def _normalize(self): # costumes if self.costume: # Make sure it's in costumes if self.costume not in self.costumes: self.costumes.append(self.costume) else: # No costume! if self.costumes: self.costume = self.costumes[0] else: BLACK = (0, 0, 0) self.costume = Costume("blank", Image.new((1, 1), BLACK)) self.costumes = [self.costume] # scripts for script in self.scripts: script._normalize() # sort scripts by y position have_position = [s for s in self.scripts if s.pos] no_position = [s for s in self.scripts if not s.pos] have_position.sort(key=lambda s: (s.pos[1], s.pos[0])) self.scripts = have_position + no_position
def generate_img(output="", theme={}, text="", resolution=(1920,1080)): # img = Image.open(backdrop) img = Image.new("RGB", resolution, theme["background"]) W, H = img.size logo = Image.open(DEFAULT_DIR+"/assets/logo.png") colorized_img = ImageOps.colorize(logo.convert("L"), theme["text"], theme["background"]) size = int((W/100)*17) logo_newsize = colorized_img.resize((size, size), Image.ANTIALIAS) img.paste(logo_newsize, (int((W-size)/2), int((H-size)/2))) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) base_font_pixle = int((56/1920)*resolution[0]) font = ImageFont.truetype("DejaVuSansMono.ttf", base_font_pixle) w, h = font.getsize(text) text_draw(draw, text, base_font_pixle, img.size, theme) img.save(output, quality=100)
def makeglyphs(): for i in range(0, len(C)): im = Image.new("RGB", (100, 110)) dr = ImageDraw.Draw(im) font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"fonts/Impact.ttf"), 124) dr.text((0, -25), C[i], (255, 255, 255), font=font) fwx = firstwhitex(im) im = Image.new("RGB", (100, 110)) dr = ImageDraw.Draw(im) font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"fonts/Impact.ttf"), 124) dr.text((-fwx, -26), C[i], (255, 255, 255), font=font) cimgs.append(im) # make threshold image
def MakeBayer(matrixSize, savePng, pngTileCount): pngFilename = 'bayer%d.png' % matrixSize if (pngTileCount > 1): pngFilename = 'bayer%dtile%d.png' % (matrixSize, pngTileCount) matrix = InitBayer(0, 0, matrixSize, 0, 1) if (savePng): from PIL import Image brightnessMultiplier = {16:1,8:4,4:16,2:64} img = Image.new('RGB', (matrixSize*pngTileCount, matrixSize*pngTileCount)) imgData = img.load() for y in range(img.height): for x in range(img.width): value = matrix[y % matrixSize][x % matrixSize] value *= brightnessMultiplier[matrixSize] color = (value, value, value) imgData[x,y] = color img.save(pngFilename, "PNG") print('Saved %s' % pngFilename) else: print('Bayer Matrix %s' % matrixSize) print(matrix)
def draw2d(data,labels,jpeg='mds2d.jpg'): img=Image.new('RGB',(2000,2000),(255,255,255)) draw=ImageDraw.Draw(img) for i in range(len(data)): x=(data[i][0]+0.5)*1000 y=(data[i][1]+0.5)*1000 draw.text((x,y),labels[i],(0,0,0)) img.save(jpeg,'JPEG')
def __fixup(self, im1): # convert image to suitable mode if isinstance(im1, _Operand): # argument was an image. if im1.im.mode in ("1", "L"): return im1.im.convert("I") elif im1.im.mode in ("I", "F"): return im1.im else: raise ValueError("unsupported mode: %s" % im1.im.mode) else: # argument was a constant if _isconstant(im1) and self.im.mode in ("1", "L", "I"): return Image.new("I", self.im.size, im1) else: return Image.new("F", self.im.size, im1)
def __init__(self, master, text, foreground="black", truetype_font=None, font_path=None, family=None, size=None, **kwargs): if truetype_font is None: if font_path is None: raise ValueError("Font path can't be None") # Initialize font truetype_font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, size) width, height = truetype_font.getsize(text) image = Image.new("RGBA", (width, height), color=(0,0,0,0)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) draw.text((0, 0), text, font=truetype_font, fill=foreground) self._photoimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image) Label.__init__(self, master, image=self._photoimage, **kwargs)
