public void testTemplateLookuping() throws IOException{ MimePath mp = MimePath.parse("text/x-java/text/html/text/xml"); Lookup lookup = MimeLookup.getLookup(mp); Result result = lookup.lookup(new Template(PopupActions.class)); Collection col = result.allInstances(); checkPopupItemPresence(lookup, RenameAction.class, true); gc(); int size = assertSize("", Arrays.asList( new Object[] {lookup} ), 10000000, getFilter()); for (int i=0; i<30; i++){ result = lookup.lookup(new Template(PopupActions.class)); col = result.allInstances(); checkPopupItemPresence(lookup, RenameAction.class, true); } gc(); assertSize("", size, lookup); }
@Override protected void beforeLookup(Template<?> template) { super.beforeLookup(template); Lookup[] curNodesLookups; synchronized (CUR_NODES_LOCK) { curNodesLookups = new Lookup[curNodes.size()]; int i = 0; for (Iterator<? extends Node> it = curNodes.iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) { curNodesLookups[i] =; } } setLookups(curNodesLookups); }
public void testCompareUsingEquals() { Integer i1 = new Integer(10); Integer i2 = new Integer(10); assertEquals(i1, i2); assertNotSame(i1, i2); ic.add(i1); Template<Integer> t1 = new Lookup.Template<Integer>(Integer.class, null, i1); Template<Integer> t2 = new Lookup.Template<Integer>(Integer.class, null, i2); Lookup.Result<Integer> r2 = lookup.lookup(t2); assertEquals("One item", 1, r2.allInstances().size()); assertEquals(i1, r2.allInstances().iterator().next()); Lookup.Result<Integer> r1 = lookup.lookup(t1); assertEquals("One item", 1, r1.allInstances().size()); assertEquals(i1, r1.allInstances().iterator().next()); }
public void testAfterDeserializationNoQueryIsPeformedOnAlreadyQueriedObjects() throws Exception { if (! (lookup instanceof Serializable)) { // well this test works only for serializable lookups return; } SerialPair my = new SerialPair ("no"); ic.addPair (my); Lookup.Result res = lookup.lookup (new Lookup.Template (String.class)); assertEquals ("One instance", 1, res.allInstances().size ()); assertEquals ("my.instanceOf called once", 1, my.countInstanceOf); Lookup serial = (Lookup)reserialize(lookup); Lookup.Result r2 = serial.lookup(new Lookup.Template(String.class)); assertEquals ("One item", 1, r2.allItems ().size ()); Object one = r2.allItems().iterator().next (); assertEquals ("The right class", SerialPair.class, one.getClass()); SerialPair p = (SerialPair)one; assertEquals ("p.instanceOf has not been queried", 0, p.countInstanceOf); }
public void testMultipleListeners() { Object object = new ImplementationObject(); ic.add(object); Listener[] listeners = new Listener[4]; Lookup.Result result = lookup.lookup(new Lookup.Template(LookupObject.class)); for(int i = 0; i < listeners.length; ++i) { listeners[i] = new Listener(); result.addLookupListener(listeners[i]); } // initialize listening result.allItems().toArray(); ic.remove(object); // Apparently, only odd-numbered listeners get called when there are multiple LookupListeners on a result //for(int i = 0; i < listeners.length; ++i) { // System.out.println("Listener " + i + ": " + listeners[i].wasCalled()); //} for(int i = 0; i < listeners.length; ++i) { assertTrue("Listener " + i + " called", listeners[i].wasCalled()); } }
protected boolean instanceOf(Class c) { // behaviour gets broken only after deserialization if (IN != null && IN.get () == null) { try { IN.set (this); // creation of new result has to survive as well Lookup.Result myQuery = running.lookup.lookup (new Lookup.Template (java.awt.List.class)); Collection all = myQuery.allItems (); } finally { IN.set (null); } } return c.isAssignableFrom(getType ()); }
public void testDontCallMeUnderLock() throws Exception { final Lookup l = getTestedLookup(c2); ProxyLookup pl = new ProxyLookup(l) { @Override void beforeLookup(boolean call, Template<?> template) { super.beforeLookup(call, template); assertFalse("Don't hold MetaInfServicesLookup lock", Thread.holdsLock(l)); } }; Class<?> xface = c1.loadClass(""); Result<?> res = pl.lookupResult(Object.class); res.addLookupListener(new LookupListener() { @Override public void resultChanged(LookupEvent ev) { } }); assertTrue("Empty now", res.allItems().isEmpty()); Object first = l.lookup(xface); assertEquals(first, l.lookupAll(xface).iterator().next()); Object second = pl.lookup(xface); assertEquals(first, second); }
