private static Filter createFilter(BundleContext context, PersistenceUnit punit) { String filter; if (punit.getPersistenceProviderClassName() != null) { filter = String.format("(&(objectClass=%s)(%s=%s))", PersistenceProvider.class.getName(), JAVAX_PERSISTENCE_PROVIDER, punit.getPersistenceProviderClassName()); } else { filter = String.format("(objectClass=%s)", PersistenceProvider.class.getName()); } try { return context.createFilter(filter); } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } }
protected static Filter createFilter ( final String operand, final Filter... filters ) throws InvalidSyntaxException { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.append ( "(" ); sb.append ( operand ); for ( final Filter filter : filters ) { sb.append ( filter.toString () ); } sb.append ( ")" ); return FrameworkUtil.createFilter ( sb.toString () ); }
protected Filter createFilter () { try { Class<?> filterClazz; if ( this.clazz != null ) { filterClazz = this.clazz; } else { filterClazz = ConnectionService.class; } return FilterUtil.createAndFilter ( filterClazz.getName (), createFilterParameters () ); } catch ( final InvalidSyntaxException e ) { logger.warn ( "Failed to create filter", e ); return null; } }
public EventServiceImpl ( final BundleContext context ) throws InvalidSyntaxException { this.context = context; this.storeListener = new StoreListener () { @Override public void notify ( final Event event ) { EventServiceImpl.this.eventStored ( event ); } }; final Filter filter = FilterUtil.createClassFilter ( Storage.class.getName () ); this.storageTracker = new SingleServiceTracker<Storage> ( this.context, filter, new SingleServiceListener<Storage> () { @Override public void serviceChange ( final ServiceReference<Storage> reference, final Storage service ) { setStorage ( service ); } } ); (); }
@Before public void before() throws Exception { assertAllBundlesResolved(); // Track ArtifactInstaller service ONLY from bundle org.osc.installer Bundle installerBundle = findBundle("osc-installer"); Filter artifactInstallerTrackerFilter = FrameworkUtil.createFilter(String.format("(&(objectClass=%s)(service.bundleid=%d))", ArtifactInstaller.class.getName(), installerBundle.getBundleId())); this.artifactInstallerTracker = new ServiceTracker<>(this.bundleContext, artifactInstallerTrackerFilter, null);; // Wait up to 5 seconds for ArtifactInstaller to appear ArtifactInstaller artifactInstaller = this.artifactInstallerTracker.waitForService(5000); if (artifactInstaller == null) { fail("ArtifactInstaller service not available within 5 seconds"); } this.fwkInstallerTracker = new ServiceTracker<>(this.bundleContext, FrameworkInstaller.class, null);; }
private void sendInitialBootstrappingEvents(Set<MandatoryServiceDependency> deps) { // send the fine grained event List<OsgiServiceDependencyEvent> events = getUnsatisfiedDependenciesAsEvents(deps); for (OsgiServiceDependencyEvent nestedEvent : events) { BootstrappingDependencyEvent dependencyEvent = new BootstrappingDependencyEvent(context, context.getBundle(), nestedEvent); publishEvent(dependencyEvent); } // followed by the composite one String filterAsString = createDependencyFilter(deps); Filter filter = (filterAsString != null ? OsgiFilterUtils.createFilter(filterAsString) : null); BootstrappingDependenciesEvent event = new BootstrappingDependenciesEvent(context, context.getBundle(), events, filter, waitTime); publishEvent(event); }
/** * Constructs a new <code>BootstrappingDependencyEvent</code> instance. * * @param source */ public BootstrappingDependenciesEvent(ApplicationContext source, Bundle bundle, Collection<OsgiServiceDependencyEvent> nestedEvents, Filter filter, long timeLeft) { super(source, bundle); Assert.notNull(nestedEvents); this.dependencyEvents = nestedEvents; this.dependenciesFilter = filter; this.timeLeft = timeLeft; List<String> depFilters = new ArrayList<String>(dependencyEvents.size()); for (OsgiServiceDependencyEvent dependency : nestedEvents) { depFilters.add(dependency.getServiceDependency().getServiceFilter().toString()); } dependencyFilters = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(depFilters); }
