def selectImage(self, index): if index >= len(self.files) or index < 0: self.ui.imageView.setText("No images found.") return self.index = index self.image = cv2.imread(self.files[index], 1) image = self.modes[self.current_mode].getImage() if len(image.shape) < 3 or image.shape[2] == 1: image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) else: image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) height, width, byteValue = self.image.shape byteValue = byteValue * width qimage = QtGui.QImage(image, width, height, byteValue, QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888) self.ui.imageView.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(qimage))
def QImageToMat(qimg): """RGB888""" #qimg = QImage() #qimg.load("/home/auss/Pictures/test.png") qimg = qimg.convertToFormat(QImage.Format_RGB888) qimg = qimg.rgbSwapped() #assert(qimg.byteCount() == qimg.width() * qimg.height() * 3) ptr = qimg.constBits() ptr.setsize(qimg.byteCount()) mat = np.array(ptr).reshape( qimg.height(), qimg.width(), 3) # Copies the data return mat
def __init__(self, refresh_signal, conflict_tags_message_dict, case_data_manager, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.refresh_signal = refresh_signal self.case_data_manager = case_data_manager ui_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) ui_file_path = os.path.join(ui_dir_path, "conflict_tag.ui") uic.loadUi(ui_file_path, self) self.setWindowTitle("conflict tag") self.conflict_tags_message_dict = conflict_tags_message_dict self.set_conflict_tags_table_widget() config = Config() image = QImage(os.path.join(config.images, 'notice.png')) result = image.scaled(40, 40) self.notice_image_label.setPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(result)) self.notice_image_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self.notice_text_label.setText( '?????????\n' '1???????????????????????????????\n' '2???????????????') # todo ?????? self.conflict_tags_submit_button.clicked.connect(self.conflict_tags_submit) self.button_style(self.conflict_tags_submit_button) self.cancel_submit_button.clicked.connect(self.cancel_submit) self.button_style(self.cancel_submit_button)
def make_button(self, filename, tooltip, alignment=Qt.AlignCenter): """ Description: Creates a QLabel which will contain an image and will simulate a button. No associated text will be shown. Arguments: 1. filename: The filename of the icon/image to show 2. tooltip: Some text to show as a tooltip to the image 3. alignment: Alignment of the button (center by default) Returns: The created QLabel button """ global STANDARDCELLCSS, IMGDIR filepath = '%s%s%s' % (IMGDIR, filename, '.png') icon = QImage(filepath) image = QLabel() image.setToolTip('<span style="color:#B9B900">%s</span>' % (tooltip)) image.setStyleSheet(STANDARDCELLCSS) image.setPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(icon)) image.setAlignment(alignment) return image
def open_image_fd(self, dialog_text="Open Image", default_folder=""): """Opens a file dialog, allowing user to select an image file. Creates a QImage object from the filename selected by the user in the popup file dialog menu. Args: dialog_text [Optional(str.)]: Text to prompt user with in open file dialog. Defaults to "Open Image". default_folder [Optional(str.)]: Path of the default directory to open the file dialog box to. Defaults to "". Returns: QImage: Image object created from selected image file. None: Returns None if no file was selected in the dialog box. """ fname = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, dialog_text, default_folder) # TODO: Filter to show only image files if fname: image = QtGui.QImage(fname[0]) else: image = None return image
def load_image(self, image): """ Call this to load a new image from the provide QImage into this HomographyView's scene. The image's top left corner will be placed at (0,0) in the scene. """ self.scene_image = image new_scene = HomographyScene(self) pmap = QtGui.QPixmap().fromImage(image) pmapitem = new_scene.addPixmap(pmap) new_scene.register_pixmap(pmapitem) new_scene.setBackgroundBrush(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0))) self.setScene(new_scene) self.fitInView(0, 0, pmap.width(), pmap.height(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio) self.show() self.image_loaded = True
