Java 类soot.jimple.StaticFieldRef 实例源码

项目:JAADAS    文件   
 * Gets the points-to-set for the given value
 * @param targetValue The value for which to get the points-to-set
 * @return The points-to-set for the given value
private PointsToSet getPointsToSet(Value targetValue) {
    PointsToAnalysis pta = Scene.v().getPointsToAnalysis();
    synchronized (pta) {            
        if (targetValue instanceof Local)
            return pta.reachingObjects((Local) targetValue);
        else if (targetValue instanceof InstanceFieldRef) {
            InstanceFieldRef iref = (InstanceFieldRef) targetValue;
            return pta.reachingObjects((Local) iref.getBase(), iref.getField());
        else if (targetValue instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
            StaticFieldRef sref = (StaticFieldRef) targetValue;
            return pta.reachingObjects(sref.getField());
        else if (targetValue instanceof ArrayRef) {
            ArrayRef aref = (ArrayRef) targetValue;
            return pta.reachingObjects((Local) aref.getBase());
            throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected value type for aliasing: " + targetValue.getClass());
项目:JAADAS    文件   
 * Checks whether the given base value matches the base of the given
 * taint abstraction
 * @param baseValue The value to check
 * @param source The taint abstraction to check
 * @return True if the given value has the same base value as the given
 * taint abstraction, otherwise false
protected boolean baseMatches(final Value baseValue, Abstraction source) {
    if (baseValue instanceof Local) {
        if (baseValue.equals(source.getAccessPath().getPlainValue()))
            return true;
    else if (baseValue instanceof InstanceFieldRef) {
        InstanceFieldRef ifr = (InstanceFieldRef) baseValue;
        if (ifr.getBase().equals(source.getAccessPath().getPlainValue())
                && source.getAccessPath().firstFieldMatches(ifr.getField()))
            return true;
    else if (baseValue instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
        StaticFieldRef sfr = (StaticFieldRef) baseValue;
        if (source.getAccessPath().firstFieldMatches(sfr.getField()))
            return true;
    return false;
项目:JAADAS    文件   
public void jimplify (DexBody body) {
      int source = ((OneRegisterInstruction)instruction).getRegisterA();
      FieldReference f = (FieldReference)((ReferenceInstruction)instruction).getReference();
      StaticFieldRef instanceField = Jimple.v().newStaticFieldRef(getStaticSootFieldRef(f));
      Local sourceValue = body.getRegisterLocal(source);
      assign = getAssignStmt(body, sourceValue, instanceField);

if (IDalvikTyper.ENABLE_DVKTYPER) {
    Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "constraint: "+ assign);
        int op = (int)instruction.getOpcode().value;
        DalvikTyper.v().setType(assign.getRightOpBox(), instanceField.getType(), true);
项目:JAADAS    文件   
public void isParamVulnAndStore(SootMethod originMethod, Stmt originStmt, Value reachedValue) { //avoid sideeffect
    //constant already guaranteed by caller
    String funcSig = originStmt.getInvokeExpr().getMethod().getSignature();
    String valueString = reachedValue.toString();
    if (evaluateResult(funcSig, valueString)) {
        if(DEBUG) {
            System.out.println("result found");
            System.out.println("originstmt: " + originStmt + " reachedValue: " + reachedValue);
        this.results.add(new Pair<>(originMethod, new Pair<>(originStmt, valueString)));
    if(DEBUG) {
        if (reachedValue instanceof Constant || reachedValue instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
            System.out.println("originstmt: " + originStmt + " reachedValue: " + reachedValue);
项目:Sus    文件   
private void checkAccessStmt(Stmt sootStmt, SootMethod currentMethod)
        SootField accessField = sootStmt.getFieldRef().getField();
        boolean isWrite = (((DefinitionStmt)sootStmt).getLeftOp() instanceof FieldRef);
        boolean isStatic = (sootStmt.getFieldRef() instanceof StaticFieldRef);
        Value object = isStatic ? NullConstant.v() : ((InstanceFieldRef)sootStmt.getFieldRef()).getBase();