/** * Constructs a new <code>DefaultOsgiServiceDependency</code> instance. * * @param beanName dependency bean name (can be null) * @param filter dependency OSGi filter (can be null) * @param mandatoryService flag indicating whether the dependency is * mandatory or not */ public DefaultOsgiServiceDependency(String beanName, Filter filter, boolean mandatoryService) { this.beanName = beanName; this.filter = filter; this.mandatoryService = mandatoryService; // calculate internal fields toString = "DependencyService[Name=" + (beanName != null ? beanName : "null") + "][Filter=" + filter + "][Mandatory=" + mandatoryService + "]"; int result = 17; result = 37 * result + DefaultOsgiServiceDependency.class.hashCode(); result = 37 * result + (filter == null ? 0 : filter.hashCode()); result = 37 * result + (beanName == null ? 0 : beanName.hashCode()); result = 37 * result + (mandatoryService ? 0 : 1); hashCode = result; }
/** * OSGi component lifecycle listener for actication and modification of this * service. * * @param componentContext * OSGi component context. * @param properties * OSGi configuration properties. * @throws Exception * is thrown if the activation or modification of the service * goes wrong. */ @Activate @Modified protected void activate(ComponentContext componentContext, Map<String, Object> properties) throws Exception { // Check if a service tracker for the context path exists and close it. if (_serviceTracker != null) { _serviceTracker.close(); } // Create a filter for ServletContext components and start tracking. Filter filter = FrameworkUtil .createFilter("(&(objectClass=" + ServletContext.class.getName() + ")(osgi.web.contextpath=*))"); _serviceTracker = new ServiceTracker<>(componentContext.getBundleContext(), filter, this);; }
@Test public void testNotifyListener() throws InvalidSyntaxException { EndpointDescription endpoint1 = createEndpoint("myClass"); EndpointDescription endpoint2 = createEndpoint("notMyClass"); // Expect listener to be called for endpoint1 but not for endpoint2 EndpointListener epl = listenerExpects(endpoint1, "(objectClass=myClass)"); EndpointRepository exportRepository = new EndpointRepository(); EndpointListenerNotifier tm = new EndpointListenerNotifier(exportRepository); EasyMock.replay(epl); Set<Filter> filters = new HashSet<Filter>(); filters.add(FrameworkUtil.createFilter("(objectClass=myClass)")); tm.add(epl, filters); tm.endpointAdded(endpoint1, null); tm.endpointAdded(endpoint2, null); tm.endpointRemoved(endpoint1, null); tm.endpointRemoved(endpoint2, null); EasyMock.verify(epl); }
@Test public void testNotifyListeners() throws InvalidSyntaxException { EndpointDescription endpoint1 = createEndpoint("myClass"); EndpointListener epl = EasyMock.createStrictMock(EndpointListener.class); epl.endpointAdded(EasyMock.eq(endpoint1), EasyMock.eq("(objectClass=myClass)")); EasyMock.expectLastCall().once(); epl.endpointRemoved(EasyMock.eq(endpoint1), EasyMock.eq("(objectClass=myClass)")); EasyMock.expectLastCall().once(); EndpointRepository exportRepository = new EndpointRepository(); EndpointListenerNotifier tm = new EndpointListenerNotifier(exportRepository); EasyMock.replay(epl); Set<Filter> filters = new HashSet<Filter>(); filters.add(FrameworkUtil.createFilter("(objectClass=myClass)")); tm.add(epl, filters); tm.endpointAdded(endpoint1, null); tm.endpointRemoved(endpoint1, null); tm.remove(epl); EasyMock.verify(epl); }
@Override public boolean test(CachingServiceReference<T> ref) { String target = (String)ref.getProperty(JAX_RS_WHITEBOARD_TARGET); if (target == null) { return true; } Filter filter; try { filter = FrameworkUtil.createFilter(target); } catch (InvalidSyntaxException ise) { if (_log.isErrorEnabled()) { _log.error("Invalid '{}' filter syntax in {}", JAX_RS_WHITEBOARD_TARGET, ref); } return false; } return filter.match(_serviceRuntimeReference); }