def create_thumb_js(self, mode=None, pth=None): """ Create the thumbnail using SmartCrop.js """ if pth is None: raise ValueError("path can't be None") # save a copy of the image with the correct orientation in a temporary # file _, tmpfname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.'+settings.output_format) self.original_image.save(tmpfname, quality=95) # Load smartcrop and set options nwidth, nheight = self.resize_dims(mode) logging.info("[%s] SmartCrop.js new dimensions: %ix%i" % (self.name, nwidth, nheight)) command = [settings.smartcrop_js_path, '--width', str(nwidth), '--height', str(nheight), tmpfname, pth] logging.info("[%s] SmartCrop.js running crop command." % self.name) check_output(command) # remove the temporary file os.remove(tmpfname) return pth
def createIconGD(file, size=100, raw=True): """ Implements the actual logic behind creating the icon/thumbnail :type file: str :param file: path to the file name :rtype: image :return: icon/thumbnail for the video """ image = Image.open(file) width, height = image.size if width > height: y = 0 x = (width - height) / 2 smallestSide = height else: x = 0 y = (height - width) / 2 smallestSide = width # image_p = Image.new('RGB',(size, size)) # image = Image.frombytes('RGBa',(size,size),file_get_contents(file)) image.thumbnail((size, size)) ##todo convert to jpeg i = image.tobytes() image.close() # image_p.close() return i
def image_to_pdf(self, img, pdf_path=None, **kwargs): """ Convert image to pdf. :param img: image file opened by PIL :param pdf_path: path to save pdf :param kwargs: any parameter accepted by Image.save i.e. quality :return: """ processor = ResizeToFit(width=self.max_size_in_pixels[0], height=self.max_size_in_pixels[1]) img = processor.process(img) # Create a white canvas and paste the image final_img_width = min(img.size[0], self.max_size_in_pixels[0]) final_img_height = min(img.size[1], self.max_size_in_pixels[1]) tmp_image = Image.new("RGB", (final_img_width, final_img_height), "white") margin_left = 0 margin_top = 0 tmp_image.paste(img, (margin_left, margin_top, final_img_width, final_img_height)) # Save the image as .pdf file if not pdf_path: f = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) pdf_path = f.name tmp_image.save(pdf_path, "PDF", resolution=100.0, **kwargs) return pdf_path
def drawChars(charset, font, char_size): src_font = ImageFont.truetype(font, 150) canvas = Image.new("RGB", (char_size*21, char_size*19), (255, 255, 255)) # 42 -> 21 x_pos = 0 y_pos = 0 for c in charset: e = draw_single_char(c, src_font, char_size, x_offset=50, y_offset=20) canvas.paste(e, (x_pos * char_size, y_pos * char_size)) x_pos = x_pos + 1 if x_pos >= 21: # 42 -> 21 x_pos = 0 y_pos = y_pos + 1 draw = ImageDraw.Draw(canvas) for i in range(20): # 41 -> 20 draw.line([((i+1)*char_size,0), ((i+1)*char_size, char_size*19)], fill = (0, 0, 0), width=5) for i in range(18): draw.line([(0, (i+1)*char_size), (char_size*21, (i+1)*char_size)], fill = (0, 0, 0), width=5) # 42 -> 21 canvas.save("399_image.png")
def avatar_gen_img(self): font_size = int(self.size / 10 * 8) pic_size = self.size an, is_letter = self.avatar_name() font = self.zh_font_file_name if is_letter: font = self.en_font_file_name font_size = int(self.size / 10 * 11) font_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.font_dir, font)) pygame.init() f = pygame.font.Font(font_file, font_size) is_light=self.is_light_color(self.avatar_background_color()) rtext = f.render(an.upper(), True, (0,0,0) if is_light else (255, 255, 255)) # pygame.image.save(rtext, '%s.png' % an) mode = 'RGBA' astr = pygame.image.tostring(rtext, 'RGBA') circle = Image.new("RGBA", (self.size, self.size)) word = Image.frombytes(mode, f.size(an), astr) word_x = int((pic_size - word.size[0]) / 2) word_y = int(word_x * 0.9) if is_letter: word_y = int((pic_size - word.size[1]) / 2) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(circle) draw.ellipse((0, 0, self.size , self.size ), fill=self.avatar_background_color(), outline=self.avatar_background_color()) draw.point((100, 100), 'red') r, g, b, a = word.split() circle.paste(word, (word_x, word_y), a) sharpness = ImageEnhance.Sharpness(circle) # circle = sharpness.enhance(7.0) # im.show() # circle.show() # print(circle) return circle
