def apply_effects(image, effects): """method to apply effects to original image from list of effects """ for effect in effects: gray = ImageOps.grayscale(image) # dictionary with all the availble effects all_effects = { 'BLUR': image.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR), 'CONTOUR': image.filter(ImageFilter.CONTOUR), 'EMBOSS': image.filter(ImageFilter.EMBOSS), 'SMOOTH': image.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH), 'HULK': ImageOps.colorize(gray, (0, 0, 0, 0), '#00ff00'), 'FLIP': ImageOps.flip(image), 'MIRROR': ImageOps.mirror(image), 'INVERT': ImageOps.invert(image), 'SOLARIZE': ImageOps.solarize(image), 'GREYSCALE': ImageOps.grayscale(image), } phedited = all_effects[effect] image = phedited return phedited
def __init__(self, image): self.image = image self.degenerate = image.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH) if 'A' in image.getbands(): self.degenerate.putalpha(image.split()[-1])
def post_smooth(image): try: import ImageFilter except ImportError: from PIL import ImageFilter return image.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH)
def soften(img): """ Soften image :param img: PIL image object :return: PIL image object """ img = img.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH) return img
def call(self, img): if img is None: raise ValueError('img is None') im_n = img.copy() gauss_blur_low, gauss_blur_high = 0, self.gauss_blur blur_low, blur_high = gauss_blur_high, gauss_blur_high + self.blur smooth_low, smooth_high = blur_high, blur_high + self.smooth smooth_more_low, smooth_more_high = smooth_high, smooth_high + self.smooth_more rank_low, rank_high = smooth_more_high, smooth_more_high + self.rank_filter r = random() if gauss_blur_low <= r <= gauss_blur_high: im_n = im_n.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(1)) elif blur_low < r <= blur_high: im_n = im_n.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR) elif smooth_low < r <= smooth_high: im_n = im_n.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH) elif smooth_more_low < r <= smooth_more_high: im_n = im_n.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH_MORE) elif rank_low < r <= rank_high: im_n = im_n.filter(ImageFilter.RankFilter(size=3, rank=7)) else: pass return im_n
def filter_default(image): return utils.filter_smooth(image, ImageFilter.SMOOTH)
def Color_Quantization(img): '''Color quantization is the process that drastically reduces the number of colors used in a digital color image by approximating the original pixels with their nearest representative colors''' img=img.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH) result = img.convert('P', palette=ADAPTIVE, colors=4) result.save('C:\Users\USER\workspace\Final Project\src\outputImage\OUTEqualization.png') result.show()
def ImgMax(img): img=img.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH) img=img.filter(ImageFilter.MedianFilter(5)) img.show()
def Avg(img): R,G,B=0,0,0 img=img.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH) pxls=img.load() N=img.size[0]*img.size[1] out_im =new("RGB", img.size, color = 1 ) out_im2 =new("RGB", img.size, color = 1 ) #img=cv2.bilateralFilter(np.array(pxls),9,75,75) print ("Calculate Avg..") for x in xrange (img.size[0]): for y in xrange(img.size[1]): R,G,B=R+pxls[x,y][0],G+pxls[x,y][1],B+pxls[x,y][2] R,G,B=R/N,G/N,B/N for x in xrange (img.size[0]): for y in xrange(img.size[1]): tup=((pxls[x,y][0])/img.size[0], (pxls[x,y][1])/img.size[0], (pxls[x,y][2])/img.size[0]) out_im.putpixel((x,y),tup) if((pxls[x,y][0]>R and pxls[x,y][1]>G and pxls[x,y][2]>B) or (pxls[x,y][0]<R and pxls[x,y][1]<G and pxls[x,y][2]<B)): out_im.putpixel((x,y),pxls[x,y]) out_im.save('C:\Users\USER\workspace\Final Project\src\outputImage\OUTAVG.png') print ("Output Saved") out_im.show()
def rip(self, ctx, member_or_text: str): """RIP\nCreates a tombstone for either a member or some text. Mention a member to get the avatar + name""" if ctx.message.mentions: user_name = ctx.message.mentions[0].name.replace(" ", "%20") rip_member = ctx.message.mentions[0] ava_url = rip_member.avatar_url url = "https://ripme.xyz/{}" msg = url.format(user_name) tomb = Image.open(os.path.join(asset_pos, "tombstone.png")) base_img = Image.new("RGBA", (tomb.width, tomb.height), color="White") with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(ava_url) as resp: ava = await resp.content.read() ava_img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(ava)) ava_img_greyscale = ImageOps.autocontrast(ava_img.convert("L").filter(ImageFilter.CONTOUR)).filter( ImageFilter.SMOOTH).resize((200, 200)) base_img.paste(ava_img_greyscale, (140, 380, 340, 580)) final = ImageChops.multiply(base_img, tomb) f = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(asset_pos, "Symbola.ttf"), size=35) d = ImageDraw.Draw(final) w, h = d.textsize(rip_member.name, font=f) d.multiline_text(((60 + ((350 - w) / 2)), 315), rip_member.name, fill="Black", font=f, align="center") final.save(os.path.join(asset_pos, "rip.png")) await self.bot.send_file(ctx.message.channel, os.path.join(asset_pos, "rip.png"), content=msg) else: content = ctx.message.content.partition(" ") user_name = content[2].replace(" ", "_") url = "https://ripme.xyz/{}" msg = url.format(user_name) base_img = Image.new("RGB", (520, 640), color="White") tomb = Image.open(os.path.join(asset_pos, "tombstone.png")) base_img.paste(tomb) f = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(asset_pos, "Symbola.ttf"), size=35) d = ImageDraw.Draw(base_img) text = textwrap.shorten(content[2], width=25, placeholder="") w, h = d.textsize(text, font=f) d.text(((60 + ((350 - w) / 2)), 315), text, fill="Black", font=f, align="center") d.text((160, 450), "2016 - 2016", fill="Black", font=f) base_img.save(os.path.join(asset_pos, "rip.jpeg")) await self.bot.send_file(ctx.message.channel, os.path.join(asset_pos, "rip.jpeg"), content=msg)