private void calculate() { if (!this.counts.isEmpty()) return; int passed = 0; int failed = 0; int skipped = 0; for (ISuite suite : this.reports) { for (ISuiteResult result : suite.getResults().values()) { final ITestContext testContext = result.getTestContext(); passed += testContext.getPassedTests().size(); failed += testContext.getFailedTests().size(); skipped += testContext.getSkippedTests().size(); } } this.counts.add(0, passed + failed + skipped); this.counts.add(1, failed); this.counts.add(2, skipped); }
protected TestClassContext(Class testClass, AbstractTest testInstance, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClassToInvokeMethods, ITestContext testContext) { this.testClass = testClass; this.testInstance = testInstance; this.annotationClassToInvokeMethods = annotationClassToInvokeMethods; if (testContext.getExcludedGroups() == null) { this.excludedGroups = new String[0]; } else { this.excludedGroups = Arrays.copyOf(testContext.getExcludedGroups(), testContext.getExcludedGroups().length); } if (testContext.getIncludedGroups() == null) { this.includedGroups = new String[0]; } else { this.includedGroups = Arrays.copyOf(testContext.getIncludedGroups(), testContext.getIncludedGroups().length); } this.testContext = testContext; }
/** * Creates a section showing known results for each method */ protected void generateMethodDetailReport(List<ISuite> suites) { m_methodIndex = 0; for (ISuite suite : suites) { Map<String, ISuiteResult> r = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r2 : r.values()) { ITestContext testContext = r2.getTestContext(); if (r.values().size() > 0) { m_out.println("<h1>" + testContext.getName() + "</h1>"); } resultDetail(testContext.getFailedConfigurations(), "failed"); resultDetail(testContext.getFailedTests(), "failed"); resultDetail(testContext.getSkippedConfigurations(), "skipped"); resultDetail(testContext.getSkippedTests(), "skipped"); resultDetail(testContext.getPassedTests(), "passed"); } } }
@Override public void afterInvocation(final IInvokedMethod method, final ITestResult testResult, final ITestContext context) { final ITestNGMethod testMethod = method.getTestMethod(); if (isSupportedConfigurationFixture(testMethod)) { final String executableUuid = currentExecutable.get(); currentExecutable.remove(); if (testResult.isSuccess()) { getLifecycle().updateFixture(executableUuid, result -> result.withStatus(Status.PASSED)); } else { getLifecycle().updateFixture(executableUuid, result -> result .withStatus(getStatus(testResult.getThrowable())) .withStatusDetails(getStatusDetails(testResult.getThrowable()).orElse(null))); } getLifecycle().stopFixture(executableUuid); if (testMethod.isBeforeMethodConfiguration() || testMethod.isAfterMethodConfiguration()) { final String containerUuid = currentTestContainer.get(); validateContainerExists(getQualifiedName(testMethod), containerUuid); currentTestContainer.remove(); getLifecycle().stopTestContainer(containerUuid); getLifecycle().writeTestContainer(containerUuid); } } }
/** Creates a section showing known results for each method */ protected void generateMethodDetailReport(List<ISuite> suites) { for (ISuite suite : suites) { Map<String, ISuiteResult> r = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r2 : r.values()) { ITestContext testContext = r2.getTestContext(); if (r.values().size() > 0) { m_out.println("<h1>" + testContext.getName() + "</h1>"); } resultDetail(testContext.getFailedConfigurations()); resultDetail(testContext.getFailedTests()); resultDetail(testContext.getSkippedConfigurations()); resultDetail(testContext.getSkippedTests()); resultDetail(testContext.getPassedTests()); } } }
/** * [ITestListener] * Invoked each time a test is skipped. * * @param result {@code ITestResult} containing information about the run test * @see ITestResult#SKIP */ @Override public void onTestSkipped(ITestResult result) { // >>>>> ENTER workaround for TestNG bug // ITestContext context = result.getTestContext(); IInvokedMethod method = new InvokedMethod( result.getTestClass(), result.getMethod(), System.currentTimeMillis(), result); beforeInvocation(method, result, context); // <<<<< LEAVE workaround for TestNG bug synchronized (testListeners) { for (ITestListener testListener : testListeners) { testListener.onTestSkipped(result); } } }
