private void calculate() { if (!this.counts.isEmpty()) return; int passed = 0; int failed = 0; int skipped = 0; for (ISuite suite : this.reports) { for (ISuiteResult result : suite.getResults().values()) { final ITestContext testContext = result.getTestContext(); passed += testContext.getPassedTests().size(); failed += testContext.getFailedTests().size(); skipped += testContext.getSkippedTests().size(); } } this.counts.add(0, passed + failed + skipped); this.counts.add(1, failed); this.counts.add(2, skipped); }
/** Creates a section showing known results for each method */ protected void generateMethodDetailReport(List<ISuite> suites) { for (ISuite suite : suites) { Map<String, ISuiteResult> r = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r2 : r.values()) { ITestContext testContext = r2.getTestContext(); if (r.values().size() > 0) { m_out.println("<h1>" + testContext.getName() + "</h1>"); } resultDetail(testContext.getFailedConfigurations()); resultDetail(testContext.getFailedTests()); resultDetail(testContext.getSkippedConfigurations()); resultDetail(testContext.getSkippedTests()); resultDetail(testContext.getPassedTests()); } } }
@Override public void generateReport( List<XmlSuite> arg0, List<ISuite> arg1, String arg2 ) { //we just need the report format, that why we set other fields null ReportFormatter reportFormatter = new ReportFormatter(ReportAppender.getRuns(), mailSubjectFormat, null, null, 0, null); // send report by mail MailReportSender mailReportSender = new MailReportSender(reportFormatter.getDescription(), reportFormatter.toHtml()); mailReportSender.send(); }
public List<String> getAllTestNames() { List<String> allTestNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ISuite suite : suites) { suiteName = suite.getName(); parallelRunParam = suite.getParallel(); Map<String, ISuiteResult> tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) { allTestNames.add(r.getTestContext().getName()); } } return allTestNames; }
public int getTotalPassedMethodsForSuite() { int totalNumberOfPassedMethodsForSuite = 0; ITestContext overview = null; for (ISuite suite : suites) { Map<String, ISuiteResult> tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) { overview = r.getTestContext(); totalNumberOfPassedMethodsForSuite += overview.getPassedTests().getAllMethods().size(); } } return totalNumberOfPassedMethodsForSuite; }
public int getTotalFailedMethodsForSuite() { int totalNumberOfFailedMethodsForSuite = 0; ITestContext overview = null; for (ISuite suite : suites) { Map<String, ISuiteResult> tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) { overview = r.getTestContext(); totalNumberOfFailedMethodsForSuite += overview.getFailedTests().getAllMethods().size(); } } return totalNumberOfFailedMethodsForSuite; }
public int getTotalSkippedMethodsForSuite() { int totalNumberOfSkippedMethodsForSuite = 0; ITestContext overview = null; for (ISuite suite : suites) { Map<String, ISuiteResult> tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) { overview = r.getTestContext(); totalNumberOfSkippedMethodsForSuite += overview.getSkippedTests().getAllMethods().size(); } } return totalNumberOfSkippedMethodsForSuite; }
public int getTotalPassedMethodsForTest(final String testName) { int totalNumberOfPassedMethodsForTest = 0; ITestContext overview = null; for (ISuite suite : suites) { Map<String, ISuiteResult> tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) { overview = r.getTestContext(); if (testName.equalsIgnoreCase(overview.getName())) { totalNumberOfPassedMethodsForTest = overview.getPassedTests().getAllMethods().size(); break; } } } return totalNumberOfPassedMethodsForTest; }
public int getTotalFailedMethodsForTest(String testName) { int totalNumberOfFailedMethodsForTest = 0; ITestContext overview = null; for (ISuite suite : suites) { suiteName = suite.getName(); Map<String, ISuiteResult> tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) { overview = r.getTestContext(); if (testName.equalsIgnoreCase(overview.getName())) { totalNumberOfFailedMethodsForTest = overview.getFailedTests().getAllMethods().size(); break; } } } return totalNumberOfFailedMethodsForTest; }
