def __build_main_window(self, engine): """ Builds the QML interface """ parentcontext = engine.rootContext() #Create a context for the family tree list self.qmlpersonlistcontext = QtDeclarative.QDeclarativeContext(parentcontext) #Create ListModel to use personlistmodel = QMLPersonListModel(self.dbstate.db) #register them in the context self.qmlpersonlistcontext.setContextProperty('Const', self.const) self.qmlpersonlistcontext.setContextProperty('QMLPersonList', self) self.qmlpersonlistcontext.setContextProperty('QMLPersonListModel', personlistmodel) #create a Component to show self.qmlpersonlist = QtDeclarative.QDeclarativeComponent(engine) self.qmlpersonlist.loadUrl(QtCore.QUrl.fromLocalFile( os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "guiQML", 'views', 'peopleview.qml'))) #and obtain the QObject of it self.Qpersonlist = self.qmlpersonlist.create(self.qmlpersonlistcontext)
def __init__(self, dbstate, engine, onselectcallback): """ The manager is initialised with a dbstate on which GRAMPS is working, and the engine to use context from. """ self.__busy = False self.__onselect = onselectcallback QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) CLIDbManager.__init__(self, dbstate) #constants needed in the QML self.const = { 'titlelabel': "Gramps - %s" % _("Family Trees"), 'addbtnlbl': _("Add a Family Tree"), 'famtreeicon': FAMTREE_ICONPATH } #there is one DeclarativeEngine for global settings self.__build_main_window(engine)
def __build_main_window(self, engine): """ Builds the QML interface """ parentcontext = engine.rootContext() #Create a context for the family tree list self.centralviewcontext = QtDeclarative.QDeclarativeContext(parentcontext) #Create ListModel to use detviews = DetViewSumModel([DetailView('People')]) #register them in the context self.centralviewcontext.setContextProperty('Const', self.const) self.centralviewcontext.setContextProperty('CentralView', self) self.centralviewcontext.setContextProperty('DetViewSumModel', detviews) #create a Component to show self.centralview = QtDeclarative.QDeclarativeComponent(engine) self.centralview.loadUrl(QtCore.QUrl.fromLocalFile( os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "guiQML", 'views', 'centralview.qml'))) #and obtain the QObject of it self.Qcentralview = self.centralview.create(self.centralviewcontext)
def Establish_Connections(self): # loop button and menu action to link to functions for ui_name in self.uiList.keys(): if ui_name.endswith('_btn'): QtCore.QObject.connect(self.uiList[ui_name], QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), getattr(self, ui_name[:-4]+"_action", partial(self.default_action,ui_name))) elif ui_name.endswith('_atn'): QtCore.QObject.connect(self.uiList[ui_name], QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), getattr(self, ui_name[:-4]+"_action", partial(self.default_action,ui_name))) elif ui_name.endswith('_btnMsg'): QtCore.QObject.connect(self.uiList[ui_name], QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), getattr(self, ui_name[:-7]+"_message", partial(self.default_message,ui_name))) elif ui_name.endswith('_atnMsg'): QtCore.QObject.connect(self.uiList[ui_name], QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), getattr(self, ui_name[:-7]+"_message", partial(self.default_message,ui_name))) # custom connection #======================================= # UI Response functions (custom + prebuilt functions) #======================================= #-- ui actions
def __init__(self, scene_model, *args, **kwargs): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.worker_thread = QtCore.QThread() self.moveToThread(self.worker_thread) self.worker_thread.start() self.model = None self.log = SceneLogModel(self) self.sources = SourceModel(self) self._log_handler = logging.Handler() self._log_handler.emit = self.sigLogRecord.emit self.cursor_tracker = CursorTracker() self.setModel(scene_model)