def savePascalVocFormat(self, filename, shapes, imagePath, imageData, lineColor=None, fillColor=None, databaseSrc=None): imgFolderPath = os.path.dirname(imagePath) imgFolderName = os.path.split(imgFolderPath)[-1] imgFileName = os.path.basename(imagePath) #imgFileNameWithoutExt = os.path.splitext(imgFileName)[0] # Read from file path because self.imageData might be empty if saving to # Pascal format image = QImage() image.load(imagePath) imageShape = [image.height(), image.width(), 1 if image.isGrayscale() else 3] writer = PascalVocWriter(imgFolderName, imgFileName, imageShape, localImgPath=imagePath) writer.verified = self.verified for shape in shapes: points = shape['points'] label = shape['label'] # Add Chris difficult = int(shape['difficult']) bndbox = LabelFile.convertPoints2BndBox(points) writer.addBndBox(bndbox[0], bndbox[1], bndbox[2], bndbox[3], label, difficult) writer.save(targetFile=filename) return
def saveImage(self, fname): # noqa: N802 """ Saves current viewport as a png file of the given fname. """ rect = self.viewport() rgb = QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB32 image = QtGui.QImage(rect.width(), rect.height(), rgb) image.fill(QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255)) painter = QtGui.QPainter(image) self.render(painter) if not image.save(fname): raise ValueError('could not save image %s' % fname) del painter
def getIcon(self): icon = ( '0000010001001010000001002000680400001600000028000000100000002000000001' '0020000000000000040000130b0000130b00000000000000000000000000000773e600' '0577df000877dd060477df490277e0a70277e0e30277e0fb0277e0fb0277e0e30277e0' 'a70377e0490577e0060377e1000175f00000000000000000000377e0000577df180377' 'e0920277e0ed0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0277e0ed02' '77e0920377e1180277e100000000000577df000577df180277e0b10177e0ff0177e0ff' '0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0277e0' 'b10377e1180377e1000174de070176df920076e0ff0077e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177' 'e0ff0076e0ff0076e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0077e0ff0076e0ff0176e09202' '76e107127fe0481983e2ee1f87e3ff0d7de1ff0076e0ff0077e0ff067ae1ff1d86e3ff' '1a84e3ff077ae1ff0177e0ff0076e0ff0e7ee1ff1e87e3ff1581e2ee0a7be1483592e4' 'a759a6e9ff4fa0e8ff66adeaff1e86e3ff0b7ce1ff60a9e9ff57a5e9ff56a4e9ff459b' 'e7ff0277e0ff288ce4ff68aeeaff51a1e8ff56a4e8ff2389e3a70578e0e40177e0ff00' '72dfff499de7ff4fa1e8ff3c96e6ff53a3e8ff0074dfff0075e0ff0579e0ff0478e0ff' '6cb0ebff268be4ff0075e0ff0378e0ff0478e0e40176e0fb1481e2ff439ae7ff7bb8ec' 'ff2a8ce4ff5da8eaff63abeaff3793e5ff3894e6ff3392e5ff1481e2ff73b4edff0b7c' 'e1ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0277e0fb2c8de4fb76b5ecff50a1e8ff1e86e3ff0075e0ff59' 'a6e9ff63abeaff3692e5ff3793e5ff76b5ecff2389e3ff73b4ecff0d7de1ff0077e0ff' '0077e0ff0177e0fb5ea8e9e455a4e8ff0075e0ff0b7ce1ff0679e0ff3090e5ff59a6e9' 'ff0377e0ff1380e2ff62abe9ff0c7ce1ff65aceaff3693e5ff0478e0ff0d7de1ff077a' 'e1e42489e2a75ba7e9ff59a5e9ff5aa6e9ff1983e2ff0578e0ff489de7ff5da8eaff5f' 'a9eaff2c8ee4ff0075e0ff1a84e2ff60aaeaff5ba6e9ff57a4e9ff1f86e3a70075df48' '0478e0ee0e7ee1ff087be1ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0c7de1ff087be1ff0076e0' 'ff0177e0ff0076e0ff0479e0ff0e7ee1ff087ae1ee0377e0480777de070377e0920177' 'e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff01' '77e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0277e0920477e1070577df000577df180277e0b10177e0ff' '0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0' 'ff0277e0b10377e1180377e100000000000377e0000577df180377e0920277e0ed0177' 'e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0177e0ff0277e0ed0277e0920377e11802' '77e10000000000000000000773e6000577df000877dd060477df490277e0a70277e0e3' '0277e0fb0277e0fb0277e0e30277e0a70377e0490676e0060377e1000174f300000000' '00e0070000c00300008001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' '00000000000000000000000000000000000080010000c0030000e0070000') image = QtGui.QImage() image.loadFromData(QtCore.QByteArray.fromHex(icon)) pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap() pixmap.convertFromImage(image) return QtGui.QIcon(pixmap)
