Java 类org.springframework.transaction.NestedTransactionNotSupportedException 实例源码

项目:spring4-understanding    文件   
public void propagationNestedFailsInCaseOfExistingTransaction() {
    MockUOWManager manager = new MockUOWManager();
    WebSphereUowTransactionManager ptm = new WebSphereUowTransactionManager(manager);
    DefaultTransactionDefinition definition = new DefaultTransactionDefinition();

    try {
        ptm.execute(definition, new TransactionCallback<String>() {
            public String doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
                return "result";
        fail("Should have thrown NestedTransactionNotSupportedException");
    catch (NestedTransactionNotSupportedException ex) {
        // expected
项目:class-guard    文件   
public void testPropagationNestedFailsInCaseOfExistingTransaction() {
    MockUOWManager manager = new MockUOWManager();
    WebSphereUowTransactionManager ptm = new WebSphereUowTransactionManager(manager);
    DefaultTransactionDefinition definition = new DefaultTransactionDefinition();

    try {
        ptm.execute(definition, new TransactionCallback() {
            public Object doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
                return "result";
        fail("Should have thrown NestedTransactionNotSupportedException");
    catch (NestedTransactionNotSupportedException ex) {
        // expected
项目:lams    文件   
 * This implementation exposes the SavepointManager interface
 * of the underlying transaction object, if any.
protected SavepointManager getSavepointManager() {
    if (!isTransactionSavepointManager()) {
        throw new NestedTransactionNotSupportedException(
            "Transaction object [" + getTransaction() + "] does not support savepoints");
    return (SavepointManager) getTransaction();
项目:lams    文件   
protected ConnectionHolder getConnectionHolderForSavepoint() throws TransactionException {
    if (!isSavepointAllowed()) {
        throw new NestedTransactionNotSupportedException(
                "Transaction manager does not allow nested transactions");
    if (!hasConnectionHolder()) {
        throw new TransactionUsageException(
                "Cannot create nested transaction if not exposing a JDBC transaction");
    return getConnectionHolder();
项目:lams    文件   
private SavepointManager getSavepointManager() {
    if (!isSavepointAllowed()) {
        throw new NestedTransactionNotSupportedException(
                "Transaction manager does not allow nested transactions");
    SavepointManager savepointManager = getEntityManagerHolder().getSavepointManager();
    if (savepointManager == null) {
        throw new NestedTransactionNotSupportedException(
                "JpaDialect does not support savepoints - check your JPA provider's capabilities");
    return savepointManager;
项目:spring4-understanding    文件   
private SavepointManager getSavepointManager() {
    if (!isSavepointAllowed()) {
        throw new NestedTransactionNotSupportedException(
                "Transaction manager does not allow nested transactions");
    SavepointManager savepointManager = getEntityManagerHolder().getSavepointManager();
    if (savepointManager == null) {
        throw new NestedTransactionNotSupportedException(
                "JpaDialect does not support savepoints - check your JPA provider's capabilities");
    return savepointManager;
项目:spring4-understanding    文件   
 * This implementation exposes the SavepointManager interface
 * of the underlying transaction object, if any.
protected SavepointManager getSavepointManager() {
    if (!isTransactionSavepointManager()) {
        throw new NestedTransactionNotSupportedException(
            "Transaction object [" + getTransaction() + "] does not support savepoints");
    return (SavepointManager) getTransaction();
项目:spring4-understanding    文件   
 * This implementation creates a JDBC 3.0 Savepoint and returns it.
 * @see java.sql.Connection#setSavepoint
public Object createSavepoint() throws TransactionException {
    ConnectionHolder conHolder = getConnectionHolderForSavepoint();
    try {
        if (!conHolder.supportsSavepoints()) {
            throw new NestedTransactionNotSupportedException(
                    "Cannot create a nested transaction because savepoints are not supported by your JDBC driver");
        return conHolder.createSavepoint();
    catch (SQLException ex) {
        throw new CannotCreateTransactionException("Could not create JDBC savepoint", ex);
项目:spring4-understanding    文件   
protected ConnectionHolder getConnectionHolderForSavepoint() throws TransactionException {
    if (!isSavepointAllowed()) {
        throw new NestedTransactionNotSupportedException(
                "Transaction manager does not allow nested transactions");
    if (!hasConnectionHolder()) {
        throw new TransactionUsageException(
                "Cannot create nested transaction if not exposing a JDBC transaction");
    return getConnectionHolder();
项目:xap-openspaces    文件   
protected void doBegin(Object transaction, TransactionDefinition definition) throws TransactionException {
    JiniTransactionObject txObject = (JiniTransactionObject) transaction;
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
        logger.trace(logMessage("Beginning transaction [" + txObject + "]"));
    try {
        doJiniBegin(txObject, definition);
    } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {
        // assume nested transaction not supported
        throw new NestedTransactionNotSupportedException("Implementation does not ex nested transactions", ex);
项目:ef-orm    文件   
public Object createSavepoint() throws TransactionException {
    String savepointName = ConnectionHolder.SAVEPOINT_NAME_PREFIX + this.savepointCounter;
    try {
        Savepoint sp=this.entityManager.setSavepoint(savepointName);
        return sp;
    } catch (SavepointNotSupportedException e) {
        throw new NestedTransactionNotSupportedException("Cannot create a nested transaction because savepoints are not supported.");
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
        throw new CannotCreateTransactionException("Could not create JDBC savepoint", ex);
项目:class-guard    文件   
private SavepointManager getSavepointManager() {
    if (!isSavepointAllowed()) {
        throw new NestedTransactionNotSupportedException(
                "Transaction manager does not allow nested transactions");
    SavepointManager savepointManager = getEntityManagerHolder().getSavepointManager();
    if (savepointManager == null) {
        throw new NestedTransactionNotSupportedException(
                "JpaDialect does not support savepoints - check your JPA provider's capabilities");
    return savepointManager;
项目:class-guard    文件   
 * This implementation exposes the SavepointManager interface
 * of the underlying transaction object, if any.
protected SavepointManager getSavepointManager() {
    if (!isTransactionSavepointManager()) {
        throw new NestedTransactionNotSupportedException(
            "Transaction object [" + getTransaction() + "] does not support savepoints");
    return (SavepointManager) getTransaction();
项目:class-guard    文件   
protected ConnectionHolder getConnectionHolderForSavepoint() throws TransactionException {
    if (!isSavepointAllowed()) {
        throw new NestedTransactionNotSupportedException(
                "Transaction manager does not allow nested transactions");
    if (!hasConnectionHolder()) {
        throw new TransactionUsageException(
                "Cannot create nested transaction if not exposing a JDBC transaction");
    return getConnectionHolder();
项目:hazelcastmq    文件   
 * Returns the transaction context holder bound to the current transaction. If
 * one cannot be found and a transaction is active, a new one will be created
 * and bound to the thread. If one cannot be found and a transaction is not
 * active, this method returns null.
 * @param hazelcastInstance the Hazelcast instance used to create begin a
 * transaction if needed
 * @return the transaction context holder if a transaction is active, null
 * otherwise
private static TransactionContext getHazelcastTransactionContext(
    HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance,
    boolean synchedLocalTransactionAllowed) {

