def write_fasta_file(seq_records, outname, outdir=None, outext='.faa', force_rerun=False): """Write a FASTA file for a SeqRecord or a list of SeqRecord objects. Args: seq_records (SeqRecord, list): SeqRecord or a list of SeqRecord objects outname: Name of the output file which will have outext appended to it outdir: Path to directory to output sequences to outext: Extension of FASTA file, default ".faa" force_rerun: If file should be overwritten if it exists Returns: str: Path to output FASTA file. """ if not outdir: outdir = '' outfile = ssbio.utils.outfile_maker(inname='', outname=outname, outdir=outdir, outext=outext) if ssbio.utils.force_rerun(flag=force_rerun, outfile=outfile): SeqIO.write(seq_records, outfile, "fasta") return outfile
def filter_fastq(input_file,output_file,downweight_number,ctot,gtoa): """ Takes a Fastq file as input and weights the quality of the bases down at the start and the end of the reads. """ in_iterator = SeqIO.parse(input_file,'fastq') input_records=list(in_iterator) for i, record in enumerate(input_records): change_bases_c = None change_bases_t = None temp_qual = record.letter_annotations['phred_quality'] if(ctot): change_bases_c = [check_c_2_t(nuc) and i < downweight_number for i, nuc in enumerate(record.seq)] if(gtoa): change_bases_t = [check_g_2_a(nuc) and (len(record.seq)-i) <= downweight_number for i, nuc in enumerate(record.seq)] new_qual =downweight_quality(temp_qual, change_bases_c ,change_bases_t) input_records[i].letter_annotations['phred_quality']=new_qual handle = file(output_file,'wt') SeqIO.write(input_records, handle, "fastq")
def filter_bam(input_file, output_file, downweight_number, ctot, gtoa): """ Takes a bam file as input and weights the quality of the reads down. Need to ensure we write the header out :) Investigate pysam and look for a header, this should really help us understand how to get this bam filter working and writing the bam files directly back out to the terminal. """ bam = pysam.Samfile(input_file,'rb') bam_out = pysam.Samfile(output_file, 'wb',template=bam) for line in bam: change_bases_c = None change_bases_t = None seq = line.seq qual = line.qual if(ctot): change_bases_c = [check_c_2_t(nuc) and i < downweight_number for i, nuc in enumerate(seq)] if(gtoa): change_bases_t = [check_g_2_a(nuc) and (len(seq)-i) <= downweight_number for i, nuc in enumerate(seq)] new_qual = downweight_quality(qual,change_bases_c, change_bases_t) line.qual = new_qual bam_out.write(line)
def remove_small_large_contigs(self,input_file, output_file): with open(input_file, "r") as spades_input_file, open(output_file, "w") as spades_output_file: sequences = [] for record in SeqIO.parse(spades_input_file, "fasta"): if self.min_spades_contig_coverage != 0 and self.sequence_coverage(record.id) < self.min_spades_contig_coverage: self.logger.warning("Excluding contig with low coverage of "+ str(self.sequence_coverage(record.id))+ " from "+ self.spades_assembly_file()) continue if self.max_spades_contig_coverage != 0 and self.sequence_coverage(record.id) > self.max_spades_contig_coverage: self.logger.warning("Excluding contig with high coverage of "+ str(self.sequence_coverage(record.id))+ " from "+ self.spades_assembly_file()) continue if len(record.seq) > self.minimum_length: sequences.append(record) else: self.logger.warning("Excluding contig of length "+ str(len(record.seq))+ " from "+ self.spades_assembly_file() ) SeqIO.write(sequences, spades_output_file, "fasta")
def consensus(bam_path: 'path to SAM/BAM file', realign: 'attempt to reconstruct reference around soft-clip boundaries'=False, min_depth: 'substitute Ns at coverage depths beneath this value'=2, min_overlap: 'match length required to close soft-clipped gaps'=7, clip_decay_threshold: 'read depth fraction at which to cease clip extension'=0.1, mask_ends: 'ignore clip dominant positions within n positions of termini'=50, trim_ends: 'trim ambiguous nucleotides (Ns) from sequence ends'=False, uppercase: 'close gaps using uppercase alphabet'=False): '''Infer consensus sequence(s) from alignment in SAM/BAM format''' result = kindel.bam_to_consensus(bam_path, realign, min_depth, min_overlap, clip_decay_threshold, mask_ends, trim_ends, uppercase) print(result.report, file=sys.stderr) SeqIO.write(result.consensuses, sys.stdout,'fasta')
