Python Bio.SeqIO 模块,index() 实例源码


项目:NGS-Pipeline    作者:LewisLabUCSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_evm_pr(evm_path,ref_fa,out_path):
    '''this function get all evm proteins, output to files and merge them together
    * evm_path: evm path that has gff file
    * ref_fa: reference fa file
    * out_path: path to save all temperary files and final protein files
    if os.path.exists(out_path): 
    evm_gff= evm_path + '/evm.merge.gff'
    gff_df = pd.read_csv(evm_gff,sep='\t',header=None)
    dic = SeqIO.index(ref_fa,'fasta')
    cds_df = gff_df[gff_df[2].values=='CDS']
    cds_df = cds_df.reset_index(drop=True)
    cds_df['rna_id'] = cds_df[8].map(lambda x: x.split(';')[1][7:])
    scaffolds = list(set(cds_df[0].tolist()))
    for scaff in scaffolds:
    # merge files
    fns = natsorted(glob.glob('*.fa'))'cat {fns} > {out}'.format(fns=' '.join(fns),out='pr_merge.fa'))
    for f in fns:
项目:NGS-Pipeline    作者:LewisLabUCSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_gene_function(blast_db,evm_path):
    '''add gene symbol to gff file. the information is from the blast results
    blastp_fn = blast_db + '/blastp.txt'
    blast_df = pd.read_csv(blastp_fn,sep='\t',usecols=[0,1,2],names=['ref','query','per'])
    blast_df = blast_df[blast_df['per'].values>50]
    blast_df['rna'] = blast_df['ref'].map(lambda x: '.'.join(x.split('.')[-2:]))
    blast_df['pr'] = blast_df['query'].map(lambda x: x.split('|')[-1].split('_')[0])
    rna_pr_dic = blast_df.set_index('rna')['pr'].to_dict()

    evm_gff= evm_path + '/evm.merge.gff'
    gff_df = pd.read_csv(evm_gff,sep='\t',header=None)
    gff_df[8] = gff_df[8].map(lambda x: add_gene_name(x,rna_pr_dic))
    gff_df = gff_df[~gff_df[8].map(lambda x: 'gene=LORF2' in x)]
    gff_df.to_csv(blast_db +'/final.gff',sep='\t',index=False)

# add_gene_function(blast_db,evm_path)
#                     process the gmap results and exonerates results directly
#=============== 1. get all mapped geneid, rna_accession, pr_accession
项目:NGS-Pipeline    作者:LewisLabUCSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fa2embl(fa,embl,gff,path):
    if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path)
    df = pd.read_csv(gff,sep='\t',header=None,comment='#',usecols=[0,2])
    df = df[df[2].values=='gene']
    chroms = list(set(df[0].tolist()))
    dic = SeqIO.index(fa,'fasta')
    for s in chroms:
        SeqIO.write(dic[s],open('fa','w'),'fasta')'grep \'{s}\' {gff} > gff'.format(s=s,gff=gff))'/home/shangzhong/Installation/EMBOSS-6.6.0/bin/seqret \
        -sequence fa -feature -fformat gff -fopenfile1 gff -osformat2 embl \
        -auto -outseq {s}.embl'.format(s=s))
    fns = glob.glob('*.embl')'cat {files} > {embl}'.format(files=' '.join(fns),embl=embl))
#     for f in fns:
#         os.remove(f)
# fa2embl('/data/genome/hamster/ncbi_refseq/hamster.fa','hamster.embl','/data/genome/hamster/ncbi_refseq/hamster.gff','/data/shangzhong/Picr_assembly/Annotation/RATT/embl')
项目:insilico-subtyping    作者:superphy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testNewAminoAcid(self):


        # Set up subtype files
        build_pipeline(self.subtype_options, self.configObj)

        # Save setup

        # Check output files
        filepaths = self.subtypeOptionsObj.get_subtype_config(self.scheme)
        fasta = SeqIO.index(filepaths['alignment'][0], 'fasta')

        with open(filepaths['subtype']) as f:
            for i, l in enumerate(f):

        sd = SeqDict()

        n = 91
        self.assertTrue(all([len(fasta) == n, i+1 == n, len(sd.seqs) == n]))
项目:insilico-subtyping    作者:superphy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testNewDNA(self):


