Python System 模块,TimeoutException() 实例源码


项目:android3dblendermouse    作者:sketchpunk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, size=1):
        Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
        return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
        until the requested number of bytes is read.
        if not self._port_handle:
            raise portNotOpenError
        # must use single byte reads as this is the only way to read
        # without applying encodings
        data = bytearray()
        while size:
            except System.TimeoutException as e:
                size -= 1
        return bytes(data)
项目:microperi    作者:c0d3st0rm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, size=1):
        Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
        return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
        until the requested number of bytes is read.
        if not self._port_handle:
            raise portNotOpenError
        # must use single byte reads as this is the only way to read
        # without applying encodings
        data = bytearray()
        while size:
            except System.TimeoutException as e:
                size -= 1
        return bytes(data)
项目:microbit-gateway    作者:whaleygeek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, size=1):
        """Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
           return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
           until the requested number of bytes is read."""
        if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
        # must use single byte reads as this is the only way to read
        # without applying encodings
        data = bytearray()
        while size:
            except System.TimeoutException, e:
                size -= 1
        return bytes(data)
项目:mb_remote    作者:whaleygeek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, size=1):
        """Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
           return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
           until the requested number of bytes is read."""
        if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
        # must use single byte reads as this is the only way to read
        # without applying encodings
        data = bytearray()
        while size:
            except System.TimeoutException, e:
                size -= 1
        return bytes(data)
项目:gcodeplot    作者:arpruss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, size=1):
        Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
        return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
        until the requested number of bytes is read.
        if not self.is_open:
            raise portNotOpenError
        # must use single byte reads as this is the only way to read
        # without applying encodings
        data = bytearray()
        while size:
            except System.TimeoutException:
                size -= 1
        return bytes(data)
项目:gcodeplot    作者:arpruss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, size=1):
        """Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
           return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
           until the requested number of bytes is read."""
        if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
        # must use single byte reads as this is the only way to read
        # without applying encodings
        data = bytearray()
        while size:
            except System.TimeoutException, e:
                size -= 1
        return bytes(data)
项目:bitio    作者:whaleygeek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, size=1):
        Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
        return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
        until the requested number of bytes is read.
        if not self.is_open:
            raise portNotOpenError
        # must use single byte reads as this is the only way to read
        # without applying encodings
        data = bytearray()
        while size:
            except System.TimeoutException:
                size -= 1
        return bytes(data)
项目:microbit-serial    作者:martinohanlon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, size=1):
        Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
        return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
        until the requested number of bytes is read.
        if not self._port_handle:
            raise portNotOpenError
        # must use single byte reads as this is the only way to read
        # without applying encodings
        data = bytearray()
        while size:
            except System.TimeoutException as e:
                size -= 1
        return bytes(data)
项目:CANbit    作者:whaleygeek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, size=1):
        """Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
           return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
           until the requested number of bytes is read."""
        if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
        # must use single byte reads as this is the only way to read
        # without applying encodings
        data = bytearray()
        while size:
            except System.TimeoutException, e:
                size -= 1
        return bytes(data)
项目:driveboardapp    作者:nortd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, size=1):
        Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
        return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
        until the requested number of bytes is read.
        if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
        # must use single byte reads as this is the only way to read
        # without applying encodings
        data = bytearray()
        while size:
            except System.TimeoutException, e:
                size -= 1
        return bytes(data)
项目:mb_sdcard    作者:whaleygeek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, size=1):
        """Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
           return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
           until the requested number of bytes is read."""
        if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
        # must use single byte reads as this is the only way to read
        # without applying encodings
        data = bytearray()
        while size:
            except System.TimeoutException, e:
                size -= 1
        return bytes(data)
项目:ddt4all    作者:cedricp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, size=1):
        Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
        return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
        until the requested number of bytes is read.
        if not self.is_open:
            raise portNotOpenError
        # must use single byte reads as this is the only way to read
        # without applying encodings
        data = bytearray()
        while size:
            except System.TimeoutException:
                size -= 1
        return bytes(data)
项目:mt7687-serial-uploader    作者:will127534    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, size=1):
        Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
        return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
        until the requested number of bytes is read.
        if not self.is_open:
            raise portNotOpenError
        # must use single byte reads as this is the only way to read
        # without applying encodings
        data = bytearray()
        while size:
            except System.TimeoutException:
                size -= 1
        return bytes(data)
项目:get_started_with_respeaker    作者:respeaker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, size=1):
        """Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
           return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
           until the requested number of bytes is read."""
