public void click() throws Throwable { driver = new JavaDriver(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setVisible(true); } }); WebElement element1 = driver.findElement("click-me"));; AssertJUnit.assertTrue(buttonClicked); buttonClicked = false; new Actions(driver).click().perform(); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(buttonClicked); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(buttonMouseActions.toString().contains("clicked(1)")); buttonMouseActions.setLength(0); new Actions(driver).contextClick().perform(); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(buttonMouseActions.toString(), buttonMouseActions.toString().contains("pressed(3-popup)")); }
/** * @return how many rows this table has */ @Override @PublicAtsApi public int getRowCount() { new HiddenHtmlElementState(this).waitToBecomeExisting(); String css = this.getElementProperty("_css"); List<WebElement> elements = null; if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(css)) { css += " tr"; elements = webDriver.findElements(By.cssSelector(css)); } else { // get elements matching the following xpath elements = webDriver.findElements(By.xpath(properties.getInternalProperty(HtmlElementLocatorBuilder.PROPERTY_ELEMENT_LOCATOR) + "/tr | " + properties.getInternalProperty(HtmlElementLocatorBuilder.PROPERTY_ELEMENT_LOCATOR) + "/*/tr")); } return elements.size(); }
private static WebElement getElement(WebDriver driver, By by, int current){ WebElement element = null; while(true) { try { element = driver.findElement(by); } catch (Exception e){ //might happen due to Github blocking crawling try { long time = 60_000; System.out.println("Cannot find -> "+by.toString()+"\n Going to wait for "+time+"ms"); Thread.sleep(time); openPagedSearchResult(driver, current); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { } continue; } break; } return element; }
/** * Drag and drop an element on top of other element * @param targetElement the target element */ @Override @PublicAtsApi public void dragAndDropTo( HtmlElement targetElement ) { new RealHtmlElementState(this).waitToBecomeExisting(); WebElement source = RealHtmlElementLocator.findElement(this); WebElement target = RealHtmlElementLocator.findElement(targetElement); Actions actionBuilder = new Actions(webDriver); Action dragAndDropAction = actionBuilder.clickAndHold(source) .moveToElement(target, 1, 1) .release(target) .build(); dragAndDropAction.perform(); // drops the source element in the middle of the target, which in some cases is not doing drop on the right place // new Actions( webDriver ).dragAndDrop( source, target ).perform(); }
public void isEnabled() throws Throwable { driver = new JavaDriver(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setVisible(true); } }); WebElement element1 = driver.findElement("click-me")); AssertJUnit.assertTrue(element1.isEnabled()); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { button.setEnabled(false); } }); EventQueueWait.waitTillDisabled(button); AssertJUnit.assertFalse(element1.isEnabled()); }
@Override public Object decorate(ClassLoader loader, Field field) { By selector = new Annotations(field).buildBy(); if (selector instanceof ByIdOrName) { // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please define locator for " + field); return decorateWithAppium(loader, field); } else if (WebElement.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) { return ElementFinder.wrap(searchContext, selector, 0); } else if (ElementsCollection.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) { return new ElementsCollection(new BySelectorCollection(searchContext, selector)); } else if (ElementsContainer.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) { return createElementsContainer(selector, field); } else if (isDecoratableList(field, ElementsContainer.class)) { return createElementsContainerList(field); } else if (isDecoratableList(field, SelenideElement.class)) { return SelenideElementListProxy.wrap(factory.createLocator(field)); } return decorateWithAppium(loader, field); }
public void atc() { WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 300L); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath("//*[@class='ffSelectButton' and (.//span[text()[contains(.,'Size')]] or .//span[text()[contains(.,'size')]])]"))); int index = new Random().nextInt(sizes.length); String sizeToPick = Double.toString(sizes[index]); for(WebElement e : driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[@class='ffSelectMenuMid' and .//ul[.//li[.//span[text()[contains(.,'size')]]]]]/ul/li"))) { String size = e.getText().trim(); if(size != null && size.equals(sizeToPick)) {; break; } } }
