public static OFFlowModCommand ofWireValue(byte val) { switch(val) { case ADD_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.ADD; case MODIFY_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.MODIFY; case MODIFY_STRICT_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.MODIFY_STRICT; case DELETE_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.DELETE; case DELETE_STRICT_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.DELETE_STRICT; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal wire value for type OFFlowModCommand in version 1.2: " + val); } }
public static byte toWireValue(OFFlowModCommand e) { switch(e) { case ADD: return ADD_VAL; case MODIFY: return MODIFY_VAL; case MODIFY_STRICT: return MODIFY_STRICT_VAL; case DELETE: return DELETE_VAL; case DELETE_STRICT: return DELETE_STRICT_VAL; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal enum value for type OFFlowModCommand in version 1.2: " + e); } }
public static OFFlowModCommand ofWireValue(byte val) { switch(val) { case ADD_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.ADD; case MODIFY_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.MODIFY; case MODIFY_STRICT_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.MODIFY_STRICT; case DELETE_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.DELETE; case DELETE_STRICT_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.DELETE_STRICT; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal wire value for type OFFlowModCommand in version 1.3: " + val); } }
public static byte toWireValue(OFFlowModCommand e) { switch(e) { case ADD: return ADD_VAL; case MODIFY: return MODIFY_VAL; case MODIFY_STRICT: return MODIFY_STRICT_VAL; case DELETE: return DELETE_VAL; case DELETE_STRICT: return DELETE_STRICT_VAL; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal enum value for type OFFlowModCommand in version 1.3: " + e); } }
public static OFFlowModCommand ofWireValue(short val) { switch(val) { case ADD_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.ADD; case MODIFY_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.MODIFY; case MODIFY_STRICT_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.MODIFY_STRICT; case DELETE_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.DELETE; case DELETE_STRICT_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.DELETE_STRICT; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal wire value for type OFFlowModCommand in version 1.0: " + val); } }
public static short toWireValue(OFFlowModCommand e) { switch(e) { case ADD: return ADD_VAL; case MODIFY: return MODIFY_VAL; case MODIFY_STRICT: return MODIFY_STRICT_VAL; case DELETE: return DELETE_VAL; case DELETE_STRICT: return DELETE_STRICT_VAL; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal enum value for type OFFlowModCommand in version 1.0: " + e); } }
public static OFFlowModCommand ofWireValue(byte val) { switch(val) { case ADD_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.ADD; case MODIFY_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.MODIFY; case MODIFY_STRICT_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.MODIFY_STRICT; case DELETE_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.DELETE; case DELETE_STRICT_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.DELETE_STRICT; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal wire value for type OFFlowModCommand in version 1.1: " + val); } }
public static byte toWireValue(OFFlowModCommand e) { switch(e) { case ADD: return ADD_VAL; case MODIFY: return MODIFY_VAL; case MODIFY_STRICT: return MODIFY_STRICT_VAL; case DELETE: return DELETE_VAL; case DELETE_STRICT: return DELETE_STRICT_VAL; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal enum value for type OFFlowModCommand in version 1.1: " + e); } }
public static OFFlowModCommand ofWireValue(byte val) { switch(val) { case ADD_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.ADD; case MODIFY_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.MODIFY; case MODIFY_STRICT_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.MODIFY_STRICT; case DELETE_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.DELETE; case DELETE_STRICT_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.DELETE_STRICT; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal wire value for type OFFlowModCommand in version 1.4: " + val); } }
public static byte toWireValue(OFFlowModCommand e) { switch(e) { case ADD: return ADD_VAL; case MODIFY: return MODIFY_VAL; case MODIFY_STRICT: return MODIFY_STRICT_VAL; case DELETE: return DELETE_VAL; case DELETE_STRICT: return DELETE_STRICT_VAL; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal enum value for type OFFlowModCommand in version 1.4: " + e); } }
public static OFFlowModCommand ofWireValue(byte val) { switch(val) { case ADD_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.ADD; case MODIFY_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.MODIFY; case MODIFY_STRICT_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.MODIFY_STRICT; case DELETE_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.DELETE; case DELETE_STRICT_VAL: return OFFlowModCommand.DELETE_STRICT; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal wire value for type OFFlowModCommand in version 1.5: " + val); } }