def mkQImage(argb, alpha=None, trans=False): """ Use the cpoied data of ARGB argb to make QImage and return it. argb: (w,h,3 or 4) this (bgr/rgb or bgra/rgba). alpha: ARGB32 if alpha is True else RGB32 (always be 4). trans: if trans is true then x/y axes are transposed. In default Qt: ARGB (32bpp), (width,height) """ if alpha is None or not isinstance(alpha,bool): alpha = (argb.shape[2] == 4) if argb.shape[2] == 3: tmp = np.empty(argb.shape[:2] + (4,), dtype = argb.dtype) tmp[...,:3] = argb tmp[...,3] = 255 argb = tmp if alpha: imgFormat = QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32 else: imgFormat = QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB32 if trans: # (y,x,c) => (x,y,c) argb = argb.transpose((1, 0, 2)) addr = argb.data #addr = memoryview(argb) qimg = QtGui.QImage(addr,argb.shape[1],argb.shape[0],imgFormat) return qimg
def MatToQImage(mat,swapped=True): '''?numpy.ndarray???QtGui.QImage?????QPixmap?????QLabel???''' height, width = mat.shape[:2] dim = 1 if mat.ndim == 2 else mat.shape[2] bytesPerLine = dim * width # ?numpy.ndarray???QtGui.QImage???????? qimage = QtGui.QImage(mat.data, width, height, bytesPerLine, QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888) if swapped: qimage = qimage.rgbSwapped() return qimage #return QPixmap.fromImage(qimg)
def savePascalVocFormat(self, filename, shapes, imagePath, imageData, lineColor=None, fillColor=None, databaseSrc=None): imgFolderPath = os.path.dirname(imagePath) imgFolderName = os.path.split(imgFolderPath)[-1] imgFileName = os.path.basename(imagePath) imgFileNameWithoutExt = os.path.splitext(imgFileName)[0] # Read from file path because self.imageData might be empty if saving to # Pascal format image = QImage() image.load(imagePath) imageShape = [image.height(), image.width(), 1 if image.isGrayscale() else 3] writer = PascalVocWriter(imgFolderName, imgFileNameWithoutExt, imageShape, localImgPath=imagePath) writer.verified = self.verified for shape in shapes: points = shape['points'] label = shape['label'] # Add Chris difficult = int(shape['difficult']) direction = shape['direction'] isRotated = shape['isRotated'] # if shape is normal box, save as bounding box # print('direction is %lf' % direction) if not isRotated: bndbox = LabelFile.convertPoints2BndBox(points) writer.addBndBox(bndbox[0], bndbox[1], bndbox[2], bndbox[3], label, difficult) else: #if shape is rotated box, save as rotated bounding box robndbox = LabelFile.convertPoints2RotatedBndBox(shape) writer.addRotatedBndBox(robndbox[0],robndbox[1], robndbox[2],robndbox[3],robndbox[4],label,difficult) writer.save(targetFile=filename) return
def reload_image(self): if not self.goals.events and not self.force_refresh: return self.force_refresh = False save(self.goals, self.db) if self.use_dot: with open('work.dot', 'w') as f: f.write(dot_export(self.goals)) run(['dot', '-Tpng', '-o', 'work.png', 'work.dot']) img = QImage('work.png') self.label.setPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(img)) self.label.resize(img.size().width(), img.size().height())
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(ImageModel, self).__init__(parent) self.modelImage = QImage()
def setImage(self, image): self.beginResetModel() self.modelImage = QImage(image) self.endResetModel()
def openImage(self, fileName): image = QImage() if image.load(fileName): self.model.setImage(image) if not fileName.startswith(':/'): self.currentPath = fileName self.setWindowTitle("%s - Pixelator" % self.currentPath) self.printAction.setEnabled(True) self.updateView()
def loadFromMemory(self): """ This slot function is called in the second Dialog process, when the user presses the "Load Image from Shared Memory" button. First, it attaches the process to the shared memory segment created by the first Dialog process. Then it locks the segment for exclusive access, copies the image data from the segment into a QBuffer, and streams the QBuffer into a QImage. Then it unlocks the shared memory segment, detaches from it, and finally displays the QImage in the Dialog. """ if not self.sharedMemory.attach(): self.ui.label.setText( "Unable to attach to shared memory segment.\nLoad an " "image first.") return buf = QBuffer() ins = QDataStream(buf) image = QImage() self.sharedMemory.lock() buf.setData(self.sharedMemory.constData()) buf.open(QBuffer.ReadOnly) ins >> image self.sharedMemory.unlock() self.sharedMemory.detach() self.ui.label.setPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(image))
