def autoscroll(threshhold): if threshhold==0: # alway scroll !not good javastring = ''' IPython.OutputArea.prototype._should_scroll = function(lines) { return true; } ''' elif threshhold==-1: # never scroll !not good javastring = ''' IPython.OutputArea.prototype._should_scroll = function(lines) { return false; } ''' else: javastring = 'IPython.OutputArea.auto_scroll_threshold = ' + str(threshhold) display(Javascript(javastring))
def publish_notebook(extra=None): # If we do this then the Javascript object shows up in the notebook # js = Javascript('IPython.notebook.save_checkpoint();') # display(js) file = Idv.getname() if file is None: return isl = '<isl><publish file="' + file + '"/></isl>' DrilsdownUI.status("Make sure you do 'File->Save and Checkpoint'. Check your IDV to publish the file") result = Idv.run_isl(isl); if not result.ok(): print("Publication failed") return if result.get_results().strip()!="": print("Publication successful") print("URL: " + result.get_results()) return print("Publication failed")
def run_next_cells(n): if n=='all': n = 'NaN' elif n<1: return js_code = """ var num = {0}; var run = false; var current = $(this)[0]; $.each(IPython.notebook.get_cells(), function (idx, cell) {{ if ((cell.output_area === current) && !run) {{ run = true; }} else if ((cell.cell_type == 'code') && !(num < 1) && run) {{ cell.execute(); num = num - 1; }} }}); """.format(n) display(Javascript(js_code))
def init_data(self): # check if window.graph_data already exists # if so then return True # else create window.graph_data = {} then return false js_code = """ window.graph_data = []; window.current_graph_id = -1; window.current_graph_id2 = 0; /* require(['d3'], function(d3){ window.d3 = d3; }); */ """ return Javascript(js_code)
def display_cell(text): """Remove cells that start with "# Temp" and add a new one Arguments: * `text` -- new cell content """ encoded_code = bytes_to_str(base64.b64encode(str_to_bytes(text))) display(Javascript(""" $('span:contains("# Temp")').closest('.cell').remove(); var code = IPython.notebook.insert_cell_{0}('code'); code.set_text(atob("{1}")); """.format('below', encoded_code)))
def to_jupyter(graph, width=DEFAULT_WIDTH, height=DEFAULT_HEIGHT, color_map=None, replace_cnames=False): """Displays the BEL graph inline in a Jupyter notebook. To use successfully, make run as the last statement in a cell inside a Jupyter notebook. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :param int width: The width of the visualization window to render :param int height: The height of the visualization window to render :param dict color_map: A dictionary from PyBEL internal node functions to CSS color strings like #FFEE00. Defaults to :data:`default_color_map` :return: An IPython notebook Javascript object :rtype: :class:`IPython.display.Javascript` """ from IPython.display import Javascript return Javascript(to_jupyter_str( graph, width=width, height=height, color_map=color_map, replace_cnames=replace_cnames ))
def wavejson_to_wavedrom(wavejson, width=None, skin='default'): ''' Create WaveDrom display from WaveJSON data. This code is from https://github.com/witchard/ipython-wavedrom. Inputs: width: Width of the display window in pixels. If left as None, the entire waveform will be squashed into the width of the page. To prevent this, set width to a large value. The display will then become scrollable. skin: Selects the set of graphic elements used to draw the waveforms. Allowable values are 'default' and 'narrow'. ''' # Set the width of the waveform display. style = '' if width != None: style = ' style="width: {w}px"'.format(w=str(int(width))) # Generate the HTML from the JSON. htmldata = '<div{style}><script type="WaveDrom">{json}</script></div>'.format( style=style, json=json.dumps(wavejson)) DISP.display_html(DISP.HTML(htmldata)) # Trigger the WaveDrom Javascript that creates the graphical display. DISP.display_javascript( DISP.Javascript( data='WaveDrom.ProcessAll();', lib=[ 'http://wavedrom.com/wavedrom.min.js', 'http://wavedrom.com/skins/{skin}.js'.format(skin=skin) ])) # The following allows the display of WaveDROM in the HTML files generated by nbconvert. # It's disabled because it makes Github's nbconvert freak out. setup = ''' <script src="http://wavedrom.com/skins/{skin}.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="http://wavedrom.com/wavedrom.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <body onload="WaveDrom.ProcessAll()"> '''.format(skin=skin) #DISP.display_html(DISP.HTML(setup))
def ipython_config(self): temp_config = _Configuration(self.config_path) if temp_config.has('p12') and 'path' in temp_config.get('p12'): pass else: if _in_ipython: from IPython.display import display, Javascript display(Javascript("MyPKI.init({'no_verify':true, configure:true});")) print('Configuring .mypki via JavaScript .p12 dialog...') while True: temp_config = _Configuration(self.config_path) if temp_config.has('p12') and 'path' in temp_config.get('p12'): break else: sleep(2)