/** * select a value * * @param value the value to select */ @Override @PublicAtsApi public void setValue( String value ) { new RealHtmlElementState(this).waitToBecomeExisting(); try { WebElement element = RealHtmlElementLocator.findElement(this); Select select = new Select(element); select.selectByVisibleText(value); } catch (NoSuchElementException nsee) { throw new SeleniumOperationException("Option with label '" + value + "' not found. (" + this.toString() + ")"); } UiEngineUtilities.sleep(); }
private WebElement get_password() { WebElement element = null; if (WebUtilities.waitForElementToAppear(driver, password, logger)) { element = password; } return element; }
protected void waitForElementToNotExist(WebElement element) { new WebDriverWait(getDriverProxy(), 20) .withMessage("Timed out waiting for element to not exist.") .until((WebDriver d) -> { boolean conditionMet = false; try { // We don't really care whether it's displayed or not, just if it exists. element.isDisplayed(); } catch (NoSuchElementException | StaleElementReferenceException e) { conditionMet = true; } return conditionMet; }); }
/** * Posts the given message to the brain chat. * * @param message * The message to post */ public void postMessage(final String message) { updateLastUsage(); switchToWindow(); switchToFrame(CHAT_INPUT_FRAME_NAME); final WebElement input = new NamePresenceWait(this.mDriver, CHAT_INPUT_NAME).waitUntilCondition(); input.sendKeys(message); input.sendKeys(Keys.ENTER); }
public static void hoverMouseOnWebElement(WebDriver driver, ExtentTest logger, WebElement element) { try { Actions action = new Actions(driver); action.moveToElement(element).build().perform(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(LogStatus.ERROR, "Error hovering over the element</br>" + e.getCause()); } }
/** * Remove hidden elements from specified list * * @param elements list of elements * @return 'true' if no visible elements were found; otherwise 'false' */ public static boolean filterHidden(List<WebElement> elements) { Iterator<WebElement> iter = elements.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { if ( ! { iter.remove(); } } return elements.isEmpty(); }
public void clicksOnMenus() throws Throwable { driver = new JavaDriver(); List<WebElement> menus = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("menu")); int i = 0; clicksOnMenu(menus, i++, "Menu 1"); clicksOnMenu(menus, i++, "Menu 2"); clicksOnMenu(menus, i++, "Menu 3"); }
@Override public boolean checkCssClassDoesNotContain(WebElement w, String... args) throws Exception { startTime(); boolean result = currentPage.checkCssClassDoesNotContain(w, args); this.setNextPage(); return result; }
/** * Simulate Tab key */ @Override @PublicAtsApi public void pressTabKey() { new RealHtmlElementState(this).waitToBecomeExisting(); WebElement element = RealHtmlElementLocator.findElement(this); element.sendKeys(Keys.TAB); }
public WebElement findElement(SearchContext element, String objectKey, String pageKey, String Attribute, FindType condition) { pageName = pageKey; objectName = objectKey; findType = condition; return getElementFromList(findElements(element, getORObject(pageKey, objectKey), Attribute)); }
@Test public void testAssertElementAttribute() { final WebElement webElement = Mockito.mock(WebElement.class); Mockito.when(webElement.getAttribute(ArgumentMatchers.any())).thenReturn(null).thenReturn("value"); Mockito.when(mockDriver.findElement(ArgumentMatchers.any())).thenReturn(webElement); assertElementAttribute("value", null, null); }
void getAttributes() throws Throwable { driver = new JavaDriver(); WebElement textArea = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("text-area")); AssertJUnit.assertEquals("true", textArea.getAttribute("editable")); textArea.sendKeys("Systems", Keys.SPACE); String previousText = textArea.getText(); textArea.clear(); textArea.sendKeys("Jalian" + previousText); }
public List<Attribute> attributes() { List<Attribute> rows = new ArrayList<>(); for (WebElement tr : this.trs) { rows.add(new Attribute(tr)); } this.attributes.addAll(rows); return this.attributes; }
private String getMetaTagNamed(WebDriver driver, String name) { JsUtility.injectGlueLib(driver); String script = JsUtility.getScriptResource("requireMetaTagByName.js"); try { WebElement response = JsUtility.runAndReturn(driver, script, name); return response.getAttribute("content"); } catch (WebDriverException e) { throw JsUtility.propagate(e); } }
@Override public WebElement findElement(SearchContext driver) { if(!(driver instanceof WebDriver)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument must be instanceof WebDriver."); } WebDriver webDriver = (WebDriver) driver; webDriver = engine.turnToRootDriver(webDriver); if(!iframeWait(webDriver, getTimeout(), getValue())) { webDriver.switchTo().frame(getValue()); } return null; }