@Override public Module createModule(ITestContext context, Class<?> testClass){ Module globalModule = new AbstractModule(){ @Override protected void configure(){ for(Module module : modules){ install(module); } } }; Iterable<? extends Module> overriders = getOverriders(); return Modules.override(globalModule).with(overriders); }
@AfterSuite public void cleanupAfterSuite(ITestContext context) { if( suite != null ) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<CleanupAfter> cleanups = (List<CleanupAfter>) suite.getAttribute("cleanups"); if( cleanups != null ) { ListIterator<CleanupAfter> listIterator = cleanups.listIterator(cleanups.size()); while( listIterator.hasPrevious() ) { CleanupAfter cleanup = listIterator.previous(); if( cleanup != null ) { cleanup.cleanUp(); } } } } }
@BeforeClass(alwaysRun = true) public void setupContext(ITestContext testContext) { this.suite = testContext.getSuite(); File rootFolder = testConfig.getTestFolder(); String contextUrl; if( isInstitutional() ) { contextUrl = testConfig.getInstitutionUrlFromShortName(rootFolder.getName()); } else { contextUrl = testConfig.getAdminUrl(); } context = new PageContext(testConfig, contextUrl); context.setIntegUrl(testConfig.getIntegrationUrl(rootFolder.getName())); context.setNamePrefix(getNamePrefix()); customisePageContext(); }
public int getTotalPassedMethodsForSuite() { int totalNumberOfPassedMethodsForSuite = 0; ITestContext overview = null; for (ISuite suite : suites) { Map<String, ISuiteResult> tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) { overview = r.getTestContext(); totalNumberOfPassedMethodsForSuite += overview.getPassedTests().getAllMethods().size(); } } return totalNumberOfPassedMethodsForSuite; }
public int getTotalSkippedMethodsForSuite() { int totalNumberOfSkippedMethodsForSuite = 0; ITestContext overview = null; for (ISuite suite : suites) { Map<String, ISuiteResult> tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) { overview = r.getTestContext(); totalNumberOfSkippedMethodsForSuite += overview.getSkippedTests().getAllMethods().size(); } } return totalNumberOfSkippedMethodsForSuite; }
public int getTotalFailedMethodsForTest(String testName) { int totalNumberOfFailedMethodsForTest = 0; ITestContext overview = null; for (ISuite suite : suites) { suiteName = suite.getName(); Map<String, ISuiteResult> tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) { overview = r.getTestContext(); if (testName.equalsIgnoreCase(overview.getName())) { totalNumberOfFailedMethodsForTest = overview.getFailedTests().getAllMethods().size(); break; } } } return totalNumberOfFailedMethodsForTest; }
public Map<String, String> getAllParametersForTest(String testName) { ITestContext overview = null; for (ISuite suite : suites) { Map<String, ISuiteResult> tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) { overview = r.getTestContext(); if (testName.equalsIgnoreCase(overview.getName())) { return overview.getCurrentXmlTest().getAllParameters(); } } } return null; }
public ITestNGMethod[] getAllMethodsForTest(String testName) { ITestContext overview = null; for (ISuite suite : suites) { suiteName = suite.getName(); Map<String, ISuiteResult> tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) { overview = r.getTestContext(); if (overview.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(testName)) { return overview.getAllTestMethods(); } } } return null; }
@Override public List<IMethodInstance> intercept(final List<IMethodInstance> methods, final ITestContext context) { Collections.sort(methods, new Comparator<IMethodInstance>() { @Override public int compare(final IMethodInstance mi1, final IMethodInstance mi2) { // get test instances to order the tests. final Object o1 = mi1.getInstance(); final Object o2 = mi2.getInstance(); if (o1 instanceof ITest && o2 instanceof ITest) { return ((ITest)o1).getTestName().compareTo(((ITest)o2).getTestName()); } // something else, don't care about the order return 0; } }); return methods; }