def addCellToTCRsum(cellFolder, noutput, opened, tcrFout): if os.path.isfile(noutput + '.summary.txt'): currOut = open(noutput + '.summary.txt','r') if not opened: opened = True head = currOut.readline() head = 'cell\t' + head tcrFout.write(head) else: currOut.readline() l = currOut.readline() while l != '': newL = cellFolder + '\t' + l tcrFout.write(newL) l = currOut.readline() currOut.close() return opened
def writeReadsFileSE(mappedReadsDict, outReads, fastq): if fastq.endswith('.gz'): subprocess.call(['gunzip', fastq]) newFq = fastq.replace('.gz','') else: newFq = fastq out = open(outReads, 'w') fqF = open(newFq, 'rU') for record in SeqIO.parse(fqF, 'fastq'): if record.id in mappedReadsDict: newRec = SeqRecord(record.seq, id = record.id, description = '') SeqIO.write(newRec,out,'fasta') out.close() fqF.close() if fastq.endswith('.gz'): subprocess.call(['gzip',newFq])
def writeSegDict(segDict, outF, chain): for seg in segDict: currDict = segDict[seg] pairs = '' for pair in currDict['pairs']: pairs += pair + '.' pairs = pairs[:-1] if currDict['len'] > 0: fLine = chain + '\t' + currDict['status'] + '\t' rank = findCurrRank(segDict, seg, currDict['len']) fLine += str(rank) + '\t' if currDict['type'] == 'V': fLine += currDict['name'] + '\t' + 'paired with: ' + pairs + '\t' else: fLine += 'paired with: ' + pairs + '\t' + currDict['name'] + '\t' fLine += 'NA\t' + currDict['seq'] + '\tNA\tNA\tNA\t' fLine += 'NA\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA\t' if currDict['type'] == 'V': fLine += seg + '\tNA\tNA\n' else: fLine += 'NA\t' + seg + '\tNA\n' #print fLine outF.write(str(fLine))
def makeIdNameDict(mapping): f = open(mapping, 'r') fDict = dict() linesArr = f.read().split('\n') f.close() for line in linesArr: lineArr = line.split('\t') id = lineArr[0] name = lineArr[1] ind = name.find('Gene:') if ind != -1: name = name[ind+len('Gene:'):] if id in fDict: sys.stderr.write(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' Error! %s appear twice in mapping file\n' % id) sys.stderr.flush() fDict[id] = name return fDict
def _reverse_orf_read(s): """ Reads given string back until encounters stop-codon. Also write last encounter of start-codon :param s: string :return t, t_part_orf, fl, is_stop: t - pos of end reading t_part_orf - pos of current ORF's start fl - True if start codon was read is_stop - True if the reading was interrupted by stop codon """ t = len(s) t_part_orf = t fl = False while True: # do..while if s[t - 3:t] in ORFsInGraph.starts: t_part_orf = t - 3 fl = True t -= 3 if (s[t - 3:t] in ORFsInGraph.stops) or t < 3: break return t, t_part_orf, fl, s[t - 3:t] in ORFsInGraph.stops
def pbdagcon(m5, t): script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) cmd = ("%s/pbdagcon -t %d -c 1 -m 1 %s" % (script_dir, t, m5)).split() ## hard coded threshold to prevent trimming too many bases if(t > 100): return None proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) ## if in 5 sec, pbdagcon does not finish, trim 1 base and recursively run it poll_seconds = 0.25 deadline = time.time() + 5 while time.time() < deadline and proc.poll() == None: time.sleep(poll_seconds) if proc.poll() == None: proc.terminate() sys.stderr.write("Warning: PBDAGCON timeout! Trimming %d base(s).\n" %(t+1)) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: stdout = pbdagcon(m5, t+1) return stdout
def to_biopython_record(self): """ Example ------- from Bio import SeqIO gr_record = GraphicRecord(features=features, sequence_length=len(seq), sequence=seq) bio_record = gr_record.to_biopython_record() with open("example.gb", "w+") as f: SeqIO.write(record, f, "genbank") """ if not BIOPYTHON_AVAILABLE: raise ImportError(".to_biopython_record requires Biopython") features = [ SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(f.start, f.end, f.strand), type=f.feature_type, qualifiers={"label": f.label}) for f in self.features ] sequence = Seq(self.data["sequence"], alphabet=DNAAlphabet()) return SeqRecord(sequence=sequence, features=features)