        # Set up subtype files
        build_pipeline(self.subtype_options, self.configObj)

        # Save setup

        # Check output files
        filepaths = self.subtypeOptionsObj.get_subtype_config(self.scheme)
        fasta = SeqIO.index(filepaths['alignment'][0], 'fasta')

        with open(filepaths['subtype']) as f:
            for i, l in enumerate(f):

        sd = SeqDict()

        n = 120
        self.assertTrue(all([len(fasta) == n, i+1 == n, len(sd.seqs) == n]))
项目:ssbio    作者:SBRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _load_strain_sequences(self, strain_gempro):
        """Load strain sequences from the orthology matrix into the base model for comparisons, and into the
        strain-specific model itself.

        if self._orthology_matrix_has_sequences:  # Load directly from the orthology matrix if it contains sequences
            strain_sequences = self.df_orthology_matrix[].to_dict()
        else:  # Otherwise load from the genome file if the orthology matrix contains gene IDs
            # Load the genome FASTA file
            log.debug('{}: loading strain genome CDS file'.format(strain_gempro.genome_path))
            strain_sequences = SeqIO.index(strain_gempro.genome_path, 'fasta')

        for strain_gene in strain_gempro.genes:
            if strain_gene.functional:
                if self._orthology_matrix_has_sequences:
                    strain_gene_key =
                    # Pull the gene ID of the strain from the orthology matrix
                    strain_gene_key = self.df_orthology_matrix.loc[,]
                    log.debug('{}: original gene ID to be pulled from strain fasta file'.format(strain_gene_key))

                # # Load into the base strain for comparisons
                ref_gene = self.reference_gempro.genes.get_by_id(
                new_id = '{}_{}'.format(,
                if ref_gene.protein.sequences.has_id(new_id):
                    log.debug('{}: sequence already loaded into reference model'.format(new_id))
                ref_gene.protein.load_manual_sequence(seq=strain_sequences[strain_gene_key], ident=new_id,
                log.debug('{}: loaded sequence into reference model'.format(new_id))

                # Load into the strain GEM-PRO
                strain_gene.protein.load_manual_sequence(seq=strain_sequences[strain_gene_key], ident=new_id,
                log.debug('{}: loaded sequence into strain model'.format(new_id))
项目:ssbio    作者:SBRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_strain_specific_models(self, save_models=False):
        """Using the orthologous genes matrix, create and modify the strain specific models based on if orthologous
            genes exist.

        Also store the sequences directly in the reference GEM-PRO protein sequence attribute for the strains.

        if len(self.df_orthology_matrix) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Empty orthology matrix')

        # Create an emptied copy of the reference GEM-PRO
        for strain_gempro in tqdm(self.strains):
            log.debug('{}: building strain specific model'.format(

            # For each genome, load the metabolic model or genes from the reference GEM-PRO
            if self._empty_reference_gempro.model:
            elif self._empty_reference_gempro.genes:
                strain_gempro.genes = [ for x in self._empty_reference_gempro.genes]

            # Get a list of genes which do not have orthology in the strain
            not_in_strain = self.df_orthology_matrix[pd.isnull(self.df_orthology_matrix[])][].index.tolist()

            # Mark genes non-functional
            self._pare_down_model(strain_gempro=strain_gempro, genes_to_remove=not_in_strain)