public void onFinish(ITestContext context) { System.err.println("TEST finished : " + context.getName()); testsCompleted.add(context.getName()); testsInProgress.remove(context.getName()); totalActualTimeTaken = context.getEndDate().getTime() - context.getStartDate().getTime(); long timeSaved = timeTakenByTestMethods - totalActualTimeTaken; customMessage.replace(0, customMessage.length(), ""); if (timeTakenByTestMethods < 1) { timeTakenByTestMethods = 1; } customMessage.append("<span> " + "Sum of time taken for each test method : " + timeTakenByTestMethods / 1000 + " seconds!" + "</span><br/>" + "<span> " + "Actual total time taken for run : " + totalActualTimeTaken / 1000 + " seconds!" + "</span><br/>" + "<span>" + "Time saved : " + timeSaved / 1000 + " seconds OR " + timeSaved * 100 / timeTakenByTestMethods + "%</span>"); update(); lastUpdate = false; }
@Override public List<IMethodInstance> intercept(List<IMethodInstance> methods, ITestContext context) { ISuite suite = context.getSuite(); List<IMethodInstance> filtered = new LinkedList<IMethodInstance>(); for (IMethodInstance candidate : methods) { if (matcher.matchesTest(candidate.getMethod().getTestClass().getName(), candidate.getMethod().getMethodName()) || matcher.matchesTest(suite.getName(), null)) { filtered.add(candidate); } } return filtered; }
@BeforeSuite(alwaysRun = true) public void beforeSuite(final ITestContext context) { if (methodsInvoker == null) { new SeleniumMethodsInvoker().invokeSuiteMethodsByAnnotation(OurBeforeSuite.class, context); } else { methodsInvoker.invokeSuiteMethodsByAnnotation(OurBeforeSuite.class, context); } }
@BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void beforeMethod(final Method test, final Object[] params, final ITestContext context) { testName = TestUtils.getTestName(test); postponeFailureEvent.subscribe(new ScreenshotOnPostponeFailureSubscriber(testName)); postponeFailureEvent.subscribe(new StorePostponeFailureSubscriber(context, testName)); passCounter = 0; }
@AfterSuite(alwaysRun = true) public void afterSuite(final ITestContext context) { if (methodsInvoker == null) { new SeleniumMethodsInvoker().invokeSuiteMethodsByAnnotation(OurAfterSuite.class, context); } else { methodsInvoker.invokeSuiteMethodsByAnnotation(OurAfterSuite.class, context); } }
@Override public void onStart(ITestContext testContext) { String testName = testContext.getCurrentXmlTest().getName(); MDC.put("testName", testName); List<ITestResult> localSkippedTests = new ArrayList<>(); testContext.setAttribute("skippedTestCases", localSkippedTests); }
@AfterSuite(alwaysRun = true) public void afterSuite(final ITestContext context) { if (methodsInvoker == null) { new WebServiceMethodsInvoker().invokeSuiteMethodsByAnnotation(OurAfterSuite.class, context); } else { methodsInvoker.invokeSuiteMethodsByAnnotation(OurAfterSuite.class, context); } }
@BeforeGroups public void doBeforeGroups(final ITestContext context) { if (methodsInvoker == null) { new WebServiceMethodsInvoker().invokeGroupMethodsByAnnotation(OurBeforeGroups.class, context); } else { methodsInvoker.invokeGroupMethodsByAnnotation(OurBeforeGroups.class, context); } }
@AfterGroups public void doAfterGroups(final ITestContext context) { if (methodsInvoker == null) { new WebServiceMethodsInvoker().invokeGroupMethodsByAnnotation(OurAfterGroups.class, context); } else { methodsInvoker.invokeGroupMethodsByAnnotation(OurAfterGroups.class, context); } ParamsHolder.clearForGroup(); }
/** * Method that takes test suites parameters and sets some environment properties. * @param propFilePath path of the property file data * @param inputWebappName name of the service to test (optional parameter) * @param context testNG context */ @BeforeSuite @Override @Parameters(value = {ENV_PROP_FILE_PATH, WEBAPP_NAME}) public void beforeTestSuite(String propFilePath, @Optional(NO_INPUT_WEBAPP_NAME) String inputWebappName, ITestContext context) { TestSuiteHandler testSuiteHandler = TestSuiteHandler.getInstance(); testSuiteHandler.setPropertyFilePath(propFilePath); testSuiteHandler.populateEnvironmentHandler(); testSuiteHandler.populateTestCaseUtils(); }
public <T extends Annotation> void invokeGroupMethodsByAnnotation(final Class<T> annotationClass, final ITestContext testContext) { final TestClassContext testClassContext = new TestClassContext(((TestRunner) testContext).getTest() .getXmlClasses() .get(0) .getSupportClass(), null, annotationClass, testContext); invokeMethodsByAnnotation(testClassContext, true); }
