def main(args=[],app=None): ''' Default main program which starts Qt based on the command line arguments `args', sets the stylesheet if present, then creates the window object and shows it. The `args' list of command line arguments is also passed to the window object to pick up on specified directories. The `app' object would be the QApplication object if this was created elsewhere, otherwise it's created here. Returns the value of QApplication.exec_() if this object was created here otherwise 0. ''' if not app: app = QtGui.QApplication(args) app.setAttribute(Qt.AA_DontUseNativeMenuBar) # in OSX, forces menubar to be in window app.setStyle('Plastique') # load the stylesheet included as a Qt resource with closing(QtCore.QFile(':/css/DefaultUIStyle.css')) as f: if f.open(QtCore.QFile.ReadOnly): app.setStyleSheet(bytes(f.readAll()).decode('UTF-8')) else: print('Failed to read %r'%f.fileName()) browser=DicomBrowser(args) browser.show() return app.exec_() if app else 0
def __init__(self, subtitle, encoding="UTF-8"): super().__init__() subtitlefile = QFile(subtitle) if not subtitlefile.open(QIODevice.ReadOnly | QIODevice.Text): return text = QTextStream(subtitlefile) text.setCodec(encoding) subtitletext = text.readAll() # ('s?ra', 'saat', 'dakika', 'saniye', 'milisaniye', 'saat', 'dakika', 'saniye', 'milisaniye', 'birincisat?r', 'ikincisat?r') compile = re.compile(r"(\d.*)\n(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}),(\d{3}) --> (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}),(\d{3})\n(\W.*|\w.*)\n(\w*|\W*|\w.*|\W.*)\n") self.sublist = compile.findall(subtitletext)
def openFile(self): filePath, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open File", self.xmlPath, "XML files (*.xml);;HTML files (*.html);;" "SVG files (*.svg);;User Interface files (*.ui)") if filePath: f = QFile(filePath) if f.open(QIODevice.ReadOnly): document = QDomDocument() if document.setContent(f): newModel = DomModel(document, self) self.view.setModel(newModel) self.model = newModel self.xmlPath = filePath f.close()
def insertTextObject(self): fileName = self.fileNameLineEdit.text() file = QFile(fileName) if not file.open(QIODevice.ReadOnly): QMessageBox.warning(self, "Error Opening File", "Could not open '%s'" % fileName) svgData = file.readAll() svgCharFormat = QTextCharFormat() svgCharFormat.setObjectType(Window.SvgTextFormat) svgCharFormat.setProperty(Window.SvgData, svgData) try: # Python v2. orc = unichr(0xfffc) except NameError: # Python v3. orc = chr(0xfffc) cursor = self.textEdit.textCursor() cursor.insertText(orc, svgCharFormat) self.textEdit.setTextCursor(cursor)
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(DragWidget, self).__init__(parent) dictionaryFile = QFile(':/dictionary/words.txt') dictionaryFile.open(QIODevice.ReadOnly) x = 5 y = 5 for word in QTextStream(dictionaryFile).readAll().split(): wordLabel = DragLabel(word, self) wordLabel.move(x, y) wordLabel.show() x += wordLabel.width() + 2 if x >= 195: x = 5 y += wordLabel.height() + 2 newPalette = self.palette() newPalette.setColor(QPalette.Window, Qt.white) self.setPalette(newPalette) self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.setMinimumSize(400, max(200, y)) self.setWindowTitle("Draggable Text")
def load_file(self, filename): file = QFile("{}/{}".format(os.getcwd(), filename)) if not file.open(QtCore.QIODevice.ReadOnly): print("couldn't open file") stream = QtCore.QTextStream(file) stream.setCodec("UTF-8") content = stream.readAll() # built structure tree self.ast_generator.clear_ast() self.ast_generator.parse(mistune.preprocessing(content), filename=filename) entry = self.ast_generator.ast entry["time"] = QFileInfo(file).lastModified().toMSecsSinceEpoch() # add html code to tree nodes for i, lvl2 in enumerate(list(entry["content"])): content_markdown = "##{}\n{}".format(lvl2["title"], lvl2["content"]) content_html = self.markdowner_simple(content_markdown) entry["content"][i]["html"] = self.preview_css_str + content_html return entry
def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.setReadOnly(True) self.setWindowTitle('About') self.setOpenExternalLinks(True) file = QtCore.QFile('resources/about.html') file.open(QtCore.QFile.ReadOnly) html = bytes(file.readAll()).decode('utf-8') self.insertHtml(html)
def load_qss(self, theme): path = 'resources/themes/{}/style.qss'.format(theme) file = QtCore.QFile(path) file.open(QtCore.QFile.ReadOnly) ss = bytes(file.readAll()).decode('latin-1') app = QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance() app.setStyleSheet(ss) self.current = ss
def readStyleSheet(self,fileName): css=None file = QFile(fileName) if file.open(QIODevice.ReadOnly) : css = file.readAll() file.close() return css
def readStyleSheet(self,fileName): file = QFile(fileName) if file.open(QIODevice.ReadOnly) : css = file.readAll() file.close() return css
def open(self): fileName, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self) if fileName: fd = QFile(fileName) if not fd.open(QIODevice.ReadOnly): QMessageBox.information(self, "Unable to open file", fd.errorString()) return output = QTextStream(fd).readAll() # Display contents. self.centralWidget.plainTextEdit.setPlainText(output) self.centralWidget.setBaseUrl(QUrl.fromLocalFile(fileName))
def save(self): content = self.centralWidget.plainTextEdit.toPlainText() fileName, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self) if fileName: fd = QFile(fileName) if not fd.open(QIODevice.WriteOnly): QMessageBox.information(self, "Unable to open file", fd.errorString()) return QTextStream(fd) << content
def exportAsVCard(self): name = str(self.nameLine.text()) address = self.addressText.toPlainText() nameList = name.split() if len(nameList) > 1: firstName = nameList[0] lastName = nameList[-1] else: firstName = name lastName = '' fileName, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Export Contact", '', "vCard Files (*.vcf);;All Files (*)") if not fileName: return out_file = QFile(fileName) if not out_file.open(QIODevice.WriteOnly): QMessageBox.information(self, "Unable to open file", out_file.errorString()) return out_s = QTextStream(out_file) out_s << 'BEGIN:VCARD' << '\n' out_s << 'VERSION:2.1' << '\n' out_s << 'N:' << lastName << ';' << firstName << '\n' out_s << 'FN:' << ' '.join(nameList) << '\n' address.replace(';', '\\;') address.replace('\n', ';') address.replace(',', ' ') out_s << 'ADR;HOME:;' << address << '\n' out_s << 'END:VCARD' << '\n' QMessageBox.information(self, "Export Successful", "\"%s\" has been exported as a vCard." % name)