            # Load sequences into the base and strain models

            if save_models:
                                         filename=op.join(self.model_dir, '{}.json'.format(
                strain_gempro.save_pickle(op.join(self.model_dir, '{}_gp.pckl'.format(
'Created {} new strain-specific models and loaded in sequences'.format(len(self.strains)))
项目:amplicon_sequencing_pipeline    作者:thomasgurry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, seq_table, records, max_dist, min_fold, threshold_pval, log=None):
        seq_table: pandas.DataFrame
          Samples on the columns; sequences on the rows
        records: index of Bio.Seq
          Indexed, unaligned input sequences. This could come from BioPython's
          SeqIO.to_dict or SeqIO.index.
        max_dist: float
          genetic distance cutoff above which a sequence will not be merged into an OTU
        min_fold: float
          Multiply the sequence's abundance by this fold to get the minimum abundance
          of an OTU for merging
        threshold_pval: float
          P-value below which a sequence will not be merged into an OTU
        log: filehandle
          Log file reporting the abundance, genetic, and distribution checks.
        self.seq_table = seq_table
        self.records = records
        self.max_dist = max_dist
        self.min_fold = min_fold
        self.threshold_pval = threshold_pval
        self.log = log

        # get a list of the names of the sequences in order of their (decreasing) abundance
        self.seq_abunds = self.seq_table.sum(axis=1).sort_values(ascending=False)

        # check that all sequence IDs in the table are in the fasta
        missing_ids = [seq_id for seq_id in self.seq_abunds.index if seq_id not in self.records]
        if len(missing_ids) > 0:
            raise RuntimeError("{} sequence IDs found in the sequence table but not in the fasta: {}".format(len(missing_ids), missing_ids))

        # initialize OTU information
        self.membership = {}
        self.otus = []
项目:amplicon_sequencing_pipeline    作者:thomasgurry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _process_record(self, record_id):
        Process the next sequence: run the genetic, abundance, and distribution checks, either
        merging the sequence into an existing OTU or creating a new OTU.
        assert record_id in self.seq_table.index
        record = self.records[record_id]

        candidate = OTU(, str(record.seq), self.seq_table.loc[])

        if self.log is not None:
            print('seq',, sep='\t', file=self.log)

        merged = False
        for otu in self.ga_matches(candidate):
            test_pval = candidate.distribution_pval(otu)

            if self.log is not None:
                print(, 'distribution_check',, test_pval, sep='\t', file=self.log)

            if test_pval > self.threshold_pval:
                merged = True

        if not merged:
            # form own otu
            self.membership[] = []
项目:amplicon_sequencing_pipeline    作者:thomasgurry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_otu_table(self):
        Process all the input sequences to make an OTU table.

        returns: pandas.DataFrame
          OTU table (which can also be found at instance.otu_table)
        for record_id in self.seq_abunds.index:

        self.otus.sort(key=lambda otu: otu.abundance, reverse=True)
        self.otu_table = pd.DataFrame([otu.counts for otu in self.otus], index=[ for otu in self.otus])
        self.otu_table.columns = self.seq_table.columns

        return self.otu_table
项目:amplicon_sequencing_pipeline    作者:thomasgurry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_sequence_table(fn):
    Read in a table of sequences. Expect a header and the sequence IDs in the
    first column. Samples are on the columns.

    fn: filename (or handle)

    returns: pandas.DataFrame
    df = pd.read_table(fn, dtype={0: str}, header=0)
    df.index = df.iloc[:,0]
    df = df.iloc[:,1:].astype(int)
    return df
项目:amplicon_sequencing_pipeline    作者:thomasgurry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def call_otus(seq_table_fh, fasta_fh, output_fh, dist_crit, abund_crit, pval_crit, log=None, membership=None):
    Read in input files, call OTUs, and return output.

    seq_table_fh: filehandle
      sequence count table
    fasta_fh: filehandle or filename
      sequences fasta
    output_fh: filehandle
      place to write main output OTU table
    dist_crit, abund_crit, pval_crit: float
      threshold values for distance, abundance, and pvalue
    log, membership: filehandles
      places to write supplementary output