        String methodSig = currentMethod.getSignature();

        List<Value> currentLocks = new ArrayList<Value>(lockStack);

        System.out.println(isWrite+" access on "+isStatic+" field "+accessField+" of "+object+" in "+methodSig+" with "+currentLocks.size()+" locks");

            variableAccesses.put(methodSig, new HashSet<VariableAccess>());
                new VariableAccess(accessField, sootStmt, currentMethod, isWrite, isStatic, currentLocks));
项目:bixie    文件   
public void caseStaticFieldRef(StaticFieldRef arg0) {
    // TODO: we are checking if this is a @NonNull field
    // if so, we add an assume to ensure that it actually is
    // not null here. May be better ways to do this.
            GlobalsCache.v().lookupSootField(arg0.getField()), arg0);
    Expression field = GlobalsCache.v().lookupSootField(arg0.getField());
    // check if the field may be modified by another thread.
    // (unless it is a lhs expression. In that case we don't care.
    if (!this.isLeftHandSide && checkSharedField(arg0, field)) {
        havocField(field, null);

项目:jar2bpl    文件   
public void caseStaticFieldRef(StaticFieldRef arg0) {
    // TODO: we are checking if this is a @NonNull field
    // if so, we add an assume to ensure that it actually is
    // not null here. May be better ways to do this.
            GlobalsCache.v().lookupSootField(arg0.getField()), arg0);
    Expression field = GlobalsCache.v().lookupSootField(arg0.getField());
    // check if the field may be modified by another thread.
    // (unless it is a lhs expression. In that case we don't care.
    if (!this.isLeftHandSide && checkSharedField(arg0, field)) {
        havocField(field, null);

项目:soot-inflow    文件   
 * Gets the points-to-set for the given value
 * @param targetValue The value for which to get the points-to-set
 * @return The points-to-set for the given value
private PointsToSet getPointsToSet(Value targetValue) {
    if (targetValue instanceof Local)
        return Scene.v().getPointsToAnalysis().reachingObjects((Local) targetValue);
    else if (targetValue instanceof InstanceFieldRef) {
        InstanceFieldRef iref = (InstanceFieldRef) targetValue;
        return Scene.v().getPointsToAnalysis().reachingObjects((Local) iref.getBase(), iref.getField());
    else if (targetValue instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
        StaticFieldRef sref = (StaticFieldRef) targetValue;
        return Scene.v().getPointsToAnalysis().reachingObjects(sref.getField());
    else if (targetValue instanceof ArrayRef) {
        ArrayRef aref = (ArrayRef) targetValue;
        return Scene.v().getPointsToAnalysis().reachingObjects((Local) aref.getBase());
        throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected value type for aliasing: " + targetValue.getClass());
项目:soot-inflow    文件   
public void addStaticFieldAV(StaticFieldRef sfr, AliasValue av){
    Set<AliasValue> avSet = this.staticFieldAVs.get(sfr);
    if(avSet == null){
        avSet = new HashSet<AliasValue>();
        this.staticFieldAVs.put(sfr, avSet);
        boolean isExisted = false;
        for(AliasValue item : avSet){
                isExisted = true;
项目:soot-inflow    文件   
private void addStaticFieldAV(StaticFieldRef sfr, AliasValue av){
    Set<AliasValue> avSet = this.staticFieldAVs.get(sfr);
    if(avSet == null){
        avSet = new HashSet<AliasValue>();
        this.staticFieldAVs.put(sfr, avSet);
        boolean isExisted = false;
        for(AliasValue item : avSet){
                isExisted = true;
项目:soot-inflow    文件   
public void addStaticFieldAV(StaticFieldRef sfr, AliasValue av){
    Set<AliasValue> avSet = this.staticFieldAVs.get(sfr);
    if(avSet == null){
        avSet = new HashSet<AliasValue>();
        this.staticFieldAVs.put(sfr, avSet);
        boolean isExisted = false;
        for(AliasValue item : avSet){
                isExisted = true;
项目:soot-inflow    文件   
private void foundNewTaint(Unit currUnit, Value lv){
    if(spa.getPathSummary().alreadyInTaintsSet(currUnit, lv)){
    if(lv instanceof StaticFieldRef){
        spa.getPathSummary().addStaticFieldRefTV((StaticFieldRef) lv);
    //first add the left value to taints set
    TaintValue tv = new TaintValue(currUnit, lv);
    //then, whether the left value is a FieldRef (only instance field can have alias) TODO
    if(lv instanceof InstanceFieldRef){
        BackwardAnalysis ba = new BackwardAnalysis(currUnit, tv, spa);
项目:permission-map    文件   
private void assignServiceToField(Body b, SootClass initClass, SootClass sc) {
    Value l = getLocalWithName(b, makeLocalName(sc.getType()), sc.getType());
    SootField f = initClass.getFieldByName(makeFieldName(sc.getType()));
    StaticFieldRef sfr = Jimple.v().newStaticFieldRef(f.makeRef());
    Unit u = Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(sfr, l);
项目:cheetah    文件   
public boolean hasPrefix(Value v) { // if this has prefix v
    if (v instanceof Local) {
        if (local == null)
            return false;
            return (local.equals(v));

