Python _ast 模块,BinOp() 实例源码


项目:lambdazen    作者:brthor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _transform_multiline_assignment_statements(statements):
    assignment_statements = [statement for statement in statements
                             if type(statement) is _ast.BinOp
                             and type(statement.op) is _ast.LShift
                             and type(statement.left) is _ast.Name]

    other_statements = [statement for statement in statements if statement not in assignment_statements]

    assignments = [ast.Assign(targets=[statement.left], value=statement.right, lineno=statement.lineno, col_offset=statement.col_offset)
            for statement in assignment_statements]

    for assignment in assignments:
        assignment.targets[0].ctx = ast.Store()

    return other_statements + assignments
项目:femtocode    作者:diana-hep    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def BINARY_(OP):

    def BINARY_OP(self, instr):
        right = self.ast_stack.pop()
        left = self.ast_stack.pop()

        add = _ast.BinOp(left=left, right=right, op=OP(), lineno=instr.lineno, col_offset=0)

    return BINARY_OP
项目:py_gpumap    作者:ipachev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_Assign(self, node):
        if len(node.targets) > 1:
            raise SyntaxError("GPUMAP: multiple assignment not supported")

        target_types = map(lambda target: type(target), node.targets)
        if tuple in target_types or list in target_types:
            raise SyntaxError("GPUMAP: No unpacking allowed")

        target = node.targets[0]
        # assignment into object field
        output = ""

        value = self.visit(node.value)

        # assignment into variable
        if isinstance(target, _ast.Name):
            # assignment into new variable
            # not sure about the type just yet..

            # see if it's a primitive
            if not in self.local_vars:
                # binops and boolops return primitives
                if isinstance(node.value, _ast.Num) or isinstance(node.value, _ast.Compare) or isinstance(node.value, _ast.BinOp) \
                        or isinstance(node.value, _ast.BoolOp) or isinstance(node.value, _ast.NameConstant):
                    output += "auto "

                # check if referenced list contains primitives
                elif isinstance(node.value, _ast.Subscript):
                    list_name = value[:value.find("[")]
                        idx = self.func_repr.args.index(list_name)
                        t = self.func_repr.arg_types[idx]
                        item_type = t[t.find("<") + 1: t.find(">")]
                        if item_type in map(lambda t: t.__name__, primitive_map.keys()):
                            output += "auto "
                            output += "auto&& "
                        raise RuntimeError("THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN")
                    # check if it's an existing variable
                        idx = self.func_repr.args.index(value)
                        t = self.func_repr.arg_types[idx]
                        if t in primitive_map:
                            output += "auto "
                            output += "auto&& "
                    except ValueError:
                        output += "auto&& "
                self.local_vars[] = None
        output += self.visit(target)
        output += " = " + value
        return output
项目:wuye.vim    作者:zhaoyingnan911    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def optimize_binop(self, node):
        """Optimize BinOps with string Const nodes on the lhs.

        This fixes an infinite recursion crash, where multiple
        strings are joined using the addition operator. With a
        sufficient number of such strings, astroid will fail
        with a maximum recursion limit exceeded. The
        function will return a Const node with all the strings
        already joined.
        Return ``None`` if no AST node can be obtained
        through optimization.
        ast_nodes = []
        current = node
        while isinstance(current, _ast.BinOp):
            # lhs must be a BinOp with the addition operand.
            if not isinstance(current.left, _ast.BinOp):
            if (not isinstance(current.left.op, _ast.Add)
                    or not isinstance(current.op, _ast.Add)):

            # rhs must a str / bytes.
            if not isinstance(current.right, _TYPES):

            current = current.left

            if (isinstance(current, _ast.BinOp)
                    and isinstance(current.left, _TYPES)
                    and isinstance(current.right, _TYPES)):
                # Stop early if we are at the last BinOp in
                # the operation

        if not ast_nodes:

        # If we have inconsistent types, bail out.
        known = type(ast_nodes[0])
        if any(type(element) is not known
               for element in ast_nodes[1:]):

        value = known().join(reversed(ast_nodes))
        newnode = nodes.Const(value)
        return newnode