    # read in the sequences table
    seq_table = read_sequence_table(seq_table_fh)

    # set up the input fasta records
    records = SeqIO.index(fasta_fh, 'fasta')

    # generate the caller object
    caller = DBCaller(seq_table, records, dist_crit, abund_crit, pval_crit, log)

    if membership is not None:
项目:rnaseqSim    作者:Sage-Bionetworks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def readGenome(fasta):
    genome_dict = SeqIO.index(fasta, "fasta")
项目:NGS-Pipeline    作者:LewisLabUCSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def augustus_prepare_hint(pasa,exonerate):
    dfs = []
    for g,t,feature in zip([pasa,exonerate],['E','P'],['exonpart','CDSpart']):
        df = pd.read_csv(g,sep='\t',header=None)
        df[2] = df[2].map(lambda x: feature)
        df[8] = df[8].map(lambda x: x+';grp=''(?<=ID=).+?(?=;)',x).group(0)+';src='+t)
    res = pd.concat(dfs)
项目:NGS-Pipeline    作者:LewisLabUCSD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gene_rna_pr_id(hamster_id,gmap_gff,out_fn):
    '''this fnction get all gene rna pr id, including both refseq and gff information.
    * hamster_id: a file that has all ids in hamster.gff file
    * gmap_gff: gff results mapped using gmap
    * out_fn:  
    # rna accession in gff file
    ham_id_df = pd.read_csv(hamster_id,sep='\t',header=0)
    ham_id_df = ham_id_df.astype('str')
    ham_id_df['TrAccess'] = ham_id_df['TrAccess'].map(lambda x: x.split('.')[0])
    ham_id_df['PrAccess'] = ham_id_df['PrAccess'].map(lambda x: x.split('.')[0])
    rna_gene_dic = ham_id_df.set_index('TrAccess')['GeneID'].to_dict()
    rna_pr_dic = ham_id_df.set_index('TrAccess')['PrAccess'].to_dict()
    #-------- read rna gff file
    rna_df = pd.read_csv(gmap_gff,sep='\t',header=None,comment='#')
    # add rna accession column
    rna_df['rna_ac'] = rna_df[8].map(lambda x:'(?<=ID=).+?(?=\.)',x).group(0))
    mrna = list(set(rna_df['rna_ac'].tolist()))
    # new rna in refseq compared to gff
    new_ref_rna = list(set(mrna) - set(rna_gene_dic.keys()))
    # get geneid for new ref_rna gene id
    for r in new_ref_rna:
        handle = Entrez.efetch(db='nucleotide',id=r,rettype='gb',retmode='text').read()
        geneid ='(?<=GeneID:).+?(?=\")',handle).group(0)
            p ='(?<=protein_id=\").+?(?=\.)',handle).group(0)
            p = '-'
        rna_gene_dic[r] = geneid
        rna_pr_dic[r] = p
    # transfer dic to dataframe
    r_g_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(rna_gene_dic,'index')
    r_g_df.columns = ['geneid']
    r_p_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(rna_pr_dic,'index')
    r_p_df.columns = ['pr_ac']
    g_r_p_df = pd.concat([r_g_df,r_p_df],axis=1)
    g_r_p_df['rna_ac'] = g_r_p_df.index
项目:pomoxis    作者:nanoporetech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_long_reads():
    """Filter fastq to longest reads."""

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Extract longest reads from a fastq.')
        help='Input .fastq file.')
        help='Output .fastq file.')
    parser.add_argument('longest', default=10, type=int,
        help='Percentage of longest reads to partition.')
    parser.add_argument('--others', default=None,
        help='Write all other reads to file.')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    record_dict = SeqIO.index(args.input, "fastq")
    ids = list(record_dict.keys())
    lengths = np.fromiter(
        (len(record_dict[i]) for i in ids),
        dtype=int, count=len(ids)
    max_reads = len(ids) * (args.longest / 100)
    longest = np.argpartition(lengths, -max_reads)[-max_reads:]