def changeIcon(self): icon = QIcon() for row in range(self.imagesTable.rowCount()): item0 = self.imagesTable.item(row, 0) item1 = self.imagesTable.item(row, 1) item2 = self.imagesTable.item(row, 2) if item0.checkState() == Qt.Checked: if item1.text() == "Normal": mode = QIcon.Normal elif item1.text() == "Active": mode = QIcon.Active elif item1.text() == "Disabled": mode = QIcon.Disabled else: mode = QIcon.Selected if item2.text() == "On": state = QIcon.On else: state = QIcon.Off fileName = item0.data(Qt.UserRole) image = QImage(fileName) if not image.isNull(): icon.addPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(image), mode, state) self.previewArea.setIcon(icon)
def qimage_to_numpy(image): # Convert a QImage to a numpy array image = image.convertToFormat(QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32) width = image.width() height = image.height() ptr = image.constBits() return np.frombuffer(ptr.asstring(image.byteCount()), dtype=np.uint8).reshape(height, width, 4)
def paintGL(self, sun_x, sun_y, sun_z, moon_x, moon_y, moon_z): # Draw the sun self.fbo.bind() self.draw_sun(sun_x, sun_y, sun_z) glFlush() self.fbo.release() image = self.fbo.toImage() # Produce blurred image of sun npimage = qimage_to_numpy(image) h, w, b = npimage.shape blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(npimage, (75, 75), 0, 0) cv2.convertScaleAbs(blur, blur, 2, 1) # Combine the blurred with the sun combo = cv2.addWeighted(blur, 0.5, npimage, 0.5, -1) h, w, b = combo.shape qimage = QtGui.QImage(combo.data,w,h,QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32).rgbSwapped() self.fbo.bind() device = QtGui.QOpenGLPaintDevice(RES_X, RES_Y) painter = QtGui.QPainter() painter.begin(device) rect = QtCore.QRect(0, 0, RES_X, RES_Y) # Draw the blurred sun/sun combo image on the screen painter.drawImage(rect, qimage, rect) painter.end() self.fbo.release() # Draw the moon self.fbo.bind() self.draw_moon(moon_x, moon_y, moon_z) glFlush() self.fbo.release()
def set_image(cv_image, ui_element): qimg = QtGui.QImage(cv_image, cv_image.shape[1], cv_image.shape[0], cv_image.strides[0], QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888) pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(qimg) pixmap = pixmap.scaledToHeight(ui_element.height()) ui_element.setPixmap(pixmap)
def fill_screen_cap(self): # TODO: Screen 2 shows black image slider_left = self.ui.slider_left.value() slider_right = self.ui.slider_right.value() slider_top = self.ui.slider_top.value() slider_bottom = self.ui.slider_bottom.value() frame_raw = ImageGrab.grab(bbox=functions.get_screen_bbox()) frame = np.uint8(frame_raw) frame = cv2.rectangle(frame, (slider_left, slider_top), (slider_right, slider_bottom), (255, 0, 0), 4) qimg = QtGui.QImage(frame, frame.shape[1], frame.shape[0], frame.strides[0], QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888) pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(qimg) pixmap = pixmap.scaledToHeight(self.ui.screen_cap.height()) self.ui.screen_cap.setPixmap(pixmap)
def _draw_spectrogram(self, painter, _event): width = painter.viewport().width() height = (1 << DERIVATION_SIZE) + 1 pixels = np.zeros([width, height], dtype='byte') horizontal_res = ( self._api.opt.general['audio']['spectrogram_resolution']) # since the task queue is a LIFO queue, in order to render the columns # left-to-right, they need to be iterated backwards (hence reversed()). for x in reversed(range(width)): pts = self._pts_from_x(x) pts = (pts // horizontal_res) * horizontal_res column = self._spectrum_cache.get(pts, NOT_CACHED) if column is NOT_CACHED: self._spectrum_provider.schedule_task(pts) self._spectrum_cache[pts] = CACHING continue if column is CACHING: continue pixels[x] = column pixels = pixels.transpose().copy() image = QtGui.QImage( pixels.data, pixels.shape[1], pixels.shape[0], pixels.strides[0], QtGui.QImage.Format_Indexed8) image.setColorTable(self._color_table) painter.save() painter.scale(1, painter.viewport().height() / (height - 1)) painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(image)) painter.restore()