    } else if (v instanceof InstanceFieldRef) {
        InstanceFieldRef ifr = (InstanceFieldRef) v;
        if (local == null) {
            if (ifr.getBase() != null)
                return false;
        } else if (!local.equals(ifr.getBase()))
            return false;
        if (fields.length > 0 && ifr.getField() == fields[0])
            return true;
        return false;

    } else if (v instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
        StaticFieldRef sfr = (StaticFieldRef) v;
        if (local != null)
            return false;
        if (fields.length > 0 && sfr.getField() == fields[0])
            return true;
        return false;

    } else if (v instanceof ArrayRef) {
        ArrayRef ar = (ArrayRef) v;
        if (local == null)
            return false;
            return (local.equals(ar.getBase()));

    } else if (v instanceof Constant) {
        return false;
    } else
        throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected left side " + v.getClass());
项目:cheetah    文件   
public SootField[] getPostfix(Value v) { // this is longer than v
    if (v instanceof InstanceFieldRef || v instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
        if (fields.length > 0)
            return Arrays.copyOfRange(fields, 1, fields.length);
        return new SootField[] {};
    } else if (v instanceof ArrayRef) {
        return new SootField[] {};
    } else
        throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected left side " + v.getClass());
项目:cheetah    文件   
/***** Aliases *****/

    private Set<FlowAbstraction> taintAliases(FlowAbstraction fa) {

        // System.out.println(icfg.getMethodOf(fa.getUnit()).getActiveBody());

        Set<FlowAbstraction> ret = new HashSet<FlowAbstraction>();

        // Should not consider other cases...
        if (fa.getLocal() != null) {
            Set<Value> mayAliases = icfg.mayAlias(fa.getLocal(), fa.getUnit());

            for (Value alias : mayAliases) {
                if (alias instanceof Local || alias instanceof ArrayRef || alias instanceof StaticFieldRef
                        || alias instanceof InstanceFieldRef) {
                    FlowAbstraction faT = getTaint(fa.getLocal(), alias, fa, fa.getUnit());
                    if (faT != null)

            if (DEBUG_ALIAS) {
                if (!ret.isEmpty()) {
                    LOGGER.debug("At " + fa.getUnit());
                    LOGGER.debug("\tAliases of " + fa.getLocal() + " are: " + mayAliases);
                    LOGGER.debug("\tAlias tainting " + ret);
        return ret;
项目:cheetah    文件   
/***** Taints *****/

    private FlowAbstraction getTaint(Value right, Value left, FlowAbstraction source, Unit src) {
        FlowAbstraction fa = null;

