private void doClick() { try { new RealHtmlElementState(this).waitToBecomeExisting(); WebElement element = RealHtmlElementLocator.findElement(this); try {; } catch (ElementNotVisibleException enve) { if (!UiEngineConfigurator.getInstance().isWorkWithInvisibleElements()) { throw enve; } ((JavascriptExecutor) webDriver).executeScript("arguments[0].click()", element); } } catch (Exception e) { ((AbstractRealBrowserDriver) super.getUiDriver()).clearExpectedPopups(); throw new SeleniumOperationException(this, "click", e); } UiEngineUtilities.sleep(); ((AbstractRealBrowserDriver) super.getUiDriver()).handleExpectedPopups(); }
/** * Clicks button at the bottom of edit Window and expect for dialog to disappear. * * @param buttonText button label * @return Returns this dialog instance. */ public AemDialog clickDialogFooterButton(final String buttonText) { final WebElement footerButton = getFooterButtonWebElement(buttonText); bobcatWait.withTimeout(Timeouts.BIG).until((ExpectedCondition<Object>) input -> { try {; footerButton.isDisplayed(); return Boolean.FALSE; } catch (NoSuchElementException | StaleElementReferenceException | ElementNotVisibleException e) { LOG.debug("Dialog footer button is not available: {}", e); return Boolean.TRUE; } }, 2); bobcatWait.withTimeout(Timeouts.MEDIUM).until(CommonExpectedConditions.noAemAjax()); return this; }
/** * Overridden webDriver find Elements with proper wait. */ @Override public List<WebElement> findElements(By locator) { try { (new WebDriverWait(appiumDriver, maxWaitTime)) .until(ExpectedConditions .presenceOfAllElementsLocatedBy(locator)); } catch (ElementNotVisibleException e) { Reporter.log("Element not found: " + locator.toString()); captureScreenshot(); throw e; } return appiumDriver.findElements(locator); }
/** * After the tab is set to active will wait 300ms to make sure tab is rendered * * @return true or false */ public boolean setActive() { String baseTabPath = "//*[" + getPathBuilder().getBasePath() + "]"; String titlePath = baseTabPath + getTitlePath(); WebLocator titleElement = new WebLocator(getPathBuilder().getContainer()).setElPath(titlePath).setInfoMessage(getPathBuilder().getText() + " Tab");"setActive : " + toString()); boolean activated; try { activated =; } catch (ElementNotVisibleException e) { LOGGER.error("setActive Exception: " + e.getMessage()); activated = setActiveWithExtJS(); } if (activated) { Utils.sleep(300); // need to make sure this tab is rendered } return activated; }
/** * * @param webDriver {@link WebDriver} instance * @param value the file input value to set */ protected void setFileInputValue( WebDriver webDriver, String value ) { String locator = this.getElementProperties() .getInternalProperty(HtmlElementLocatorBuilder.PROPERTY_ELEMENT_LOCATOR); String css = this.getElementProperty("_css"); WebElement element = null; if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(css)) { element = webDriver.findElement(By.cssSelector(css)); } else { element = webDriver.findElement(By.xpath(locator)); } try { element.sendKeys(value); } catch (ElementNotVisibleException enve) { if (!UiEngineConfigurator.getInstance().isWorkWithInvisibleElements()) { throw enve; } // try to make the element visible overriding some CSS properties // but keep in mind that it can be still invisible using another CSS and/or JavaScript techniques String styleAttrValue = element.getAttribute("style"); JavascriptExecutor jsExec = (JavascriptExecutor) webDriver; try { jsExec.executeScript("arguments[0].setAttribute('style', arguments[1]);", element, "display:'block'; visibility:'visible'; top:'auto'; left:'auto'; z-index:999;" + "height:'auto'; width:'auto';"); element.sendKeys(value); } finally { jsExec.executeScript("arguments[0].setAttribute('style', arguments[1]);", element, styleAttrValue); } } catch (InvalidElementStateException e) { throw new SeleniumOperationException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