def maskRibosomalSequence(seqRecord, dict16S, dict23S, dict5S, dict_t_rna): passed = False seq = seqRecord.seq id = seqRecord.id dicts = [dict16S, dict23S, dict5S, dict_t_rna] for d in dicts: if id in d: start_pos = d[id][1] end_pos = d[id][2] seq_length = d[id][0] logging.debug("identifier: " + id) logging.debug("Start : " + str(start_pos)) logging.debug("End : " + str(end_pos)) logging.debug("Length: " + str(seq_length)) logging.debug("original sequence: " + seq) # mask the RNA regions seq = seq[:int(start_pos) - 1] + "N" * (int(end_pos) - int(start_pos) + 1) + seq[ int(end_pos):int(seq_length)] logging.debug("masked sequence : " + seq) # write the resulting masked sequences to file if len(str(seq).replace("N", "")) > 60: seqRecord.seq = seq passed = True return seqRecord, passed
def single_fasta(ref, wd): """ From a fasta file make single files with each sequence :param ref: :param wd: :return: """ wd_split = wd + '/split/' logistic.check_create_dir(wd_split) fastaFile = open(ref, 'r') single_fasta_list = [] for record in SeqIO.parse(fastaFile, "fasta"): fasta_name = wd_split + '/' + record.id + '.fasta' single_fasta_list.append(fasta_name) output_handle = open(fasta_name, "w") SeqIO.write(record, output_handle, "fasta") output_handle.close() return single_fasta_list
def augustus_multi(threads, species, single_fasta_list, wd, verbose): '''handles the assembly process and parsing in a multithreaded way''' if int(threads) < 1: threads = 1 all_augustus = [] augustus = [wd, species, verbose] for record in single_fasta_list: single_command = augustus + [record] all_augustus.append(single_command) sys.stdout.write ("\t###RUNNING AUGUSTUS ###\n") with Pool(processes=int(threads), maxtasksperchild=1000) as pool: pool.map(augustus_call, all_augustus) parseAugustus(wd) return
def dump(self): ''' write the current state to file ''' self.log.warn("unsure if dump() works") from cPickle import dump from Bio import Phylo for attr_name, fname in self.file_dumps.iteritems(): if hasattr(self,attr_name): print("dumping",attr_name) #if attr_name=='seqs': self.seqs.all_seqs = None with myopen(fname, 'wb') as ofile: if attr_name=='nodes': continue elif attr_name=='tree': #biopython trees don't pickle well, write as newick + node info self.tree.dump(fname, self.file_dumps['nodes']) else: dump(getattr(self,attr_name), ofile, -1)
def clock_filter(self): if self.config["clock_filter"] == False: return self.tree.tt.clock_filter(reroot='best', n_iqd=self.config["clock_filter"]["n_iqd"], plot=self.config["clock_filter"]["plot"]) leaves = [x for x in self.tree.tree.get_terminals()] for n in leaves: if n.bad_branch: self.tree.tt.tree.prune(n) print('pruning leaf ', n.name) if self.config["clock_filter"]["remove_deep_splits"]: self.tree.tt.tree.ladderize() current_root = self.tree.tt.tree.root if sum([x.branch_length for x in current_root])>0.1 \ and sum([x.count_terminals() for x in current_root.clades[:-1]])<5: new_root = current_root.clades[-1] new_root.up=False self.tree.tt.tree.root = new_root with open(self.output_path+"_outliers.txt", 'a') as ofile: for x in current_root.clades[:-1]: ofile.write("\n".join([leaf.name for leaf in x.get_terminals()])+'\n') self.tree.tt.prepare_tree()
def export_diversity(self, fname = 'entropy.json', indent=None): ''' write the alignment entropy of each alignment (nucleotide and translations) to file ''' if not hasattr(self, "entropy"): self.diversity_statistics() entropy_json = {} for feat in self.entropy: S = [max(0,round(x,4)) for x in self.entropy[feat]] n = len(S) if feat=='nuc': entropy_json[feat] = {'pos':range(0,n), 'codon':[x//3 for x in range(0,n)], 'val':S} else: entropy_json[feat] = {'pos':[x for x in self.proteins[feat]][::3], 'codon':[(x-self.proteins[feat].start)//3 for x in self.proteins[feat]][::3], 'val':S} write_json(entropy_json, fname, indent=indent)
def writeMutationLog(): if sort_log_by == 1: startSort = sorted(mutation_log, key=itemgetter(0)) else: startSort = sorted(mutation_log, key=itemgetter(5)) print "\tWriting mutation log file: " + mut_log_outfile try: outfile = open(mut_log_outfile,"w") outfile.write("START\tEND\tTYPE\tBEFORE\tAFTER\n") for line in startSort: outfile.write(str(line[0]) + "\t" + str(line[1]) + "\t" + line[2] + "\t" + line[3] + "\t" + line[4] + "\n") except Exception, e: print "Error writing mutation log. " print e sys.exit() finally: outfile.close() ############## # writeGenome: This function will write a provided annotation file and genome file. # The isMut parameter is a flag to modify the filename for mutated variants of the simulated genome. ##############