def load_emojis(self): async with aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=self.app.loop) as session: for emoji in self.app.client.get_all_emojis(): if emoji.server == self.memo.server: with timeout(10): async with session.get(emoji.url) as response: img = await response.read() qmg = QImage() qmg.loadFromData(img) self.userOutput.document().addResource(QTextDocument.ImageResource, QUrl(emoji.url), qmg)
def _stopCamera(self): if self._image_reply: self._image_reply.abort() self._image_reply.downloadProgress.disconnect(self._onStreamDownloadProgress) self._image_reply = None image_request = None self._stream_buffer = b"" self._stream_buffer_start_index = -1 self._camera_image = QImage() self.newImage.emit()
def homography_open_image_camera(self): """Opens a file dialog, allowing user to select an camera image file. Creates a QImage object from the filename of an camera image selected by the user in a popup file dialog menu. """ qi = self.open_image_fd(dialog_text="Select camera image...") if qi: self.ui.homography_cameraview.load_image(qi)
def homography_open_image_aerial(self): """Opens a file dialog, allowing user to select an aerial image file. Creates a QImage object from the filename of an aerial image selected by the user in a popup file dialog menu. """ qi = self.open_image_fd(dialog_text="Select aerial image...") if qi: self.ui.homography_aerialview.load_image(qi)
def load_image(self, image): """ Call this to load a new image from the provide QImage into this HomographyView's scene. The image's top left corner will be placed at (0,0) in the scene. """ self.scene_image = image new_scene = QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene(self) pmap = QtGui.QPixmap().fromImage(image) pmapitem = new_scene.addPixmap(pmap) new_scene.setBackgroundBrush(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0))) self.setScene(new_scene) self.fitInView(0, 0, pmap.width(), pmap.height(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio) self.show() self.image_loaded = True
def load_image_from_path(self, path): im = QtGui.QImage(path) self.load_image(im)
def __init__(self, haar_cascade_filepath, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.classifier = cv2.CascadeClassifier(haar_cascade_filepath) self.image = QtGui.QImage() self._red = (0, 0, 255) self._width = 2 self._min_size = (30, 30)
def get_qimage(self, image: np.ndarray): height, width, colors = image.shape bytesPerLine = 3 * width QImage = QtGui.QImage image = QImage(image.data, width, height, bytesPerLine, QImage.Format_RGB888) image = image.rgbSwapped() return image
def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QtGui.QPainter(self) painter.drawImage(0, 0, self.image) self.image = QtGui.QImage()
def init_ui(self): # v.box gbox = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() box = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.rbox = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.hbox = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() # padding/margins gbox.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.rbox.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 10, 10) self.hbox.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 10, 10) box.addStretch() self.hbox.addStretch() gbox.setSpacing(10) box.setSpacing(0) self.rbox.setSpacing(5) self.hbox.setSpacing(0) image = QtGui.QImage() image.loadFromData(urllib.request.urlopen('http://i.imgur.com/04DUqa3.png').read()) png = QLabel(self) pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(image) png.setPixmap(pixmap) gbox.addWidget(png, 0, 0, 1, 1, Qt.AlignTop) box.insertSpacing(1, 10) self.l1 = QLabel(self) self.l1.setWordWrap(True) self.large_font.setBold(True) self.l1.setFont(self.large_font) box.addWidget(self.l1, 0, Qt.AlignTop) hline = QtWidgets.QFrame() hline.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) hline.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) gbox.addWidget(hline, 0, 0, 1, 3, Qt.AlignBottom) # start form self.req_ui() self.rbox.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop) box.addLayout(self.rbox, 1) gbox.addLayout(box, 0, 1, 1, 2) gbox.addLayout(self.hbox, 1, 0, 1, 3) self.setLayout(gbox) # window self.setFixedSize(490, 400) self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon('red.ico')) self.setWindowTitle('Red Discord Bot - Setup') self.show()
