def test_oauth_auth_example(): import ast import _ast import codegen client_id = "n4mnzQGfDEfOhFixwBvLV2mZJJLvf86pzfMMiPF5" client_secret = "40ON9IPJRDAngUkVbGBTEjCBAwc2wB7lV8e71jJUPKabdKq6KBTUBKb1xGkh82KtAI1AqISrL3Zi4sTfhCBVh27YvlV6Y5klpXXV5loUWvuhMSRiN3HRZzVDO0fLBibv" with open("examples/oauth_auth_example.py", "r") as f: data = f.read() p = ast.parse(data) for node in p.body: if type(node) == _ast.Assign: if node.targets[0].id == 'client_id': node.value.s = client_id if node.targets[0].id == 'client_secret': node.value.s = client_secret ls = {} exec(codegen.to_source(p), ls) assert ls['course']['courses'][0]['id'] == 67
def UNPACK_SEQUENCE(self, instr): nargs = instr.oparg nodes = [] ast_tuple = _ast.Tuple(elts=nodes, ctx=_ast.Store(), lineno=instr.lineno, col_offset=0) for i in range(nargs): nex_instr = self.ilst.pop(0) self.ast_stack.append(None) self.visit(nex_instr) node = self.ast_stack.pop() nodes.append(node.targets[0]) expr = self.ast_stack.pop() if isinstance(expr, _ast.Assign): assgn = expr assgn.targets.append(ast_tuple) value_dup = self.ast_stack.pop() assert cmp_ast(assgn.value, value_dup) else: assgn = _ast.Assign(targets=[ast_tuple], value=expr, lineno=instr.lineno, col_offset=0) self.ast_stack.append(assgn)
def STORE_SUBSCR(self, instr): index = self.ast_stack.pop() value = self.ast_stack.pop() expr = self.ast_stack.pop() expr = self.process_ifexpr(expr) if isinstance(expr, _ast.AugAssign): self.ast_stack.append(expr) else: kw = dict(lineno=instr.lineno, col_offset=0) index = self.format_slice(index, kw) subscr = _ast.Subscript(value=value, slice=index, ctx=_ast.Store(), **kw) assign = _ast.Assign(targets=[subscr], value=expr, **kw) self.ast_stack.append(assign)
def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct): slots = dct.get('__slots__', []) orig_slots = [] for base in bases: if hasattr(base, "__slots__"): orig_slots += base.__slots__ if '__init__' in dct: init = dct['__init__'] initproc = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dct) initproc_source = inspect.getsource(initproc) ast = compile(initproc_source, "dont_care", 'exec', _ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST) classdef = ast.body[0] stmts = classdef.body for declaration in stmts: if isinstance(declaration, _ast.FunctionDef): name1 = declaration.name if name1 == '__init__': # delete this line if you do not initialize all instance variables in __init__ initbody = declaration.body for statement in initbody: if isinstance(statement, _ast.Assign): for target in statement.targets: name1 = target.attr if name1 not in orig_slots: slots.append(name1) if slots: dct['__slots__'] = slots return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)
def _transform_multiline_assignment_statements(statements): assignment_statements = [statement for statement in statements if type(statement) is _ast.BinOp and type(statement.op) is _ast.LShift and type(statement.left) is _ast.Name] other_statements = [statement for statement in statements if statement not in assignment_statements] assignments = [ast.Assign(targets=[statement.left], value=statement.right, lineno=statement.lineno, col_offset=statement.col_offset) for statement in assignment_statements] for assignment in assignments: assignment.targets[0].ctx = ast.Store() return other_statements + assignments
def parse_assign_expr(ctx, tree, subparser): if isinstance(tree, _ast.Assign): assert len(tree.targets) == 1 and isinstance(tree.targets[0], _ast.Name) return RowExprAssign(tree.targets[0].id, subparser(ctx, tree.value)) elif isinstance(tree, _ast.Expr): if isinstance(tree.value, _ast.Name): return RowExprAssign(tree.value.id, subparser(ctx, tree)) else: raise Exception("Please assign expression to a variable") else: raise Exception("Please assign expression to a variable")
def isLiteralTupleUnpacking(self, node): if isinstance(node, ast.Assign): for child in node.targets + [node.value]: if not hasattr(child, 'elts'): return False return True
def SETUP_WITH(self, instr): with_block = self.make_block(to=instr.to, inclusive=False) assert with_block.pop().opname == 'LOAD_CONST' assert with_block.pop().opname == 'POP_BLOCK' with_cleanup = self.ilst.pop(0) assert with_cleanup.opname == 'WITH_CLEANUP' end_finally = self.ilst.pop(0) assert end_finally.opname == 'END_FINALLY' with_ = self.decompile_block(with_block, stack_items=['WITH_BLOCK']).stmnt() if isinstance(with_[0], _ast.Assign) and with_[0].value == 'WITH_BLOCK': assign = with_.pop(0) as_ = assign.targets[0] else: as_ = None body = with_ expr = self.ast_stack.pop() with_ = _ast.With(context_expr=expr, optional_vars=as_, body=body, lineno=instr.lineno, col_offset=0) self.ast_stack.append(with_)
