def make_movie(line, cell=None): toks = shlex.split(line) skip = 0 publish = False display_id = None caption = None cptr = None; for i in range(len(toks)): if skip > 0: skip = skip-1 continue tok = toks[i] if tok == "-publish": publish = True elif tok == "-caption": skip = 1 caption = toks[i+1] elif tok == "-capture": skip = 1 cptr = toks[i+1] elif tok == "-display": skip = 1 display_id = toks[i+1] return Idv.make_movie(publish, caption, display_id=display_id, capture=cptr)
def view_url_clicked(b): DrilsdownUI.do_display(HTML("<a target=ramadda href=" + b.url + ">" + b.name + "</a>")) display(IFrame(src=b.url, width=800, height=400))
def publish_notebook(extra=None): # If we do this then the Javascript object shows up in the notebook # js = Javascript('IPython.notebook.save_checkpoint();') # display(js) file = Idv.getname() if file is None: return isl = '<isl><publish file="' + file + '"/></isl>' DrilsdownUI.status("Make sure you do 'File->Save and Checkpoint'. Check your IDV to publish the file") result = Idv.run_isl(isl); if not result.ok(): print("Publication failed") return if result.get_results().strip()!="": print("Publication successful") print("URL: " + result.get_results()) return print("Publication failed")
def export_data(filename=None, display_id=None, load_data = False): DrilsdownUI.status("Exporting data ...") extra = "" if display_id is not None: extra += ' display="' + display_id + '" ' if filename is None: f = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.gif', delete=False) filename = f.name; isl = '<isl><export file="' + f.name + '"' \ + extra + '/></isl>' result = Idv.run_isl(isl) if not result.ok(): return; if load_data: placeholder = false; # return load_data(filename); # img = '<img src="data:image/gif;base64,{0}">' DrilsdownUI.status("data exported to: " + filename)
def do_list(self, dir=None, display=False, label="Entries"): """make a list of RamaddaEntry objects that are children of the given entryId""" if dir is None: dir = self.dir files = os.listdir(dir) entries = [] prefix = dir+"/" if prefix == "./": prefix = "" for i in range(len(files)): if files[i].startswith(".") is not True: entries.append(FileEntry(self, prefix + files[i])) if display: self.display_entries(label, entries) else: return entries
def live_subgraph(self): # type: () -> nx.MultiDiGraph """ Returns the graph of "live" states for this graph, i.e. the start state together with states that may be involved in positively matching a string (reachable from the start node and an ancestor of an accepting node). This is intended for display purposes, only showing the paths which might lead to an accepting state, or just the start state if no such paths exist. """ graph = self.as_multidigraph accepting_states = { node for node in graph.node if graph.node[node]['accepting'] } # Add a "sink" node with an in-edge from every accepting state. This is # is solely done because the networkx API makes it easier to find the # ancestor of a node than a set of nodes. sink = object() graph.add_node(sink) for state in accepting_states: graph.add_edge(state, sink) live_states = {self.start} | (nx.ancestors(graph, sink) & nx.descendants(graph, self.start)) return graph.subgraph(live_states)
def display(self): # XXX: Ideally, we might want to register an IPython display hook. self.on_change(None) IPython.display.display(self.form)
def make_image(line, cell=None): # toks = line.split(" ") toks = shlex.split(line); skip = 0 publish = False caption = None display_id = None cptr = None; for i in range(len(toks)): if skip > 0: skip = skip-1 continue tok = toks[i].strip() if tok == "": continue if tok == "-publish": publish = True elif tok == "-caption": skip = 1 caption = toks[i+1] elif tok == "-capture": skip = 1 cptr = toks[i+1] elif tok == "-display": skip = 1 display_id = toks[i+1] elif tok == "-help": print("%make_image <-display displayid> <-caption caption> <-publish>") return else: print("Unknown argument:" + tok) print("%make_image <-display displayid> <-caption caption> <-publish>") return DrilsdownUI.do_display(Idv.make_image(publish, caption, display_id=display_id, display=False, capture=cptr))
def do_display(comp): """Call this to display a component that can later be cleared with the Clear button""" display(comp) DrilsdownUI.displayedItems.append(comp)
def make_image(publish=False, caption=None, display=True, display_id=None, capture=None): return Idv.make_imageOrMovie(True, publish, caption, display, display_id, capture)
def do_list(self, url=None, display=False, label="Entries"): """make a list of RamaddaEntry objects that are children of the given entryId""" if url is None: url = self.url catalog = read_url(url) root = ET.fromstring(catalog) entries = [] for child in root: # print("child:" + child.tag) self.get_entries(root, url, child, entries) if display: self.display_entries(label, entries) else: return entries
