private void annotate (final FileObject fo) { synchronized (breakpointToAnnotations) { for (Breakpoint breakpoint : DebuggerManager.getDebuggerManager().getBreakpoints()) { if (isAnnotatable(breakpoint)) { JPDABreakpoint b = (JPDABreakpoint) breakpoint; int[] lines = getAnnotationLines(b, fo); if (lines != null && lines.length > 0) { removeAnnotations(b); // Remove any staled breakpoint annotations breakpointToAnnotations.put(b, new WeakSet<Annotation>()); if (b instanceof LineBreakpoint) { LineBreakpoint lb = (LineBreakpoint) b; LineTranslations.getTranslations().unregisterFromLineUpdates(lb); // To be sure LineTranslations.getTranslations().registerForLineUpdates(lb); } addAnnotationTo(b, fo, lines); } } } annotatedFiles.add(fo); } }
@Override public void setScope(TaskScanningScope scope, Callback callback) { cancelAllCurrent(); if (scope == null || callback == null) return ; final Set<FileObject> files = new WeakSet<FileObject>(); for (FileObject file : scope.getLookup().lookupAll(FileObject.class)) { files.add(file); } for (Project p : scope.getLookup().lookupAll(Project.class)) { for (SourceGroup javaSG : ProjectUtils.getSources(p).getSourceGroups("java")) { //NOI18N files.add(javaSG.getRootFolder()); } } for (FileObject fo : files) { enqueue(new Work(fo, callback)); } synchronized (this) { currentFiles = files; currentCallback = callback; } }
static void unregisterAgent(NbInstrumentation instr) { synchronized (LOCK) { if (ACTIVE != null) { Collection<NbInstrumentation> clone = new WeakSet<NbInstrumentation>(ACTIVE); clone.remove(instr); ACTIVE = clone; } } }
private PresenterUpdater(int type, Action action) { if (action == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("action must not be null"); // NOI18N } this.type = type; this.actionName = (String) action.getValue(Action.NAME); this.action = action; if (type == TOOLBAR) { presenter = new JButton(); useActionSelectedProperty = false; } else { // MENU or POPUP useActionSelectedProperty = (action.getValue(AbstractEditorAction.PREFERENCES_KEY_KEY) != null); if (useActionSelectedProperty) { presenter = new LazyJCheckBoxMenuItem(); presenter.setSelected(isActionSelected()); } else { presenter = new LazyJMenuItem(); } } action.addPropertyChangeListener(WeakListeners.propertyChange(this, action)); if (type == MENU) { listenedContextActions = new WeakSet<Action>(); EditorRegistryWatcher.get().registerPresenterUpdater(this); // Includes notification of active component } else { listenedContextActions = null; } presenter.addActionListener(this); updatePresenter(null); // Not active yet => mark updates pending }
private HudsonRemoteFileSystem(URL baseURL, String displayName, HudsonJob job) { this.baseURL = baseURL; this.displayName = displayName; this.job = job; attr = this; change = this; list = this; info = this; synchronized (Mapper.class) { if (Mapper.workspaces == null) { Mapper.workspaces = new WeakSet<HudsonRemoteFileSystem>(); } Mapper.workspaces.add(this); } }
public void registerAction(String command, Action action) { synchronized (this) { Set<Action> commandActions = actions.get(command); if (commandActions == null) { commandActions = new WeakSet<Action>(); actions.put(command, commandActions); } commandActions.add(action); } Object shorcut = getShortcut(command); if (shorcut != null) { action.putValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY, shorcut); } }
private void refreshAnnotation(JPDABreakpoint b) { removeAnnotations(b); if (remove) { if (!add) { breakpointToAnnotations.remove(b); } } if (add) { breakpointToAnnotations.put(b, new WeakSet<Annotation>()); for (FileObject fo : annotatedFiles) { addAnnotationTo(b, fo); } } }
public synchronized void setExpanded(Object child) { if (currentChildren == null) throw new NullPointerException("Call setChildrenToActOn() before!!!"); try { Set<Object> expanded = expandedNodes.get(currentChildren); if (expanded == null) { expanded = new WeakSet<Object>(); expandedNodes.put(currentChildren, expanded); } expanded.add(child); } finally { currentChildren = null; } }
private static Set<FileObject> getFilesWithAttachedErrors(FileObject root) { synchronized (root2FilesWithAttachedErrors) { Set<FileObject> result = root2FilesWithAttachedErrors.get(root); if (result == null) { root2FilesWithAttachedErrors.put(root, result = new WeakSet<FileObject>()); } return result; } }
public <T> Result<T> lookup(Template<T> template) { ProxyResult<T> p = new ProxyResult<T>(template); synchronized (this) { if (results == null) { results = new WeakSet<ProxyResult>(); } results.add(p); } return p; }
private static Set<FileObject> getFilesWithAttachedErrors(FileObject root) { Set<FileObject> result = root2FilesWithAttachedErrors.get(root); if (result == null) { root2FilesWithAttachedErrors.put(root, result = new WeakSet<FileObject>()); } return result; }
public final void registerListener(Object key, GeneralAction.BaseDelAction a) { if (key == null) { return; } synchronized (CACHE) { Set<GeneralAction.BaseDelAction> existing = listeners.get(key); if (existing == null) { existing = new WeakSet<GeneralAction.BaseDelAction>(); listeners.put(key, existing); } existing.add(a); a.updateState(new ActionMap(), actionMap.get(), false); } }
public AbstractButton getToolbarPresenter() { if(toolbarItems == null) { toolbarItems = new WeakSet<AbstractButton>(4); } AbstractButton b = new DefaultIconToggleButton(); toolbarItems.add(b); b.setSelected(isPreferencesSelected()); Actions.connect(b, this); return b; }
void registerNodeWithPropertiesWindow(FormNode node) { if (nodesWithPropertiesWindows == null) { nodesWithPropertiesWindows = new WeakSet<FormNode>(); } nodesWithPropertiesWindows.add(node); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Set s = new WeakSet(); s.add("hello"); System.out.println("A WeakSet from lib1.jar: " + s); System.out.println("A NullInputStream.available from lib2.jar: " + new NullInputStream().available()); }
private static synchronized void addAttachHistorySupport(AttachHistorySupport support) { if (ahs == null) { ahs = new WeakSet<AttachHistorySupport>(); } ahs.add(support); }
private RefreshAction(List<Refreshable> nodes) { super(NbBundle.getMessage(Actions.class, "CTL_Refresh")); putValue(ACCELERATOR_KEY, REFRESH_KEY); this.nodes = new WeakSet<Refreshable>(nodes); }
public QueryAction(String name, QueryNode... queryNodes) { super(name); this.queryNodes = new WeakSet<QueryNode>(Arrays.asList(queryNodes)); }
public synchronized void addChangeListener(URL source, ChangeListener l) { String ext = source.toExternalForm(); listener2File.put(l, ext); Set<ChangeListener> ls = file2Listener.get(ext); if (ls == null) { file2Listener.put(ext, ls = new WeakSet<ChangeListener>()); } ls.add(l); file2Listener.put(ext, ls); }