def test_crop(self): """Test UPLOADER crop works.""" u = Uploader() size = (100, 100) im = Image.new('RGB', size) folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() u.upload_folder = folder im.save(os.path.join(folder, 'image.png')) coordinates = (0, 0, 50, 50) file = FileStorage(filename=os.path.join(folder, 'image.png')) with patch('pybossa.uploader.Image', return_value=True): err_msg = "It should crop the image" assert u.crop(file, coordinates) is True, err_msg with patch('pybossa.uploader.Image.open', side_effect=IOError): err_msg = "It should return false" assert u.crop(file, coordinates) is False, err_msg
def read_image(filename): f = open(filename, 'rb') index = 0 buf = f.read() f.close() magic, images, rows, columns = struct.unpack_from('>IIII' , buf , index) index += struct.calcsize('>IIII') for i in xrange(images): #for i in xrange(2000): image = Image.new('L', (columns, rows)) for x in xrange(rows): for y in xrange(columns): image.putpixel((y, x), int(struct.unpack_from('>B', buf, index)[0])) index += struct.calcsize('>B') print 'save ' + str(i) + 'image' image.save('./test/' + str(i) + '.png')
def new_image(self, **kwargs): back_color = kwargs.get("fill_color", "white") fill_color = kwargs.get("back_color", "black") if fill_color.lower() != "black" or back_color.lower() != "white": if back_color.lower() == "transparent": mode = "RGBA" back_color = None else: mode = "RGB" else: mode = "1" img = Image.new(mode, (self.pixel_size, self.pixel_size), back_color) self.fill_color = fill_color self._idr = ImageDraw.Draw(img) return img
def whitespace(image, size, whitespace=False, whitespace_color=None, **kwargs): if not whitespace: return image if whitespace_color is None: whitespace_color = FILER_WHITESPACE_COLOR if whitespace_color is None: whitespace_color = '#fff' old_image = image source_x, source_y = image.size target_x, target_y = size image = Image.new('RGBA', (target_x, target_y), whitespace_color) if source_x < target_x and source_y < target_y: # whitespace all around image.paste(old_image, ( (target_x - source_x) / 2, (target_y - source_y) / 2)) elif source_x < target_x: # whitespace on top and bottom only image.paste(old_image, ((target_x - source_x) / 2, 0)) elif source_y < target_y: # whitespace on sides only image.paste(old_image, (0, (target_y - source_y) / 2)) else: # no whitespace needed image = old_image return image
def decode_labels(mask): """Decode batch of segmentation masks. Args: label_batch: result of inference after taking argmax. Returns: An batch of RGB images of the same size """ img = Image.new('RGB', (len(mask[0]), len(mask))) pixels = img.load() for j_, j in enumerate(mask): for k_, k in enumerate(j): if k < 21: pixels[k_,j_] = label_colours[k] return np.array(img)
def thres(pil_Image): """ Thresholding the image """ w, h = pil_Image.size thim = Image.new("RGB", (w, h)) thdr = ImageDraw.Draw(thim) PX = pil_Image.load() # make threshold image for x in range(0, w): for y in range(0, h): r, g, b = PX[x, y][:3] hsv = rgb2hsv(r, g, b) if hsv[2] > 0.9 and hsv[1] < 0.1: thdr.point([x, y], fill=(0, 0, 0)) else: thdr.point([x, y], fill=(255, 255, 255)) thim.show() return thim