def do_list(self, entry_id=None, display=False, label="Entries"): """make a list of RamaddaEntry objects that are children of the given entry_id""" if entry_id is None: entry_id = self.entryId csv = read_url(self.make_url("/entry/show?entryid=" + entry_id + "&output=default.csv&escapecommas=true&fields=" "name,id,type,icon,url,size&orderby=name")) entries = self.make_entries(csv) if display: self.display_entries(label, entries) else: return entries
def save_fig(name, root_dir=None, notebook_mode=True, default_overwrite=False, extension='pdf', **savefig_kwargs): if root_dir is None: root_dir = os.getcwd() directory = check_or_create_dir(join_paths(root_dir, FOLDER_NAMINGS['PLOTS_DIR']), notebook_mode=notebook_mode) filename = join_paths(directory, '%s.%s' % (name, extension)) # directory + '/%s.pdf' % name if not default_overwrite and os.path.isfile(filename): # if IPython is not None: # IPython.display.display(tuple(IFrame(filename, width=800, height=600))) # FIXME not working! overwrite = input('A file named %s already exists. Overwrite (Leave string empty for NO!)?' % filename) if not overwrite: print('No changes done.') return plt.savefig(filename, **savefig_kwargs) # print('file saved')
def _draw(self, full=False): # pragma: no cover # type: (bool) -> None """ Hack to draw the graph and open it in preview or display in an ipython notebook (if running). """ import os, sys, tempfile, shutil if full: graph = self.as_multidigraph else: graph = self.live_subgraph invisible_start_node = object() graph.add_node(invisible_start_node, attr_dict={'label': ''}, color='white') graph.add_edge(invisible_start_node, self.start, attr_dict={'label': ' start'}) if 'ipykernel' in sys.modules: import IPython.display directory = tempfile.mkdtemp() dotpath = os.path.join(directory, 'out.dot') pngpath = os.path.join(directory, 'out.png') try: nx.drawing.nx_agraph.write_dot(graph, dotpath) os.system( 'dot -Tpng {dotpath} -o {pngpath}'.format(**locals())) with open(pngpath, 'rb') as f: # type: ignore IPython.display.display(IPython.display.Image(data=f.read())) finally: shutil.rmtree(directory) elif sys.platform == 'darwin': nx.drawing.nx_agraph.write_dot(graph, '/tmp/foo_%s.dot' % id(graph)) os.system( 'dot -Tpng /tmp/foo_{0}.dot -o /tmp/foo_{0}.png'.format(id(graph))) os.system('open /tmp/foo_{0}.png'.format(id(graph))) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'See https://github.com/lucaswiman/revex/issues/19. ' 'Patches welcome!')
def record(name, value): """ Records the value as part of the executing cell's output to be retrieved during inspection. Args: name (str): Name of the value value: The value to record. """ # IPython.display.display takes a tuple of objects as first parameter # `http://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/generated/IPython.display.html#IPython.display.display` ip_display(({RECORD_OUTPUT_TYPE: {name: value}},), raw=True)
def display(name, obj): """ Displays an object with the reference 'name'. Args: name (str): Name of the output. obj: An object that can be displayed in the notebook. """ data, metadata = IPython.core.formatters.format_display_data(obj) metadata['papermill'] = dict(name=name) ip_display(data, metadata=metadata, raw=True)
def __init__(self, plots): """ Compiles non-axis coordinates into sliders, the values from which are used to reconstruct plots upon movement of slider. Args: * plot cube_browser plot instance to display with slider. """ if not isinstance(plots, Iterable): plots = [plots] self.plots = plots # Mapping of coordinate/alias name to axis. self._axis_by_name = {} # Mapping of cube-id to shared cache. self._cache_by_cube_id = {} # Mapping of plot-id to coordinate/alias name. self._names_by_plot_id = {} # Mapping of coordinate/alias name to plots. self._plots_by_name = {} self._build_mappings() self._slider_by_name = {} self._name_by_slider_id = {} if self._axis_by_name: name_len = max([len(name) for name in self._axis_by_name]) children = [] for axis in self._axis_by_name.values(): if hasattr(axis, 'coord') and axis.coord.units.is_time_reference(): pairs = [(axis.coord.units.num2date(axis.coord.points[i]), i) for i in range(axis.size)] elif hasattr(axis, 'coord'): pairs = [(axis.coord.points[i], i) for i in range(axis.size)] else: pairs = [(i, i) for i in range(axis.size)] options = OrderedDict(pairs) slider = ipywidgets.SelectionSlider(options=options) slider.observe(self.on_change, names='value') self._slider_by_name[axis.name] = slider self._name_by_slider_id[id(slider)] = axis.name # Explicitly control the slider label in order to avoid # fix width widget description label wrapping issues. # XXX: Adjust px/em scale-factor dynamically based on font-size. scale_factor = .65 width = u'{}em'.format(int(name_len * scale_factor)) label = ipywidgets.Label(axis.name, padding=u'0.3em', width=width) hbox = ipywidgets.HBox(children=[label, slider]) children.append(hbox) # Layout the sliders in a consitent order. self.form = ipywidgets.VBox() key = lambda hbox: hbox.children[0].value self.form.children = sorted(children, key=key)