def create_app(extra_config_settings={}): """ Initialize Flask applicaton """ app.config.from_object('app.startup.settings') app.config.update(extra_config_settings) # Load all blueprints with their manager commands, entities and views from app import core mongoengine.connect( app.config['DATABASE_NAME'], host=app.config['DATABASE_HOST'], port=app.config['DATABASE_PORT'], username=app.config['DATABASE_USER'], password=app.config['DATABASE_PASSWORD'] ) return app
def encode_auth_token(self, user_id): """ Encode the Auth token :param user_id: User's Id :return: """ try: payload = { 'exp': datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=app.config.get('AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRY_DAYS'), seconds=app.config.get( 'AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRY_SECONDS')), 'iat': datetime.datetime.utcnow(), 'sub': user_id } return jwt.encode( payload, app.config['SECRET_KEY'], algorithm='HS256' ) except Exception as e: return e
def create_invitation_notification(self, invitations): target_users = list() for each in invitations: target_users.append({'field': 'tag', 'key': 'email', 'relation': '=', 'value': each.invitee.email}) target_users.append({'operator': 'OR'}) payload = { 'app_id': app.config['ONE_SIGNAL_SETTINGS']['API_ID'], 'filters': target_users, 'contents': {'en': '{} sent you a invitation'.format(invitations[0].inviter.first_name)} } req = requests.post('https://onesignal.com/api/v1/notifications', headers=self.header, data=json.dumps(payload)) if req.status_code == 200: app.logger.info('Push notification sent')
def unique(fun): global r if not r: r = redis.StrictRedis.from_url(flaskapp.config['REDIS_URI']) @wraps(fun) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): key = 'celery_unique_lock:{}'.format(pickle.dumps((fun.__name__, args, kwargs))) has_lock = False try: if r.set(key, 1, nx=True, ex=60*5): has_lock = True return fun(*args, **kwargs) finally: if has_lock: r.delete(key) return wrapper
def parse_and_run(args=None): sslBaseDir = path.join(BASE_DIR, 'ssl') p = ArgumentParser() p.add_argument('--bind', '-b', action='store', help='the address to bind to', default='') p.add_argument('--port', '-p', action='store', type=int, help='the port to listen on', default=8080) p.add_argument('--debug', '-d', action='store_true', help='enable debugging (use with caution)', default=False) p.add_argument('--ssl', '-s', action='store_true', help='enable ssl', default=False) args = p.parse_args(args) if args.ssl: ctx = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) ctx.load_cert_chain(path.join(sslBaseDir, 'server.crt'), path.join(sslBaseDir, 'server.key')) app.config['SESSION_TYPE'] = 'filesystem' app.run(host=args.bind, port=args.port, debug=args.debug, ssl_context=ctx) else: app.run(host=args.bind, port=args.port, debug=args.debug)
def decode_auth_token(token): """ Decoding the token to get the payload and then return the user Id in 'sub' :param token: Auth Token :return: """ try: payload = jwt.decode(token, app.config['SECRET_KEY'], algorithms='HS256') is_token_blacklisted = BlackListToken.check_blacklist(token) if is_token_blacklisted: return 'Token was Blacklisted, Please login In' return payload['sub'] except jwt.ExpiredSignatureError: return 'Signature expired, Please sign in again' except jwt.InvalidTokenError: return 'Invalid token. Please sign in again'
def log( cls, level, message, caller = None ): if not cls.logger: cls.instantiate( logLevel = app.config['LEVELOFLOG'] ) try: if level not in logging._levelNames: cls.log( "ERROR", 'Invalid file level \'%s\''%( level ) ) logLevel = logging._levelNames[level] if not caller: callers = Log.getCallers( inspect.stack() ) else: callers = caller message = '%s.%s - %s'%( callers[0], callers[1] , message ) cls.logger.log( logLevel, message ) except Exception, e: print 'Unable to record the log. Error: %s'%( e )
def send_mail(recipients, subject, body, html=None, sender=None): from app import app msg = { 'to': check_email(recipients), 'subj': subject, 'body': body, } if sender: msg['from'] = sender if html: msg['html'] = html redis = StrictRedis( app.config['SMTP_BROKER_HOST'], app.config['SMTP_BROKER_PORT'], app.config['SMTP_BROKER_DB'] ) redis.publish(app.config['SMTP_BROKER_CHANNEL'], json.dumps(msg))
def send_ws(message, signal=consts.WS_NONE, tags=[]): from app import app _tags = tags if isinstance(tags, list) else [tags] msg = { 'message': { 'message': message, 'signal': signal, 'tags': _tags, }, 'tags': _tags, } redis = StrictRedis( app.config['WS_BROKER_HOST'], app.config['WS_BROKER_PORT'], app.config['WS_BROKER_DB'] ) redis.publish(app.config['WS_BROKER_CHANNEL'], json.dumps(msg))