def filter_evm_gff(evm_path): os.chdir(evm_path) ds = [f for f in os.listdir(evm_path) if os.path.isdir(f)] out_h = open('evm.evidence.txt','w') for d in ds: fPath = d + '/evm.out' size = os.path.getsize(fPath) if size > 0: blocks = open(fPath).read().strip().split('#')[1:] for block in blocks: coords = [] evidence = [] for line in block.strip().split('\n')[1:]: if line.strip() != '' and line[0] != '!': meta = line.strip().split('\t') coords.append(int(meta[0])) coords.append(int(meta[1])) coords.sort() evidence.extend([tuple(x[1:-1].split(';')) for x in meta[-1].split(',')]) evidence = set(evidence) sources = set([x[1] for x in evidence]) out_h.write(d + '\t' + str(coords[0]) + '\t' + str(coords[-1]) + '\t' + ','.join([x[0] for x in evidence]) + '\t' + ','.join(sources) + '\n') out_h.close()
def fa2embl(fa,embl,gff,path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) os.chdir(path) df = pd.read_csv(gff,sep='\t',header=None,comment='#',usecols=[0,2]) df = df[df[2].values=='gene'] chroms = list(set(df[0].tolist())) dic = SeqIO.index(fa,'fasta') for s in chroms: SeqIO.write(dic[s],open('fa','w'),'fasta') sarge.run('grep \'{s}\' {gff} > gff'.format(s=s,gff=gff)) sarge.run('/home/shangzhong/Installation/EMBOSS-6.6.0/bin/seqret \ -sequence fa -feature -fformat gff -fopenfile1 gff -osformat2 embl \ -auto -outseq {s}.embl'.format(s=s)) fns = glob.glob('*.embl') sarge.run('cat {files} > {embl}'.format(files=' '.join(fns),embl=embl)) # for f in fns: # os.remove(f) # fa2embl('/data/genome/hamster/ncbi_refseq/hamster.fa','hamster.embl','/data/genome/hamster/ncbi_refseq/hamster.gff','/data/shangzhong/Picr_assembly/Annotation/RATT/embl')
def run_cnvnator(input_file,output_file): root = output_file[:-3] + 'root' # 1 cnv_extract_bam(input_file,root,others) # 2 chr_path = file_path + '/cnv/scaffold' path = chr_path if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) for record in SeqIO.parse(ref_fa,'fasta'): SeqIO.write(record,path+'/'+record.id+'.fa','fasta') cnv_generate_hist(root,chr_path,bin_win,others) # 3 cnv_statistics(root,bin_win,others) # 4 cnv_partitioning(root,bin_win,others) # 5 cnv_call(root,output_file,bin_win,others)
def base_complement(k): """ Return complement of base. Performs the subsitutions: A<=>T, C<=>G, X=>X for both upper and lower case. The return value is identical to the argument for all other values. :param k: A base. :returns: Complement of base. :rtype: str """ try: return comp[k] except KeyError: sys.stderr.write( "WARNING: No reverse complement for {} found, returning argument.".format(k)) return k
def gfa1_to_exons(gfa_in_fn, fasta_out_fn, soft_mask_overlaps=False, hard_mask_overlaps=False): gfa1 = read_gfa1(gfa_in_fn) exon_dict = _segments_to_exon_dict(gfa1["segments"]) coordinate_dict = _containments_to_coordinate_dict(gfa1["containments"]) overlap_dict = _links_to_overlap_dict(gfa1["links"]) path_dict = _paths_to_path_dict(gfa1["paths"]) # Mask if necessary _mask(exon_dict, overlap_dict, soft_mask_overlaps, hard_mask_overlaps) # Add coordinate information to description for exon_id, exon_record in exon_dict.items(): exon_record.description = " ".join(coordinate_dict[exon_id]) # Write to fasta SeqIO.write(format="fasta", handle=fasta_out_fn, sequences=exon_dict.values())
def gfa1_to_gapped_transcript( gfa_in, fasta_out, number_of_ns=100, soft_mask_overlaps=False, hard_mask_overlaps=False): if soft_mask_overlaps == True and hard_mask_overlaps == True: raise Exception("I can't soft mask and hard mask at the same time, dude!") # Process gfa1 = read_gfa1(gfa_in) exon_dict = _segments_to_exon_dict(gfa1["segments"]) coordinate_dict = _containments_to_coordinate_dict(gfa1["containments"]) overlap_dict = _links_to_overlap_dict(gfa1["links"]) path_dict = _paths_to_path_dict(gfa1["paths"]) # Mask if necessary _mask(exon_dict, overlap_dict, soft_mask_overlaps, hard_mask_overlaps) composed_paths = _compose_paths(exon_dict, path_dict, number_of_ns) # Write SeqIO.write(format="fasta", sequences=composed_paths, handle=fasta_out)