/** Creates a new instance of MimePathLookup */ public MimePathLookup(MimePath mimePath) { super(); if (mimePath == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Mime path can't be null."); //NOI18N } this.mimePath = mimePath; this.mimePathBanned = mimePath.size() > 0 && mimePath.getMimeType(0).contains("text/base"); //NOI18N class R implements Runnable { Lookup.Result<MimeDataProvider> dataProviders; Lookup.Result<MimeLookupInitializer> mimeInitializers; public void run() { dataProviders = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(new Lookup.Template<MimeDataProvider>(MimeDataProvider.class)); dataProviders.addLookupListener(WeakListeners.create(LookupListener.class, MimePathLookup.this, dataProviders)); mimeInitializers = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(new Lookup.Template<MimeLookupInitializer>(MimeLookupInitializer.class)); mimeInitializers.addLookupListener(WeakListeners.create(LookupListener.class, MimePathLookup.this, mimeInitializers)); } } R r = new R(); Lookups.executeWith(null, r); this.dataProviders = r.dataProviders; this.mimeInitializers = r.mimeInitializers; }
@Override protected void beforeLookup(Template<?> template) { synchronized (this) { if (!initialized) { initialized = true; rebuild(); } } }
@Override protected void beforeLookup(Template<?> template) { if (template.getType() == Sources.class) { try { //state.notifyDeleted(); projectDirectory.delete(); } catch (IOException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } } }
/** * Issues of changes in layer */ public void testForChangeInLayer() throws IOException{ // issue #63338 // // Subj: deadlock during showing annotations // fix: deadlock occured in after inproper firing of lookup changed event. // event was fired even in cases, the lookup listener should be quiet. MimeLookup lookup = MimeLookup.getMimeLookup("text/jsp"); //NOI18N Result result = lookup.lookup(new Template(TestLookupObject.class)); result.allInstances().size(); // remove this line if issue #60010 is fixed LookupListener listener = new LookupListener(){ public void resultChanged(LookupEvent ev){ resultChangedCount[0]++; } }; result.addLookupListener(listener); //simulate module installation, new file will be added createFile("Editors/text/jsp/testLookup/org-openide-actions-PasteAction.instance"); //NOI18N checkResultChange(0); TestUtilities.deleteFile(getWorkDir(), "Editors/text/jsp/testLookup/org-netbeans-modules-editor-mimelookup-impl-TestLookupObject.instance"); checkResultChange(1); result.removeLookupListener(listener); resultChangedCount[0] = 0; // end of issue #63338 ------------------------------------------------ }
/** Issue #72873 * MimeLookup duplicates objects from default mimetype folder */ public void testDoubleItems(){ MimeLookup lookup = MimeLookup.getMimeLookup("text/x-java"); //NOI18N Result result = lookup.lookup(new Template(TestLookupObjectTwo.class)); Collection col = result.allInstances(); assertTrue(col.size() == 1); lookup = MimeLookup.getMimeLookup(""); //NOI18N result = lookup.lookup(new Template(TestLookupObjectTwo.class)); col = result.allInstances(); assertTrue(col.size() == 1); }
/** * Switch on all XML modules and returns <code>true</code> if change state of any module else <code>false</code>. */ public static boolean switchAllXMLModules(boolean enable) throws Exception { boolean result = false; Iterator it = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(new Template(ModuleInfo.class)).allInstances().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ModuleInfo mi = (ModuleInfo); if (mi.getCodeNameBase().startsWith("org.netbeans.modules.xml.") && (mi.isEnabled() != enable)) { switchModule(mi.getCodeNameBase(), enable); result = true; } } return result; }
/** * Returns module's info or <code>null</null>. */ public static ModuleInfo getModuleInfo(String codeName) { Iterator it = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(new Template(ModuleInfo.class)).allInstances().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ModuleInfo mi = (ModuleInfo); // if (mi.getCodeNameBase().equals(codeName) && mi.isEnabled()) { if (mi.getCodeNameBase().equals(codeName)) { return mi; } } return null; }