@Test public void testChangeElementSelectedBy() { driver.get(utils.getResourceURI("ElementSearch.html")); utils.injectScripts(Optional.<String> empty()); WebElement target = wait.until( ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(driver.findElement(By.tagName("h1")))); utils.highlight(target); // Act utils.inspectElement(target); // Assert List<String> labels = driver .findElements(By.cssSelector("form#SWDForm label[for]")).stream() .map(e -> e.getAttribute("for")).collect(Collectors.toList()); String lastLabel = null; Collections.sort(labels, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); for (String label : labels) { utils.sleep(100); WebElement radioElement = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf( driver.findElement(By.xpath(String.format("//*[@id='%s']", label))))); assertThat(radioElement, notNullValue());; lastLabel = label; } utils.completeVisualSearch("changing strategy attribute"); // Assert String payload = utils.getPayload(); assertFalse(payload.isEmpty()); Map<String, String> details = new HashMap<>(); utils.readData(payload, Optional.of(details)); verifyNeededKeys(details); verifyEntry(details, "ElementSelectedBy", lastLabel); }
@Override public WebElement getElementByName(String elementName, int nth, WebDriver webDriver) { List<WebElement> elements = webDriver.findElements(pageElements.get(elementName)); if (elements.size() == 0) { return null; } return elements.get(nth); }
@Test public void onTest() { final WebDriver webDriver = Mockito.mock(WebDriver.class); final WebElement webElement = Mockito.mock(WebElement.class); final Type type = new Type(webDriver, "text", () -> {}); final By byId ="id"); Mockito.when(webDriver.findElement(byId)).thenReturn(webElement); type.on(byId); Mockito.verify(webElement).sendKeys("text"); }
public void getLocation() throws Throwable { driver = new JavaDriver(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setVisible(true); } }); WebElement element1 = driver.findElement("click-me")); Point location = element1.getLocation(); java.awt.Point p =, "getLocation"); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(p.x, location.x); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(p.y, location.y); }
private WebElement get_signInButton() { WebElement element = null; if (WebUtilities.waitForElementToAppear(driver, signInButton, logger)) { element = signInButton; } return element; }
/** * Shuts this instance down and frees all used resources. */ public void shutdown() { switchToWindow(); switchToFrame(CHAT_INPUT_FRAME_NAME); final WebElement logoutAnchor = new CSSSelectorPresenceWait(this.mDriver, LOGOUT_ANCHOR).waitUntilCondition();; this.mDriver.close(); }
@Then("I can download(?: following files)?:") public void iCanDownload(final DataTable downloadTitles) throws Throwable { for (List<String> downloadLink : downloadTitles.asLists(String.class)) { String linkText = downloadLink.get(0); String linkFileName = downloadLink.get(1); WebElement downloadElement = sitePage.findElementWithTitle(linkText); assertThat("I can find download link with title: " + linkText, downloadElement, is(notNullValue())); String url = downloadElement.getAttribute("href"); assertEquals("I can find link with expected URL for file " + linkFileName, URL + urlLookup.lookupUrl(linkFileName), url); if (acceptanceTestProperties.isHeadlessMode()) { // At the moment of writing, there doesn't seem to be any easy way available to force Chromedriver // to download files when operating in headless mode. It appears that some functionality has been // added to DevTools but it's not obvious how to trigger that from Java so, for now at least, // we'll only be testing file download when operating in a full, graphical mode. // // See bug report at and other reports // available online. log.warn("Not testing file download due to running in a headless mode, will just check link is present."); } else { // Trigger file download by click the <a> tag. sitePage.clickOnElement(downloadElement); final Path downloadedFilePath = Paths.get(acceptanceTestProperties.getDownloadDir().toString(), linkFileName); waitUntilFileAppears(downloadedFilePath); } } }
/** * Simulate mouse double click action */ @Override @PublicAtsApi public void doubleClick() { new RealHtmlElementState(this).waitToBecomeExisting(); WebElement element = RealHtmlElementLocator.findElement(this); new Actions(webDriver).doubleClick(element).perform(); }
