction)a).createContextAwareInstance(new AbstractLookup(new InstanceContent())); Action cca2 = ((ContextAwareAction)a).createContextAwareInstance(new AbstractLookup(new InstanceContent())); cca1.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, 0, "kuk")); assertEquals("Action not invoked as it is disabled", 0, myListenerCalled); assertNotNull("real action created", MyAction.last); Action lastCca1 = MyAction.last; lastCca1.setEnabled(true); cca1.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, 0, "kuk")); assertEquals("Action invoked as no longer disabled", 1, myListenerCalled); cca2.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, 0, "kuk")); Action lastCca2 = MyAction.last; assertEquals("MyAction created just once", lastCca1, lastCca2); assertEquals("Action invoked as it remains enabled", 2, myListenerCalled); }
public PoshDataObject(FileObject pf, MultiFileLoader loader) throws DataObjectExistsException, IOException { super(pf, loader); ic = new InstanceContent(); lookup = new AbstractLookup(ic); ic.add(new PoshEditorSupport(this)); ic.add(this); }
protected WsdlMethodNode(WsdlSaasMethod method, InstanceContent content) { super(Children.LEAF, new AbstractLookup(content)); this.method = method; content.add(method); transferable = ExTransferable.create( new SaasTransferable<WsdlSaasMethod>(method, SaasTransferable.WSDL_METHOD_FLAVORS)); }
public void testCloneableMultiViewsSerialize() throws Exception { InstanceContent ic = new InstanceContent(); Lookup lookup = new AbstractLookup(ic); CloneableTopComponent cmv = MultiViews.createCloneableMultiView("text/context", new LP(lookup)); assertPersistence("Always", TopComponent.PERSISTENCE_ALWAYS, cmv); assertNotNull("MultiViewComponent created", cmv); NbMarshalledObject mar = new NbMarshalledObject(cmv); TopComponent mvc = (TopComponent) mar.get(); doCheck(mvc, ic); }
private Lookup getInstanceLookup(final Object... instances) { InstanceContent instanceContent = new InstanceContent(); for(Object i : instances) { instanceContent.add(i); } Lookup instanceLookup = new AbstractLookup(instanceContent); return instanceLookup; }
private OverFiles(String path, List<FOItem> items, AbstractLookup lkp, AbstractLookup.Content cnt) { super(computeDelegates(path, items, lkp)); this.path = path; this.lkp = lkp; this.content = cnt; this.content.setPairs(order(items)); FileSystem fs = null; try { fs = FileUtil.getSystemConfigRoot().getFileSystem(); } catch (FileStateInvalidException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } this.weakL = FileUtil.weakFileChangeListener(this, fs); fs.addFileChangeListener(weakL); }
private static Lookup createLookupFor(final Iterator<Element> elementsIterator) { InstanceContent ic = new InstanceContent(); ic.add(new ElementsIteratorHandle() { @Override public Iterator<Element> getIterator() { return elementsIterator; } }); return new AbstractLookup(ic); }
private Node parse(String code, Object... lookupContent) { final HtmlSource source = new HtmlSource(code); ElementsIteratorHandle handle = new ElementsIteratorHandle() { @Override public Iterator<Element> getIterator() { return new ElementsIterator(source); } }; InstanceContent ic = new InstanceContent(); ic.add(handle); for(Object o : lookupContent) { ic.add(o); } return XmlSyntaxTreeBuilder.makeUncheckedTree(source, null, new AbstractLookup(ic)); }
public PoshDataObject(FileObject pf, MultiFileLoader loader) throws DataObjectExistsException, IOException { super(pf, loader); ic = new InstanceContent(); lookup = new AbstractLookup(ic); ic.add(support = new PoshEditorSupport(this)); ic.add(this); }
public BundleNode(Node orig, String bundlepath, String codenamebase, InstanceContent content) { super(orig, new BundleChildren (orig, bundlepath, codenamebase), new AbstractLookup(content)); content.add(this); disableDelegation(DELEGATE_GET_DISPLAY_NAME | DELEGATE_SET_DISPLAY_NAME | DELEGATE_GET_SHORT_DESCRIPTION | DELEGATE_SET_SHORT_DESCRIPTION | DELEGATE_GET_ACTIONS); setDisplayName(bundlepath); setShortDescription(codenamebase); this.bundlepath = bundlepath; this.codenamebase = codenamebase; this.bundleChildren = (BundleChildren) getChildren(); }
public void setContext(FileObject file) { InstanceContent ic = new InstanceContent(); if (file != null) { ic.add(file); } ic.add(getRuleEditorController()); providersLookup.updateLookup(new AbstractLookup(ic)); updateToolbar(file); }
public PureMapTopComponent(ServerDefinition<IUnrealServer> serverDef) { this.serverDef = serverDef; setUpMapPanel(); // Associate our lookup with this TC lookupContent = new InstanceContent(); associateLookup(new AbstractLookup(lookupContent)); // set proper name handleServerName(); serverDef.getServerFlag().addListener(this); }
public void testAllResultListenersRemoved () throws Exception { InstanceContent ic = new InstanceContent(); lkp = new AbstractLookup(ic); Lookup.Result<Integer> lookupResult = lkp.lookupResult(Integer.class); Action action = ((ContextAwareAction) Actions.forID("cat", "survive")).createContextAwareInstance(lkp); Action fallbackAction = ((GeneralAction.DelegateAction) action).fallback; WeakReference<Action> fallbackActionRef = new WeakReference<Action>(fallbackAction); WeakReference<Action> clone = new WeakReference<Action>(action); cm = ContextManager.findManager(lkp, true); WeakReference<ContextManager.LSet> lsetRef = new WeakReference<ContextManager.LSet>(cm.findLSet(Integer.class)); WeakReference<Lookup.Result> lookupResultRef = new WeakReference<Lookup.Result>(lsetRef.get().result); action = null; assertGC("Action should be GCed", clone); fallbackAction = null; assertGC("Fallback action should be GCed", fallbackActionRef); assertGC("Action LSet Should be GCed", lsetRef); if (lookupResultRef.get() == lookupResult) { // LSet holds ref to the actual real lookup result, nothing to test } else { // LSet holds ref to a wrapper class NeverEmptyResult, which should have been GCed assertGC("NeverEmptyResult should be GCed", lookupResultRef); } }
public Lkp() { super(new Lookup[0]); ic = new InstanceContent(); AbstractLookup al = new AbstractLookup(ic); setLookups(new Lookup[] { al, Lookups.metaInfServices(Lkp.class.getClassLoader()) }); }
public void testGlobalChanges() throws Exception { class MyAction extends AbstractAction { public int cntEnabled; public int cntPerformed; public MyAction() { setEnabled(true); } @Override public boolean isEnabled() { cntEnabled++; return super.isEnabled(); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { cntPerformed++; } } MyAction myAction = new MyAction(); ActionMap tc = new ActionMap(); tc.put(DefaultEditorKit.copyAction, myAction); InstanceContent ic = new InstanceContent(); AbstractLookup al = new AbstractLookup(ic); ContextAwareAction a = CallbackActionTest.callback(DefaultEditorKit.copyAction, null, al, false); ic.add(tc); assertTrue("MyAction is enabled", a.isEnabled()); assertEquals("isEnabled called once", 1, myAction.cntEnabled); myAction.setEnabled(false); assertEquals("An enabled is not called on property change", 1, myAction.cntEnabled); assertFalse("MyAction is disabled", a.isEnabled()); assertEquals("An enabled is currentlly called again", 2, myAction.cntEnabled); }