private void openByContextMenu(final WebElement element) { waitForComponentOnParsys(); bobcatWait.withTimeout(Timeouts.BIG).until((ExpectedCondition<Object>) input -> { try {; aemContextMenu.clickOption(MenuOption.EDIT); } catch (NoSuchElementException | StaleElementReferenceException | ElementNotVisibleException e) { LOG.debug("Dialog open element is not available: {}", e); } return isVisible(); }, 5); }
/** * clickByImage is the main method that you should be using to tap on elements on screen using an image. * @param targetImgPath takes path to the screenshot of an element that you want to find. */ public void clickByImage(String targetImgPath) { Point2D coords = getCoords(takeScreenshot(), targetImgPath); if ((coords.getX() >= 0) && (coords.getY() >= 0)) { driver.tap(1, (int) coords.getX(), (int) coords.getY(), 100); } else { throw new ElementNotVisibleException("Element not found - " + targetImgPath); } }
public void clickByImage(String targetImgPath, double minSimilarityValue) { Point2D coords = getCoords(takeScreenshot(), targetImgPath, minSimilarityValue); if ((coords.getX() >= 0) && (coords.getY() >= 0)) { driver.tap(1, (int) coords.getX(), (int) coords.getY(), 100); } else { throw new ElementNotVisibleException("Element not found - " + targetImgPath); } }
public void longPressByImage(String targetImgPath) { Point2D coords = getCoords(takeScreenshot(), targetImgPath); if ((coords.getX() >= 0) && (coords.getY() >= 0)) { TouchAction touchA = new TouchAction(driver); touchA.longPress((int) coords.getX(), (int) coords.getY(), 1000).release().perform(); } else { throw new ElementNotVisibleException("Element not found - " + targetImgPath); } }
public void longPressByImage(String targetImgPath, int pressDuration) { Point2D coords = getCoords(takeScreenshot(), targetImgPath); if ((coords.getX() >= 0) && (coords.getY() >= 0)) { TouchAction touchA = new TouchAction(driver); touchA.longPress((int) coords.getX(), (int) coords.getY(), pressDuration).release().perform(); } else { throw new ElementNotVisibleException("Element not found - " + targetImgPath); } }
private void signupUser() { goToLogin(); browser .fill("#email").with(FACEBOOK_USER_EMAIL) .fill("#pass").with(System.getenv("FACEBOOK_USER_PASSWORD")) .find("#loginbutton").click(); browser.await().untilPage().isLoaded(); // save browser? no! try { // try, because this is not checked for test users, because they are not asked final String selector = "#u_0_2"; browser.await().atMost(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS).until(selector); browser.find(selector).click(); browser.find("#checkpointSubmitButton").click(); browser.await().untilPage().isLoaded(); } catch (final NoSuchElementException nsee) { // mobile } catch(final ElementNotVisibleException enve) { // desktop } catch(final WebDriverException wde) { // something else } // check login layout checkLoginLayout(); // confirm login browser .find("[name='__CONFIRM__']") .click(); browser .await() .untilPage() .isLoaded(); }
public void waitForElement(WebElement element,int timeOutInSeconds) { WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, timeOutInSeconds); wait.ignoring(NoSuchElementException.class); wait.ignoring(ElementNotVisibleException.class); wait.ignoring(StaleElementReferenceException.class); wait.ignoring(ElementNotFoundException.class); wait.pollingEvery(250,TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); wait.until(elementLocated(element)); }
private WebDriverWait getWait(int timeOutInSeconds,int pollingEveryInMiliSec) { oLog.debug(""); WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, timeOutInSeconds); wait.pollingEvery(pollingEveryInMiliSec, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); wait.ignoring(NoSuchElementException.class); wait.ignoring(ElementNotVisibleException.class); wait.ignoring(StaleElementReferenceException.class); wait.ignoring(NoSuchFrameException.class); return wait; }