@Override public Lookup getLookup(final MimePath mimePath) { if (mimePath.size() == 1) { return new ProxyLookup() { private final AtomicBoolean initialized = new AtomicBoolean(); @Override protected void beforeLookup(Template<?> template) { super.beforeLookup(template); final Class<?> clz = template.getType(); if (IndentTask.Factory.class.isAssignableFrom(clz) || ReformatTask.Factory.class.isAssignableFrom(clz) || TypedTextInterceptor.Factory.class.isAssignableFrom(clz)) { if (!initialized.getAndSet(true)) { final IndentReformatTaskFactoriesProvider provider = IndentReformatTaskFactoriesProvider.get(mimePath); if (provider != null) { final IndentTask.Factory legacyIndenter = provider.getIndentTaskFactory(); final ReformatTask.Factory legacyFormatter = provider.getReformatTaskFactory(); final TypedTextInterceptor.Factory legacyAutoIndenter = provider.getTypedTextInterceptorFactory(); if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOG.log( Level.FINE, "''{0}'' uses legacyIndenter={1}, legacyFormatter={2}, legacyAutoIndenter={3}", //NOI18N new Object[]{ mimePath.getPath(), legacyIndenter, legacyFormatter, legacyAutoIndenter}); } setLookups(Lookups.fixed(legacyIndenter, legacyFormatter, legacyAutoIndenter)); } } } } }; } return null; }
protected void setUp() throws Exception { tc = new TopComponent(); res = tc.getLookup().lookup(new Lookup.Template<ActionMap> (ActionMap.class)); assertEquals("One instance", 1, res.allItems().size()); res.addLookupListener(this); }
/** Notifies subclasses that a query is about to be processed. * @param template the template */ @Override protected final void beforeLookup(Template template) { Class type = template.getType(); Set<Node> nds = Node.blockEvents(); try { blockingBeforeLookup(type); } finally { Node.unblockEvents(nds); } }
public void testBeforeLookupIsCalledToInvalidateCaches() { class Before extends ProxyLookup { Object toAdd; Before() { super(instanceLookup); } @Override protected void beforeLookup(Template<?> template) { if (toAdd != null) { ic.add(toAdd); toAdd = null; } } } Before before = new Before(); Lookup query = createLookup(before); before.toAdd = Integer.valueOf(10); Lookup.Result<Long> res = query.lookupResult(Long.class); assertTrue("empty", res.allItems().isEmpty()); assertNull("beforeLookup called", before.toAdd); before.toAdd = Long.valueOf(3L); Collection<? extends Lookup.Item<Long>> c = res.allItems(); assertEquals("There is One: ", 1, c.size()); assertEquals(Long.valueOf(3L), c.iterator().next().getInstance()); }
/** Checks search for interface. */ public void testSearchForInterface () { Lookup.Template<Serializable> t = new Lookup.Template<Serializable>(Serializable.class, null, null); assertNull("Nothing to find", lookup.lookupItem (t)); Serializable s = new Serializable () {}; ic.add (s); Lookup.Item item = lookup.lookupItem (t); assertNotNull ("Something found", item); }
/** Checks whether the AbstractLookup is guarded against modifications * while doing some kind of modification. */ public void testModificationArePreventedWhenDoingModifications () throws Exception { BrokenPair broken = new BrokenPair (true, false); ic.addPair (broken); Lookup.Template<BrokenPair> templ = new Lookup.Template<BrokenPair>(BrokenPair.class); Lookup.Item<BrokenPair> item = lookup.lookupItem (templ); assertEquals ("Broken is found", broken, item); }
public void testModificationArePreventedWhenDoingModificationsResult () throws Exception { BrokenPair broken = new BrokenPair (false, true); ic.addPair (broken); Lookup.Template<BrokenPair> templ = new Lookup.Template<BrokenPair>(BrokenPair.class); Collection<? extends BrokenPair> c = lookup.lookup (templ).allInstances(); assertEquals ("One item", 1, c.size ()); assertEquals ("Broken is found again", broken, c.iterator().next ()); }