def demo(drm, start): """simple partial update demo - draw random shapes""" # Use a monochrome image to force 0/1 values image = Image.new('1', drm.image.size) # prepare for drawing draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) width, height = drm.image.size font = ImageFont.truetype(FONT_FILE, FONT_SIZE) counter = start & 0xffff while True: draw.rectangle((0, 0, width, height), fill='black', outline='black') draw.text((0, 0), '{c:04X}'.format(c=counter), fill='white', font=font) counter = (counter + 1) & 0xffff # display image on the panel image.convert('RGBX') drm.image.paste(image) drm.flush() # main
def shred(self,args): image_path = args.path SHREDS = 250 image = Image.open(image_path) # shredded = Image.new("1", image.size) width, height = image.size shred_width = width // SHREDS size = shred_width * SHREDS shredded = Image.new("RGB", (size, height)) sequence = list(range(0, SHREDS)) shuffle(sequence) for i, shred_index in enumerate(sequence): shred_x1, shred_y1 = shred_width * shred_index, 0 shred_x2, shred_y2 = shred_x1 + shred_width, height region = image.crop((shred_x1, shred_y1, shred_x2, shred_y2)) shredded.paste(region, (shred_width * i, 0)) shredded.save(image_path)
def make_image(text, fontsize=45, output_file='tmp.png', fontname='HamletOrNot.ttf'): """Make an image out of a poem""" # Get font font = ImageFont.truetype(fontname, fontsize * factor) # Compute height num_lines = (1 + text.strip().count('\n')) height = num_lines * font.getsize(text[:10])[1] / factor + 2 * pad # Compute width font_length = max(font.getsize(line)[0] for line in text.split('\n')) width = font_length / factor + 2 * pad # Create big image and draw text image = Image.new("RGBA", (width * factor, height * factor), (241, 241, 212)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) draw.text((pad * factor, pad * factor), text, (0, 0, 0), font=font) # Resize with antialiasing img_resized = image.resize((width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS) # Save to file img_resized.save(output_file)
def convert(self, *formats): """Return an Image instance with the first matching format. For each format in ``*args``: If the image's :attr:`format` attribute is the same as the format, return self, otherwise try the next format. If none of the formats match, return a new Image instance with the last format. """ for format in formats: format = Image.image_format(format) if self.format == format: return self else: return self._convert(format)
def mandelbrot_calc_set(w, h, max_iteration=10000, output='mandelbrot_mp.png'): """ Calculate a mandelbrot set given the width, height and maximum number of iterations """ image = Image.new("RGB", (w, h)) image_rows = pymp.shared.dict() with pymp.Parallel(4) as p: for y in p.range(0, h): mandelbrot_calc_row(y, w, h, image_rows, max_iteration) for i in range(w*h): x,y = i % w, i // w image.putpixel((x,y), image_rows[i]) image.save(output, "PNG") print('Saved to',output)
def mandelbrot_main(w, h, max_iterations=1000, output='mandelbrot_celery.png'): """ Main function for mandelbrot program with celery """ job = group([mandelbrot_calc_row.s(y, w, h, max_iterations) for y in range(h)]) result = job.apply_async() image = Image.new('RGB', (w, h)) for image_rows in result.join(): for k,v in image_rows.items(): k = int(k) v = tuple(map(int, v)) x,y = k % args.width, k // args.width image.putpixel((x,y), v) image.save(output, 'PNG') print('Saved to',output)
def drawSimpleSegment(self): #Drawing module im_Width, im_Height = self.pred_size prediction_image = Image.new("RGB", (im_Width, im_Height) ,(0,0,0)) prediction_imageDraw = ImageDraw.Draw(prediction_image) #BASE all image segmentation for i in range(im_Width): for j in range(im_Height): #get matrix element class(0-149) px_Class = self.predicted_classes[j][i] #assign color from .mat list put_Px_Color = tuple(self.class_colors['colors'][px_Class]) #drawing prediction_imageDraw.point((i,j), fill=put_Px_Color) #Resize to original size and save self.coef, self.h_pad, self.w_pad = self.calculateResize() FullHdOutImage = self.resizeToOutput(prediction_image, self.coef, self.h_pad, self.w_pad) FullHdOutImage = Image.blend(FullHdOutImage, self.im, 0.5) return FullHdOutImage