public Collection<RegistryServiceReference> findServices(String clazz, String filter) { ArrayList<RegistryServiceReference> refs = new ArrayList<RegistryServiceReference>(); try { Filter f = filter == null ? null : ctx.createFilter(filter); for ( RegistryServiceReference ref : references.values() ) { if ( clazz == null || clazz.equals( ref.getInterface() ) ) { if ( f == null || f.match( new Hashtable(ref.getProperties()) ) ) { refs.add( ref ); } } } } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } return refs; }
public ServiceReference[] getServiceReferences(String str, String str2) throws InvalidSyntaxException { Collection collection; checkValid(); Filter fromString = RFC1960Filter.fromString(str2); if (str == null) { collection =; } else { List list = (List) Framework.classes_services.get(str); if (list == null) { return null; } } List arrayList = new ArrayList(); ServiceReferenceImpl[] serviceReferenceImplArr = (ServiceReferenceImpl[]) collection.toArray(new ServiceReferenceImpl[collection.size()]); for (int i = 0; i < serviceReferenceImplArr.length; i++) { if (fromString.match(serviceReferenceImplArr[i])) { arrayList.add(serviceReferenceImplArr[i]); } } if (Framework.DEBUG_SERVICES && log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Framework: REQUESTED SERVICES " + str + " " + str2);"\tRETURNED " + arrayList); } return arrayList.size() == 0 ? null : (ServiceReference[]) arrayList.toArray(new ServiceReference[arrayList.size()]); }
public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof RFC1960Filter)) { return false; } RFC1960Filter rFC1960Filter = (RFC1960Filter) obj; if (this.operands.size() != rFC1960Filter.operands.size()) { return false; } Filter[] filterArr = (Filter[]) this.operands.toArray(new Filter[this.operands.size()]); Filter[] filterArr2 = (Filter[]) rFC1960Filter.operands.toArray(new Filter[this.operands.size()]); for (int i = EQUALS; i < filterArr.length; i += PRESENT) { if (!filterArr[i].equals(filterArr2[i])) { return false; } } return true; }
/** * Create a tracker for a specific object/filter combination. * * @param context The bundle context. Must be the context of the bundle we are extending * @param type The type of the service * @param subfilter The sub-filter for the service * @param waitTime The time, in ms, to wait for a service to become available * @throws InvalidSyntaxException In case the filter is incorrect */ Tracker(BundleContext context, Class<? extends T> type, String subfilter, long waitTime) throws InvalidSyntaxException { // Get the wiring. BundleWiring wiring = Helper.getWiring(context.getBundle()); // Get the filter from the class and the subfilter Filter filter = getFilter(type, subfilter); // Create a new proxy for this type. This proxy is used if a normal object is referenced. proxy = type.cast(Proxy.newProxyInstance( DelegatingClassLoader.from(Arrays.asList(wiring.getClassLoader(), type.getClassLoader())), new Class<?>[]{type}, new Wrapper<>(this::_getService))); // Construct the container for the tracked services that is i.e. returned by the collections variant. = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); this.trackedClass = type; this.waitTime = waitTime; // And start tracking the services. tracker = new ServiceTracker<>(context, filter, new Customizer<>(context,;; }