        (record_dict[ids[i]] for i in longest),
        args.output, 'fastq'

    if args.others is not None:
        longest = set(longest)
            (record_dict[ids[i]] for i in range(len(ids)) if i not in longest),
            args.others, 'fastq'
项目:wub    作者:nanoporetech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_fragment_stats(self):
        """Test the gathering of fragment statistics."""
        top = path.dirname(__file__)
        bam = path.join(top, "data/test_bam_stats/stat_test.bam")
        ref = path.join(top, "data/test_bam_stats/stat_ref.fas")
        references = SeqIO.index(ref, format='fasta')
        chrom_lengths = {name: len(so) for name, so in six.iteritems(references)}
        res = stats.frag_coverage(bam, chrom_lengths, region=None, min_aqual=0, verbose=False)

        self.maxDiff = None
        target = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        self.assertEqual(list(res['frags_fwd']['seq_0']), target)
项目:exfi    作者:jlanga    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fasta_to_dict(filename):
    """SeqIO.index wrapper for fasta files"""
    return SeqIO.index(filename=filename, format="fasta")
项目:exfi    作者:jlanga    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _clean_index(index):
    """Clean all elements from an indexed fasta"""
    index_clean = {}
    for key, value in index.items():
        index_clean[key] = _clean_seqrecord(value)
    return index_clean
项目:exfi    作者:jlanga    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def index_fasta(filename):
    """Create a fasta dict, with clean descriptions, key=id, value=seqrecord"""
    index = SeqIO.index(
    return _clean_index(index)
项目:ssbio    作者:SBRG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _filter_orthology_matrix(self,
        """Filters the orthology matrix by removing genes not in our base model, and also
            removes strains from the analysis which have: 0 orthologous genes or no difference from the base strain.

            remove_strains_with_no_orthology (bool): Remove strains which have no orthologous genes found
            remove_strains_with_no_differences (bool): Remove strains which have all the same genes as the base model.
                Default is False because since orthology is found using a PID cutoff, all genes may be present but
                differences may be on the sequence level.
            remove_genes_not_in_base_model (bool): Remove genes from the orthology matrix which are not present in our
                base model. This happens if we use a genome file for our model that has other genes in it.


        if len(self.df_orthology_matrix) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Empty orthology matrix')

        initial_num_strains = len(self.strains)

        # Adding names to the row and column of the orthology matrix
        self.df_orthology_matrix = self.df_orthology_matrix.rename_axis('gene').rename_axis("strain", axis="columns")

        # Gene filtering (of the orthology matrix)
        if remove_genes_not_in_base_model:
            # Check for gene IDs that are in the model and not in the orthology matrix
            # This is probably because: the CDS FASTA file for the base strain did not contain the correct ID
            # for the gene and consequently was not included in the orthology matrix
            # Save these and report them
            reference_strain_gene_ids = [ for x in self.reference_gempro.genes]
            self.missing_in_orthology_matrix = [x for x in reference_strain_gene_ids if x not in self.df_orthology_matrix.index.tolist()]
            self.missing_in_reference_strain = [y for y in self.df_orthology_matrix.index.tolist() if y not in reference_strain_gene_ids]

            # Filter the matrix for genes within our base model only
            self.df_orthology_matrix = self.df_orthology_matrix[self.df_orthology_matrix.index.isin(reference_strain_gene_ids)]
  'Filtered orthology matrix for genes present in base model')
            log.warning('{} genes are in your base model but not your orthology matrix, see the attribute "missing_in_orthology_matrix"'.format(len(self.missing_in_orthology_matrix)))
            log.warning('{} genes are in the orthology matrix but not your base model, see the attribute "missing_in_reference_strain"'.format(len(self.missing_in_reference_strain)))

        # Strain filtering
        for strain_gempro in self.strains.copy():
            if remove_strains_with_no_orthology:
                if not in self.df_orthology_matrix.columns:
          '{}: no orthologous genes found for this strain, removed from analysis.'.format(
                elif self.df_orthology_matrix[].isnull().all():
          '{}: no orthologous genes found for this strain, removed from analysis.'.format(

            if remove_strains_with_no_differences:
                not_in_strain = self.df_orthology_matrix[pd.isnull(self.df_orthology_matrix[])][].index.tolist()
                if len(not_in_strain) == 0:
          '{}: strain has no differences from the base, removed from analysis.')
                    continue'{} strains to be analyzed, {} strains removed'.format(len(self.strains), initial_num_strains - len(self.strains)))