public int getTotalSkippedMethodsForTest(final String testName) { int totalNumberOfSkippedMethodsForTest = 0; ITestContext overview = null; for (ISuite suite : suites) { suiteName = suite.getName(); Map<String, ISuiteResult> tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) { overview = r.getTestContext(); if (testName.equalsIgnoreCase(overview.getName())) { totalNumberOfSkippedMethodsForTest = overview.getSkippedTests().getAllMethods().size(); break; } } } return totalNumberOfSkippedMethodsForTest; }
public Map<String, String> getAllParametersForTest(String testName) { ITestContext overview = null; for (ISuite suite : suites) { Map<String, ISuiteResult> tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) { overview = r.getTestContext(); if (testName.equalsIgnoreCase(overview.getName())) { return overview.getCurrentXmlTest().getAllParameters(); } } } return null; }
public String getParameterValueForTest(String testName, String parameter) { ITestContext overview = null; for (ISuite suite : suites) { Map<String, ISuiteResult> tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) { overview = r.getTestContext(); if (testName.equalsIgnoreCase(overview.getName())) { return overview.getCurrentXmlTest().getParameter(parameter); } } } return null; }
public ITestNGMethod[] getAllMethodsForTest(String testName) { ITestContext overview = null; for (ISuite suite : suites) { suiteName = suite.getName(); Map<String, ISuiteResult> tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) { overview = r.getTestContext(); if (overview.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(testName)) { return overview.getAllTestMethods(); } } } return null; }
/** * Creates summary of the run */ public void generateReport(List<XmlSuite> xml, List<ISuite> suites, String outdir) { try { m_out = createWriter(outdir); } catch (IOException e) { L.error("output file", e); return; } startHtml(m_out); generateSuiteSummaryReport(suites); generateMethodSummaryReport(suites); generateMethodDetailReport(suites); endHtml(m_out); m_out.flush(); m_out.close(); }
/** * Creates a table showing the highlights of each test method with links to the method details */ protected void generateMethodSummaryReport(List<ISuite> suites) { m_methodIndex = 0; m_out.println("<a id=\"summary\"></a>"); startResultSummaryTable("passed"); for (ISuite suite : suites) { if (suites.size() > 1) { titleRow(suite.getName(), 4); } Map<String, ISuiteResult> r = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r2 : r.values()) { ITestContext testContext = r2.getTestContext(); String testName = testContext.getName(); resultSummary(testContext.getFailedConfigurations(), testName, "failed", " (configuration methods)"); resultSummary(testContext.getFailedTests(), testName, "failed", ""); resultSummary(testContext.getSkippedConfigurations(), testName, "skipped", " (configuration methods)"); resultSummary(testContext.getSkippedTests(), testName, "skipped", ""); resultSummary(testContext.getPassedTests(), testName, "passed", ""); } } m_out.println("</table>"); }
/** * Creates a section showing known results for each method */ protected void generateMethodDetailReport(List<ISuite> suites) { m_methodIndex = 0; for (ISuite suite : suites) { Map<String, ISuiteResult> r = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r2 : r.values()) { ITestContext testContext = r2.getTestContext(); if (r.values().size() > 0) { m_out.println("<h1>" + testContext.getName() + "</h1>"); } resultDetail(testContext.getFailedConfigurations(), "failed"); resultDetail(testContext.getFailedTests(), "failed"); resultDetail(testContext.getSkippedConfigurations(), "skipped"); resultDetail(testContext.getSkippedTests(), "skipped"); resultDetail(testContext.getPassedTests(), "passed"); } } }
