@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { File f = FileUtil.toFile( matchingObject.getFileObject()); if (f != null) { String path = f.getPath(); Clipboard clipboard = Lookup.getDefault().lookup( ExClipboard.class); if (clipboard == null) { Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); if (toolkit != null) { clipboard = toolkit.getSystemClipboard(); } } if (clipboard != null) { StringSelection strSel = new StringSelection(path); clipboard.setContents(strSel, null); } } }
protected void setUp() throws Exception { MockServices.setServices(Clip.class); System.setProperty ("netbeans.security.nocheck", "true"); Object clip = Lookup.getDefault ().lookup (ExClipboard.class); assertNotNull ("Some clipboard found", clip); assertEquals ("Correct clipboard found", Clip.class, clip.getClass()); this.clip = (Clip)clip; if (System.getSecurityManager () == null) { java.text.NumberFormat.getInstance (); Object clazz = org.netbeans.TopSecurityManager.class; SecurityManager m = new org.netbeans.TopSecurityManager (); System.setSecurityManager (m); inMiddleOfSettingUpTheManager(); org.netbeans.TopSecurityManager.makeSwingUseSpecialClipboard (this.clip); } else { inMiddleOfSettingUpTheManager(); } field = new javax.swing.JTextField (); }
public void testClipboard() throws Exception { MockServices.setServices(Cnv.class); Clipboard c = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(Clipboard.class); ExClipboard ec = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ExClipboard.class); assertEquals("Clipboard == ExClipboard", c, ec); assertNotNull(Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ExClipboard.Convertor.class)); assertEquals(Cnv.class, Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ExClipboard.Convertor.class).getClass()); c.setContents(new ExTransferable.Single(DataFlavor.stringFlavor) { protected Object getData() throws IOException, UnsupportedFlavorException { return "17"; } }, null); Transferable t = c.getContents(null); assertTrue("still supports stringFlavor", t.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)); assertEquals("correct string in clipboard", "17", t.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)); assertTrue("support Integer too", t.isDataFlavorSupported(MYFLAV)); assertEquals("correct Integer", new Integer(17), t.getTransferData(MYFLAV)); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { PasteType type = getPasteType(); if (type != null) { try { Transferable trans = type.paste(); if (trans != null) { ClipboardOwner owner = trans instanceof ClipboardOwner ? (ClipboardOwner)trans : new StringSelection(""); // NOI18N Clipboard clipboard = (Clipboard)Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ExClipboard.class); clipboard.setContents(trans, owner); } } catch (java.io.IOException e) { ERR.log( Level.INFO, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e ); } } }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, JTextComponent target) { BaseDocument bdoc = Utilities.getDocument(target); if(bdoc == null) { return ; //no document?!?! } DataObject csso = NbEditorUtilities.getDataObject(bdoc); if(csso == null) { return ; //document not backuped by DataObject } String pi = createText(csso); StringSelection ss = new StringSelection(pi); ExClipboard clipboard = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ExClipboard.class); clipboard.setContents(ss, null); StatusDisplayer.getDefault().setStatusText( NbBundle.getMessage(CopyStyleAction.class, "MSG_Style_tag_in_clipboard")); // NOI18N }
/** * Sets the clipboard context in textual-format. * * @param content */ @Messages({ "# {0} - copied file path", "CTL_Status_CopyToClipboardSingle=Copy to Clipboard: {0}", "# {0} - number of copied paths", "CTL_Status_CopyToClipboardMulti={0} paths were copied to clipboard" }) private void setClipboardContents(String content, int items) { Clipboard clipboard = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ExClipboard.class); if (clipboard == null) { clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); } if (clipboard != null) { String statusText = items > 1 ? Bundle.CTL_Status_CopyToClipboardMulti(items) : Bundle.CTL_Status_CopyToClipboardSingle(content); StatusDisplayer.getDefault().setStatusText(statusText); clipboard.setContents(new StringSelection(content), null); } }
@Override public void clipboardChanged(ClipboardEvent ev) { ExClipboard clipboard = ev.getClipboard(); Transferable transferable = null; String clipboardContent = null; try { transferable = clipboard.getContents(null); if (transferable != null && transferable.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)) { clipboardContent = (String) transferable.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor); } } catch (OutOfMemoryError oom) { NotificationDisplayer.getDefault().notify( NbBundle.getBundle(ClipboardHistory.class).getString("clipboard-history-oom"),NotificationDisplayer.Priority.NORMAL.getIcon(), NbBundle.getBundle(ClipboardHistory.class).getString("clipboard-history-oom-details"), null); return; } catch (IOException ioe) { //ignored for bug #218255 } catch (UnsupportedFlavorException ufe) { } if (clipboardContent != null) { addHistory(transferable, clipboardContent); } }
@Override public void componentClosed() { try { this.mindMapPanel.dispose(); LOGGER.info("MMD Editor is disposed : " + this.mindMapPanel.toString()); } finally { final Clipboard clipboard = NbUtils.findClipboard(); if (clipboard instanceof ExClipboard) { ((ExClipboard) clipboard).removeClipboardListener(this); } else { clipboard.removeFlavorListener(this); } super.componentClosed(); } }
