def showImage(self, text): try: if text == 'Show Red': RPiCamera.showImage(self.rgb_array, 'r') elif text == 'Show Green': RPiCamera.showImage(self.rgb_array, 'g') elif text == 'Show Blue': RPiCamera.showImage(self.rgb_array, 'b') else: RPiCamera.showImage(self.rgb_array) except ValueError: mb = QMessageBox() mb.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) mb.setWindowTitle('Error') mb.setText('Array not loaded, make sure you take picture or import an image first.') mb.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) mb.show()
def add_preset(self): name = self.nameLineEdit.text() ip = self.ipLineEdit.text() port = self.portSpinBox.value() password = self.passwordLineEdit.text() # Make sure password is non if empty if not password: password = None if not name: QMessageBox().warning(self, "Missing name", "Fill the name of preset", QMessageBox.Ok) return if not IpHelper.is_valid_ipv4(ip): QMessageBox().warning(self, "Invalid IP", "The IP address has invalid format", QMessageBox.Ok) return Settings().wifi_presets.append((name, ip, port, password)) self.update_preset_list()
def connect(self, endpoint: str, payload: object=None) -> object: try: headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % self.api_token, 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache' } res = requests.post('%s%s' % (self.api_url, endpoint), headers=headers, data=payload, proxies=self.proxy, verify=False) return res.json() except HTTPError: print(sys.exc_info()) QMessageBox.critical(self, 'ERROR NOTIFICATION', '<h3>Real-Debrid API Error</h3>' + 'A problem occurred whilst communicating with Real-Debrid. Please check your ' 'Internet connection.<br/><br/>' + '<b>ERROR LOG:</b><br/>(Error Code %s) %s<br/>%s' % (qApp.applicationName(), HTTPError.code, HTTPError.reason), QMessageBox.Ok) # self.exit()
def add_uri(self) -> None: user, passwd = '', '' if len(self.rpc_username) > 0 and len(self.rpc_password) > 0: user = self.rpc_username passwd = self.rpc_password elif len(self.rpc_secret) > 0: user = 'token' passwd = self.rpc_secret aria2_endpoint = '%s:%s/jsonrpc' % (self.rpc_host, self.rpc_port) headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} payload = json.dumps({'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': 1, 'method': 'aria2.addUri', 'params': ['%s:%s' % (user, passwd), [self.link_url]]}, sort_keys=False).encode('utf-8') try: req = Request(aria2_endpoint, headers=headers, data=payload) res = urlopen(req).read().decode('utf-8') jsonres = json.loads(res) # res = requests.post(aria2_endpoint, headers=headers, data=payload) # jsonres = res.json() self.aria2Confirmation.emit('result' in jsonres.keys()) except HTTPError: print(sys.exc_info()) QMessageBox.critical(self, 'ERROR NOTIFICATION', sys.exc_info(), QMessageBox.Ok) self.aria2Confirmation.emit(False) # self.exit()
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(VideoService, self).__init__(parent) self.parent = parent self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: self.backends = VideoService.findBackends() self.proc = VideoService.initProc() if hasattr(self.proc, 'errorOccurred'): self.proc.errorOccurred.connect(self.cmdError) self.lastError = '' self.media, self.source = None, None self.keyframes = [] self.streams = Munch() except FFmpegNotFoundException as e: self.logger.exception(e.msg, exc_info=True) QMessageBox.critical(getattr(self, 'parent', None), 'Missing libraries', e.msg, QMessageBox.Ok)
def install(self): infoBox = QMessageBox() infoBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) infoBox.setText("Your programs are being installed.Please wait") infoBox.setWindowTitle("Information") infoBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) infoBox.exec_() #BashCommands.StartRun() self.getItems() infoBox = QMessageBox() infoBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) infoBox.setText("Your programs installed ") infoBox.setWindowTitle("Information") infoBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) infoBox.exec_() # When clicked update button
def check_null(self): """ check the required options :return: """ is_none = False type_info = '' case_name = self.case_name_line_edit.text().strip() content = self.editor_text_edit.toPlainText().strip() if not case_name: is_none = True type_info += "Case Name" if not content: is_none = True if not type_info: type_info += "Content" else: type_info += ", Content" if is_none: self.message_box.warning(self, "Message", type_info + " is required.", QMessageBox.Ok) return is_none