def main(args): for record in SeqIO.parse(args.infile, 'fasta'): if args.discard: if sum([1 for rx in args.discard if re.match(rx, record.id)]) > 0: continue subseqcounter = 0 printlog(args.debug, "DEBUG: convert to upper case", record.id) sequence = str(record.seq).upper() printlog(args.debug, "DEBUG: split seq by Ns", record.id) subseqs = [ss for ss in re.split('[^ACGT]+', sequence) if len(ss) > args.minlength] printlog(args.debug, "DEBUG: print subseqs", record.id) for subseq in subseqs: subseqcounter += 1 subid = '{:s}_chunk_{:d}'.format(record.id, subseqcounter) subrecord = SeqRecord(Seq(subseq), subid, '', '') SeqIO.write(subrecord, args.outfile, 'fasta')
def remove_duplicates(self): """Remove duplicate genbank records There are multiple methods to download genes. Each download method appends to the genbank file, so method this is needed to remove duplicates. Args: None """ input_seq_iterator = SeqIO.parse(open(self._tmpfile, "rU"), "genbank") unique_seq_iterator = self.unique(input_seq_iterator) output_handle = open(self._gbfile, "w") SeqIO.write(unique_seq_iterator, output_handle, "genbank") output_handle.close() os.remove(self._tmpfile)
def separateFasta(fasta,prefix): """Utility to separate a multi-FASTA to separate FASTA files""" for seq_record in SeqIO.parse(fasta, "fasta"): # we are changing the IDs from "HLA:HLA..." to "HLA...". This makes IGV and other tools much happier # would be nice to know what lead to this idiocity in naming conventions seq_record.id = seq_record.id.replace("HLA:","") seq_record.id = prefix + seq_record.id print("writing " + seq_record.id) SeqIO.write(seq_record,seq_record.id + ".fasta", "fasta")
def writeFASTQRecord(aRecord,aFASTQFile): readId = aRecord.id seqStr = aRecord.__dict__['_seq'].__dict__['_data'] quals = aRecord.__dict__['_per_letter_annotations']['phred_quality'] qualsStr = "" for c in quals: qualsStr += chr(c+33) #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() aFASTQFile.write("@" + readId+" "+ str(len(seqStr))+ " "+ str(len(qualsStr)) +"\n") aFASTQFile.write(seqStr+"\n") aFASTQFile.write("+\n") aFASTQFile.write(qualsStr+"\n") aFASTQFile.flush()
def demultiplexFastqByBestMatch(aFASTQFile,aHandleList,aMismatch,isForward=True): # we are exporting each handle into a different file # this dictionary has the sequence handles as keys and the files as values exportFiles = fileFactory(aHandleList) sw = swFactory() fh = open(aFASTQFile,'rU') for idx, record in enumerate(SeqIO.parse(fh, "fastq")): seqStr = str(record.seq) # if we are looking for reverse sequence, get it from the end if isForward: seqStr = seqStr[0:100] else: #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() seqStr = seqStr[len(seqStr)-99:] # bestMatches is a list of handles having the same alignment score # if there is only one, save it, else ignore ambiguities bestMatches = getBestMatches(seqStr, aHandleList, sw, aMismatch) # get the best matches for all the handles if len(bestMatches) == 1: # there is a single best match: store it # unfortunately FASTQ export for very long reads looks to be buggy. # So we have to export records ourselves #SeqIO.write(record,exportFiles[bestMatches[0]],"fastq") writeFASTQRecord(record,exportFiles[bestMatches[0]]) print "Wrote record " +str(idx)+" "+ record.id + " to " + (exportFiles[bestMatches[0]]).name fh.close() # be nice and close the exported files for seq in aHandleList: exportFiles[seq].close() print "ready "
def test_genbank_record_fixing(self): with open(os.path.join(FILES_PATH, 'sample.gb')) as f: first_record = next(SeqIO.parse(f, 'genbank')) first_record.features = [unconvert_feature(convert_feature(f)) for f in first_record.features] output = StringIO() SeqIO.write(first_record, output, "genbank") with open(os.path.join(FILES_PATH, 'sample.fixed.gb')) as f: self.assertEqual(output.getvalue(), f.read()) output.close()
def write_representative_sequences_file(self, outname, outdir=None, set_ids_from_model=True): """Write all the model's sequences as a single FASTA file. By default, sets IDs to model gene IDs. Args: outname (str): Name of the output FASTA file without the extension outdir (str): Path to output directory of downloaded files, must be set if GEM-PRO directories were not created initially set_ids_from_model (bool): If the gene ID source should be the model gene IDs, not the original sequence ID """ if not outdir: outdir = self.data_dir if not outdir: raise ValueError('Output directory must be specified') outfile = op.join(outdir, outname + '.faa') tmp = [] for x in self.genes_with_a_representative_sequence: repseq = x.protein.representative_sequence copied_seq_record = copy(repseq) if set_ids_from_model: copied_seq_record.id = x.id tmp.append(copied_seq_record) SeqIO.write(tmp, outfile, "fasta") log.info('{}: wrote all representative sequences to file'.format(outfile)) self.genome_path = outfile return self.genome_path