def linkFacebook(): """Links a Facebook account to an existing Google account. """ form = LinkFacebookForm() # Check if the Service-Provider is Google if form.validate_on_submit() and g.loginWith == 'Google' and g.currentUser['facebookId'] is None: facebookToken = FacebookModel.getTokenValidation(app.config['FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN'], form.token.data) if facebookToken['is_valid'] and facebookToken['user_id'] == form.facebookId.data: # Continue only if the account doesn't exist yet. if not FacebookModel.doesUserExist(form.facebookId.data): if FacebookModel.linkToUserId(g.currentUser['_id'], form.facebookId.data): return json.dumps({'result':'OK'}), 200 else: return abort(403) else: return abort(401) return abort(400)
def linkGoogle(): """Links a Google account to an existing Facebook account. """ form = LinkGoogleForm() # Check if the Service-Provider is Facebook if form.validate_on_submit() and g.loginWith == 'Facebook' and g.currentUser['googleId'] is None: googleToken = GoogleModel.getTokenValidation(app.config['GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID'], form.token.data) if googleToken and googleToken['sub'] == form.googleId.data: # Continue only if the account doesn't exist yet. if not GoogleModel.doesUserExist(form.googleId.data): if GoogleModel.linkToUserId(g.currentUser['_id'], form.googleId.data): return json.dumps({'result':'OK'}), 200 else: return abort(403) else: return abort(401) return abort(400)
def mergeFacebook(): """Merges an existing Facebook account to an existing Google account. """ form = MergeFacebookForm() # Check if the Service-Provider is Google if form.validate_on_submit() and g.loginWith == 'Google' and g.currentUser['facebookId'] is None: facebookToken = FacebookModel.getTokenValidation(app.config['FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN'], form.token.data) if facebookToken['is_valid'] and facebookToken['user_id'] == form.facebookId.data: # Continue only if the account does exist. if FacebookModel.doesUserExist(form.facebookId.data): facebookUser = FacebookModel.getUser(form.facebookId.data) if UserModel.mergeUsers(g.currentUser['_id'], facebookUser['_id']): return json.dumps({'result':'OK'}), 200 else: return abort(404) else: return abort(401) return abort(400)
def mergeGoogle(): """Merges an existing Google account to an existing Facebook account. """ form = MergeGoogleForm() # Check if the Service-Provider is Facebook if form.validate_on_submit() and g.loginWith == 'Facebook' and g.currentUser['googleId'] is None: googleToken = GoogleModel.getTokenValidation(app.config['GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID'], form.token.data) if googleToken and googleToken['sub'] == form.googleId.data: # Continue only if the account does exist. if GoogleModel.doesUserExist(form.googleId.data): googleUser = GoogleModel.getUser(form.googleId.data) if UserModel.mergeUsers(g.currentUser['_id'], googleUser['_id']): return json.dumps({'result':'OK'}), 200 else: return abort(404) else: return abort(401) return abort(400)
def validate(self): if not Form.validate(self): return False if self.uploadfile.name not in request.files: self.uploadfile.errors.append("Please select a valid file.") return False self.file_ = request.files[self.uploadfile.name] self.filename = secure_filename(self.file_.filename) uploads = os.listdir(os.path.join(app.root_path, app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'])) if self.filename in uploads: self.uploadfile.errors.append("A file with this name already exists.") return False if not self.filename: self.uploadfile.errors.append("Invalid file name.") return False return True
def setUp(self): """Setup method for spinning up a test instance of app""" app.config['TESTING'] = True app.config['WTF_CSRF_ENABLED'] = False self.app = app.test_client() self.app.testing = True self.authorization = { 'Authorization': "Basic {user}".format( user=base64.b64encode(b"test:asdf").decode("ascii") ) } self.content_type = 'application/json' self.dummy_name = 'dummy' self.dummy_user = json.dumps( {'username': 'dummy', 'languages': ['testLang']} ) self.dummy_lang = json.dumps( {'name': 'dummy', 'users': ['No one']} )
def get_game_description(game_name, steam_description): ''' gets description of game from IGDB, otherwise uses steam description if possible. ''' url = f'{app.config["IGDB_API_URL"]}/games/?fields=*&limit=1&search={game_name}' headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'user-key': app.config['IGDB_API_KEY'] } res = cache.get(url, headers=headers).json()[0] # check if we actually found something if 'summary' in res.keys(): return shorten_description(res['summary']) # otherwise use steam description elif len(steam_description) > 0: return shorten_description(steam_description) # if no steam description, just tell the user else: return "Sorry, we couldn't find a description for this game ??"