/** * The Constructor. * @param bundleContext * 插件所在的 bundle context * @param direction * 取<code>Converter.DIRECTION_POSITIVE</code>或 <code>Converter.DIRECTION_REVERSE</code> */ public ConverterTracker(BundleContext bundleContext, String direction) { this.direction = direction; supportTypes = new ArrayList<ConverterBean>(); this.context = bundleContext; String filterStr = new AndFilter(new EqFilter(Constants.OBJECTCLASS, Converter.class.getName()), new EqFilter( Converter.ATTR_DIRECTION, direction)).toString(); Filter filter = null; try { filter = context.createFilter(filterStr); } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) { // ignore the exception e.printStackTrace(); } if (filter != null) { converterServiceTracker = new ServiceTracker(context, filter, new ConverterCustomizer()); }; }
@Override public void start(final BundleContext context) throws Exception { JerseyExtenderImpl jerseyExtender = new JerseyExtenderImpl(context); Filter filter = FrameworkUtil.createFilter("(" + JerseyExtenderConstants.SERVICE_PROP_JERSEY_COMPONENT + "=true)"); tracker = new ServiceTracker<Object, ServiceRegistration<Servlet>>(context, filter, jerseyExtender);; jerseyExtenderSR = context.registerService(JerseyExtender.class, jerseyExtender, new Hashtable<String, Object>()); JerseyExtenderWebConsolePlugin webConsolePlugin = new JerseyExtenderWebConsolePlugin(jerseyExtender); Hashtable<String, Object> webConsoleProps = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); webConsoleProps.put("felix.webconsole.title", webConsolePlugin.getTitle()); webConsoleProps.put("felix.webconsole.label", webConsolePlugin.getLabel()); webConsolePluginSR = context.registerService(Servlet.class, webConsolePlugin, webConsoleProps); }
private boolean areNewRequirementsSame(final RequirementDefinition<C>[] newRequirements) { if (newRequirements.length != suitings.length) { return false; } for (int i = 0, n = suitings.length; i < n; i++) { RequirementDefinition<C> oldRequirement = suitings[i].getRequirement(); RequirementDefinition<C> newRequirement = newRequirements[i]; Filter oldFilter = oldRequirement.getFilter(); Filter newFilter = newRequirement.getFilter(); if (oldRequirement != newRequirement || !oldRequirement.getRequirementId().equals(newRequirement.getRequirementId()) || !Objects.equals(oldFilter, newFilter) || !oldRequirement.getAttributes().equals(newRequirement.getAttributes())) { return false; } } return true; }
private C searchMatchingCapabilityForRequirement(final RequirementDefinition<C> requirement) { if (!opened) { return null; } C[] availableCapabilities = getAvailableCapabilities(); if (availableCapabilities == null) { return null; } C matchingCapability = null; for (int i = 0, n = availableCapabilities.length; (i < n) && (matchingCapability == null); i++) { Filter filter = requirement.getFilter(); if (matches(availableCapabilities[i], filter)) { matchingCapability = availableCapabilities[i]; } } return matchingCapability; }
/** * Gets filter from an object * * @param object * @return filter */ private Filter getFilter(Object object) { if (object instanceof String) { try { return FrameworkUtil.createFilter((String) object); } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The filter string could not be parsed into a filter", e); } } else if (object instanceof Filter) { return (Filter) object; } else if (object == null) { return ALLOW_ALL; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The filter must be null, string or Filter"); } }
/** * Returns and instance of {@link Filter}. * * @param capabilityNameList all the required capability services. * @return LDAP like filter */ private Filter getORFilter(List<String> capabilityNameList) { StringBuilder orFilterBuilder = new StringBuilder(); orFilterBuilder.append("(|"); for (String service : capabilityNameList) { orFilterBuilder.append("(").append(OBJECT_CLASS).append("=").append(service).append(")"); } orFilterBuilder.append(")"); BundleContext bundleContext = DataHolder.getInstance().getBundleContext(); try { return bundleContext.createFilter(orFilterBuilder.toString()); } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) { throw new StartOrderResolverException("Error occurred while creating the service filter", e); } }