def write_fasta_file_from_dict(indict, outname, outdir=None, outext='.faa', force_rerun=False): """Write a FASTA file for a dictionary of IDs and their sequence strings. Args: indict: Input dictionary with keys as IDs and values as sequence strings outname: Name of the output file which will have outext appended to it outdir: Path to directory to output sequences to outext: Extension of FASTA file, default ".faa" force_rerun: If file should be overwritten if it exists Returns: str: Path to output FASTA file. """ if not outdir: outdir = '' outfile = ssbio.utils.outfile_maker(inname='', outname=outname, outdir=outdir, outext=outext) if ssbio.utils.force_rerun(flag=force_rerun, outfile=outfile): seqs = [] for i, s in indict.items(): seq = ssbio.protein.sequence.utils.cast_to_seq_record(s, id=i) seqs.append(seq) SeqIO.write(seqs, outfile, "fasta") return outfile
def write_fasta_file(self, outfile, force_rerun=False): """Write a FASTA file for the protein sequence, ``seq`` will now load directly from this file. Args: outfile (str): Path to new FASTA file to be written to force_rerun (bool): If an existing file should be overwritten """ if ssbio.utils.force_rerun(flag=force_rerun, outfile=outfile): SeqIO.write(self, outfile, "fasta") # The Seq as it will now be dynamically loaded from the file self.sequence_path = outfile
def write_gff_file(self, outfile, force_rerun=False): """Write a GFF file for the protein features, ``features`` will now load directly from this file. Args: outfile (str): Path to new FASTA file to be written to force_rerun (bool): If an existing file should be overwritten """ if ssbio.utils.force_rerun(outfile=outfile, flag=force_rerun): with open(outfile, "w") as out_handle: GFF.write([self], out_handle) self.feature_path = outfile
def download_gbk(assemb_tab, cmd, outdir = '.'): ''' This should take a list of accessions and paths, and produce a source/destination pairs file. It is then possible to use the --file-pair-file to download all at once, and we can add the following flags to the ascp command: --overwrite=diff -k2 the -k2 means files are compared with sparse checksums. ''' fo = open("aspera_assemblies_src_dest.txt", 'w') assembs_dic_list = [parse_aseemb_rows(row) for row in assemb_tab.itertuples()] for assembly in assembs_dic_list: fo.write("{}\n{}\n".format(assembly['source'], assembly['dest'])) fo.close() cmd = cmd.format(outdir, 'aspera_assemblies_src_dest.txt', outdir) print("Running the aspera cmd: {}".format(cmd), file = sys.stderr) p = subprocess.Popen( shlex.split(cmd)) p.communicate() files_to_check = [a['gbk_file'] for a in assembs_dic_list] was_updated = parse_aspera_manifest_file(outdir, files_to_check, "aspera_assemblies_manifest.txt") print("Finished downloading all genomes.", file = sys.stderr) return assembs_dic_list ### LOADING GENOMES TO THE KRAKEN STAGGING AREA ################################
def add_isolates(dic_list, db_name): for assembly in dic_list: print("Adding {} to kraken stagging area.".format(assembly['organism']), file = sys.stderr) genbank_zip_file = assembly['dest'] fi = gzip.open( genbank_zip_file, 'rt') seqs = list(SeqIO.parse( fi, 'genbank')) new_seqs = [] for s in seqs: tmp = SeqIO.SeqRecord(s.seq) tmp.id = 'gi|{}'.format(s.annotations['gi']) tmp.description = s.description tmp.name = s.name new_seqs.append(tmp) fi.close() fa_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.basename(genbank_zip_file).strip('gbff.gz') + ".fa") tmpf = open(fa_file, 'wt') SeqIO.write(new_seqs, tmpf, 'fasta') tmpf.close() kraken_add(db_name, fa_file) # cmd = 'kraken-build --add-to-library {} --db {}'.format(fa_file, db_name) # print(cmd, file = sys.stderr) # cmd = shlex.split(cmd) # p = subprocess.check_output(cmd) # os.remove(fa_file) print("Added all {} assemblies to kraken stagging area. DB is ready to build".format(len(dic_list)), file = sys.stderr) ### ACTUALLY BUILD THE DATABASE ################################################