@Override public void generateReport(List<XmlSuite> xmlSuites, List<ISuite> suites, String outputDirectory) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (ISuite suite : suites) { Map<String, ISuiteResult> results = suite.getResults(); for (Map.Entry<String, ISuiteResult> result : results.entrySet()) { String report = buildReport(result.getValue().getTestContext()); sb.append(report); } } try { FileUtils.writeToFile(new File(FAILED_REPORT_FILE), sb.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Override public void generateReport(List<XmlSuite> xmlSuites, List<ISuite> suites, String outputDirectory) { List<ITestResult> list = new ArrayList<ITestResult>(); for (ISuite suite : suites) { Map<String, ISuiteResult> suiteResults = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult suiteResult : suiteResults.values()) { ITestContext testContext = suiteResult.getTestContext(); IResultMap passedTests = testContext.getPassedTests(); IResultMap failedTests = testContext.getFailedTests(); IResultMap skippedTests = testContext.getSkippedTests(); IResultMap failedConfig = testContext.getFailedConfigurations(); list.addAll(this.listTestResult(passedTests)); list.addAll(this.listTestResult(failedTests)); list.addAll(this.listTestResult(skippedTests)); list.addAll(this.listTestResult(failedConfig)); } } this.sort(list); this.outputResult(list, outputDirectory+"/test.txt"); }
@Test public void testSkipTestMethod() throws Exception { final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); final IDEATestNGRemoteListener listener = createListener(buf); listener.onStart((ISuite)null); listener.onTestSkipped(new MockTestNGResult("ATest", "testName")); listener.onFinish((ISuite)null); Assert.assertEquals("output: " + buf, "##teamcity[enteredTheMatrix]\n" + "\n" + "##teamcity[testSuiteStarted name ='ATest' locationHint = 'java:suite://ATest']\n" + "\n" + "##teamcity[testStarted name='ATest.testName' locationHint='java:test://ATest.testName|[0|]']\n" + "\n" + "##teamcity[testIgnored name='ATest.testName']\n" + "\n" + "##teamcity[testFinished name='ATest.testName']\n" + "##teamcity[testSuiteFinished name='ATest']\n", StringUtil.convertLineSeparators(buf.toString())); }
@Test public void testFailureWithoutStart() throws Exception { final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); final IDEATestNGRemoteListener listener = createListener(buf); listener.onStart((ISuite)null); listener.onTestFailure(new MockTestNGResult("ATest", "testName", createExceptionWithoutTrace(), ArrayUtil.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY)); listener.onFinish((ISuite)null); Assert.assertEquals("output: " + buf, "##teamcity[enteredTheMatrix]\n" + "\n" + "##teamcity[testSuiteStarted name ='ATest' locationHint = 'java:suite://ATest']\n" + "\n" + "##teamcity[testStarted name='ATest.testName' locationHint='java:test://ATest.testName|[0|]']\n" + "##teamcity[testFailed name='ATest.testName' details='java.lang.Exception|n' error='true' message='']\n" + "\n" + "##teamcity[testFinished name='ATest.testName']\n" + "##teamcity[testSuiteFinished name='ATest']\n", StringUtil.convertLineSeparators(buf.toString())); }
@Test public void testSkipMethodAfterStartTest() throws Exception { final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); final IDEATestNGRemoteListener listener = createListener(buf); listener.onStart((ISuite)null); final MockTestNGResult result = new MockTestNGResult("ATest", "testName"); listener.onTestStart(result); listener.onTestSkipped(result); listener.onFinish((ISuite)null); Assert.assertEquals("output: " + buf, "##teamcity[enteredTheMatrix]\n" + "\n" + "##teamcity[testSuiteStarted name ='ATest' locationHint = 'java:suite://ATest']\n" + "\n" + "##teamcity[testStarted name='ATest.testName' locationHint='java:test://ATest.testName|[0|]']\n" + "\n" + "##teamcity[testIgnored name='ATest.testName']\n" + "\n" + "##teamcity[testFinished name='ATest.testName']\n" + "##teamcity[testSuiteFinished name='ATest']\n", StringUtil.convertLineSeparators(buf.toString())); }
@Override protected ITestRunnerFactory buildTestRunnerFactory() { if(null == m_customTestRunnerFactory) { m_customTestRunnerFactory= new ITestRunnerFactory() { @Override public TestRunner newTestRunner(ISuite suite, XmlTest xmlTest, List<IInvokedMethodListener> listeners) { TestRunner runner = new TestRunner(getConfiguration(), suite, xmlTest, false /*skipFailedInvocationCounts */, listeners); if (m_useDefaultListeners) { runner.addListener(new TestHTMLReporter()); runner.addListener(new JUnitXMLReporter()); } for (IConfigurationListener cl : getConfiguration().getConfigurationListeners()) { runner.addListener(cl); } return runner; } }; } return m_customTestRunnerFactory; }