        if (right instanceof CastExpr)
            right = ((CastExpr) right).getOp();

        if (right instanceof Local && source.getLocal() == right) {
            fa = FlowAbstraction.v(source.getSource(), left, src, icfg.getMethodOf(src), source);
            fa = fa.append(source.getFields());
        } else if (right instanceof InstanceFieldRef) {
            InstanceFieldRef ifr = (InstanceFieldRef) right;
            if (source.hasPrefix(ifr)) {
                fa = FlowAbstraction.v(source.getSource(), left, src, icfg.getMethodOf(src), source);
                fa = fa.append(source.getPostfix(ifr));
        } else if (right instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
            StaticFieldRef sfr = (StaticFieldRef) right;
            if (source.hasPrefix(sfr)) {
                fa = FlowAbstraction.v(source.getSource(), left, src, icfg.getMethodOf(src), source);
                fa = fa.append(source.getPostfix(sfr));
        } else if (right instanceof ArrayRef) {
            ArrayRef ar = (ArrayRef) right;
            if (ar.getBase() == source.getLocal())
                fa = FlowAbstraction.v(source.getSource(), left, src, icfg.getMethodOf(src), source);
        return fa;
项目:JAADAS    文件   
 * Checks whether the given base value matches the base of the given
 * taint abstraction and ends there. So a will match a, but not a.x.
 * Not that this function will still match a to a.*.
 * @param baseValue The value to check
 * @param source The taint abstraction to check
 * @return True if the given value has the same base value as the given
 * taint abstraction and no further elements, otherwise false
protected boolean baseMatchesStrict(final Value baseValue, Abstraction source) {
    if (!baseMatches(baseValue, source))
        return false;

    if (baseValue instanceof Local)
        return source.getAccessPath().isLocal();
    else if (baseValue instanceof InstanceFieldRef || baseValue instanceof StaticFieldRef)
        return source.getAccessPath().getFieldCount() == 1;

    throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected left side");
项目:JAADAS    文件   
private Insn buildGetInsn(ConcreteRef sourceRef, Register destinationReg) {
    if (sourceRef instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
        return buildStaticFieldGetInsn(destinationReg, (StaticFieldRef) sourceRef);
    } else if (sourceRef instanceof InstanceFieldRef) {
        return buildInstanceFieldGetInsn(destinationReg, (InstanceFieldRef) sourceRef);
    } else if (sourceRef instanceof ArrayRef) {
        return buildArrayGetInsn(destinationReg, (ArrayRef) sourceRef);
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("unsupported type of ConcreteRef: " + sourceRef.getClass());
项目:JAADAS    文件   
private Insn buildPutInsn(ConcreteRef destRef, Value source) {
    if (destRef instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
        return buildStaticFieldPutInsn((StaticFieldRef) destRef, source);
    } else if (destRef instanceof InstanceFieldRef) {
        return buildInstanceFieldPutInsn((InstanceFieldRef) destRef, source);
    } else if (destRef instanceof ArrayRef) {
        return buildArrayPutInsn((ArrayRef) destRef, source);
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("unsupported type of ConcreteRef: " + destRef.getClass());
项目:JAADAS    文件   
private Insn buildStaticFieldPutInsn(StaticFieldRef destRef, Value source) {
    SootField destSootField = destRef.getField();
    Register sourceReg = regAlloc.asImmediate(source, constantV);
    BuilderFieldReference destField = DexPrinter.toFieldReference(destSootField, belongingFile);
    Opcode opc = getPutGetOpcodeWithTypeSuffix("sput", destField.getType());
    return new Insn21c(opc, sourceReg, destField);
项目:JAADAS    文件   
public void jimplify (DexBody body) {
      int dest = ((OneRegisterInstruction)instruction).getRegisterA();
      FieldReference f = (FieldReference)((ReferenceInstruction)instruction).getReference();
      StaticFieldRef r = Jimple.v().newStaticFieldRef(getStaticSootFieldRef(f));
      assign = Jimple.v().newAssignStmt(body.getRegisterLocal(dest), r);