def course_summary(): if request.method == 'POST' and 'course_results' in request.files: pdf_file = request.files['course_results'] if pdf_file and allowed_file(pdf_file.filename): original_filename = secure_filename(pdf_file.filename) unique_filename = create_unique_filename(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], original_filename) pdf_file.save(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], unique_filename)) pdf_abs_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], unique_filename)) student_course_summary = None try: student_course_summary = course_statistics.get_course_statistics( pdf_abs_path) except course_statistics.ReadPDFException as e: return render_template('failure.html', title='Failure', redirect=True, message='It seems the file you provided cound not be read as a PDF.') return render_template('student_summary_%s.html' % student_course_summary.language, title='Summary', student_summary=student_course_summary) return redirect(url_for('index'))
def app(request): flask_app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///:memory:' flask_app.config['TESTING'] = True flask_app.config['WTF_CSRF_ENABLED'] = False flask_app.config['SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS'] = False flask_app.config['SERVER_NAME'] = 'localhost' with flask_app.app_context(): yield flask_app
def login(): form = LoginForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): flash('Login requested for OpenID="%s", remember_me=%s, %s, %s' % (form.openid.data, str(form.remember_me.data), form.input_data.data, form.first_layer.data)) load_model() return redirect('/index') return render_template('login.html', title='Sign In', form=form, providers=app.config['OPENID_PROVIDERS'])
def run_gunicorn_app(host, port, debug, **settings): """Serve Flask application using Gunicorn. The Flask application and respective resources and endpoints should defined in `app.py` in this same directory. """ logging.basicConfig(level='DEBUG' if debug else 'INFO') # Set a global flag that indicates that we were invoked from the # command line interface provided server command. This is detected # by Flask.run to make the call into a no-op. This is necessary to # avoid ugly errors when the script that is loaded here also attempts # to start a server. os.environ['FLASK_RUN_FROM_CLI_SERVER'] = '1' settings['bind'] = '{}:{}'.format(host, port) if debug: app.jinja_env.auto_reload = True app.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = True settings.update({'loglevel': 'debug', 'reload': True, 'threads': 1, 'workers': 1, 'worker_class': 'sync'}) app.wsgi_app = DebuggedApplication(app.wsgi_app, True) logging.info(" * Launching in Debug mode.") logging.info(" * Serving application using a single worker.") else: logging.info(" * Launching in Production Mode.") logging.info(" * Serving application with {} worker(s)." .format(settings["workers"])) server = GunicornApp(app, settings=settings) server.run()
def get_auth_info(): """ Get user's identity Verify the interity of token from the OAuth provider, then look up the database check if user exist or not. If the user does not exist, create a new user instead. :return: user instance """ if 'Access-Token' not in request.headers: return None access_token = request.headers['Access-Token'] if access_token is not None: # For development purpose only if access_token in app.config['TEST_TOKEN'].keys(): user = MongoUtil.find_user(app.config['TEST_TOKEN'][access_token]) else: # Check that the Access Token is valid. url = ('https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/tokeninfo?access_token=%s' % access_token) result = requests.get(url).json() if result.get('error_description') is not None: app.logger.debug('User {} failed to access the server'.format(access_token)) return None user = MongoUtil.find_user(result['email']) if user is None: # if user does not exist, create a new user instead app.logger.info('Create User: {}'.format(user)) first_name, last_name = get_user_profile(access_token) user = MongoUtil.create_user(result['email'], first_name, last_name) return user
def __init__(self): self.header = { "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "Authorization": "Basic {}".format(app.config['ONE_SIGNAL_SETTINGS']['API_KEY']) }
def get_twitter_for_acc(account): consumer_key = app.config['TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY'] consumer_secret = app.config['TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET'] tokens = (OAuthToken.query.with_parent(account) .order_by(db.desc(OAuthToken.created_at)).all()) for token in tokens: t = Twitter( auth=OAuth(token.token, token.token_secret, consumer_key, consumer_secret)) try: t.account.verify_credentials() return t except TwitterHTTPError as e: if e.e.code == 401: # token revoked if sentry: sentry.captureMessage( 'Twitter auth revoked', extra=locals()) db.session.delete(token) db.session.commit() else: raise TemporaryError(e) except URLError as e: raise TemporaryError(e) return None