  HazelcastTransactionContextHolder conHolder =
      (HazelcastTransactionContextHolder) TransactionSynchronizationManager.

  if (conHolder != null && (conHolder.hasTransactionContext() || conHolder.
      isSynchronizedWithTransaction())) {
    // We are already synchronized with the transaction which means
    // someone already requested a transactional resource or the transaction
    // is being managed at the top level by HazelcastTransactionManager.

    if (!conHolder.hasTransactionContext()) {
      // I think this means we are synchronized with the transaction but
      // we don't have a transactional context because the transaction was
      // suspended. I don't see how we can do this with Hazelcast because
      // it binds the transaction context to the thread and doesn't
      // supported nested transactions. Maybe I'm missing something.

      throw new NestedTransactionNotSupportedException("Trying to resume a "
          + "Hazelcast transaction? Can't do that.");
  else if (TransactionSynchronizationManager.isSynchronizationActive()
      && synchedLocalTransactionAllowed) {
    // No holder or no transaction context but we want to be
    // synchronized to the transaction.
    if (conHolder == null) {
      conHolder = new HazelcastTransactionContextHolder();

    TransactionContext transactionContext = hazelcastInstance.

        new HazelcastTransactionSynchronization(conHolder, hazelcastInstance));

  return conHolder != null ? conHolder.getTransactionContext() : null;
项目:lams    文件   
 * Return a SavepointManager for the underlying transaction, if possible.
 * <p>Default implementation always throws a NestedTransactionNotSupportedException.
 * @throws org.springframework.transaction.NestedTransactionNotSupportedException
 * if the underlying transaction does not support savepoints
protected SavepointManager getSavepointManager() {
    throw new NestedTransactionNotSupportedException("This transaction does not support savepoints");
项目:spring4-understanding    文件   
 * Return a SavepointManager for the underlying transaction, if possible.
 * <p>Default implementation always throws a NestedTransactionNotSupportedException.
 * @throws org.springframework.transaction.NestedTransactionNotSupportedException
 * if the underlying transaction does not support savepoints
protected SavepointManager getSavepointManager() {
    throw new NestedTransactionNotSupportedException("This transaction does not support savepoints");
项目:class-guard    文件   
 * Return a SavepointManager for the underlying transaction, if possible.
 * <p>Default implementation always throws a NestedTransactionNotSupportedException.
 * @throws org.springframework.transaction.NestedTransactionNotSupportedException
 * if the underlying transaction does not support savepoints
protected SavepointManager getSavepointManager() {
    throw new NestedTransactionNotSupportedException("This transaction does not support savepoints");