def __init__(self, model, parent): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.sigCalculateWeightMatrix.connect( model.calculateWeightMatrix) ret = QtGui.QMessageBox.information( parent, 'Calculate full weight matrix', '''<html><head/><body><p> This will calculate the quadtree's full weight matrix (<span style='font-family: monospace'>Covariance.weight_matrix</span>) for this noise/covariance configuration.</p><p> The calculation is expensive and may take several minutes. </p></body></html> ''', buttons=(QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel)) if ret == QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok: self.sigCalculateWeightMatrix.emit()
def __init__(self): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.scene = None self.frame = None self.quadtree = None self.covariance = None self.log = SceneLogModel(self) self._ = SignalProxy(self._sigQuadtreeChanged, rateLimit=5, delay=0, slot=lambda: self.sigQuadtreeChanged.emit()) self._log_handler = logging.Handler() self._log_handler.emit = self.sigLogRecord.emit self.qtproxy = QSceneQuadtreeProxy(self) self.worker_thread = QtCore.QThread() self.moveToThread(self.worker_thread) self.worker_thread.start()
def __init__(self): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.mouseWheel=0 self.enterleave=False self.enterleave=True self.keyPressed2=False self.editmode=False self.key='x' self.posx=-1 self.posy=-1 self.lasttime=time.time() self.lastkey='#' self.colorA=0 self.colors=[] self.pts=[] self.ptsm=[] self.mode='n'
def __init__(self, db, personhandle): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.__handle = personhandle self.__db = db
def __init__(self, dbstate, engine): """ The manager is initialised with a dbstate on which GRAMPS is working, and the engine to use context from. """ self.dbstate = dbstate QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.const = { 'titlelabel': "%s" % self.dbstate.db.get_dbname(), } #there is one DeclarativeEngine for global settings self.__build_main_window(engine)
def __init__(self, thing, dbman): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.__dbman = dbman self.__name = thing[CLIDbManager.IND_NAME] self.__path = thing[CLIDbManager.IND_PATH] self.__path_namefile = thing[CLIDbManager.IND_PATH_NAMEFILE] self.__last_access = thing[CLIDbManager.IND_TVAL_STR] self.__use_icon = thing[CLIDbManager.IND_USE_ICON_BOOL] self.__icon = thing[CLIDbManager.IND_STOCK_ID]
def __init__(self, name): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.__name = name
def __init__(self, dbstate, engine, viewshow): """ The manager is initialised with a dbstate on which GRAMPS is working, and the engine to use context from. """ self.dbstate = dbstate self.__viewshow = viewshow QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.const = { 'titlelabel': str("%s" % self.dbstate.db.get_dbname()), } print(self.const['titlelabel']) #there is one DeclarativeEngine for global settings self.__build_main_window(engine)
def BT_GetMayaWindow(): ptr = apiUI.MQtUtil.mainWindow() if ptr is not None: if BT_MayaVersionNumber < 2014: return wrapinstance(long(ptr), QtCore.QObject) else: return wrapInstance(long(ptr), QtGui.QWidget)
def __init__(self): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self)
def __init__(self): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.pool = QtCore.QThreadPool() self.pool.setMaxThreadCount(5) self.cards = [] self.result = {} self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
def __init__(self,WebView,startval=42): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.Start= startval self.WebView = WebView self.sendTimeStepFromSankey.connect(self.WebView.sendTimeStepFromSankey)
def signalConnection(self): self.connect(self.page().mainFrame(), QtCore.SIGNAL("javaScriptWindowObjectCleared ()"), self.javaScriptWindowObjectCleared) self.settings().setAttribute(QtWebKit.QWebSettings.WebAttribute.DeveloperExtrasEnabled, True) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.page(), QtCore.SIGNAL('selectionChanged()'), self.selectionChanged)
def find_child_by_name(self, name): return self.findChild(QtCore.QObject, name)
def find_all_children(self, names): children = [] for child in self.find_children(QtCore.QObject): if child.object_name() in names: children.append(child) return children
def mui_to_qt(self, mui_name): if hostMode != "maya": return ptr = mui.MQtUtil.findControl(mui_name) if ptr is None: ptr = mui.MQtUtil.findLayout(mui_name) if ptr is None: ptr = mui.MQtUtil.findMenuItem(mui_name) if ptr is not None: if qtMode in (0,2): # ==== for pyside ==== return shiboken.wrapInstance(long(ptr), QtWidgets.QWidget) elif qtMode in (1,3): # ==== for PyQt==== return sip.wrapinstance(long(ptr), QtCore.QObject)