def preview_image_file(self, path): filename = path.split('/')[-1] if self.graphics_preview is None: msg = "Graphics preview widget not created yet." logger.critical(msg) return if not self.isVisible(): msg = "Preview widget invisible, not previewing image." logger.info(msg) return self.setCurrentWidget(self.graphics_preview) scene = QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene(self) self.graphics_preview.setScene(scene) # Using QImage instead of directly creating the QPixmap # prevents a segmentation fault in my container setup image = QtGui.QImage(path) if image.isNull(): fmt = "File '{}' should be an image, but isn't." msg = fmt.format(filename) logger.error(msg) return pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(image) if pixmap.isNull(): fmt = "Failed to generate pixmap from image '{}'." msg = fmt.format(filename) logger.critical(msg) return pixmap_item = QtWidgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem(pixmap) scene.addItem(pixmap_item) self.graphics_preview.fitInView( pixmap_item, Qt.Qt.KeepAspectRatio, ) fmt = "Previewed file '{}' as an image." msg = fmt.format(filename) logger.info(msg)
def handleSignals(self, signal, param): if signal == 'Input.OnInputRequested': self.showInputDialog() print("Text sending") if signal == 'Player.OnStop': self.isPlaying = False self.status.setText( 'Nothing playing now' ) self.img.setPixmap(QPixmap(IMG_PATH)) if self.timer.isActive(): self.timer.stop() self.pbar.setValue(0) print('Stoping timer') if signal == 'play': self.isPlaying = True self.status.setText( param ) self.rpc("Player.GetItem",{"properties":["thumbnail","fanart"],"playerid":1}, True) if not self.timer.isActive(): self.timer.start(1000, self) print('Starting timer') if signal == 'queue': gui.rpc("GUI.ShowNotification",{"title":"Added to playlist!", "message":param}, False) if signal == 'System.OnQuit' or signal == 'System.OnRestart': if self.timer.isActive(): self.timer.stop() print('Stoping timer') self.quit(False) if signal == 'thumbnail': url = urllib.parse.unquote(param) try: img_arr = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read() qImg = QImage() qImg.loadFromData(img_arr) self.img.setPixmap(QPixmap(qImg)) except Exception as e: print("---> Error while getting image: %s" % e) if signal == 'time': tokens = param.split('-',1) curTime = int(tokens[0]) totTime = int(tokens[1]) if totTime>0: self.pbar.setValue((curTime/totTime)*100) if signal == 'addons': OpenDialog(param, self).exec_() #print (signal)
def startCapture(self): global currentSecond global delayVideoData #cap = self.capturer num = 0 while(self.capturing): while (self.paused and self.capturing): time.sleep(0.05) prevTime = datetime.now() if (self.frameNumberChanged): newFrameNumber = int(self.sliderVideoFrame.value()*30) num = newFrameNumber self.frameNumber = newFrameNumber self.frameNumberChanged = False frame = self.videoReader.get_data(num) num = num+1 if (num >= self.videoReader.get_length()): self.frameNumberChanged=True self.sliderVideoFrame.setValue(0) self.start_button.setText('Start') self.video_thread = False self.capturing = False break self.frameNumber = num currentSecond = self.frameNumber/fps #valor importante para sync datos self.labelCurrentVideoSecond.setText("{0:.1f}".format(currentSecond - delayVideoToData)) if (self.sliderWasReleased): self.sliderVideoFrame.setValue(int(self.frameNumber/fps)) #Convert opencv mat to QImage: imageQ = QtGui.QImage(frame.tostring(), frame.shape[1], frame.shape[0], QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888) if (frame.shape[1] != videowidthShow or frame.shape[0] != videoheightShow): imageQ = imageQ.scaled(videowidthShow, videoheightShow) #resize image to fit #Convert QImage to pixmap: pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(imageQ) #Set pixmap to label: #self.labelImage.setPixmap(pixmap) #old mode, cuidado porque es un thread outside the GUI, esto da problemas en pyqt self.signalUpdatePixmap.emit(pixmap) #nuevo mode para evitar esos problemas self.updateScoreLabels() diftime = ((datetime.now()-prevTime).microseconds)/1000000.0 #print (diftime) #print(1/fps - diftime ) if (diftime < 1/fps): time.sleep (1/fps - diftime) else: time.sleep(0.01) app.processEvents() #prevents app from crashing because of lack of responsiveness