def connectToDatabase(db, user, psswrd, host): try: global conn conn = pymysql.connect( db=db, user=user, passwd=psswrd, host=host ) global data data = getAndSetData(conn) return conn, data except pymysql.err.OperationalError: Q = QMessageBox() Q = QMessageBox.information(Q, 'Error', 'Your username and/or password was incorrect. Please try again.', QMessageBox.Ok) return None, None
def logout_warn(self): """ Description: Called if the warn_autologout setting has been set in the config. It will warn user to reset their idle, otherwise an enforced logout will be performed by calling the logout() method. Arguments: None Returns: Nothing """ self.autologoutwarnwin = QMessageBox(None) self.autologoutwarnwin.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) self.autologoutwarnwin.setText(_('auto_logout_warn')) self.autologoutwarnwin.setWindowTitle(_('auto_logout_warn_title')) self.autologoutwarnwin.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) self.autologoutwarnwin.buttonClicked.connect(self.autologoutwarn_accepted) self.autologoutwarnwin.exec_()
def process_start(self, row, process, warn=True): """ Handle the startup of a B3 process. :param row: the number of the row displaying the process state :param process: the QProcess instance to start :param warn: whether to warn the user of a startup failure or not """ if process.state() != QProcess.Running: # refresh the config before running process.config = process.config_path self.paint_row(row) if process.isFlag(CONFIG_READY): process.stateChanged.connect(partial(self.paint_row, row=row)) process.start() else: if warn: suffix = 'not found' if process.isFlag(CONFIG_FOUND) else 'not valid' reason = 'configuration file %s: %s' % (suffix, process.config_path) msgbox = QMessageBox() msgbox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) msgbox.setWindowTitle('WARNING') msgbox.setText('%s startup failure: %s' % (process.name, reason)) msgbox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msgbox.exec_()
def update_database(self): """ Display the 'database update' dialog. """ self.show() is_something_running = False for x in B3App.Instance().processes: if x.state() == QProcess.Running: is_something_running = True break if is_something_running: msgbox = QMessageBox() msgbox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) msgbox.setWindowTitle('NOTICE') msgbox.setText('Some B3 processes are still running: you need to terminate them to update B3 database.') msgbox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msgbox.exec_() else: update = UpdateDatabaseDialog(self.centralWidget()) update.show()
def with_btn_click(self): if self.input_PW.text() == '': QMessageBox.warning(self, '?? ??', '????? ??? ???') return answer = QMessageBox.warning(self, '?? ??', '??? ?? ???????\n??? ??? ??? ??????.', QMessageBox.Ok|QMessageBox.No) if (answer == QMessageBox.No): return else: mysocket.sendMsg(s, '2', key) mysocket.sendMsg(s, self.input_PW.text(), key) result = mysocket.getMsg(s, key) if result == 'PW different' or result == 'PW different ': print(result) QMessageBox.warning(self, '?? ??', '?? ?? ??') return else: QMessageBox.information(self, '?? ??', '???? ??????. ??~') self.hide() tmp = MainWidget() tmp.hide() tmp = Login() tmp.run()
def with_btn_click(self): if self.input_PW.text() == '': QMessageBox.warning(self, '?? ??', '????? ??? ???') return answer = QMessageBox.warning(self, '?? ??', '??? ?? ???????\n??? ??? ??? ??????.', QMessageBox.Ok|QMessageBox.No) if (answer == QMessageBox.No): return else: QMessageBox.information(self, '??? ??', '?? ????') """ mysocket.sendMsg(s, '2', key) mysocket.sendMsg(s, self.input_PW.text(), key) result = mysocket.getMsg(s, key) if result == 'PW different' or result == 'PW different ': QMessageBox.warning(self, '?? ??', '?? ?? ??') return else: QMessageBox.information(self, '?? ??', '???? ??????. ??~') ??? ???. """
def tempPlot(self): try: self.y_title_axis = ['Temperature Plot', 'Temperature vs Time', 't(s)', 'T(C)', 'Sensor'] MultiPlot.Plot(self.tf, len(self.ids), self.y_title_axis) except KeyError: mb = QMessageBox() mb.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) mb.setWindowTitle('Error') mb.setText('No temperature sensor connected.') mb.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) mb.show()