@Test public void testAssertSelectedText() { final WebElement webElement = Mockito.mock(WebElement.class); Mockito.when(mockDriver.findElement(ArgumentMatchers.any())).thenReturn(webElement); Mockito.when(webElement.getTagName()).thenReturn("select"); final List<WebElement> items = new ArrayList<>(); items.add(webElement); Mockito.when(webElement.findElements(ArgumentMatchers.any())).thenReturn(items); Mockito.when(webElement.isSelected()).thenReturn(true); Mockito.when(webElement.getText()).thenReturn("text"); assertSelectedText("text", null); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Create a DesiredCapabilities object to request specific devices from the WebDriver server. // A udid can be optionally specified, otherwise an arbitrary device is chosen. DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities(); // caps.setCapability("uuid", udid); // Start a WebDriver session. The local machine has to be running the SafariDriverServer, or // change localhost below to an IP running the SafariDriverServer. driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http://localhost:5555/wd/hub"), caps); // Connect to a URL driver.get(""); // Interact with the web page. In this example use case, the Webdriver API is used to find // specific elements, test a google search and take a screenshot. driver.findElement("hplogo")); // Google New York WebElement mobileSearchBox = driver.findElement("lst-ib")); mobileSearchBox.sendKeys("New York"); WebElement searchBox; try { searchBox = driver.findElement("tsbb")); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { searchBox = driver.findElement("btnG")); }; takeScreenshot(); driver.navigate().refresh(); takeScreenshot(); // Quit the WebDriver instance on completion of the test. driver.quit(); driver = null; }
@Override public void selectByAnotherTextThan(final String text) { final select = wrappedSelect(); final List<WebElement> options = select.getOptions(); for (int i = options.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final WebElement each = options.get(i); if (!each.getText().equals(text)) { select.selectByIndex(i); return; } } }
public void tableCellEditSelectByProps() throws Throwable { driver = new JavaDriver(); String selector = "{ \"select\": \"{2, Sport}\" }"; WebElement cell = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("table::select-by-properties('" + selector + "')::editor")); AssertJUnit.assertEquals("text-field", cell.getTagName()); cell.clear(); cell.sendKeys("Hello World", Keys.ENTER); cell = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("table::mnth-cell(3,3)")); AssertJUnit.assertEquals("Hello World", cell.getText()); cell = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("table::mnth-cell(3,5)")); AssertJUnit.assertEquals("boolean-renderer", cell.getTagName()); cell = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("table::mnth-cell(3,5)::editor")); AssertJUnit.assertEquals("check-box", cell.getTagName()); }
@Override public boolean clickElement(WebElement w) throws Exception { startTime(); boolean result = currentPage.clickElement(w); this.setNextPage(); return result; }
@After public void closeApp() { WebElement fileMenu = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//Menu[@caption='File']"));; WebElement exit = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//MenuItem[@caption='Exit']"));; driver.quit(); }
private void assertClicksOnMenuItemsInSubMenu(WebElement menu) throws Throwable {; List<WebElement> includeSubMenus = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("menu")); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(4, includeSubMenus.size()); WebElement subMenu = includeSubMenus.get(3); AssertJUnit.assertEquals("Submenu", subMenu.getText()); List<WebElement> menuItems = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("menu-item")); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(3, menuItems.size());; assertClicks(menu, subMenu, 3); }
@Step @Then("значение динамического поля \"$field\" равно \"$expectedValue\"") public void stepCheckValueInDynamicFields(@Named("$field") String field, @Named("$expectedValue") String expectedValue) { IElement parent = getCurrentPage().getElementByName(field); IElement nested = pageProvider.getPageByName(DYNAMIC_FIELDS_PAGE_NAME).getElementByName(EDIT_TEXT_NAME); WebElement elementFound = finder.findNestedWebElement(parent, nested); String actualElement = elementFound.getText(); assertEquals(format("Значение поля [%s] не соответствует ожидаемому [%s]", actualElement, expectedValue), expectedValue, actualElement); }
public void elementSendKeys() throws Throwable { driver = new JavaDriver(); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); frame.setVisible(true); } }); AssertJUnit.assertEquals("",, "getText")); WebElement element1 = driver.findElement("text-field")); element1.sendKeys("Hello", " ", "World"); AssertJUnit.assertEquals("Hello World",, "getText")); }
public void getheader() throws Throwable { driver = new JavaDriver(); WebElement header = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("table::header")); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(5 + "", header.getAttribute("count")); WebElement header2 = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("table-header")); AssertJUnit.assertEquals(5 + "", header2.getAttribute("count")); }