NbClipboard( Clipboard systemClipboard ) { super("NBClipboard"); // NOI18N this.systemClipboard = systemClipboard; result = Lookup.getDefault().lookupResult(ExClipboard.Convertor.class); result.addLookupListener(this); systemClipboard.addFlavorListener(this); resultChanged(null); if (System.getProperty("netbeans.slow.system.clipboard.hack") != null) { slowSystemClipboard = Boolean.getBoolean("netbeans.slow.system.clipboard.hack"); // NOI18N } else if (Utilities.isMac()) { slowSystemClipboard = false; } else { slowSystemClipboard = true; } if (System.getProperty("sun.awt.datatransfer.timeout") == null) { // NOI18N System.setProperty("sun.awt.datatransfer.timeout", "1000"); // NOI18N } if (slowSystemClipboard) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener( this, AWTEvent.WINDOW_EVENT_MASK); } }
/** Gets right transferable of given nodes (according to given * drag action) and also converts the transferable.<br> * Can be called only with correct action constant. * @return The transferable. */ static Transferable getNodeTransferable(Node[] nodes, int dragAction) throws IOException { Transferable[] tArray = new Transferable[nodes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if ((dragAction & DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE) != 0) { tArray[i] = nodes[i].clipboardCut(); } else { tArray[i] = nodes[i].drag (); } } Transferable result; if (tArray.length == 1) { // only one node, so return regular single transferable result = tArray[0]; } else { // enclose the transferables into multi transferable result = ExternalDragAndDrop.maybeAddExternalFileDnd( new Multi(tArray) ); } Clipboard c = getClipboard(); if (c instanceof ExClipboard) { return ((ExClipboard) c).convert(result); } else { return result; } }
public ExClipboard.Convertor[] getConvertors() { return new ExClipboard.Convertor[] {new ExClipboard.Convertor() { public Transferable convert(Transferable t) { last = t; return t; } }}; }
private static Clipboard getClipboard() { Clipboard clipboard = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ExClipboard.class); if (clipboard == null) { clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); } return clipboard; }
private PasteType getPasteType() { Clipboard clipboard = (Clipboard) Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ExClipboard.class); Transferable trans = clipboard.getContents(this); if (trans != null) { PasteType[] pasteTypes = categoryNode.getPasteTypes(trans); if (pasteTypes != null && pasteTypes.length != 0) return pasteTypes[0]; } return null; }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { try { Transferable trans = itemNode.clipboardCut(); if (trans != null) { Clipboard clipboard = (Clipboard) Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ExClipboard.class); clipboard.setContents(trans, new StringSelection("")); // NOI18N } } catch (java.io.IOException e) { ERR.log( Level.INFO, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e ); } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { try { Transferable trans = itemNode.clipboardCopy(); if (trans != null) { Clipboard clipboard = (Clipboard) Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ExClipboard.class); clipboard.setContents(trans, new StringSelection("")); // NOI18N } } catch (java.io.IOException e) { ERR.log( Level.INFO, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e ); } }
@Nonnull public static Clipboard findClipboard() { Clipboard result = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ExClipboard.class); if (result == null) { result = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); } return Assertions.assertNotNull("Clipbard is not found", result); }
private void registerAsClipboardListener() { final Clipboard clipboard = NbUtils.findClipboard(); if (clipboard instanceof ExClipboard) { ((ExClipboard) clipboard).addClipboardListener(this); } else { clipboard.addFlavorListener(this); } processClipboardChange(clipboard); }
private void unregisterFromClipboardListeners() { final Clipboard clipboard = NbUtils.findClipboard(); if (clipboard instanceof ExClipboard) { ((ExClipboard) clipboard).removeClipboardListener(this); } else { clipboard.removeFlavorListener(this); } }
protected synchronized ExClipboard.Convertor[] getConvertors () { return convertors; }
public synchronized void resultChanged(LookupEvent ev) { Collection<? extends ExClipboard.Convertor> c = result.allInstances(); ExClipboard.Convertor[] temp = new ExClipboard.Convertor[c.size()]; convertors = c.toArray(temp); }
protected ExClipboard.Convertor[] getConvertors () { return new ExClipboard.Convertor[0]; }
ClipboardConvertorSection(String name, Module module) throws InvalidException { super(name, module, ExClipboard.Convertor.class); }
private void setClipboard(String contents) { ExClipboard clipboard = (ExClipboard) Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ExClipboard.class); StringSelection strSel = new StringSelection(contents); clipboard.setContents(strSel, strSel); }
protected void copyRowValues(boolean withHeader) { ExClipboard clipboard = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ExClipboard.class); StringSelection selection = createTransferableTSV(withHeader); clipboard.setContents(selection, selection); }
private void leaveInClipboard(String text) { StringSelection ss = new StringSelection(text); ExClipboard clipboard = (ExClipboard) Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ExClipboard.class); clipboard.setContents(ss, null); StatusDisplayer.getDefault().setStatusText(NbBundle.getMessage(DocletAction.class, "MSG_documentation_in_clipboard")); }
public Clipboard() { clipboard = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ExClipboard.class); if (clipboard == null) { clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); } }