def pop_assignment(stmnts, name): for i in range(len(stmnts)): stmnt = stmnts[i] if isinstance(stmnt, _ast.Assign) and len(stmnt.targets) == 1 \ and isinstance(stmnt.targets[0], _ast.Name) \ and isinstance(stmnt.targets[0].ctx, _ast.Store): if stmnt.targets[0].id == name: stmnts.pop(i) return stmnt.value return None
def ROT_TWO(self, instr): one = self.ast_stack.pop() two = self.ast_stack.pop() if self.ilst[0].opname == 'STORE_NAME': kw = dict(lineno=instr.lineno, col_offset=0) stores = [] while self.ilst[0].opname == 'STORE_NAME': stores.append(self.ilst.pop(0)) assert len(stores) <= 3, stores elts_load = [one, two] if len(stores) == 3: elts_load.insert(0, self.ast_stack.pop()) tup_load = _ast.Tuple(elts=elts_load[::-1], ctx=_ast.Load(), **kw) elts_store = [_ast.Name(id=store.arg, ctx=_ast.Store(), **kw) for store in stores] tup_store = _ast.Tuple(elts=elts_store, ctx=_ast.Store(), **kw) assgn = _ast.Assign(value=tup_load, targets=[tup_store], **kw) self.ast_stack.append(assgn) # self.ast_stack.append(tup_store) else: self.ast_stack.append(one) self.ast_stack.append(two)
def STORE_SLICE_0(self, instr): 'obj[:] = expr' value = self.ast_stack.pop() expr = self.ast_stack.pop() kw = dict(lineno=instr.lineno, col_offset=0) slice = _ast.Slice(lower=None, step=None, upper=None, **kw) subscr = _ast.Subscript(value=value, slice=slice, ctx=_ast.Store(), **kw) assign = _ast.Assign(targets=[subscr], value=expr, **kw) self.ast_stack.append(assign)
def STORE_SLICE_1(self, instr): 'obj[lower:] = expr' lower = self.ast_stack.pop() value = self.ast_stack.pop() expr = self.ast_stack.pop() kw = dict(lineno=instr.lineno, col_offset=0) slice = _ast.Slice(lower=lower, step=None, upper=None, **kw) subscr = _ast.Subscript(value=value, slice=slice, ctx=_ast.Store(), **kw) assign = _ast.Assign(targets=[subscr], value=expr, **kw) self.ast_stack.append(assign)
def STORE_SLICE_2(self, instr): 'obj[:upper] = expr' upper = self.ast_stack.pop() value = self.ast_stack.pop() expr = self.ast_stack.pop() kw = dict(lineno=instr.lineno, col_offset=0) slice = _ast.Slice(lower=None, step=None, upper=upper, **kw) subscr = _ast.Subscript(value=value, slice=slice, ctx=_ast.Store(), **kw) assign = _ast.Assign(targets=[subscr], value=expr, **kw) self.ast_stack.append(assign)
def __new__(cls, name: str, bases: list, dictionary: dict) -> object: slots, original_slots = dictionary.get('__slots__', []), [] for base in bases: if hasattr(base, "__slots__"): original_slots += base.__slots__ if '__init__' in dictionary: init_src = getsource(type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dictionary)) ast = compile(init_src, "", 'exec', _ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST, optimize=2) for declaration in tuple(ast.body[0].body): if isinstance(declaration, _ast.FunctionDef): nombre = declaration.name if nombre == '__init__': initbody = declaration.body for statement in initbody: if isinstance(statement, _ast.Assign): for target in statement.targets: nombrecito = target.attr if nombrecito not in original_slots: slots.append(nombrecito) dictionary['__slots__'] = namedtuple("AutoSlots", slots)(*slots) dictionary['__doc__'] = dictionary.get( '__doc__', f"""{name} class from '{dictionary['__module__']}'. \nInstantiated using Angler AutoSlots MetaClass. Mutable/writable/readable attributes: {dictionary['__slots__']} \nThis does not make the {name} class Inmmutable. \nAdding new attributes via assignments/setattr/etc is Blocked. \nUses less memory, speeds up attribute accesses and avoid bugs \nTry to add new attributes to this {name} class will raise: AttributeError: {name} object has no attribute\n\n""" + __doc__ ) return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dictionary)
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): """ :type node: _ast.FunctionDef """ children = node.body lambda_assign_children = [child for child in children if type(child) == _ast.Assign and len(child.targets) == 1 and type(child.value) == _ast.Compare and (type(child.value.left) == _ast.Tuple or type(child.value.left) == _ast.Name) and all(map(lambda t: type(t) == _ast.Name, getattr(child.value.left, 'elts', [])))] # Support single line lambdas outside of assigns other_children = [child for child in children if child not in lambda_assign_children] for child in other_children: CompareNodeVisitor().visit(child) for assign_type_child in lambda_assign_children: arguments = _transform_function_arguments(assign_type_child.value.left) function_body = assign_type_child.value.comparators[0] if _is_multiline_lambda(function_body): all_statements = function_body.elts