def pumppowerchange(self): try: if self.pumppwmvalue > 100: raise ValueError else: self.PUMPPWM.setIntensity(self.pumppwmvalue) except ValueError: mb = QMessageBox() mb.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) mb.setWindowTitle('Error') mb.setText('Please type in a value between 0-100.') mb.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) mb.show()
def showPlots(self): try: RPiCamera.showPlot(self.rgb_array) self.statusbar = 'Ready' except ValueError: mb = QMessageBox() mb.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) mb.setWindowTitle('Error') mb.setText('Array not loaded, make sure you take picture or import an image first.') mb.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) mb.show()
def spawn_window(parent, node, iface_name): driver = node.can_driver if not slcan_cli.CLIInterface.is_backend_supported(driver): mbox = QMessageBox(parent) mbox.setWindowTitle('Unsupported CAN Backend') mbox.setText('CAN Adapter Control Panel cannot be used with the current CAN backend.') mbox.setInformativeText('The current backend is %r.' % type(driver).__name__) mbox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) mbox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) mbox.show() # Not exec() because we don't want it to block! return progress_dialog = QProgressDialog(parent) progress_dialog.setWindowTitle('CAN Adapter Control Panel Initialization') progress_dialog.setLabelText('Detecting CAN adapter capabilities...') progress_dialog.setMinimumDuration(800) progress_dialog.setCancelButton(None) progress_dialog.setRange(0, 0) progress_dialog.show() def supported_callback(supported): progress_dialog.close() if not supported: mbox = QMessageBox(parent) mbox.setWindowTitle('Incompatible CAN Adapter') mbox.setText('CAN Adapter Control Panel cannot be used with the connected adapter.') mbox.setInformativeText('Connected SLCAN adapter does not support CLI extensions.') mbox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) mbox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) mbox.show() # Not exec() because we don't want it to block! return slcp = slcan_cli.ControlPanelWindow(parent, slcan_iface, iface_name) slcp.show() slcan_iface = slcan_cli.CLIInterface(driver) slcan_iface.check_is_interface_supported(supported_callback)
def _update_progress(self): if self._transfer.error: QMessageBox().critical(self, "Error", "File transfer failed.", QMessageBox.Ok) self.reject() elif self._transfer.cancelled: self.reject() elif self._transfer.finished: sleep(0.5) self.accept() else: self.progressBar.setValue(self._transfer.progress * 100)
def error(self, message): msg = QMessageBox() msg.setText(message) msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) out = msg.exec_()
def on_click(self): textboxValue = self.textbox.text() QMessageBox.question(self, 'Message - pythonspot.com', "You typed: " + textboxValue, QMessageBox.Ok, QMessageBox.Ok) self.textbox.setText("")
def errorHandler(self, msg: str, title: str=None) -> None: qApp.restoreOverrideCursor() QMessageBox.critical(self, 'An error occurred' if title is None else title, msg, QMessageBox.Ok) logging.error(msg)
def update(self): Update.Update() infoBox = QMessageBox() infoBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) infoBox.setText("Updated") infoBox.setWindowTitle("Information") infoBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) infoBox.exec_() # When clicked about button
def error_dlg(parent,text): msgBox = QMessageBox(parent) msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msgBox.setText("gpvdm error:") msgBox.setInformativeText(text) msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok ) msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Ok) reply = msgBox.exec_()
def delrow(self): if self.ui.tableWidget.currentIndex().row() > -1: self.model.removeRow(self.ui.tableWidget.currentIndex().row()) self.i -= 1 self.model.select() self.ui.lcdNumber.display(self.i) else: QMessageBox.question(self,'Message', "Please select a row would you like to delete", QMessageBox.Ok) self.show()