public void testModificationArePreventedWhenDoingModificationsItemAndResult () throws Exception { BrokenPair broken = new BrokenPair (false, true); ic.addPair (broken); Lookup.Template<BrokenPair> templ = new Lookup.Template<BrokenPair>(BrokenPair.class); Lookup.Item<BrokenPair> item = lookup.lookupItem (templ); assertEquals ("Broken is found", broken, item); Collection<? extends BrokenPair> c = lookup.lookup(templ).allInstances(); assertEquals ("One item", 1, c.size ()); assertEquals ("Broken is found again", broken, c.iterator().next ()); }
public void testModificationArePreventedWhenDoingModificationsResultAndItem () throws Exception { BrokenPair broken = new BrokenPair (false, true); ic.addPair (broken); Lookup.Template<BrokenPair> templ = new Lookup.Template<BrokenPair>(BrokenPair.class); Collection<? extends BrokenPair> c = lookup.lookup(templ).allInstances(); assertEquals ("One item", 1, c.size ()); assertEquals ("Broken is found again", broken, c.iterator().next ()); Object item = lookup.lookupItem (templ); assertEquals ("Broken is found", broken, item); }
/** Test of reorder and item change which used to fail on interfaces. */ public void testReoderingIssue13779 () throws Exception { LinkedList arr = new LinkedList (); class R extends Exception implements Cloneable { } Object o1 = new R (); Object o2 = new R (); Object o3 = new R (); arr.add (o1); arr.add (o2); ic.set (arr, null); Lookup.Result objectResult = lookup.lookup (new Lookup.Template (Exception.class)); Lookup.Result interfaceResult = lookup.lookup (new Lookup.Template (Cloneable.class)); objectResult.allItems (); interfaceResult.allItems (); LL l1 = new LL (objectResult); LL l2 = new LL (interfaceResult); objectResult.addLookupListener(l1); interfaceResult.addLookupListener(l2); arr.addFirst (o3); ic.set (arr, null); assertEquals ("One change on objects", 1, l1.getCount ()); assertEquals ("One change on interfaces", 1, l2.getCount ()); arr.addFirst (new Cloneable () { }); ic.set (arr, null); assertEquals ("No change on objects", 0, l1.getCount ()); assertEquals ("But one change on interfaces", 1, l2.getCount ()); }
public void testAWayToGenerateProblem13779 () { ic.add (new Integer (1)); ic.add (new Integer (2)); ic.add (new Integer (1)); ic.add (new Integer (2)); Collection c = lookup.lookup (new Lookup.Template (Integer.class)).allInstances (); assertEquals ("There are two objects", 2, c.size ()); }
/** Implementation of {@link Savable#save} contract. Calls * {@link #handleSave} and {@link #unregister}. * * @throws IOException if call to {@link #handleSave} throws IOException */ @Override public final void save() throws IOException { Template<AbstractSavable> t = new Template<AbstractSavable>(AbstractSavable.class, null, this); for (Savable s : Savable.REGISTRY.lookup(t).allInstances()) { if (s == this) { handleSave(); unregister(); return; } } LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Savable {0} is not in Savable.REGISTRY! " // NOI18N + "Have not you forgotten to call register() in constructor?", getClass()); // NOI18N }
/** * Replaces the project lookup content. * * @param project to place in the project lookup. */ private void updateProjectLookup(Project project) { if (project == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("project cannot be null."); } // Add the project if an instance of it is not already in the lookup Template<Project> template = new Template<>(Project.class, null, project); if (projectLookup != null && projectLookup.lookupItem(template) == null) { clearProjectLookup(); content.add(project); logger.log(FINE, "updateProjectLookup: added [{0}] to the proxy lookup.", ProjectUtils.getInformation(lastProject).getDisplayName()); } }
/** * Retrieves an action instance * @param category e.g., "Maps" * @param id e.g., "com-emxsys-worldwind-ribbon-actions-ToggleLayerAction" * @return the Action instance or null * @see */ @Deprecated public static Action getAction(String category, String id) { String folder = "Actions/" + category + "/"; Lookup pathLookup = Lookups.forPath(folder); Template<Action> actionTemplate = new Template<>(Action.class, folder + id, null); Item<Action> item = pathLookup.lookupItem(actionTemplate); if (item != null) { return item.getInstance(); } return null; }