def display(self, columns=[], msg=None): data = self.data if len(self.data) <= 100 else self.data[:49] + [['...'] * (len(self.data[0]))] + self.data[-49:] table_str = HTMLTable([columns] + data, self.id_)._repr_html_(n_rows=100, length=len(self.data)) table_str = table_str.replace('<table', '<table class="table-striped table-hover table-bordered"').replace("'", "\\'").replace('\n','') display( HTML( """ <script type="text/Javascript"> $('#dbinfo{id}').append('{msg}'); $('#table{id}').append('{table}'); </script> """.format(msg=str(msg), table=table_str, id=self.id_) ) )
def load_js_files(): display(Javascript( load_js_scripts() )) return None
def __call__(self, parameterized, **params): self.p = param.ParamOverrides(self, params) if self.p.initializer: self.p.initializer(parameterized) self._widgets = {} self.parameterized = parameterized widgets, views = self.widgets() layout = ipywidgets.Layout(display='flex', flex_flow=self.p.layout) if self.p.close_button: layout.border = 'solid 1px' widget_box = ipywidgets.VBox(children=widgets, layout=layout) if views: view_box = ipywidgets.VBox(children=views, layout=layout) layout = self.p.view_position if layout in ['below', 'right']: children = [widget_box, view_box] else: children = [view_box, widget_box] box = ipywidgets.VBox if layout in ['below', 'above'] else ipywidgets.HBox widget_box = box(children=children) display(Javascript(WIDGET_JS)) display(widget_box) self._widget_box = widget_box for view in views: p_obj = self.parameterized.params(view.name) value = getattr(self.parameterized, view.name) if value is not None: self._update_trait(view.name, p_obj.renderer(value)) # Keeps track of changes between button presses self._changed = {} if self.p.on_init: self.execute()
def __init__(self, shell, require_interaction=False): super(JupyterNotifyMagics, self).__init__(shell) with open(resource_filename("jupyternotify", "js/init.js")) as jsFile: jsString = jsFile.read() display(Javascript(jsString)) self.options = { "requireInteraction": require_interaction, "icon": "/static/base/images/favicon.ico", }
def display_notification(self, options=None, notification_uuid=None): if options is None: options = self.options if notification_uuid is None: notification_uuid = uuid.uuid4() # display our browser notification using javascript with open(resource_filename("jupyternotify", "js/notify.js")) as jsFile: jsString = jsFile.read() display(Javascript(jsString % { "notification_uuid": notification_uuid, "options": json.dumps(options), }))
def select_url(self, url): self.selected_url = url display(Javascript(""" var run = false, current = $(this)[0]; $.each(IPython.notebook.get_cells(), function (idx, cell) { if (!run && (cell.output_area === current)) { run = true; } else if (cell.cell_type == 'code') { cell.execute(); } }); """))
def clear(self): """Clear cell and output""" if self.disable_show: return self.to_display = [] display(Javascript( """$('span:contains("# Temp")').closest('.cell').remove();""")) self.output_widget.clear_output()
def display(self, *args): """Display interactive graph""" if self._display_stack: if not self.delayed: self._display_stack -= 1 if self._display_stack: # Skip display if other widgets will invoke display soon return False self.output_widget.clear_output() with self.output_widget: work_list, references = self.graph() display(self._svg_name) svg = SVG(self._svg_name) svg._data = svg._data[:4] + ' class="refgraph"' + svg._data[4:] display(svg) interaction = """ $(".hoverable polyline, .hoverable line").mouseenter( function(e) { //e.stopPropagation(); $(this).css("stroke", "blue"); $(this).css("stroke-width", "3px"); }).mouseleave( function() { $(this).css("stroke", "black"); $(this).css("stroke-width", "inherit"); }); """ display(Javascript(interaction)) display(HTML(""" <script type="text/javascript"> %s require(["./svg-pan-zoom"], function(svgPanZoom) { svgPanZoom('.refgraph', {'minZoom': 0.1}); }); </script> """ % ( open( Path(__file__) / ".." / ".." / "resources" / "svg-pan-zoom.min.js" ).read(), ))) return True
def to_jupyter_str(graph, width=DEFAULT_WIDTH, height=DEFAULT_HEIGHT, color_map=None, replace_cnames=False): """Returns the string to be javascript-ified by the Jupyter notebook function :class:`IPython.display.Javascript` :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :param int width: The width of the visualization window to render :param int height: The height of the visualization window to render :param dict color_map: A dictionary from PyBEL internal node functions to CSS color strings like #FFEE00. Defaults to :data:`default_color_map` :return: The javascript string to turn into magic :rtype: str """ add_canonical_names(graph, replace=replace_cnames) gjson = to_jsons(graph) d3_code = render_template('pybel_vis.js') chart_id = generate_id() color_map = default_color_map if color_map is None else color_map javascript_vars = """ var chart = "{}"; var width = {}; var height = {}; var graph = {}; const color_map = {}; """.format(chart_id, width, height, gjson, color_map) require_code = """ require.config({ paths: { d3: '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/4.5.0/d3.min' } }); var elementInnerHTML = "<div id='" + chart + "'></div>"; element.append(elementInnerHTML); var chartQualified = "#" + chart; require(['d3'], function(d3) { return init_d3_force(d3, graph, chartQualified, width, height, color_map); }); """ result = d3_code + javascript_vars + require_code return result