def make_book(name,dir): orig = name if len(name)<2: name += name left = Image.open('./resources/left.png').convert('RGBA') right = Image.open('./resources/right.png').convert('RGBA') face = Image.open('./resources/face.png').convert('RGBA') left = ImageChops.multiply(left, Image.new('HSV', left.size, makeLetterTint(name[0])).convert('RGBA')) right = ImageChops.multiply(right, Image.new('HSV', right.size, makeLetterTint(name[1])).convert('RGBA')) left.paste(right,(0,0),right) left.paste(face,(0,0),face) left.save('{}/{}.png'.format(dir,orig))
def main(): global should_draw start = time.time() print('Gathering Data') path, prompt, scores, votes, twowers, twower_count, top_number, elim_number = parse_args() print('Processing Scores') scores = process_votes(votes, scores, path) if should_draw: print('Drawing Image') base = Image.new('RGBA',(1368,1368),color=(255,255,255)) drawer = ImageDraw.Draw(base) prompt, base, drawer, header_height = draw_header(prompt, base, drawer,scores) scores = draw_rankings(scores,top_number,elim_number,twower_count,base,drawer,header_height,twowers) base.save('./twows/{}/results.png'.format(path)) print('Recording Data') write_csv(scores,path) write_history(path) end = time.time() print('Time taken {} seconds'.format(end-start))
def displayImageFileOnLCD(filename): print 'displays ', filename title = 'Review Mode' # resize/dither to screen resolution and send to LCD image = Image.open(filename) im_width, im_height = image.size if im_width < im_height: image = image.rotate(90) image.thumbnail(S_SIZE, Image.ANTIALIAS) image_sized = Image.new('RGB', S_SIZE, (0, 0, 0)) image_sized.paste(image,((S_SIZE[0] - image.size[0]) / 2, (S_SIZE[1] - image.size[1]) / 2)) # draw filename draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image_sized) font = ImageFont.truetype('arial.ttf', 18) draw.rectangle([(0, 0), (115, 22)], fill=(255,255,255), outline=(0,0,0)) draw.text((2, 2), title, fill='black', font=font) draw.rectangle([(279, 217), (399, 239)], fill=(255,255,255), outline=(0,0,0)) draw.text((290, 218), filename, fill='black', font=font) # display on LCD image_sized = ImageOps.invert(image_sized) image_sized = image_sized.convert('1') # convert image to black and white lcd.write(image_sized.tobytes())
def shrink_image(data, resize): picture = requests.get(data).content image = Image.open(StringIO(picture)) if resize == True: image = resizeimage.resize_width(image, 200) data = list(image.getdata()) image_without_exif = Image.new(image.mode, image.size) image_without_exif.putdata(data) picture_number = 1 buffer = StringIO() image_without_exif.save(buffer, format='jpeg') return buffer.getvalue()
def apply_watermark(im, mark, position, opacity=1): """Adds a watermark to an image.""" if opacity < 1: mark = reduce_opacity(mark, opacity) if im.mode != 'RGBA': im = im.convert('RGBA') # create a transparent layer the size of the image and draw the # watermark in that layer. layer = Image.new('RGBA', im.size, (0, 0, 0, 0)) if position == 'tile': for y in range(0, im.size[1], mark.size[1]): for x in range(0, im.size[0], mark.size[0]): layer.paste(mark, (x, y)) elif position == 'scale': # scale, but preserve the aspect ratio ratio = min( float(im.size[0]) / mark.size[0], float(im.size[1]) / mark.size[1]) w = int(mark.size[0] * ratio) h = int(mark.size[1] * ratio) mark = mark.resize((w, h)) layer.paste(mark, (round((im.size[0] - w) / 2), round((im.size[1] - h) / 2))) else: layer.paste(mark, position) # composite the watermark with the layer return Image.composite(layer, im, layer)