public MandatoryServiceDependency(BundleContext bc, Filter serviceFilter, boolean isMandatory, String beanName) { filter = serviceFilter; this.filterAsString = filter.toString(); this.isMandatory = isMandatory; bundleContext = bc; this.beanName = beanName; serviceDependency = new OsgiServiceDependency() { public String getBeanName() { return MandatoryServiceDependency.this.beanName; } public Filter getServiceFilter() { return MandatoryServiceDependency.this.filter; } public boolean isMandatory() { return MandatoryServiceDependency.this.isMandatory; } }; }
/** * Assembles the configuration properties into one unified OSGi filter. Note * that this implementation creates the filter on the first call and caches * it afterwards. * * @return unified filter based on this factory bean configuration */ public Filter getUnifiedFilter() { if (unifiedFilter != null) { return unifiedFilter; } String filterWithClasses = OsgiFilterUtils.unifyFilter(interfaces, filter); boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled(); if (trace) log.trace("Unified classes=" + ObjectUtils.nullSafeToString(interfaces) + " and filter=[" + filter + "] in=[" + filterWithClasses + "]"); // add the serviceBeanName constraint String filterWithServiceBeanName = OsgiFilterUtils.unifyFilter( OsgiServicePropertiesResolver.BEAN_NAME_PROPERTY_KEY, new String[] { serviceBeanName }, filterWithClasses); if (trace) log.trace("Unified serviceBeanName [" + ObjectUtils.nullSafeToString(serviceBeanName) + "] and filter=[" + filterWithClasses + "] in=[" + filterWithServiceBeanName + "]"); // create (which implies validation) the actual filter unifiedFilter = OsgiFilterUtils.createFilter(filterWithServiceBeanName); return unifiedFilter; }
public boolean matches(ServiceReference sr, BundleContext bc) throws Exception { if (getBSN() != null) { if (!bc.getBundle().getSymbolicName().matches(getBSN())) { return false; } } if (getBundleVersion() != null) { if (!bc.getBundle().getVersion().equals(getBundleVersion())) { return false; } } if (getServiceFilter() != null) { Filter f = bc.createFilter(getServiceFilter()); return f.match(sr); } else { return false; } }
public void testHideService() throws Exception { ServiceHandlerCatalog shc = new ServiceHandlerCatalog(); RestrictRule r = new RestrictRule(); r.setBSN(".*Foo"); r.setServiceFilter("(objectClass=java.lang.String)"); r.setExtraFilter("(test=blah)"); shc.restrictRules.add(r); ServiceReference sr = mock(ServiceReference.class); BundleContext bc = mock(BundleContext.class); Bundle b = mock(Bundle.class); when(b.getSymbolicName()).thenReturn("TestFoo"); when(bc.getBundle()).thenReturn(b); Filter filter = mock(Filter.class); when(filter.match(sr)).thenReturn(false); when(bc.createFilter("(test=blah)")).thenReturn(filter); Filter filter2 = mock(Filter.class); when(filter2.match(sr)).thenReturn(true); when(bc.createFilter("(objectClass=java.lang.String)")).thenReturn(filter2); assertTrue(shc.hideService(sr, bc)); }
public void testDontHideService() throws Exception { ServiceHandlerCatalog shc = new ServiceHandlerCatalog(); RestrictRule r = new RestrictRule(); r.setServiceFilter("(objectClass=java.lang.String)"); r.setExtraFilter("(test=blah)"); shc.restrictRules.add(r); ServiceReference sr = mock(ServiceReference.class); BundleContext bc = mock(BundleContext.class); Filter filter = mock(Filter.class); when(filter.match(sr)).thenReturn(true); when(bc.createFilter("(test=blah)")).thenReturn(filter); Filter filter2 = mock(Filter.class); when(filter2.match(sr)).thenReturn(true); when(bc.createFilter("(objectClass=java.lang.String)")).thenReturn(filter2); assertFalse(shc.hideService(sr, bc)); }
@Test public void testGetFilterFromString() { Filter f = null; try { f = FuchsiaUtils.getFilter("(!(key=value))"); } catch (InvalidFilterException e) { fail("GetFilter thrown an exception on a valid String filter", e); } assertThat(f).isNotNull().isInstanceOf(Filter.class); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("key", "value"); assertThat(f.matches(map)).isFalse(); map.clear(); map.put("key", "not-value"); assertThat(f.matches(map)).isTrue(); map.clear(); map.put("not-key", "value"); assertThat(f.matches(map)).isTrue(); }