def mui_to_qt(self, mui_name): ptr = mui.MQtUtil.findControl(mui_name) if ptr is None: ptr = mui.MQtUtil.findLayout(mui_name) if ptr is None: ptr = mui.MQtUtil.findMenuItem(mui_name) if ptr is not None: if qtMode == 0: # ==== for pyside ==== return shiboken.wrapInstance(long(ptr), QtGui.QWidget) elif qtMode == 1: # ==== for PyQt==== return sip.wrapinstance(long(ptr), QtCore.QObject)
def main(mode=0): parentWin = None app = None if deskMode == 0: if qtMode == 0: # ==== for pyside ==== parentWin = shiboken.wrapInstance(long(mui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()), QtGui.QWidget) elif qtMode == 1: # ==== for PyQt==== parentWin = sip.wrapinstance(long(mui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()), QtCore.QObject) if deskMode == 1: app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) # single UI window code, so no more duplicate window instance when run this function global single_TMP_UniversalToolUI_TND if single_TMP_UniversalToolUI_TND is None: single_TMP_UniversalToolUI_TND = TMP_UniversalToolUI_TND(parentWin, mode) # extra note: in Maya () for no parent; (parentWin,0) for extra mode input single_TMP_UniversalToolUI_TND.show() if deskMode == 1: sys.exit(app.exec_()) # example: show ui stored # print(single_TMP_UniversalToolUI_TND.uiList.keys()) return single_TMP_UniversalToolUI_TND # If you want to be able to load multiple windows of the same ui in Maya, use code below
def Establish_Connections(self): # loop button and menu action to link to functions for ui_name in self.uiList.keys(): if ui_name.endswith('_btn'): QtCore.QObject.connect(self.uiList[ui_name], QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), getattr(self, ui_name[:-4]+"_action", partial(self.default_action,ui_name))) if ui_name.endswith('_atn'): QtCore.QObject.connect(self.uiList[ui_name], QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), getattr(self, ui_name[:-4]+"_action", partial(self.default_action,ui_name))) if ui_name.endswith('_atnMsg') or ui_name.endswith('_btnMsg'): QtCore.QObject.connect(self.uiList[ui_name], QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), getattr(self, ui_name[:-7]+"_message", partial(self.default_message,ui_name))) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.uiList["dict_table"].horizontalHeader(), QtCore.SIGNAL("sectionDoubleClicked(int)"), self.changeTableHeader) ############################################# # UI Response functions ############################################## #-- ui actions
def loadLang(self): self.quickMenu(['language_menu;&Language']) cur_menu = self.uiList['language_menu'] self.quickMenuAction('langDefault_atnLang', 'Default','','langDefault.png', cur_menu) cur_menu.addSeparator() QtCore.QObject.connect( self.uiList['langDefault_atnLang'], QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), partial(self.setLang, 'default') ) # store default language self.memoData['lang']={} self.memoData['lang']['default']={} for ui_name in self.uiList: ui_element = self.uiList[ui_name] if type(ui_element) in [ QtGui.QLabel, QtGui.QPushButton, QtGui.QAction, QtGui.QCheckBox ]: # uiType: QLabel, QPushButton, QAction(menuItem), QCheckBox self.memoData['lang']['default'][ui_name] = str(ui_element.text()) elif type(ui_element) in [ QtGui.QGroupBox, QtGui.QMenu ]: # uiType: QMenu, QGroupBox self.memoData['lang']['default'][ui_name] = str(ui_element.title()) elif type(ui_element) in [ QtGui.QTabWidget]: # uiType: QTabWidget tabCnt = ui_element.count() tabNameList = [] for i in range(tabCnt): tabNameList.append(str(ui_element.tabText(i))) self.memoData['lang']['default'][ui_name]=';'.join(tabNameList) elif type(ui_element) == str: # uiType: string for msg self.memoData['lang']['default'][ui_name] = self.uiList[ui_name] # try load other language lang_path = os.path.dirname(self.location) # better in packed than(os.path.abspath(__file__)) baseName = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(self.location) )[0] for fileName in os.listdir(lang_path): if fileName.startswith(baseName+"_lang_"): langName = fileName.replace(baseName+"_lang_","").split('.')