def url_for_version(ver): match = version_re.match(ver) if not match: return app.config['REPO_URL'] return app.config['COMMIT_URL'].format(**match.groupdict())
def add_post(): form = CreatePost() if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate_on_submit(): """ Get image info """ if (form.image.data): image = form.image.data """ Create new file name """ old_filename, extension = os.path.splitext(image.filename) filename = str(int(calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()))) + extension """ Check directory """ directory = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], str(g.user.get_id())) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) """ Save image """ image.save(os.path.join(directory, filename)) else: filename = None """ Add post to DB """ new_post = Posts(user_id=g.user.get_id(), title=form.title.data, text=form.text.data, pub_date=form.date.data, img=filename, public=form.public.data) db.session.add(new_post) db.session.commit() """ Success message """ flash('Done') return (redirect(url_for("index"))) return render_template('addpost.html', title='Create new post', form=form)
def edit_post(): form = CreatePost() if request.method == 'POST': post = Posts.query.filter_by(id=request.args['id']).first() """ UPDATE DATA """ post.title = form.title.data post.text = form.text.data post.pub_date = form.date.data """ Get image info """ if (form.image.data): image = form.image.data """ Create new file name """ old_filename, extension = os.path.splitext(image.filename) filename = str(int(calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()))) + extension """ Check directory """ directory = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], str(g.user.get_id())) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) """ Save image """ image.save(os.path.join(directory, filename)) """ add new imagename """ post.img = filename post.public = form.public.data """ UPDATE DATA IN DB """ db.session.commit() """ Succes message """ flash('Done') return (redirect(url_for("index"))) elif request.method == 'GET': """ Get info for post """ post = Posts.query.filter_by(id=request.args['id']).first() if post is not None and post.user_id == g.user.get_id(): return render_template('edit.html', post=post, title='Update post', form=form) flash('Something is wrong') return redirect(url_for("index"))
def _connect(self): client = MongoClient(app.config['MONGODB_URI'], connect=False) db = client[self._name] db.authenticate(app.config['MONGODB_USER'], app.config['MONGODB_PWD']) self._db = db
def setUp(self): app.config['TESTING'] = True self.app = app.test_client() self.app_context = app.app_context() self.app_context.push()
def get_paginated_items(bucket, bucket_id, page, q): """ Get the items from the bucket and then paginate the results. Items can also be search when the query parameter is set. Construct the previous and next urls. :param q: Query parameter :param bucket: Bucket :param bucket_id: Bucket Id :param page: Page number :return: """ if q: pagination = BucketItem.query.filter(BucketItem.name.like("%" + q.lower().strip() + "%")) \ .order_by(BucketItem.create_at.desc()) \ .filter_by(bucket_id=bucket_id) \ .paginate(page=page, per_page=app.config['BUCKET_AND_ITEMS_PER_PAGE'], error_out=False) else: pagination = bucket.items.order_by(BucketItem.create_at.desc()).paginate(page=page, per_page=app.config[ 'BUCKET_AND_ITEMS_PER_PAGE'], error_out=False) previous = None if pagination.has_prev: if q: previous = url_for('items.get_items', q=q, bucket_id=bucket_id, page=page - 1, _external=True) else: previous = url_for('items.get_items', bucket_id=bucket_id, page=page - 1, _external=True) nex = None if pagination.has_next: if q: nex = url_for('items.get_items', q=q, bucket_id=bucket_id, page=page + 1, _external=True) else: nex = url_for('items.get_items', bucket_id=bucket_id, page=page + 1, _external=True) return pagination.items, nex, pagination, previous
def paginate_buckets(user_id, page, q, user): """ Get a user by Id, then get hold of their buckets and also paginate the results. There is also an option to search for a bucket name if the query param is set. Generate previous and next pagination urls :param q: Query parameter :param user_id: User Id :param user: Current User :param page: Page number :return: Pagination next url, previous url and the user buckets. """ if q: pagination = Bucket.query.filter(Bucket.name.like("%" + q.lower().strip() + "%")).filter_by(user_id=user_id) \ .paginate(page=page, per_page=app.config['BUCKET_AND_ITEMS_PER_PAGE'], error_out=False) else: pagination = user.buckets.paginate(page=page, per_page=app.config['BUCKET_AND_ITEMS_PER_PAGE'], error_out=False) previous = None if pagination.has_prev: if q: previous = url_for('bucket.bucketlist', q=q, page=page - 1, _external=True) else: previous = url_for('bucket.bucketlist', page=page - 1, _external=True) nex = None if pagination.has_next: if q: nex = url_for('bucket.bucketlist', q=q, page=page + 1, _external=True) else: nex = url_for('bucket.bucketlist', page=page + 1, _external=True) items = pagination.items return items, nex, pagination, previous