def __call__(self, value): if isinstance(value, str) and len(value) == 0: return (value, None) from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO try: img = Image.open(value.file) img.thumbnail((self.nx, self.ny), Image.ANTIALIAS) s = BytesIO() if self.padding: background = Image.new('RGBA', (self.nx, self.ny), (255, 255, 255, 0)) background.paste( img, ((self.nx - img.size[0]) // 2, (self.ny - img.size[1]) // 2)) background.save(s, 'JPEG', quality=self.quality) else: img.save(s, 'JPEG', quality=self.quality) s.seek(0) value.file = s except: return (value, self.error_message) else: return (value, None)
def process_zheight_change(self, payload): if not self._printer.is_printing(): return False if not "new" in payload: return False height_interval = float(self._settings.get(['supported_events'], merged=True).get('Progress').get('IntervalHeight')) if height_interval <= 0: return False new = payload["new"] if new <= self.last_trigger_height: return False if new >= (self.last_trigger_height + height_interval): self._logger.debug("ZChange interval: " + str(height_interval) + ", Last trigger height: " + str(self.last_trigger_height) + ", Payload: " + json.dumps(payload)) self.last_trigger_height = new return True return False
def test_resized_images_updated(self): """ thumbnails should be updated if image is already present and updated when update_image=True """ assert self.profile.image assert self.profile.image_small assert self.profile.image_medium # create a dummy image file in memory for upload image_file = BytesIO() image = Image.new('RGBA', size=(50, 50), color=(256, 0, 0)) image.save(image_file, 'png') image_file.seek(0) self.profile.image = UploadedFile(image_file, "filename.png", "image/png", len(image_file.getvalue())) self.profile.save(update_image=True) image_file_bytes = image_file.read() assert self.profile.image_small.file.read() != image_file_bytes assert self.profile.image_medium.file.read() != image_file_bytes
def test_upload_image(self): """ An image upload should not delete education or work history entries """ with mute_signals(post_save): profile = ProfileFactory.create(user=self.user1) EducationFactory.create(profile=profile) EmploymentFactory.create(profile=profile) self.client.force_login(self.user1) # create a dummy image file in memory for upload image_file = BytesIO() image = Image.new('RGBA', size=(50, 50), color=(256, 0, 0)) image.save(image_file, 'png') image_file.seek(0) # format patch using multipart upload resp = self.client.patch(self.url1, data={ 'image': image_file }, format='multipart') assert resp.status_code == 200, resp.content.decode('utf-8') assert profile.education.count() == 1 assert profile.work_history.count() == 1
def convert(img_path,name): print img_path,name name = name.split('.')[0] png = Image.open(img_path).convert('RGBA') print 'creating images (%s)' % name for x in range(0,len(sizes)): resized = png.resize((sizes[x],sizes[x]), Image.ANTIALIAS) resized.save('/tmp/transparent.png', quality=100) upload_path = '%s/%s' % (name,sizes[x]) s3_client.put_object(Key='%s/transparent.png' % (upload_path), Bucket=output_bucket, Body=open('/tmp/transparent.png','rb'), ContentType='image/png') for color in colors: background = Image.new("RGBA",(sizes[x],sizes[x]),ImageColor.getrgb(colors[color])) background.paste(resized ,(0,0), resized) filename = '/tmp/%s%s.jpg' % (sizes[x],color) background.save(filename, quality=95) s3_client.put_object(Key='%s/%s.jpg' % (upload_path,color), Bucket=output_bucket, Body=open(filename,'rb'), ContentType='image/jpeg')
def general_image(self, image_format='PNG'): fm_width = self.cleaned_data['width'] fm_height = self.cleaned_data['height'] key = '{}.{}.{}'.format(fm_width, fm_height, image_format) content = cache.get(key) if content is None: image = Image.new('RGB', (fm_width, fm_height), color=122) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) text = '{}x{}'.format(fm_width, fm_height) text_width, text_height = draw.textsize(text) if text_width < fm_width and text_height < fm_height: text_top = (fm_height - text_height) // 2 text_left = (fm_width - text_width) // 2 draw.text((text_top, text_left), text, fill=(255, 255, 255)) content = BytesIO() image.save(content, image_format) content.seek(0) cache.set(key, content, 60 * 60) return content