def updaterow(self): if self.ui.tableWidget.currentIndex().row() > -1: record = self.model.record(self.ui.tableWidget.currentIndex().row()) record.setValue("Name",self.ui.lineEdit.text()) record.setValue("Surname",self.ui.lineEdit_2.text()) record.setValue("DOB", self.ui.dateEdit.text()) record.setValue("Phone", self.ui.lineEdit_3.text()) self.model.setRecord(self.ui.tableWidget.currentIndex().row(), record) else: QMessageBox.question(self,'Message', "Please select a row would you like to update", QMessageBox.Ok) self.show()
def show_dialog(self, grade, error): grade_table = {'Information': 1, 'Warning': 2, 'Critical': 3, 'Question': 4} dialog = QMessageBox() dialog.setIcon(grade_table[grade]) dialog.setText(error.msg) dialog.setWindowTitle(grade) dialog.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) dialog.exec_()
def select_event(self): """ handle the select event :return: """ self.result_widget.get_checked_data() if not self.result_widget.checked_cases_message: self.message_box.warning(self, "Message", "Please choose cases first.", QMessageBox.Ok) return id_list = [] for item in self.result_widget.checked_cases_message: id_list.append(int(item["case_id"])) self.select_case_signal.emit(id_list) self.close() # close AddCase
def click_run_stop_btn(self): """ start or stop to run case :return: """ devices = [] if self.running: self.stop_case() return if not self.cases: # cases is null self.message_box.warning(self, "Message", "Please add cases first.", QMessageBox.Ok) return try: devices = self.tester.devices() except Exception as e: self.add_log("<font color='red'>" + str(e) + "</font>") if not devices: # There is no device connected self.message_box.warning(self, "Message", "Please connect the device to your computer.", QMessageBox.Ok) return self.add_device_widget = AddDeviceWidget() self.add_device_widget.setWindowModality(Qt.ApplicationModal) self.add_device_widget.add_log_signal.connect(self.add_log, Qt.QueuedConnection) self.add_device_widget.run_case_signal.connect(self.run_case, Qt.QueuedConnection) self.device_list_signal.connect(self.add_device_widget.add_radio_to_widget, Qt.QueuedConnection) self.add_device_widget.show() try: self.device_list_signal.emit(devices) except Exception as e: self.add_log("<font color='red'><pre>" + str(e) + "</pre></font>")
def select_event(self): """ handle the select event :return: """ self.handle_selected_device() if not self.selected_device_list: # no device is selected self.message_box.warning(self, "Message", "Please choose a device.", QMessageBox.Ok) return # case data handle if not self.all_data_selected: input_number = self.line_number_line_edit.text().strip() if not input_number or (not input_number.isdigit()): self.message_box.warning(self, "Message", "Please input the right line number.", QMessageBox.Ok) return if not (0 < int(input_number) <= self.data_count): self.message_box.warning(self, "Message", "Please input the right line number.", QMessageBox.Ok) return self.selected_data_number = int(input_number) if self.data_count is None: # case run self.run_case_signal.emit(self.selected_device_list) self.close() return # editor run self.run_editor_signal.emit(self.selected_device_list, self.selected_data_number) self.close()
def start_rpc_server(self): """ start rpc server :return: """ try: self.tester.start_server() except Exception as e: logger.exception(str(e)) self.message_box.warning(self, "Message", "Fail to start RPC-Server, Please restart it in settings.", QMessageBox.Ok)
def run_btn_event(self): """ click run button, show add_device_widget :return: """ self.add_device_widget = AddDeviceWidget() # add device self.add_device_widget.setWindowModality(Qt.ApplicationModal) self.device_and_data_signal.connect(self.add_device_widget.add_radio_to_widget, Qt.QueuedConnection) self.add_device_widget.run_editor_signal.connect(self.run_case, Qt.QueuedConnection) devices = [] if self.is_running: self.stop_case() try: devices = self.tester.devices() except Exception as e: self.add_info_console("<font color='red'>" + str(e) + "</font>") if not devices: # There is no device connected self.message_box.warning(self, "Message", "Please connect the device to your computer.", QMessageBox.Ok) return # get case data count if self.case_id is not None: self.case_data_count = self.case_data_manage.get_case_data_count(self.case_id) self.device_and_data_signal.emit(devices, self.case_data_count) self.add_device_widget.show()