return_statement = all_statements[-1] statements = all_statements[0:len(all_statements) - 1] statements = _transform_multiline_assignment_statements(statements) return_statement = _transform_multiline_return_statement(return_statement) assign_target = assign_type_child.targets[0] if type(assign_target) is _ast.Attribute: function_name = assign_target.attr else: function_name = assign_target.id all_transformed_statements = statements + [return_statement] functiondef_object = ast.FunctionDef(args = arguments, body=all_transformed_statements, lineno=assign_type_child.lineno, name=function_name, col_offset=assign_type_child.col_offset, decorator_list=[]) children.insert(0, functiondef_object) assign_type_child.value = ast.Name(id=functiondef_object.name, col_offset=functiondef_object.col_offset, lineno=functiondef_object.lineno, ctx=ast.Load()) else: lambda_ast_transform = ast.Lambda(args=arguments, body=function_body, lineno=assign_type_child.lineno, col_offset = assign_type_child.col_offset) assign_type_child.value = lambda_ast_transform return node
def make_list_comp(self, get_iter, for_iter): block = self.make_block(for_iter.to, inclusive=False, raise_=False) jump_abs = block.pop() assert jump_abs.opname == 'JUMP_ABSOLUTE', jump_abs.opname jump_map = {for_iter.i:for_iter.to} stmnts = self.decompile_block(block, stack_items=[None], jump_map=jump_map).stmnt() if len(stmnts) > 1: assign = stmnts.pop(0) assert len(stmnts) == 1 assert isinstance(assign, _ast.Assign) list_expr = self.ast_stack.pop() # empty ast.List object list_ = self.ast_stack.pop() ifs = [] elt = refactor_ifs(stmnts[0], ifs) assert len(assign.targets) == 1 generators = [_ast.comprehension(target=assign.targets[0], iter=list_expr, ifs=ifs, lineno=get_iter.lineno, col_offset=0)] if isinstance(list_, _ast.Assign): comp = _ast.comprehension(target=list_.targets[0], iter=None, ifs=ifs, lineno=get_iter.lineno, col_offset=0) generators.insert(0, comp) list_comp = _ast.ListComp(elt=elt, generators=generators, lineno=get_iter.lineno, col_offset=0) else: list_expr = self.ast_stack.pop() list_comp = stmnts[0] generators = list_comp.generators # empty ast.List object list_ = self.ast_stack.pop() if not isinstance(list_, _ast.Assign): comp = _ast.comprehension(target=list_.targets[0], iter=None, ifs=[], lineno=get_iter.lineno, col_offset=0) generators.insert(0, comp) generators[0].iter = list_expr self.ast_stack.append(list_comp)
def LOAD_BUILD_CLASS(self, instr): class_body = [] body_instr = instr while body_instr.opname not in function_ops: body_instr = self.ilst.pop(0) class_body.append(body_instr) call_func = self.decompile_block(class_body, stack_items=[None]).stmnt() assert len(call_func) == 1 call_func = call_func[0] func_def = call_func.args[0] code = func_def.body name = call_func.args[1].s bases = call_func.args[2:] keywords = call_func.keywords kwargs = call_func.kwargs starargs = call_func.starargs if isinstance(code[0], _ast.Expr): _name = code.pop(1) _doc = code.pop(1) elif isinstance(code[0], _ast.Assign): _name = code.pop(0) else: assert False ret = code.pop(-1) assert isinstance(ret, _ast.Return) class_ = _ast.ClassDef(name=name, bases=bases, body=code, decorator_list=[], kwargs=kwargs, keywords=keywords, starargs=starargs, lineno=instr.lineno, col_offset=0, ) self.ast_stack.append(class_)
def STORE_NAME(self, instr): value = self.ast_stack.pop() value = self.process_ifexpr(value) if isinstance(value, _ast.Import): if value.from_: assert isinstance(self.ast_stack[-1], _ast.ImportFrom) from_ = self.ast_stack.pop() as_name = instr.arg name = from_.names[0].name if as_name != name: from_.names[0].asname = as_name self.ast_stack.append(from_) else: as_name = instr.arg if value.names[0].asname is None: base_name = value.names[0].name.split('.')[0] if base_name != as_name: value.names[0].asname = as_name self.ast_stack.append(value) elif isinstance(value, (_ast.Attribute)) and isinstance(value.value, (_ast.Import)): asname = instr.arg value = value.value value.names[0].asname = asname self.ast_stack.append(value) elif isinstance(value, (_ast.ClassDef, _ast.FunctionDef)): as_name = instr.arg value.name = as_name self.ast_stack.append(value) elif isinstance(value, _ast.AugAssign): self.ast_stack.append(value) elif isinstance(value, _ast.Assign): _ = self.ast_stack.pop() assname = _ast.Name(instr.arg, _ast.Store(), lineno=instr.lineno, col_offset=0) value.targets.append(assname) self.ast_stack.append(value) else: assname = _ast.Name(instr.arg, _ast.Store(), lineno=instr.lineno, col_offset=0) assign = _ast.Assign(targets=[assname], value=value, lineno=instr.lineno, col_offset=0) self.ast_stack.append(assign)