/** * Constructor * * @param log * the log service to use */ public RepoIndex(LogService log) { this.log = log; this.bundleAnalyzer = new BundleAnalyzer(log); this.frameworkAnalyzer = new OSGiFrameworkAnalyzer(log); this.scrAnalyzer = new SCRAnalyzer(log); this.blueprintAnalyzer = new BlueprintAnalyzer(log); try { Filter allFilter = createFilter("(name=*.jar)"); addAnalyzer(bundleAnalyzer, allFilter); addAnalyzer(frameworkAnalyzer, allFilter); addAnalyzer(scrAnalyzer, allFilter); addAnalyzer(blueprintAnalyzer, allFilter); } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError("Unexpected internal error compiling filter"); } }
public IndexResult indexFile(File file) throws Exception { IndexResult result = new IndexResult(); result.resource = new JarResource(file); result.signature = getSignature(); synchronized (analyzers) { for (Pair<ResourceAnalyzer, Filter> entry : analyzers) { ResourceAnalyzer analyzer = entry.getFirst(); Filter filter = entry.getSecond(); if (filter == null || filter.match(result.resource.getProperties())) { analyzer.analyzeResource(result.resource, result.capabilities, result.requirements); } } } return result; }
@Override public void testExistingReference() { Hashtable<String, Object> properties = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); properties.put("testservice", "true"); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") ServiceRegistration<List> existingSR = bundleContext.registerService(List.class, new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("Test")), properties); try { Filter filter = createTestFilter(); Reference reference = new Reference(bundleContext, new Class<?>[] { List.class }, filter, 1); Assert.assertEquals(filter, reference.getFilter());; List<String> proxyInstance = reference.getProxyInstance(); Assert.assertTrue(proxyInstance.contains("Test")); reference.close(); } finally { existingSR.unregister(); } }
/** * A constructor that initializes the object and creates the necessary {@link ServiceTracker}. The {@link #open()} * function has to be called before using the {@link #proxyInstance}. * * @param context * The context of the bundle that needs the reference. * @param interfaces * The interfaces that the {@link #proxyInstance} should be able to be casted. * @param filter * The filter expression that the available services will be checked against. * @param timeout * The timeout until the functions calls on {@link #proxyInstance} will wait if no service is available. */ public Reference(final BundleContext context, final Class<?>[] interfaces, final Filter filter, final long timeout) { if (filter == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The filter parameter cannot be null"); } if ((interfaces == null) || (interfaces.length == 0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of required interfaces must be at least one."); } this.filter = filter; serviceTrackerCustomizer = new ReferenceTrackerCustomizer(context, interfaces); serviceTracker = new ServiceTracker<Object, Object>(context, filter, serviceTrackerCustomizer); referenceInvocationHandler = new ReferenceInvocationHandler(this, serviceTracker, filter.toString(), timeout); Bundle blueprintBundle = context.getBundle(); ClassLoader classLoader = blueprintBundle.adapt(BundleWiring.class).getClassLoader(); // TODO check if classloader is null and handle it. It could be null in case of special security circumstances. proxyInstance = Proxy.newProxyInstance(classLoader, interfaces, referenceInvocationHandler); }