def connection(): conn, data = SQL_Handler.connectToDatabase('fobs', form.UsernameField.text(), form.PasswordField.text(), 'localhost') if conn is not None: buildTable() form.close() form2.show() form2.logoutButton.clicked.connect(mainMenu) form2.refreshButton.clicked.connect(lambda: buildTable()) form2.validationButton.clicked.connect(lambda: saveChanges()) else: Q = QMessageBox() Q = QMessageBox.information(Q, 'Error', 'Connection failed.', QMessageBox.Ok)
def error_message(exception, text="An error occurred when processing your request", title="Error"): msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) msg.setText(text) msg.setWindowTitle(title) msg.setDetailedText(str(exception)) msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msg.exec_()
def setupUi(self, message_list): self.setGeometry(self.left, self.top, self.width, self.height) self.msg = QMessageBox() self.msg.setIcon(self.message_type[message_list[3]]) self.msg.setWindowTitle('Worksets') self.msg.setText(message_list[0]) self.msg.setInformativeText(message_list[1]) self.msg.setDetailedText(message_list[2]) self.msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) self.msg.exec()
def showPopup(self): self.clear() self.updateList() if self.lst == []: QMessageBox.warning(self.parent, "Warning", "No device attached", QMessageBox.Ok, QMessageBox.NoButton) super(ComboBox_Ports, self).showPopup()
def no_user_list(self): reply = message.warning(self, 'Warning', no_user_list_message, message.Ok) return reply == message.Ok
def no_subreddit_list(self): reply = message.warning(self, 'No Subreddit List', no_subreddit_list_message, message.Ok) return reply == message.Ok
def no_user_selected(self): reply = message.information(self, 'No User Selected', no_user_selected_message, message.Ok) return reply == message.Ok
def no_subreddit_selected(self): reply = message.information(self, 'No Subreddit Selected', no_subreddit_selected_message, message.Ok) return reply == message.Ok
def failed_to_save(self): reply = message.information(self, 'Save Failed', failed_to_save_message, message.Ok) return reply == message.Ok
def remove_subreddit(self): reply = message.information(self, 'Remove Subreddit?', remove_subreddit_message, message.Ok, message.Cancel) return reply == message.Ok
def remove_user_list(self): reply = message.warning(self, 'Remove User List?', remove_user_list_message, message.Ok, message.Cancel) return reply == message.Ok
def remove_subreddit_list(self): reply = message.warning(self, 'Remove Subreddit List?', remove_subreddit_list_message, message.Ok, message.Cancel) return reply == message.Ok
def not_valid_name(self): text = 'Sorry, that is not a valid name' reply = message.information(self, 'Invalid Name', text, message.Ok) return reply == message.Ok
def name_in_list(self): text = 'That name is already in the list' reply = message.information(self, 'Existing Name', text, message.Ok) return reply == message.Ok
def no_subreddit_download_folder(self): text = 'The subreddit you selected does not appear to have a download folder. This is likely because nothing ' \ 'has been downloaded for this subreddit yet.' reply = message.information(self, 'Folder Does Not Exist', text, message.Ok) return reply == message.Ok
def no_users_downloaded(self): text = 'No users have been downloaded yet' reply = message.information(self, 'No Content', text, message.Ok) return reply == message.Ok
def nothing_to_download(self): text = 'Nothing to download. Please add users or subreddits you would like to download from.' reply = message.information(self, 'Nothing to Download', text, message.Ok) return reply == message.Ok
def downloader_running_warning(self): text = 'The user finder is still currently running. Closing now may cause unexpected behaviour and corrupted ' \ 'files. Are you sure you want to close?' reply = message.warning(self, 'User Finder Still Running', text, message.Ok, message.Cancel) return reply == message.Ok
def restore_defaults_warning(self): text = 'Defaults have been restored. If you save now, any settings controlled from this window will be ' \ 'restored to their original values.\n\nAny user or subreddit who\'s custom settings have been changed ' \ 'will also be restored to their default values.\n\nDo you wish to proceed?' reply = message.warning(self, 'Defaults Restored', text, message.Ok, message.Cancel) return reply == message.Ok