@Override protected ITestRunnerFactory buildTestRunnerFactory() { if(null == m_customTestRunnerFactory) { m_customTestRunnerFactory= new ITestRunnerFactory() { @Override public TestRunner newTestRunner(ISuite suite, XmlTest xmlTest, Collection<IInvokedMethodListener> listeners, List<IClassListener> classListeners) { TestRunner runner = new TestRunner(getConfiguration(), suite, xmlTest, false /*skipFailedInvocationCounts */, listeners, classListeners); if (m_useDefaultListeners) { runner.addListener(new TestHTMLReporter()); runner.addListener(new JUnitXMLReporter()); } return runner; } }; } return m_customTestRunnerFactory; }
@Override protected ITestRunnerFactory buildTestRunnerFactory() { if(null == m_customTestRunnerFactory) { m_customTestRunnerFactory= new ITestRunnerFactory() { @Override public TestRunner newTestRunner(ISuite suite, XmlTest xmlTest, Collection<IInvokedMethodListener> listeners) { TestRunner runner = new TestRunner(getConfiguration(), suite, xmlTest, false /*skipFailedInvocationCounts */, listeners); if (m_useDefaultListeners) { runner.addListener(new TestHTMLReporter()); runner.addListener(new JUnitXMLReporter()); } for (IConfigurationListener cl : getConfiguration().getConfigurationListeners()) { runner.addListener(cl); } return runner; } }; } return m_customTestRunnerFactory; }
@Override protected ITestRunnerFactory buildTestRunnerFactory() { if(null == m_customTestRunnerFactory) { m_customTestRunnerFactory= new ITestRunnerFactory() { @Override public TestRunner newTestRunner(ISuite suite, XmlTest xmlTest, Collection<IInvokedMethodListener> listeners, List<IClassListener> classListeners) { TestRunner runner = new TestRunner(getConfiguration(), suite, xmlTest, false /*skipFailedInvocationCounts */, listeners, classListeners); if (m_useDefaultListeners) { runner.addListener(new TestHTMLReporter()); runner.addListener(new JUnitXMLReporter()); } for (IConfigurationListener cl : getConfiguration().getConfigurationListeners()) { runner.addListener(cl); } return runner; } }; } return m_customTestRunnerFactory; }
@Override protected ITestRunnerFactory buildTestRunnerFactory() { if(null == m_customTestRunnerFactory) { m_customTestRunnerFactory= new ITestRunnerFactory() { @Override public TestRunner newTestRunner(ISuite suite, XmlTest xmlTest, List<IInvokedMethodListener> listeners) { TestRunner runner = new TestRunner(getConfiguration(), suite, xmlTest, false /*skipFailedInvocationCounts */, listeners); if (m_useDefaultListeners) { runner.addListener(new TestHTMLReporter()); runner.addListener(new JUnitXMLReporter()); } return runner; } }; } return m_customTestRunnerFactory; }
/** * Creates a table showing the highlights of each test method with links to * the method details */ protected void generateMethodSummaryReport(List<ISuite> suites) { startResultSummaryTable("methodOverview"); int testIndex = 1; for (ISuite suite : suites) { if (suites.size() > 1) { titleRow(suite.getName(), 5); } Map<String, ISuiteResult> r = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r2 : r.values()) { ITestContext testContext = r2.getTestContext(); String testName = testContext.getName(); m_testIndex = testIndex; resultSummary(suite, testContext.getSkippedConfigurations(), testName, "skipped", " (configuration methods)"); resultSummary(suite, testContext.getSkippedTests(), testName, "skipped", ""); resultSummary(suite, testContext.getFailedConfigurations(), testName, "failed", " (configuration methods)"); resultSummary(suite, testContext.getFailedTests(), testName, "failed", ""); resultSummary(suite, testContext.getPassedTests(), testName, "passed", ""); testIndex++; } } m_out.println("</table>"); }
