def sign_message(given_message,given_key): '''Signs the (hash of the) given message with the given private key. Returns the base64 encoded signature or or a blank string if something bad happened.''' # Check for blank message: if not given_message: common.print_error("Cannot sign blank message.") return None # Sign the message by encrypting its hash with the private key: try: signature = crypto.sign(given_key,given_message,'sha512') signature = base64.b64encode(signature) except crypto.Error: common.print_error("Error signing message!") signature = '' # Return signature: return signature
def assemble_cloudfront_request(resource, key, access_id, expires): """Assemble a CloudFront request.""" # Format a request policy for the resource request_policy = { "Statement": [{"Resource": resource, "Condition": {"DateLessThan": {"AWS:EpochTime": expires}}}] } request_policy = json.dumps(request_policy).replace(' ', '') # Sign and encode request policy signature = base64.b64encode(sign(key, request_policy, 'RSA-SHA1')) # Replace unsafe characters signature = signature.translate(maketrans('+=/', '-_~')) # Format the final request URL cloudfront_request = ("{0}?Expires={1}&Signature={2}&Key-Pair-Id={3}" .format(resource, expires, signature, access_id)) return cloudfront_request
def _sign(private_key, data, digest=SHA256): ''' An internal helper method to sign the 'data' with the 'private_key'. @type private_key: C{str} @param private_key: The private key used to sign the 'data', in one of supported formats. @type data: C{str} @param data: The data that needs to be signed. @type digest: C{str} @param digest: Digest is a str naming a supported message digest type, for example 'sha256'. @rtype: C{str} @return: Signed string. ''' # Convert private key in arbitrary format into DER (DER is binary format # so we get rid of \n / \r\n differences, and line breaks in PEM). pkey = _load_private_key(_extract_certificate(private_key)) return base64.b64encode(crypto.sign(pkey, data, digest))
def _sign(private_key, data): ''' An internal helper method to sign the 'data' with the 'private_key'. @type private_key: C{str} @param private_key: The private key used to sign the 'data', in one of supported formats. @type data: C{str} @param data: The data that needs to be signed. @rtype: C{str} @return: Signed string. ''' # Convert private key in arbitrary format into DER (DER is binary format # so we get rid of \n / \r\n differences, and line breaks in PEM). pkey = _load_private_key(_extract_certificate(private_key)) return base64.b64encode(crypto.sign(pkey, data, 'sha256'))
def test_sign(self): """ L{X509Req.sign} succeeds when passed a private key object and a valid digest function. C{X509Req.verify} can be used to check the signature. """ request = self.signable() key = PKey() key.generate_key(TYPE_RSA, 512) request.set_pubkey(key) request.sign(key, 'MD5') # If the type has a verify method, cover that too. if getattr(request, 'verify', None) is not None: pub = request.get_pubkey() self.assertTrue(request.verify(pub)) # Make another key that won't verify. key = PKey() key.generate_key(TYPE_RSA, 512) self.assertRaises(Error, request.verify, key)
def __init__(self, pkey): """Constructor. Args: pkey: OpenSSL.crypto.PKey (or equiv), The private key to sign with. """ self._key = pkey
def sign(self, message): """Signs a message. Args: message: bytes, Message to be signed. Returns: string, The signature of the message for the given key. """ message = _to_bytes(message, encoding='utf-8') return crypto.sign(self._key, message, 'sha256')
def __init__(self, pkey): """Constructor. Args: pkey, OpenSSL.crypto.PKey (or equiv), The private key to sign with. """ self._key = pkey
def sign(self, message): """Signs a message. Args: message: string, Message to be signed. Returns: string, The signature of the message for the given key. """ return crypto.sign(self._key, message, 'sha256')
def sign(self, message): """Signs a message. Args: message: string, Message to be signed. Returns: string, The signature of the message for the given key. """ return PKCS1_v1_5.new(self._key).sign(SHA256.new(message))
def make_signed_jwt(signer, payload): """Make a signed JWT. See http://self-issued.info/docs/draft-jones-json-web-token.html. Args: signer: crypt.Signer, Cryptographic signer. payload: dict, Dictionary of data to convert to JSON and then sign. Returns: string, The JWT for the payload. """ header = {'typ': 'JWT', 'alg': 'RS256'} segments = [ _urlsafe_b64encode(_json_encode(header)), _urlsafe_b64encode(_json_encode(payload)), ] signing_input = '.'.join(segments) signature = signer.sign(signing_input) segments.append(_urlsafe_b64encode(signature)) logger.debug(str(segments)) return '.'.join(segments)
def sign(self, message): """Signs a message. Args: message: bytes, Message to be signed. Returns: string, The signature of the message for the given key. """ message = _helpers._to_bytes(message, encoding='utf-8') return crypto.sign(self._key, message, 'sha256')
def __init__(self, pkey): """Constructor. Args: pkey, OpenSSL.crypto.PKey, The private key to sign with. """ self._key = pkey
def Wrap(self, instr): inbytes = instr.encode('utf8') return { 'cert': self._cert_str, 'other_certs': self._other_cert_strs, 'sig': codecs.encode(crypto.sign(self._key, inbytes, 'sha256'), 'hex').decode('ascii'), 'inner': instr, }
def sign(self, message): """Signs a message. Args: message: bytes, Message to be signed. Returns: string, The signature of the message for the given key. """ from OpenSSL import crypto if isinstance(message, six.text_type): message = message.encode('utf-8') return crypto.sign(self._key, message, 'sha256')
def sign(self, message): """Signs a message. Args: message: string, Message to be signed. Returns: string, The signature of the message for the given key. """ if isinstance(message, six.text_type): message = message.encode('utf-8') return PKCS1_v1_5.new(self._key).sign(SHA256.new(message))
def _hello(self): self._logger.debug('hello') if self._serial and self._challenge: self._hello_sent = True self._status_now = True self._logger.debug('emit hello') self._printer_type = self._settings.get(["printer_type"]) camUrl = self._settings.global_get(["webcam", "stream"]) try: if camUrl: camUrl = normalize_url(camUrl) except: self._logger.exception("Unable to canonicalize the url {}".format(camUrl)) self._logger.debug("camUrl: {}".format(camUrl)) transformImg = 0 if self._settings.global_get(["webcam", "flipH"]): transformImg += 1 if self._settings.global_get(["webcam", "flipV"]): transformImg += 2 if self._settings.global_get(["webcam", "rotate90"]): transformImg += 4 self._socket.emit('hello', { 'serialNumber': self._serial, 'signature': base64.b64encode(crypto.sign(self._key, self._challenge, b'sha256')), 'MAC': get_mac(), 'localIP': get_ip(), 'protocol': '2', 'camUrl': camUrl, 'transformImg': transformImg, 'printerType': self._printer_type }) self._challenge = None else: self._logger.debug('skip emit hello, serial: {}'.format(self._serial)) #~~ capabilities -> polar: capabilitiesResponse