def __init__(self,args,parent=None): QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self,parent) self.srclist=[] # list of source directories self.imageIndex=0 # index of selected image self.seriesMap=OrderedDict() # maps series table row tuples to DicomSeries object it was generated from self.seriesColumns=list(seriesListColumns) # keywords for columns self.selectedRow=-1 # selected series row self.lastDir='.' # last loaded directory root self.filterRegex='' # regular expression to filter tags by # create the directory queue and loading thread objects self.dirQueue=Queue() # queue of directories to load self.loadDirThread=threading.Thread(target=self._loadDirsThread) self.loadDirThread.daemon=True # clean shutdown possible with daemon threads self.loadDirThread.start() # start the thread now, it will wait until something is put on self.dirQueue # setup ui self.setupUi(self) # create UI elements based on the loaded .ui file self.setWindowTitle('DicomBrowser v%s (FOR RESEARCH ONLY)'%(__version__)) self.setStatus('') # connect signals self.importButton.clicked.connect(self._openDirDialog) self.statusSignal.connect(self.setStatus) self.updateSignal.connect(self._updateSeriesTable) self.filterLine.textChanged.connect(self._setFilterString) self.imageSlider.valueChanged.connect(self.setSeriesImage) self.seriesView.clicked.connect(self._seriesTableClicked) # setup the list and table models self.srcmodel=QStringListModel() self.seriesmodel=SeriesTableModel(self.seriesColumns) self.seriesmodel.layoutChanged.connect(self._seriesTableResize) self.tagmodel=QtGui.QStandardItemModel() # assign models to views self.sourceListView.setModel(self.srcmodel) self.seriesView.setModel(self.seriesmodel) self.tagView.setModel(self.tagmodel) # create the pyqtgraph object for viewing images self.imageview=pg.ImageView() layout=QtGui.QGridLayout(self.view2DGroup) layout.addWidget(self.imageview) # load the empty image placeholder into a ndarray qimg=QtGui.QImage(':/icons/noimage.png') bytedata=qimg.constBits().asstring(qimg.width()*qimg.height()) self.noimg=np.ndarray((qimg.width(),qimg.height()),dtype=np.ubyte,buffer=bytedata) # add the directories passed as arguments to the directory queue to start loading for i in args: if os.path.isdir(i): self.addSourceDir(i)
def render_image(self, rect, image_path, dpm, quality, bg_color, autocrop): """Render a section of self.scene to an image. It is assumed that all input arguments are valid. Args: rect (Rect): The part of the document to render, in document coordinates. image_path (str): The path to the output image. This must be a valid path relative to the current working directory. dpm (int): The pixels per meter of the rendered image. quality (int): The quality of the output image for compressed image formats. Must be either `-1` (default compression) or between `0` (most compressed) and `100` (least compressed). bg_color (Color): The background color for the image. autocrop (bool): Whether or not to crop the output image to tightly fit the contents of the frame. If true, the image will be cropped such that all 4 edges have at least one pixel not of `bg_color`. Returns: None Raises: ImageExportError: If Qt image export fails for unknown reasons. """ scale_factor = dpm / Unit(Meter(1)).value pix_width = Unit(rect.width).value * scale_factor pix_height = Unit(rect.height).value * scale_factor q_image = QtGui.QImage(pix_width, pix_height, QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32) q_image.setDotsPerMeterX(dpm) q_image.setDotsPerMeterY(dpm) q_color = color_to_q_color(bg_color) q_image.fill(q_color) painter = QtGui.QPainter() painter.begin(q_image) target_rect = QtCore.QRectF(q_image.rect()) source_rect = rect_to_qt_rect_f(rect) self.scene.render(painter, target=target_rect, source=source_rect) painter.end() if autocrop: q_image = images.autocrop(q_image, q_color) success = q_image.save(image_path, quality=quality) if not success: raise ImageExportError( 'Unknown error occurred when exporting image to ' + image_path)