[0].replace(" ","") self.memoData['lang'][ langName ] = self.readRawFile( os.path.join(lang_path,fileName) ) self.quickMenuAction(langName+'_atnLang', langName.upper(),'',langName + '.png', cur_menu) QtCore.QObject.connect( self.uiList[langName+'_atnLang'], QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), partial(self.setLang, langName) ) # if no language file detected, add export default language option if len(self.memoData['lang']) == 1: self.quickMenuAction('langExport_atnLang', 'Export Default Language','','langExport.png', cur_menu) QtCore.QObject.connect( self.uiList['langExport_atnLang'], QtCore.SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.exportLang )
def main(): parentWin = None app = None if deskMode == 0: if qtMode == 0: # ==== for pyside ==== parentWin = shiboken.wrapInstance(long(mui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()), QtGui.QWidget) elif qtMode == 1: # ==== for PyQt==== parentWin = sip.wrapinstance(long(mui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()), QtCore.QObject) if deskMode == 1: app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) # single UI window code, so no more duplicate window instance when run this function global single_UITranslator if single_UITranslator is None: single_UITranslator = UITranslator(parentWin) # extra note: in Maya () for no parent; (parentWin,0) for extra mode input single_UITranslator.show() if deskMode == 1: sys.exit(app.exec_()) # example: show ui stored print(single_UITranslator.uiList.keys()) return single_UITranslator # If you want to be able to load multiple windows of the same ui, use code below
def __init__(self, model, source, index): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.source = source self.model = model self.index = index self.rois = [] self.editing_dialog = None if model.selection_model is not None: self.setSelectionModel() self.model.selectionModelChanged.connect(self.setSelectionModel)
def __init__(self, scene_proxy): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self, scene_proxy) self.scene_proxy = scene_proxy
def __init__(self): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.mouseWheel=0 self.enterleave=False self.enterleave=True self.keyPressed2=False self.editmode=False self.key='x' self.posx=-1 self.posy=-1 self.lasttime=time.time() self.lastkey='#'
def __setattr__(self, key, value): if key not in ("changed", "__editing", "__changed"): if hasattr(self, key): old_value = getattr(self, key) if hasattr(old_value, "changed"): old_value.changed.disconnect(self.change) if hasattr(value, "changed"): value.changed.connect(self.change) QtCore.QObject.__setattr__(self, key, value)
def __init__(self, x, y): ViewPort.__init__(self, x, y) QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self.__current_layer = None self.currentLayerChanged.connect(self.changed) self.__show_images = True self.__draw_other_layers = True self.layer_permute = 0
def readFile(): #Should be swapped with a read of a template class JavaScriptObjectToSend(QtCore.QObject): """Simple class with one slot and one read-only property.""" @QtCore.Slot(str) def showMessage(self, msg): """Open a message box and display the specified message.""" QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None, "Info", msg) def _pyVersion(self): """Return the Python version.""" return sys.version """Python interpreter version property.""" pyVersion = Property(str, fget=_pyVersion) class jsonObject(QObject): def __init__(self,startval=42): QObject.__init__(self) self.ppval="source" self.pp = Property(str,self.readPP,self.setPP) @QtCore.Slot(str) def readPP(self,msg): return msg,self.ppval @QtCore.Slot(str) def setPP(self,val): self.ppval = val obj = jsonObject() basepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) basepath = str(basepath)+'/' win = QtWebKit.QWebView() win.setWindowTitle('D3d visualization') layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() win.setLayout(layout) myObj = JavaScriptObjectToSend() view = QtWebKit.QWebView() view.settings().setAttribute(QtWebKit.QWebSettings.LocalContentCanAccessRemoteUrls, True) view.page().mainFrame().addToJavaScriptWindowObject("pyObj", myObj) view.page().mainFrame().addToJavaScriptWindowObject("jsonObj", obj) view.settings().setAttribute(QtWebKit.QWebSettings.PluginsEnabled, True) view.settings().setAttribute(QtWebKit.QWebSettings.WebAttribute.DeveloperExtrasEnabled, True) view.settings().setAttribute(QtWebKit.QWebSettings.PrivateBrowsingEnabled, True) view.setHtml(html, baseUrl=QtCore.QUrl().fromLocalFile(basepath)) return view