def __init__(self, email, password): self.email = email self.password = bcrypt.generate_password_hash(password, app.config.get('BCRYPT_LOG_ROUNDS')) \ .decode('utf-8') self.registered_on = datetime.datetime.now()
def create_app(self): """ Create an app with the development configuration :return: """ app.config.from_object('app.config.DevelopmentConfig') return app
def create_app(self): """ Create an instance of the app with the testing configuration :return: """ app.config.from_object('app.config.TestingConfig') return app
def search_page(): query = request.args.get('s') page = request.args.get('p') if not query: return render_template('search.html', allow_upload=app.config['ALLOW_UPLOAD'], count_pdf=count_pdf()) try: page = abs(int(page)) except: page = 0 query = query.lower() query = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', query).encode('ASCII', 'ignore') words = query.split()[:5] #max 5 words for querying... words = map(secure_filename, words) query = " ".join(words) words = map(lemmatize, words) if not words: return render_template('search.html') rows, speed, next_button = get_results(words, page) if next_button: next_button = page + 1 return render_template('results.html', user_request=query, rows=rows, speed=speed, next_button=next_button)
def upload_page(): if not app.config['ALLOW_UPLOAD']: return render_template('search.html') return render_template('upload.html')
def return_pdf(pdf_name): try: return redirect(url_for('static', filename=app.config['PDF_DIR'] + secure_filename(pdf_name))) except: abort(404)
def conn_to_db(db_name): conn = sqlite3.connect(app.config['DB_PATH'] + db_name) conn.create_function('LOG', 1, math.log) return conn
def insert_pdf_to_db(pdf_name): # insert a pdf into the database and return his id path = app.config['PDF_DIR_LOC'] + app.config['PDF_DIR'] + pdf_name conn = conn_to_db('pdf.db') cursor = conn.execute("INSERT INTO PDF (NAME, HASH, DATE) VALUES ('{}', '{}', {})".format( pdf_name, hash_file(path), int(time()))) conn.commit() pdf_id = cursor.lastrowid conn.close() return pdf_id
def generate_auth_token(self, expiration=36000): s = Serializer(app.config['SECRET_KEY'], expires_in=expiration) self.token = s.dumps({'id': self.id}) return self.token
def verify_auth_token(token): s = Serializer(app.config['SECRET_KEY']) try: data = s.loads(token) except SignatureExpired: return None # valid token, but expired except BadSignature: return None # invalid token user = User.query.get(data['id']) return user
def setUp(self): self.db_fd, self.db_filename = tempfile.mkstemp() # FIXME: this isn't actually working. app.config['DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///' + self.db_filename self.app = app.test_client() db.create_all()
def build_link(document): doc_id = document['id_arquivo'] link_file = app.config['SALIC_BASE_URL']+'verprojetos/abrir?id=%d'%(doc_id) return link_file
def build_link(document): doc_id = document['idDocumentosAgentes'] if document['Anexado'] == '2': idPronac = document['idPronac'] link_file = app.config['SALIC_BASE_URL']+'verprojetos/abrir-documentos-anexados?id=%d&tipo=2&idPronac=%d'%(doc_id, idPronac) elif document['Anexado'] == '5': link_file = app.config['SALIC_BASE_URL']+'verprojetos/abrir?id=%d'%(doc_id) else: link_file = '' return link_file
def instantiate( cls, streamType = "SCREEN", logLevel = "INFO" ): try: logging.VERBOSE = 5 logging.addLevelName(logging.VERBOSE, "VERBOSE") logging.Logger.verbose = lambda inst, msg, *args, **kwargs: inst.log(logging.VERBOSE, msg, *args, **kwargs) logging.verbose = lambda msg, *args, **kwargs: logging.log(logging.VERBOSE, msg, *args, **kwargs) cls.logger = logging.getLogger() if logLevel not in logging._levelNames: raise Exception( 'Invalid file level' ) cls.logger.setLevel( logging._levelNames[logLevel] ) streamType = app.config['STREAMTYPE'] if streamType == "SCREEN": stream = logging.StreamHandler() else: stream = logging.FileHandler( app.config['LOGFILE'] ) formatter = logging.Formatter( '[%(levelname)-7s - %(asctime)s] %(message)s' ) stream.setFormatter( formatter ) cls.logger.addHandler( stream ) except Exception, e: print( 'Unable to get/set log configurations. Error: %s'%( e ) ) cls.logger = None ## # Records a message in a file and/or displays it in the screen. # @param level - String containing the name of the log message. # @param message - String containing the message to be recorded. #