private String buildReport(ITestContext test) { try { InputStream is = HtmlReporter.class.getResourceAsStream(REPORT_TEMPLATE); Configuration cfg = new Configuration(Configuration.getVersion()); Template template = new Template("Report", new InputStreamReader(is), cfg); Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); parameters.put("context", test); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); template.process(parameters, writer); return writer.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Build Report error", e); return "Exception: " + e.getMessage(); } }
/** * Method that takes test suites parameters and sets some environment properties. * @param propFilePath path of the property file data * @param inputWebappName name of the service to test (optional parameter) * @param context testNG context */ @BeforeSuite @Override @Parameters(value = {ENV_PROP_FILE_PATH, WEBAPP_NAME}) public void beforeTestSuite(String propFilePath, @Optional(NO_INPUT_WEBAPP_NAME) String inputWebappName, ITestContext context) { super.beforeTestSuite(propFilePath, inputWebappName, context); TestSuiteHandler.getInstance().setWebappName(inputWebappName); }
@Override public void afterInvocation(final IInvokedMethod method, final ITestResult testResult, final ITestContext context) { final String testName = getTestName(testResult); final Boolean isTestFailed = (Boolean) context.getAttribute(format("%s postpone fail", testName)); final Boolean isBeforeGroupFailed = (Boolean) context.getAttribute(format("%s postpone fail", "E4BeforeGroups")); if ((isTestFailed != null && isTestFailed) || (isBeforeGroupFailed != null && isBeforeGroupFailed)) { testResult.setStatus(FAILURE); testResult.setThrowable(new PostponedFailureException(getErrorMessage(testName))); } }
@Override public void onStart(final ITestContext context) { final String parentUuid = getUniqueUuid(context.getSuite()); final String uuid = getUniqueUuid(context); final TestResultContainer container = new TestResultContainer() .withUuid(uuid) .withName(context.getName()) .withStart(System.currentTimeMillis()); getLifecycle().startTestContainer(parentUuid, container); Stream.of(context.getAllTestMethods()) .map(ITestNGMethod::getTestClass) .distinct() .forEach(this::onBeforeClass); }
@Override public void onFinish(final ITestContext context) { final String uuid = getUniqueUuid(context); getLifecycle().stopTestContainer(uuid); getLifecycle().writeTestContainer(uuid); Stream.of(context.getAllTestMethods()) .map(ITestNGMethod::getTestClass) .distinct() .forEach(this::onAfterClass); }
@Override public void beforeInvocation(final IInvokedMethod method, final ITestResult testResult, final ITestContext context) { final ITestNGMethod testMethod = method.getTestMethod(); if (isSupportedConfigurationFixture(testMethod)) { ifSuiteFixtureStarted(context.getSuite(), testMethod); ifTestFixtureStarted(context, testMethod); ifClassFixtureStarted(testMethod); ifMethodFixtureStarted(testMethod); } }
public DataSupplierMetaData(final ITestContext context, final ITestNGMethod testMethod) { this.context = context; this.testMethod = testMethod; this.dataSupplierMethod = findDataSupplier(); val dataSupplier = ofNullable(dataSupplierMethod.getDeclaredAnnotation(DataSupplier.class)); this.transpose =; this.flatMap =; this.indices = int[0]); this.testData = transform(); }
/** * Get All tests id by class + method + parameters hash code. * * @param context * @param suite */ private void getAllTestIds(ITestContext context, ISuite suite) { IResultMap passTests = context.getPassedTests(); IResultMap failTests = context.getFailedTests(); List<IInvokedMethod> invokedMethods = suite.getAllInvokedMethods(); for (IInvokedMethod im : invokedMethods) { if (passTests.getAllMethods().contains(im.getTestMethod()) || failTests.getAllMethods().contains(im.getTestMethod())) { int testId = getId(im.getTestResult()); // m_out.println("ALLtestid=" + testId); allRunTestIds.add(testId); } } }
