private static String getHostName() { String hostname = System.getenv().get("HOSTNAME"); if (hostname == null) { try { final Process hostnameProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("hostname"); final String processOutput = new String(IOUtils.readFully(hostnameProcess.getInputStream(), Integer.MAX_VALUE, false), StandardCharsets.US_ASCII); hostname = processOutput.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").trim(); } catch (final IOException ignored) { //ignored } } return hostname; }
private List<ClassNode> indexJar() { ArrayList<ClassNode> classNodes = new ArrayList<ClassNode>(); Enumeration<JarEntry> enumeration = jarFile.entries(); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { JarEntry jarEntry = enumeration.nextElement(); if (jarEntry != null) { if (jarEntry.getName().endsWith(".class")) { try { byte[] classBytes = IOUtils.readFully(jarFile.getInputStream(jarEntry), -1, false); ClassReader classReader = new ClassReader(classBytes); ClassNode classNode = new ClassNode(); classReader.accept(classNode, 0); classNodes.add(classNode); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } return classNodes; }
@Test public void asmTest() throws Exception { JvmClass jvmClass = new JvmClass(IOUtils.readFully(getClass().getClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream("passion/test/AsmMethodTest$ExampleClass.class"), -1, false)); jvmClass.getMethods().forEach((bytecodeMethod -> { if (bytecodeMethod.asm().name.equals("meow") && bytecodeMethod.getDescriptor() .getArguments().length == 0) { System.out.println("Found meow"); bytecodeMethod.getInvocations().forEach((invocation -> System.out.println("Invoke: " + invocation.getOwner().jvm() + ": " + invocation.getName() + ": " + invocation.getDescriptor() .getReturnType().jvm()))); Invocation invoke = Invocation.invokeStatic(bytecodeMethod, OtherClass.class .getName(), "ok", "()V"); bytecodeMethod.injectAllEndpoints(invoke, false); } })); File output = new File("output.class"); System.out.println("output = " + output.getAbsolutePath()); jvmClass.toFile(output); }
private static byte[] getBytes(URL url) throws IOException { URLConnection uc = url.openConnection(); if (uc instanceof { huc = ( uc; int code = huc.getResponseCode(); if (code >= { throw new IOException("open HTTP connection failed."); } } int len = uc.getContentLength(); InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(uc.getInputStream()); byte[] b; try { b = IOUtils.readFully(in, len, true); } finally { in.close(); } return b; }
AuthorizationDataEntry[] readAuth() throws IOException { int num, adtype, adlength; num = readLength4(); if (num > 0) { List<AuthorizationDataEntry> auData = new ArrayList<>(); byte[] data = null; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { adtype = read(2); adlength = readLength4(); data = IOUtils.readFully(this, adlength, true); auData.add(new AuthorizationDataEntry(adtype, data)); } return auData.toArray(new AuthorizationDataEntry[auData.size()]); } else return null; }
private static byte[] getBytes(URL url) throws IOException { URLConnection uc = url.openConnection(); if (uc instanceof { huc = ( uc; int code = huc.getResponseCode(); if (code >= { throw new IOException("open HTTP connection failed."); } } int len = uc.getContentLength(); // Fixed #4507227: Slow performance to load // class and resources. [stanleyh] // // Use buffered input stream [stanleyh] InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(uc.getInputStream()); byte[] b; try { b = IOUtils.readFully(in, len, true); } finally { in.close(); } return b; }
static void checkTimestamp(String file, String policyId, String digestAlg) throws Exception { try (JarFile jf = new JarFile(file)) { JarEntry je = jf.getJarEntry("META-INF/OLD.RSA"); try (InputStream is = jf.getInputStream(je)) { byte[] content = IOUtils.readFully(is, -1, true); PKCS7 p7 = new PKCS7(content); SignerInfo[] si = p7.getSignerInfos(); if (si == null || si.length == 0) { throw new Exception("Not signed"); } PKCS9Attribute p9 = si[0].getUnauthenticatedAttributes() .getAttribute(PKCS9Attribute.SIGNATURE_TIMESTAMP_TOKEN_OID); PKCS7 tsToken = new PKCS7((byte[]) p9.getValue()); TimestampToken tt = new TimestampToken(tsToken.getContentInfo().getData()); if (!tt.getHashAlgorithm().toString().equals(digestAlg)) { throw new Exception("Digest alg different"); } if (!tt.getPolicyID().equals(policyId)) { throw new Exception("policyId different"); } } } }
/** * Method which is called at the beginning of the client's communication * * Communicates with Server.ClientChecker * * Reads initData; mapsize, this client's id, and current state of the sections * @throws IOException if communication fails */ private static void initGame() throws IOException { DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(CLIENT.getInputStream()); PrintStream out = new PrintStream(CLIENT.getOutputStream()); // write requestType out.println(Server.CONST_PLAY); System.out.println("DBG:Play"); // write requested map out.println(_MAP); System.out.println("DBG:Map"); // read gameData // mapsize mapsize = in.readInt(); System.out.println("DBG:Size "+mapsize); // clientId clientId = in.readInt(); System.out.println("DBG:id "+clientId); // amount of bytes that will be read, state int stateCount = in.readInt(); System.out.println("DBG:stateLength "+stateCount); // read stateData byte[] stateData = IOUtils.readFully(in, stateCount, true); System.out.println("DBG:StateData\n"+Arrays.toString(stateData)); // init CLIENT_GUI CLIENT_GUI = new ClientGUI(mapsize, stateData); CLIENT_GUI.setTitle(ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName()+" Map: "+_MAP+" ID:"+clientId); // tells server that client is ready out.write(1); System.out.println("DBG:Confirmed"); }
@Override public int sendBackupData(int numBytes) { if (backupState == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Attempted sendBackupData() before performFullBackup()"); return TRANSPORT_ERROR; } long bytesTransferred = backupState.getBytesTransferred() + numBytes; if (bytesTransferred > configuration.getBackupSizeQuota()) { return TRANSPORT_QUOTA_EXCEEDED; } InputStream inputStream = backupState.getInputStream(); ZipOutputStream outputStream = backupState.getOutputStream(); try { outputStream.write(IOUtils.readFully(inputStream, numBytes, true)); backupState.setBytesTransferred(bytesTransferred); } catch (IOException ex) { Log.e(TAG, "Error handling backup data for " + backupState.getPackageName() + ": ", ex); return TRANSPORT_ERROR; } return TRANSPORT_OK; }
EncryptionKey readKey(int version) throws IOException { int keyType, keyLen; keyType = read(2); if (version == KRB5_FCC_FVNO_3) read(2); /* keytype recorded twice in fvno 3 */ keyLen = readLength4(); byte[] bytes = IOUtils.readFully(this, keyLen, true); return new EncryptionKey(bytes, keyType, new Integer(version)); }
byte[] readData() throws IOException { int length; length = readLength4(); if (length == 0) { return null; } else { return IOUtils.readFully(this, length, true); } }