/** * @return the instance Location service */ public Location getInstanceLocation() { if (locationTracker == null) { Filter filter = null; try { filter = context.createFilter(Location.INSTANCE_FILTER); } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) { // ignore this. It should never happen as we have tested the // above format. } locationTracker = new ServiceTracker<Location, Location>(context, filter, null);; } return locationTracker.getService(); }
static Filter createFilter(BundleContext context, String driverClass, String puName) { if (driverClass == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No javax.persistence.jdbc.driver supplied in persistence.xml"); } String filter = String.format("(&(objectClass=%s)(%s=%s))", DataSourceFactory.class.getName(), DataSourceFactory.OSGI_JDBC_DRIVER_CLASS, driverClass);"Tracking DataSourceFactory for punit " + puName + " with filter " + filter); try { return context.createFilter(filter); } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } }
static Filter createFilter(BundleContext context, String dsName, String puName) { if (dsName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No DataSource supplied in persistence.xml"); } String subFilter = getSubFilter(dsName); String filter = String.format("(&(objectClass=%s)%s)", DataSource.class.getName(), subFilter);"Tracking DataSource for punit " + puName + " with filter " + filter); try { return context.createFilter(filter); } catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Before public void setup() throws Exception { when(punit.getPersistenceUnitName()).thenReturn("test-props"); when(punit.getPersistenceProviderClassName()) .thenReturn(ECLIPSE_PERSISTENCE_PROVIDER); when(punit.getTransactionType()).thenReturn(PersistenceUnitTransactionType.JTA); when(punit.getBundle()).thenReturn(punitBundle); when(punit.getProperties()).thenReturn(punitProperties); when(punitBundle.getBundleContext()).thenReturn(punitContext); when(punitBundle.getVersion()).thenReturn(Version.parseVersion("1.2.3")); when(containerContext.registerService(eq(ManagedService.class), any(ManagedService.class), any(Dictionary.class))).thenReturn(msReg); when(containerContext.getService(dsfRef)).thenReturn(dsf); when(containerContext.getService(dsRef)).thenReturn(ds); when(containerContext.createFilter(Mockito.anyString())) .thenAnswer(new Answer<Filter>() { @Override public Filter answer(InvocationOnMock i) throws Throwable { return FrameworkUtil.createFilter(i.getArguments()[0].toString()); } }); when(punitContext.registerService(eq(EntityManagerFactory.class), any(EntityManagerFactory.class), any(Dictionary.class))).thenReturn(emfReg); when(emf.isOpen()).thenReturn(true); Properties jdbcProps = new Properties(); jdbcProps.setProperty("url", JDBC_URL); jdbcProps.setProperty("user", JDBC_USER); jdbcProps.setProperty("password", JDBC_PASSWORD); when(dsf.createDataSource(jdbcProps)).thenReturn(ds); }
public ObjectPoolTracker ( final BundleContext context, final String poolClass ) throws InvalidSyntaxException { final Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String> (); parameters.put ( ObjectPool.OBJECT_POOL_CLASS, poolClass ); final Filter filter = FilterUtil.createAndFilter ( ObjectPool.class.getName (), parameters ); this.poolTracker = new ServiceTracker<ObjectPool<S>, ObjectPool<S>> ( context, filter, new ServiceTrackerCustomizer<ObjectPool<S>, ObjectPool<S>> () { @Override public void removedService ( final ServiceReference<ObjectPool<S>> reference, final ObjectPool<S> service ) { context.ungetService ( reference ); ObjectPoolTracker.this.removePool ( service ); } @Override public void modifiedService ( final ServiceReference<ObjectPool<S>> reference, final ObjectPool<S> service ) { ObjectPoolTracker.this.modifyPool ( service, reference ); } @Override public ObjectPool<S> addingService ( final ServiceReference<ObjectPool<S>> reference ) { final ObjectPool<S> o = context.getService ( reference ); ObjectPoolTracker.this.addPool ( o, reference ); return o; } } ); }