def maskFace(self, frame_image, face): img1 = cv2.imread(self.__class__.mask_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED); elements = cv2.imread(self.__class__.mask_elements_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED); h, status = cv2.findHomography(self.average_points, np.array(self.getFacePoints(face))) mask = self.getTransPIL(cv2.warpPerspective(img1, h, (frame_image.width,frame_image.height))) mask_elements = self.getTransPIL(cv2.warpPerspective(elements, h, (frame_image.width,frame_image.height))) enhancer = ImageEnhance.Color(frame_image) enhanced = enhancer.enhance(0.1) enhancer = ImageEnhance.Brightness(enhanced) enhanced = enhancer.enhance(1.2) enhancer = ImageEnhance.Contrast(enhanced) enhanced = enhancer.enhance(1.2) frame_image.paste(enhanced, (0,0), mask) frame_image.paste(mask_elements, (0,0), mask_elements)
def change_color(image, color=1.0): """ Change color of image. >>> image = np.eye(3, dtype='uint8') * 255 >>> change_color(image, 0.5) array([[255, 0, 0], [ 0, 255, 0], [ 0, 0, 255]], dtype=uint8) See http://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/3.1.x/reference/ImageEnhance.html#PIL.ImageEnhance.Color :param numpy array image: Numpy array with range [0,255] and dtype 'uint8'. :param float color: Color [0, 1] :return: Image with changed color :rtype: numpy array with range [0,255] and dtype 'uint8' """ return enhance(image, ie.Color, color)
def wacky(self, ctx, image_source: converters.Image = None): """Applies wacky effects to your avatar.""" image_source = image_source or ctx.message.author.avatar_url_as(format='png') await ctx.channel.trigger_typing() avatar_bio = await get_bytesio(self.bot.session, image_source) # Attempt to load the avatar. try: avatar_im = Image.open(avatar_bio) except: await ctx.send('I couldn\'t load that person\'s avatar.') logger.exception('Wacky avatar processing error:') avatar_bio.close() return enhancer = ImageEnhance.Color(avatar_im) avatar_im = await self.bot.loop.run_in_executor(None, enhancer.enhance, 50) await export_image(ctx, avatar_im, 'result.png') avatar_bio.close() avatar_im.close()
def lomoize (image,darkness,saturation): (width,height) = image.size max = width if height > width: max = height mask = Image.open("./lomolive/lomomask.jpg").resize((max,max)) left = round((max - width) / 2) upper = round((max - height) / 2) mask = mask.crop((left,upper,left+width,upper + height)) # mask = Image.open('mask_l.png') darker = ImageEnhance.Brightness(image).enhance(darkness) saturated = ImageEnhance.Color(image).enhance(saturation) lomoized = Image.composite(saturated,darker,mask) return lomoized
def getJitteredImgs(self, img, num, maxRot=(-5.0, 5.0), maxTranslate=(-2.0, 2.0), maxScale=(-0.1, 0.1), augmentColor=False): """ Take img and jitter it :return: a list of all jittered images """ cx = img.size[0] / 2 cy = img.size[1] / 2 tMats = self.getJitteredParams(center=(cx, cy), num=num, maxRot=maxRot, maxTranslate=maxTranslate, maxScale=maxScale) imgs = [] for i in range(len(tMats)): t = tMats[i] imgT = self.transformImg(img, t) if augmentColor: # jitter colors color = ImageEnhance.Color(imgT) imgT = color.enhance(self.rng.uniform(0.7, 1)) # jitter contrast contr = ImageEnhance.Contrast(imgT) imgT = contr.enhance(self.rng.uniform(0.7, 1)) # jitter brightness bright = ImageEnhance.Brightness(imgT) imgT = bright.enhance(self.rng.uniform(0.7, 1)) # add noise im = numpy.asarray(imgT).astype('int') + numpy.rint(self.rng.normal(0, 4, numpy.asarray(imgT).shape)).astype('int') im = numpy.clip(im, 0, 255).astype('uint8') imgT = Image.fromarray(im) # add image imgs.append(imgT) return imgs, tMats
def do_color(self): """usage: color <image:pic1> Enhance color in the top image. """ from PIL import ImageEnhance factor = float(self.do_pop()) image = self.do_pop() enhancer = ImageEnhance.Color(image) self.push(enhancer.enhance(factor))
def doMonsterStatus(self, MonsterList): """ Fonction assurant l'affichage de l'état des monstres """ # Si pas de changement exit direct if not(MonsterList.hasUpdate): return None print("CtxGfx::doMonsterStatus >> Doing") MonsterList.hasUpdate = False w = self.nx*self.rx nb_total = len(MonsterList.ActiveMonsterList) + len(MonsterList.InActiveMonsterList) w_monster = nb_total * (self.rx + 2) x_offset = (self.nx*self.rx - w_monster) // 2 # Création du tableau des monstres monsterBoard = Image.new('RGBA',(w_monster, 40), (0,0,255,0)) k = 0 for m in MonsterList.ActiveMonsterList: monsterBoard.paste(m.Sprite,(k*(self.rx + 2), 4)) k = k+1 for m in MonsterList.InActiveMonsterList: tmpSprite = ImageEnhance.Color(m.Sprite) monsterBoard.paste(tmpSprite.enhance(0.0),(k*(self.rx + 2), 4)) k = k+1 self.cInfo.delete(self.tkMonsterBoard) self.cInfo.delete(self.tkMonsterBoardId) self.tkMonsterBoard = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=monsterBoard, master=self.cInfo) self.tkMonsterBoardId = self.cInfo.create_image(x_offset, 0, anchor=Tk.NW, image=self.tkMonsterBoard, state= Tk.NORMAL)