@Override public <T> Result<T> lookup(Template<T> template) { return delegate.lookup(template); }
/** Testing Base level popup items lookup and sorting */ @RandomlyFails // NB-Core-Build #4599: resultChangedCount is:2 instead of 1 public void testDynamicChangeInPopupFolders() throws Exception { final int resultChangedCount[] = new int[1]; resultChangedCount[0] = 0; MimePath mp = MimePath.parse("text/x-java/text/xml/text/html"); Lookup lookup = getLookup(mp); Lookup.Result result = lookup.lookup(new Template(PopupActions.class)); result.allInstances(); // remove this line if issue #60010 is fixed LookupListener listener = new LookupListener(){ public void resultChanged(LookupEvent ev){ resultChangedCount[0]++; } }; result.addLookupListener(listener); PopupActions actions = (PopupActions) lookup.lookup(PopupActions.class); assertTrue("PopupActions should be found", actions != null); List popupActions = actions.getPopupActions(); int size = popupActions.size(); assertTrue("Number of PopupActions found:"+size+" and should be:"+fsstruct.length, size == fsstruct.length); //delete RenameAction TestUtilities.deleteFile(getWorkDir(), "Editors/text/html/Popup/org-openide-actions-RenameAction.instance"); checkPopupItemPresence(lookup, RenameAction.class, false); // check firing the change assertTrue(("resultChangedCount is:"+resultChangedCount[0]+" instead of 1"),resultChangedCount[0] == 1); resultChangedCount[0] = 0; //delete base CutAction TestUtilities.deleteFile(getWorkDir(), "Editors/Popup/org-openide-actions-CutAction.instance"); checkPopupItemPresence(lookup, CutAction.class, false); // check firing the change assertTrue(("resultChangedCount is:"+resultChangedCount[0]+" instead of 1"),resultChangedCount[0] == 1); resultChangedCount[0] = 0; //simulate module installation, new action will be added TestUtilities.createFile(getWorkDir(), "Editors/Popup/org-openide-actions-FindAction.instance"); //NOI18N checkPopupItemPresence(lookup, FindAction.class, true); // check firing the change assertTrue(("resultChangedCount is:"+resultChangedCount[0]+" instead of 1"),resultChangedCount[0] == 1); resultChangedCount[0] = 0; //simulate module installation, new action will be added TestUtilities.createFile(getWorkDir(), "Editors/text/x-java/text/xml/text/html/Popup/org-openide-actions-ReplaceAction.instance"); //NOI18N checkPopupItemPresence(lookup, ReplaceAction.class, true); //ReplaceAction was created in the uppermost folder // let's try it is missing in the lower lookup mp = MimePath.get(MimePath.get("text/x-java"), "text/xml"); lookup = getLookup(mp); checkPopupItemPresence(lookup, ReplaceAction.class, false); checkPopupItemPresence(lookup, FindAction.class, true); // lookup for ReplaceAction in the folder that doesn't exist lookup = MimeLookup.getLookup("text/html"); //NOI18N checkPopupItemPresence(lookup, ReplaceAction.class, false); // create folder with ReplaceAction TestUtilities.createFile(getWorkDir(), "Editors/text/html/Popup/org-openide-actions-ReplaceAction.instance"); //NOI18N checkPopupItemPresence(lookup, ReplaceAction.class, true); }
/** Testing Base level popup items lookup and sorting */ @RandomlyFails // NB-Core-Build #3718 public void testDynamicChangeInPopupFolders() throws IOException{ final int resultChangedCount[] = new int[1]; resultChangedCount[0] = 0; MimeLookup lookup = MimeLookup.getMimeLookup("text/x-java").childLookup("text/xml"). //NOI18N childLookup("text/html"); //NOI18N Lookup.Result result = lookup.lookup(new Template(PopupActions.class)); result.allInstances(); // remove this line if issue #60010 is fixed LookupListener listener = new LookupListener(){ public void resultChanged(LookupEvent ev){ resultChangedCount[0]++; } }; result.addLookupListener(listener); PopupActions actions = (PopupActions) lookup.lookup(PopupActions.class); assertTrue("PopupActions should be found", actions != null); List popupActions = actions.getPopupActions(); int size = popupActions.size(); assertTrue("Number of PopupActions found:"+size+" and should be:"+fsstruct.length, size == fsstruct.length); //delete RenameAction TestUtilities.deleteFile(getWorkDir(), "Editors/text/html/Popup/org-openide-actions-RenameAction.instance"); checkPopupItemPresence(lookup, RenameAction.class, false); // check