if (IDalvikTyper.ENABLE_DVKTYPER) {
    Debug.printDbg(IDalvikTyper.DEBUG, "constraint: "+ assign);
        int op = (int)instruction.getOpcode().value;
        DalvikTyper.v().setType(assign.getLeftOpBox(), r.getType(), false);
项目:ic3-dialdroid    文件   
protected void addSceneTransformer(Map<SootMethod, Set<String>> entryPointMap) {
  Ic3ResultBuilder resultBuilder = new Ic3ResultBuilder();
  DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss");
  String debugDirPath = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + "debug";
  File debugDir = new File(debugDirPath);
  if (!debugDir.exists()) {

  String fileName = dateFormat.format(new Date()) + ".txt";
  String debugFilename = debugDirPath + File.separator + fileName;

  String pack = AnalysisParameters.v().useShimple() ? "wstp" : "wjtp";
  Transform transform =
      new Transform(pack + ".ifds", new PropagationSceneTransformer(resultBuilder,
          new PropagationSceneTransformerFilePrinter(debugFilename, new SymbolFilter() {

            public boolean filterOut(Value symbol) {
              return symbol instanceof StaticFieldRef && ((StaticFieldRef) symbol).getField()
  if (PackManager.v().getPack(pack).get(pack + ".ifds") == null) {
  } else {
    Iterator<?> it = PackManager.v().getPack(pack).iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      Object current =;
      if (current instanceof Transform
          && ((Transform) current).getPhaseName().equals(pack + ".ifds")) {

项目:DroidRA    文件   
 * Returns a normal edge function.
 * @param curr The current statement.
 * @param currNode The current variable.
 * @param succNode The variable the current variable is propagated to after the statement.
 * @param zeroValue The zero value, which represents the absence of a data flow fact.
 * @param pointsToAnalysis The pointer analysis.
 * @return A normal edge function.
public EdgeFunction<BasePropagationValue> getNormalEdgeFunction(Unit curr, Value currNode,
    Value succNode, Value zeroValue, PointsToAnalysis pointsToAnalysis) {
  if (curr instanceof AssignStmt) {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
      logger.debug("Normal edge: " + curr);
      logger.debug(currNode + " " + succNode);
    AssignStmt assignStmt = (AssignStmt) curr;

    final Value left = assignStmt.getLeftOp();
    final String type = left.getType().toString();
    final Value right = assignStmt.getRightOp();

    if (Model.v().isModeledType(type)) {
      if (currNode.equivTo(zeroValue) && succNode.equivTo(left)) {
        if (right instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
          StaticFieldRef staticFieldRef = (StaticFieldRef) right;