@Override public void onFinish(ITestContext context) { final ISuite suite = context.getSuite(); final String suiteName = suite == null ? "[UNKNOWN]" : suite.getName(); final IResultMap passed = context.getPassedTests(); final IResultMap failed = context.getFailedTests(); final IResultMap skipped = context.getSkippedTests(); final int passedCount = passed == null ? -1 : passed.size(); final int failedCount = failed == null ? -1 : failed.size(); final int skippedCount = skipped == null ? -1 : skipped.size(); Log.i(TAG, "Finished test run \"" + suiteName + "\" with " + passedCount + " successful tests, " + failedCount + " failures and " + skippedCount + " tests skipped"); }
/** * Event for end of suite * * @param suite */ @Override public void onFinish(ISuite suite) { // TODO: Find a place to call it. // We are not using shared execution, that means that we are the only // one that are using it and we just ended with it, so let's set it to // not active if (executionId > 0 && !difidoConfig.getPropertyAsBoolean(RemoteDifidoOptions.USE_SHARED_EXECUTION)) { try { client.endExecution(executionId); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Failed to close execution with id " + executionId); } executionId = -1; } }
public void onStart(ISuite suite) { super.onStart(suite); difidoConfig = new RemoteDifidoConfig(); String host = null; int port = 0; try { enabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(difidoConfig.getPropertyAsString(RemoteDifidoOptions.ENABLED)); if (!enabled) { return; } host = difidoConfig.getPropertyAsString(RemoteDifidoOptions.HOST); port = Integer.parseInt(difidoConfig.getPropertyAsString(RemoteDifidoOptions.PORT)); client = new DifidoClient(host, port); executionId = prepareExecution(); machineId = client.addMachine(executionId, getExecution().getLastMachine()); enabled = true; log.fine(RemoteDifidoReporter.class.getName() + " was initialized successfully"); } catch (Throwable t) { enabled = false; log.warning("Failed to init " + RemoteDifidoReporter.class.getName() + "connection with host '" + host + ":" + port + "' due to " + t.getMessage()); } }
public synchronized void Init(ISuite suite) { if (runId == null) { String stepGuid = System.getProperty("stepguid"); if (stepGuid != null && !stepGuid.isEmpty()) { BaseListener.runId = String.format("%s", stepGuid); } else { String tsGuid = System.getProperty("tsguid"); if (tsGuid == null || stepGuid.isEmpty()) { tsGuid = suite.getName().replace(" ", "_"); } //SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd_MMMMM_yyyy_hh_mm_aaa"); BaseListener.runId = String.format("%s_%s", tsGuid, FastDateFormat.getInstance("dd_MMMMM_yyyy_hh_mm_aaa").format(new Date())); } } }
private void logAllValidFailuresToPipline(java.util.List<ISuite> suites) { //Reporter.startRun(runId); for (ISuite suite : suites) { for (ISuiteResult result : suite.getResults().values()) { for (ITestResult failedResult : result.getTestContext().getFailedTests().getAllResults()){ if (failedResult.getAttribute("RETRY") != null) { continue; } String browser = getBrowserName(failedResult); String site = getSiteName(failedResult); LOG(Level.SEVERE, String.format("[STACK TARCE] for [%s] [%s]%s \n %s", browser, site, getTestMethodNameinPackageStyle(failedResult), getDetailedStackTrace(failedResult))); logResultsToPipeline(failedResult); } } } }
public void generateConsolidatedReportByOwner(java.util.List<XmlSuite> xmlSuites, java.util.List<ISuite> suites, java.lang.String outputDirectory) { Map<String, List<ITestResult>> ownersOfFailedTests = new HashMap<String, List<ITestResult>>(); Map<String, List<ITestResult>> ownersOfPassedTests = new HashMap<String, List<ITestResult>>(); for (ISuite suite : suites) { for (ISuiteResult result : suite.getResults().values()) { ownersOfPassedTests = getTestByOwnerSiteBrowser(result.getTestContext().getPassedTests().getAllResults()); ownersOfFailedTests = getTestByOwnerSiteBrowser(result.getTestContext().getFailedTests().getAllResults()); } } // Send consolidated failures to the Team group email id. TestNGEmailSender.sendConsolidatedFailureEmail(ownersOfPassedTests, ownersOfFailedTests); }