def generate_log(dic_list): print("Generating a log of added genomes.", file = sys.stderr) fo = open("log", 'w') header = ['Organism', 'Accession', 'RefSeq', 'Assembly Level', 'Source', 'Destination'] fo.write('\t'.join(header) + '\n') for assembly in dic_list: row = '\t'.join( [assembly['organism'], assembly['asm_name'], assembly['ref_status'], assembly['asm_level'], assembly['source'], assembly['dest'] ]) + '\n' fo.write(row) fo.close()
def filter_data(self, mind=0.2, recalculate=True): """ Re-write with Pandas """ if mind is None: stamp("Returning data without filtering.") return self.data, self.attributes stamp("Filtering samples with missing data >", mind) stamp("Missing data calculated over", len(self.data), "SNPs") mind_prop = self._calculate_mind() to_remove = mind_prop[mind_prop > mind].index.tolist() filtered_data = {} for snp, data in self.data.items(): data["calls"] = [snp_call for i, snp_call in self._iterate_call_indices(data["calls"]) if i not in to_remove] filtered_data[snp] = data attributes = self._adjust_attributes(self.attributes, mind, to_remove) percent_removed = format((len(to_remove) / attributes["sample_size"])*100, ".2f") stamp("Removed {r} samples out of {t} samples ({p}%)" .format(r=len(to_remove), t=attributes["sample_size"], p=percent_removed)) # Recalculating SNP parameters: if recalculate: stamp("Recalculating MAF, CALL RATE and HWE for SNPs") marker = SNPModule(filtered_data, attributes) filtered_data, attributes = marker.get_data(threshold=None) return filtered_data, attributes
def _write_fasta(self, target="allele_seq_ref"): """ Write fasta file of sequences with SNP IDs for CD-HIT. """ file_name = os.path.join(self.tmp_path, self.project + "_Seqs") seqs = [SeqRecord(Seq(data[target], IUPAC.unambiguous_dna), id=snp_id, name="", description="") for snp_id, data in self.data.items()] file_name += ".fasta" with open(file_name, "w") as fasta_file: SeqIO.write(seqs, fasta_file, "fasta") return file_name
def main(): records = SeqIO.to_dict(SeqIO.parse(open(sys.argv[1]), 'fasta')) reader = csv.DictReader(sys.stdin, dialect="excel-tab") clusters = list(reader) groups = set([c['group'] for c in clusters]) for group in groups: print "cluster%s\t%s-cluster%s" % (group, sys.argv[1], group) with open('%s-cluster%s' %(sys.argv[1], group), 'w') as fout: SeqIO.write([records[i['node']] for i in clusters if i['group'] == group], fout, 'fasta')
def go(args): if args.trimmed.endswith('.gz'): fh = gzip.open(args.trimmed) else: fh = open(args.trimmed) ids = [rec.id for rec in SeqIO.parse(fh, "fasta")] SeqIO.write((seq for seq in SeqIO.parse(args.fasta, "fasta") if seq.id in ids), sys.stdout, "fasta")
def format_seq_content(seq_str, out_format): """Format a string with sequences into a list of BioPython sequence objects (SeqRecord) :param seq_str: string with sequences to format :param out_format: fasta or fastq :return: a list of SeqRecord objects with the sequences in the input string """ sequences = [] with tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+') as fp: fp.write(seq_str) fp.seek(0) for record in SeqIO.parse(fp, out_format): sequences.append(record) return sequences
def request_url(url, display, file=None): """Run the URL request and return content or status This function tooks an URL built to query or extract data from ENA and apply this URL. If a filepath is given, the function puts the result into the file and returns the status of the request. Otherwise, the results of the request is returned by the function in different format depending of the display format :param url: URL to request on ENA :param display: display option :param length: number of records to retrieve :param file: filepath to save the content of the search :return: status of the request or the result of the request (in different format) """ if file is not None: r = requests.get(url, stream=True) r.raise_for_status() with open(file, "wb") as fd: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=128): fd.write(chunk) return r.raise_for_status() else: r = requests.get(url) r.raise_for_status() if display == "xml": return xmltodict.parse(r.text) elif display == "fasta" or display == "fastq": return format_seq_content(r.text, display) else: return r.text