public void exitFromRoom(int pageIndex, String userName) { Browser userBrowser = getPage(getBrowserKey(pageIndex)).getBrowser(); try { Actions actions = new Actions(userBrowser.getWebDriver());, userBrowser, "buttonLeaveRoom")).perform(); log.debug("'buttonLeaveRoom' clicked on in {}", userName); } catch (ElementNotVisibleException e) { log.warn("Button 'buttonLeaveRoom' is not visible. Session can't be closed"); } }
public void unsubscribe(int pageIndex, int unsubscribeFromIndex) { String clickableVideoTagId = getBrowserVideoStreamName(unsubscribeFromIndex); selectVideoTag(pageIndex, clickableVideoTagId); WebDriver userWebDriver = getPage(getBrowserKey(pageIndex)).getBrowser().getWebDriver(); try { userWebDriver.findElement("buttonDisconnect")).click(); } catch (ElementNotVisibleException e) { String msg = "Button 'buttonDisconnect' is not visible. Can't unsubscribe from media."; log.warn(msg); fail(msg); } }
public void selectVideoTag(int pageIndex, String targetVideoTagId) { WebDriver userWebDriver = getPage(getBrowserKey(pageIndex)).getBrowser().getWebDriver(); try { WebElement element = userWebDriver.findElement(; Actions actions = new Actions(userWebDriver); actions.moveToElement(element).click().perform(); } catch (ElementNotVisibleException e) { String msg = "Video tag '" + targetVideoTagId + "' is not visible, thus not selectable."; log.warn(msg); fail(msg); } }
protected void unpublish(int pageIndex) { WebDriver userWebDriver = getPage(getBrowserKey(pageIndex)).getBrowser().getWebDriver(); try { userWebDriver.findElement("buttonDisconnect")).click(); } catch (ElementNotVisibleException e) { log.warn("Button 'buttonDisconnect' is not visible. Can't unpublish media."); } }
@Override public void checkByValue(Element element, String value) { WebElement parentWebEle = searchStrategyUtils.findStrategy(WebElement.class, element).search(element); if(parentWebEle == null) { logger.error(String.format("can not found element byText [%s].", value)); return; } List<Locator> locatorList = element.getLocatorList(); List<Locator> tmpList = new ArrayList<Locator>(locatorList); ElementSearchStrategy<WebElement> strategy = context.getBean("zoneSearchStrategy", ElementSearchStrategy.class); SeleniumValueLocator valueLocator = context.getBean(SeleniumValueLocator.class); valueLocator.setHostType("byTagName"); valueLocator.setHostValue("input"); locatorList.clear(); locatorList.add(valueLocator); valueLocator.setValue(value); WebElement itemWebEle = null; try { if(strategy instanceof ParentElement) { ((ParentElement) strategy).setParent(parentWebEle); } itemWebEle =; if(itemWebEle != null) { if(!itemWebEle.isSelected()) {; } } } catch(ElementNotVisibleException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error(String.format("Element [%s] click error, parent [%s], text [%s].", itemWebEle, element, value)); } finally { //清空缓存 locatorList.clear(); locatorList.addAll(tmpList); if(strategy instanceof ParentElement) { ((ParentElement) strategy).setParent(null); } } }
private PlotPoint getPlotPoint(int point) throws ElementNotVisibleException { if (point < 0) { throw new ElementNotVisibleException("Plot point ${point} not found"); } return getPlotPoints().get(point); }
public void select() { if (isDisabled()) throw new ElementNotVisibleException("RadioElement is disabled and not selectable."); click(); }
@Test (expectedExceptions = ElementNotVisibleException.class) public void whenClickOnNotVisibleElIGetError() {;; }
/** * fires the event. * * @param event * the event. * @return if fails. */ boolean fireEventAndWait(Eventable event) throws ElementNotVisibleException, InterruptedException;