        if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
        # must use single byte reads as this is the only way to read
        # without applying encodings
        data = bytearray()
        while size:
            except System.TimeoutException, e:
                size -= 1
        return bytes(data)
项目:Jackal_Velodyne_Duke    作者:MengGuo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, size=1):
        Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
        return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
        until the requested number of bytes is read.
        if not self.is_open:
            raise portNotOpenError
        # must use single byte reads as this is the only way to read
        # without applying encodings
        data = bytearray()
        while size:
            except System.TimeoutException:
                size -= 1
        return bytes(data)
项目:Jackal_Velodyne_Duke    作者:MengGuo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, size=1):
        Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
        return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
        until the requested number of bytes is read.
        if not self.is_open:
            raise portNotOpenError
        # must use single byte reads as this is the only way to read
        # without applying encodings
        data = bytearray()
        while size:
            except System.TimeoutException:
                size -= 1
        return bytes(data)
项目:btc-fpga-miner    作者:marsohod4you    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, size=1):
        """Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
           return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
           until the requested number of bytes is read."""
        if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
        # must use single byte reads as this is the only way to read
        # without applying encodings
        data = bytearray()
        while size:
            except System.TimeoutException, e:
                size -= 1
        return bytes(data)
项目:btc-fpga-miner    作者:marsohod4you    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, size=1):
        """Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
           return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
           until the requested number of bytes is read."""
        if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
        # must use single byte reads as this is the only way to read
        # without applying encodings
        data = bytearray()
        while size:
            except System.TimeoutException, e:
                size -= 1
        return bytes(data)
项目:android3dblendermouse    作者:sketchpunk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, data):
        """Output the given string over the serial port."""
        if not self._port_handle:
            raise portNotOpenError
        #~ if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
            #~ raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
            # must call overloaded method with byte array argument
            # as this is the only one not applying encodings
            self._port_handle.Write(as_byte_array(data), 0, len(data))
        except System.TimeoutException as e:
            raise writeTimeoutError
        return len(data)
项目:microperi    作者:c0d3st0rm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, data):
        """Output the given string over the serial port."""
        if not self._port_handle:
            raise portNotOpenError
        #~ if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
            #~ raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
            # must call overloaded method with byte array argument
            # as this is the only one not applying encodings
            self._port_handle.Write(as_byte_array(data), 0, len(data))
        except System.TimeoutException as e:
            raise writeTimeoutError
        return len(data)
项目:microbit-gateway    作者:whaleygeek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, data):
        """Output the given string over the serial port."""
        if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
        if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
            raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
            # must call overloaded method with byte array argument
            # as this is the only one not applying encodings
            self._port_handle.Write(as_byte_array(data), 0, len(data))
        except System.TimeoutException, e:
            raise writeTimeoutError
        return len(data)
项目:mb_remote    作者:whaleygeek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, data):
        """Output the given string over the serial port."""
        if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
        if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
            raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
            # must call overloaded method with byte array argument
            # as this is the only one not applying encodings
            self._port_handle.Write(as_byte_array(data), 0, len(data))
        except System.TimeoutException, e:
            raise writeTimeoutError
        return len(data)
项目:gcodeplot    作者:arpruss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, data):
        """Output the given string over the serial port."""
        if not self.is_open:
            raise portNotOpenError
        #~ if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
            #~ raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
            # must call overloaded method with byte array argument
            # as this is the only one not applying encodings
            self._port_handle.Write(as_byte_array(data), 0, len(data))
        except System.TimeoutException:
            raise writeTimeoutError
        return len(data)
项目:gcodeplot    作者:arpruss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, data):
        """Output the given string over the serial port."""
        if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
        if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
            raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
            # must call overloaded method with byte array argument
            # as this is the only one not applying encodings
            self._port_handle.Write(as_byte_array(data), 0, len(data))
        except System.TimeoutException, e:
            raise writeTimeoutError
        return len(data)
项目:bitio    作者:whaleygeek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, data):
        """Output the given string over the serial port."""
        if not self.is_open:
            raise portNotOpenError
        #~ if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
            #~ raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
            # must call overloaded method with byte array argument
            # as this is the only one not applying encodings
            self._port_handle.Write(as_byte_array(data), 0, len(data))
        except System.TimeoutException:
            raise writeTimeoutError
        return len(data)
项目:microbit-serial    作者:martinohanlon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, data):
        """Output the given string over the serial port."""