          Argument[] arguments =

          EdgeFunction<BasePropagationValue> result =
              PropagationTransformerFactory.makeTransformer(null, arguments, false);
          if (arguments != null) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
              logger.debug("Returning " + result);
            return PropagationTransformerFactory.makeTransformer(null, arguments, false);
        } else if (right instanceof NullConstant) {
          return PropagationTransformerFactory.makeTransformer(null, null, false);
  return EdgeIdentity.v();
项目:DroidRA    文件   
public boolean isCallStmt(Unit unit) {
  Stmt stmt = (Stmt) unit;
  if (stmt.containsInvokeExpr()) {
    return true;
  } else if (stmt instanceof AssignStmt) {
    Value right = ((AssignStmt) stmt).getRightOp();
    return right instanceof StaticFieldRef
        && AnalysisParameters.v().isAnalysisClass(
            ((StaticFieldRef) right).getField().getDeclaringClass().getName());
  } else {
    return false;
项目:petablox    文件   
public void visit(Value e) {
    if (e instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
        StaticFieldRef sfe = (StaticFieldRef) e;
        add(e, sfe.getField());
项目:soot-inflow    文件   
public MethodInitState(MethodSummary ms){
    this.staticFieldTVs = new ArrayList<StaticFieldRef>();
    this.staticFieldAVs = new HashMap<StaticFieldRef, Set<AliasValue>>();
    this.thisTV = null;
    this.thisAVs = new ArrayList<AliasValue>();
    this.argTVs = new ArrayList<TaintValue>();
    this.argAVs = new ArrayList<ArrayList<AliasValue>>(); = ms;
项目:soot-inflow    文件   
public void addAllStaticFieldTVs(ArrayList<StaticFieldRef> sfrs){
    for(StaticFieldRef sfr : sfrs){
项目:soot-inflow    文件   
public void addAllStaticFieldAVs(HashMap<StaticFieldRef, Set<AliasValue>> sfAVMap){
    Iterator iter = sfAVMap.entrySet().iterator();
        Entry<StaticFieldRef, Set<AliasValue>> entry = (Entry<StaticFieldRef, Set<AliasValue>>);
        StaticFieldRef sfr = entry.getKey();
        Set<AliasValue> avs = entry.getValue();
        for(AliasValue av : avs){
            addStaticFieldAV(sfr, av);
项目:soot-inflow    文件   
public PathSummary(ArrayList<Unit> allUnits){
    this.invokeExprs = new ArrayList<InvokeExpr>();
    this.taintsSet = new HashSet<TaintValue>();
    this.aliasSet = new HashSet<AliasValue>();
    this.allUnits = allUnits;
    this.initMethodSummary = null;
    this.spes = new SinglePathExitState(this);
    this.staticFieldTVs = new ArrayList<StaticFieldRef>();
    this.staticFieldAVs = new HashMap<StaticFieldRef, Set<AliasValue>>();
项目:soot-inflow    文件   
public StaticFieldRef isStaticFieldTainted(StaticFieldRef sfr){
    StaticFieldRef result = null;
    for(StaticFieldRef item : this.staticFieldTVs){
        if(item.toString().equals(sfr.toString()) || item.getField().toString().equals(sfr.getField().toString())){
            result = item;
    return result;
项目:soot-inflow    文件   
public Set<AliasValue> getStaticFieldAVs(StaticFieldRef sfr){
    Set<AliasValue> result = null;
    Iterator iter = this.staticFieldAVs.entrySet().iterator();
        Entry<StaticFieldRef, Set<AliasValue>> entry = (Entry<StaticFieldRef, Set<AliasValue>>);
        StaticFieldRef key = entry.getKey();
        Set<AliasValue> avSet = entry.getValue();
            result = avSet;
    return result;
项目:soot-inflow    文件   
public void addAllStaticFieldTVs(ArrayList<StaticFieldRef> sfrs){
    for(StaticFieldRef sfr : sfrs){
项目:soot-inflow    文件   
public void addAllStaticFieldAVs(HashMap<StaticFieldRef, Set<AliasValue>> sfAVMap){
    Iterator iter = sfAVMap.entrySet().iterator();
        Entry<StaticFieldRef, Set<AliasValue>> entry = (Entry<StaticFieldRef, Set<AliasValue>>);
        StaticFieldRef sfr = entry.getKey();
        Set<AliasValue> avs = entry.getValue();
        for(AliasValue av : avs){
            addStaticFieldAV(sfr, av);
项目:soot-inflow    文件   
public MergedExitState(){
    this.mergedExitArgTVs = null;
    this.mergedExitThisAVs = new ArrayList<AliasValue>();
    this.staticFieldTVs = new ArrayList<StaticFieldRef>();
    this.staticFieldAVs = new HashMap<StaticFieldRef, Set<AliasValue>>();
    this.mergedRetTV = null;
    this.mergedRetAVs = new ArrayList<AliasValue>();
项目:soot-inflow    文件   
public void addAllStaticFieldTVs(ArrayList<StaticFieldRef> sfrs){
    for(StaticFieldRef sfr : sfrs){
项目:soot-inflow    文件   
public void addAllStaticFieldAVs(HashMap<StaticFieldRef, Set<AliasValue>> sfAVMap){
    Iterator iter = sfAVMap.entrySet().iterator();
        Entry<StaticFieldRef, Set<AliasValue>> entry = (Entry<StaticFieldRef, Set<AliasValue>>);
        StaticFieldRef sfr = entry.getKey();
        Set<AliasValue> avs = entry.getValue();
        for(AliasValue av : avs){
            addStaticFieldAV(sfr, av);
项目:coal    文件   
 * Returns a normal edge function.
 * @param curr The current statement.
 * @param currNode The current variable.
 * @param succNode The variable the current variable is propagated to after the statement.
 * @param zeroValue The zero value, which represents the absence of a data flow fact.
 * @param pointsToAnalysis The pointer analysis.
 * @return A normal edge function.
public EdgeFunction<BasePropagationValue> getNormalEdgeFunction(Unit curr, Value currNode,
    Value succNode, Value zeroValue, PointsToAnalysis pointsToAnalysis) {
  if (curr instanceof AssignStmt) {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
      logger.debug("Normal edge: " + curr);
      logger.debug(currNode + " " + succNode);
    AssignStmt assignStmt = (AssignStmt) curr;