def to_fasta(filename, outfile = None): try: file_in = gzip.open(filename) if filename.endswith(".gz") else open(filename) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Couldn't open input file %s\n" % filename) sys.stderr.write(str(e) + "\n") sys.exit(1) ext = filename.rstrip('.gz').split('.')[-1] ext = "fastq" if ext in ["fq"] else ext if not outfile: outfile = filename.split("/")[-1].rstrip('.gz') outfile = ".".join( outfile.split(".")[:-1] ) + ".fasta" outfile += ".gz" if filename.endswith(".gz") else "" file_out = gzip.open(outfile, "w") if outfile.endswith(".gz") else open(outfile, "w") print "%s -> %s" % (filename, outfile) try: for record in SeqIO.parse(file_in, ext): SeqIO.write(record, file_out, "fasta") except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write(str(e) + "\n") os.remove(outfile) sys.exit(1)
def addSegmentToJunctionFileSE(vSeg,jSeg,cSeg,out,fastaDict, bases, idNameDict): vSeq = fastaDict[vSeg] if jSeg != 'NA': jName = idNameDict[jSeg] jSeq = fastaDict[jSeg] else: jSeq = '' jName = 'NoJ' if cSeg != 'NA': cName = idNameDict[cSeg] cSeq = fastaDict[cSeg] else: cName = 'NoC' cSeq = '' jcSeq = jSeq + cSeq lenSeg = min(len(vSeq),len(jcSeq)) if bases != -10: if lenSeg < bases: sys.stdout.write(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' Bases parameter is bigger than the length of the V or J segment, taking the length' \ 'of the V/J segment instead, which is: ' + str(lenSeg) + '\n') sys.stdout.flush() else: lenSeg = bases jTrim = jcSeq[:lenSeg] vTrim = vSeq[-1*lenSeg:] junc = vTrim + jTrim recordName = vSeg + '.' + jSeg + '.' + cSeg + '(' + idNameDict[vSeg] + '-' + jName + '-' + cName + ')' record = SeqRecord(Seq(junc,IUPAC.ambiguous_dna), id = recordName, description = '') SeqIO.write(record,out,'fasta')
def findCDR3(fasta, aaDict, vdjFaDict): f = open(fasta, 'rU') fDict = dict() for record in SeqIO.parse(f, 'fasta'): if record.id in fDict: sys.stderr.write(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' Error! same name for two fasta entries %s\n' % record.id) sys.stderr.flush() else: idArr = record.id.split('.') vSeg = idArr[0] jSeg = idArr[1] if ((vSeg in aaDict) & (jSeg in aaDict)): currDict = findVandJaaMap(aaDict[vSeg],aaDict[jSeg],record.seq) else: if vSeg in aaDict: newVseg = aaDict[vSeg] else: vId = idArr[3] currSeq = vdjFaDict[vId] newVseg = getBestVaa(Seq(currSeq)) if jSeg in aaDict: newJseg = aaDict[jSeg] else: jId = idArr[4] currSeq= vdjFaDict[jId] newJseg = getBestJaa(Seq(currSeq)) currDict = findVandJaaMap(newVseg,newJseg,record.seq) fDict[record.id] = currDict f.close() return fDict
def makeAADict(aaF): fDict = dict() f = open(aaF,'r') l = f.readline() while l != '': lArr = l.strip('\n').split('\t') if lArr[0] in fDict: sys.stderr.write(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' Warning! %s appear twice in AA file\n' % lArr[0]) sys.stderr.flush() fDict[lArr[0]] = lArr[1] l = f.readline() f.close() return fDict
def toTakePair(segType, strand, readStrand): if strand == 'none': return True if ((readStrand != 'minus') & (readStrand != 'plus')): sys.stderr.write(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' Error! Read strand should be plus or minus only\n') sys.stderr.flush() return True if ((segType == 'C') | (segType == 'J')): if strand == 'minus': if readStrand == 'minus': return True else: return False else: if readStrand == 'minus': return False else: return True else: if strand == 'minus': if readStrand == 'minus': return False else: return True else: if readStrand == 'minus': return True else: return False return True
def makeVDJBedDict(bed,idNameDict): fDict = {'Alpha':{'C':[],'V':[],'J':[]}, 'Beta':{'C':[],'V':[],'J':[]}} f = open(bed, 'r') l = f.readline() while l != '': lArr = l.strip('\n').split('\t') gID = lArr[3] gName = idNameDict[gID] chain = '' if (gName.startswith('TRA')): chain = 'Alpha' elif (gName.startswith('TRB')): chain = 'Beta' else: sys.stderr.write(str(datetime.datetime.now()) + ' Error! %s name is not alpha or beta chain, ignoring it\n' % gName) sys.stderr.flush() if gName.find('C') != -1: fDict[chain]['C'].append(l) elif gName.find('V') != -1: fDict[chain]['V'].append(l) elif gName.find('J') != -1: fDict[chain]['J'].append(l) l = f.readline() f.close() return fDict # Creates a dictionary of ENSEMBL ID -> fasta sequence