def get_mask(self, fill=1, outline=0): """ Get a mask that is nonzero within the object. :param fill: A color to use on the object's interior :param outline: A color to use on the object's edge (single pixel) :return: A 2D numpy array of uint8 """ if self.type in (TYPE_POLYGON, TYPE_BOUNDING_BOX): (top, left, bottom, right) = self.polygon.bounds() w = right-left h = bottom-top mask = Image.new("I", (w, h)) d = ImageDraw.Draw(mask) d.polygon([(px-left, py-top) for (px, py) in self.polygon.points], fill=fill, outline=outline) del d return np.asarray(mask) else: assert False, "Unhandled Type"
def __init__(self, annotation, nrows=512, ncols=None): super(SingleLayerLabels, self).__init__() self.annotation = annotation assert annotation.imagesize.nrows is not None, "Must know the image size first (see update_image_size)" self.aspect = annotation.imagesize.ncols/float(annotation.imagesize.nrows) self.y_scale = nrows / float(annotation.imagesize.nrows) self.nrows = nrows if ncols is None: self.x_scale = self.y_scale self.ncols = int(self.x_scale*annotation.imagesize.ncols) else: self.x_scale = ncols / float(annotation.imagesize.ncols) self.ncols = ncols self.image = Image.new('L', (self.ncols, self.nrows), LABEL_NEGATIVE) self.artist = ImageDraw.Draw(self.image)
def create_wallpaper(screen, urls, size=(100, 100), randomise=False): if randomise: random.shuffle(urls) wallpaper = Image.new("RGB", screen, "blue") width = int(math.ceil(float(screen[0]) / size[0])) height = int(math.ceil(float(screen[1]) / size[1])) offset = [0,0] for i in xrange(height): y = size[1] * i for j in xrange(width): x = size[0] * j photo = load_photo(urls.pop()) if photo.size != size: photo = photo.resize(size, Image.BICUBIC) wallpaper.paste(photo, (x, y)) del photo return wallpaper
def get_temp_image(): image = Image.new("RGB", (100, 100)) tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".jpg") image.save(tmp_file) tmp_file.seek(0) return tmp_file
def make_iteration_image(state): pixel_size = 9 image = Image.new('RGB', (state.board.cols * pixel_size, state.board.rows * pixel_size)) for row in range(state.board.rows): for col in range(state.board.cols): cell_image = get_cell_image(state.board.get_item((row, col))) image.paste(cell_image, (col * pixel_size, row * pixel_size)) return image
def crop(np_img): image = Image.fromarray(np_img) width, height = image.size box = (width * 0.2, height * 0.2, width * 0.8, height * 0.8) crop = image.crop(box) image = Image.new('RGBA', crop.size) box = (0, 0, crop.size[0], crop.size[1]) image.paste(crop, box) return np.asarray(image)
def main(): image = Image.open(args.input_path) width, height = image.size box = (width * 0.1, height * 0.1, width * 0.9, height * 0.9) crop = image.crop(box) print(crop.size) image = Image.new('RGBA', crop.size) box = (0, 0, crop.size[0], crop.size[1]) image.paste(crop, box) image.save(args.output_path)
def paletteImage(self): """ PIL weird interface for making a paletted image: create an image which already has the palette, and use that in Image.quantize. This function returns this palette image. """ if self.pimage is None: palette = [] for i in range(self.NETSIZE): palette.extend(self.colormap[i][:3]) palette.extend([0]*(256-self.NETSIZE)*3) # a palette image to use for quant self.pimage = Image.new("P", (1, 1), 0) self.pimage.putpalette(palette) return self.pimage
def _create_map_image(self): images = self._get_images() self._map_image = Image.new('RGBA', self._map_size) for img in images: if not isinstance(img, Image.Image): img = Image.open(BytesIO(img.content)).convert('RGBA') self._map_image = Image.alpha_composite(self._map_image, img)