/** * This method is invoked at the end of each test suite. Is useful to create console output logs, in terms of summary of the output * of the test suite just executed. In particular it prints the lists of success test cases, failing ones and skipped ones. * Data about the test case outputs are collected in 'onTestSuccess' and 'onTestFailure' methods. * @param testContext test context - testNG handling */ @Override public void onFinish(ITestContext testContext) { String testName = testContext.getCurrentXmlTest().getName(); //test suite name int numTestSuccess = testContext.getPassedTests().size(); //number of successful test cases in the current test suite int numTestFailed = testContext.getFailedTests().size(); //number of failed test cases in the current test suite List<ITestResult> localSkippedTests = (List<ITestResult>) testContext.getAttribute("skippedTestCases"); int numTestSkipped = localSkippedTests.size() + testContext.getSkippedTests().size(); //number of skipped test cases in the current test suite if (!localSkippedTests.isEmpty()) { numTestSuccess = numTestSuccess - numTestSkipped; } if (numTestSkipped > 0 && numTestSuccess == 0 && numTestFailed == 0) { // test suite totally skipped logger.trace("*************[{}][Suite description: {}] SKIPPED Test Suite", testName, testContext.getAttribute(TestBaseRunner.SUITE_DESCRIPTION_CTX_ATTR).toString());"*************[{}][{}] END Test Suite: Success: {} / Failed: {} / Skipped: {}", testName, testContext.getAttribute(TestBaseRunner.SUITE_DESCRIPTION_CTX_ATTR).toString(), numTestSuccess, numTestFailed, numTestSkipped); } else { logger.debug("*************[{}][{}] END Test Suite: Success: {} / Failed: {} / Skipped: {}", testName, testContext.getAttribute(TestBaseRunner.SUITE_DESCRIPTION_CTX_ATTR).toString(), numTestSuccess, numTestFailed, numTestSkipped); } if (numTestFailed > 0) { Iterator testFailedIterator = testContext.getFailedTests().getAllResults().iterator(); while (testFailedIterator.hasNext()) { ITestResult singleResult = (ITestResult); logger.error("******* TC FAILED >> {}", singleResult.getThrowable().getMessage()); } } }
@AfterMethod(alwaysRun = true) public void baseCleanup(ITestContext context, ITestResult result, Object[] params) throws IOException { if (params.length > 0 && params[0] instanceof WebDriverInstance){ WebDriverInstance webDriverInstance = (WebDriverInstance)params[0]; webDriverInstance.cleanup(); } logTestResult(result); String tag = ThreadContext.get(THREAD_TAG);"Test is finished, removing the tag [{}]...", tag); ThreadContext.remove(THREAD_TAG); result.setAttribute(THREAD_TAG, tag); }
/** * [ITestListener] * Invoked after the test class is instantiated and before * any configuration method is called. * * @param context context for the test run */ @Override public void onStart(ITestContext context) { synchronized (testListeners) { for (ITestListener testListener : Lists.reverse(testListeners)) { testListener.onStart(context); } } }
private Properties setTestSuiteAttribute(Properties testSuiteAttr, String suiteName, ITestContext suiteContext) { Properties testSuiteAttributes = testSuiteAttr; int numFailures = getList(FAILED_TC, suiteContext).size(); int numSuccess = getList(PASSED_TC, suiteContext).size(); int numSkipped = getList(SKIPPED_TC, suiteContext).size(); testSuiteAttributes.setProperty(XMLConstants.ATTR_NAME, suiteName); int tests = numFailures + numSuccess + numSkipped; if (tests == 0) { testSuiteAttributes.setProperty(PROP_STATUS, SKIPPED_STATUS); } else { testSuiteAttributes.setProperty(SUCCESS_STATUS, String.valueOf(numSuccess)); testSuiteAttributes.setProperty(SKIPPED_STATUS, String.valueOf(numSkipped)); int numberOfTests = numFailures + numSuccess + numSkipped; testSuiteAttributes.setProperty(XMLConstants.ATTR_TESTS, String.valueOf(numberOfTests)); Date timeStamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); testSuiteAttributes.setProperty(XMLConstants.ATTR_FAILURES, String.valueOf(numFailures)); testSuiteAttributes.setProperty(XMLConstants.ATTR_TIMESTAMP, timeStamp.toGMTString()); if (numFailures > 0) { testSuiteAttributes.setProperty(PROP_STATUS, FAILED_STATUS); } else { testSuiteAttributes.setProperty(PROP_STATUS, SUCCESS_STATUS); numberOfPassedSuites += 1; } } return testSuiteAttributes; }
@Override public List<IMethodInstance> intercept(List<IMethodInstance> methods, ITestContext context) { // target platform support: filter out non-targeted methods // target platform support: set method target descriptions return methods; }
public BasicMultipleChecks(ITestContext context) { this.logUtils = TestSuiteHandler.getInstance().getLogUtils(); this.context = context; this.steps = new TreeMap<>(); this.paths = new HashMap<>(); this.httpMethods = new HashMap<>(); }