public static byte toWireValue(OFFlowModCommand e) { switch(e) { case ADD: return ADD_VAL; case MODIFY: return MODIFY_VAL; case MODIFY_STRICT: return MODIFY_STRICT_VAL; case DELETE: return DELETE_VAL; case DELETE_STRICT: return DELETE_STRICT_VAL; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal enum value for type OFFlowModCommand in version 1.5: " + e); } }
@Test public void deleteFlow() throws Exception { Capture<OFFlowMod> capture = prepareForInstallTest(); switchManager.deleteFlow(dpid, cookieHex, cookie); final OFFlowMod actual = capture.getValue(); assertEquals(OFFlowModCommand.DELETE, actual.getCommand()); assertEquals(Long.valueOf(cookieHex, 16).longValue(), actual.getCookie().getValue()); assertEquals(SwitchManager.NON_SYSTEM_MASK, actual.getCookieMask()); }
/** * Processes a flow removed message. We will delete the learned MAC/VLAN mapping from * the switch's table. * @param sw The switch that sent the flow removed message. * @param flowRemovedMessage The flow removed message. * @return Whether to continue processing this message or stop. */ private Command processFlowRemovedMessage(IOFSwitch sw, OFFlowRemoved flowRemovedMessage) { if (!flowRemovedMessage.getCookie().equals(U64.of(LearningSwitch.LEARNING_SWITCH_COOKIE))) { return Command.CONTINUE; } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("{} flow entry removed {}", sw, flowRemovedMessage); } Match match = flowRemovedMessage.getMatch(); // When a flow entry expires, it means the device with the matching source // MAC address and VLAN either stopped sending packets or moved to a different // port. If the device moved, we can't know where it went until it sends // another packet, allowing us to re-learn its port. Meanwhile we remove // it from the macVlanToPortMap to revert to flooding packets to this device. this.removeFromPortMap(sw, match.get(MatchField.ETH_SRC), match.get(MatchField.VLAN_VID) == null ? VlanVid.ZERO : match.get(MatchField.VLAN_VID).getVlanVid()); // Also, if packets keep coming from another device (e.g. from ping), the // corresponding reverse flow entry will never expire on its own and will // send the packets to the wrong port (the matching input port of the // expired flow entry), so we must delete the reverse entry explicitly. Match.Builder mb = sw.getOFFactory().buildMatch(); mb.setExact(MatchField.ETH_SRC, match.get(MatchField.ETH_DST)) .setExact(MatchField.ETH_DST, match.get(MatchField.ETH_SRC)); if (match.get(MatchField.VLAN_VID) != null) { mb.setExact(MatchField.VLAN_VID, match.get(MatchField.VLAN_VID)); } this.writeFlowMod(sw, OFFlowModCommand.DELETE, OFBufferId.NO_BUFFER,, match.get(MatchField.IN_PORT)); return Command.CONTINUE; }
public static OFFlowModCommand readFrom(ChannelBuffer bb) throws OFParseError { try { return ofWireValue(bb.readByte()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new OFParseError(e); } }
public static OFFlowModCommand readFrom(ChannelBuffer bb) throws OFParseError { try { return ofWireValue(bb.readShort()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new OFParseError(e); } }
/** * Gets a value indicating whether the given FlowMod messages create a conflict in their action sets. * * @param offm1 The first OFFlowMod. * @param offm2 The second OFFlowMod. * @return True, if a conflict was found. False otherwise. */ public static boolean getActionConflicts(OFFlowMod offm1, OFFlowMod offm2) { // only possible on following command constellations: ADD-ADD, ADD-MODIFY, MODIFY-MODIFY, MODIFY-DELETE (or NOT DELETE-DELETE) OFFlowModCommand c1 = offm1.getCommand(); OFFlowModCommand c2 = offm2.getCommand(); if (c1 != DELETE && c1 != DELETE_STRICT && c2 != DELETE && c2 != DELETE_STRICT) { return offm1.getActions().stream().anyMatch(a -> offm2.getActions().stream().anyMatch(a::equals)); } return false; }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { factory10 = OFFactories.getFactory(OFVersion.OF_10); idAdded = new ArrayList<Long>(); idRemoved = new ArrayList<Long>(); pusher = createMock(FlowPusher.class); expect(pusher.suspend(anyObject(Dpid.class))).andReturn(true).anyTimes(); expect(pusher.resume(anyObject(Dpid.class))).andReturn(true).anyTimes(); pusher.add(anyObject(Dpid.class), anyObject(OFMessage.class), eq(MsgPriority.HIGH)); expectLastCall().andAnswer(new IAnswer<Object>() { @Override public Object answer() throws Throwable { OFMessage msg = (OFMessage) getCurrentArguments()[1]; if (msg.getType().equals(OFType.FLOW_MOD)) { OFFlowMod fm = (OFFlowMod) msg; if (fm.getCommand() == OFFlowModCommand.DELETE_STRICT) { idRemoved.add(fm.getCookie().getValue()); } } return null; } }).anyTimes(); pusher.pushFlowEntry(anyObject(Dpid.class), anyObject(FlowEntry.class), eq(MsgPriority.HIGH)); expectLastCall().andAnswer(new IAnswer<Object>() { @Override public Object answer() throws Throwable { FlowEntry flow = (FlowEntry) getCurrentArguments()[1]; idAdded.add(flow.getFlowEntryId()); return null; } }).anyTimes(); replay(pusher); }