private void writeSuiteGroups(XMLStringBuffer xmlBuffer, ISuite suite) { xmlBuffer.push(XMLReporterConfig.TAG_GROUPS); Map<String, Collection<ITestNGMethod>> methodsByGroups = suite .getMethodsByGroups(); for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<ITestNGMethod>> entry : methodsByGroups .entrySet()) { Properties groupAttrs = new Properties(); groupAttrs.setProperty(XMLReporterConfig.ATTR_NAME, entry.getKey()); xmlBuffer.push(XMLReporterConfig.TAG_GROUP, groupAttrs); Set<ITestNGMethod> groupMethods = getUniqueMethodSet(entry .getValue()); for (ITestNGMethod groupMethod : groupMethods) { Properties methodAttrs = new Properties(); methodAttrs.setProperty(XMLReporterConfig.ATTR_NAME, groupMethod.getMethodName()); methodAttrs.setProperty(XMLReporterConfig.ATTR_METHOD_SIG, groupMethod.toString()); methodAttrs.setProperty(XMLReporterConfig.ATTR_CLASS, groupMethod.getRealClass().getName()); xmlBuffer.addEmptyElement(XMLReporterConfig.TAG_METHOD, methodAttrs); } xmlBuffer.pop(); } xmlBuffer.pop(); }
/** * Generates a set of XML files (JUnit format) that contain data about the * outcome of the specified test suites. * * @param suites Data about the test runs. * @param outputDirectoryName The directory in which to create the report. */ public void generateReport(List<XmlSuite> xmlSuites, List<ISuite> suites, String outputDirectoryName) { removeEmptyDirectories(new File(outputDirectoryName)); File outputDirectory = new File(outputDirectoryName, REPORT_DIRECTORY); outputDirectory.mkdirs(); Collection<TestClassResults> flattenedResults = flattenResults(suites); for (TestClassResults results : flattenedResults) { VelocityContext context = createContext(); context.put(RESULTS_KEY, results); try { generateFile(new File(outputDirectory, results.getTestClass().getName() + '_' + RESULTS_FILE), RESULTS_FILE + TEMPLATE_EXTENSION, context); } catch (Exception | AssertionError ex) { throw new ReportNGException("Failed generating JUnit XML report.", ex); } } }
/** * Flatten a list of test suite results into a collection of results grouped by test class. * This method basically strips away the TestNG way of organising tests and arranges * the results by test class. */ private Collection<TestClassResults> flattenResults(List<ISuite> suites) { Map<IClass, TestClassResults> flattenedResults = new HashMap<>(); for (ISuite suite : suites) { for (ISuiteResult suiteResult : suite.getResults().values()) { // Failed and skipped configuration methods are treated as test failures. organiseByClass(suiteResult.getTestContext().getFailedConfigurations().getAllResults(), flattenedResults); organiseByClass(suiteResult.getTestContext().getSkippedConfigurations().getAllResults(), flattenedResults); // Successful configuration methods are not included. organiseByClass(suiteResult.getTestContext().getFailedTests().getAllResults(), flattenedResults); organiseByClass(suiteResult.getTestContext().getSkippedTests().getAllResults(), flattenedResults); organiseByClass(suiteResult.getTestContext().getPassedTests().getAllResults(), flattenedResults); } } return flattenedResults.values(); }
@Override public void onStart(ISuite suite) { String healthCheckClass = Configuration.get(Parameter.HEALTH_CHECK_CLASS); if (suite.getParameter(Parameter.HEALTH_CHECK_CLASS.getKey()) != null) { // redefine by suite arguments as they have higher priority healthCheckClass = suite.getParameter(Parameter.HEALTH_CHECK_CLASS.getKey()); } String healthCheckMethods = Configuration.get(Parameter.HEALTH_CHECK_METHODS); if (suite.getParameter(Parameter.HEALTH_CHECK_METHODS.getKey()) != null) { // redefine by suite arguments as they have higher priority healthCheckMethods = suite.getParameter(Parameter.HEALTH_CHECK_METHODS.getKey()); } String[] healthCheckMethodsArray = null; if (!healthCheckMethods.isEmpty()) { healthCheckMethodsArray = healthCheckMethods.split(","); } checkHealth(suite, healthCheckClass, healthCheckMethodsArray); }
@Override public List<IMethodInstance> intercept(List<IMethodInstance> methods, ITestContext context) { ISuite suite = context.getSuite(); List<IMethodInstance> filtered = new LinkedList<IMethodInstance>(); for (IMethodInstance candidate : methods) { if (matcher.matchesTest(candidate.getMethod().getTestClass().getName(), candidate.getMethod().getMethodName()) || matcher.matchesTest(suite.getName(), null)) { filtered.add(candidate); } } return filtered; }