def color_enhance(self, factor, new_path=None, is_show=False): if self.img is None: img = Image.open(self.path) else: img = self.img img = ImageEnhance.Color(img).enhance(factor) if new_path is not None: img.save(new_path) if is_show: img.show(title='color') return img
def color(func_config): def f(image_config): factor = misc.uniform_sample_from_interval(func_config.min_factor, func_config.max_factor) image_config.image = ImageEnhance.Color(image_config.image).enhance(factor) return f
def make_clr_chg(file_name, path_dir): file_path = path_dir + '/' + file_name img = Image.open('%s' % file_path) ImageEnhance.Color(img).enhance(0.8).save(path_dir + '/' + '%02s_clr' % file_name.translate(None, '.png') + '.png', "PNG") return
def nss(image): size = image.size nss = Image.new('RGBA', size, (243, 106, 188, 77)) enhancer = ImageEnhance.Contrast(nss) enhancer.enhance(1.1) enhancer = ImageEnhance.Brightness(nss) enhancer.enhance(1.1) enhancer = ImageEnhance.Color(nss) enhancer.enhance(1.3) copy = image.copy() copy.paste(nss, (0, 0), nss) return copy
def clarendon(image): size = image.size clarendon = Image.new('RGBA', size, (127, 187, 227, 51)) enhancer = ImageEnhance.Contrast(clarendon) enhancer.enhance(1.20) enhancer = ImageEnhance.Color(clarendon) enhancer.enhance(1.35) copy = image.copy() copy.paste(clarendon, (0, 0), clarendon) return copy
def call(self, img): if img is None: raise ValueError('img is None') im_n = img.copy() r = random() contrast_low, contrast_high = 0, self.contrast brightness_low, brightness_high = contrast_high, contrast_high + self.brightness sharpness_low, sharpness_high = brightness_high, brightness_high + self.sharpness color_low, color_high = sharpness_high, sharpness_high + self.color if contrast_low <= r < contrast_high: factor_contrast = randint(5, 10)/10 enhancer = ImageEnhance.Contrast(im_n) im_n = enhancer.enhance(factor_contrast) elif brightness_low <= r < brightness_high: factor_brightness = randint(5, 15)/10 enhancer = ImageEnhance.Brightness(im_n) im_n = enhancer.enhance(factor_brightness) elif sharpness_low <= r < sharpness_high: factor_sharpen = randint(0, 20)/10 enhancer = ImageEnhance.Sharpness(im_n) im_n = enhancer.enhance(factor_sharpen) elif color_low <= r < color_high: factor_color = randint(0, 20)/10 enhancer = ImageEnhance.Color(im_n) im_n = enhancer.enhance(factor_color) else: pass return im_n
def scale_colors(self,image=False,degree=0.5): image = image if image else self.image return Imager(image=ImageEnhance.Color(image).enhance(degree))
def randomColor(image): """ ????????? :param image: PIL???image :return: ????????image """ random_factor = np.random.randint(0, 31) / 10. # ???? color_image = ImageEnhance.Color(image).enhance(random_factor) # ???????? random_factor = np.random.randint(10, 21) / 10. # ???? brightness_image = ImageEnhance.Brightness(color_image).enhance(random_factor) # ??????? random_factor = np.random.randint(10, 21) / 10. # ???1? contrast_image = ImageEnhance.Contrast(brightness_image).enhance(random_factor) # ??????? random_factor = np.random.randint(0, 31) / 10. # ???? return ImageEnhance.Sharpness(contrast_image).enhance(random_factor) # ??????
def tesseract(self, img): # keep the data fileName = "tmp_"+int(time.time()+random.randint(1,99999)).__str__()+".jpeg" while os.path.exists( fileName ): fileName = "tmp_"+int(time.time()+random.randint(1,99999)).__str__()+".jpeg" self.tmp_file = fileName with open(self.tmp_file, "w") as oFd: oFd.write(img) # resolve noise try: im = Image.open(self.tmp_file) enhancer = ImageEnhance.Color(im) im = enhancer.enhance(0.0) enhancer = ImageEnhance.Contrast(im) im = enhancer.enhance(3.0) enhancer = ImageEnhance.Brightness(im) im = enhancer.enhance(10.0) enhancer = ImageEnhance.Contrast(im) im = enhancer.enhance(20.0) enhancer = ImageEnhance.Sharpness(im) im = enhancer.enhance(0.0) im.save(self.tmp_file) except Exception as e: pass else: pass # use tesseract imgCode = os.popen("tesseract -l eng -psm 8 {} stdout 2>/dev/null"\ .format(self.tmp_file)).readline()[0:-1] log.debug("Guess Ratio:{}/{}={}%".format(self.guess_hit+1, self.guess_total, \ ((self.guess_hit+1)*100/(self.guess_total)))) os.remove( self.tmp_file ) return imgCode
def TF_enhance_color(x, p=1.0): assert len(x.shape) == 3 h, w, nc = x.shape enhancer = ImageEnhance.Color(np_to_pil(x)) return pil_to_np(enhancer.enhance(p))