def main(mode=0): # get parent window in Maya parentWin = None if hostMode == "maya": if qtMode in (0,2): # pyside parentWin = shiboken.wrapInstance(long(mui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()), QtWidgets.QWidget) elif qtMode in (1,3): # PyQt parentWin = sip.wrapinstance(long(mui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()), QtCore.QObject) # create app object for certain host app = None if hostMode in ("desktop", "blender"): app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) #-------------------------- # ui instance #-------------------------- # template 1 - Keep only one copy of windows ui in Maya global single_UITranslator if single_UITranslator is None: if hostMode == "maya": single_UITranslator = UITranslator(parentWin, mode) else: single_UITranslator = UITranslator() # extra note: in Maya () for no parent; (parentWin,0) for extra mode input single_UITranslator.show() ui = single_UITranslator # template 2 - allow loading multiple windows of same UI in Maya ''' if hostMode == "maya": ui = UITranslator(parentWin) ui.show() else: # extra note: in Maya () for no parent; (parentWin,0) for extra mode input ''' # loop app object for certain host if hostMode in ("desktop"): sys.exit(app.exec_()) return ui
def main(mode=0): # get parent window in Maya parentWin = None if hostMode == "maya": if qtMode in (0,2): # pyside parentWin = shiboken.wrapInstance(long(mui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()), QtWidgets.QWidget) elif qtMode in (1,3): # PyQt parentWin = sip.wrapinstance(long(mui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()), QtCore.QObject) # create app object for certain host app = None if hostMode in ("desktop", "blender"): app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) #-------------------------- # ui instance #-------------------------- # template 1 - Keep only one copy of windows ui in Maya global single_UniversalToolUI if single_UniversalToolUI is None: if hostMode == "maya": single_UniversalToolUI = UniversalToolUI(parentWin, mode) else: single_UniversalToolUI = UniversalToolUI() # extra note: in Maya () for no parent; (parentWin,0) for extra mode input single_UniversalToolUI.show() ui = single_UniversalToolUI # template 2 - allow loading multiple windows of same UI in Maya ''' if hostMode == "maya": ui = UniversalToolUI(parentWin) ui.show() else: # extra note: in Maya () for no parent; (parentWin,0) for extra mode input ''' # loop app object for certain host if hostMode in ("desktop"): sys.exit(app.exec_()) return ui
def main(mode=0): # get parent window in Maya parentWin = None if hostMode == "maya": if qtMode in (0,2): # pyside parentWin = shiboken.wrapInstance(long(mui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()), QtWidgets.QWidget) elif qtMode in (1,3): # PyQt parentWin = sip.wrapinstance(long(mui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()), QtCore.QObject) # create app object for certain host app = None if hostMode in ("desktop", "blender"): app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) #-------------------------- # ui instance #-------------------------- # template 1 - Keep only one copy of windows ui in Maya global single_UserClassUI if single_UserClassUI is None: if hostMode == "maya": single_UserClassUI = UserClassUI(parentWin, mode) else: single_UserClassUI = UserClassUI() # extra note: in Maya () for no parent; (parentWin,0) for extra mode input single_UserClassUI.show() ui = single_UserClassUI # template 2 - allow loading multiple windows of same UI in Maya ''' if hostMode == "maya": ui = UserClassUI(parentWin) ui.show() else: # extra note: in Maya () for no parent; (parentWin,0) for extra mode input ''' # loop app object for certain host if hostMode in ("desktop"): sys.exit(app.exec_()) return ui