        if not self._port_handle:
            raise portNotOpenError
        #~ if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
            #~ raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
            # must call overloaded method with byte array argument
            # as this is the only one not applying encodings
            self._port_handle.Write(as_byte_array(data), 0, len(data))
        except System.TimeoutException as e:
            raise writeTimeoutError
        return len(data)
项目:CANbit    作者:whaleygeek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, data):
        """Output the given string over the serial port."""
        if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
        if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
            raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
            # must call overloaded method with byte array argument
            # as this is the only one not applying encodings
            self._port_handle.Write(as_byte_array(data), 0, len(data))
        except System.TimeoutException, e:
            raise writeTimeoutError
        return len(data)
项目:driveboardapp    作者:nortd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, data):
        """Output the given string over the serial port."""
        if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
        #~ if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
            #~ raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
            # must call overloaded method with byte array argument
            # as this is the only one not applying encodings
            self._port_handle.Write(as_byte_array(data), 0, len(data))
        except System.TimeoutException, e:
            raise writeTimeoutError
        return len(data)
项目:mb_sdcard    作者:whaleygeek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, data):
        """Output the given string over the serial port."""
        if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
        if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
            raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
            # must call overloaded method with byte array argument
            # as this is the only one not applying encodings
            self._port_handle.Write(as_byte_array(data), 0, len(data))
        except System.TimeoutException, e:
            raise writeTimeoutError
        return len(data)
项目:ddt4all    作者:cedricp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, data):
        """Output the given string over the serial port."""
        if not self.is_open:
            raise portNotOpenError
        #~ if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
            #~ raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
            # must call overloaded method with byte array argument
            # as this is the only one not applying encodings
            self._port_handle.Write(as_byte_array(data), 0, len(data))
        except System.TimeoutException:
            raise writeTimeoutError
        return len(data)
项目:mt7687-serial-uploader    作者:will127534    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, data):
        """Output the given string over the serial port."""
        if not self.is_open:
            raise portNotOpenError
        #~ if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
            #~ raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
            # must call overloaded method with byte array argument
            # as this is the only one not applying encodings
            self._port_handle.Write(as_byte_array(data), 0, len(data))
        except System.TimeoutException:
            raise writeTimeoutError
        return len(data)
项目:get_started_with_respeaker    作者:respeaker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, data):
        """Output the given string over the serial port."""
        if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
        if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
            raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
            # must call overloaded method with byte array argument
            # as this is the only one not applying encodings
            self._port_handle.Write(as_byte_array(data), 0, len(data))
        except System.TimeoutException, e:
            raise writeTimeoutError
        return len(data)
项目:Jackal_Velodyne_Duke    作者:MengGuo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, data):
        """Output the given string over the serial port."""
        if not self.is_open:
            raise portNotOpenError
        #~ if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
            #~ raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
            # must call overloaded method with byte array argument
            # as this is the only one not applying encodings
            self._port_handle.Write(as_byte_array(data), 0, len(data))
        except System.TimeoutException:
            raise writeTimeoutError
        return len(data)
项目:Jackal_Velodyne_Duke    作者:MengGuo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, data):
        """Output the given string over the serial port."""
        if not self.is_open:
            raise portNotOpenError
        #~ if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
            #~ raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
            # must call overloaded method with byte array argument
            # as this is the only one not applying encodings
            self._port_handle.Write(as_byte_array(data), 0, len(data))
        except System.TimeoutException:
            raise writeTimeoutError
        return len(data)
项目:btc-fpga-miner    作者:marsohod4you    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, data):
        """Output the given string over the serial port."""
        if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
        if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
            raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
            # must call overloaded method with byte array argument
            # as this is the only one not applying encodings
            self._port_handle.Write(as_byte_array(data), 0, len(data))
        except System.TimeoutException, e:
            raise writeTimeoutError
        return len(data)
项目:btc-fpga-miner    作者:marsohod4you    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, data):
        """Output the given string over the serial port."""
        if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
        if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
            raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
            # must call overloaded method with byte array argument
            # as this is the only one not applying encodings
            self._port_handle.Write(as_byte_array(data), 0, len(data))
        except System.TimeoutException, e:
            raise writeTimeoutError
        return len(data)