firing the change assertTrue(("resultChangedCount is:"+resultChangedCount[0]+" instead of 1"),resultChangedCount[0] == 1); resultChangedCount[0] = 0; //delete base CutAction TestUtilities.deleteFile(getWorkDir(), "Editors/Popup/org-openide-actions-CutAction.instance"); checkPopupItemPresence(lookup, CutAction.class, false); // check firing the change assertTrue(("resultChangedCount is:"+resultChangedCount[0]+" instead of 1"),resultChangedCount[0] == 1); resultChangedCount[0] = 0; //simulate module installation, new action will be added TestUtilities.createFile(getWorkDir(), "Editors/Popup/org-openide-actions-FindAction.instance"); //NOI18N checkPopupItemPresence(lookup, FindAction.class, true); // check firing the change assertTrue(("resultChangedCount is:"+resultChangedCount[0]+" instead of 1"),resultChangedCount[0] == 1); resultChangedCount[0] = 0; //simulate module installation, new action will be added TestUtilities.createFile(getWorkDir(), "Editors/text/x-java/text/xml/text/html/Popup/org-openide-actions-ReplaceAction.instance"); //NOI18N checkPopupItemPresence(lookup, ReplaceAction.class, true); //ReplaceAction was created in the uppermost folder // let's try it is missing in the lower lookup lookup = MimeLookup.getMimeLookup("text/x-java").childLookup("text/xml"); //NOI18N checkPopupItemPresence(lookup, ReplaceAction.class, false); checkPopupItemPresence(lookup, FindAction.class, true); // lookup for ReplaceAction in the folder that doesn't exist lookup = MimeLookup.getMimeLookup("text/html"); //NOI18N checkPopupItemPresence(lookup, ReplaceAction.class, false); // create folder with ReplaceAction TestUtilities.createFile(getWorkDir(), "Editors/text/html/Popup/org-openide-actions-ReplaceAction.instance"); //NOI18N checkPopupItemPresence(lookup, ReplaceAction.class, true); }
@Override protected void beforeLookup(Template<?> template) { RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(this).waitFinished(); }
/** Testing identity of the lookup. */ public void testId () { Lookup.Template<?> templ; int cnt; addInstances (INSTANCES); Lookup.Result<?> res = lookup.lookupResult(Object.class); for (AbstractLookup.Item<?> item : res.allItems()) { templ = new Lookup.Template<Object>(null, item.getId(), null); cnt = lookup.lookup (templ).allInstances ().size (); if (cnt != 1) { fail ("Identity lookup failed. Instances = " + cnt); } templ = makeTemplate(item.getType(), item.getId()); cnt = lookup.lookup (templ).allInstances ().size (); if (cnt != 1) { fail ("Identity lookup with type failed. Instances = " + cnt); } templ = makeTemplate(this.getClass(), item.getId()); cnt = lookup.lookup (templ).allInstances ().size (); if (cnt != 0) { fail ("Identity lookup with wrong type failed. Instances = " + cnt); } templ = new Lookup.Template<Object>(null, null, item.getInstance()); cnt = lookup.lookup (templ).allInstances ().size (); if (cnt != 1) { fail ("Instance lookup failed. Instances = " + cnt); } templ = new Lookup.Template<Object>(null, item.getId(), item.getInstance()); cnt = lookup.lookup (templ).allInstances ().size (); if (cnt != 1) { fail ("Instance & identity lookup failed. Instances = " + cnt); } } }
private static <T> Lookup.Template<T> makeTemplate(Class<T> clazz, String id) { // captures type parameter return new Lookup.Template<T>(clazz, id, null); }
public <T> Item<T> lookupItem(Template<T> template) { return lookup.lookupItem(template); }
public <T> Result<T> lookup(Template<T> template) { return lookup.lookup(template); }
private IconService() { iconLookup = Lookup.getDefault(); providerTemplate = new Template<IconProvider>(IconProvider.class); providerResult = iconLookup.lookup(providerTemplate); providers = providerResult.allInstances(); }
/** * Looks up objects in this mime path lookup. * * @param template The template describing the objects to look for. * * @return The search result. * @deprecated Use {@link #getLookup(MimePath)} and the methods provided by * the ordinary <code>Lookup</code> instance returned. */ public <T> Result<T> lookup(Template<T> template) { return mimePathLookup.lookup(template); }