    final Value left = assignStmt.getLeftOp();
    final String type = left.getType().toString();
    final Value right = assignStmt.getRightOp();

    if (Model.v().isModeledType(type)) {
      if (currNode.equivTo(zeroValue) && succNode.equivTo(left)) {
        if (right instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
          StaticFieldRef staticFieldRef = (StaticFieldRef) right;

          Argument[] arguments =

          EdgeFunction<BasePropagationValue> result =
              PropagationTransformerFactory.makeTransformer(null, arguments, false);
          if (arguments != null) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
              logger.debug("Returning " + result);
            return PropagationTransformerFactory.makeTransformer(null, arguments, false);
        } else if (right instanceof NullConstant) {
          return PropagationTransformerFactory.makeTransformer(null, null, false);
  return EdgeIdentity.v();
项目:coal    文件   
public boolean isCallStmt(Unit unit) {
  Stmt stmt = (Stmt) unit;
  if (stmt.containsInvokeExpr()) {
    return true;
  } else if (stmt instanceof AssignStmt) {
    Value right = ((AssignStmt) stmt).getRightOp();
    return right instanceof StaticFieldRef
        && AnalysisParameters.v().isAnalysisClass(
            ((StaticFieldRef) right).getField().getDeclaringClass().getName());
  } else {
    return false;
项目:matos-tool    文件   
private AbsValue analyzeStaticFieldRef(StaticFieldRef r, Unit u, Set <Unit> seen ) {
    ProgramSpy.debug("************ STATIC FIELD REF ********");
    StaticFieldRef fr = (StaticFieldRef) r;
    SootField field = fr.getField();
    PointsToSet fdefs =pag.reachingObjects(fr.getField()); 
    //          ((pag instanceof DemandCSPointsTo) ? ((DemandCSPointsTo) pag).getPAG() : pag).reachingObjects(fr.getField());
    if (P2SAux.is_simple(field.getType())) {
        ProgramSpy.debug("Simple field");
        AbsValue sb = possibleStringConstantsValue(str(fr),fdefs);
        String tailname = 
            field.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "_" +
        // This is bogus but it seems that Soot incorectly ignores some clinit
        if (unresolved(sb)) { 
            if (!cc.doublon_field.containsKey(tailname)) {
                String name = "AF" + cc.count++ + "_" + tailname;
                ProgramSpy.debug("Registering field " + name);
                SpyField spy = new SpyField(name,fr.getField(),null);
                cc.registerField (fr.getField(), spy);
                return  new MarkValue(tailname, spy.getAbsValue());
            } else {
                AbsValue av = ((SpyField) cc.doublon_field.get(tailname)).getAbsValue();
                return  new MarkValue(tailname, av);
        } else {
            return sb; 
    } else
        return P2SAux.p2sContents(cc.nodeTable, fdefs);
